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Commissioning Check List E

CL-E135 Over-Excitation
Primary Injection Tests
Panama Colon PP BB001062
Power Plant Plant Code

System: Protection/ Synchronization and Metering (Generator)

Component: CHA10-U08-F01 – generator protection

Page: 1 of 1 Appendices:

No. Activity (Items not applicable to be marked N/A) Remarks Confirmed

1. Technical data: See device coversheet

Secondary injection checklist CL-E235 available 

2. Primary tests

Excite generator up to V/Hz limiter is active

Record Phase Voltages Frequency and Overexcitation

UL1-L2 [V]
UL1-L3 [V]
UL2-L3 [V]
U/f [V/Hz]
U/f calc [V/Hz]

3. Evaluation

Margin to U/f >set acceptable (>1%) 

4. Remarks:
..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

.................................................................................................................................................................................... .2

Department: ........................................................ Name: .......................................................................

Date:. ...................................................................... Signature: .............................................................

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