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Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 63 (2006) 175–188


Rapid communication

Food chain transfer of selenium in lentic and lotic habitats of a western

Canadian watershed
Patricia L. Orra,, Karin R. Guiguerb, Cynthia K. Russela
Minnow Environmental Inc., 6800 Kitimat Road, Unit 13, Mississauga, Ont., Canada L5N 5M1
Franz Environmental Inc., 8177 Torbram Road, Brampton, Ont., Canada L6T 5C5
Received 8 August 2005; received in revised form 7 September 2005; accepted 9 September 2005
Available online 4 November 2005


Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient, exhibiting a narrow margin between nutritionally optimal and potentially toxic
concentrations. Egg-laying vertebrates at the top of aquatic food chains are most at risk in environments with elevated aqueous Se
concentrations. The Elk River watershed in British Columbia, Canada receives effluents containing Se from five coal mine operations.
This study tested three hypotheses that might account for higher Se concentrations in fish from lentic compared to lotic habitats in the
watershed: (1) enhanced uptake by aquatic primary producers, (2) longer food chain length, or (3) greater food web accumulation
through sediment–detrital pathways. Stable isotope and Se concentration data demonstrated that Se concentrations in aquatic primary
producers and food chain lengths were comparable in lentic and lotic habitats. Enhanced formation of organoselenium and subsequent
uptake and cycling via sediment–detrital pathways likely account for higher fish tissue Se concentrations in lentic than in lotic areas.
Crown Copyright r 2005 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Selenium; Stable isotopes; Coal; Food chain; Biomagnification; Fish; Lentic; Lotic; River

1. Introduction et al., 1984; Besser et al., 1994; Maier and Knight, 1994;
Ogle and Knight, 1996). This alters the three-dimensional
Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient for animals structure of the proteins, resulting in impairment of
serving beneficial metabolic functions (Arthur and Beckett, enzymatic function (Demayo et al., 1979; Alaimo et al.,
1994), although there is a very narrow range between 1994).
nutritionally optimal and potentially toxic dietary levels for Biogeochemical cycling of Se in water bodies varies as a
vertebrates (Wilber, 1980; NRC, 1989). Se is much less function of hydrology (retention time), rates of biotic and
toxic to most plants and invertebrates than to vertebrates abiotic Se transformations, reduction and oxidation
and, among vertebrates, egg-layers such as birds and fish (redox) conditions in sediments, food web structure,
have substantially lower thresholds for reproductive species-specific differences in uptake and depuration
toxicity than mammals (USDOI, 1998). kinetics, and other factors (Sappington, 2002). Se may be
Se shares many properties in common with sulfur, which more readily assimilated into the food chains of slow-
sits above it in the periodic table (Robberecht and Van flowing (lentic) water bodies than those of high-flowing
Grieken, 1982). Se toxicity occurs when aquatic organisms (lotic) water bodies (Lillebo et al., 1988; Canton and Van
accumulate it from the water column, sediments, or food, Derveer, 1997; Lemly, 1999). Such environments are
synthesize amino acids where the sulfur is replaced by Se, thought to be conducive to Se accumulation, biotransfor-
and utilize selenoamino acids as replacements for analo- mation, and remobilization through the benthic–detrital
gous amino acids in the formation of proteins (Weiss et al., food web and rooted plants (Lemly and Smith, 1987; Maier
1965; Butler and Peterson, 1967; Wrench, 1978; Bottino and Knight, 1994; Canton and Van Derveer, 1997). By
comparison, in lotic waters, fine organic sediments such as
Corresponding author. Fax: +1 905 567 6805. those produced by the deposition and decay of particulate
E-mail address: porr@minnow-environmental.com (P.L. Orr). matter and plant and animal tissue may be rare because

0147-6513/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright r 2005 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
176 P.L. Orr et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 63 (2006) 175–188

