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AilD tJ l7
Arnendurent Slip No.I , ltublishcct I 5 ljebruivy, l97l
to Il.S. 294-5 : l95fl

r\ xcs anrl l'lirt clrcts

Itcviscd tc.rt AXE,S & HATCHtrTS

Clause 3. D. I{arxlles
Deletc tltc sccolrd sentcltcc, and substiiurc tlrc l'r.rllorvirrg:
'Thc handlcs shall cornply wirh 8.S.38?3 : I)arr l*'.
Add the [ollowing footnore:
'u.s' J82 3, 'crading of wood halrtJlcs for halr<l toots', l,urt I , 'r\sh urrtj hickory harrdlcs,.

Clausc 9.c (i) English felling axes anrJ wedgc axes

Delete the words: 'nrild stecl.........as rolled con<iition'rnd substirutc
the following: B.S. 2945 : 1.958
'L.r:w carborr srccl suclr as 220tvt07,2i0N107 rrrd 2.l0lvl07 lrorrr
B.S. 970' : Part I '.

Clause 9.c (li) Kerrt :r.\es and hatchcrs

Dclctc thc rvords:'ruild stce1.........:rs rollcd corrdi(i.rr'irrrtl substitutu
the fol.lowing:
'Low carbon stecl such as 220M07, 230[,t07 anc] l40lv{07 fronr
B.S. 970+ : Part l'.

Delete thc existing loornote and subsrirure the lollorving:

''8.S. 970,'Wrought srcels in llre l'ornr of bloonrs; billcrs, blrs and forgings., l,art l,
'&rbon and ca-rbon mlnganese stcels including free cutting srccls'.

Pricc 4/6 net



i&L. \ I
a q
r 958 D.S. 2945 : 1958

Trttr llntrtrtl S't'lNtl,rttu, ltaviltg I'lccrt npllrovcd !y thc CONTENTS

Vccfrnitcat Englneorlng t,rrdustryl'tltcSt.rttlu rtli Corttnrittcc and
;iil..t i;tttiu Ct,ntlntnn rtf L:'ngirrecrirrg. Divisionnl
Councll, rvit prrbll;ltorl undor tlto rtrrtltority of thc Gcncrnl Co-opcruting Organizations
Councllon l4th FobrulrY, 1958.

Thc Institutlon clcclrcg to cntl to llto fuct tlrnt this

British standard rJocs nol purport to ilrclrttlc all thc ttcccssary SPECIFTCATION
provisions of n cotrtract' r
l. Scopc 7

ordcr to kccp abrcast of progrcss in the industries

ln ') Dclinition
concbrncd, Britisli Standards.are,subjcct -bc
to pcriodical review' 7
rccordccl and iniduc 3. Material
Suggestions for inrprovcmcnts rvill
.o,fis" btouglrt to t-lrc notice o[ ihc cotunrittccs chargcd with a. I'lcacls
tlrc rcvisiott irl' tlrc stlttttllr<ls to wlliclr llrcy r'cfcr' (i) tjrrglish lcllirlg lrxcs atrd lvctlgc :rxcs
(ii) Kcnt axcs and hatchcts 7
A conrplctc list of tlritish Statttlartls, nttrtrbcring ovcr 3000'
inclcxcd and cross'itrdcxcd for rcfcrc[cc, togcthcr lvith an 6. llandlcs 7

