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Manipulating Fast, and Slow.

By Dr Mary Aiken

“Today’s technology is such that the final address can be masked and camouflaged to an
extent that no one will be able to understand the origin of that address. And, vice versa,
it is possible to set up any entity or any individual that everyone will think that they
are the exact source of that attack. Modern technology is very sophisticated and subtle
and allows this to be done. And when we realize that we will get rid of all the illusions”1
President Vladimir Putin June 2017

I agree, unreservedly, attribution is highly complex the real-world may fail us – and importantly where
in cyber contexts – and therein lies the problem. investigative processes may also stall, or fail.
Illusion is interesting, pertaining to “an instance of
As a discipline, cyberpsychology focuses on the
a wrong or misinterpreted perception of sensory
impact of emerging technologies on human behav-
experience.”2 This curious word choice speaks to the
ior. Although scientifically the primary emphasis is
core of the problem space, that is, the recognition
on Internet psychology, other technologies are also
of the cyber domain as an experiential environment,
incorporated; virtual environments, artificial intel-
one whereby our human senses finely honed in

ligence, gaming, digital convergence, connected of concepts and principles relevant to the
devices and mobile technologies. Cyberpsychology influence of physical settings regardless of
is rapidly developing into an established field within how much or how little they contribute to
applied psychology and is expected to grow expo- the variance in such behaviour or experi-
nentially due to the continuous evolution of digital ence.”5
technologies, and the unprecedentedly pervasive
Proshansky tried to solve difficult environmental
and profound impact of the Internet on human
problems in the pursuit of societal well-being.
In June 2016 NATO declared Cyberspace a ‘domain
Online and offline behaviors can be very different,
of warfare’6 – acknowledging that current battles
but are nonetheless connected:
are waged not only on land, sea, and air but also on
“Claims for the independence of computer networks, and yet, this seismic declara-
cyberspace…are based on a false dichotomy tion passed almost unnoticed. This pronouncement
…physical and virtual are not opposed; represents a significant
rather the virtual complicates the physical, development, an official The field was
and vice versa.”3 acknowledgment that established to exam-
‘cyber’ is an actual place.
This interdependent relationship between the virtual
ine the relationship
NATO’s statement has
and the so-called ‘real-world’ means that we must implications regarding between psychological
now consider technology in a new way, necessitat- the psychology of an mechanisms and the
ing a conscious paradigm shift to the conceptualiza- environment created by social and physical
tion of cyberspace as an environment, as a place, as people, devices, connec-
Cyberspace. tivity and social technol-
environments in which
ogies; it also has con- humans operate.
In the 1940’s Roger Barker founder of the interdis-
sequences for society,
ciplinary field of ecological psychology argued that
raising critical questions
social settings influence behavior. The field was
concerning policy, practice and governance in Cyber-
established to examine the relationship between
space. Important policy issues must be considered,
psychological mechanisms and the social and phys-
for example; the question of territorial jurisdiction of
ical environments in which humans operate, with a
the International Criminal Court7 (ICC) over interna-
distinct emphasis on investigating human behavior
tional crimes against humanity and acts of aggres-
in its natural state. In the 1980’s environmental psy-
sion committed via the Internet. Over 120 countries
chologist Harold Proshansky4 continued to research
worldwide support the ICC from the Netherlands to
the relationship between ‘man and his physical
Cambodia, but the United States is not one of them.
setting’ arguing that;
The ICC under the Rome Statute system has called
“No corpus of knowledge about human on all countries to “join the fight against impunity”8
behavior and experience can be complete so that perpetrators of widespread, systematic
or fully meaningful without the inclusion international crimes are punished. What does an

