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Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 February 01.
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Published in final edited form as:

Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 February ; 13(2): 369–376.e3. doi:10.1016/j.cgh.2014.07.054.

Clinical and Histological Features of Azithromycin-Induced Liver

Melissa A. Martinez1, Raj Vuppalanchi1, Robert J. Fontana2, Andrew Stolz3, David E.
Kleiner4, Paul H. Hayashi5, Jiezhun Gu6, Jay H. Hoofnagle7, and Naga Chalasani1
1Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
2University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Author Manuscript

3University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

4Laboratory of Pathology, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD
5University of North Carolina At Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
6Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC
7Liver Disease Research Branch, NIDDK, NIH, Bethesda, MD


© 2014 The American Gastroenterological Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Author Manuscript

Author for Correspondence, Naga Chalasani, MD, FACG, David W. Crabb Professor & Director, Division of Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, Indiana University School of Medicine, 1050 Wishard Boulevard, RG 4100, Indianapolis, IN 46202, Tel (317) 278-0414,
Fax (317) 278-1949, nchalasa@iu.edu.
Publisher's Disclaimer: This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our
customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of
the resulting proof before it is published in its final citable form. Please note that during the production process errors may be
discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.
Dr. Martinez: No potential conflicts to declare
Dr. Vuppalanchi: Received compensation for consulting related to drug hepatotoxicity from BMS and served on the Speaker’s
Bureau for Gilead. Received grant support from Intercept and Lumena Pharmaceuticals.
Dr. Fontana: Received grant support from Gilead and Vertex and served as a paid consultant to Tibotec, Merck and GSK.
Dr. Stolz: No potential conflicts to declare
Dr. Kleiner: No potential conflicts to declare
Dr. Hayashi: No potential conflicts to declare
Dr. Gu: No potential conflicts to declare
Dr. Hoofnagle: No potential conflicts to declare
Author Manuscript

Dr. Chalasani: Served as a paid consultant to Abbvie, Salix, BMS, Aegerion, Lilly, Nimbus and Merck in the past 12 months.
Received grant support from Intercept, Cumberland, Gilead, Takeda and Enterome.
Writing Assistance
Author Contributions
Study concept and design: M.M, R.V., N.C., J.H.F.
Acquisition of data: M.M., R.V.
Analysis and interpretation of data: R.V., N.C.
Drafting the manuscript: R.V., N.C.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: N.C., A.S., P.H.H., D.E.K., R.J.F., J.H.F.
Statistical analysis: J.G.
Obtained funding: N.C.
Administrative, technical, or material support: N.C., J.G..
Study supervision: N.C., R.V.
Martinez et al. Page 2

Background & Aims—Rare cases of azithromycin-induced hepatotoxicity have been reported,

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with variable clinical and histological features. We characterized clinical features and outcomes of
azithromycin-induced liver injury.

Methods—We identified patients with azithromycin-induced liver injury from the Drug-Induced
Liver Injury Network Prospective Study who had causality scores of definite, highly likely, or
probable. Demographic, clinical, and laboratory data and 6-month outcomes were examined.

Results—Eighteen patients (72% female; mean age, 37 years) had causality scores of definite
(n=1), highly likely (n=9), or probable (n=8). Common presenting symptoms were jaundice,
abdominal pain, nausea, and/or pruritus. For 16 patients, abnormal results from liver tests were
first detected 14 days after azithromycin cessation (range, 9–20 days). The median duration of
azithromycin treatment was 4 days (range, 2–7 days). The pattern of injury was hepatocellular in
10 patients, cholestatic in 6 patients, and mixed in 2 patients. The mean peak level of alanine
aminotransferase was 2127 IU/L, of alkaline phosphatase was 481 IU/L, and of total bilirubin was
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9.2 mg/dL. Liver histology showed ductopenia and veno-occlusive changes in a few cases. Two
individuals had severe hypersensitivity cutaneous reactions. After 6 months, 8 patients had
recovered, 4 had chronic injury, 1 died, and 1 underwent liver transplantation (outcomes were
unavailable for 4 patients). Two of the patients with fatal or liver transplantation outcomes had
preexisting chronic liver disease.

Conclusions—Azithromycin-induced liver injury occurs within 1–3 weeks after azithromycin

initiation and is predominantly hepatocellular in nature. Although most patients recover fully,
severe cutaneous reactions, chronic injury, and serious complications leading to death or liver
transplantation can occur (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier, NCT00345930).