abstract of each stflndard, rvill bc fourrd in the Ilrstitrrtion's 7

Ycarbook, price I5s.
4. Ir'[anufacturc
a. Heads
This standard makcs relcrencc to thc follorving British l'. I landles 8
Standards :
5. Llcat treatmcnt and hardncss
Il.S. 427. Tables of diamond p1'ranrid harclncss truntbers'
B.S. 860. Tablc of approxirnaterconrparison of hardness scales' a. English fclling axcs and wedge axes
B.S. 970. Wrouglrt stecls. D. Kent axes and hatclrcts
British Siandarcls arc rcvisctl, tt'lrcn nttccssat'y, by lhc issuc cither 6. Weighs, dimensions ancl tolcranccs
of attrenrlnrcnl sliDs or of rct'iscd editions, It is inytortanl that 7. Finish 8
,irurc o1 llritish Staruktrds shoukl uscertuitr rlnt !hcy arc in
Qmendrtrcut$ or t:tlititttrs'
lrnrrr.riicr,, of the lottst 8. Marking
NO'1.E. Tlrc Ilritish standards Instiltlti(lll is tltc ttt'ttcr of thc rcgistcrcd 9. 'l'csts
..iiifi*,;on tradc nrark show. bclow. 't'hc prcscncc of lhis ccitilicution
;;;k;; ; product is an a<lditional an<t indcpcndcnt assurancc that thc
does comply with ths requircmcnts of thc rclcvant British TABLES
!i""J"io, ihis c"riifi"otion nrark may bc uscd by thc mrnufocturcr
oJi-una.r lictncc from the Il.S.l.;and particulars-of thc conditions t. Dimensions of English felling axcs l0
und'er which liccnces are granted rpay bc obtaincd from thc Dircctor'
I!ritish Standards Institution, 2 Paik Strcct' London, W'l' 1 Dinrcnsions of wedge axes, Anrerican type
3. Dimensions of Kent axcs t2

4. Dintcrulcns of hatchcts' l3
5. Dinrcnsions of handlcs for English fclling axcs
Tlrcfollowingl)'s.I.rcfcrcnccsrclatctotltcrvclrkonthisstantlirrtl:- (r. Dirncnsions of harrcllcs for wcctge axcs and hatchcts I5
ionl.iit." rif.r"n..t M EE/ t 20, M EE/ I 20/6' M EE/ I 2016/l'
Draft for commcnt CW(MEE) 9205'
7. Dimensions of handlcs for Kcnt axcs l6
B.S:'2945 : 1958

