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Sara Lance

Afilliation Team D10 Solo D8 Buddy D6

Distictions I've been dead a few times

I have a past with the League of Assissins

That's Captain Lance, now

Power Set 1
League Training

Enhanced Durability D8 Enhanced Reflexes D8

Enhanced Stamina D8 Bowstaf D8

Throwing Stars D6

SFX Sticks: Turn bowstaf into fighting sticks by doubling it and stepping down the efect die.
SFX Multiple Targets: Target multiple targets. Add a d6 and keep an aditional efect die.
SFX: Add an extra D6 on throwing stars to a single target to step up efect die.
SFX: Was trained by Ra's Al Ghul: Add multiple League Training die stepping down each
subquincal die.
SFX Focus: Replace two die of equal size with one stepped up die.
SFX Bloodlust: Add your own physical stress to your roles.
SFX Many life trials: Every time emotional stress is recieved, step down efect size.
Limit: Throwing Stars and Bowstaf: Earn a plot point to shut down. Recover with oppurtunity.
Limit: Controlling the demon: Step up Emotional stress by one everytime Bloodlust is used

Acrobatic Expert D8 Combat Master D10

Covert Expert D8 Menace Expert D8

Vehicles Expert D10

Ray Palmer ATOM

Affiliations Buddy D10 Team D8 Solo D6

Distinctions Billionaire Inventor

Idealistic Boy Scout

Searches for purpose

Powerset 1 A.T.O.M. Suit

Cybernetic Senses D6 Superhuman Durabiltiy D10

Enhanced Speed D8 Superhuman Strength D10

Supersonic Flight D10 Repulsors D8

SFX: Boost: Shutdown highest rated ATOM SUIT to step up another ATOM SUIT power by +1.
Recover by activiting an oppurtunity.
SFX:Multipower: Use two or more ATOM SUIT powers in your dice pool at -1 for each additional
SFX: Dwarfstar Overcharge: Step up or Double Repulsors on your next roll, or spend 1 PP to do
both, then shut down Repulsors. Recover power by activating an oppurtunity.
Limit: Malfulctioning: Shutdown highest-rated power to gain 1 PP. Take an action vs doom pool
to recover.

Powerset 2 Shrinking

Shrinking D10 Enhanced Reflexes D8

Density Control D8 Shrink Ray D6

Atomic Travel D10

SFX: Shrink Ray: Add a d6 to die pool when trying to create a shrinking related complication, if
action fails, shutdown Shrink Ray and recover with an action against doom pool.
SFX: Miniturized: When creating Assests in miniturized form, add D6 to pool and step up efect
Limit: Atomic Travel is limited to being shrunk to the size of an atom and attaching one's self to a
wavelink or other form of wave travel, such as a telephone call.
LIMIT: I'm Tiny: Change Shrinking into a complication to gain 1 PP. Activate an opputnity to
remove complication.
LIMIT: Densitiy control only applies to self.
Combat Expert D8 Tech Master D10
Science Master D10 Business Master D10


Distinctions Genius Inventor

And the movie reference is...

Doesn't like letting other down

Powerset 1 Diminsional Energy Manipulation

Diminsional Awareness D12 Diminsional Travel D8

Vibrational Blasts D8 Mental Connection D10

Vibrational Mastery D8

SFX: Vibrations: Add a d6 to die pool when creating a Vibrational Mastery Complication, step up
efect die.
SFX:Transport: Add a D6 to die pool when creating Diminsional Travel Assets.
SFX: Vibrational Abosrobtion: On a successful reaction against an Vibrational-Based attack action,
convert opponet's efct die into an Diminsional Energy Manipulation stunt or step up Vibrational
Blasts by +1 until used in an action. Spend 1 PP to use this stunt if opponent's action succedded.
Burst: Step up or double a Vibrational Blasts die against a single target. Remove the highest
rolling die and 3 dice to your total.
Limit: Diminsional Awareness requires physical contact.
Limit: Deminsional Awareness is at D12 because Cisco is wearing special Vibe glasses. If Glasses
are removed, or broken, step down D6. Recover Glasses by activiating an opputnity.
Limit: Undiscovered Potential: Turn any Diminioal Energy Manipulation Power Trait into a
complication to earn 1 PP.


Science D10 Tech D10

Medical D8 Cosmic D8

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