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US 20140013986A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0013986 A1
Mendes et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 16, 2014

(54) HAND GRENADE, A HAND-GRENADE Publication Classi?cation

ACTUATOR F423 2 7/08 (2006.01)
F423 99/00 (2006.01)
(52) US. Cl.
(75) Inventors; Ricardo Augusto Mendes, Rio de CPC ............... .. F42B 27/08 (2013.01); F423 99/00
Janeiro (BR); Rogerio Borges da (201301)
Cunha’ Rio de Janeiro (BR) USPC ........................................................ .. 102/487
The present invention relates to a hand grenade comprising a
(73) Assignee? CONDOR s-A- INDUSTRIA main body (10), an actuator (14) releasably ?xed to the main
QUIMICA, R10 de Janeifo (BR) body (10), an actuator-ejection mechanism, and a charge to be
released, Which includes an automatic-identi?cation device
(21) APP1- NO-I 13/702,529 (34) embedded in the actuator. The invention further relates to
a grenade actuator of the EOT-type (Espoleta de Ogiva de
(22) PCT Filed? May 51 2011 Tempo, time fuse point), Which comprises an automatic-iden
ti?cation device (34) embedded therein. The present inven
(86) PCT NO‘: PCT/BR2011/000130 tion can also materialize in the form of a method of manufac
§ 371 (6X1), turing a handgrenade actuator, according to Which it is
(2)’ (4) Date; Jun_ 24, 2013 provided a housing for an automatic-identi?cation device in
the actuator body. Indeed, the method of manufacturing the
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data actuator further in—| cludes providing said housing With a
cylindrical shape and then inserting an equally cylindrical
Jun. 11, 2010 (BR) ............................. .. Pl1002280-5 automatic-identi?cation device into said housing.


Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2014 Sheet 1 0f 4 US 2014/0013986 A1






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FIG. 1
Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2014 Sheet 2 0f 4 US 2014/0013986 A1


FIG. 2
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Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2014 Sheet 4 0f 4 US 2014/0013986 A1