atrocity or a systematic crime against humanity two systems that the brain uses to process informa-
look like in Cyberspace? Is there a role for the tion, an automatic alongside a slower more deliber-
ICC regarding international or indeed multinational ate mode of thinking. The two systems are active
criminal interference in national democratic process- when we are awake and are constantly interacting.
es? Could a next-generation ICC supported by the Kahneman explains System 1 as fast, intuitive and
United States fight impunity in Cyberspace? emotional, System 2 as slower, more deliberative
and more logical:
Cyberpsychologists maintain that human behavior
can fundamentally change online. A formidable ma- “System 1 runs automatically and
trix of factors such as (perceived) anonymity, esca- System 2 is normally in a comfortable
lation, online disinhibition, psychological immersion, low-effort mode, in which only a fraction
impulsivity along with ‘minimization of authority’9 of its capacity is engaged. System 1
dictate that people can act very differently online. continuously generates suggestions for
We also must consider adverse effects of global System 2: impressions, intuitions, inten-
connectivity, for example, a cyber effect10 I describe tions, and feelings. If endorsed by System
as online syndication —  the mathematics of behav- 2, impressions and intuitions turn into
ior in the digital age whereby activists, cybercrim- beliefs, and impulses turn into voluntary
inals, and extremists can find each other in few actions13”
clicks under cover of anonymity and fueled by online
Now let’s imagine an elaborate cyber behavioral
disinhibition. Now factor in “the filter bubbles, echo
persuasion, or indeed manipulation model, starting
chambers and feedback loops that distort and shape
from a point whereby sophisticated cyber actors
the information served up by search and social tech-
have harvested individual user data and created a
nologies   and can profoundly impact our perceptions
comprehensive psychological profile. Operatives
of the world… this becomes far more serious when
could then focus on a particular individual and
the information received reinforces disturbed think-
manifest System 1 like impressions, metaphorical-
ing. It’s one thing to become the subject of a filter
ly trapping the target in a series of filter bubbles,
bubble that strengthens your desire to exercise,
echo chambers and feedback loops, algorithmically
unfortunately, little thought has been given to those
reinforced by search and social technology content,
who may become trapped in negative feedback
normalized and socialized by network homophily, on
loops online, whereby distorted thinking or extreme
the principle that ‘similarity breeds connection.’14 If
beliefs may be reinforced algorithmically.”11
endorsed by System 2, orchestrated impressions
Let’s consider theoretically how behavior can and feelings may turn into beliefs, and in effect over
be gamed and manipulated online - how human time could manifest as voluntary actions - such as
judgment and decision making can be influenced voting.
and altered. Psychologist and Nobel laureate Daniel
Kahneman proposed an innovative dual-process To paraphrase Kahneman - manipulating,
theory of human decision making; he described it fast and slow.
as “Thinking, Fast and Slow12.” Kahneman depicted

Now let’s consider such an operation at scale - a “45,699 movie patrons were “subjected to
cyber-Machiavellian campaign, aided and abetted by ‘invisible advertising’ that by-passed their
machine intelligence. Undoubtedly there is a fine conscious and assertedly struck deep into
line between manipulative and persuasive technol- their subconscious.” Once every five sec-
ogies. For some, the use of the descriptor ‘manip- onds, a message was flashed throughout
ulation’ may cause offense, with its connotation of a film for 1/3000th of a second—too fast
victimology, devoid of personal agency and beliefs, to be seen by the human eye but suppos-
whereas describing the same as ‘persuasive’ edly long enough to be registered in the
technologies is arguably more empowering for the subconscious of the unsuspecting mov-
‘human endpoint.’ However, it is a moot point, as re- ie-goers. After “COCA-COLA” and “EAT
gardless of semantics, sentiment is being reinforced POPCORN” were invisibly blinked on the
and impressions are being formed. Therefore, we screen, sales of each reportedly jumped
should not dwell on the relative merits of arguing (by 18 and 58 percent, respectively),
coercion versus persuasion. Instead, we need to these results quickly becoming the talk
focus on transparency. of not just Madison Avenue but also Main
Why? Because we have been here before.
The ‘Oxford Handbook of Propaganda Studies’15 These advertisements targeted audiences at a sub-
details the infamous ‘Subliminal Advertising Experi- liminal level, at a sub-cognitive level “below think-
ment,’ describing how an offshoot of behavioral mo- ing,” that is, under human thresholds of sensation
tivation research reared its ugly head in the 1950s: or awareness. In 1958 Life magazine noted that this

