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Review Article

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

John E. Kuhn, MD Thoracic outlet syndrome is a well-described disorder caused by
George F. Lebus V, MD thoracic outlet compression of the brachial plexus and/or the
subclavian vessels. Neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome is the most
Jesse E. Bible, MD
common manifestation, presenting with pain, numbness, tingling,
weakness, and vasomotor changes of the upper extremity. Vascular
complications of thoracic outlet syndrome are uncommon and include
thromboembolic phenomena and swelling. The clinical presentation is
highly variable, and no reproducible study exists to confirm the
diagnosis; instead, the diagnosis is based on a physician’s judgment
after a meticulous history and physical examination. Both
nonsurgical and surgical treatment methods are available for thoracic
outlet syndrome. Whereas nonsurgical management appears to be
effective in some persons, surgical treatment has been shown to
provide predictable long-term cure rates for carefully selected
patients. In addition, physicians who do not regularly treat patients
with thoracic outlet syndrome may not have an accurate view of this
disorder, its treatment, or the possible success rate of treatment.

P eet etal1 first used the term thoracic

outlet syndrome (TOS) in 1956 to
describe the constellation of symptoms
fossa to the axilla that passes between
the clavicle and the first rib (Figure 1).
It contains three important struc-
caused by compression of the neuro- tures that may be subjected to
From the Division of Sports Medicine, vascular bundle at the thoracic outlet. compression: the subclavian artery,
Department of Orthopaedics, TOS describes a wide spectrum of the subclavian vein, and the bra-
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, clinical presentations with a variety chial plexus. Compression may
Nashville, TN.
of etiologies, all with the common occur at three distinct points in the
Dr. Kuhn or an immediate family thread of neurovascular compression thoracic outlet: the interscalene
member serves as a board member,
in the thoracic outlet region. As our triangle, the costoclavicular space,
owner, officer, or committee member
of the American Orthopaedic Society understanding of this condition has and the retropectoralis minor
for Sports Medicine and American improved, treatment has evolved but it space2 (Figure 2). The interscalene
Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons. remains controversial. The mainstay of triangle consists of the anterior
Neither of the following authors nor
management is nonsurgical in most scalene muscle, the middle scalene
any immediate family member has
received anything of value from or patients; however, surgery is indicated muscle, and the first rib, and it
owns stock in a commercial company for recalcitrant cases and for vascular contains the subclavian artery and
or institution related directly or involvement. Although TOS is a chal- the upper, middle, and lower
indirectly to the subject of this article:
lenging diagnosis, proper evaluation trunks of the brachial plexus. The
Dr. Lebus and Dr. Bible.
and treatment leads to symptom relief costoclavicular space is made up
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2015;23: for most patients.
222-232 anteriorly by the clavicle, the sub-
clavius muscle, and the costocora-
JAAOS-D-13-00215 Anatomy coid ligament, posteriorly by the
first rib and the anterior and middle
Copyright 2015 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. The thoracic outlet is defined as the scalene muscles, and laterally by
interval from the supraclavicular the scapula. This space contains the

222 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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John E. Kuhn, MD, et al

subclavian vessels and the divisions Figure 1

of the brachial plexus. Finally, the
retropectoralis minor space is located
inferior to the coracoid process, ante-
rior to the second through fourth ribs,
and posterior to the pectoralis minor
muscle; this space houses the cords of
the brachial plexus and the axillary
artery and vein.
Deep cervical fascia invests the
neurovascular structures during
their course from the first rib to
the axilla. After the fascia splits
to encompass the subclavius
muscle, it comes back together to
form the costocoracoid ligament
(Figure 3). Caudal to the subclavius
muscle, the costocoracoid fascia
thins to become the clavipectoral
fascia; this structure invests the
pectoralis minor muscle and ulti-
mately becomes the suspensory
ligament of the axilla.3

