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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical

Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering


The pillowing tendency of materials in single-point incremental forming: Experimental and finite
element analyses
KA Al-Ghamdi and G Hussain
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture published online 29
April 2014
DOI: 10.1177/0954405414530906

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Proc IMechE Part B:

J Engineering Manufacture
The pillowing tendency of materials in Ó IMechE 2014
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DOI: 10.1177/0954405414530906

Experimental and finite element pib.sagepub.com


KA Al-Ghamdi1 and G Hussain2

The pillow is a defect that adversely affects the geometrical accuracy as well as the formability in single-point incremental
forming. With a main objective to control this defect, the effects of mechanical properties of material on pillowing are
examined in this work. To identify the mechanical property that significantly affects pillowing, single-point incremental
forming tests are conducted using a variety of materials (i.e. 11). It is found that a property (i.e. area reduction at tensile
fracture) that controls the formability of a material in single-point incremental forming does not have any significant
effect on its pillowing tendency. Interestingly, hardening exponent (i.e. a property that has controlling influence on the
stretch-ability of material) appears to be the most influential property that determines the pillowing tendency of sheet
metals in single-point incremental forming. Furthermore, the pillowing tendency of a material decreases with the
decrease in this particular property. This, according to finite element analysis, occurs because strain localization around
the tool/sheet contact correspondingly increases. To select and rank materials with respect to the pillowing behavior, a
formula describing the property–pillowing relationship is proposed. As a secondary objective, the correlation between
pillowing and forming depth is also investigated in this work. It is shown that initially the pillow progresses as the forming
depth increases. However, after forming has been carried out to a certain depth, the pillow begins to regress, most likely
due to strain hardening of sheet metal. In conclusion, it is suggested to lower the hardening exponent of sheet metals in
order to control pillowing in single-point incremental forming.

Incremental forming, defect, pillow, mechanical property, analysis

Date received: 19 December 2013; accepted: 17 March 2014

Introduction In addition to simplicity, the higher formability com-

pared with that of conventional pressing is another
Single-point incremental forming (SPIF) is a process of interesting and promising aspect of SPIF. Shim and
converting a flat sheet-blank into a contoured shape Park2 and Allwood et al.3 have proposed the localized
through successive increments of deformation, which deformation and through-thickness shear as the major
are imposed making use of a simple hemispherical-end reasons of the increased forming limits of SPIF process,
cylindrical tool. The motion of the tool is controlled by respectively. As far as the capability to process different
a predefined trajectory, generated from the computer- materials is concerned, SPIF can deform almost all
aided design (CAD) model of the component to be pro-
duced. The process is assumed to belong to the metal
spinning family.1 However, unlike spinning, it does not 1
Department of Industrial Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah,
employ any counter mandrel to form a part. Moreover, Saudi Arabia
contrary to spinning, the SPIF process can also perform 2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean
asymmetric forming besides axisymmetric. Owing to University, North Cyprus, Turkey
these characteristics, the process has potential to replace
Corresponding author:
not only spinning but also press forming, a group of G Hussain, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eastern
classical sheet forming operations characterized by high Mediterranean University, North Cyprus, Via Mersin-10, Turkey.
tooling cost and long lead time. Email: ghulam.hussain@emu.edu.tr

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2 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture

types of ductile materials including metals.4–8 To attract (i.e. umax2umin). In an attempt to overcome pillow-
the manufacturers’ attention, several industrial applica- ing, the effects of some process parameters were investi-
tions (e.g. car-body panels, customized leg and dies) gated, and it was found that tool diameter is the
of the process have been demonstrated in the litera- principal parameter that can control pillowing. Finally,
ture.9–11 More details on the applications and advances it was proposed to employ large-size tools to reduce pil-
made in the process have been provided in review arti- lowing. The study of the reason of this finding, how-
cles by Jeswiet et al.12 and Echrif and Hrairi.13 ever, was left for future.
Where SPIF offers benefits, it also suffers from seri- This study has been primarily undertaken to propose
ous drawbacks of slow forming speed, poor profile an alternative solution to control pillowing through
accuracy and defects which question the industrial via- controlling material properties. A limited amount of
bility of the process. The latest efforts reported in work to identify the most influential property was per-
Ambrogio et al.14 have shown that the issue of slow formed earlier using one material, that is, Aluminum
speed can be overcome by employing high-speed incre- AA1060.22,23 To vary the material properties, the test
mental forming equipment (i.e. computer numerical material was cold rolled to three different levels. As a
control (CNC) turning center). The subject of accuracy result, the material strength increased, while the ducti-
has been addressed in Ambrogio et al.,15 Bambach lity and hardening exponent decreased correspondingly.
et al.,16 Hussain et al.,17 Malhotra et al.,18 Verbert Due to this reason, the material property controlling
et al.,19 Duflou et al.20 and Allwood et al.21 According pillowing in SPIF could not be clearly identified.
to these studies, the accuracy can be improved by modi- Therefore, further work using various materials needs
fying tool path, optimizing parameters, employing to be carried out. To do so, a number of SPIF tests
multi-stage forming, using counter tool, introducing using 11 different materials with a variety of physical
feature-based approach, laser heating and making holes conditions obtained by employing work-hardening and
in the blanks, respectively. The last issue of defects has heat treatment processes are conducted. And a general
been lately studied by the authors of this work to intro- correlation between the size of pillow and the most
duce three defects, namely, wall, back-fold and pil- influential property is established. As a secondary
low.22,23 To minimize these defects, they suggested to objective, investigations into the effect of forming depth
process sheet metals with optimal parameters. Hot on pillowing are also carried out. Furthermore, an
forming has been proposed as an alternative approach24 attempt is made to find the cause of a previous finding
to control the last of the aforementioned three defects. that was left as future work (i.e. the size of the pillow
However, adaptation to this method will not only reduces as the tool diameter increases23). To know the
increase the product cost but also adversely affect the mechanisms for the experimental results and to fulfill
strength of formed component and the process simpli- the aforementioned future work, the finite element
city, a salient feature of SPIF. analyses (FEAs) are performed. As a result of this
The pillow, as schematized in Figure 1(a), is an study, the role of mechanical properties on the pillow-
SPIF defect which develops due to the bulging of sheet- ing tendency of materials has become clarified. Thus,
blank while forming a part (say cone). In our previous an alternative solution to control pillowing in SPIF has
study,23 it was experimentally demonstrated that exces- been revealed.
sive pillowing, besides profile accuracy, causes prema-
ture sheet fracture especially at low wall angles (say 20°
Experimental and FEA procedures
as depicted in Figure 1(b)). Consequently, the forming
limit, which is usually defined as the maximum wall Table 1 presents the mechanical properties of 11 differ-
angle without sheet fracturing, reduces to a range ent materials employed in this study. As can be seen,
between the maximum and minimum wall angle materials with a variety of conditions were chosen so

(a) (b)

hp Pillow

Sheet plane

Figure 1. (a) Schematic of pillow in the cone geometry and (b) sheet rupturing due to pillow.23

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Ghamdi and Hussain 3


that generalized conclusions could be drawn. Of these




materials, one is tempered, two are work hardened and
the rest are in annealed condition. This selection pro-

vides a wide range of mechanical properties such as the
yield stress yield strength from 54 to 296 MPa, the percent elonga-
tion from 5.5% to 63%, the hardening exponent from
stress to
Ratio of

0.04 to 0.53 and the percent reduction in area at tensile




fracture from 24.7% to 81.5%.

To determine the mechanical properties of materials,
yield stresses
Difference of

the uni-axial tensile tests were performed. The test spe-

ultimate and

cimens (three samples along each of 0°, 45° and 90° to


the rolling direction of sheet) with 50 mm gauge length


105 and about 1 mm sheet thickness were cut, according to

ASTM E8 standard, on a CNC milling machine. The

strain at


tensile tests were conducted at the cross-head speed of




2 mm/min with an MTS 810 tensile testing machine. In

addition to tensile tests, the hardness tests were also
performed using a Vickers hardness tester to clarify the
of area

influence of metal hardness on pillowing, if any. The






various mechanical properties were determined follow-





ing the well-known procedures detailed in the interna-


tional literature.
For the sake of simplicity, the frustum of cone with






major diameter of 110 mm was employed as the test


geometry. To investigate the effect of mechanical prop-


erties on the pillowing tendency, the wall angle and the


depth of frustum were kept constant at 20° and 10 mm,






respectively. However, in order to determine the influ-


ence of forming depth, the depth of test specimen was


varied from 2 to 18 mm. To examine the correlation of



Table 1. Average mechanical properties of sheet metals and the corresponding pillow height.