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DILI; antibiotic; liver toxicity; macrolide

Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is an important cause of liver disease in the United States,
accounting for 1–2% of hospital admissions and 13% of cases of acute liver failure.1, 2
Hepatotoxicity is one of the most common black-box warnings placed on medications and is
a major cause for failure to receive initial regulatory approval or withdrawal following the
initial approval. 3, 4 Although numerous therapeutic classes of agents can cause idiosyncratic
DILI, antimicrobials are the most common class of drugs implicated and account for 45% of
cases in the United States.5 The frequency of serious antibiotic-induced hepatotoxicity is
low when compared to the very large number of prescriptions written each year, but
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population-based estimates suggest that it occurs at a frequency of 1 to 10 per 100,000 drug

prescriptions.6–8 Among antibiotics, the macrolides (erythromycin, azithromycin and
clarithromycin) are some of the most commonly used. Their potential for hepatotoxicity was
initially recognized in animals9 and was later well documented in humans based upon
reactions to various erythromycin derivatives.10, 11

Azithromycin, a semisynthetic macrolide derived from erythromycin approved in 1994, is a

potent and generally well tolerated oral antibiotic and recently became the most frequently

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prescribed antibiotic in the United States.12 Cytotoxic assays performed during drug
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development revealed minimal intrinsic hepatotoxicity.13 Large clinical trials using

azithromycin reported acute, transient, asymptomatic increases in serum aminotransferase
levels in 1–2% of patients but similar rates were also found in comparator arms.14 Rarely,
clinically apparent liver injury from azithromycin has been reported, but only as isolated
case reports.10, 15, 16 The injury appeared to be idiosyncratic with variable clinical
presentations, usually cholestatic and often with immunoallergic features.15–20 No common
clinical phenotype or signature pattern of liver injury could be identified from these single
case reports.

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) established
the Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network (DILIN) in 2003 with the primary objective to
investigate the causative agents, clinical features, pathogenesis, causality assessment and
outcomes of DILI in the United States.21 The ongoing DILIN Prospective Study enrolls
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eligible individuals with suspected DILI due to drugs or dietary supplements other than
acetaminophen at multiple academic institutions throughout the United States.5, 22 In this
report, we characterize the clinical and histological features and outcomes of acute liver
injury due to azithromycin in a sizable number of individuals with high causality scores.

The study design of the DILIN prospective study has been described in previous
publications and some cases included in this report have been included in previous
reports.22, 23 Individuals meeting pre-specified eligibility criteria undergo an evaluation for
competing etiologies in a structured fashion.22 The study protocol requires a follow-up visit
at 6 months after the initial enrollment, and individuals meeting definition of chronic DILI
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are asked also to return for visits at 12 and 24 months.22 The overall diagnosis of DILI and
the causal relationship between the implicated agent(s) and the liver injury event are
adjudicated by the DILIN Causality Committee in a systematic fashion using expert
consensus.22, 24 The strength of causal association between the implicated agent(s) and the
liver injury event is graded as definite, highly likely, probable, possible and unlikely.22 A
DILIN severity score is assigned for each case that ranges from 1 (mild as defined by serum
enzyme elevations with bilirubin <2.5 mg/dL and INR <1.5), 2 (moderate, serum enzyme
elevations and bilirubin ≥2.5 mg/dL or INR ≥1.5), 3 (moderate-hospitalized, serum enzyme
elevations, bilirubin ≥2.5 mg/dL or INR ≥1.5 and hospitalization for liver injury), 4 (severe,
bilirubin ≥2.5 mg/dL and signs of hepatic failure such as INR ≥1.5, ascites or hepatic
encephalopathy), and 5 (liver transplantation within 6 months of onset or death due to liver
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This current analysis included all patients with liver injury attributed to azithromycin who
were enrolled between September 2004 and May 2013 assigned a causality score of definite,
highly likely or probable (Figure 1). Demographic, clinical history and laboratory results
were abstracted, and each case was individually analyzed by one of the authors (MM, RV,
NC) with attention to latency, clinical presentation, severity, time course, progression to
chronicity, need for transplant, and liver-related death. The pattern of liver injury was
categorized on the basis of the R-value ([ALT value/ ULN ALT] / [Alk P value/ULN Alk

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P]) at presentation, with R > 5 defined as hepatocellular, R < 2 as cholestatic, and 2< R <5
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as mixed.5 All co-authors had access to the study data and had reviewed and approved the
final manuscript.

Statistical Analysis
The data analyses were performed by the Duke Clinical Research Institute, the data
coordinating center of the DILIN. SAS v 9.2 was used to aid all analyses. Continuous
variables were summarized with mean and standard deviation or median and interquartile
range (IQR, 25th–75th). Categorical data were expressed as counts and proportions.
Comparison between the hepatocellular and cholestatic groups was made using non-
parametric Mann-Whitney test.