Etiology and Pathology

In 1912, Todd4 suggested that the Normal thoracic anatomy.
vertebral column grows faster than
the upper extremity in youth, thus
causing the scapula to descend and female with a long neck and drooping ligaments or bands. Trauma and later
leading to a susceptibility for neuro- shoulders.7,8 scarring may produce delayed symp-
vascular compression with any fur- The anatomic causes of TOS may toms.10 The costocoracoid ligament
ther scapular descent. Whereas our be organized into soft-tissue and is implicated in venous compression
understanding has evolved, this osseous categories. Soft-tissue causes in Paget-Schroetter syndrome,
original insight is valuable because it are associated with to up to 70% of a manifestation of TOS that leads to
highlights this anatomic region’s cases of TOS, whereas osseous thrombosis.3
abnormalities encompass the other
vulnerability to compression. Most
30%9 (Table 1). Osseous Abnormalities
cases of TOS are now thought to stem
from an anatomic predisposition with Bony findings associated with TOS
superimposed neck trauma, either Soft-tissue Abnormalities include cervical ribs, prominent C7
from a single acute incident or from Variation in scalene origin and inser- transverse processes, exostoses,
repetitive stress.5 Symptoms may be tion may cause compression within tumor in the region, or callus from
delayed several weeks or longer after the interscalene triangle. The prior trauma. Although cervical ribs
acute trauma, or they may develop scalenus minimus, an accessory mus- may cause TOS symptoms in the
insidiously because of chronic stress.6 cle, can be found in 30% to 50% of absence of trauma, 80% of patients
Epidemiologic data for TOS are not patients with TOS; it originates from with TOS and cervical ribs show the
widely reported; Hooper et al2 sug- the cervical transverse processes and development of symptoms only after
gest that this lack of demographic inserts into the first rib between the injury.11 These patients often have
information is due to disagreement in subclavian artery and the T1 root.3,6 a large cervical rib fused to the first
the definition and diagnostic criteria Symptomatic compression may result rib. When the ribs themselves do not
for the disease. Anecdotally, the typ- from hypertrophy of the scalene cause compression, their associated
ical patient with TOS is a young, thin musculature or congenital anomalous bands and ligaments are implicated.5

April 2015, Vol 23, No 4 223

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Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Figure 2

Three regions of potential neurovascular compression: interscalene triangle, costoclavicular space, and retropectoralis
space. TN = thoracic nerve

Similarly, altered biomechanics from and some have been told that their activities as well as during sleep.
acromioclavicular and sternocla- condition is psychosomatic. Mani- Upper extremity heaviness is com-
vicular injuries are also noted in festations of TOS include neurogenic mon with above-the-shoulder activi-
some patients with TOS.2 TOS, caused by compression of the ties. In a systematic review by Sanders
brachial plexus, and vascular TOS, et al,12 symptom distribution in
subclassified as arterial or venous, neurogenic TOS included upper
Clinical History and depending on whether the subclavian extremity paresthesia (98%), neck
Presentation artery or vein is involved. Estimates pain (88%), trapezius pain (92%),
are that .90% of all TOS cases are shoulder and/or arm pain (88%),
Diagnosis of TOS is challenging of neurogenic origin, whereas
because of the varied clinical pre- supraclavicular pain (76%), chest
approximately 3% to 5% are venous pain (72%), occipital headache
sentation and the lack of objective and ,1% are arterial.12
data to support a diagnosis. As (76%), and paresthesias in all five
a result, the clinical impression from fingers (58%), the fourth and fifth
a thorough history and physical Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet fingers only (26%), or the first, sec-
examination remains a crucial com- Syndrome ond, and third fingers (14%).
ponent in differentiating TOS from Neurogenic TOS presents as a con- Symptom patterns can further
other conditions. Patients are fre- stellation of upper extremity weak- classify neurogenic TOS as secondary
quently young, active, and healthy. ness, numbness, paresthesias, and to upper or lower plexus compres-
Often, they have seen multiple pain in a nonradicular distribution. sion. In most patients, lower and
physicians, undergone misdiagnosis, Symptoms are present during daily combined plexus pathology is seen

224 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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John E. Kuhn, MD, et al

Figure 3

Fascial layers of the cervicothoracic region.

