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JPII 5 (1) (2016) 51-55

Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia




E. D. S. Eliana1, Senam2, I. Wilujeng3, Jumadi4

SMPN 2 Selakau Timur, Kaupaten Sambas, Indonesia
2, 3, 4
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia

DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v5i1.5789

Accepted: 18 January 2016. Approved: 27 March 2016. Published: April 2016


This study aims to reveal the effectiveness of science teaching based on project-based learning to improve ICT
literacy learners in the junior high school with the category of high, medium and low. This research uses descrip-
tive method to describe the students’ equipness of ICT literacy in the science learning based on the project-based
learning that is integrated with e-learning. All of the population in this study are junior high school of curriculum
pilot project in 2013 in Singkawang. The sampling in this study uses stratified random sampling to determine
three of the four schools that represent the school with a category of high, medium and low based on the National
Examination score on 2015, namely, SMPN 1 Singkawang, SMPN 3 Singkawang, and SMPN 7 Singkawang and
from each school are randomly selected one class. The data collection is done by the observation and question-
naires of the students’ equipness in ICT literacy with effective criteria only if it is in a good or excellent criteria.
Based on the analysis, project-based learning science-based learning is effective in equipping ICT literacy learners
at junior high school at the categories of high, medium and low.

© 2016 Science Education Study Program FMIPA UNNES Semarang

Keywords: e-learning, ICT literacy, Project based learning, Teaching and learning process

INTRODUCTION new century will Likely face more risks and un-
certainties and will need to gain more knowledge
The need for information technology be- and master more skills than any generation befo-
coming increasingly more important today where re “this statement shows that in order to face the
Indonesia is entering the free market of ASEAN XXI century learners are required to learn more.
or the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Learners face the risks and uncertainties in the
All of Indonesian people are expected to have the XXI century in line with the development envi-
ability in the field of technology. The learners are ronment so rapidly, such as technology, science,
expected to have skills in the field of information economics and socio-culture, so that students are
technology (ICT). Teachers who play a direct role required to learn more and be proactive in order
in the education are required to be more creative to have the knowledge and skills / expertise were
in giving lessons to students. adequate, especially in the field of information
The mastery of information technology technology (ICT). Ivankovića et al. (2013) states
on the learner or known as ICT literacy is impor- that “ICT literacy becomes an important precon-
tant to the learners. The learners are required to dition for the socialization and professional ca-
be creative, innovative and responsive in facing reer. Therefore, education as an important factor
the changes in the XXI century as confirmed by of social development plays a key role in the ICT
Magaña & Frenkel, 2009, “A child entering the literacy. This means ICT literacy is very impor-
*Alamat korespondensi: tant to have for the learners.
Email: twinenna@gmail.com
52 E. D. S. Eliana, Senam, I. Wilujeng, Jumadi / JPII 5 (1) (2016) 51-55

The importance of mastering ICT is be- learners, but ICT is designed to support the lear-
cause ICT becomes one of an important require- ning and complements and enables teachers and
ments by learners in the competence of the XXI learners to communicate wherever and whene-
century, it is the foundational knowledge compe- ver. According Krajcik (1994) use technology in
tency. The competence at XXI century is divided project-based science to make the environment
into three, namely foundational knowledge (to more authentic for students, because computers
know), meta knowledge (to act), and humanistic provide access to data and information, expand
knowledge (to value) and ICT literacy is one as- interaction and collaboration with others through
pect of the foundational knowledge in addition the network, promote research laboratories, and
to core content knowledge and cross disciplinary merge tool used to produce the artifact.
knowledge (Kareluik, 2013). The students’ knowledge about technology
ICT literacy is referred as one of the skills is important, in order to meet the ICT literacy, the
required for become successful in the XXI centu- learners can do it by via e-learning. E-learning is
ry (Wilson, et al., 2015). ICT literacy is defined expected to allow learners to understand the ne-
as the ability to effectively evaluate, navigation, west knowledge and technology (ICT literacy)
and build the information by using various digital and facilitate learners to learn without being li-
technologies. ETS (2007) mentions “ICT litera- mited by the space and time. Based on the survey
cy is using digital technology, communications results on the use of information technology by
tools, and / or networks to access, manage, in- the junior high school teacher in science class in
tegrate, evaluate, and create information in order Indonesia, showed that the use of ICT in teach-
to function in a knowledge society” which me- ing process is low (Sumintono, 2012). Therefo-
ans ICT literacy is able to use digital technology, re, we need a learning model that can facilitate
communications equipment, and / or networks to the learners to have the ICT literacy. One of the
access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create in- learning model suggested in the curriculum 2013
formation that is useful for the knowledge society. is scientific approach, which is one of the XXI
CETF (2008) defines ICT literacy is the ability to century learning model is project-based learning
use digital technology and communication tools, and to facilitate the learning of ICT literacy that
and / or networks to access, manage, integrate, can be integrated with e-learning. Blumenfeld et
evaluate, create and communicate information to al. (1991) state that the project-based learning is
be function in the knowledge society. a comprehensive approach to teaching and lear-
Badke (2009) stated that ICT literacy is ning that is designed for students doing a research
also known as “iSkill”. Learners who have the on real problems. Bagheri & Abdullah (2013) sta-
skill of ICT literacy need a learning with ICT. tes that “PBL could foreseeably ensure more ef-
Ezekoka & Gertrude (2015) states “ICT is not fective result by allowing the student to actively
designed to replace face-to-face interaction; it is perticipate in the learning process and allowing
designed to supplement it by allowing people to the student to produce something in collaborating
communicate anytime and anywhere “, which with other” Project-based learning can provide a
means that ICT is not designed to replace the more effective and allow learners to participate
face to face interaction between teachers and actively in the learning process and makes it pos-