they are continually flushed from the system (Lemly, 1999). ment–detritus may be important in food web incorpora-
Therefore, there is little opportunity for a contaminated tion of Se (Bender et al., 1991; Alaimo et al., 1994;
surface layer of sediment to develop and rooted plants are Bowie et al., 1996; Canton and Van Derveer, 1997; de
often scarce. Furthermore, the benthic–detrital compo- Souza et al., 1999; Hamilton and Lemly, 1999; Herbel et
nents and associated food web of lotic environments may al., 2002; Hamilton and Buhl, 2003).
play smaller roles in Se cycling, resulting in reduced
accumulation efficiency relative to that of standing water These hypotheses were tested by collecting samples of
with similar aqueous concentrations (Canton and Van water, sediment, primary producers (algae and aquatic
Derveer, 1997). However, no previous studies specifically plants), benthic invertebrates, and fish in seven lentic areas
investigated Se transfer through the food webs of lotic and three lotic areas, including both reference and mine-
versus lentic areas. effluent-exposed environments in 2002 and 2003. Stable
The Elk River watershed, located in the extreme south- isotopes and Se were analyzed in abiotic and biological
eastern portion of British Columbia (Fig. 1), includes the samples to identify the food chain pathway(s) leading to
Kootenay geological formation, an area of naturally the elevated concentrations of Se in fish tissues.
seleniferous soils. In addition to contributions from the Stable isotopes of an element have the same number of
local geology, five coal mines operate within the watershed protons in the nucleus of their atoms but have a different
and discharge wastewaters containing Se. Elevated con- number of neutrons and thus different atomic mass. Stable
centrations of Se have been found in water, sediment, and isotopes of carbon (13C/12C), nitrogen (15N/14N), and
aquatic biota in some areas of the watershed downstream sulfur (34S/32S) are most often used in environmental
of the mines (McDonald and Strosher, 1998; McDonald studies. Results are usually expressed as delta or d
and Strosher, 2000; Kennedy et al., 2000; EVS, 2002a, b; (referring to deviation) values in parts per thousand (%,
Minnow, 2003). Fish in some lentic areas downstream of also termed ‘‘per mil’’) difference between sample and
the mines were found to contain whole-body Se concentra- standard ratios according to the formula
tions of up to 42 mg/kg dry weight (dw; Minnow, 2003),
whereas fish in lotic areas typically showed concentrations d13 Cðor d15 N or d34 SÞ ¼ ½ðRsample  Rstandard Þ=Rstandard 
of less than 10 mg/kg dw (data in EVS (2002a) converted  1000,
from muscle and gonad concentrations using equations
presented by USEPA (2004)). The US Environmental where R ¼ 13C/12C (or 15N/14N or 34S/32S). Thus samples
Protection Agency recently proposed a whole body enriched in 13C (or 15N or 34S) are isotopically ‘‘heavy’’ and
criterion of 7.91 mg Se/kg dw to protect against reproduc- have higher d, while samples depleted in 13C (or 15N or 34S)
tive impacts on fish populations (USEPA, 2004). are isotopically ‘‘light’’ and have lower d values (Hershey
Several hypotheses were considered potential explana- and Peterson, 1996).
tions that might account for greater Se concentrations in The adage ‘‘you are what you eat’’ is often used to
fish and amphibian tissues in mine-exposed lentic areas of describe how stable isotopes are used in ecological studies.
the Elk River watershed: The carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen values of consumers
within an aquatic ecosystem will be a direct reflection of the
 Greater Se uptake by algae and aquatic macrophytes, isotope values at the bottom of the food chain, namely
thus contributing to higher Se concentrations through- primary producers (DeNiro and Epstein, 1978). Carbon
out the entire food chain of lentic compared to lotic and sulfur isotope signatures for consumers will generally
environments. Numerous studies have shown that Se is be within72% of their diet, with the average being a slight
readily taken up from water by algae (Sandholm et al., enrichment in the heavy isotope (i.e., a positive isotope
1973; Nassos et al., 1980; Foe and Knight, 1986; Riedel ratio shift of about 0.5%; Table 1). By comparison, the
et al., 1991; Besser et al., 1993; Bowie et al., 1996; Herbel nitrogen isotope ratio tends to be enriched by about 3.0%
et al., 2002) and aquatic plants (Allen, 1991; Ornes et al., from diet to consumer (Table 1).
1991; Herbel et al., 2002); Most terrestrial (C3) plants have a fairly consistent d13C
 Greater food chain length in lentic than in lotic signature of approximately 28% based on utilization of
environments leading to more accumulation among atmospheric CO2 (d13C of 8%) and subsequent isotope
the highest consumers (e.g., fish and amphibians). Stable fractionation during photosynthetic respiration (O’Leary,
nitrogen isotope data were used in other studies to 1984, 1988). Therefore, biota in aquatic food webs that rely
identify that longer food chain length accounted for on terrestrial carbon sources will have similar or slightly
high concentrations of persistent contaminants in enriched carbon isotope ratios. In contrast, aquatic
certain fish populations (Cabana and Rasmussen, primary producers may exhibit a broad range of carbon
1994; Kidd et al., 1995); isotope values (e.g., approximately 1% to 28%) depend-
 Differences in the base of the food web structure that ing on the dissolved inorganic carbon source, with CO2
result in different uptake pathways for Se in lentic derived from limestone weathering near the positive
compared to lotic habitats. Numerous authors have extreme and that derived from decomposition of terrestrial
suggested that microorganisms associated with sedi- detritus at the negative end of the range (Osmond et al.,
P.L. Orr et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 63 (2006) 175–188 177

Yukon Northwest Territories

FSP Fording Coal

Greenhills Mine

din g R
British Columbia


Li ne
River Line Creek Mine
Elk River

Study Area

C Washington
Lin e

Elk Valley

GM Coal

x a n d e r Cr.



Mine Waste

AC FSP Sampling Area


FSP Fording Settling Pond, lentic,

receives effluent from Fording Mine
l Cr.

Hosmer FRO Fording River Oxbow, lentic,

Leach Cr.

receives effluent from Fording Mine

FR Fording River, lotic, receives effluent

LCO from Fording Mine

Fernie Coal Mountain LC Line Creek, lotic, receives effluent

Mic h

from Line Creek Mine


GM Goddard Marsh, lentic, receives

BLW effluent from Elkview Coal


AC Alexander Creek, lotic, reference

R. area

El k R i

Fl LCO Leach Creek Oxbow, lentic,
reference area

BLW Barnes Lake Wetland, lentic,

reference area

FHW Flathead Wetland, lentic, reference

ad R


0 5 10km
(approx. 20 kms)

Fig. 1. Study area in the Elk River watershed of British Columbia, Canada.

1981; Rounick and Winterbourn, 1986; Hershey and depending on factors such as CO2 availability (Guy et al.,
Peterson, 1996). Subsequent fractionation during photo- 1987; O’Leary, 1988), water flow (Osmond et al., 1981;
synthesis of aquatic plants also occurs to varying degrees, Raven et al., 1985), plant metabolic rate (MacLeod and
178 P.L. Orr et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 63 (2006) 175–188

Table 1
Differences (D) in tissue stable isotope values of consumers relative to diet reported in the scientific literature