(85% to 90%).9 Lower plexus the nonradicular nature of symp- other areas depending on the under-
involvement represents compression toms in TOS. lying etiology.13 A well-known
of C8 and T1, and manifests as subtype of venous TOS is Paget-
symptoms in the area of the ulnar Vascular Thoracic Outlet Schroetter syndrome, described as
forearm and hand and possibly the Syndrome thrombosis of the subclavian vein
axillary and anterior shoulder caused by repetitive injury in rela-
Vascular TOS consists of both
region. Upper plexus compression tively young and healthy persons.
venous and arterial clinical subtypes.
involves the C5-C7 nerve roots, and Arterial TOS is a rarer condition,
Venous TOS is characterized by sig-
presents as pain in the supra- but it has potentially devastating
nificant swelling of the upper
clavicular region that may radiate consequences. It presents as non-
extremity; it is commonly associated
into the ipsilateral head, face, upper with deep pain in the upper extrem- radicular pain, numbness, coolness,
chest, periscapular region, or radial ity, chest, and shoulder, along with and pallor that worsens in cold tem-
nerve distribution to the dorsal a feeling of heaviness that is worse peratures. It is caused by intermittent
index finger and thumb.2 Neuro- after activity. The patient may have or prolonged arterial compression of
genic TOS must be differentiated cyanotic discoloration of the the subclavian artery, typically by
from other compression syndromes, extremity. The subclavian vein is a cervical rib. Compression over time
such as carpal tunnel syndrome and commonly compressed at the costo- leads to intimal damage, eventual
cervical nerve root compression. clavicular junction where it passes aneurysm formation, thrombosis,
Such a distinction may be made by anterior to the anterior scalene; embolic events, and even potentially
the wide anatomic distribution and however, it may be compressed at limb-threatening ischemia. Often,

April 2015, Vol 23, No 4 225

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Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Table 1 Physical Examination

Common Abnormalities Causing Thoracic Outlet Syndrome9
Soft-tissue Causes (70%) Physical examination should include
an evaluation of the cervical spine,
Scalene muscle variations in insertion
shoulder, and upper extremity.
Scalene muscle hypertrophy
Attention should be directed toward
Accessory scalenus minimus muscle
evaluating the position of the head,
Anomalous ligaments or bands
neck, and shoulder, looking for the
Soft-tissue tumors
presence of thoracic kyphosis. The
Osseous Causes (30%)
patient’s overall posture should be
Cervical rib assessed. Comparing the upper
Prominent C7 transverse process extremity with the contralateral arm
Displacement or callus from first rib fracture yields information regarding skin
Malunited clavicle or first rib fracture color, temperature, hair distribution,
AC or SC joint injury or dislocation muscle atrophy, and nail changes.
Osseous tumor The Gilliatt-Sumner hand, a charac-
teristic finding of neurogenic TOS, is
AC = acromioclavicular, SC = sternoclavicular
described as atrophy of the abductor
pollicis brevis and, to a lesser degree,
the hypothenar musculature and the
interossei.7,15 A blood pressure
arterial TOS coexists with neurogenic cular in nature, and which symptoms
difference of 20 mm Hg between the
TOS. Signs that point to arterial TOS have no relationship with thoracic
upper extremities is a significant but
include unilateral Raynaud-type outlet pathology. The clinical history
rare finding of vascular TOS.6 The
symptoms of episodic pallor, ery- can help narrow the differential
upper extremity and chest wall may
thema, and cyanosis with a distribu- diagnosis, which includes cervical
be congested and edematous with
tion of symptoms to the distal spine pathology, intrinsic shoulder
prominent superficial veins in
circulation of the hands or fingers in dysfunction, and other peripheral
venous TOS; in arterial TOS, the
the absence of any other cause, such as compression neuropathies. Non-
upper extremity may appear pale.
collagen vascular disease or other radicular and anatomically wide-
Distal skin changes, ulcerations, and
vascular disorders. Chronic pain, spread symptoms that are influenced
coldness, and paresthesias may also be by arm, neck, and shoulder position signs of microembolic events are rare
present with long-standing micro- warrant a suspicion for TOS.2 Cer- findings.14 Palpation of the supra-
embolic disease. Early fatigue may vical spine problems are more often clavicular region may reveal tender-
occur with exercise.8,14 characterized by constant neck and ness, masses, or other abnormalities.
shoulder pain that presents in Quality and location of pain with
a radicular distribution, with the movements of the neck, shoulder,
pain aggravated by the position of and upper limb should be recorded.
Differential Diagnosis
the neck. Intrinsic shoulder pathol- The vascular examination docu-
The clinical presentation of TOS var- ogy causes shoulder pain that may ments the presence and quality of the
ies widely, ranging from mild posi- radiate into the upper arm, but radial pulse with the arm in different
tional discomfort to severe limb- or numbness is not a commonly asso- positions. Several provocative tests in
life-threatening symptoms. In addi- ciated finding. Shoulder position this context are shown in Figure 4.
tion, patients may present with uni- and direct palpation on joint struc- The Wright test was originally
lateral or bilateral signs or symptoms tures aggravate symptoms. More described as a decrease in the radial
that are related to compression of distal compression neuropathies, pulse with the arm in hyper-
a combination of neurologic and such as carpal and cubital tunnel abduction and external rotation,
vascular components. Isolated vas- syndromes, have symptoms isolated with the head turned in the opposite
cular TOS is more easily diagnosed to predictable nerve distributions direction. With this maneuver, the
but is rare. Thus, the examiner and are aggravated more by the radial pulse dampens or obliterates
must distinguish which symptoms position of the wrist and elbow than in up to 7% of the normal pop-
are related to brachial plexus com- by the position of the shoulder or ulation.6 The Adson test describes
pression, which symptoms are vas- neck.6 bringing the arm into extension,

