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Array.js Element.js Element.Selectors.js Element.Event.js Drag.Base.js Drag.Move.

Array Utility Functions Utility Functions Event Drag.Base Drag.Move
Cheat Sheet v1.1 * forEach(fn(el,i){}) $(el | s) $E(selector s, filter el) (shift,control,alt,meta,wheel, new Drag.Base(el, opt) new Drag.Move(el, opt)
* filter(fn(el,i){}) $$(el a | id a | el | selector s) $ES(selector s, filter el) code,page.x,page.y,client.x, opt = { opt = {
* map(fn(el,i){}) (any combination) client.y,key,target,relatedTarget) handle:el, all opt from Drag.Base,
Core.js Element stop() modifiers: {styleX,styleY}, container el,
* every(fn(el,i){}) Element getElements(singleSelector s)
Functions * some(fn(el,i){}) stopPropagation() limit {[stX,endX],[stY,endY]} droppables el a,
new Element(s, opt) getElement (selector s) > $E [,grid px, snap px] overflown el a
$defined(o) * indexOf(el) preventDefault()
set(opt) getElementsBySelector } }
$type(o) each > forEach keys.eventName = keycode n
opt = { (selector s) > $$
$merge(o [,o,..]) copy() “styles”: setStyles, Element Element Element
getElementById(id s) > $
$extend(o, o) remove(el) “events”: addEvents, addEvent(e, fn) makeResizable(opt) makeDraggable(opt)
$native(native o [,native o,...]) contains(el) “otherKey”: setProperty Element.Filters.js removeEvent(e, fn) opt > Drag.Base opt opt > Drag.Move opt
$chk(o) associate(a) } Element addEvents({e:fn})
$pick(o, default o) extend(a) injectBefore(el) FX.Base.js FX.Elements.js
filterByTag(tagname s) removeEvents([type s])
$random(min n, max n) merge(a) injectAfter(el) filterByClass(classname s) fireEvent(type s[,arg[], delay]) Fx.Base Fx.Elements
$time() include(el) injectInside(el) cloneEvents(el [,type s]) new Fx.Base(opt) new Fx.Elements(el, opt)
filterById(id s)
$clear(timer) getRandom() injectTop(el) opt = { opt = all opt from FX.Base
filterByAttribute(s [,op s,val s)) Function transition: Fx.Transitions,
getLast() adopt(el) start({
Abstract (Singleton) Element.Form.js bindWithEvent(el [,arg[]]) duration: ms, index: {style:[from,to]}
Window Utility Functions unit: px | em | % })
clone(withChildnodes b) Element Custom Events
(ie, ie6, ie7, gecko, webkit, $A() > copy() wait: waitForCurTransEnd b,
replaceWith(el) getValue(), toQueryString() mouseenter, mouseleave
webkit419, webkit420, opera) $each(a,fn(el,i){})
fps: framesPerSecond n, FX.Scroll.js
onStart: fn,
Class.js String.js hasClass(s) XHR.js Ajax.js onComplete: fn,
String addClass(s), removeClass(s) XHR Ajax onCancel: fn new Fx.Scroll(el, opt)
Class toggleClass(s) new XHR(url, opt) new Ajax(url, opt) } opt = { all opt from FX.Base,
test(regex [,params])
new Class({fname: fn}) setStyle(style s, value s | n) opt = { all opt from XHR, offset {x,y},
toInt(), toFloat() opt = { start(from n, to n)
empty() setStyles({style:value}) method: post | get, data: s, overflown el a
camelCase() stop()
extend({fname: fn}) async: asyncReq b update: el, }
hyphenate() setOpacity(n) set(to n)
implement({fname: fn}) encoding: s (default: utf-8), evalScripts: b, scrollTo(x,y)
capitalize() getStyle(style s)
autoCancel: b evalResponse: b FX.Style.js toTop(),toBottom()
Class.Extras.js trim(), clean() getStyles(style s [,s,..])
headers: {hdName:hdCont} o onComplete: fn toRight(),toLeft()
rgbToHex(returnArray b) getPrevious(), getNext() Fx.Style
Chain onRequest: fn, }
new Fx.Style(el, prop, opt) toElement(el)
hexToRgb(returnArray b) getFirst(), getLast()
chain(fn) onSuccess: fn, request()
callChain() contains(s [,separator s]) getParent(), getChildren() onStateChange: fn, evalScripts()
opt = all opt from FX.Base FX.Slide.js
hasChild(el) start(from n, to n)
clearChain() escapeRegExp() onFailure: fn getHeader(hdName s) Fx.Slide
getProperty(prop s) } hide()
Array new Fx.Slide(el, opt)
Events removeProperty(prop s) Properties Object set(to n)
opt = {all opt from FX.Base,
addEvent(s, fn) rgbToHex() > rgbToHex toQueryString()
getProperties(prop s [,s,...]) running, response Element mode: “vertical” | “horizontal”
fireEvent(s[,arg[],delay ms]) hexToRgb() > hexToRgb
setProterty(prop, value) setHeader(hdName s,hdVal s) Element effect(opt) > FX.Style }
removeEvent(s, fn) Function.js setProperties({prop:value}) send() send() > for form-Elements slideIn(), slideOut()
Options Function setHTML(html) cancel() FX.Styles.js hide(), show()
setOptions(default opt, opt) create(opt) setText(s) Fx.Styles toggle()
Assets.js Cookie.js new Fx.Styles(el, opt)
pass(arg[], [el])
Window.Size.js attempt(arg[], [el]) getTag() Assets Cookie opt = all opt from FX.Base FX.Transitions.js
Window empty() new Asset.property opt{domain s, path s, start({
bind(fn [,arg[]]) Fx.Transitions
getWidth(), getHeight() javascript(src s, opt) duration days, secure b} style: [from n, to n] | to n
bindAsEventListener([o,arg[]]) Element.Dimensions.js linear,Quad,Cubic,Quart,Quint,
getScrollWidth() css(src s, opt) set(key s, value s, opt) })
delay(ms [,o,arg[]]) Pow,Expo,Circ,Sine,Back,
getScrollHeight() Element image(src s, opt) get(cookieValue s)
periodical(ms [,o,arg[]])
remove(cookieName s, opt)
Element Bounce,Elastic
getScrollLeft(),getScrollTop() scrollTo(x,y) images(srcs a, opt) each has easIn,easeOut,easeInOut
Number.js effects(opt) > FX.Styles
getSize() getSize()
Json.js Json.Remote.js o ~ Object e ~ Event [ ] ~ optional
getPosition([overflown el a]) s ~ String fn ~ Function | ~ choice / or
Window.DomReady.js toInt(), toFloat() getTop([overflown el a]) Json Json.Remote
a ~ Array el ~ Element > ~ see also
Custom Events limit(min n, max n), round(n) getLeft([overflown el a]) toString(o) new Json.Remote(url, opt)
n ~ Number opt ~ Options Object el a ~ Array of Elements
evaluate(s, syntaxCheck b) opt = all opt from xhr
domready times(fn) getCoordinates([overfl el a]) b ~ Boolean ms ~ Milliseconds {key:val} ~ o w/ key/val pairs

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