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Autism is a condition of a person from birth or during infancy, which makes him unable
to form social relationships or normal communication. As a result the child is isolated
from other human beings in the world and repetitive, activities and obsessive interests.
(Baron-Cohen, 1993). According to Power (1989) characteristics of children with autism
is a disorder in 6 areas:
• social interaction,
• communication (language and speaking),
•-emotional behavior,
• pattern of play,
• sensory and motor disturbances
• the development of normal late or not.
These symptoms begin to appear from birth or as a child; usually before 3-year-old child.
Data Autism in the R Statistical Manual-IV is one of five types of disorders under the
umbrella of PDD (Perpasive Development Disorder) outside the ADHD (Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). Perpasiv
developmental disorder (PDD) is a term used to describe a group of developmental
disorders in the (umbrella term) PDD, namely:
1. Autistic Disorder (Autism) occurs before the age of 3 years and indicated the existence
of barriers in social interaction, communication and imaginative play skills and
stereotyped behavior in the interests and activities.
2. Asperger's Syndrome Barriers social interaction and development of interests and
activities is limited, generally do not show delays in language and talk, and have high
levels of average intelligence well above average.
3. Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) Referring
to the term atypical autism, PDD-NOS diagnosis applies if a child does not show the
overall criteria of a particular diagnosis (autism, Asperger's or Rett Syndrome).
4. Rett's syndrome more common in girls and rarely occurs in boys. Had experienced
normal growth and a decline / loss of the ability they have; loss of functional ability were
replaced with hand-waving hands to myself repeatedly over a range of age 1 - 4 years.
5. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD) Shows the normal development during the
first 2 years of age the development and the sudden loss of abilities has been achieved
Diagnosis Disorder Perpasive Develompmental Not Otherwise Specified (PDD - NOS)
commonly used or used in the United States to explain the existence of several
characteristics of a person with autism (Howlin, 1998: 79). National Information Center
for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) in the United States stated that the
Autism and PDD - NOS is a developmental disorder tend to have similar characteristics
and symptoms appear before age 3 years. Both are neurological disorders that are
affecting the ability to communicate, understand language, play and ability to relate to
others. The inability to adapt to change and the responses are not fair to the sensory
experience is often also linked to the symptoms of autism.

Autism Diagnosis DSM IV Match

A. Social interaction (minimum 2):
1. Not able to establish non-verbal social interaction: eye contact, facial expressions,
body position, gestures or less fixed
2. Difficulty playing with peers
3. There is no empathy, sharing behavior enjoyment / interest
4. Less able to conduct social relationships and emotional 2-way
B. Social Communication (minimum 1):
1. No / late to talk, not trying to communicate non-verbally
2. Can speak but not for communications / initiation, egocentric
3. Language weird & diulang-ulang/stereotip
4. How to play less varied / imaginative, less social imitation
C. Imaginative, flexible thinking and imaginative play (minimum 1):
1. Maintaining interest in 1 or more in a very peculiar and excessive, both the intensity
and focus
2. Fixed on a ritualistic activities / routines that are not useful
3. There are strange movements characteristic and repeatedly. Often very fascinated in
certain parts of an object

A child with autism, with a range of toys he made

Symptoms of autism can be very mild (mild), moderate (moderate) to severe (severe), so
that people may not realize the whole existence. Severe or severity of autism disorders
often later in the parallel with the functioning. It is said by experts that children with
autism and cognitive level of intelligence and low, do not speak (nonverbal), has hurt
herself behavior, and show very limited interest and the routines that made them are
classified as low-Functioning Autism. While those who showed cognitive function and
high intelligence, capable of using language and speaking effectively and demonstrating
the ability to follow a general routine is classified as high-Functioning Autism. Two
characteristics of the dichotomy of the real problems will greatly affect the implications
of education and treatment models applied to persons with autism. It seems through this
medium to urge writers and experts in the field of autism paktisi to further develop
strategies and teaching techniques appropriate for them. Especially considering the fact
from the results of previous studies mentioned that 80% of children with autism have low
intelligence and does not speak or nonverbal. But again, any diagnosis or label given
immediate priority is given appropriate intervention and truly fit their needs.
Reference standard used universally in identifying the types of developmental disorders
in children is the ICD (International Classification of Diseases) Revisions to the 10-year-
1993 and DSM (Diagnostic And Statistical Manual) IV revision 1994 that they were the
same contents. In particular in category Perpasiv Development Disorder (Perpasive
Developmental Disorder / PDD): Autism is shown when found 6 or more than 12
symptoms referring to the 3 main areas of disturbance, namely: Social Interaction -
Communication - Behavior.
Autism spectrum disorder as the symptoms can be evidence of the various combinations
of developmental disorders. If the tests are behavioral and communication can not detect
the existence of autism, several screening instruments have been developed today can be
used to diagnose autism:
• Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS): autism rating scale of childhood created by
Eric Schopler in the early 1970s based on observations of behavior. Tool using a scale of
up to 15; child is evaluated based on his relationship with people, the use of body
movements, adaptation to change, listening skills and verbal communication
• The Checklis for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT): a checklist of childhood autism is used
to detect the 18-month-old child, developed by Simon Baron Cohen in the early 1990s.
• The Autism Screening Questionare: is a list of questions consisting of 40 scale items
used in her children over the age of 4 years to evaluate the communication and social
skills they
• The Screening Test for Autism in Two-Years Old: autism screening tests for children
aged 2 years, developed by Wendy Stone at Vanderbilt is based on the ability of 3
children, namely; play, motor imitation and concentration.
Accurate diagnosis of autism or other developmental disorders related to the
comprehensive observations needed to: a child's behavior, communication skills and the
ability of other developments. It would be very difficult to diagnose because of the wide
range of disorders seen. Observations and interviews with parents is also very important
in diagnosing. The evaluation team consisting of a variety of disciplines allow for
standardization in the diagnosis. The team may consist of a neurologist, psychologist,
pediatric, paedagog, pathological speech / language, occupational therapy, social workers
and other sebaginya.

