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Faith Owes Its Birth to Sovereign Grace

John Stevens Alexander R. Reinagle

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Faith owes its birth to sov' reign grace, And lives be neath the throne,
Faith yields to grace the glo ry due, Nor dares as sume her place;
The pre cious cleans ing blood of Christ Is a de light ful them;
Faith owns the scep tre through the cross, And yields o be dience true;
To live up on His pre cious death Is faith's di vine re past;
Faith views Him dead up on the tree; Then bu ried in the grave;
Then to the Mount of O lives go; There faith with ea ger eye,
With tears of joy, faith now be lieves The day will sure ly come,

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C F C F C D m B dim A m A m C B dim C G C


Where grace main tains her dwel ling place, And reigns su preme a lone
But owns all doc trines must be true That spring from sov' reign grace
When faith is lift ed up the high'st, She sings of none but Him.
Counts all things else but earth and dross, To keep the Lamb in view.
The lan guage of His dy ing breath, See how she holds it fast!
And waits a round the tomb to see Him rise with pow'r to save.
Be holds her Lord leave all be low To dwell and reign on high.
When he who Je sus' cross re ceives Shall see Him crowned at home.

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