form of ‘subliminal persuasion’ could be useful not Earlier this year I had the opportunity to meet
just for selling products but for social initiatives such with Congressional staff to discuss the science of
as anti-litter campaigns, and importantly in the con- behavioral manipulation online. While I have the
text of this article, for promoting political candidates. utmost respect and
admiration for the House Republicans
In an era characterized by the ‘Red Scare,’ the
McCarthy hearings, and the Cold War between the
dedicated and ex- disagreed that Russia
haustive nature of the
Soviet Union and the United States the pervasive investigation, I cannot
sought to boost the
fear was that Madison Avenue “ad-men” could use help but observe that then Republican
mass propaganda to make people buy things they the parameters may candidate Trump.
did not desire or need, or worse still, elect Soviet have been somewhat
sympathizers into office. restrictive, arguably
And so, here we are in 2018. A few weeks ago, the limited by an explicit focus on Russian involvement.
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence completed Perhaps a broader investigative remit may have had
its review regarding “Assessing Russian Activities greater exploratory and therefore explanatory value.
and Intentions in Recent US Elections.”16 Reporting My concern is that many of the subtle nuances of
that “The leaders of the U.S. Senate Intelligence the contemporary ‘art of cyber war’ may be lost in
Committee… agreed with intelligence agencies’ restrictive framing, for example:
assessment that Moscow sought to interfere with
• Creation of context in the cyber ecosystem;
the 2016 U.S. election to boost Donald Trump’s
prospects of becoming president17” House Republi- • Environmental psychology of human behavior in
cans disagreed that Russia sought to boost the then cyberspace;
Republican candidate Trump. Notably, Russia has
denied interfering in the US election.

• Impact of subliminal algorithmic persuasive and nterestingly there was reportedly little or no inter-
manipulative technologies; ference Russian or otherwise in the 2017 German
elections. A key differentiator may have been that
• Uncertain role of social technology enterprises – Germans primarily trust mainstream and traditional
enablers, facilitators or bystanders; news media sources, and unlike the British, French,
Americans and Mexicans they tend to be very wary
• Continuously evolving strategic and networked
global alliances; of information disseminated on social technology
platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter.
• Ongoing development of capabilities particularly This seems to have made a difference. According
in artificial intelligence; to Sandro Gaycken, Director of the Berlin Digital
Society Institute, which at the time was monitoring
• Increasingly sophisticated technology-mediated
for Russian interference, they were “almost disap-
interaction between candidates, campaigners,
pointed that nothing is happening…We don’t see
political consultancy services, data brokers,
any verified attacks…We’re not really expecting any
threat actors, hacktivists, nation-states and
Russian interference.” 21
organized cybercriminals, the latter appropriately
described by Europol as brokers of ‘crime as a The threat of Russian and Chinese interference
service’ (CaaS) online18. loomed over Mexico’s 2018 presidential election
where over 3,400 elected positions at local, state
Potentially, all of this, and so much more may be
and federal levels were at stake. However, evi-
‘lost in investigation.’
dence of external interference seems to be incon-
Allegations of election interference are not confined clusive, particularly regarding the use of bots, fake
to the US; the phenomenon is now global. 2016 was and automated social technology accounts. Ben
the year of the United Kingdom-European Union Nimmo, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Dig-
membership referendum, also known as “Brexit.” ital Forensics Research Lab stated that “There’s no
A recent report by the US Senate foreign relations evidence to suggest that the political bots we found
committee, titled “Putin’s Asymmetric Assault on were based outside of Mexico,” he highlighted that
Democracy in Russia and Europe: Implications for “Absence of proof does not equal proof of absence,
US National Security” maintains that Russia at- but so far, there’s no reason to suggest state-run
tempted to influence the Brexit vote.19 In May 2017, efforts.”22
French voters were warned not to let fake news
The Mexican election witnessed a surge in web
influence their vote in the then high-stakes presi-
advertising and Internet campaigning; presidential
dential election following a ‘massive hacking attack’
candidates declared 159 million pesos ($7.8 million)
on frontrunner Emmanuel Macron’s campaign. The
were spent on online ads. Importantly, the election
hacked documents, which were disseminated on
was characterized by allegations of foul play, for-
social media by groups such as WikiLeaks, were
eign interference, and accusations of social-media
dismissed by Macron’s team as an attempt at “dem-
coercion, bogus accounts, bots, paid influencers,
ocratic destabilization, like that seen during the last
trolls, online attacks and fake news. Reports sug-
presidential campaign in the United States.”20