B.S. 2945 : 1958 and

Thc 6ovcrnurctrt dcpartmcllts ancl scicntific
ast'crisk in thc
h;;tili"tg"n-izationi marketl with.an
CO'OPERA'flNG OIIGr\NIZA'IIONS following' werc'directly
otor" iitt, iogd,her with thc
Tlto Mcchnnlcul Enginccring ltxlustry . Standards
-itlto'c siipcrvisiorr' ;;;;";i"a Jn ttr" Comnr'ittcc cntristed rvith tlte
a;;tt;ii;;"'iiit,r.r this British prtparation of this standard :-
Sl,nrtclnrd wns l)rcl)ilrc<i, conslsts. ()f rc[)rcscntativcs
Association of Municipal Corporatior'rs
il;il'';il"'i"ir"l"i,ig tiou"t"''"t,'i tlcp.itntc^ts a'cl
iticnUnc and intlust-rial orgarrizrtions :- Association of U.K. Plicr Manufacturers
British Fire Serviccs Association
'AdmiraltY Chief Firc Officcrs' Association
Air MinistrY
County Councils Association
Associated bm""t' Technicai Cornnrittce
(Incorpo.ratcd) Edge iool Manufacturers Association
Association of Consulting Enginccrs
En[in."r, and Alliccl Hand Tool Makers Association
British Chemical Platrt Manufacturcrs' Association
Federation of British lland Tool Manufacturcrs
British ComPressed Air SocictY
Association Fccieration of Civil Enginccring Contractors
British Elccti-ical and Allicd lr'lanu [ircturcrs'
tllritish Engineers' Associdtiolr ForcstrY Commission
Association Flandtc Manufacturers Association
British lntenlal Con'rbustion Fngine lvlanirfacturcrs'
tBritish lron an<l Stccl Iiedcration Flome OIIice
tilritirt, Ilailrvays, Thc $ritish 1'rarrsport Cornrllission Incorporatcd British Irrstitutc of Certifrcd
Lnstitution of Enginccring Inspcction
Ccntral Elcctricity Authority'and A'rca Boarcls
Adnrinistrations hrstitutc of Pubtic Supplies Oflicers
Crorvn Agcnts for Ovcrsca'Govcrllncnts and
J.E.S.C. Sub-Cornmittcc on lland Tools
D.S.I.lr.:Mcchaniqtl 13rlginccrirrg ltcscarch Laboratory
*E,nginccring IlcluiPnrcnt Uscrs' Association Lignt nOg" Torii ancl Allicd Trades Association
Lonclon CountY Council
Gas Council Transport Commission
Lo,tdon Tru,uiort Executivc' Thc Britislt
l{igh Commission of Inclia
' Ministry of Agriculture, Fishcrics and Food
lnstittrte o[ Marine Engineers and Stampcrs
Nutional Assoiiation of Drop Forgcrs
lrrstitu tc oI Petroleun't
National Association of Tool Dcalers
lnstitution of Civil Engineers Employers
National Federation of Building Trades
Lxtitution o[ Gas Enginecrs
National Federation o[ Ironrnongcrs
Institution of Heati-rrg and Ventilating Enginccrs
*Institution of Mcchanical Engincers National lnstitute of Agricultural Engineering
Division) National Union of Furniturc Tradc Operativcs
Institution ol Mcchanical Ep[inccrs (Atrtornobitc
Post Oflicc
'lnstitution ol Procluction l3ngi:rccrs Purcl'rasing Ofllccrs Association
Creat llritailt Itoyal I:lorticultural SocictY
Machiuc Tool Traclcs' Associlttiott I\uial District Courrcils Associatiotr
Saw Trades Association
Ministry of Porver
Ministry of Labour and National Scrvicc Socicty of British Aircraft Constructors
*Ministry of SuPPIY io"i"ty of Motor Manufacturcrs and Traders Ltd'
*Ministi oiTransport and Civil Aviation Urban District Courrcils Association
Individual Axe Manufacturers
Ministry of Works
tNational Coal Board
National Physical Laboratory
Radio IndustrY Council
War Office
a e B.S. 2945 : 1958


AXES AND I-IATCHE,TS I.'I'his llritishStandarct rclatcs to the dinrcnsions, lvcight, quality and
pcrfornrarrcc oI thc lollorving types ol tool :
English fclling axc I{cacl-Tnble l. I-Iandlc-Table 5