226 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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John E. Kuhn, MD, et al

turning the head toward the affected Figure 4

side, and taking a deep breath.
Gergoudis et al16 challenged the
clinical utility of this test by showing
that 66 of 130 normal persons
(51%) had a diminished pulse with
the Adson maneuver. The Roos test,
or the elevated arm stress test, rep-
resents a more reliable diagnostic
examination for TOS. In this
maneuver, the patient places both
arms in the 90! abducted position
with the elbows flexed to 90!. The
hands are then opened and closed for
a 3-minute period. Normal persons
may have minor discomfort due to
muscular fatigue, but patients with
TOS have more dramatic symptoms
that replicate their usual discomfort
such that they may not be able to
complete the test.8,9
Provocative testing for TOS has
been criticized for leading to a high
number of false positives. Warrens
et al17 showed that 58% of random
volunteers had at least one positive
test result with provocative maneu-
vers; however, performing multiple
tests in conjunction and considering
their results together may increase
their specificity. In a series by Gillard
et al,18 the specificity for the Adson Clinical photographs demonstrating provocative physical tests for thoracic outlet
test and for the Roos test was 76% syndrome. A, Wright test. B, Adson test. C and D, Roos test.
and 30%, respectively; however,
when both tests were positive, spec-
ificity increased to 82%. Braun which may contribute to thoracic Angiography
et al19 used pulse oximetry to outlet compression20 (Figure 5). Angiography may be used in con-
attempt to provide a more objective Three-dimensional imaging, such as junction with MRI or CT, but this
measure in this context, showing CT and MRI, has not been well technology’s role in diagnosis re-
that provocative exercise led to studied, but it may be effective in mains unclear. Aralasmak et al22
a statistically significant decrease in the setting of an identifiable con- showed that magnetic resonance
pulse oximetry readings, an increase genital anomaly, a space-occupying angiography can dynamically eval-
in the heart rate, and the reproduc- lesion (eg, a pancoast tumor), met- uate the neurovascular bundle in
tion of symptoms. astatic disease, or malunited frac- patients with known TOS; however,
tures of ribs or the clavicle. the authors could not distinguish
Although some authors have pro- between physiologic and pathologic
Diagnostic Studies posed that ultrasonography is lim- compression, nor could they corre-
ited in the diagnosis of TOS because late imaging findings with clinical
Imaging the area of interest is obscured,6 symptoms. Conventional arteriog-
Chest and cervical spine radio- Longley et al21 reported 92% raphy is rarely useful in TOS and is
graphs can identify cervical ribs, specificity and 95% sensitivity only indicated in the circumstances
prominent C7 transverse processes, using ultrasonographic methods in of embolic disease, a bruit with the
and low-lying shoulder girdles, all of the diagnosis of venous TOS. arm in a neutral position, suspicion

April 2015, Vol 23, No 4 227

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Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Figure 5 uniformly dictate vascular imaging.