Isotope Range Mean (%) Reference

Dd13Carbon 0.6% to +2.7% 0.8 DeNiro and Epstein, 1978

3% to+3% 0.2 Fry and Sherr, 1984; Peterson and Fry, 1987
2.7% to+3.4% 0.4 McCutchan et al., 2003
Not reported 0.2 (freshwater) France and Peters, 1997
Not reported 0.5 (estuary) France and Peters, 1997
Not reported 0.8 (coastal) France and Peters, 1997
Not reported 1.1 (open ocean) France and Peters, 1997
Dd34Sulfur 1% to +6% 0.2 Peterson and Fry, 1987
3.2% to 4% 0.5 McCutchan et al., 2003
Dd15Nitrogen 0.5% to +9.2% 3.0 DeNiro and Epstein, 1981
+1.3% to +5.3% 3.4 Minigawa and Wada, 1984
+3% to +5% 3.2 Peterson and Fry, 1987
Not reported 2–3 Fry, 1991
0.8% to 5.9% 2.0 McCutchan et al., 2003

Barton, 1998), and pH (Osmond et al., 1981), with lowest polyethylene jars using a stainless-steel spoon. In lotic areas, sediment
carbon isotope values for algae being about 45% (Rau, samples were scooped directly into 500-mL polyethylene jars using a
stainless-steel spoon because sufficiently fine sediments for analysis were
1980; Peterson and Fry, 1987). Similarly, sulfur and available only in small patches between rocks. Sediment subsamples
nitrogen isotope ratios also vary among aquatic primary (200 mg) for SIA were placed into polyethylene bags and frozen. Water
producers, depending on the source of inorganic nitrogen and sediment samples collected for Se analysis were stored in coolers or
and sulfur, respectively. Relative reliance on allochthonous refrigerators and then shipped in coolers to the laboratory.
Periphyton sometimes being composed of a thin layer of attached algae,
(terrestrial) versus autochthonous (aquatic primary pro-
bacteria, and other microorganisms (epilithon) and other times being
duction) nutrient sources will determine the stable isotope composed of moss or macrophytic attached algae, depending on relative
values of food webs in different aquatic environments. local abundance, was collected from most habitats. This material was
Therefore, stable isotope data were used to explain the scraped from one or more rocks to achieve minimum sample size
feeding relationships of biota within each habitat investi- requirements and placed into polyethylene bags and frozen. Emergent
gated in the Elk River watershed and then related to the and/or submergent vascular plants (macrophytes) were also collected
manually if abundant.
observed Se concentrations to explain differences in Se In lentic areas, invertebrate samples for Se analysis and SIA were
concentrations in mine effluent-exposed and reference lotic collected using a petite Ponar grab (in deeper locations) and a 500 mm sieve
and lentic habitats. or by dip-netting (shallow areas). In lotic systems, invertebrates were hand
collected from under rocks in the stream. All collected invertebrates were
placed into polyethylene bags and kept inside a cooler until they could be
2. Material and methods further sorted, in the field, into the dominant feeding habits of the
majority of species within each order: filterers, detritivores (including
2.1. Field methods shredders, gatherers, and scrapers), and predators according to the keys of
Merritt and Cummins (1996) and WLU (2000). Each sorted feeding guild
Fish muscle tissue, invertebrate (whole body), sediment, and water from each area was split into two prelabeled polyethylene bags and frozen.
Zooplankton samples were collected using a 65-mm mesh size plankton
samples were collected from three reference areas between July 23 and
net and stored frozen in 500-mL polyethylene containers.
August 3, 2002 as part of an initial reconnaissance study of lentic areas of
the watershed (Flathead Wetland (FHW), Barnes Lake Wetland (BLW), Fish were collected using experimental gill nets (1.5- to 2.5-inch mesh,
and Leach Creek Oxbow (LCO)) and areas receiving mine effluents lentic areas) or by fly rod angling (lotic areas). Total body length, fork
length, body weight, liver weight, gonad weight, and anomalies were
containing elevated Se concentrations (Fording River Oxbow (FRO),
Fording Settling Pond (FSP), and Goddard Marsh (GM)) (Fig. 1). A recorded at the field laboratory within hours of collection. Stomachs were
second field program was undertaken July 22–28, 2003 to obtain (a) removed and preserved in 10% buffered formalin for subsequent stomach
additional samples of aquatic vegetation and invertebrates from the lentic content analysis. Ageing structures (otoliths and scales) were wrapped
separately in waxed paper and stored inside labeled envelopes for
areas for Se analysis, (b) additional samples for stable isotope analysis
(SIA) from FSP and FRO to allow for temporal comparisons of 2002 and subsequent age determination by North Shore Environmental Services
2003 samples, and (c) samples from three lotic areas in the watershed, in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
namely Fording River (FR, mine-exposed), Line Creek (LC, mine-
exposed), and Alexander Creek (AC, reference).
Surface water samples were collected 30 cm below the water surface 2.2. Stable isotope analysis
directly into 250-mL polyethylene bottles for analysis of total Se. Surface
water samples taken for SIA of fine organic matter (FOM) were collected Carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur stable isotope analyses were conducted at
as subsurface grabs directly into 500 mL polyethylene bottles and frozen. the Environmental Isotope Laboratory at the University of Waterloo,
Sediment samples were collected from lentic areas by compositing the Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Water samples were thawed and screened
top 3 cm of three petite Ponar grabs (15.24 cm2 each grab) into 500-mL through a 60-mm-mesh sieve to remove large zooplankton and debris, after
P.L. Orr et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 63 (2006) 175–188 179