This Dritish Standard has bccn prcpared undcr the authority of thc Wedgc a.re, American type I-Iead-Table2. Handle-Table 6
Kent axe Head-Tablc 3. Handle-Table
Mechanical Engineering tndustry Standards Committee in responsc to 7
Flatchet Flead-Table 4. Handle-Table 6
rcquests lrom a number of users.
Thc object of the standard, in the rnain, is to cnsure by spccification DEflMTION
of material, its treatmentr and the gcneral principlcs of nranufasture, that
2. For the purposes of this British Standard all tools up to and including
each axe and hatchet nrade to the specificalion will be copnblc of passing
a head wcight of 2 lb are hatchets ; tools having a head weight o[ over
the tests rvhich are laid down.
2 lb are axes.
It will be appieciated that the usage and lilc of arr axc or hatchct are
such as to makc it virtually impossiblc to rlcvisc tcsts which will fully I\'IATIiIIIAL
simulatc the day-to-day conditions of :usc, Ncverthclcss, it is fclt that thc 3. a. Ilcads, 1'hc analysis of thc stecl shall conrply with the following
quality of axes and hatchets madc accorrling to this standard lvill bc such dctails :
rhflt thcy can lrc ptrrchascrf with conliilcrtcc. (i) Erylish lalliug oxc.rutul n,edvc o.rcs :
A critical poiut on all hcads is thc.dinrcnsion of tlrc lrcnd orr cach sitlc
carbon not lcss thalr 0.55 pcr ccnt
of thc cyc. 'I'hc rcal tcst o[ strcnl]th at this poirrt is thc obility ol' thc hcad
nrangilncso 0'8 pcr ccnt rnaxinrunr
to stand the force oxcrtcd during thc proccss of lvcdging thc ltandlc into
silicon 0'35 per cent maximunr
thc hcad, and if tlrcsc scctions aro too thin, thc quulity of the matcrial
c1116miunr not less tlmn 0.45 per ccnt
is unsatisfactory or its treatmcnt lras not bccn correctly curricd out, the
sulphur 0'06 nraxinrum
hcad rvill collapse across the thin scctions.
phosphorus 0'06 nraxinrum
Thcse mattcrs were considerecl in lull durirrg tlrc prcparation o[ this
specification, rvhcn it was found inadvisablc to attempt to spccify thc (ii) Kent axes and hatchets :
actual dimensions at this point. The problem rvas therefore solved by carbon 'not less than 0,45 per cent
making thc tests fairly scvcre and of'such a naturc that they will cnsurc nrangancsc 0'8 per cent maximunr
adequate strength and quality of the hcacl adjacent to the eye.
silicon 0:35'per cent maximum
It rvill be noted, in the manuflacturing clauses, that for the purposcs of sulphur 0'06 per cent maximum
this British Standard the e\es and hatchcts arc considercd as bcing phosphorus 0'06 pcr cent ntaximum
complete rvith the handlcs. At Urc sanrc tirnc, ccrtain of the morc vital
dimcrrsions of handles are givcn irr tlris spccilication, thc rcasort for this Stccls of difl'crcnt conrposition but posscssing sinrilar propcrties to
bcing thc custom of somc largc bulk purcltascrs of supplying lrnndlcs as steels rvith eithcr o[ the forcgoing compositions may bc uscd as
sparcs, and thc rcsulting ncccssity 'lirr tlrcsc to bc rcitsontbly irrtcr- altcrnativcs.
changcable dinrcnsionally b. Httntlles, Thc hancttcs slrall bc manufacturecl from hickory, exccpt
During thc early stagcs ol prcpur'atiorr, tlctails of axcs for usc by thc lrandlcs o[ the straight pattern for English fcUing axcs, rvhic]r shall Ue
Firc Services were included, but, after investigating this matter carefully, ash. Thc timber shall be rvell-seasoned, tough and straight-grained, frec
it was decided that orving to their spccial traturc such axes should bc from knots, shakes or other defects.
withdrawn from this specffication and dealt rvith in seParats Britislt
Standards, onc o[tvhich rvill relate to firenrcn's axcs rvith ash ltandlcs and tUANUF,\CTUIUi

another to fi.rernen's axes with insulatccl handles. 4. a. I'Ieads. Ijvery axc or hatchct head shall be forged in one piecc from
the solid.
NOTE. Wherc mctric cquivalents .rrc givcn, tltc figurcs in llritish units lrc to bc
rcgardcd as thc standard. The mctric convcrsions are approximote. Morc uccttrnte All axc and hatchct hcads shall bc free from burrs and delctcrious
convcrsions should bc bascd on thc tables in B.S. 150, 'Convcrsion f:rctors and dcfccts.
2945 : lYiS t tr,J. -),t) : t>)o

Tlro cyc shnll lr ccrrtral in the rvidth ol the hcad. Wedge axes arrd ,o,.1.
shalt be polished .n,, O.,gn,'.
Thc hcad shnll bc irt corrcct alignnrcnt rvith thc handle, and thc cutting Thc heads shall be lacquered or painted.
cdgc shall lic in tlro sarlc planc as tlrc a.ris of thc hancile. Thc handles shall be lacqucrcd or covcrcd complctcly rvith wax.

