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RebeccaAnne Edelman

Week 6: Group Plan

Elementary Group Unit Plan

Topic: Anger Management and Self-Awareness

Grade: K-2

Approximate number of children/parents: 5-10 children

Resources required: meeting space; Books;

Rationale: The curriculum is designed to teach children how to employ relaxation

techniques and to change their reactions to feelings of anger. The group curriculum
will also help children to make positive decisions and avoid conflict. They will learn
about the different emotions that drive anger and what to do when they experience these

Goals for unit:

-Understand what anger is
-Recognize anger within themselves and others
-Identify physical aspects of anger
-Recognize emotions behind anger
-Map their anger
-Recognize and identify what upsets them
-Build coping skills to

-When Miles Got Mad by Sam Kurtzman-Counter
-Emotion recognition flash cards
-Anger Map
-What Pushes Your Buttons Worksheet
-Anger X-Ray Sheet
-Soda Pop Head-Julia Cook
-Anger Meter worksheet
-2 paper plates for each student
-1 Fastener or each student
-coloring supplies

Number and title of Lessons:

Lesson 1: How I experience anger

Lesson 2: Anger Recognition

Lesson 3: What Pushes Your Buttons?

RebeccaAnne Edelman
Week 6: Group Plan

Lesson 4: Anger Meter/Soda Pop Head

Lesson 5: Wheel of Coping Skills

Assessment Plan:

Elementary Group Lesson Plan

Unit: Elementary Anger and Self-awareness Group Unit Plan

Lesson: 1-How I Experience Anger

Grade: k-2

Time: 30 minutes

Learning Objectives: Children will be able to identify anger within themselves;

both physically and emotionally.

Materials: When Miles Got Mad by Sam Kurtzman-Counter


-Start by introducing and defining anger with the children. Also, be sure toshare
other words that could be used for anger. (5 min)

-Segway the conversation into the book When Miles Got Mad. While reading, be
sure to connect the book back to the children by asking appropriate questions
about the topic and fro their thoughts as you read. It is important to keep the
children as engaged as possible. (10 min)

-Have a discussion about anger and what happens when the children get angry.
Remember to reinforce that anger is an okay emotion to experiencebut proper
expression is key. In this time also work in the skill of Deep Breathing for
deescalating anger. (15min)

Assessment: Children will be able to define anger and other words for it by the end
of group. They will be able to identify what happens when they get angry. Children
will be able to display deep breathing skills.

Unit: Elementary Anger and Self-awareness Group

Lesson: 2- Anger Recognition

Grade: K-2

Time: 30 Minutes
RebeccaAnne Edelman
Week 6: Group Plan

Learning Objectives: Children will be able to recognize the different emotions associated
with anger. Children will be able to map their anger and see a visual map of it.

Materials: Emotion recognition flash cards; Anger Map; drawing tools


-Refresh Deep Breathing skill. (3 min)

-Introduce students to emotion flash cards. As a group share one emotion at a

time. Have children demonstrate the different emotions and talk about how they
experience them in their mind and bodies. (6 min)

-After students have identified emotions have them map their anger on the anger
map provided. Upon completion, discuss the various parts of anger. (17 min)

-Teach students guided imagery to aid in stressful situations. (4 min)

Assessment: Children will be able to complete their Anger Maps and be able to identify
the different aspects of their personal anger. Also, children will be able to recognize signs
of anger in other children.

Unit: Elementary Anger and Self-awareness Group Unit Plan

Lesson: 3- What Pushes Your Buttons-Anger X-Ray

Grade: k-2

Time: 30 minutes

Learning Objectives: Children will be able to identify what makes the angry or upset.

Materials: Buttons; What Pushes Your Buttons Worksheet; Anger X-Ray Sheet

-Go over coping skill from last week. Introduce children to topic this week by
discussing various things that may upset them or that they have noticed
upset others. (5 min)

-Hand children the What Pushes my buttons work sheet and place buttons on the
boxes that bother them. Discuss this with the group as they are marking. (10 min)

-Once children have finished their list and discussed it hand out the Anger X-Ray
sheet. Have them pick one situation off their button list and create an Anger X-
Ray that will show how their body experiences the emotion. (8 min)
RebeccaAnne Edelman
Week 6: Group Plan

-Talk about when to walk away as a coping skill for anger. (7 min)

Assessment: Children will be able to understand what makes them angry and how to
identify it within their body.

Unit: Elementary Anger and Self-awareness Group Unit Plan

Lesson: 4- Anger Meter/ Soda Pop Head

Grade: K-2

Time: 30 minutes

Learning Objectives: Children will be able to identify what levels of anger they are
experiencing and what to do to get back to feeling calm.

Materials: Soda Pop Head-Julia Cook; Anger Meter worksheet


-Review walk away coping skill. Talk to children about being a soda pop head or
a water bottle kid and the difference. (5 min)

-Read book: Soda Pop Head. After reading, discuss what behaviors could make
someone a soda pop head. (10 min)

-Transition conversation about pressure building up in a soda bottle to building

their own anger meter. Have them create an anger meter with their own
levels and what triggers their anger. (15 min)

Assessment: Children will be able to properly identify and measure their anger.

Unit: Elementary Anger and Self-awareness Group Unit Plan

Lesson: 5- Wheel of Coping Skills

Grade: K-2

Time: 30 minutes

Learning Objectives: Children will be able to identify coping skill appropriate for
handling their anger.

Materials: 2 paper plates for each student; 1 Fastener or each student; coloring supplies

Plan: (include number of minutes required)

RebeccaAnne Edelman
Week 6: Group Plan

- Introduce children to what a coping skill is and why we use them. Also, touch on
what coping skills we have learnt so far. (5 min)

-Talk about different coping skills that could be used to help children when their
anger levels are rising. (5 min)

-Help children make a wheel of coping skills. Have wheels pre-lined and cut for
easy, efficient crafting. (15 min)

-Have children demonstrate some of their coping skills and when they would use
them. (5 min)

Assessment: Children will be able to pair and demonstrate various coping skills for
controlling their anger.
RebeccaAnne Edelman
Week 6: Group Plan

Anger Meter Lesson 4

RebeccaAnne Edelman
Week 6: Group Plan
RebeccaAnne Edelman
Week 6: Group Plan

Anger X-Ray Lesson 3

RebeccaAnne Edelman
Week 6: Group Plan
RebeccaAnne Edelman
Week 6: Group Plan

Anger Map Lesson 2

RebeccaAnne Edelman
Week 6: Group Plan
RebeccaAnne Edelman
Week 6: Group Plan

What Pushes Your Buttons? Lesson 3

RebeccaAnne Edelman
Week 6: Group Plan

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