Three-dimensional imaging is
reserved for surgical planning, for
when there is concern for a space-
occupying lesion, or for a congenital
or acquired deformity.

Treatment strategy depends on
the underlying etiology of TOS.
Nonsurgical management is indicated
first in most patients with neurogenic
TOS. Surgery is warranted in arterial
or venous TOS and in patients with
neurogenic TOS who have persistent
Radiograph of a patient with a right cervical rib, indicated by the white arrow.
symptoms, muscle atrophy, or a pro-
gressive deficit. In the appropriate
of an aneurysm, or differing blood in neurogenic TOS. These changes patient population, surgical interven-
pressure measurements between the manifest as abnormal nerve con- tion may reliably improve symptoms
upper extremities. Other cases of duction velocity studies of the medial and quality of life.26,27
arterial TOS are likely more positional antebrachial cutaneous nerve and
and are better diagnosed on physical the median motor nerve to the
examination than with angiography. abductor pollicis brevis. Electromy- Nonsurgical management is the ini-
Conversely, venography is indicated ography may show fibrillations in tial treatment strategy for neurogenic
in the workup of suspected venous T1 and C8 distributions; however, TOS; it has shown good results in
TOS, demonstrating compression of they are not shown as consistently as some series. Novak et al28 reported
the subclavian vein as well as collat- nerve conduction velocity changes. that 25 of 42 patients with neuro-
eralization from nearby circulation. genic TOS experienced symptomatic
When an acute thrombosis is detected, relief after at least 6 months of physical
Anterior Scalene Blocks therapy. A typical protocol consists
early catheter-directed thrombolysis
and surgical decompression may be Appropriately placed lidocaine or of education, activity modification,
indicated to decrease the risk of botulinum toxin injections can and physical therapy. Described
a recurring thrombosis. It is important relieve muscular contracture or pain control strategies include anti-
to note that patients who experience spasm and have been shown to have inflammatory medications, muscle
arterial or venous thrombosis should prognostic benefits. Lum et al24 relaxants, transcutaneous electrical
undergo coagulation studies because found that a successful block corre- nerve stimulation, and injections.
a TOS thrombosis can represent a two- lated with a 14% higher rate of good Using ultrasonography-guided botuli-
hit phenomenon of mechanical tho- surgical outcomes in patients older num injections, Torriani et al29 re-
racic outlet compression in conjunction than 40 years. Table 2 depicts illus- ported short-term improvement in
with underlying hypercoaguability.6 trative points about different diag- 69% of patients with neurogenic TOS.
nostic techniques. Clarifying goals of treatment is critical
At the authors’ institution, plain for patient outcome. Patient education
Neurophysiologic Studies radiographs are obtained initially for focuses on relaxation techniques,
Historically, neurophysiologic stud- patients with suspected TOS based postural mechanics, and weight and
ies were considered normal in cases of on history and physical examination, nutritional control. Activity modifica-
TOS unless the pathology was found followed by other diagnostic tests as tion includes limiting repetitive, over-
late and permanent nerve damage dictated by their symptoms. Patients head stress and changing employment
had already occurred.6 However, with predominantly neurologic signs if necessary. Physical therapy involves
Tsao et al23 suggest that nerve fibers and symptoms often undergo neu- stretching, range-of-motion exercises,
derived from T1, and to a lesser rophysiologic testing early in their and tendon and nerve gliding tech-
degree from C8, may show changes workup. Vascular manifestations niques.2 Despite several series