which the water sample was freeze-dried. Sediment samples were thawed, that the isotopic signature of aquatic animals be measured relative to a
and major debris and invertebrate material were removed with the aid of site-specific ‘‘baseline’’ d15N. Therefore, the trophic position of each
tweezers under a dissecting microscope. Plant, zooplankton, benthic consumer within each area was estimated consistent with equations
invertebrate, and fish samples were thawed and cleaned of visible debris presented by Vander Zanden et al. (1997), Vander Zanden and Rasmussen
under a dissecting microscope. Water and sediment samples were acidified (1999), and Post (2002),
with 10% hydrochloric acid to remove inorganic carbon. Of biological
samples, only benthic invertebrate samples that might contain a large Trophic position of consumer ¼ l þ ðd15 Nconsumer  d15 Nbase Þ=Dn,
amount of inorganic carbon were acidified prior to analysis (e.g., where l is the trophic position of the organism used to estimate d15Nbase
gastropods and bivalves). All samples were then oven dried at a constant (e.g., l ¼ 1 for primary producers), d15Nconsumer is measured directly,
temperature of 60 1C for 48 h and placed in a desiccator. Just prior to and Dn is the enrichment in d15N per trophic level. For this study a trophic
analysis, the dried samples were pulverized using a Retsch MM2000 ball enrichment value of 3.0% was adopted based on values presented in Table
mill grinder (F. Kurt Retsch GmbH & Co., Haan, Germany). 1. The mean values for the available primary producers (periphyton and
Approximately 1 mg of dried ground animal tissue was used in the macrophytes) were used to estimate the d15Nbase for each area. As the top
simultaneous analysis of carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Stable sulfur consumers collected in this project, the trophic position of fish in each area
isotopes required 3.5 mg of animal tissue due to the low sulfur levels in also represented the total food chain length.
animal tissue. The amount of dry weight material for sediment, FOM, Trophic position can be correlated with contaminant concentrations to
periphyton, and aquatic plant matter varied from 1 to 100 mg, depending trace the pathways of contaminant biomagnification to top predators in
on total carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur content in each sample. aquatic food webs (Cabana and Rasmussen, 1994; Atwell et al., 1998;
Dried pulverized samples were analyzed for nitrogen and carbon Bowles et al., 2001; Power et al., 2002). Net bioaccumulation of an element
isotopes on an Isochrom Continuous Flow Stable Isotope Mass Spectro- occurs when its trophic transfer is greater than that of carbon and the
meter (Micromass) coupled to a Carlo Erba Elemental Analyzer (CHNS-O concentration thus increases with increasing trophic level (Mason et al.,
EA1108). Sulfur analyses were conducted using the Europa TracerMass/ 2000). Biomagnification potential was estimated using the model (after
Roboprep system. Dried, pulverized samples were combusted to CO2, N2, Broman et al., 1992; Rolff et al., 1993)
or SO2 at 1000 1C in the elemental analyzer. The gases were separated
using different separation columns for separation of CO2 and N2 C biota ¼ AeBðtrophic positionÞ ,
(Elemental Microanalysis Limited type E3003 for carbon, nitrogen, where Cbiota is the Se concentration in the biota and A and B are
hydrogen, and sulfur) versus SO2 (type E3002). The purified gases were parameters estimated by linear regression after logarithmic transforma-
introduced into the isotope ratio mass spectrometer for analysis. tion. The equations presented by Broman et al. (1992) and Rolff et al.
Sample isotope ratios were compared to those of standard gases (1993) used measured d15N for the exponent, but estimated trophic
injected directly into the isotope ratio mass spectrometer before and after position (based on d15N) was substituted in this study to take into account
the sample peaks, and d15N, d13C, and d34S values were calculated relative inter-area variability in baseline d15N. The model constant, A, is a scaling
to international standard materials obtained from the International factor that depends on the concentration of Se at the base of the food
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Austria. Ammonium sulfate standards chain (Rolff et al., 1993). The parameter B estimates biomagnification
(IAEA-N1 and IAEA-N2) were used for d15N and were previously potential, where B40 indicates that transfer of Se between trophic levels is
calibrated against atmospheric nitrogen (d15NAIR; Mariotti, 1983). more efficient than biomass transfer (i.e., Se is biomagnified).
Standard IAEA-CH6 (Anu Sugar Sucrose) was used for carbon and was
previously calibrated against carbonate rock from the Pee Dee Belemnite
(PDB) formation (d13CPDB; Craig, 1953). NBS-123 (Sphalerite ZnS) was 3. Results
the sulfur standard and was previously calibrated against primordial
sulfur from the Canyon Diablo meteorite (d34SCDT; Rees et al., 1978). 3.1. Stable isotope data
Stable isotope ratios were expressed as delta values (d) with d15N, d13C,
and d34S values being relative to atmospheric 15N, PDB 13C, and Canyon
Diablo 34S, respectively.
The combined isotope data for all areas indicated more
enriched nitrogen isotope signatures among aquatic
animals in mine-exposed habitats than among those in
2.3. Selenium analyses
reference areas (Fig. 2). However, the mine-exposed areas
Se analyses of water, sediment, and macrophyte samples were
completed by Aurora Laboratory Services of Vancouver, BC, Canada 16
using hydride vapor atomic absorption spectrophotometry (EPA Method 14
7000 series).
Periphyton, benthic invertebrates and fish tissue samples were analyzed 12
at the University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor Center. The
samples were received frozen and then freeze-dried, homogenized, and
δ 15N (‰)

analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis. 8

Se concentration results are presented in dry weight units unless
specified otherwise. 6