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Patient Characteristics (Figure 1)

Eighteen individuals with definite (n=1), highly likely (n=9) and probable (n=8) DILI
constituted the study cohort. While azithromycin was the only implicated agent in 13 cases,
there was another implicated agent with a “possible” causality score in the remaining 5 cases
(trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in two, MRC-6 (a body building supplement) and oral
contraceptives in one and, trimethoprim and ibuprofen in one case each). As a result, the
causality score specific for azithromycin as the etiology of liver injury was definite in 1,
highly likely in 7 and probable in 10 individuals.

The mean patient age for the group was 37 years with a range of 1.7 to 76 years (Table 1),
14 were adults and 4 were children (ages 1.7, 8, 11, and 14 years at onset of DILI). The
majority were female (n=13, 72%) and non-Hispanic white (n=15, 83%), and the average
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body mass index was 25.2 kg/m2 (range 13 to 42 kg/m2). Alcohol consumption around the
time of onset of liver injury was present in 6 patients with one patient drinking daily. Five
patients had pre-existing liver conditions including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in two
and one each with alcohol-related liver disease, chronic graft-vs-host disease with secondary
iron overload, or biliary atresia (Table 2). Of note, 6 subjects reported previous exposure to
azithromycin (Table 2). The latency between starting azithromycin and onset of DILI was
not different among these individuals as compared to 12 subjects who did not report prior
exposure to azithromycin. All patients tested negative for acute hepatitis A, B and C. IgG
antibody to hepatitis E virus (anti-HEV) was tested in 14 patients and Ig M anti-HEV in 5
patients and were negative in all.

Clinical presentation and Type of Liver Injury

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All patients were symptomatic at presentation and the most common presenting symptoms
were jaundice (89%), abdominal pain (67%), nausea (61%) and pruritus (56%). The mean
duration of azithromycin use was 4 days (2–7). The median time to onset of symptoms after
initiating azithromycin was 17 days (IQR: 1–58 days) and the median duration from
azithromycin initiation to identification of laboratory abnormalities indicative of DILI was
21 days (IQR: 2–65 days). In 16 patients, liver test abnormalities were first identified after
stopping azithromycin, with a median delay of 14 days (IQR: 9–20 days). Overall, at

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enrollment, hepatocellular pattern of liver injury [R > 5] was more frequent (56%) than
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cholestatic (33%) or mixed pattern (11%).

A summary of the age, gender, pattern of liver injury, peak laboratory values, DILIN
causality and severity scores and 6-month outcome of all 18 cases is shown in Table 2.
There was no obvious clustering of severity or other clinical characteristics according to age
or gender.

The comparison among hepatocellular, cholestatic and mixed cases showed no differences
with respect to latency, total dose, age, gender, body mass index, alcohol use or symptoms.
However, there were some differences with respect to presence of autoantibodies, severity
and outcome. Patients with hepatocellular injury were more likely to have a positive ANA or
ASMA than those with cholestatic or mixed hepatitis (50% vs. 0%), and were more likely to
have a fatal outcome or require transplantation (20% vs. 0%) and evidence of chronic injury
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6 months after onset (30% vs. 17%). Features such as rash, fever and eosinophilia occurred
in both groups at similar rates.

Two patients developed a severe cutaneous reaction, one with Stevens Johnson syndrome
(SJS) (Patient 3) and one with toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) (Patient 6). Both were
young (ages 11 and 20 years old), female, and had an initial hepatocellular pattern of liver
injury (R-values 8.0 and 7.2), which subsequently evolved into a cholestatic pattern (R-value
1.0 and 1.3). Both patients had evidence of chronic injury at 6-month follow up, and the
child with SJS, whose liver injury was improving, died of respiratory failure 9 months after
initial presentation, which developed as part of her multisystem adverse drug reaction.

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Liver biopsies were performed in 8 individuals during the liver injury event at a median
duration of 15 days (range: 2 – 497 days) after DILI onset (explant liver sample was also
available in one patient). Three cases showed hepatitis (one with mild acute hepatitis, one
with severe acute on chronic hepatitis and one with moderate chronic hepatitis) without
evidence of visible cholestasis. Three cases showed cholestasis with variable degrees of
inflammation: two were classified as acute cholestasis and one as cholestatic hepatitis. Of
the two remaining cases, one showed zone-3 necrosis with veno-occlusive changes and one
biopsy showed complex findings including marked hemosiderosis and nodular regenerative
hyperplasia probably related to prior bone marrow transplant. Two cases showed striking
ductopenia (less than 25% of portal areas with ducts)—one case with acute cholestasis and a
second case on a follow-up biopsy of the patient with acute hepatitis on the initial biopsy
(Figure 2A and B). Veno-occlusive changes and/or central venulitis were seen in three cases,
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which is unusually frequent for DILI (Figure 2C and D). For example, in a previous report,
we observed veno-occlusive changes in only 4.2% of 249 cases of suspected DILI 25. Three
cases showed increased numbers of intrahepatic eosinophils and none showed increased
numbers of plasma cells. The explant showed massive hepatocellular necrosis with
extensive ductular reaction and only mild residual inflammation. Veno-occlusive changes
were present but may have been secondary to the hepatocellular injury. A follow-up liver
biopsy was obtained in 3 patients - one, as noted above, showed ductopenia on a biopsy
taken about 9 months after the first biopsy, the second showed persistence of chronic

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hepatitis more than a year later, and the third follow-up biopsy was obtained 10 days after
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the initial biopsy and both biopsies showed zonal necrosis and veno-occlusive changes.