Figure 1. Competency Mapping XXI Century (Kareluik, 2013)

E. D. S. Eliana, Senam, I. Wilujeng, Jumadi / JPII 5 (1) (2016) 51-55 53

sible to produce something with the cooperation The population in the study were all junior
of others. high school pilot project curriculum in 2013 in
Project-based learning gives students the Singkawang. The sampling on this research using
opportunity to broaden their knowledge and de- stratified random sampling to determine three of
velop skills through problem solving and investi- the five schools that represent the school with a
gation. Real problems or questions arising form category of high, medium and low based on the
the core of every project-based learning experien- National Examination score on 2015. The three
ce with e-learning, and learners must conduct in- schools as the sampled are SMPN 1 Singkawang,
vestigations and obtain the necessary information Singkawang SMPN 3, and SMPN 7 Singkawang,
to arrive at a conclusion. Project-based learning Of the three schools have one of each class by
also encourages students to share feedback and cluster random to determine which classes will be
insights with colleagues in collaborative groups, given science learning based on e-learning integ-
and then use e-Learning modern technology to rated project-based learning.
share their findings. ICT can improve learning Data collected by observation and ques-
outcomes in order to support a different sense; tionnaires of equipness of ICT literacy. Instru-
support new collaboration with online producti- ments used in this study are the development
on, computer and networking tools; supports the project-based learning made by Muskania (2015)
differentiation and diversity; and empowers stu- which has been tested for its validity and reliabili-
dents to personalize their learning process. There- ty. For the observation technique, the instrument
fore, project-based learning using ICT should be used is in the form of observation sheet. Questi-
introduced in the classroom to support learners to onnaires used to measure junior high school stu-
create their own knowledge (Soparat & Klaysom, dents of their equipness of ICT literacy.
2015). The equipness of ICT literacy data are
Soparat & Klaysom (2015) stated that ICT obtained through observation. The result scores
as a learning content project-based learning does were categorized based on the assessment by
not only support the development of main com- the 5 caparator categories (Anwar, 2002) Project
petencies of the learners. Nowadays, network, based science learning is effective for improving
computer and internet access are used more than junior high shool students’ skill of ICT literacy
just search for data, email, or chat, but should only if the equipness of ICT literacy observation
be used to support the students education and results which is converted with a likert scale that
should be focused on the content of the knowled- are in the category of good or excellent.
ge and competence.
Based on the several studies above can be RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
stated that the project-based learning that is integ-
The equipness of ICT literacy in the
rated with e-learning can give students the oppor-
schools in the category of high, medium and low
tunity to broaden their knowledge and develop
measured using observation sheets and question-
skills based on problem-solving and investigation,
naires ICT literacy. The results of the equipness
using e-learning learners can search for and share
of ICT literay observations in this research is
information more widely and depth, supports the
learners’ progress data toward ICT literacy by the
differentiation and diversity, empower learners
tasks given to the learners. The equipness of ICT
to personalize the learning process, and provides
literacy data at the high school category of the
an opportunity to learners to master information
observations are presented in Table 1.
technology (ICT) deeper so that the needs of lear-
According to table 1 the overall average of
ners in order to mastery ICT can be fullfiled.
the ICT literacy equipness aspects is 98.96 when
converted to likert scale is at very good criteria.
METHOD The ICT literacy equipness from the question-
naire results in the high category school learners
This research uses descriptive explorative are shown in table 2. The learners response to
method. Exploratory descriptive study aimed to the ICT literacy questionnaire of high category
describe the state of a phenomenon, in this study school that is at very good criteria. Therefore, it
was not intended to test a specific hypothesis but can be said that Project based science learning is
describe variable as it is, symptoms or circums- effective to equip ICT literacy learners of high
tances (Arikunto, 2002). The phenomenon desc- junior category. Table 3 shows the equip observa-
ribed in this study is the equipness of learners’ tion percentage of ICT literacy and the ICT lite-
ICT literacy in science teaching based on project- racy equipness average of learners from médium
based learning that is integrated with e-learning. school category is at very good criteria.
54 E. D. S. Eliana, Senam, I. Wilujeng, Jumadi / JPII 5 (1) (2016) 51-55