2.4. Estimation of trophic position and biomagnification potential

The consistency of nitrogen enrichment at each trophic transfer (Table 0

-40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15
1) provides a convenient quantitative measure of relative trophic position
within a food web (Cabana and Rasmussen, 1994, 1996; Vander Zanden et δ 13C (‰)
al., 1997; Vander Zanden and Rasmussen, 1999; Post, 2002). Nitrogen FSP FRO GM BLW FHW LCO FR LC AC
isotope values alone cannot be used to compare the trophic position of
organisms in different aquatic environments because the d15N of primary Fig. 2. d15N and d13C isotope values measured in fish, amphibian, and
producers (organisms that convert inorganic N to organic N) are highly benthic invertebrate tissue samples collected in all habitats sampled in the
variable among systems (Cabana and Rasmussen, 1996). This necessitates Elk River watershed, British Columbia, in 2002 and 2003.
180 P.L. Orr et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 63 (2006) 175–188

were generally situated to the north of the watershed, while tures among areas were indicative of factors other than
most reference areas were located further south (Fig. 1). relative mine effluent exposure.
Comparison of nitrogen isotope values against the distance Mean carbon isotope values for aquatic primary
to FSP, the most northerly area sampled, suggested that producers ranged from 19.6% to 38.3%, overlapping
the pattern was simply a reflection of north–south with values typically associated with terrestrial plants
geographical position and associated subwatershed condi- (approximately 28%), thus making it impossible to
tions rather than effluent exposure (Fig. 3). The negative distinguish between relative reliance on allochthonous
relationship between distance to the south and d15N existed versus autochthonous carbon sources in many areas
even though the locations are not all located in the same (Table 2). However, shifts in carbon and sulfur isotope
subwatershed (or even in the same watershed in the case of values between benthic organisms (diet) and fish (con-
FHW). No other separation of lentic or lotic areas or sumers) were generally consistent with ranges presented in
reference or mine-exposed areas was evident in plots the literature (Tables 1 and 2). An exception was at GM
showing carbon and sulfur or sulfur and nitrogen isotope where a larger-than-expected trophic shift was indicated
values of aquatic invertebrates and vertebrates (not based on average carbon and sulfur isotope values relative
shown), suggesting that the differences in isotope signa- to literature values (Table 2). This was likely related to
preferential feeding by resident sucker on specific inverte-
brates present in GM, some of which had more positive
signatures of both isotopes than was indicated by mean
values. Overall, the SIA data suggested that the fish
12 collected had fidelity to the habitats from which they were
10 obtained, which was an important consideration in the
δ N (‰)

8 y = -0.0575x + 10.102 investigation of the potential food web pathway(s) leading


R2 = 0.514, P<0.0005 to Se accumulation in fish in each habitat.

Food chain length was estimated in several ways for each
area based on average measured d15N values and the
assumption of an approximate d15N increase of 3.0 at each
0 trophic level (Table 3). The estimated number of trophic
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Distance to FSP (km)
levels in each area was more variable when the calculation
included primary producers, which can exhibit wide
variations in isotope signatures within and among habitats
Fig. 3. Relationship between d15N of biological tissue samples and depending on the source and isotope signature of inorganic
relative distance from Fording Settling Pond (FSP), the most northerly carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur used by the plants, as
area sampled. discussed previously. Overall food web structure was

Table 2
Mean d13carbon and d34sulfur (%) of biological samples collected in lentic and lotic areas of the Elk River watershed, showing differences between the
stable isotope signatures of benthic invertebrates and fish among areas

Lentic Lotic

Exposed Reference Exposed Reference


Mean d13Carbon
Primary producers 23.8 19.6 27.4 32.4 32.5  20.6 32.5 38.3
Benthic invertebrates (all) 27.6 30.8 28.5 31.5 30.5 32.0 30.1 32.9 33.1
Amphibians (adult frogs only) — 29.2 26.7 — — 29.4 28.2 — —
Fish 26.6 28.9 23.7 28.5 29.1 30.4 30.0 30.3 30.4

Dd13Carbon: benthic invertebrates to fish 1.0 1.9 4.8a 3.0 1.4 1.6 0.1 2.6 2.7
Mean d Sulfur
Primary producers 6.5 0.96 7.2 4.7 6.3 — 3.1 1.3 4.7
Benthic invertebrates (all) 4.5 4.5 8.2 6.4 6.2 1.2 4.2 2.9 0.1
Amphibians (adult frogs only) — — — — — — 0.6 — —
Fish 3.2 3.5 5.9 2.7 5.0 2.9 2.0 2.9 1.3
Dd34Sulfur: Benthic Invertebrates to Fish 1.3 1.0 2.3a 3.7 1.2 1.7 2.2 0.0 1.2
Invertebrate species at Goddard Marsh exhibited a wide range of d13carbon and d34sulfur. The fish caught there may feed selectively on invertebrates
with less negative isotope signatures than is reflected by the mean value, resulting in trophic shifts more consistent with literature values (Table 1).
P.L. Orr et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 63 (2006) 175–188 181

Table 3
Estimates of food chain length in lentic and lotic habitats of the Elk River watershed based on d15nitrogen measured at different trophic levels

Average d15Nitrogen Lentic Lotic

Exposed Reference Exposed Reference


Primary producers 6.1 7.2 6.5 0.02 0.1 — 4.0 2.3 0.15
Benthic invertebrates (primary consumers only) 7.8 10.3 8.7 2.8 1.1 3.6 7.4 4.6 4.6
Ephemeroptera+Chironomidae 6.7 10.4 9.2 3.5 0.8 3.6 8.0 4.1 3.7
Benthic invertebrates (all) 7.8 10.7 9.3 3.5 2.3 4.5 7.7 5.3 4.6
Fish 10.4 13.2 12.0 7.5 4.7 8.8 9.9 9.4 8.6
Dd15Nitrogen: primary producers to benthos (primary consumers) 1.7 3.1 2.2 2.8 1.0 — 3.4 2.3 4.8
Dd15Nitrogen: primary producers to fish 4.3 6.0 5.5 7.5 4.6 — 5.9 7.1 8.8
Estimated trophic position of fish (No. of trophic levels)a 2.4 3.0 2.8 3.5 2.5 — 3.0 3.4 3.9
Dd15Nitrogen: benthic invertebrates (all) to fish 2.6 2.5 2.7 4.0 2.4 4.3 2.2 4.1 4.0
Estimated trophic position of fish (No. of trophic levels)b 2.9 2.8 2.9 3.3 2.8 3.4 2.7 3.4 3.3