2Q 28


FIG. 4
US 2014/0013986 A1 Jan. 16, 2014

HAND GRENADE, A HAND-GRENADE [0013] In the preferred embodiment of the present inven
ACTUATOR, AND A METHOD OF tion, once the grenade has been actuated, the actuator is
MANUFACTURING A HAND-GRENADE ejected from it, so that, in the case of an explosive charge, it
ACTUATOR Will not be destroyed by the detonation of the artifact, and the
automatic-identi?cation device remains intact.
[0001] The present invention relates to a hand grenade, the
application of Which may be directed to a number of pur
[0014] Thus, it is possible, even after detonation of the
grenade, and With the adequate means, to trace doWn and
poses, such as explosive grenades, smoke grenades, tear-gas
identify positively the automatic-identi?cation device
grenades or pyrotechnical grenades. More speci?cally, the present on the actuator. Such an automatic-identi?cation
present invention relates to a grenade arrangement that enable
one to locate the artifact or fragments associated to it after it
device may include, for instance, a radiofrequency-identi?
cation means, also called RFID for short.
has been actuated.
[0015] In order to make the identi?cation With an RFID
DESCRIPTION OF THE PRIOR ART means, it is just necessary to scan With a RFID-reader, the area
Where the actuator could be located, taking into consideration
[0002] As it is Well knoWn, there is a diversity of grenades, the grenade-detonation site.
the function characteristics of Which are directly associated to [0016] Another embodiment of the invention consists of a
the effect for Which the artifact is intended. method of manufacturing a hand-grenade actuator according
[0003] HoWever, regardless of the intended application, to Which housing is provided for the automatic-identi?cation
since this is a War artifact, the transportation, storage and use device on the actuator body, and then an equally cylindrical
of grenades are usually controlled by the competent authori automatic-identi?cation device is inserted into said housing.
[0004] For this purpose, the usual procedure for such con BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
trol consists in identifying the grenade With serial numbers
[0017] The present invention Will noW be described in
engraved onto the grenade bodies, Which are linked to distri
bution listings. greater detail, but only by Way of example, With reference to
the attached draWings, in Which:
[0005] With this control, one intends to indentify the gre
[0018] FIG. 1 is an exploded side sectional vieW of the
nade arsenals manufactured, transported, stored and used by
each of the subjects involved in the operations that require the grenade according to the present invention;
use of this instrument. [0019] FIG. 2 is a partly sectioned side vieW of the grenade
according to the present invention;
OBJECTIVE OF THE INVENTION [0020] FIG. 3 is an exploded perspective vieW of the gre
nade actuator, also according to an embodiment of the present
[0006] HoWever, exactly because this is a piece of equip invention; and
ment that in most cases explodes When it is used, the task of [0021] FIG. 4 is a partly sectioned side vieW of the grenade
identifying this artifact after it has been used is excessively actuator according to the present invention.
hard and often impossible to complete.
[0007] There is the possibility that the markings printed on DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
the grenade body Will be scratched out so as to hide the
information relating to the origin of the artifact. [0022] FIGS. 1 and 2 shoW a grenade according to the
[0008] In both cases, there is an undesirable factor of uncer
present invention. Thus, it is provided a main body 10 of the
tainty in the activities that involve a potentially dangerous grenade, Which may have a variety of shapes, such as cylin
drical, ovoid, spherical, or other shapes selected according to
the usefulness of the application intended.
[0009] Thus, it is a desire of the market to provide grenades
and other similar artifacts that, even after its use, can be duly [0023] The main body 10 holds a charge to be released (not
shoWn), the main functioning of Which is knoWn to any per
identi?ed, as a Way of ensuring its origin and, furthermore,
the potential users of the equipment. son skilled in the art. The body 10 has an opening 12, gener
ally arranged at the upper part thereof, in Which the grenade
[0010] More speci?cally, one desires a grenade that facili actuator 14 is mounted.
ties the distribution logistics task, from the manufacture of the
equipment to the delivery thereof to the ?nal recipient, as Well [0024] The actuator 14 is preferably of the EOT-type (short
as enabling effective traceability thereof, even after it has
for “Espoleta de Ogiva de Tempo” in Portuguese or time fuse
been detonated. point in English), provided With a pull-ring-and- safety-clamp
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PRESENT [0025] The detonation system is actuated by removing the
INVENTION safety clamp 16 and then raising the percussion lever 18.
Once the movement of said lever 18 has been initiated, a
[0011] In order to achieve these objectives satisfactorily, spring system 20 triggers the course of a loop 22, as can be
the present invention provides a grenade having a main body, observed from the path illustrated With dashed line in FIG. 1.
an actuator, an actuator-ejection mechanism, and a load to be [0026] Said loop 22 strikes on the fuse, Which actuates a
released. Furthermore, according to present invention, the delay column 24. The path of said delay column 24, according
grenade is characterized by having an automatic-identi?ca to the present invention, has tWo detonation stages, Wherein
tion device imbedded in the actuator body. the ?rst stage has a charge that is su?icient to eject the actua
[0012] Besides the present invention provides a grenade tor from the opening 12, aWay from the main body 10; and a
actuator, the main characteristic of Which consists in having second stage, Which effectively triggers the detonation of the
an automatic-identi?cation device. grenade.
US 2014/0013986 A1 Jan. 16, 2014