[edit] Symptoms
Children with autism may appear normal in the first year or second year of his life.
Parents are often aware of a delay in language skills and specific ways different when
playing and interacting with others. These children may become very sensitive or even
unresponsive to stimuli from the five-rangasangan senses (hearing, touch, smell, taste and
sight). Repetitive behaviors (flapping, hand or finger flapping, body shaking and
repeating the words) can also be found. Behavior can be aggressive (either to themselves
or others) or even very passive. Most likely, previous behaviors are considered normal
may be additional symptoms. In addition to playing repetitive, limited interests and social
barriers, a few other things that has always been inherent in persons with autism are
responses to abnormal sensory information they receive, for example; sound-noise, light,
surface or the texture of a particular material and a certain flavor to the food to be their
Some or all of the characteristics mentioned below can be observed in the autistic
spectrum and with conditions that even the lightest to heaviest.
1. Barriers in communication, for example: speak and understand language.
2. Difficulties in dealing with other people or objects in the vicinity as well as linking the
events that happened.
3. Playing with toys or other objects are not natural.
4. Difficult to accept changes in routine and environment that are recognized.
5. Move your body or repetitive patterns of behavior specific
Persons with autism and its spectrum is very diverse both in capabilities, level of
intelligence, and even behavior. Some of these things are not 'talk' while some others may
be limited in its language so often repeat words or phrases (echolalia). Those who have
high language skills generally use themes limited and difficult to understand the concepts
of abstract. Thus, there is always a unique individuality of individuals penyandangnya.
Apart from the above characteristics, there are directions and guidelines for parents and
practitioners to more waspasa and care for symptoms that appear. The National Institute
of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) in the United States mentioned the 5
types of behavior to watch out for and the need for further evaluation:
1. Children do not mumble until the age of 12 months
2. Children do not show the ability gestural (pointing, chest, holding) until the age of 12
3. Children do not say a word until the age of 16 months
4. Children are not able to use two sentences spontaneously in the age of 24 months
5. Children lose language skills and social interaction at a certain age
The existence of five 'red light' at the top does not mean that the child bears the
characteristics of autism but because of autism disorders is very diverse so a child must
have a multidisciplinary evaluation which may include; Neurologists, Psychologists,
Pediatrics, Speech Therapy, Paedagog and other professions who understand the autism

[edit] The prevalence of individuals with autism

An estimated 400,000 individuals with autism in the United States. Since the year 80 - of
babies born in California - the U.S., blood drawn and stored in autism research center.
Research conducted by Terry Phillips, an expert in neurological medicine from George
Washington University. Of 250 blood samples taken, the result was stunning; quarter of
these children showed symptoms of autism. National Information Center for Children and
Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) estimates that autism and PDD in the year 2000
approached 50 to 100 per 10,000 births. Research Frombonne (Frombonne Study: 2003)
produces the prevalence of autism and its spectrum (Autism Spectrum Disorder / ASD)
is: 60/10000 - current best estimate and there are 425,000 people with ASD are under 18
years of age in the United States. In the UK, the latest data are: 62.6/10.000 ASD. Autism
in general have been known to occur four times more frequently in boys than in girls
occurs. Until now, the cause is not known with certainty. We have the experts continue to
develop their research to find out why so that they can find 'drugs' the right to deal with
this phenomenon. Areas of primary focus in the research of experts, including; in
neurological damage and imbalances in the brain that are biochemical. Dr. Ron Leaf
during a seminar in Singapore on 26 to 27 March 2004, mentions several factors that
cause autism, namely:
• Genetic susceptibility - Different genes may be responsible in different families
• Chromosome 7 - speech / language chromosome
• Variety of problems in pregnancy at birth or even after birth
Although the experts and practitioners in the field of autism are not always able to agree
or even disagree with the causes of the above. The most important thing to note the
results of previous studies is that autism disorders are not caused by factors that are
psychological, such as older people do not want a child while pregnant.
How in Indonesia? Have not found accurate data about the real situation in Indonesia, but
in an interview in the newspaper Kompas; Dr. Melly Budhiman, a child psychiatrist and
chairman of the Autism Foundation of Indonesia mentioned the remarkable
improvement. "If ten years ago estimated the number of autistic children one by 5000,
now increased to one per 500 children" (BBC: 2000). 2000 year ago, Dr. Ika Widyawati;
staff of the Psychiatry Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia estimates that there
were approximately 6900 autistic children in Indonesia. This amount according to each
year continues to increase. It really should watch out because if the people in Indonesia
now reaches more than 160 million, approximately how many people actually recorded
austime holds its spectrum?