Dd15Nitrogen: ‘Ephemeroptera+Chironomidae’ to fish 3.7 2.8 2.8 4.0 4.0 5.3 1.9 5.4 4.9
Estimated trophic position of fish (No. of trophic levels)c 3.2 2.9 2.9 3.3 3.3 3.8 2.6 3.8 3.6
Estimated food chain length between fish and primary producers. Calculated as Dd15nitrogen/3+1, assuming an approximate increase in Dd15nitrogen
of 3 at each increasing trophic level as shown in Table 1.
Estimated food chain length between fish and benthic invertebrates. Calculated as Dd15nitrogen/3+2, assuming an approximate increase in
Dd nitrogen of 3 at each increasing trophic level as shown in Table 1.
Estimated food chain length between fish and ‘Ephemeroptera+Chironomidae’. Calculated as Dd15nitrogen/3+2, assuming an approximate increase
in Dd15nitrogen of 3 at each increasing trophic level as shown in Table 1.

similar in lotic and lentic habitats, as indicated by the reference (2–3 mg/kg at FSP) to a maximum of 26 mg/kg at
presence of primary and secondary consumer benthic GM (Table 4).
species and one dominant fish species (cutthroat trout at The animals in lentic exposure areas had, on average,
all areas but FHW and GM, where longnose sucker was much higher tissue Se concentrations than those in lentic
obtained, and LCO, where brook trout was obtained), all reference areas (Fig. 4, Table 5). In contrast, the biota in
of which appeared to feed predominantly on resident lotic exposure areas had tissue levels of Se similar to those
benthic invertebrates. This was supported by stomach in both the lotic reference area and the lentic reference area
content analysis (not presented). Estimates of food chain (Fig. 4), indicating that Se is taken up more readily into the
length generally indicated three trophic levels. food web in lentic than in lotic environments. However,
primary producers in lentic exposure areas did not contain
higher Se concentrations than those in the other environ-
3.2. Selenium concentrations in the food web ments (Table 6), indicating that the key process of Se
incorporation into the food web occurs through a pathway
The water concentrations of Se measured in 2002 and other than direct consumption of primary producers.
2003 at lentic exposure and lotic reference and exposure The Se concentrations of aquatic plants and animals in
areas were within the range of concentrations reported in lentic and lotic habitats were compared to relative trophic
previous monitoring at those locations (Table 4). Reference position of each organism based on d15N. The biota at
lentic areas were not monitored previously, but values higher trophic positions in lentic exposure areas accumu-
measured in 2002 and 2003 were similar to those measured lated much greater Se concentrations that those in other
at the lotic reference area (AC). Elk River watershed habitats (Fig. 5).
reference area concentrations were slightly greater than Aqueous exposure concentrations were generally lower
those reported for reference areas in other studies in the lotic than in some lentic exposure areas, so the data
(0.1–0.4 mg/L; USDOI, 1998), likely due to the naturally were evaluated separately for one lotic and one lentic area
seleniferous geology of the area. In general, aqueous Se with fairly similar concentrations of Se in water. Higher Se
concentrations were greater in exposure versus reference concentrations were evident among biota in the FRO
areas, although Se concentrations in the exposure areas (lentic area) than in LC (lotic area) even though the latter
were highly variable, reflecting the relative proximity to had marginally higher aqueous Se levels (Fig. 6, Table 4).
mine site discharges. Average values computed for organisms classified as
As with water, sediment Se concentrations in exposure benthic detritivores, benthic predators, and fish did not
areas were variable and ranged from levels comparable to suggest that biomagnification occurs among Elk River
182 P.L. Orr et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 63 (2006) 175–188

Table 4
Water and sediment quality data for present study (2002–2003) compared to aqueous selenium concentrations reported by EVS (2002) for same locations.

Habitat Area type Specific location Location Total aqueous selenium (mg/L) Total sediment selenium
type identifier (mg/kg dry weight)
1995–2001 (EVS 2002) This Study

Number of Mean (range) 2002 (n ¼ 1 2003 (n ¼ 1 2002 (n ¼ 1 2003 (n ¼ 1

Samples for each area) for each area) for each area) for each area)

Lentic Exposure Fording River FRO 5 9.6 (4–14) 9.9 4.4 7.0 8.8
Fording Settling FSP 17 25.4 (o1–54) 50.0 42.0 3.0 2.6
Pond (Clode
Goddard Marsh GM 16 63.5 (7–106) 82.0 94.0 26.0 —

Reference Flathead Pond FHW — — 0.7 0.7 3.0 —

Barns Lake BLW — — 0.5 0.5 2.0 —
Leach Creek LCO — — 1.4 0.9 3.0 —

Lotic Exposure Line Creek LC 43 15.1 (4.6–25) — 20.9 — 2.1

Fording River FR 7 14.5 (7–19) — 20.1 — 2.1

Reference Alexander Creek AC 4 1.4 (0.5–3.7) — 0.9 — 0.9

80 Lentic Reference (BLW,FHW,LCO) and lotic exposure habitats (Rolff et al., 1993), but to a
Lentic Exposure (FSP,FRO,GM) greater extent in lentic habitats.
Lotic Reference (FR,LC)
Lotic Exposure (AC) It is noteworthy that the filtering benthic invertebrates
(Pisidium) obtained at exposure area FSP (7.2 mg/kg) and
reference area LCO (1.8 mg/kg) had lower Se concentra-
60 tions than other benthic invertebrates at those locations (91
and 14 mg/kg, respectively). These bivalves derive their
50 food from particulate matter transported in the water
column, whereas the other invertebrates sampled rely on
Se (ppm)

food sources that are more closely associated with the

sediment–detrital food web. It is also noteworthy that the
isotope signatures of bulk sediment and cutthroat trout
30 were more similar in the three lentic areas where this
species was dominant (Dd13C of only 1.3–3.3% between
20 sediment and fish) compared to the three lotic areas (Dd13C
of 4.9–5.8%), also suggesting a closer dietary link to
sediments in lentic areas.