Based the average on table 4, if it is con- ject based science learning device can equip ICT
verted to likert scale, the response of the ICT li- literacy learners. Project based learning provides
teracy average at low category school is in very an opportunity for learners to broaden the kno-
good criteria. Based on table 5 the overall average wledge base and develop skills through problem
of ICT literacy equipness aspects of 98.21% is at solving and investigation. Real problems or the
very good criteria. The ICT literacy equipness of questions that arise are the core of Project based
the questionnaire results in a low category school learning. By using project based learning, we can
learners are shown in table 6. The questionnaires encourage the learners to share and get feedback
average results of ICT literacy equipness is 84.24 and insights and with e-learning integration, the
if converted with the likert scale responses is in- learners can obtain more information and can
cluded in very good criteria. share their findings widely.

Table 1. The Percentage of the ICT Literacy Tabel 4. Questionnaire Assessment about the
Equipness, the Learners’ Average in Each Stu- ICT Litercy Equipness in the Low Category
dent Aspect in the High Category School School Students
Observation Criteria ICT LiteracyScore
ICT LiteracyAspect
Percentage (%) Min 60,00
Access 93,75 Max 94,29
Managing 100,00 Rata-rata 84,24
Integrating 100,00 Deviation Standard 7,03
Evaluating 100,00
Making 100,00
Tabel 5. The Percentage of the ICT Literacy
Communicating 100,00 Equipness, the Learners’ Average in Each Stu-
Average 98,96 dent Aspect in the Low Category School
Observation Percent-
Table 2. Questionnaire Assessment about the ICT Literacy Aspect
age (%)
ICT Litercy Equipness in the High Category
School Students Access 89,24
Managing 100,00
Criteria ICT LiteracyScore
Integrating 100,00
Min 74,29
Evaluating 100,00
Max 99,05
Making 100,00
Average 88,33
Communicating 100,00
Deviation Standard 5,17
Average 98,21
Table 3. The Percentage of the ICT Literacy
Equipness, the Learners’ Average in Each Stu- Tabel 6. Questionnaire Assessment about the
dent Aspect in the Medium Category School ICT Litercy Equipness in the Low Category
School Students
ICT LiteracyAspect Criteria ICT LiteracyScore
Percentage (%)
Access 89,24 Min 60,00
Managing 100,00 Max 94,29
Integrating 100,00 Average 84,24
Evaluating 100,00 Deviation Standard 7,03
Making 100,00
Online learning can provide opportunities
Communicating 100,00 for the learners to read the material deeper, exer-
Average 98,21 cises and assignments, as well as interact directly
with teachers via chat gives further motivation
The analysis results of the ICT literacy and generate more effectively than traditional
equipness are consequence to investigators al- classroom. Kubiatko & Vaculova (2011) explains
leged. The results of this study are consistent with that in this era, project based learning will be
Muskania research (2015), the statement is a pro- connected with ICT. ICT will provide a deeper
E. D. S. Eliana, Senam, I. Wilujeng, Jumadi / JPII 5 (1) (2016) 51-55 55

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