228 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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John E. Kuhn, MD, et al

reporting positive results, Vanti et al30 Table 2

reviewed the literature and reported
Common Diagnostic Tools for the Evaluation of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
that no definitive benefit of non-
surgical management could be estab- Diagnostic Modality Key Points
lished due to a lack of randomized Radiographs Can identify bony abnormalities including cervical
controlled trials. Nonsurgical man- ribs and prominent transverse processes20
Cervical spine
agement is reported to be less suc-
cessful in obese patients, in patients
Three-dimensional May be effective in space-occupying lesions,
who are on workers’ compensation, imaging posttraumatic deformity, soft-tissue anatomic
and in patients with double-crush CT anomalies25
neurologic pathology involving the MRI
carpal or cubital tunnels.28 At the au-
Doppler ultrasonography May be useful in evaluating subclavian vein for
thors’ institution, all patients with obstruction or thrombosis21
suspected neurogenic TOS are coached Arteriography Often indicated in the workup of arterial aneurysms6
in lifestyle modification and are Venography Indicated in the workup of suspected subclavian/
referred for a trial of physical therapy axillary venous thrombosis6
that focuses on core strengthening and Neurophysiologic tests Often normal but can demonstrate abnormal nerve
postural mechanics. If the patients conduction velocities in C8 and T1 nerve roots
show no improvement in their symp- (medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve)23
toms after 6 months, they are reeval- Anterior scalene blocks Blocks that relieve TOS symptoms may indicate
a better chance of good surgical outcome24
uated and referred for surgical
consideration if appropriate. CT = computed tomography, MRI = magnetic resonance imaging, TOS = thoracic outlet
For any patient with vascular com-
neurolysis. They argue that while approach,8 Terzis et al32 reported
pression or neurogenic TOS that has
first rib resection can be accom- good outcomes and fewer compli-
failed to respond to nonsurgical
plished via the supraclavicular cations with the supraclavicular
management, surgical intervention is
approach, visualization is inferior technique for first rib resection. If
warranted. The three main surgical
and requires retraction of the neu- arterial reconstruction is necessary,
approaches for decompression of
rovascular structures. the supraclavicular approach is
the thoracic outlet are transaxillary,
supraclavicular, and posterior, although
there are many variations and prefer- Supraclavicular
ences that are surgeon dependent. The supraclavicular approach pro- Posterior
Table 3 summarizes some of the char- vides a more favorable exposure of The posterior approach, originally
acteristics of each surgical approach. the upper brachial plexus, the neck of described by Clagett38 in 1962, al-
the first rib, and the neurovascular lows better exposure of the proximal
Transaxillary structures. This approach is preferred elements of the brachial plexus for
First described by Roos36 in 1966, by surgeons who are performing iso- neurolysis; however, the approach is
the transaxillary approach is the lated scalenectomies and removal of more invasive and it can lead to
most commonly performed approach cervical ribs for neurogenic TOS.8 postoperative shoulder morbidity
today. Its proponents argue that it Scalenectomy in isolation can be and scapular winging.10,34 Urschel
provides superior exposure for first considered in patients with upper et al37 reserve the posterior approach
rib resection, as well as for removal plexus-type neurogenic TOS, pa- for removing rib remnants and for
of cervical ribs and fibrous bands, tients with TOS symptoms in the performing brachial plexus neu-
with a more cosmetic scar.31 absence of abnormal bony architec- rolysis for patients with recurrent
Urschel et al,37 in their review of ture, patients who are excessively TOS.
TOS over 50 years, describe the muscular or obese, or patients with
transaxillary approach as their ini- recurrent TOS following prior first
tial surgical approach through rib resection.9 Although the supra- Other Considerations
which they perform first rib and clavicular approach may provide The favored surgical approach for
costoclavicular ligament resection, poorer exposure of the first rib TOS at the authors’ institution is
scalenectomy, and C7, C8, and T1 compared with the transaxillary similar to that described by Urschel

April 2015, Vol 23, No 4 229

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Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Table 3
Common Surgical Approaches for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Surgical Approach Characteristics/Proposed Advantages Disadvantages