mechanical properties with the pillowing tendency, 1-




mm-thick sheets were used. But for the rest of tests,

sheet with 3 mm thickness was employed. The other

parameters were set fixed as follows: step size = 0.8



mm, tool diameter = 8 mm and feed rate = 3 m/min.








For all materials, except stainless steel, the mineral oil

was used as the lubricant. For stainless steel, to reduce


galling, an aqueous suspension of graphite was






employed as a lubricant. In order to provide statistical

means, at least two replicates were produced for each
Yield stress

test. The pillowing tendency of the material (or part)

was defined as the maximum height of pillow (hp) as




indicated in Figure 1(a). The pillow height in each test



was measured from the center of part’s bottom, using a

depth gauge, with an accuracy of 60.01 mm.
Partially annealed
Work hardened

Work hardened

The FEAs were performed using a commercial FE

package LS-DYNA. The sheet discretization was done




using shell elements with (1 3 1) mm size of each ele-

ment. The simulations were carried out with compara-
tively large feed rate (i.e. 15 m/min), as compared to 3
m/min employed in the physical tests, so as to reduce
Aluminum AA1060-H24

runtime.25 The coefficient of friction, which was experi-

Aluminum AA2024-T4
Aluminum AA3003-O
Aluminum AA2024-O

Aluminum AA1060-O

mentally determined employing pin on a disk appara-

Aluminum AA1060

tus, was set as 0.12. The other parameters were set to

Copper T2-H28

the same values as adopted in the experiments. The nec-

Steel SS304
Steel 1020
Steel DDS

essary mechanical properties required for the FEAs

Steel DS

were obtained from Table 1.

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4 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture

(a) (b)
1.8 1.8

1.5 1.5
Pillow height (mm)

Pillow height (mm)

1.2 1.2

0.9 0.9

0.6 0.6
Aluminum Aluminum
0.3 Steel Steel 0.3
Copper Copper
0 0
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 -1.5 -1.2 -0.9 -0.6 -0.3 0
Percent reduction in area at tensile fracture Thickness strain at tensile fracture

Figure 2. Correlations of (a) percent reduction in area at tensile fracture and (b) thickness strain at tensile fracture with the
pillow height.

be noticed from Table 1, when the condition of

1.8 AA1060 alters from annealed to work hardened (i.e.
AA1060-O to AA1060-H24), the percent reduction in
1.5 area decreases from 81.5% to 70.45%, and correspond-
ingly the pillow height decreases from 1.2 to 0.62 mm.
Pillow height (mm)