Six month follow up was available for 14 patients of whom 8 recovered from the liver
injury, 4 had evidence of chronic injury, one died of multi-organ failure and one underwent
liver transplantation (Table 2). In those who recovered, the resolution was usually prompt
and evident within 2–5 weeks (Table 1). The median time for 50% reduction of peak serum
total bilirubin was 12 days (8–27) days and median time for its normalization was 35 days

Four patients (patients 1, 3, 6, and 11) met the definition of chronic DILI at 6 months after
onset. Both individuals with severe cutaneous reactions developed chronic DILI. Three of
them had hepatocellular injury and jaundice initially. At 6 months, all three had normal
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bilirubin levels but still had mild to moderate elevations in serum ALT or Alk P levels.

The two individuals with a fatal/liver transplant outcome within 6 months after DILI onset
were elderly, had pre-existing chronic liver disease and presented with jaundice and a
hepatocellular pattern of liver injury. In the first case (patient 15), a 60 year old woman with
underlying nonalcoholic steatohepatitis was treated with azithromycin for three days for a
respiratory tract infection and developed fatigue, anorexia, pain and nausea 4 days later,
followed by jaundice and worsening of mental status. At presentation, serum bilirubin was
13.8 mg/dL, ALT 1579 IU/L and Alk P 142 IU/L with an INR of 2.6. Because of
progressive hepatic failure, she underwent liver transplantation one month after initial
presentation. The second fatal case was a 76 year old man (patient 18) with history of daily
alcohol abuse and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who was treated with a four day
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course of azithromycin for acute bronchitis and developed nausea followed by jaundice one
week later with initial serum bilirubin 7.2 mg/dL, ALT 8787 IU/L and Alk P 130 IU/L.
Imaging of the liver showed a small liver with heterogeneous texture. He died one week
later of multi-organ failure.

Azithromycin is a semisynthetic macrolide antibiotic widely used in the treatment of mild to
moderate sinopulmonary infections. Its popularity rests on its broad spectrum of activity,
rapid oral absorption, once daily administration, tissue penetration and excellent tolerability.
A typical regimen is 250 to 500 mg given once daily for 4 to 7 days. Liver injury has been
reported in patients taking azithromycin but only rarely, and the published literature is
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confined to isolated case reports. The reported typical pattern of injury was cholestatic and
the clinical course was usually benign, resembling reports of liver injury from erythromycin.
Only rare published cases have been severe, fatal or resulted in chronic liver injury.15, 18, 26

The current study describes the clinical presentation, course and outcome of 18 cases of
clinically apparent liver injury, prospectively identified and adjudicated as probably, highly
likely or definitely due to azithromycin. While cases with hepatocellular injury outnumbered
those with cholestatic pattern, in many regards the clinical pattern matched what has been

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reported from isolated case reports in the literature. Importantly, the latency to onset is 1–3
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weeks, and in 16 patients it was recognized two weeks after stopping azithromycin. Typical
symptoms were fatigue, nausea, and abdominal pain followed by itching and jaundice. The
onset of symptoms typically occurred after the course of azithromycin had been completed
with only 2 of the 18 individuals developing jaundice while taking azithromycin. In
addition, recovery was usually prompt, averaging 2 to 5 weeks and usually followed by
complete resolution with completely normal serum enzymes and no symptoms or signs of
persistent liver disease.

However, there were three major exceptions to the usual benign outcome of azithromycin
induced liver injury. These outcomes took three forms: (1) severe hypersensitivity related
cutaneous reactions with accompanying liver injury, (2) evolution into chronic cholestatic
liver injury with vanishing bile duct syndrome, and (3) acute liver failure.
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Two young women developed severe cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions following short
courses of azithromycin, one fulfilling the criteria for Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and
one as the more severe but related syndrome of toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). These
dramatic syndromes have been reported with several medications, but most typically
allopurinol, carbamazepine, lamotrigine, nevirapine, phenytoin, and phenobarbital.27–29
These severe skin reactions have also been linked to macrolides (erythromycin,
azithromycin and clarithromycin) but at a much lower frequency.27, 29–31 The rash generally
arises within 1 to 28 days of starting therapy and is followed by involvement of other
organs, such as liver, lung, kidney or bone marrow.28 The liver injury associated with SJS
and TEN is usually mild and overshadowed by the cutaneous manifestations. However, the
liver involvement can be severe and in both of the current cases, evidence of chronic injury
was present. One patient died, although not from liver injury. Thus, azithromycin should be
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considered as a potential cause of SJS or TEN.

