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2010 International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation

Synchronization of Chaotic Systems with Uncertain Parameters by Adaptive Control

Xianfeng Li, Yandong Chu Andrew Chi-sing Leung

Department of Mathematics Department of Electronic Engineering
Lanzhou Jiaotong University City University of Hong Kong
Lanzhou 730070, China HKSAR
e-mail: lixf1979@126.com e-mail: eelungcs@cityu.edu.hk

Abstract—This paper addresses a unified mathematical universalities and applications of these methods are
expression describing a class of chaotic and hyper-chaotic somewhat limited.
systems, for which the problem of synchronization between In this paper, for a class of chaotic and hyper-chaotic
different chaotic and hyper-chaotic systems with uncertain systems by a unified mathematical expression, we propose a
parameters is studied. Based on the Lyapunov stability theory, method to adaptive synchronize two chaotic and hyper-
a novel, simple and systemic adaptive synchronization chaotic systems with different structure, different dimension
controller is designated, the analytic expression of the and uncertain parameters. Based on the Lyapunov stability
controller and the adaptive laws of parameters are developed. theory, a novel, simple and systemic adaptive
Two different chaotic systems and a hyper-chaotic system are
synchronization controller is designated, the analytic
employed as the examples to show the effectiveness of the
proposed adaptive synchronization scheme. Additionally, the
expression of the controller and the adaptive laws of
robustness of the proposed method and the effect of noise are parameters are developed. A simple three-dimensional
investigated by measuring the mean squared error of the chaotic system is taken as the slave system, to synchronize
systems. an uncertain chaotic system with multi-nonlinearities and
higher fractal dimension, and an uncertain hyper-chaotic
Keywords-chaotic system; adaptive synchronization; different system with Heaviside function respectively. The
structure; uncertain parameter; noise effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by
numerical simulations of state errors between the master and
I. INTRODUCTION slave systems and identification curves of the parameters of
the systems. In an addition, the robustness of the proposed
In the past decades, chaos control and chaos method and the effect of external noise are investigated by
synchronization have become interesting research topics in measuring the mean squared error of the systems.
chaos theory and applications. Many effective
synchronization schemes have been proposed since the II. SYNCHRONIZATION PRICIPLES
pioneering work of Pecora and Carroll [1-7]. However, most Suppose the master (drive) system in the form of
of these methods mainly concerned the synchronization of
x f (x)  A Į (x) , (1)
two identical systems with certain or identical uncertain
parameters. But, in real-life applications, it is hardly the where x ( x1 , x2 ," , xn1 )  :1  R is the state vector,
T n

case that the structure and the dimension of master and slave
chaotic or hyper-chaotic systems can be assumed to be Į (D1 , D 2 ," , D m )T  R m is the uncertain parameter vector
identical. Moreover, the parameters of chaotic systems are of the master system, and which is to be asymptotically
perturbed by external inartificial factors and can not be estimated ulteriorly. A Į is an n 1 ×m matrix which containing
known exactly in priori. Therefore, synchronization of two the uncertain parameter vector Į . f (x) is an n 1 ×1 matrix
different chaotic and hyper-chaotic systems with uncertain
without the uncertain parameter vector Į . Analogously, the
parameters is more essential and realistic in actual
applications. slave (response) system is taken as
References [8-14] used adaptive control techniques to y g (y )  Bȕ (y )  U , (2)
synchronize two identical or different chaotic or hyper- where y ( y1 , y2 ," , yn2 )T  :2  R n (n 2 d n 1 ) is the
chaotic systems. However, their researches only concern
some special chaotic and hyper-chaotic systems with state vector, ȕ ( E1 , E 2 ," , E q )T  R q is the uncertain
uncertain parameters. The commonly characters of these parameter vector of the slave system. Bȕ is an n 2 ×q matrix
special systems are lower fractal dimensions, simple
structure and less nonlinear terms. Especially, there are no which containing the uncertain parameter vector ȕ . g (y ) is
terms of nonlinearities multiplied with uncertain parameters an n 2 ×1 matrix without the uncertain parameter vector ȕ .
in both master and slave systems. That’s why their
controllers look simpler and the synchronization can be U (u1 , u2 ," , un2 )T  R n is an n 2 × 1 matrix, is denoted as
achieved in short time interval. In this case, the extensions, the control input vector.

