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Principle #4: The Bandwagon Effect—

Give Them Something to Jump On

Fact: Humans are social beings with a powerful psychological need
to belong.
membership in—
and identification with—some group is still critically important for our
Three Types of Groups
1. Aspirational—Groups to which you’d like to belong.
2. Associative—Groups that share your ideals and values.
3. Dissociative—Groups to which you do not want to belong.
This strategy uses the peripheral—superficial thought—route to persuasion.
Think. Does your product lend itself to using the human need to belong
appeal? If it does, don’t just think about ways to describe its features
and benefits. Put at least equal effort into telling your prospects
how buying your product makes them (aspirational), keeps them (associative),
or helps them show the world that they’re not a part of a particular
group (dissociative). But before your prospects are willing to buy anything, they must first
be motivated enough to do so!

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