Another uncommon outcome of azithromycin induced liver injury is chronic, vanishing bile
duct syndrome, which typically arises after an episode of severe acute cholestatic injury.18
After the acute symptoms begin to resolve, jaundice and pruritus worsen and persist. Liver
biopsy typically shows marked cholestasis and relative paucity of intralobular bile ducts
(ductopenia). The prognosis is variable; some patients ultimately recover with resolution of
jaundice and symptoms, although frequently with persistence of mild serum enzyme
elevations and liver biopsy findings of relative ductopenia. Other patients with vanishing
bile duct syndrome develop severe ductopenia and biliary cirrhosis, and ultimately require
liver transplantation because of intractable pruritus, jaundice and hepatic dysfunction.32

The most ominous outcome of azithromycin induced liver injury is acute liver failure which
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seems to occur very infrequently.2, 33 For example, Mindikoglu et al., in their analysis of
liver transplantation procedures performed for drug-induced acute liver failure in the United
States did not find any instances of azithromycin induced ALF which required liver
transplantation.33 In a recent report from the United States Acute Liver Failure Study Group,
Reuben et al., described one patient who developed ALF due to a combination of
trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and azithromycin.2 In the current case series, two patients
developed acute liver failure with one dying and another requiring liver transplantation

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yielding an overall severe adverse event rate of 11%. Both of these patients presented with
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hepatocellular liver injury and jaundice, befitting of “Hy’s Law”, which states that the
mortality rate of drug-induced liver injury with a hepatocellular pattern and jaundice is
likely to be greater than 10%. Indeed, in the current series, 10 patients fit the criteria for
Hy’s Law yielding a mortality/transplant rate of 20%. On the other hand, the two patients
with severe adverse events (one liver transplantation, one death), had underlying, pre-
existing liver disease (one was alcoholic and one had nonalcoholic steatohepatitis). Both
patients were more than 60 years old and presented with a clinical syndrome of “acute-on-
chronic” liver failure.

In conclusion, azithromycin-induced liver injury typically occurs within 2–3 weeks of

exposure and presents with predominantly hepatocellular pattern of injury and rarely severe
cutaneous skin reactions. Liver histology may demonstrate ductopenia and veno-occlusive
changes. Two individuals had a severe hypersensitivity cutaneous reaction. Although full
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recovery occurred in the majority of the cases, chronic DILI and serious outcomes (death
and liver transplantation) developed in a minority of patients. Individuals with underlying
chronic liver disease may be at higher risk for fatal outcomes from azithromycin induced
liver injury, emphasizing that drugs should be prescribed to such patients with care and for
good cause.

Grant Support: The DILIN (http://https://dilin.dcri.duke.edu/) is supported by the National Institute of Diabetes
and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) ) as a Cooperative
Agreement (U01s) under Grants: 2U01-DK065176-06 (Duke), 2U01-DK065201-06 (UNC), 2U01-DK065184-06
(Michigan), 2U01-DK065211-06 (Indiana), 5U01DK065193-04 (UConn), 5U01-DK065238-08 (UCSF/CPMC),
1U01-DK083023-01 (UTSW), 1U01-DK083027-01 (TJH/UPenn), 1U01-DK082992-01 (Mayo), 1U01-
DK083020-01 (USC). Additional funding is provided by CTSA Grants: UL1 RR025761 (Indiana), UL1 RR025747
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(UNC), UL1 RR024134 (UPenn), UL1 RR024986 (Michigan), UL1 RR024982 (UTSW), UL1 RR024150 (Mayo)
and by the Intramural Research Program of the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health (NIH).


Alk P Alkaline phosphatase

ALT Alanine aminotransferase
ANA Anti-nuclear antibody
AST Aspartate aminotransferase
CS Cholestatic
DILI Drug-Induced liver injury
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DILIN Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network

FDA U. S. Food and Drug Administration
HC Hepatocellular
IQR Interquartile range
NIDDK National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

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SJS Stevens-Johnson syndrome

TEN Toxic epidermal necrolysis
ULN Upper limit of normal

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Liver Transpl. 2009; 15:719–729. [PubMed: 19562705]

Individual Case Histories

Case 4: Acute self-limited cholestatic hepatitis due to azithromycin

Author Manuscript

A 13-year-old male with no significant past medical history diagnosed with streptococcal
pharyngitis was prescribed azithromycin for 5 days. Six days after finishing azithromycin
treatment, he developed pruritus on both hands and feet that extended to the rest of the body;
this was followed by jaundice and coluria. The patient was noted to have a cholestatic
pattern of liver injury; there was no eosinophilia. He denied use of herbal supplements or
taking any other medications around the time of onset. BMI was 19.5 kg/m2. Work up for
competing etiologies included hepatitis A, B, C, E serologies, ANA and ASMA, all of which
were negative. Abdominal imaging was remarkable for a normal liver and splenomegaly.