978-0-7695-3962-1/10 $26.00 © 2010 IEEE 714

DOI 10.1109/ICMTMA.2010.664
Let e y  x is the synchronization error vector. The  (e, Į , ȕ )
V eT e  ĮĮ  
goal is to design an appropriate controller U such that the
eT (G (y )ȕ  F (x)Į  ke)
trajectory of the slave system (2) with initial (8)
conditions y 0 can approaches asymptotically the master  Į ([F(x)]T e)  ȕ ([G (y )]T e)
system (1) with initial conditions x0 , in this sense, we have keT e eT Pe d 0,
lim e lim y (t , y 0 )  x(t , x 0 ) 0, (3) where Pn2 u n2 diag (k1 , k2 ," , kn2 ) .
t of t of
Since the Lyapunov function V is positive definite, and
where x is the Euclidean norm. At this point, it means that 
V is negative semi-definite, we can not immediately get
the master system (1) and the slave system (2) are that the origin of error dynamical system (6) is
synchronized under the controller U as time t tends to asymptotically stable. In fact, as V  d 0 , we
infinity. have e , Į̂ , ȕ̂  Lf . From Eq. (6), we also have e  Lf . From
the fact that
³ O (P ) e dt d eT Pedt =  V dt = V (0)  V (t ) d V (0) ,
min ³ ³
For two different chaotic or hyper-chaotic systems, 0 0 0

denotes where Omin (P ) is the minimum eigenvalue of positive

Į Į  Įˆ , ȕ ȕ  ȕˆ , e (e1 , e2 ," , en2 )T , definite matrix P . Thus we have e  L2 . According to the
A Į ( x) F(x)Į , Bȕ (y ) G (y )ȕ , Barbalat’s lemma, we have lim e 0 , that is,
t of

where Į̂ , ȕ̂ is estimate values of the uncertain parameters of lim y (t , y 0 )  x(t , x 0 ) 0 [11], the slave system (2) can
t of
Į and ȕ respectively; F (x) is an n 1 ×m matrix, G (y ) is an synchronize the master system (1) globally and
n 2 ×q matrix respectively, and the element Fij (x) in matrix asymptotically. This completes the proof.Ŷ
Remark 1. Be aware that most of typical chaotic or
F (x) satisfies Fij (x)  Lf for x  :1 Ž R n ; the element hyper-chaotic systems can be described by (1), such as
G ij (y ) in matrix G (y ) satisfies G ij (y )  Lf for chaotic and hyper-chaotic Lorenz systems, Rössler systems,
Chen systems, Lü systems, and so on. But, as for particular
y  :2 Ž R . n
error dynamical systems, the nonlinear controller (4) and the
Theorem 1. The slave system (2) can synchronize the adaptive laws of parameters (5) can be simplified ulterior.
master system (1) globally and asymptotically, if the Moreover, if the master system and the slave system
nonlinear controller is taken as satisfy f (x) g(x) , F (x) G (y ) (n 1 =n 2 , m=q), the proposed
U f (x)  F (x)Įˆ  g (y )  G (y )ȕˆ  ke , (4) scheme can be extended to the adaptive synchronization of
where control amplitude k (k1 , k2 ," , kn2 )T is an n 2 ×1 two identical chaotic or hyper-chaotic systems with
uncertain parameters.
positive constant matrix, and the adaptive laws of Remark 2. The proposed scheme can be extended to
parameters are taken as anti-synchronization of chaotic and hyper-chaotic systems
­°Įˆ [F (x)]T e with uncertain parameters by adaptive control. If we let
® . (5) e y  x is the synchronization error vector, and the
°̄ȕˆ [G (y )]T e nonlinear controller is taken as
Proof: From Eqs. (1-4), the error dynamical system is U (f (x)  F (x)Įˆ  g(y )  G (y )ȕˆ  ke) ,
e g(y )  G (y )ȕ  U  f (x)  F (x)Į and the adaptive laws of parameters are taken as
g(y )  G (y )ȕ  f (x)  F(x)Įˆ  g(y ) ­°Įˆ [F(x)]T e
 G (y )ȕˆ  ke  f (x)  F(x)Į ® .
(6) °̄ȕˆ [G (y )]T e
G (y )ȕ  F(x)Įˆ  G ( y )ȕˆ  F( x)Į  ke
G ( y )(ȕ  ȕˆ )  F( x)(Įˆ  Į )  ke
In order to observe the effectiveness of the proposed
G ( y )ȕ  F( x)Į  ke adaptive synchronization scheme, a new simple three-
The Lyapunov function candidate can be chosen as dimensional chaotic system [15] is employed as the slave
1 T system
V (e, Į , ȕ ) (e e  Į 2  ȕ 2 ) ! 0 , (7)
2 ­ xs as ( ys  xs )  u1
The time derivative of V along the trajectory of system °
(6) is as follows ® y s xs zs  ys  u2 (9)
¯ zs bs  xs ys  cs zs  u3