Likewise, the pillow height of AA2024 in the annealed
state (percent reduction in area = 41.53%) is higher
than that in the tempered state (percent reduction in
0.6 area = 24.75%). Nonetheless, as obvious from Figure
Aluminum 2(a), the percent reduction in area does not form gen-
0.3 Steel eral relationship with the pillow height, and therefore,
Copper it cannot be employed as a pillowing indicator (or to
0 rank different materials) of the overall SPIF process.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Yield stress (MPa)
The same applies to the fracture strain in tension test
(Figure 2(b)), the second property reported to be signif-
Figure 3. Correlation of yield stress with the pillow height. icant with respect to the influence on the spif-ability in
Hussain et al.6 Hence, it can be said that none of the
two formability indicators of SPIF can be used as a
general indicator of pillowing behavior of materials in
Results and discussion SPIF.
Effect of mechanical properties on the pillowing To find out the most appropriate property affecting
tendency in SPIF pillowing in SPIF, the correlation of each of the remain-
ing mechanical properties, listed in Table 1, was exam-
In Hussain et al.,6 it has been shown that the percent ined against pillow height. Based on R2 value (multiple
reduction in area at tensile fracture (a mechanical prop- correlation factor), it was found that no relationship
erty) is a general indicator of formability in SPIF (i.e. exists between the pillow height and quantities such as
spif-ability). This finding dictates that besides having anisotropy, hardness, ultimate tensile stress and even
controlling influence on the formability, the said prop- yield stress, which determines the initial yielding of a
erty might also control pillowing tendency of materials material, as evidenced in Figure 3. However, the hard-
in SPIF. Therefore, in an attempt to identify the most ening exponent and percent elongation constitute fairly
influential property, the correlation of percent reduc- consistent relationships with the pillow height, as
tion in area at tensile fracture with the pillow height depicted in Figure 4. Though the latter can also be
(i.e. hp) was examined to begin with. It can be seen employed, the former being larger in R2 value seems to
from Figure 2(a) that the datum points are randomly be more reasonable candidate as a pillowing indicator
scattered, interestingly revealing that the formability in the SPIF process. It is to be noted down that the
indicator of SPIF does not constitute any meaningful hardening exponent, consistent with Hussain et al.6,
relationship with the pillow height. However, a thor- does not constitute any meaningful relation with the
ough observation of Table 1 shows that it may be used formability in SPIF. But, as found herein, it has amaz-
to rank the condition of a particular material with ing controlling influence on the pillowing tendency of
respect to the pillowing tendency. For example, as can materials in SPIF.

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Ghamdi and Hussain 5

(a) (b)
1.8 1.8
R² = 0.92 R² = 0.7934
Max dev= ±3%
1.5 1.5
Pillow height (mm)

Bulge height (mm)

1.2 1.2

0.9 0.9

0.6 0.6
Aluminum Aluminum
0.3 Steel 0.3 Steel
Copper Copper
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 20 40 60 80
Hardening exponent Percent elongation

Figure 4. Correlations of (a) hardening exponent and (b) percent elongation with the pillow height.

The pillow height, as can be seen from Figure 4(a), surface (or site) was analyzed for two materials with
linearly increases with the increase in hardening expo- the hardening exponent of 0.04 and 0.24, respectively.
nent, and it can be related to the hardening exponent It was observed that the surface strain on the pillow in
through the following empirical formula either of the cases was tensile (positive) in nature, as
demonstrated in Figure 5(b), which proposes that a pil-
hp = 0:2235n2 + 2:2498n + 0:5218 ð1Þ low is most likely an outcome of sheet bulging that of
course is caused by the SPIF stresses as discussed
where hp is the pillow height and n is the hardening before and evidenced in Figure 5(a). To find the reason
exponent. The R2 value for the above formula is about why an increase in the hardening exponent promotes
92%, which confirms that the data points are well fitted pillowing, two points (A and B, respectively, one in the
to the formula’s curve. Therefore, the formula can be tool/blank contact and the other in the center of pillow
reliably employed to estimate the pillow height of a as indicated in Figure 5(b)) on the pillow surface were
material by knowing only one of its several properties selected in each case (i.e. cones with 0.04 and 0.24 expo-
(i.e. hardening exponent). Though the formula provides nents), and the strain analysis was conducted. It was
exact estimation for the investigated conditions, it can noticed from the strain fields that the strain in the cone
be used for a general purpose to rank the materials with with the exponent of 0.04 (pillow height = 0.54 mm)
respect to the pillowing behavior and thus will facilitate was relatively restricted around the tool/blank contact
the material selection to design pillow-controlled zone (see Figure 5(b)): its magnitude in the cone’s cen-
products. ter was very small (i.e. eB ’ 1/5eA, where e stands for
In order to further clarify the role of hardening strain). Whereas the strain in the other cone having the
exponent on pillowing, the relevant mechanism needs exponent of 0.24 (pillow height = 1.1 mm) was largely
to be clarified. However, to do so, first it is necessary distributed over the bottom (i.e. eB ’ 1/2eA). This find-
to know why pillowing of sheet occurs specifically ing reveals that a sheet with a high exponent undergoes
when the deformation in SPIF is commonly acknowl- more pillowing because the material ability to undergo
edged to be extremely localized. For this purpose, the uniform deformation in response to the applied stress
von Mises stresses (a representation of total stress state) increases (or strain localization around the local defor-
on the pillow site of two cones with the hardening mation zone decreases). This role of hardening expo-
exponent of 0.04 (AA10160-H24) and 0.24 (AA2024- nent on pillowing tendency of material is in agreement
O), respectively, were analyzed as shown in Figure 5(a). with its role on stretch-ability of the material reported
It can be seen that the von Mises stresses are widely dis- in Hosford and Caddell.26 From here, it follows that
tributed over the pillow site, indicating that the forma- there might be a similarity between the pillowing and
tion of pillow is actually an outgrowth of stresses stretching mechanisms. Furthermore, in view of role of
caused by sheet deformation beneath the SPIF tool. It exponent on pillowing and that of area reduction on
also highlights that although the SPIF deformation is the formability in SPIF, the sheet deformation under-
local and remains confined to the tool/blank contact neath the tool and away from the tool/sheet contact
area, as claimed in the literature,2 the repercussion of zone seems to be governed by different mechanisms.
this deformation (i.e. the effect of deformation stresses) Further discussion on this point requires extensive
is not local. experimental and FEAs which will be performed in
Returning to the earlier discussion regarding the future.
influence of hardening exponent on the pillowing ten- Summarizing the discussion, as an alternative to the
dency of sheet-blank, plastic strain on the pillow strategy proposed in Malhotra et al.18 (i.e. to employ