A liver biopsy performed about 6 weeks after presentation revealed no portal or periportal
inflammation; hepatic parenchyma showed diffuse canalicular cholestasis. There were
occasional groups of macrophages that marked areas of hepatocyte dropout. Acidophil
Author Manuscript

bodies were not seen. There were scattered eosinophils, but no increase in lymphocytes.
Plasma cells were not present. Trichrome and reticulin stains confirmed absence of
underlying chronic disease.

The patient was not rechallenged, did not receive steroids, nor required a liver transplant. He
was lost to follow up.

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Time* ALT AST Alk P Bilirubin INR Comments

(U/L) (U/L) (U/L) (mg/dL)

2w 73 47 411 4.3 n/a Initial liver tests, R = 1.7

2w 79 61 395 5.3 0.97 Peak Bilirubin

6w 223 122 333 3.0 n/a Around time of liver biopsy

8w 262 125 311 1.9 1.0 Peak ALT and R-ratio

Bilirubin < 50% of Peak value
time in weeks (w) after azithromycin initiation. Alk P: alkaline phosphatase. n/a: not available.

Comment: This is a typical example of self-limited, mild-to-moderate cholestatic liver

injury secondary to Azithromycin. The case was judged as very likely due to azithromycin.
Author Manuscript

Case 6: Acute toxic epidermal necrolysis with accompanying liver injury

due to azithromycin
A 20-year-old African American woman without significant past medical history received a
5-day course of azithromycin for an upper respiratory tract infection. Two days later, she
returned to the emergency room with worsening symptoms, new facial swelling, jaundice
and a pruritic rash. She was also taking ibuprofen around the time of symptom onset. After
evaluation, the patient was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) given concern for toxic
shock syndrome. The rash was initially limited to the truncal area, but then became
generalized and led to blisters over the palms and involvement of mouth and vagina.
Laboratory data showed abnormal liver tests with a hepatocellular pattern of injury and no
Author Manuscript

Diagnostic evaluation included negative tests for hepatitis A, B, C, E as well as

cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, Epstein Barr Virus and human immunodeficiency
virus infections, leptospirosis, legionella and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Serum ANA
was positive at a titer of 1:2560; but immunoglobulin levels were normal and anti-double
stranded DNA was negative. Liver imaging was unremarkable.

The clinical course was complicated by acute respiratory distress syndrome with multi-
system organ dysfunction; Skin biopsy revealed toxic epidermal necrolysis. She received
intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), methylprednisolone, daptomycin, piperacillin-
tazobactam, cefazolin, clindamycin, ceftriaxone and transient extra-corporeal membrane
oxygenation during her ICU stay.
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A liver biopsy 1 week after presentation revealed central zone cholestasis with intact portal
tracts and bile ducts. Repeat liver biopsy because of persistently abnormal liver tests around
12 weeks after initial presentation showed marked lobular cholestasis with hepatocyte injury
and prominent sinusoidal debris, evolving ductopenia without significant fibrosis or

At 6th and 24th month follow ups, her liver tests were still abnormal with a cholestatic
pattern of injury.

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Time* ALT AST Alk P T. Bili INR Comments

(IU/L) (IU/L) (IU/L) (mg/dL)

2d 140 239 71 3.7 1.1 Initial Liver tests

3d 169 352 35 3.5 1.1 Peak R-ratio

4d 266 376 69 3.7 3.08 First ALT Peak

1w 177 163 190 6.1 1.1 Liver biopsy

2w 50 108 148 8.0 n/a

3w 172 181 718 15.9 n/a Peak Alk P

4w 237 230 522 20.0 n/a Peak Bilirubin

6w 175 152 323 13.4 1.1 Alk P < 50% of Peak value

8w 410 333 557 16.0 1.1

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12 w 1351 1074 345 11.6 1.1 Second Peak ALT

12 w 586 276 286 10.3 1.0 ALT < 50% of 2nd peak value

16 w 237 171 252 9.4 n/a Bilirubin < 50% of peak value

12 m 311 227 406 1.3 1.0

time in days (d), weeks (w) or months (m) after azithromycin initiation. Alk P: alkaline phosphatase. n/a: not available.