gest that Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador spent the dissent manifesting in
least of the four presidential candidates on ‘online the form of a coerced Weaker state actors
propaganda.’ In March of this year, according to the and often misinformed jockey for position,
Mexico News Daily analysts estimated that bots or public that may ulti- trying to become
influencers were creating some 18% of Mexican mately be considered
Twitter content23 However, it seems that rather than as an insider threat
stronger and seeking
utilizing bots or paid influencers, Obrador’s team set on an unprecedented power status.
about organizing a network of some 400,000 vol- national scale.
unteers, described as ‘amplifiers,’ and tasked them
It costs a lot of money and resources to become a
with disseminating campaign content.24 On Sunday
superpower in the physical-world – in Cyberspace,
the 1st of July Lopez Obrador was elected President
all it takes is a handful of brilliant computer scien-
of Mexico in a landslide victory, it would appear that a
tists and a lot of computing power. However, let’s
human-centered approach and attempting to ‘play fair’
not forget that “it’s complicated” on the cyber
in Cyberspace resulted in real-world electoral success.
frontier. The elephants in the cyber room – China
It is useful to consider the relationship between and Russia – are consistently named and shamed in
online political campaigning and significant national an exercise that often resonates with ‘round up the
threats. Governments are becoming increasingly usual suspects.’ While weaker state actors jockey
aware of the prevalence of PsyOps (psychological for position, trying to become stronger and seeking
operations) or in the digital sphere, ‘CyberPsy Ops.’ power status, non-state actors pursue their idealis-
That is, what can only be described as socially tic goals, and technology enterprises operate under
engineered attacks on a national scale attempting to the radar with little thought given to their potential
manipulate mass populations into acting – attempt- aspirations of statehood.
ing to interfere with democratic process whether
The military successfully navigates threat land-
it’s the US Election, the UK, France, Germany or
scapes informed by situational awareness - the
the recent Mexican election. As Professor Sir David
challenge for many countries is to develop situation-
Omand25 has noted “just as criminals can exploit
al awareness in Cyberspace, or increasingly face
cyberspace to conduct both cyber-assisted and
situations where intent is obfuscated, attribution is
cyber-enabled crime, so nation states and non-state
difficult and hybrid threats progressively undermine
groups can use the capabilities of the Internet both
national security.26
to disseminate their narratives and world-views
directly and to exploit the unique characteristics of There are very few people worldwide who are
the digital space to coordinate and mount covert experts in cyberpsychological operations, most of
influence operations and ‘active measures’” them probably work in international cyber war labs,
or in private enterprise – some of us are ethical
In terms of behavioral manipulation online subver-
‘white hats’ operating in this space. There is a lack
sion can be defined as external interference in a
of focus on, and a paucity of solutions to evolving
nation’s affairs, arguably being carried out by foreign
hybrid threats, therefore we need to “get rid of all
state and threat actors who are gaming processes
the illusions”27 and recognize the nature and scale
remotely. Sedition can be conceptualized as internal
of the problem; we need to understand the inher-

ent cyber vulnerability of our societies in physical between humans and technology. The task for
and human terms; we need to invest in training and cyberpsychology is to continue to build up a body of
upskilling of detection, intervention, and defense literature on how humans experience cyberspace,
personnel; and we need to develop sophisticated the scope for research is infinite, from the gaming
machine intelligence solutions that can cope with of the homophily principle, to how filter bubbles
the volume, variety, velocity and veracity of these may be destroying democracy. The scope for insight
threats to national security, and to democracy. is immeasurable.

The Internet has been conceptualized as an ‘infra- The critical task in forensic cyberpsychology is
structure’– similar to a motorway or a railroad – the to scientifically focus on how threat actors, na-
Net may be many things, but it is not merely an tion-state or otherwise, undertake secret influence
infrastructure. The unprecedented connectedness operations and conduct active measures in cyber
offered by the Internet means that it has an ines- environments. To date efforts have concentrated
capable and profound effect on humankind - on the on finding technological solutions, arguably without
individual, and on the group. Therefore, there is an due consideration of how human behavior devel-
urgent need for a new scientific approach, regarding ops, presents, mutates, amplifies and accelerates
research, analysis and insights concerning human in cyber domains or understanding of the interde-
behavior mediated by technology. When it comes to pendent relationship between Cyberspace and the
the Internet, and particularly problematic behaviors real-world, and without in-depth examination of how
online – we need academic first responders28. We machine intelligence may affect human behavior in
need experts who can illuminate that intersection this ecosystem.

