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 Hi Ale, Sorry to bother you. I  Hola Ale, siento molestarte.

have a question for you. una pregunta para ti.
 OK, what’s up?  ¿OK, qué pasa?
 I’ve been having a problem with  He tenido un problema con mi
my computer or flash driver. I computadora o controlador de
know you’re an engineer so I flash. Sé que eres ingeniero, así
thought you might be able to que pensé que podrías ayudarme.
help me.  Ya veo. ¿Cuál es el problema?
 I see. What’s the problem?  Tengo un archivo en mi controlador
 I have a file in my flash driver de flash que no puedo abrir por
that I can’t open for some alguna razón.
reason.  ¿Qué tipo de archivo es?
 What type of file is it?  Es un documento de Word. Tengo
 It’s a Word document. I need to que terminarlo hoy.
finish it by today.  ¿Fue capaz de abrirlo antes, en la
 Were you able to open it before, on computadora que está usando
the computer you’re using now? ahora?
 No, my friend passed the file to  No, mi amigo me pasó el archivo
me by flash driver yesterday. ayer por flash driver.
 Do you think your computer might  ¿Cree que su computadora podría
have a virus? tener un virus?
 I don’t think my computer has  No creo que mi computadora tenga
antivirus. antivirus.
 Uhmm.. I think that your flash  Uhmm .. Creo que su controlador
driver could be infected with virus. de flash podría estar infectado con
 If I had told you yesterday about virus.
my problem, I would have  Si te hubiera dicho ayer sobre mi
advanced my work. problema, habría avanzado mi
 Don´t worry, fortunately there are trabajo.
many programs that restores and  No te preocupes, afortunadamente
recovers files. hay muchos programas que
 Thank you very much restauran y recuperan archivos.
 Muchas gracias
1. Hi Ale, Sorry to bother you. I have a question for you.
2. OK, what’s up?
3. I’ve been having a problem with my computer or flash driver. I know you’re an
engineer so I thought you might be able to help me.
4. I see. What’s the problem?
5. I have a file in my flash driver that I can’t open for some reason.
6. What type of file is it?
7. It’s a Word document. I need to finish it by today.
8. Were you able to open it before, on the computer you’re using now?
9. No, my friend passed the file to me by flash driver yesterday.
10. Do you think your computer might have a virus?
11. I don’t think my computer has antivirus.
12. Uhmm.. I think that your flash driver could be infected with virus.
13. If I had told you yesterday about my problem, I would have advanced my
14. Don´t worry, fortunately there are many programs that restores and recovers files.
15. Thank you very much

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