Comment: This patient developed a severe cutaneous reaction to azithromycin

accompanied by an acute hepatitis with jaundice that evolved into a cholestatic pattern of
injury and prolonged jaundiced followed by persistence of abnormal liver tests 1 year after
initial onset. This case was judged to be very likely (2) due to azithromycin.

Case 16: Acute hepatocellular injury after a short course of azithromycin

Author Manuscript

with evidence of persisting chronic injury 1 and 2 years later

A 61-year-old non-Hispanic white man received a 5-day course of azithromycin for an upper
respiratory tract infection. His other medical problems included diabetes mellitus, obesity
and hyperlipidemia. Three days after azithromycin was stopped, he developed nausea,
vomiting, generalized fatigue, myalgias and arthralgias. Two weeks later he sought medical
care and was found to be jaundiced with marked elevations in serum aminotransferase levels
(Table). He denied a known history of liver disease, alcohol intake or use of herbal
supplements around the time of onset. Other medications included repaglinide,
hydrochlorothiazide/triamterene, insulin, esomeprazole, metoprolol and acetaminophen
(<2.5 grams of acetaminophen daily). Work up for competing etiologies included hepatitis
A, B, C and E serologies, ANA and ASMA, all of which were negative. Liver ultrasound
Author Manuscript

was remarkable for hepatomegaly and steatosis. A Computerized tomography (CT) scan of
the abdomen revealed ascites, mild splenomegaly and mild hepatomegaly.

A liver biopsy was performed 11 months later given persistent of abnormal liver tests; the
findings of the liver biopsy were cirrhosis with features suggesting underlying
steatohepatitis (NASH) and scattered eosinophils. It was considered that patient had
underlying non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and this may have had accentuated the
presentation of drug induced liver injury from azithromycin

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The patient was not rechallenged, did not receive steroids, nor has required a liver
Author Manuscript


Time* ALT AST Alk P T.Bili INR Comments

(U/L) (U/L) (U/L) (mg/dL)

2w 1492 2359 n/a 6.7 n/a Initial Liver tests

3w 4064 4852 473 9.5 n/a Peak ALT and Alk P; R =16

4w 425 209 351 19.1 1.2 ALT, Alk P, < 50% of peak values

5w 80 96 279 20.2 n/a Peak Bilirubin

8w 42 75 234 9.3 1.2 Bilirubin < 50% of peak value

12 w 23 44 249 3.8 1.1

20 w 32 41 238 1.8 1.1

Author Manuscript

24 w 34 44 233 1.3 1.1

11 m 33 36 182 1.3 n/a Liver Biopsy

16 m 41 47 195 1.6 1.1

24 m 32 49 168 0.8 n/a

time in weeks (w) or months (m) after azithromycin initiation. Alk P: alkaline phosphatase. n/a: not available.

Comment: This patient developed an acute hepatitis-like syndrome due to azithromycin

with a short latency period and prolonged course. Imaging suggests that he had a pre-
existing cirrhosis probably due to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and presented with an “acute-
on-chronic” clinical onset and had residual evidence of liver injury 1 and 2 years later. This
case was judged as being very likely (2) due to azithromycin.
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Figure 1.
Study flow describing number of azithromycin cases and their salient characteristics among
all cases enrolled into the DILIN Prospective Study
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Figure 2.
Liver histology in patients with azithromycin hepatotoxicity. A. (Patient 3) An 11 year old
Caucasian female with azithromycin hepatotoxicity underwent a liver biopsy at 20 days after
DILI onset. Ductopenic portal area with mild inflammation. B. Zone 3 cholestasis with both
hepatocellular and canalicular (arrows) bile accumulation. (A and B taken from the same
case, both H&E, 600×). C. (Patient 11) A 45 year old Caucasian male with azithromycin
hepatotoxicity underwent a liver biopsy at day 139 after DILI onset. Chronic hepatitis with
perivenular inflammation and hemorrhage. (P – Portal area; V – Vein; H&E 200×). D.
(Patient 10) Mild veno-occlusive changes. There is a layer of fibroinflammatory tissue
inside the vein (arrowheads). (Masson trichrome, 600×).
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Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of individuals with Azithromycin induced liver injury (N=18)
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Characteristic Azithromycin induced liver injury (N=18)

Age (years) 37 (1.7, 76.1)

Female, n (%) 13 (72.2)

Self-reported race, n (%)

  Caucasian 17 (94.4)

  Black 1 (5.6)

Hispanic, n (%) 2 (11.1)

BMI (kg/m2) 25.2 (13.2, 42.4)

Latency [median (25th, 75th)]

  Drug start to onset of symptoms 17 (1,58)

  Drug start to DILI onset 21 (2, 65)

Author Manuscript

  Drug stop to DILI onset 17 (1, 57)

Types of Liver Injury at Onset

  Cholestatic 6 (33)

  Mixed 2 (11)