“Locards Exchange Principle”29 dictates that every but most of all for the preservation of democratic
contact leaves a trace – this is also true online, process.
however, as discussed, verification and attribution
Let’s not forget that freedom of speech, is depen-
are problematic. We understand the premise of
dent on freedom of thought – do we want to allow
real-world staging of a crime scene, the planting or
opportunistic forms of systematic subliminal cyber
manipulation of physical evidence – for example, a
manipulation, fast and slow to thrive? These ‘dark
bloodied glove placed at a crime scene. However,
tools’ provide a modus operandi for those who seek
little thought is given to the potential to stage a cy-
to polarize opinion, and disrupt the status quo, mo-
bercrime scene – a phenomenon I describe as cyber
tives range from individuals with a hacktivism belief
staging30. Focusing all our investigative efforts on
system to what Madeline Albright has described as
Russian interference in the US, or even the recent
the rise of fascism33. To sustain free and fair elec-
Mexican election may be restrictive and myopic,
tions we must demand transparency in the new
particularly when evidence can be cyber-staged. Of
environment of Cyberspace.
course, paid advertisements placed by the Internet
Research Agency (IRA) a notorious Russian “troll” My forensic observation is that when an analyst
farm31 could be a trail of evidence, or equally they finds a Russian bot, a paid advertisement, or traffic
could be a digital red herring, an exemplification of purportedly from China the question of cyber stag-
a former superpower leveraging an opportunity in ing must be considered. Ultimately interference in
Cyberspace to write themselves into the narrative – elections whether in Europe, North or South Amer-
to put Russia into play. ica cannot merely focus on ‘Reds under the Algo-
rithm.’ In an ever-increasing mountain of big data, it
At this point, I worry less about who did it, and
would appear we cannot see the forest for the trees
more about the fact that it can happen – my focus
– but then sometimes it’s not that complicated.
is on human vulnerability mediated by the Internet,
the Achilles heel of a voting process. Solutions lie in The answers and solutions are there, logical and
an ethical approach, in transparency; in tackling the apparent.
scourge of misinformation and disinformation, but
mostly answers lie in addressing one of the ‘sacred Hidden in plain sight.
cows’ of the Internet - anonymity. Let’s imagine a
Cyberspace where fake news and phony social me-
dia accounts are eradicated, a space free of anony-
mous trolls and malicious bots, a domain liberated
from operatives conducting covert active measures.

We need to debate the introduction of nonymous32

protocols in the environment of Cyberspace to
counter the often-toxic effects of anonymity – the
superhuman cloak of invisibility that comes with
great power, but is consistently abused online. We
need to discuss this, for ourselves, for our societ-
ies, for our new frontier, and for the greater good,

1 Middle East Media Research Institute. "St. Petersburg International Economic Forum Plenary Meeting." MEMRI. June 11, 2017.
Accessed July 18, 2018. https://www.memri.org/reports/st-petersburg-international-economic-forum-plenary-meeting.

2 "Illusion | Definition of Illusion in English by Oxford Dictionaries." Oxford Dictionaries | English. Accessed July 18, 2018. https://

3 Slane, Andrea. "Democracy, Social Space, and the Internet." African Studies Review. January 25, 2007. Accessed July 18, 2018. https://

4 Proshansky, H. M. (1987). "The field of environmental psychology: securing its future." In Handbook of Environmental Psychology,
eds. D. Stokols and I. Altman. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

5 Proshansky, Harold M. "Theoretical Issues in Environmental Psychology." The Effects of Poverty on Children on JSTOR. August 01,
1974. Accessed July 18, 2018. https://www.jstor.org/stable/1084002?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents.

6 Barnes, Julian E. "NATO Recognizes Cyberspace as New Frontier in Defense." The Wall Street Journal. June 14, 2016. Accessed July 18,
2018. https://www.wsj.com/articles/nato-to-recognize-cyberspace-as-new-frontier-in-defense-1465908566.

7 ICC-CPI. ""This Cause ... Is the Cause of All Humanity"." International Criminal Court. Accessed July 18, 2018. https://www.icc-

8 ICC-CPI. ""This Cause ... Is the Cause of All Humanity"." International Criminal Court. Accessed July 18, 2018. https://www.icc-

9 Suler, John. "The Online Disinhibition Effect." Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. July 27, 2004. Accessed July 18, 2018. https://

10 Aiken, Mary. "The Cyber Effect." CyberPsychologist-Speaker-Author. August 2016. Accessed July 18, 2018. http://

11 Aiken, Mary. "Mass Killing and Technology: The Hidden Links." Wilson Center. May 01, 2018. Accessed July 18, 2018. https://

12 Kahneman, Daniel. Thinking, Fast and Slow. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2015.
13 ibid

14 McPherson, Miller. "Birds of a Feather: Homophily in Social Networks." The Prescription Opioid and Heroin Crisis: A Public Health
Approach to an Epidemic of Addiction | Annual Review of Public Health. August 2001. Accessed July 18, 2018. https://

15 Auerbach, Jonathan, and Russ Castronovo. The Oxford Handbook of Propaganda Studies. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.