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6 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture

Figure 5. Effect of variation in the hardening exponent on (a) strain distribution and (b) von Mises stresses.

large-size tool), pillowing in SPIF can be reduced (or Figure 6(a), the height of pillow increases from 1.35 to
controlled) by decreasing the hardening exponent of 3.5 mm as the forming depth of 20° cone is increased
material. This task can easily be accomplished through from 2 to 9 mm. However, further increment in the
cold rolling process. Furthermore, doing so will not sig- depth after 9 mm (from 9 to 18 mm) contrarily leads to
nificantly affect the material formability because it reduction in the pillow height (from 3.5 to 1.62 mm).
mainly depends on the percent reduction in area at ten- In fact, as can be seen from the contours of von Mises
sile fracture rather than on the hardening exponent.6 stresses given for 2, 9 and 18 mm forming depths
For example, according to Hussain et al.,6 80% reduc- (Figure 6(b)), the stress level of sheet metal in the part’s
tion in the hardening exponent (0.2 to 0.04) of AA1060 bottom rises with each incremental loop of forming
aluminum sheet (1 mm thick) causes only 4% reduction (compare stresses in the part’s bottom for various
(82° to 79.5°) in its formability which compared to a depth values), which in turn causes the strain hardening
large decrease (i.e. 50%) in the pillow height is minimal of sheet. It seems that the increase in the pillow height
(i.e. 1.2 to 0.6 mm as given in Table 1). This is worth with increase in the forming depth from 2 to 9 mm is
noting that cold working is known as a method of due to increase in sheet bulging because of the said rise
enhancing fatigue strength of materials. This means in stresses. The decrease in the pillow height with the
that using a cold worked material, one can simultane- increase in forming depth, however, can be attributed
ously overcome the pillow defect as well as can improve to the effect of high strain (or stress) hardening of sheet
fatigue strength of components without considerably material in the part’s bottom (i.e. the hardening expo-
sacrificing the formability, which contrary to classical nent decreases significantly), which in this case seems
processes can be considered as an additional promising to occur when the part has acquired 9 mm depth. The
aspect of the SPIF mechanics. sheet material after attaining a certain level of harden-
ing (i.e. after 9 mm forming depth) does not (or com-
paratively minor) further bulge out in the following
Progression of pillow with forming depth loops of forming. On the other hand, to produce the
Figure 6 exhibits the progression of pillow defect with required forming depth, the SPIF tool continues to
varying forming depth. As can be seen from consume pillowed-sheet available in the bottom. As a

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Ghamdi and Hussain 7

Figure 6. (a) Progression of pillow with the increase in forming depth in 20° cone, (b) distribution of von Mises stresses with
varying forming depth and (c) progression of pillow with increasing forming depth in 55° cone.