  Hepatocellular 10 (56)

Signs and Symptoms, n (%)

  Jaundice 16 (89)
  Abdominal pain 12 (67)

  Nausea 11 (61)

  Pruritus 10 (56)

  Rash€ 6 (33)
Author Manuscript

  Fever 5 (28)

Recovery of total bilirubin in those peak ≥ 2.5mg/dL [median (25th, 75th)]

  Days from peak to 50% reduction in total bilirubin 12 (8, 27)

  Days from peak to total bilirubin <2.5 mg/dL 35 (25, 46)

  Days from peak to 50% reduction in total bilirubin (non-chronic subjects) 12 (7,26)

Progression to chronicity, n (%) 4 (28.6)

Death from liver disease, n (%) 1 (5.6)

Liver transplant, n (%) 1 (5.6)

All values are expressed as mean with range unless otherwise specified. BMI: Body mass index.

One case of toxic epidermal necrolysis and another of Stevens Johnson#x02019;s syndrome.
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Table 2

Pattern of liver injury with clinical outcomes of each individual in the study cohort (N=18). Pattern of liver injury was defined based on R-ratio calculated
at the onset of liver injury.

Peak Serum
Martinez et al.


Age (Yrs) / Latency 6-month
Patient at ALT AlkP T.Bili Causality Severity Comments
Gender (Days) Outcome
onset (U/L) (U/L) (mg/L) Score Score

1 1.7¶ / F Chol 24 61 1177 10 2 2+ Chronic DILI

2 8/F Mixed 2 293 326 4 2 2+ NA Previous azithromycin exposure and biliary atresia

3* 11 / F HC 65 418 1112 13 3 4+ Chronic DILI SJS

4 13 / M Chol 15 262 411 5.3 2 3+ NA

5 19 / M Chol 7 198 313 9 1 3+ NA

6 20 / F HC 3 1351 718 20 2 [2] 4+ Chronic DILI TEN, ANA 1:2560 and other med: Ibuprofen

7 22 / F HC 20 15065 141 4 3 4+ Recovered Previous azithromycin

8 25 / F Mixed 38 638 501 10 3 2+ NA Previous azithromycin

9 34 / F HC 25 1192 136 6 2 [3] 3+ Recovered Other meds: MRC-6, Drospirenone, and ethinyl estradiol

10 43 / F Chol 19 178 286 10 2 [3] 3+ Recovered NAFLD and other med – TMP/SMZ

11 45 / M HC 22 3742 173 10 3 2+ Chronic DILI Previous azithromycin

12 47 / F Chol 33 239 1406 11 2 3+ Recovered GVHD with secondary iron overload Previous azithromycin

13 53 / F HC 35 967 272 22 3 [3] 4+ Recovered Previous azithromycin, SMA 1:80 and other med: TMP

14 54 / F HC 15 843 155 9 3 3+ Recovered SMA 1:1280

15 60 / F HC 13 1579 177 30 3 5+ Transplant Underlying NAFLD and SMA 1:40

16 60 / M HC 19 4064 473 20 2 4+ Recovered

17 65 / F Chol 10 40 610 1 2 [2] 1+ Recovered Other med – TMP/SMZ

Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 February 01.
18 76 / M HC 16 8787 135 14 3 5+ Death Alcoholic liver disease

Abbreviations: NA: 6-month follow up data not available; HC: hepatocellular; Chol: cholestatic; ALT: Alanine aminotransferase; Alk P: alkaline phosphatase; TEN: Toxic epidermal necrolysis; SJS:
Stevens-Johnson syndrome; Other meds: Other medication(s); TMP/SMZ: Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole; TMP: Trimethoprim; NAFLD: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease; GVHD: Graft vs. Host
disease.The DILIN causality score is the overall score, in brackets the final azithromycin causality score for cases with multiple drugs implicated.

This child was enrolled as an exception case as she was not 2 year old at the time of enrollment.
This child died subsequently due to respiratory failure. The strength of causal association between the implicated agent(s) and the liver injury event is graded as definite (1), highly likely (2) and probable
(3) using the DILIN causality scoring system. A DILIN severity score is assigned for each case that ranges from 1 (mild as defined by serum enzyme elevations with bilirubin <2.5 mg/dL and INR <1.5), 2
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(moderate, serum enzyme elevations and bilirubin ≥2.5 mg/dL or INR ≥1.5), 3 (moderate-hospitalized, serum enzyme elevations, bilirubin ≥2.5 mg/dL or INR ≥1.5 and hospitalization for liver injury), 4
(severe, bilirubin ≥2.5 mg/dL and signs of hepatic failure such as INR ≥1.5, ascites or hepatic encephalopathy), and 5 (liver transplantation within 6 months of onset or death due to liver injury).22
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