b, Ilanrlle.r. Iror thc prrrl)osc ol tltis i]riti.sh Standard the tools shall Ir{ARI(n^G
bc considcrcrl as coruplctc rvith thc handlcs.
8- I]ach tool shail bc plainly markcd rvith sorne ready. means of identilying
The harrcllcs shall bc a snug fit in thc cyes, and shall bc positively
tl'tc source, such as the manufacturer's nanre or trade-nrark, and also with
fixcd irr thc hcarls.
The shlpes shall bc gencrally in nccordancc rvith thosc indicated in
tlrc norninal ol thc head. Any additionar mark rvhich may bc
agrccd bctlvcen 'vcight
the purchaser and thc rnanulacturer may also be apptied
thc iltustnrtions abovc Tablcs 5. 6 or.7.
to thc tools.
II Ii,\T'I'lt ti^f i\t liNl',\N t) I t,\ rr l)Nl::s.s TESTS

5. Thc hcads shal.l bc hcat trcatcd in sr.rclr a ntallncr th:lt or) thc a,\cs 9. I:vcry irxc or l)atchc( slurll bc of suclr quality that it is capablc of
covcrcd by Tablcs 1,2 ancl 3 thc hlrrrlcniirg proccss pcnctratcs thc fulf' passing thc tcst prcscribcd bclorv, as appropriate to its type. If dcsired,
scction of the blaclc korrr rhc currin! cdgc t,rck"toJi;dftffiryryffii'*
thc icsts rnay bc carriccl out 1>rior to thc l:lcqucring trcatmcnt in clausc 7,
'dffiffiee df tlid'tfiiakrii{s ofthi'bteaffi on the
a. Thc axc or hatchct head shail bc raid on an anvil so that the
given in Tatff?,"the ha'idness aria shall bc onc-third of dimcnsign A
hardcncd portion overhangs the side and is not supported.
(in Table 4) back frorn the cutting edge.
Three sharp blows with a 4-'lb hammer shall thcn be delivered rvith
The material imnicdiatcly adjacent to thc ey,e shall bc Ie it unhardcncd. normal manurl force on the overhanging hardened part, following
a. Englishfelling Tlic hardness reading anylvherc
axcs and wedge a.rc,tf. which the hcad slrall have sullcrecl no ctamage of any kind.
on the surlace of the hardened region mcntioncd above shall bc in thc b. A cuttirrg test shall be nradc on hardwoocl by rneans of a scries ol
range 500/640 on the Diamond pyranrid hardrrcss scale* oi48/56 on thi''
truc, square blorvs across the grain.
Rocklvcll C scale or.l.hc equivalcnt on any othcr rccognizcd scalct.
Norll. whcn it is intcndcd to carry otrt tlris cutting tcst, any qucry or dis:rgrccmcnt
b, Kcttt o-\.t.t (,ilil lnt<:ltat.t.''llrc Itarrlrrcss rcrrtling irnyrvhcrc orr tlrc as to tho srrpply of thc hnr<llvootl shorrkl bc rcsolvccl by arrangcnrcnt bctivccn thc
llurclr:rscr trntl tlrc rr)irrtuftrct.urcr l)rior to tllc tcst bcilltj cilrricd out.
surlacc ol thc harrlcncrl rcgion, as trPpr<tPr'iltc to tllc axc or hiltcllct, slrall
bc in thc rangc 500/600 on thc Diaurontl pyranrid hardncss scalc* or c'. (i) Dglislr fcllirtg axes and wcdsc a.r:c.r. 'l'hc cutting cclgc of thc
48/54 on the Rockwcll C soalc, or thc c<luivllcnt on any othcr rccognizctl hcad .slrall bc slightly bluntcd and a trrc squarc utow itrati thcn be
hardness scale'f . clclivcrcd on a /2 in. diameter bar rnadc from a free cut.ting mild stccl
such as En lA or En IB fromB.S.970,* in the as-rollcd condition.
NOTE. In cascs of (lispul.c on hardncss thc Diirnronrl pynrnriti hardncss tcst slroll
be uscd. (ii) Kcrrt tl;cas ailii iiatclrcts. Thc cutting edgc ol the hcad sliall be
NOTE. Whcn using thc Dilnrond pyrantid hartlncss sctlc a load ol 30 kg nray bc slightly bluntcd and a true square blorv shall then bc delivercd on a g( in.
used with sal'ety t72 in. back fronr (he cutting cdgc. diametcr bar made from a frcc cutting milcl stcel, such as En IA or En lB
iyElcIITS, DIMENSIoNS,\NI),roLEII,\NCIis from B.S. 970,* in the as roLled condition.
Aftcr thc blorvs in 6. and c. (i) and (ii) above, thc cutting cdgc shall
6. Tire rvcights and dinrcnsions, itntl thc tolcranccs on tltcm, shall bc thosc shorv no sign of darnage or dc[cct, thc hcad shall remain sccurcly fixcd
given in Tablcs I to 4, and tlre principll dinrcnsions of thc handles shall to the handle and thc handlc shall bc undamagcd.
be those given in Tables 5, 6 and 7.