result, the pillow height reduces with each succeeding mm). Ambrogio et al.15 have shown that the discre-
increment from 9 to 18 mm. Similar trend, like the one pancy between the actual and experimental profiles var-
in Figure 6(a), has been observed under varied process ies as the depth of a part varies. The results presented in
conditions: for example, with wall angle of 55° as evi- Figure 6 indicate that this is because of the variation in
denced in Figure 6(c). This is to be noticed from Figure the stress level and pillow height.
6(a) and (b) that the pillow in both 20° and 55° cones
attains the maximum height corresponding to about 10
mm depth (i.e. same depth). This information may
Observations on the effect of tool diameter
prove helpful for the process and product designers. on pillowing
As mentioned earlier, after the sheet has been formed According to earlier investigations,23 tool diameter is
to a certain depth, the pillow due to strain hardening the most influential operating parameter on pillowing
begins to regress when forming is further carried out to in SPIF. Furthermore, the pillowing can be reduced by
increase the part (or forming) depth. This observation increasing the tool size. In order to know the reason of
endorses the above finding that the pillowing tendency this finding, SPIF of 55° cone with 3-mm-thick sheet
of a material decreases as the hardening exponent was simulated for the two levels of tool diameter (i.e. 8
decreases; a clearer evidence of this observation can be and 20 mm), and the stress components in the sheet
seen from Figure 6(c) where the said trend continues plane (sx, sy) and normal to it (sz) were analyzed. It
over a relatively wide range of depth (i.e. from 10 to 45 was found that the nature of sz in zone B (pillow

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8 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture

Figure 7. Distribution and nature of stress at varying tool diameter: (a) d = 3.5to and (b) d = 4.5to.

center) altered from tensile to compressive, as evi- Conclusion

denced in Figure 7, as the tool diameter was increased
This study was undertaken with a primary objective to
from 8 to 20 mm. As a result, a corresponding decrease
overcome pillowing in SPIF by controlling the proper-
in the pillow height (from 1.1 to 0.6 mm) was observed
ties of material. To fulfill this purpose, the most influ-
when measured from the software. These results point
ential property was identified by plotting pillow height
out that a large-size tool (say 20 mm) regresses pillow-
with various properties of 11 materials. The relation-
ing because it, owing to comparatively higher contact
ship between the forming depth and pillow size was
area with sheet than a small tool (say 8 mm), imposes
also investigated as a secondary objective. Besides these
compressive stresses in a direction normal to the sheet
two objectives, some observations to know the cause of
plane: more information on the role of tool size on pil-
a previous finding (i.e. pillow size decreases as the tool
lowing has been detailed in the previous study.23
diameter increases) were made as well. In addition to
According to the previous23 and current studies,
doing tests, the FEAs were also performed in an
there are two options to control pillowing: by increas- attempt to know the reasons of empirical results. The
ing the tool diameter and by lowering the hardening important findings of the study are summarized as
exponent through cold working of material. The stress– follows:
tool size relation discussed above and presented in
Figure 7 indicates that a change in the shape of tool- 1. The mechanical property that controls the spif-
end from spherical to flat could serve as a third option. ability of a material (i.e. reduction in area at tensile
Because a flat-end tool being entirely in contact with fracture) does not have any significant effect on its
the sheet comparative to spherical-end tool may impose pillowing tendency in SPIF. The hardening expo-
more compressive stresses (i.e. sz) than a spherical-end nent (i.e. stretch-ability indicator) on the other
tool does. Ziran et al.27 have performed a small piece hand shows controlling influence on pillowing and
of work in this direction to show that flat-end tool establishes a consistent relationship with the pillow
diminishes pillowing, comparative to spherical-end height. Therefore, the hardening exponent can be
tool, in SPIF. However, the work was limited to a nar- used as a pillowing indicator of materials in the
row U-channel shape and also no scientific mechanism SPIF process.
was provided. Hence, further FEA-based investigations 2. The analyses of stress and strain distributions on
are required to thoroughly investigate this theme. the pillow site of parts show that the development

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