[edit] implication Autism Diagnosis

Historically, diagnosis of autism have problems; one when the experts and researchers in
the field of autism be based on the presence or absence of symptoms, current scholars and
researchers seem to move toward a variety of characteristics known as autism continuum.
Aarons and Gittents (1992) recommends a descriptive approach to diagnosis. This is a
descriptive approach in diagnosing that include observations on the overall social settings
children themselves. Settingya possible in schools, in parks or maybe playing at home as
an everyday environment where children and their difficulties barriers evident among
peers of their 'normal'.
Another problem affecting the accuracy of a diagnosis is often also arise from the fact
that the behaviors are problematic attributes of parenting that are less precise. These
behaviors may be the result of negative family dynamics and not as a symptom of a
disturbance. The existence of a wrong interpretation of the meaning to show cause why
the child's behavior problems could lead to negative feelings of parents. The next
question then is what can be done to enable more accurate diagnosis and consistent so
that autism truly separate the conditions worsen? There needs to be a diagnostic model
that includes the entire life of the child and evaluate the constraints and difficulties of
children as well as to the abilities and skills of their own children. Maybe just when then
recommended that professionals in the field of autism is also considering the whole area,
for example: early child development, the appearance of children, child mobility, control
and care of children, sensorisnya functions, the ability to play, the development of basic
concepts, an ability that is sikuen, musical ability, and others who own the whole child.
For parents and families themselves should also be noted that symptoms of autism is
individual; be different from each other although both are considered as low-Functioning
or Functioning regarded as high. Requires patience to deal with and consistency to the
handling, so be aware that that this phenomenon is a long journey. Do not stop at the
inability of the child but also to explore the talents and potentials existing in children. As
an inspiration would be mentioned that some people with autism are able to develop
talent and potential that exists in them, such as: Temple Grandine are able to develop
visual skills and systematic thinking to become a Doctor in the field of animal husbandry,
Donna William's able to develop language skills and artistic talent so it can become a
writer and artist, Bradley Olson, a student who was able to improve cognitive ability and
physical fitness to become an active young and agile, and probably many other names
that could be the source of our inspiration together. In the end, a label of a diagnosis can
be said to be useful if able to provide guidance for parents and educators about the true
state of nature from a child. Labels menimbukan confusion and dissatisfaction of parents
and educators will certainly not bring any benefit.

[edit] Development of Autism Research

In 1960 the handling of children with autism are generally based on psikodinamika
models, offering hope for recovery through experiential manipulations (Rimland, 1964).
However psikodinamika considered model is not effective enough. In the mid-1960s,
there were reports that the perpetrators psychodynamic research can not deliver what they
promised (Lovaas, 1987). Through a variety of literature, can be mentioned several
experts who have philosophical differences, variations in treatment and specific targets,
such as:
• Rimland (1964): Examining the characteristics of parents who have children with
autism, such as: hardworking, intelligent, obsessive, routine and detail. He also examined
the causes of autism, which he said leads to biological factors.
• Bettelheim (1967): The idea of the cause of autism is the rejection of the parents.
Infantile Autism parents' expectations due to not having children, because at that time a
very influential psychotherapist, so she menginstitusionalkan with 46 kids to get out of
autistime stressful. But not reported in detail the continuation of the results of such work.
• Delacato (1974): Autism is caused by the brain injured. As a physiotherapy treatment
will give Delacato sensory nature. This influence on the guidelines and then develop what
would later develop guidelines Gleen methods.
• Lovaas (1987): Applying the theory and apply Skinne Behavior Modification to
children with special needs, including children with autistisme in it. He makes
intervention programs for children with special needs who did at UCLA. From the results
of Lovaas programs, children with autism have behavioral modification program that
evolved in a professional in psychology journals.
Until now, there are many behavioral intervention programs for children with autism,
each program has different variations and the development of self-development according
to the research-conducted research. Development and study of autism presented by
Rogers, Sally J., as mentioned below:
• 1960s Heavy emphasis on causes of autism, correlates of autism
• 1970s Heavy emphasis on assessment, diagnosis: emerging literature on treatment
• 1980s Heavy emphasis on functional assessment and treatment, school-based services
• 1990s Heavy emphasis on social Interventions, assessment, school-based services
• Litigation 2000s, school-based services

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