0 4. Discussion
Water Sediment Benthic Benthic Benthic Benthic Amphibians Cutthroat
Plants Filterers Detritivores Predators Trout

Fig. 4. Mean selenium concentrations in water, sediment, algae, benthic SIA identified that the food chain structure in both lotic
invertebrates, amphibians, and fish from the lentic and lotic reference and and lentic habitats was relatively simple, involving three
exposure areas of the Elk River watershed. trophic levels: (1) allochthonous and/or autochthonous
primary production, (2) primary consumers (filtering,
grazing, and detritivorous benthic invertebrates), and (3)
secondary consumers (predator invertebrates, amphibians,
watershed biota (Fig. 4, Table 5). Furthermore, the greatest and fish). SIA also indicated that the fish collected in this
tissue Se concentrations were sometimes observed among study likely derive much of their nutrition from the lentic
specific benthic invertebrates (e.g., Ephemeroptera with and lotic habitats from which they were collected, allowing
165.4 mg/kg at GM). However, the positive b values in the for characterization of potential differences in food chain
exponential equations shown in Figs. 5 and 6 (y ¼ aebx ) dynamics giving rise to elevated concentrations of Se in fish
indicated that Se biomagnification occurred in both lentic tissues in lentic but not lotic exposure areas.
P.L. Orr et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 63 (2006) 175–188 183

Table 5
Mean tissue selenium concentrations observed in biota representing different trophic levels (mg/kg dry weight, sample sizes in parentheses)

Lentic Lotic

Exposed Reference Exposed Reference


Benthic detritivores 91.3 (2) 26.6 (3) 96.4 (2) 8.5 (2) 3.7 (1) 7.1 (1) 7.3 (1) 9.6 (1)
Benthic predators — — 42.6 (1) 8.2 (1) 6.6 (2) 6.9 (1) 2.7 (1) 4.5 (1)
Fish (muscle) 41.6 (6) 25.7 (6) 33.6 (3) 4.6 (3) 3.9 (3) 8.2 (3) 7 (3) 4.9 (3)

Table 6
Selenium concentrations measured in samples of aquatic primary producers (mg/kg dry weight)

Lentic Lotic

Exposed Reference Exposed Reference


Epilithon 4.47 7.63 — — — — 5.43 2.19 —
Chara 6.5 — — — — —
Cladophora — 3.47 3.21 4.40 — — 1.11 — 4.49

Moss — — — — 3.89 3.67 7.94 — —

Carex 3.9 — 3.9 — — — — — —
Equisetum 3.9 — 4.3 — — — — — —
Typha — — 12.3 — — — — — —

All Sites 80
Tissue Se (mg/kg dry weight)


50 FRO ( )
Se (mg/kg)

y = 4.1216e0.7986x
40 R = 0.5178

LC ( )
20 y = 1.1169e0.7362x
R2 = 0.6009
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
Trophic Position 10

Lentic Reference Lentic Exposure Lotic Reference Lotic Exposure

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Fig. 5. Selenium concentrations measured in biological tissue samples Trophic Position
collected from lentic and lotic habitats of the Elk River watershed, relative FRO LC FRO Exponential Trendline LC Exponential Trendline
to trophic position. Trophic position was calculated from d15nitrogen
values of each sample. Fig. 6. Trophic position and selenium concentration of each biological
tissue sample collected at FRO (exposed lentic area) versus LC (exposed
lotic area).
The food chain lengths of lentic areas were similar to or
shorter than those of lotic areas, so the hypothesis of
elevated Se levels potentially being associated with greater exposure areas, when measured d15N (indicating actual
food chain length in lentic areas was not supported by the trophic position), rather than assumed dietary relation-
data. Se biomagnification was shown, particularly in lentic ships, was considered. These results indicated that general
184 P.L. Orr et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 63 (2006) 175–188