lrtNlsl I

7. 'Ihc hcacls shall bc grounrl all ovcr.

English fclling axes and Kent axcs shall bc polished adjaccnt to thc
cutting edge.
' B,S. 427, 'Tablcs of diamond pyranrid irartlncss numbcrs '.
t B,S. 860, 'Table of approximate conrparison of harclness scale '. ' t].S. 970, ' WroughI stccls',

, 5_J-
@ q, I].S. 2945 : 1958

t-: --l r-T

See note
a I


See note in ta ble 2

in table I

Front view Centre section

(For handles, sce Tablc Q
AII dimensions arc in inches
Front view Centre section
(For handles, Tablc 5) of hc:rtl of
+7y, handle
All dimensions are in inchcs pcr B c D ElFlc (scc note
-5 '-l:'/.t :l-.V .Lr/t '-L\t$ ).Yta l+Nol-\0. d)
PCr *l
Wcight lltAl) DIItlliN,SI ON.S lbs
I [*ugth D
of bead of or
24 261
c D D It G
(scc notc
-5 *Yl *% .l)
per *rA *.3Aa *Xo *% *l or
4 lra 32 or JE
LO5A r11a 32 or 36
6Y4 % 3% IY4
t!/.t 6% 3% s% ttA -,1
| 'I'hc linrits of tolcrancc on this sizc shirll bc *%e. (Thcsc arc mninly for cxport).
NOTE. o, Dirncnsions C and D npply nt thc rc:rr of thc cyc. 'l-hs dinrcnsions tr thc NOTE. a. f)inrcnsions C and D npply at tho rcnr of tlrc cyc. The dirncnsions .rt rhc
front of lhc cyc slrlll ltc grcltcr tltirrt C antl I ) in lll c:tscs. l'ront of thc cyc slrirll l)o grcntcr tlrlir C nrrtl L) in all c:rscs,
b, l)irncrtsion l) is at l 1:r>sition l'rorrr tlro (op ()l'lllc cy(: ol'I)/t. l, l)irrrcrrsiorr I) is xt t positiorr lronr thc tolr ol'thc cyc r:f D/r.
c. 'I'hc hantllcs slurll bc rlr:rtlc t<l suit thc rcturr'l cycs. c. 'l'lrc lr:rrrtllcs shirll bc nrtclc to suil thc :rctuill cycs.
d. Thc altcrrutivc lcngths spccilicd in c<llurt'rrt I rrc at thc discrction of tlrc lntnu- r/. 'I'hc altcrnativc lcngths spccilicd in Colunrn g arc nt thc (liscrction of lhc
focturcr unlcss onc or thc otlrcr is tctrrirlly spccificd by llrc prrrch::scr. nranuflc(urcr unlcss onc or othcr is actually spccilictl lry thc purclrascr.
l0 ll
'j ::- -----rffifl1f,infl

