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Super Student-Grade 3
Colby Jacobsen

Undesirable Behavior Targeted: My third-grade class is constantly getting up out of their seats at unpermitted times during
instruction time. They sit in the carpet area, pace the classroom, and sometimes even leave the room. This directly interferes
with the students learning because their attention is on other things in the classroom and the student is not engaged in the
lesson and discussion.
Expected Behavior: All students will remain seated with their bottom in the seat, their feet on the floor, their hands on the
desk or their laps, eyes on the teacher, and ears ready to listen. If they must get up, they will raise their hand, wait to be called
on and told they are approved to get up and out of their seat.
Positive Reinforcements
Immediate R+: Mini spiders will be given to students that do not get out of their seat without permission during instruction
time throughout the day. There will also be a classroom chart that keeps track of how often the class as a whole gets out of
their seat without permission. Each time someone performs the undesired behavior, the class will receive a tally. If the class
as a whole has less than ten tally’s week one, eight tally’s week two, six tally’s week three, four tally’s week 4, three tally’s
week five, and two tally’s week six, each class member will receive a spider Friday at the end of the day.
Ongoing R+: The class will have an enlarged Spider web in a designated area in the classroom. At an elected end of day time
each day, if you received a spider you will wait until you are called on and one by one and add it to the class web. One spider
goes on each section of the web.
Overall R+: When each section of the web has a spider on it, the class will have completed their web which earns them super
hero day.
Easy Administration of R+: The spiders will be on the teacher at all times. When the student demonstrates desired behavior,
the teacher will discretely walk over to the student while still teaching the class and place the spider on the student’s desk.
Interactive Learning Activity
TEKs across content areas:
• Science: (2) Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student uses scientific inquiry methods during laboratory
and outdoor investigations. The student is expected to: (B) collect data by observing and measuring using the metric
system and recognize differences between observed and measured data;
• Reading: (2) Reading/Beginning Reading/Strategies. Students comprehend a variety of texts drawing on useful
strategies as needed. Students are expected to: (A) use ideas (e.g., illustrations, titles, topic sentences, key words,
and foreshadowing clues) to make and confirm predictions;
• Social Studies: historical and contemporary figures. The student is expected to: (A) identify characteristics of good
citizenship, including truthfulness, justice, equality, respect for oneself and others, responsibility in daily life, and
participation in government by educating oneself about the issues, respectfully holding public officials to their word,
and voting;
During super hero day, students will not only be allowed to dress as their favorite super hero but all lessons throughout the
day will be designed around famous superheroes. During writing, students will write about what superhero power they
would possess if they could be a superhero for the day. They will explain their reasoning. For math and science, because so
many superheroes fly based on air currents, they will create their own wind meter to measure wind speed. For reading, we
will read aloud different superhero stories, stop before the climax to predict what will happen at the end. They will then
discuss if their predictions were right or wrong. And for social studies, we will discuss these super heroes as citizens and the
qualities that make them good citizens. Throughout the school day, we will act as superheroes school wind performing acts
of kindness and helping all students in need.
Teaching the Expected Behaviors: The teacher will dedicate at least one day to teach the desired behavior. It will be taught
by introducing students to the book Super Heroes Stay Seated. As a class, we will then practice scenarios of what staying in
your seat looks like versus what it doesn’t. Students will determine what must be done before they are allowed to leave their
Teaching the Plan: The teacher will review expectations with students. They will then demonstrate different scenarios of
behaviors and students will determine whether that scenario would have deserved a spider or not. If yes, the teacher will
demonstrate what will happen when a spider received. If no, the teacher will demonstrate where they will tally the undesired
behaviors. The teacher will also review that once all of the webs are filled with spiders, the class will have a super hero day.
Some Options Might Be: This plan can be adjusted to fit any undesignated behavior. The undesired behavior must be clearly
explained, and the desired behavior must be understood and demonstrated. Based on grade level, teachers can adjust the
lessons and activities that will occur during super hero day.
Demonstrate all Necessary Items: Undesirable behavior chart, Super Heroes Stay Seated book, web, spiders, superhero
books, wind meter materials, superhero theme songs

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