to synchronize a chaotic and a hyper-chaotic systems with The controller is taken as
complex structures and uncertain parameters respectively ­u1 k1ex  zm e y  0.5( xm  aˆm ym ) zm
from beginning to end. °
A. A 3-D Chaotic System °aˆs (ey  ym  ex  xm )  ym ez  bˆm
The governing equations of the 3-D chaotic system with °u2 k2 e y  xm zm  e y  ym
® (13)
complex structure and higher fractal dimension are [16-17]
°0.5aˆm xm zm  0.5cˆm ym zm
­ x b  0.5 z ( x  ay ) °u 1  k e  x y  x 2  y 2
° ° 3 3 z m m m m
® y 0.5 z (ax  cy ) (10) °bˆ  cˆ (e  z )
° ¯ s s z m

¯z 1  x  y
2 2
And the adaptive laws of parameters are described as
The trace of the Jacobian matrix of system (10) ­aˆm 0.5 ym zm ex  0.5 xm zm ey
is 0.5(1  c) z , especially, when c 1 ,the trace is equal °
to z and averaging along the trajectory we get z | 0 but still °bˆ ex
° m
negative for ensuring it is dissipative, maybe resulting °°cˆm 0.5 ym zm e y
almost-Hamiltonian chaos. In this case, the parameters are ® (14)
selected as a 20 , b 0.2 , c 1 , there exists a chaotic °aˆs ex e y  ym ex  ex  xm ex

attractor with fractal dimension almost equal to 3. It will °

take 105 iterations with a small step-size 0.001 to generate °bˆs ez
the almost-Hamiltonian chaotic attractor, which is shown in °
°̄cˆ e  z e
Fig.1 with the initial transient behavior. s z m z
Then, the derivation along the trajectory of system (11)
dV (e, Į , ȕ )
k1ex2  k2 e2y  k3 ez2  0 (15)
Based on the Lyapunov stability theory, the error
dynamical system (11) is globally asymptotically stable. It
means that the master system (10’) and the slave system (9)
are synchronized under the controller (13), the error
variables become zeros as time t tends to infinity.
Fig.1 The trajectory of the almost-Hamiltonian chaotic attractor For this numerical simulation, the uncertain parameters
System (10) is taken as the master system of slave system (9) and the master system (10’) are set
to as 5 , bs 16 , cs 1 , am 20 , bm 0.2 , cm 1
­ xm bm  0.5 zm ( xm  am ym ) respectively. Without loss of generality, choosing k1 1 ,
° k2 2 , k3 3 and using a small time-step 0.001. The state
® y m 0.5 zm (am xm  cm ym ) (10’)
° error signals ex , ey and ez between systems (9) and (10’),
¯ zm 1  xm  ym
2 2
converge asymptotically zeros and the estimated values of
Accordingly, Eqs. (9) are subtracted from Eqs. (10’),
uncertain parameters converge to am 20 , bm 0.2 ,
yields the following error dynamical system
cm 1 , as 5 , bs 16 , cs 1 as time t evolving in a
­ex as ey  as ym  as ex  as xm
° longer interval [0, 5000] for the generating process of the
°bm  0.5 xm zm  0.5am ym zm  u1 almost-Hamiltonian chaotic attractor, which are shown in
°e e e  z e  x e  x z  e Figs. 2, 3, 4 respectively.
° y x z m x m z m m y
® (11)

° m y  0.5 a x z
m m m  0.5 c y z
m m m  u 2
°ez bs  1  ex ey  ym ex  xm ey
°¯ xm ym  cs ez  cs zm  xm2  ym2  u3
According to Theorem 1, the Lyapunov function
candidate of system (11) is taken as
1 T
V (e, Į , ȕ ) (e e  Į 2  ȕ 2 )
1 T
(e e  a s2  bs2 (12) Fig. 2 Synchronization errors between systems (10’) and (9) with
2 evolving time t
 cs2  am2  bm2  cm2 )

The authors are very grateful to Prof. Chang Y.X. and
Dr. Zhang J.G whose comments greatly improved the form
of this work. For her encouragement, inspiring discussions,
and enthused help. This research is supported by NNSF of
China (50475109), YFM of China (10826029).
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