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New Summer Series “What Does 
God Say About ______”? 
Ephesians 2:11-22
3 Living by Law or Spirit Gala ans 5:13‐26
1.  Not One of Us Deserve to Belong in God’s Family—It’s Grace 
10 It’s Not What, It’s How 1 Corinthians 13:1‐7  I will not think of myself as any more or less worthy of heaven as any
other believer. I will cling to God’s grace.
17 Our Differences Romans 14:1‐23

24 Marital Bliss Ma hew 19:1‐12


Made in God’s Image

1 Ma hew 22:15‐22
with Mark Hargrove
Jus ce and Mercy
8 Deuteronomy 10:17‐19
with Daryl Crawford
Sharing Our Faith 2. His Inclusion of Us Has Broken Down Our Former Divisions 
15 1 Peter 3:13‐16
with Dan Allen  I will look for worldly divisions that may be dividing me from a brother
22 Romance 1 Corinthians 6:12‐19 or sister in Christ. Mindful of those sinful hos li es, I will not fall for it.

29 My Neighbor Luke 10:25‐37


5 Community Ephesians 2:11‐22

12 The Spirit World Ephesians 6:10‐20

19 Substance Use Ephesians 5:6‐18

3. All Believers are Fellow Ci zens of God’s Household 
26 Reconciling Friendships Ephesians 2:25‐32     There are no Levels or Classes, No Superior or Inferior Groups 
 I will be a peacemaker, uni ng brothers and sisters who are
Whitehall Bible Fellowship Church Pastor Tim and Rachel Schmoyer experiencing disharmonies.
3300 Seventh Street 131 Cornerstone Place
Whitehall, PA 18052 Whitehall, PA 18052

office 610-434-8661 pastor cell 610-739-8008

rachel cell 484-557-8898

office@WhitehallBFC.org PastorTim@WhitehallBFC.org
facebook.com/WhitehallBFC facebook.com/TimothySchmoyer
Biblical Principles for Living The Christian in Personal Relationships The Christian in Personal Relationships Biblical Principles for Living
Article 103-6 - Shared Life Rom.1:6; 12:4,5
103-6.1 Each believer belongs to Jesus Christ and to every other believer.1 This 4
belonging is a relationship to God the Father,2 God the Son,3 God the Holy 5
Spirit4 and to all who belong to God.5 This relationship is not the result of 6
John 3:3,5
human effort, but begins with being born from above6 and is the living out of 2Pe.1:4
the divine nature7 under the Lordship of Christ and the authority of His revealed 9
1Cor.10:14-22; 2Cor.6:14,15
Word.8 It unites all believers to one another and causes them to be different 10
Eph.2:11-16; Rom.15:5-7
from their world.9 11
103-6.2 The union with the Lord and with one another is spiritual. The 13
Acts 4:32-35; 2Cor.8:1-5
relationship of each believer with the Lord is the basis for the relationship 14
between believers10 in sharing truth,11 love,12 and possessions.13 It is dependence, Acts 2:44-47
2Cor.8:23; Phil.1:5; Phile.6; Heb.13:16

  14 Participation in 17
this life affects every believer and church15 and impacts their ministry in the 18
world and to the world.16 19
103-6.3 Shared life is a privilege and a responsibility.17 The life of the church, 21
therefore, must be a renewing, God-glorifying celebration of life in Christ and 22
a spiritual participation with other believers.18 Sharing this life in the presence 1Tim.6:11,12
of God is worship19 and demands the loving exercise of spiritual gifts20 as well 25
Acts 5:11
as realization that we are responsible to one another before God.21 The exercise 26
Gal.6:2; Heb.13:16
of these gifts builds up one another and equips the saints for the Lord’s work.22 27
Because this responsibility and accountability are necessary for the church 2Cor.2:7,8; Gal.5:25-6:2; Phile.10,11,15,16
to grow in godliness,23 discipline must be practiced in every community of 30
John 10:3-5
believers.24 Not to do so brings the very name of Christ into dishonor.25 31
Acts 11:19-26; Phil.4:14-16; Col.2:1,2;1Pe.5:9
103-6.4 Responding in mercy, carrying each other’s burdens,26 is also a 33
Acts 13:1-4
responsibility and privilege of all believers to one another, and causes 34
Gal.3:27,28; Eph.2:14-16
them to love, care, share, and be involved with one another.27 All believers,
and the church as a body, must recognize, accept, and practice the spiritual
responsibilities of being one in Christ, no matter how deeply a fellow believer
has fallen into sin or the miseries of this world.28
103-6.5 Every believer is a member of the body of Christ and must be joyfully
and personally responsible to live a life of loyalty to the Lord of the church,29 to
His Word30 and involvement in its ministry31 and purpose.32 This responsibility,
although primarily focused on the local body, extends beyond the particular
church to other bodies of believers.33 Because this is true, the shared life of the
church breaks down the barriers of race, class, culture, ethnicity, gender, and
geography, for all believers are one in Christ.34

1:65 1:66

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