16 "Senate Intel Completes Review of Intelligence Community Assessment on Russian Activities in the 2016 U.S. Elections | U.S.
Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina." Issues | U.S. Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina. May 16, 2018. Accessed July 18, 2018.

17 Zengerle, Patricia. "Key Senators: 'no Doubt' Russia Sought to Interfere in U.S. Election." Reuters. May 17, 2018. Accessed July 18,
2018. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-committee/key-u-s-senators-no-doubt-russia-sought-to-interfere-in-u-s-

18 Wainwright, Rob. "IOCTA 2015." Europol. 2015. Accessed July 18, 2018. https://www.europol.europa.eu/iocta/2015/exec-

19 Wintour, Patrick. "Russian Bid to Influence Brexit Vote Detailed in New US Senate Report." The Guardian. January 10, 2018.
Accessed July 18, 2018. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jan/10/russian-influence-brexit-vote-detailed-us-senate-report

20 Mulholland, Rory. "French Election: Voters Warned Not to Be Swayed by Fake News after 'massive Hacking Attack' on Emmanuel
Macron's Campaign." The Telegraph. May 06, 2017. Accessed July 18, 2018. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/05/06/watchdog-

21 Schwirtz, Michael. "German Election Mystery: Why No Russian Meddling?" The New York Times. September 22, 2017. Accessed
July 18, 2018. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/21/world/europe/german-election-russia.html.

22 Woody, Christopher. "A Mexican Presidential Campaign Blamed Russia and China for a Cyberattack, but a Bigger Online Threat Is
Closer to Home." Business Insider. June 18, 2018. Accessed July 18, 2018. http://www.businessinsider.com/russian-bots-are-accused-

23 "Trolls, Bots and Fake News Are Campaign Tools in Presidential Election." Mexico News Daily. March 23, 2018. Accessed July 18,
2018. https://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/trolls-bots-fake-news-are-campaign-tools/.

24 Naishadham, Suman. "Mexico Presidential Campaigns Ramp up Spend on Online Ads." Reuters. June 22, 2018. Accessed July 18,
2018. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-election-spending/mexico-presidential-campaigns-ramp-up-spend-on-online-ads-

25 Omand, David. "The Threats from Modern Digital Subversion and Sedition." Taylor & Francis. March 8, 2018. Accessed July 18,
2018. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/23738871.2018.1448097.

26 Batyuk, Vladimir. "The US Concept and Practice of Hybrid Warfare." Taylor & Francis. August 21, 2017. Accessed July 18, 2018.

27 Middle East Media Research Institute. "St. Petersburg International Economic Forum Plenary Meeting." MEMRI. June 11, 2017.
Accessed July 18, 2018. https://www.memri.org/reports/st-petersburg-international-economic-forum-plenary-meeting.

28 Aiken, Mary. "The Cyber Effect." CyberPsychologist-Speaker-Author. August 2016. Accessed July 18, 2018. http://

29 "Locard's Exchange Principle - Forensic Handbook." Forensic Handbook. May 08, 2013. Accessed July 18, 2018. https://

30 "The Bar Review." The Bar of Ireland. April 2018. Accessed July 18, 2018. https://www.lawlibrary.ie/News/

31 "Exposing Russia's Effort to Sow Discord Online: The Internet Research Agency and Advertisements." The Permanent Select
Committee On Intelligence Democratic Office. February 16, 2018. Accessed July 18, 2018. https://democrats-intelligence.house.gov/

32 "The Rice University Neologisms Database." Neologisms. December 8, 2010. Accessed July 18, 2018. https://neologisms.rice.edu/

33 Caryl, Christian. "Review | Is the United States Really on the Road to Fascism?" The Washington Post. April 13, 2018. Accessed July
18, 2018. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/is-the-united-states-really-on-the-road-to-

The opinions expressed in this article are those Dr. Mary Aiken
solely of the author. Cyberpsychologist and Author of
‘The Cyber Effect’

Global Fellow, Digital Futures Proj-

ect, The Wilson Center.

Adjunct Associate Professor, Geary Institute for

Public Policy, University College Dublin. Academic
Advisor to the European Cyber Crime Centre (EC3)
at Europol


The Wilson Center


Digital Futures Program Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

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1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20004-3027

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