assumptions about the feeding behavior (e.g., detritivore Consumer aquatic organisms (e.g., invertebrates and
versus predator) of benthic invertebrate orders containing fish) can also take up Se directly from water, and, as with
species with a wide variety of feeding characteristics cannot microbes and plants, selenate is the least bioavailable form
be made. Stable nitrogen isotope data provided a and organoselenium is the most bioavailable form (Niimi
more reliable means of evaluating trophic feeding relation- and LaHam, 1976; Ingersoll et al., 1990; Luoma et al.,
ships by indicating actual rather than assumed dietary 1992; Besser et al., 1993; Lemly et al., 1993; Maier et al.,
relationships. 1993). Therefore, some of the Se taken up by aquatic biota
Greater macrophyte abundance in lentic areas was may occur via waterborne organoselenium compounds
consistent with the tendency of watershed wetlands to act released from living algae or by the necrosis of cells
as reservoirs for a large proportion of watershed nutrients. (Cutter, 1992; Besser et al., 1994). Furthermore, environ-
The lentic exposure environments were associated with ments in which a substantial proportion of Se is present as
elevated concentrations of Se in benthic invertebrates but aqueous organoselenides will lead to greater accumulation
not in primary producers, indicating that the key process of of Se from water by both primary producers and
Se incorporation into the food web occurs through a consumers.
pathway other than direct consumption of primary In general, however, the dominant route of Se uptake by
producers. Instead, this study provides evidence of the aquatic consumer organisms is from food (Sandholm et al.,
importance of sediment–detrital processes, which give rise 1973; Besser et al., 1993; Bowie et al., 1996), in which Se
to elevated concentrations in benthos, likely via uptake of also tends to be largely in an organoselenide form (Fan et
microorganisms containing elevated Se concentrations al., 2002). Se in suspended and bottom particles is a
and/or via direct uptake by benthos of Se from water critically important phase because it represents the
(porewater or water near the sediment interface) or food base for the smallest consumers (zooplankton and
incidental sediment ingestion. This conclusion was sup- benthic invertebrates, respectively) in aquatic food webs
ported by the findings of lower Se accumulation in filter- (Lemly, 1985; Luoma et al., 1992; Fan et al., 2002),
feeding bivalves than in benthic detritivores, enhanced which are in turn consumed by organisms at higher trophic
biomagnification of Se in lentic compared to lotic exposure levels.
areas, and greater similarity between the isotope signatures Bottom sediments are the dominant sink for Se in
of bulk sediment and that of cutthroat trout in lentic aquatic ecosystems via association with suspended parti-
compared to lotic areas. culate matter and subsequent deposition (Besser et al.,
Taken together, the data related to Se speciation and 1989; Canton and Van Derveer, 1997). Se tends to sorb
relative Se uptake by biota presented in the literature are most rapidly to fine- rather than coarse-textured
consistent with the conclusions of this study. Uptake of the substrate (Besser et al., 1989), consistent with greater
dissolved oxyanions (selenate and selenite) by algae, surface area for Se sorption and the elevated Se concentra-
macrophytes and bacteria and subsequent transformation tions in some lentic area sediments in the Elk River
to selenoamino acids (e.g., selenocysteine and seleno- watershed. Bottom sediments are considered an important
methionine) are cited as key pathways for biotransforma- link and exposure source to the benthic-driven food
tion of dissolved inorganic Se into organoselenium. This is web (Saiki et al., 1993; Lemly, 1993, 1996; Alaimo et al.,
because selenium is readily taken up from water by algae 1994; Maier and Knight, 1994; Bowie et al., 1996;
(Sandholm et al., 1973; Nassos et al., 1980; Foe and Sappington, 2002; Hamilton et al., 2004). Detritus can
Knight, 1986; Riedel et al., 1991; Besser et al., 1993; Herbel contain high Se concentrations in Se-contaminated
et al., 2002), aquatic plants (Allen, 1991; Ornes et al., 1991; environments (e.g., up to 440 mg/kg reported by Saiki
Herbel et al., 2002), and bacteria (Bender et al., 1991) (1986) and Saiki and Lowe (1987)) and benthic inverte-
under laboratory and field conditions. Se speciation affects brates readily accumulate Se from detritus (this study;
the rate at which it is assimilated by plants, with uptake Alaimo et al., 1994)
rate increasing from least to most rapid in the order of The chemical form of Se in sediments is controlled by the
selenate versus selenite versus organoselenide (Ogle et al., nature of the ambient microbial community (i.e., either
1988; Lemly et al., 1993; Maier et al., 1993; Alaimo et al., selenooxyanion reducers or elemental Se oxidizers), which
1994; Bowie et al., 1996; Kiffney and Knight, 1990; Riedel in turn is dictated by redox conditions (Schlekat et al.,
et al., 1996). Se taken up in the form of oxyanions by plants 2000; May et al., 2001). Some studies have indicated that
or microorganisms is then largely transformed into dissimilatory reduction of Se by bacteria may be important
selenoamino acids and subsequently incorporated into in transforming selenooxyanions in overlying water or
proteins (Butler and Peterson, 1967; Wrench, 1978; Bottino porewater to sediment-associated elemental Se (Maiers
et al., 1984). Thus, it has been previously concluded, et al., 1988; Oremland et al., 1990; Fan et al., 2002; Amweg
although not specifically demonstrated, that bacteria and et al., 2003) and then to organoselenide (Foda et al., 1983;
aquatic plants are primarily responsible for introducing Schlekat et al., 2000; Fan et al., 2002) in reducing
organoselenides into aquatic food webs and account for environments.
much of the biogeochemical cycling of Se that occurs in On the other hand, analysis of Se stable isotope ratios in
natural systems (Bowie et al., 1996). a California estuary showed that reduction of soluble Se
P.L. Orr et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 63 (2006) 175–188 185

from overlying waters is not always the dominant process Acknowledgments

by which Se is incorporated into sediments (Johnson et al.,
2000). Instead, it appears that Se assimilation by plants and This study was partially funded by an Industrial
algae, followed by deposition and mineralization, may be Research Fellowship awarded to Karin Guiguer by the
the dominant transformation pathway responsible for National Science and Engineering Research Council. The
accumulation of reduced forms of Se in the sediments of authors thank the Elk Valley Coal Corp. and the other
some wetlands (Herbel et al., 2002). This is supported by members of the Elk Valley Selenium Task Force for their
other studies in which it was concluded that accumulation technical input and support during this project. We also
of Se in the top layer of sediment is generally the result of thank the numerous other individuals who provided input
deposition of dead organic material from the water column to the project and/or reviewed drafts of the full technical
and incorporation in the detrital food chain (Kiffney and report, notably D. Lemly (US Forest Service), W. Adams
Knight, 1990; Oremland et al., 1990; Bender et al., 1991; (Rio Tinto), A. Fairbrother (US EPA), S. Chandra
Graham et al., 1992; Stephens, 1996; Zawislanski et al., (U. Nevada-Reno), K. Munkittrick (U. New Brunswick),
2001). Dead periphyton can contribute to the detrital food G. Dixon (U. Waterloo), A. Farwell (U. Waterloo),
web (Allan, 1995) as can terrestrial plant litter (Allan, 1995; M. Power (U. Waterloo), and D. Laine (U. Ottawa).
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