Transaxillary Most commonly used approach Risk of iatrogenic brachial plexus injury32
Allows more complete exposure of first rib
More cosmetic scar
No retraction of neurovascular structures
necessary for first rib removal31
Supraclavicular Allows better exposure of the middle and Retraction of brachial plexus and vascular
upper trunks, neck of the first rib, and structure necessary for complete first rib
anterior and middle scalene muscles32 removal31
May also allow effective first rib resection32
Allows vascular reconstruction33,35
Posterior Favored for recurrent TOS and in cases of Requires extensive muscle dissection that can
prior anterior neck surgery lead to postoperative shoulder dysfunction
May allow better exposure of proximal Risk of injury to the long thoracic, dorsal scapular,
elements of the brachial plexus34 and accessory nerves34

et al;37 it consists of a transaxillary and primary repair, saphenous vein one of the most common complica-
approach for first rib resection, sca- graft, arterial autograft, a synthetic tions. Karamustafaoglu et al31 re-
lenectomy, and neurolysis with vas- prosthesis, or an endovascular stent ported an incidence of 25%. Other
cular reconstruction if necessary. for mild stenotic disease. Acute, complications in this series were low
Various other modifications to proximal emboli may be treated and included an incidence of 3% for
surgical techniques are described in with embolectomy catheters, local wound infection and an incidence of
the literature. Atasoy39 reported that thrombectomy, and anticoagulation, ,1% for lymphatic or nerve injury.
95% of patients had good outcomes whereas more distal and chronic No major vascular injuries occurred.
with a combined approach consisting emboli mandate bypasses if the Likewise, in the largest review,
of transaxillary first rib resection, emboli are causing critical ische- Urschel et al37 reported no major
followed by immediate supraclavicular mia.14 Venous TOS with subclavian arterial injuries. Bleeding requiring
anterior and middle scalenectomy. vein thrombus (ie, Paget-Schroetter a second procedure occurred in only
Vemuri et al40 demonstrated the syndrome) requires a venogram, 3 of 5,008 procedures. Long-lasting
utility of performing an isolated local thrombolysis, and surgical nerve deficits occurred in only four
decompression to prevent recurrent patients. The major complication
pectoral minor tenotomy in patients
thrombus. Some patients may seen was recurrent TOS; 1,221 of the
with neurogenic TOS and with
require late vein reconstruction for 5,008 procedures represented repeat
symptoms reproducible to the sub-
chronic venous occlusion.13 TOS surgeries.
coracoid space. Desai et al35 showed
the utility of using a paraclavicular
approach, essentially adding an in-
Complications Recurrent Thoracic Outlet
fraclavicular incision to the supra-
clavicular approach, for more complete Because surgery for TOS involves
first rib resections in patients with many complex and intimately related Although modern surgical ap-
venous TOS. structures, theoretical complications proaches have led to improved out-
Unique to surgery for arterial or are numerous and may be severe. comes, some patients have persistent
venous TOS, vascular reconstruction These complications include pneu- or recurrent symptoms following sur-
and management of ischemia or mothorax, injury to the subclavian gery.37 In these patients, initial man-
congestion may be required. The vein or artery, brachial plexus, or agement consists of nonsurgical care,
timing of surgical intervention is thoracic duct, and failure to fully followed by surgical measures when
more urgent, particularly in the decompress the thoracic outlet. Series the diagnosis is again firmly estab-
presence of ischemic changes. Arte- have shown that a pneumothorax lished. Surgical strategies for treating
rial repair strategies include resection associated with first rib resection is recurrent symptoms generally are

230 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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John E. Kuhn, MD, et al

dictated by the patient’s symptoms conflicting regarding the optimal sur- 11. Sanders RJ, Hammond SL: Management of
cervical ribs and anomalous first ribs
and prior surgical approach and gical approach, with consideration causing neurogenic thoracic outlet
decompression. Likes et al41 showed being given to the underlying etiology syndrome. J Vasc Surg 2002;36(1):51-56.
that recurrent TOS was commonly and surgeon preference. In cases of 12. Sanders RJ, Hammond SL, Rao NM:
caused by residual or remnant first vascular TOS, surgery should be Diagnosis of thoracic outlet syndrome.
J Vasc Surg 2007;46(3):601-604.
ribs following an initial decompres- considered more promptly because of
sion. Complete removal of the first the underlying potential of limb- or 13. Sanders RJ, Hammond SL: Venous thoracic
outlet syndrome. Hand Clin 2004;20(1):
rib led to improvement in all 15 pa- life-threatening complications. 113-118, viii.
tients in their series.
14. Marine L, Valdes F, Mertens R,
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