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Stephanie Preston

Top 10 list of insights

Theses are the top 10 take aways I had from this Cultural Competency Class.
1. Everyone has biases, even ones you aren’t aware exist. Doing some self-reflecting and
realizing that you may have a bias can help influence the way you treat others and help
you to remain humble.
2. Everyone has some sort of privilege, some have more than others. It is so important to
know what your privilege is and if you can use it for good.
3. Always remain culturally humble and instead of claiming to be culturally competent. We
are all human and be always learning. Keep your mind set on that you have learned some
but still can always learn more or at least see things from someone else’s perspective.
4. Health inequities are a real thing. As a prospective Midwife, it is important to be aware
there are groups of people that are discriminated against or automatically judged for
something they have no control over. I should always be on the lookout for things I can
do in my local community to ensure that everyone receives equitable health care.
5. Listen, those that are being marginalized and discriminated against have a voice too. You
don’t need to speak for them just help them find a megaphone.
6. Apologize, when I make a mistake or say something that hurts someone sincerely
apologize. It doesn’t matter if your intent was good if it hurt or offended someone
apologize and think about the language you use next time.
7. Don’t stand for microaggressions. They are everywhere constantly beating on those that
experience them. If you see something, say something. It’s not ok to make crude remarks
about any group of people just because they aren’t there.
8. Every interaction is a cross cultural interaction because everyone is unique and has
different life experiences. Respect this and that others have differing opinions and that is
9. Be inclusive. There are people who need Midwifery care that do not identify as female
using female specific language can be a barrier keeping others from feeling comfortable
requesting your car. Use inclusive language in everything so that all who need the care
can feel welcomed and respected in their decisions.
10. Knowing all of the things above does you absolutely no good if you don’t put it to action.
Even one small contribution to help break down barriers and end systemic oppression is
worth the effort.
I commit to learning a new language. There are so many hispanic families in my community and
learning Spanish so I can provide services to those families is one small change I can make to
include this minority and help ensure they can have whatever type of birth they want.

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