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Event: Phoenix House Topic: Foods for Immune Health

Event Date: 7/17/18 Location: Phoenix House

Intern Name(s): Danielle Beauchemin and Hannah Prat

Team Leader: Danielle Beauchemin Preceptor: Cindy Knipe

Person responsible for writing the COP: Danielle Beauchemin


1. Identify site contact

Cindy Knipe

2. Identify population
a) Gender – mixed, mostly male
b) Age – 18+
c) Education level – varied
d) Number of participants – 8-15

3. How was topic determined (Did you speak with anyone about the group? Did you get to
observe the setting and participants beforehand? If so, describe the participants and any other
pertinent information (i.e. if in a classroom, observe classroom management techniques).

Topic was pre-determined according to a schedule. We are all able to observe the setting and
participants the week before we are scheduled to begin. Classroom/room is small, one large
table with chairs surrounding it and a space up front to set up the easel.
a) Other programs recently presented
a. Food safety, healthy fats, protein, fruits & veggies
b) What the audience knows
a. Varied, some participants have been in multiple sessions of with Dis but
some are new.
c) What the audience wants to know - what is relevant
a. The audience wants to know the applicable information, affordable nutrition
information that they can use. They seem to be more interested in some
topics compared to others.
d) Evaluate health literacy - and other cultural issues
a. Varied, each participant comes from different background.

4. Setting - tour of facility

a) Room size and set up (diagram)

b) Presentation resources
 Availability of food prep area – N/A
 AV resources - space available for visual teaching aids – N/A use flipchart

5. Day of week/ time of day for presentation

Tuesday at 1:30 – 2:20 pm

6. Duration
a) Atention span: 45-50 minutes
b) Conflict with other activities for population: some participants have meetings or other
obligations to see to during presentations however most are in atendance.

7. Marketing potential - whose responsibility – N/A

8. Budget
a) Will there be a charge: No
b) Funds to cover supplies: None
c) Cost of marketing: None

9. Best way/time to reach site contact for future plans: Cindy Knipe

10. Write a community group focused PES statement based on your assessment:

Food and nutrition related knowledge deficit r/t lack of knowledge and skill on foods for immune
health AEB request for education session.

C. RESEARCH AND PLANNING (how, who, and when… the process of your work):

1. Meeting Dates
 Dates scheduled for planning and who will atend.

 7 day meeting -

 Evaluation meeting scheduled for:

(Usually held directly after presentation but may be scheduled for later).

2. Based on the results of the needs assessment, what did you do to prepare?
We followed the questions prompted in the DropBox file:
“The Why” - relevant to them
“What & Where” to find the food - low cost options

3. How did you go about the development process? Who was involved?

a. Hannah and I were both involved in the development. I developed the outline
and Hannah contributed some ideas for ice breaker activities.

4. What resources did you use? Why did you choose them and how did you find them? Relate back
to your assessment section.

a. We used:

i. htps://health.clevelandclinic.org/eat-these-foods-to-boost-your-

ii. “Zinc in Human Health: Effect of Zinc on Immune Cells”


iii. “The influence of selenium on immune responses”


iv. “Role of iron in immunity and its relation with infections”


v. htps://www.healthline.com/nutrition/folic-acid-vs-folate#section3

vi. “Folate status and the immune system”

htps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1887065 \

vii. “Vitamin D and the immune system”


viii. “Vitamin E and immunity”


ix. “Vitamin C and immune function”


b. We used these sources because they are reputable and trustworthy.

D. DEVELOPMENT (what… the outcome of your planning and development):

1. Measurable Learning Objectives:

a. Participants will be able to identify 2 vitamins/minerals that support immune health
b. Participants will be able to identify 2 foods that support immune health
c. Participants will be able to build a plate that consists of foods that support immune

2. Outline of presentation: - atached

Describe all components of the program or material, and the team member responsible for
them. Include descriptions of the content, learning activities, food activities, visuals, education
materials and evaluation methods/materials. (May atach this as separate document)

3. Describe how your presentation addresses different learning styles:

 Auditory: discussion

 Visual: flipchart

 Kinesthetic: handout and food models

 List ways that you included multiple intelligences in your planning.

a. Linguistic – group discussion-based presentation

b. Interpersonal – group activities

c. Intrapersonal – handout/worksheet

4. Explain how your planned evaluation method will show whether your learning objectives were
a. The handout provides blanks for the participants to fill in the first 2 objectives and the
third objective will be met in the activity at the end.

5. What problems did you encounter in the development process?

a. Schedules were the most difficult to navigate. Hannah is at the farm and I am
transitioning between rotations. It was difficult to coordinate times to work on this
together, but we managed to produce a solid product.

Complete sections E after the presentation/event is complete.


1. For a program or presentation, describe objectively what happened the day of the presentation,
using examples. Include any last minute changes to the planned setting, audience, number of

a. The day of the presentation went well. Hannah and I met up at Joslin beforehand and
prepared our materials for the presentation. There were no last minute changes for this

2. Did the presentation go as planned? Reflect on what went well?

a. The presentation did goes as planned. I think the audience was engaged and interested
in the topic and learned about something new to them.

3. How did the audience react to the presentation? Summarize and comment on preceptor

a. The audience was engaged and curious, they asked many questions. Some of the
questions were on topic while others were not as much.

b. Cindy agreed that it went well however made a good observation about the activity and
how it could have been improved for the audience to grasp the idea more. In addition,
the handout could have been organized beter.

4. How well did the audience grasp your objectives?

a. The objectives were met and the audience grasped them well. The handout helped
them work through the ideas.

5. What would you do differently/the same the next time - or what would you change if you had
more time? How effective do you feel your program/material was for the target audience?

a. I would have organized the handout beter to create a beter flow of information. In
addition we should have brought more food models for the build the plate activity.

6. Recommendations for future Interns:

a. Be prepared to answer many questions. They audience loves to be involved in the

conversation so make it interactive!

7. Financial Report:

 Cost of Development: (Includes: labor for preparing the project, food cost for testing the
food activity; please note that labor costs include hours worked by ALL team members)
Labor ($25/hour): $400
Food: N/A

 Cost of Presenting: (Includes: labor, food, flip charts ($28), see following link for cost of
copies http://www.keene.edu/mailsvs/printfees.cfm, and other supplies)
Labor ($25/hour): $20
Copies: N/A
Food: N/A
Other supplies and costs: N/A

 Overall costs: $420

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