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Artikel Imiah Magister Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Ahmda Dahlan 2018

Learning Physics-Based Virtual Laboratory

Suritno Fayanto, Moh.Rismi Haitama Ajiji, Hamzah
Postgraduade Physics Education Programe University of Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta
Jl. Pramuka, 42 Sidikan Umbulharjo Yogyakarta

E-mail: suritno1707041005@webmail.uad.ac.id, Hamzah1708041023@webmail.uad.ac.id


Abstract. arcticle the purpose to provide information on the various types of instructional media based on a
virtual physics laboratory. Learning physics-based virtual laboratory greatly help students understand the
concepts and facilitate the process of learning physics. Permbejaran physics-based virtual laboratory can be
obtained free of charge through the pages of the website are: PhET (Physics Education Technology), Physics
simulation, Rumah belajar untuk semua, Virtual Labs, Electronic Work Bench (EWB), Virtual Laboratory
Interactive Environment for Nuclear Experiment Modeling,DCAC Lab.

Keywords: Physics Learning , Virtual Laboratory

A. Introduction
Problems that occur in the current field is often not implement the teacher practicum
for chasing the target finish in accordance with the syllabus material is very solid. Teachers
do not have enough time to invite students conduct experiments in the school laboratory.
Limitations of the cost required to provide equipment and materials lab cause of laboratory
equipment in schools is minimal and the quality is so low that less than adequate to support
the practical implementation[1], If forced to experiment with the equipment, the result can
not be used to build the concepts, principles, laws and theories that should be understood.
Additionally, there are considerations that enables risk of accidents during the activity in
lab[2], There are some issues regarding the organization of learning problems, especially on
the material that is abstract and are associated with the practice. On learning that takes
practice based preparedness tools and materials. So from a variety of these issues need to be
an alternative medium of learning. One of the media that is now suitable for use in learning
is by using the virtual laboratory[3],
Virtual Laboratory activities are part of e-learning, so the concept of Virtual
Laboratory is not much different from the concept of elearning. E-learning is learning using
learning media. such as the Internet or a computer. In the e-learning process normally used
interactive multimedia. Virtual Laboratory is also part of the interactive multimedia. It can
be concluded that learning to use the Virtual Laboratory has several advantages such as (a)
Improving ketarampilan creative thinking and scientific problem solving; (b) Develop skills
in the ICT sector without neglecting the knowledge of the laboratory; (c) Not having to bring
the actual lab equipment, which is sometimes the price is not affordable[4],
From the above description, with the constraints utamaketerbatasan expected their
means of learning physics experiment by using the Virtual Laboratory can provide solutions
in the learning and experimentation.
B. Research Methods
The method used is the study of literature. Researchers conducted the observation and
analysis of several scientific journals related to the role of virtual laboratory.
C. Results and Discussion
1. Various of The Virtual Laboratory
a. Phet (Physics Eduvation Technology)
PhET (Physics Education Technology) is a site that provides learning physics
simulation that can be downloaded for free for the benefit of classroom teaching or
may be used for the benefit of individual learning[5] ,
Artikel Imiah Magister Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Ahmda Dahlan 2018

Figure 1. Display PhET (Physics Education Technology)

b. Physics simulation
Physics simulationis one of the Virtual Laboratory developed by Erik
Neuman. Physics laboratory can be accessed https://www.myphysicslab.com/ and
provide a wide range of physics simulation [6].

Figure 2. Display Physics simulation and a variety of menu choices simulation

c. Rumah Belajar Untuk semua

Rumah Belajar untuk Semua the various types of Virtual Laboratory
developed by the Education Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. Home
learning for all can be accessed via the home
pagehttps://belajar.kemdikbud.go.id/LabMaya/Konten/Index and has a complete
content to the physics simulation middle and high school level [7]
Artikel Imiah Magister Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Ahmda Dahlan 2018

Figure 3. Display Physics simulation Houses learning for all

d. Virtual Labs
virtual labs is one form of Virtual Laboratory developed by the Indian State
that can be accessed via the home page https://vlabs.ac.in/ [8]

Figure 4. Display simulation Physics Virtual Labs

e. EWB (Electronic Work Bench)
Electronic Work Bench(EWB) is one type of electronic software used to
simulate the workings of an electrical circuit. The need for electrical circuit
simulation is to test whether the electrical circuit that can be run properly and in
accordance with the theoretical approach used in electronic books, without having to
make it a real electric circuit[9]

Figure 4. Display Electronic Work Bench simulation

(Source: BOE PPPPTK Malang)
Artikel Imiah Magister Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Ahmda Dahlan 2018

f. Interactive Virtual Environment Laboratory for Nuclear Experiment Modeling

Interactive Virtual Environment Laboratory for Nuclear Experiment Modeling
is one of the Virtual Laboratory within contain simulationsNuclear Experiment
Modeling Accessible dilaman http://v-labs.ru [10]

Figure 6. Display Virtual Laboratory simulation

Interactive Modeling Environment for Nuclear Experiment
g. DCAC Lab
DCAC Labis one of the Virtual Laboratory in the field of electronics and
instrumentation. DCAC lab can be accessed free of charge on the page
https://dcaclab.com [11]

Figure 6. Display page by Lab DCAC

2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Laboratory

Table 1. Advantages and Disadvantages Virual general Laboratory

No. Advantages Disadvantages
1 time efficiency The learning process less efficient,
effective and intensive
2 Cost efficiency of manufacture or Students must provide internet
Artikel Imiah Magister Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Ahmda Dahlan 2018

procurement of computer labs to the facilities are quite expensive

organizers of education
3 Students can beraktiktas If there is a delay, there will be a
freely according to the method of delay of a connection or
learning that has been accustomed to communication delay, then the
or more feksibel teaching process was inhibited

4 Students do not need to be present in Students must provide computer with

person great specification so that
communication via the Internet and
can be done in a lab at the same time

D. Conclusion
Based on the description above can be concluded that the different types of
virtual laboratory above can be used and exploited in learning physics students
making it easier for students to understand the concept and add abiding students
learning about physics and the types of virtual laboratory above can be obtained or
used free of charge.


[1] Sutarno, Agus Setiawan, Ida Kurniawati, Andi Suhandi. 2017. Learning Outcame
dalam Pembelajaran Fisika. Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan Enterprenurship VI.
[2] Felintina Yuniarti. 2011. Skripsi: Pengembangan Virtual Laboratory sebagai
Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Komputer pada Materi Pembiakan Virus.
Universitas Negeri Semarang: FMIPA Universitas Negeri Semarang.
[3] Siti Raihan, Djuniadi. 2017. Artikel: Analisis Penerapan Laboratorium Virtual
dalam Pembelajaran.
[4] Arna Putri, Syakbaniah, Yulkifli. 2013. Pengembangan Virtual Laboratory Pada
Materi Kinematika dengan Analisis Vektor dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Di Kelas XI
SMA. Pillar Of Physics Education, Vol. 1 April 2013, 23-29.
[5] https://phet.colorado.edu
[6] https://www.myphysicslab.com/
[7] https://belajar.kemdikbud.go.id/LabMaya/Konten/Index
[8] https://vlabs.ac.in/
[9] Sarah.2016. Artikel:Electronik Work Bench. http://saraahsh29.blogspot.co.id/2016/
06/electronic-work-bench-ewb-a.html. Akses tanggal 11 Maret 2018
[10] http://v-labs.ru.
[11] https://dcaclab.com
[12] Anynomous. 2017. Artikel: Kelebihan dan Kelemahan Virtual Laboratory.
virtual. Akses tanggal 11 Maret 2018

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