Q* ,c,.
See note
I a
See note in table 4
in table

Front view Centre section


(For handles, see Table 6)
All dimcnsions arc in inches
I ___..__.*l
Contre scction _i_ 7_-
3l4lsl6 ,_i !_
Front view
tI!:AL, DItvtIiNSIONS l,cng(h


of lrorrl
+7y, --r---T-
(scc notc
per ccn d)
(For handles, +0
All dimcnsions are in
Table 7)
pcr ccn *Yq +vo I *y6 I *:xol *,Aa +Ao I

-r/o *1

l.79!z Lt11.s rtAo lsAz 14
LY4 sYg lYa 94.s
of head
]-zltz rsAe L2Le L:Y, I6
+7t$ DA syl s% 2Y4
E hondlc
per cr IT G
+l r3/ta t% L6Yz
)'-3Ao ',]rllo *.16 tsA 5r94o s% L2sAz % zY.l

o 6Yto 3% L2Ysz % 2Ts r7La Ir/, YzoQ4

'I'hc tlimcnsions at thc
r16 NO.rE. a. Dinrensions c antl D npply nt thc rcar.of thc cyc.
2r(2 71172 I 4r11s L% 1r3/ro
front of lhc cyc shall bc grcatcr than C ond D in all cascs'
D. Dimcniion D is aia position from thc top of thc eyc of D/r' :
BYu sv 2L/sz t% c. Thc handlcs slrall bo madc to suit thc actual cycs'
l'r. d. The altcrnativc lcngths spccificd in column 9 are at the discretion of thc manu-
facturer unless onc or thJothei is actually spccified by thc
NOTE. a. Dimensions C and D apply at thc rcar o[ the cye. Thc dimensioru at thc
front of thc eyc shall bc Sreater than C and D in all cascs.
.D. Dinrcnsion D is at I position fronr thc top of thc cyc of D/r.
c. Thc handlcs shall be madc to suit the actual eycs'

12 l3
['- ,-J Rear of axe to knuckle

Straight pattern made fronr ash TAI}LB 6. DIMENSIONS OF I{ANDLES FOR WEDGE AXES
All dimensions arc in irrches .

I 2 3 4 5 6

to knuckle Nontinal B c I)r lrr

of lrc:rd fl *V tu:rxinrunr nrirrilnurrt tnlnltnum

L% I4 2 % t% %
Curved pattern made from hickory r% I6 2Y4 Ys 2 3l


FELLING AXES 2 16)gor24 2% 2 3/,r
AII dintensiom are in inchcs
2% 24 or 261 2Yeor2%t strt sr Lt ZVra r/ra
3 4 5 6 zYz 26 or 21Jl 2r.l I 2Vta t97.e

wcight A B c l). lI. 2% %J 2% ! ZVt" r11.a
of head *t *rl mnxftnuln ntlnftrrunr nrlnirnum
3 J2 or 36t 3% I 2%ta I
3% J2 or J6f 3.% I 2:%u I
4 32 or JGt 4% t% J% r/to
4 J2 or J6t 354 I 29/s I
5 32 or 36t q% L% r*7,s
3Y{ c% 32 or J6t ssA I 2% 1

6 36 4% trA 3% I 5 J2 or 36f 3% I 2% I
6 J6 3% I 216 1
36 L% t% I
7 36 3% I 2194.a lYta
t rhc dimensions of D and E shall always
bc grcatcr thrn thc nroxirnum dimcnsions ' 'fhc dimensions of D and E shall always bc grcatcr than thc maximunr dintinsions
of thc appropriatc eye. of thc appropriate eyc.
t rhe alternativc diminsions nre ot thc discrction of thc rnanufacturcr unlcss I I The altcrnativc dimcnsions arc at thc discrction of tlro manufncturer unlcss a
dcfinite dimcnsion is spccificd by rhc purchascr. dcfinitc dinlcrrsion is spccificrl by thc purchnscr.


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