[0027] Thus, once the actuator is ejected from the grenade, RFID reader, it is possible to make its complete identi?cation
it remains intact, maintaining the automatic-identi?cation With information from the manufacturer, origin, distribution,
device imbedded therein. storage and the receiver of the artifact after tracing it doWn.
[0028] As described above, the actuator 14 according to the [0042] Such a possibility opens a Wide range of advantages
present invention is of the EDT-type (Espoleta de Ogiva de of the grenade and actuator of the present invention over the
Tempo - time fuse point), shoWn in detail in FIGS. 3 and 4 prior art. Thus, taking into consideration the great importance
Which has a body usually made of rigid polymer, comprising of the safety that involves all the aspects relating to this type
a loWer portion 26 for ?xation to the grenade opening 12. The of artifact, it becomes possible to have a much more adequate
loWer section 26 consists of a cylindrical structure, Wholly or control of the Whole logistic chain of the artifacts distribution,
partially provided With a thread turn 28 or any other means for from the manufacture to the delivery to the buyer. Such an
?xation, releasable by detonation, to the opening 12. advantage is a complement to the already referred-to possi
[0029] The upper portion 30 of the actuator is integral With bility of tracing the actuator after detonation of the grenade.
the loWer portion and has a loop 22, Which is kept in locked [0043] Another embodiment of the present invention refers
position by means of the percussion lever 18. The lever 18 is to the method of manufacturing an actuator for a hand gre
also kept in locked position by means of a safety clamp 16, nade. According to the method of the present invention, an
Which may be removed by action of the user of the grenade. EOT-type actuator (Espoleta de Ogiva de Tempo, time fuse
[0030] Thus, once the safety clamp 16 is removed and the point) is manufactured in the usual Way and is already knoWn
movement of the lever 18 is triggered, the loop equally starts to those skilled in the art, being inventive and characterized by
its course toWards the fuse, Which, as explained above, actu the step of providing a housing for the automatic-identi?ca
ates the delay column of the grenade. tion device in the actuator body.
[0031] Indeed, and in order to achieve the objectives pro [0044] Indeed, the method of manufacturing the actuator
posed by the present invention the actuator 14 has a housing further includes providing said housing With a cylindrical
32, inside of Which the automatic-identi?cation device 34 is shape and subsequently inserting an equally cylindrical auto
arranged. matic-identi?cation device into said housing.
[0032] The location of said housing 32 for the identi?cation [0045] The shapes and materials described herein are not
device 34 is selected so that: limitative, since any materials suitable for the grenade actua
[0033] (i) the installation of the identi?cation device can be tor could be used. It is also possible, Without departing from
made at the time of mounting the actuator; the protection scope of the present invention that the manu
[0034] (ii) the removal of the identi?cation device after facturer should deem it appropriate to arrange the RFID
mounting the actuator Will be impossible or at least substan device in another location in the actuator than that disclosed
tially dif?cult, Without starting the detonation stages above, thus making the manufacture thereof more simple and
described above; and economical.
[0035] (iii) the reading of the identi?cation device Will be [0046] Other modi?cations Within the spirit and of the con
viable by means of an equipment suitable for this procedure. cept of this invention, evident to a person skilled in the art
[0036] The preferred embodiment of the invention to after consideration of this speci?cation, should also be
achieve the objectives outlined in the above items (i), (ii) and regarded as being Within the scope of the invention, as de?ned
(iii) consists in providing a radiofrequency-identi?cation in the attached claims.
device (RFID) disposed under the percussion lever, so that
any attempt to remove it Would necessarily imply in detona 1-7. (canceled)
tion of the grenade. 8. A hand grenade comprising a main body (10), an actua
tor (14) releasable ?xed to the main body (10), an actuator
[0037] Therefore, for this purpose, the RFID device 34
consists of a cylindrical rod With dimensions suitable for ejection mechanism, and a charge to be released, Wherein the
insertion into an equally cylindrical housing, Which is hand grenade comprises an automatic-identi?cation device
arranged in the actuator body, as already described, at a posi (34) imbedded in the actuator, the actuator-ejection mecha
nism comprises a delay column With a ?rst detonation stage
tion hidden under the percussion lever.
having energy su?icient only to eject the actuator, and the
[0038] Once the RFID device 34 has been inserted into the
delay column has a second stage capable of triggering deto
housing 32, this housing must be duly closed by any adequate nation of the grenade.
means, such as gluing, adhesive application, etc, so as to
prevent release of the RFID device after actuation of the 9. A hand grenade according to claim 8, Wherein the main
grenade. body (10) has a cylindrical shape.
[0039] The tracing of the actuator and of the grenade 10. A hand grenade according to claim 8, Wherein the main
according to the present invention occur by means of a so body (10) has a ovoid shape.
called RFID reader (not shoWn). As it is knoWn to a person 11. A hand grenade according to claim 8, Wherein the main
skilled in the art, this reader consists of a radiofrequency body (10) has a spherical shape.
transceiver, Which operates at a standard frequency for the 12. A hand grenade according to claim 8, Wherein the
intended application. charge to be released is selected from the group consisting of
[0040] On the other hand, the RFID device, also called an explosive charge, a smoke-producing charge, a tear-gas
RFID tag, consists of a transponder that responds to com charge, and a pyrotechnical charge.
mands received from the reader. Considering the desired 13. A hand grenade according to claim 8, Wherein the
function of the present invention, the transponder Will pref actuator (14) is of the EOT-type (Espoleta de Ogiva de
erably be of the passive type, that is, it Will not be provided Tempo, time fuse point), With a pull-ring and a safety clamp.
With any integrated poWer source. 14. A hand grenade according to claim 8, Wherein the
[0041] Thus, once the grenade has been detonated, and by actuator further comprises a housing (32) for the automatic
scanning the area Where the actuator might be, by means of a identi?cation device (34).
US 2014/0013986 A1 Jan. 16, 2014

15. A hand grenade according to claim 8, wherein the

automatic-identi?cation device (34) comprises a radiofre
quency-identi?cation device.
16. A hand grenade according to claim 15, Wherein the
radiofrequency-device has the shape of a cylindrical rod that
can be inserted into an equally cylindrical housing.
* * * * *

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