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Genetic Academy

31/07/2018 Name of the Student:
1. Computer Network is
A. Collection of hardware components and computers
B. Interconnected by communication channels
C. Sharing of resources and information
D. All of the Above

2. what is a Firewall in Computer Network?

A. The physical boundary of Network
B. An operating System of Computer Network
C. A system designed to prevent unauthorized access
D. A web browsing Software

3. Each IP packet must contain

A. Only Source address
B. Only Destination address
C. Source and Destination address
D. Source or Destination address

4. What is the benefit of the Networking?

A. File Sharing
B. Easier access to Resources
C. Easier Backups
D. All of the Above

5. Which of the following is not the Networking Devices?

A. Gateways
B. Linux
C. Routers
D. Firewalls

6. DHCP Server provides _____ to the client.

A. Protocol
B. IP Address
C. MAC Address
D. Network Address

7. A set of rules that govern all aspects of information communication is called

A. Server
B. Internet
C. Protocol
D. OSI Model

8. DHCP is the abbreviation of

A. Dynamic Host Control Protocol
B. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
C. Dynamic Hyper Control Protocol
D. Dynamic Hyper Configuration Protocol

9. What is the use of Ping command?

A. To test a device on the network is reachable
B. To test a hard disk fault
C. To test a bug in a Application
D. To test a Pinter Quality

10. DNS is the abbreviation of

A. Dynamic Name System
B. Dynamic Network System
C. Domain Name System
D. Domain Network Service

11. Which of the following can be Software?

A. Routers
B. Firewalls
C. Gateway
D. Modems

12. Network of networks is known as _________

A. intranet.
B. internet.
C. Local Area Network

13. The entities comprising the corresponding layers on different machine are called ________
A. protocol.
B. peers.
C. interface.
D. flow control

14. FTP stands for:

A. File Transfer Protocol
B. File Transmission Protocol
C. Form Transfer Protocol
D. Form Transmission Protocol

15. If all devices are connected to a central hub,then the topology is

A. Bus B. Ring C. Star D. Tree

16. The Layer which changes the Bits to Electro-Magnetic Signals is:
A. Physical B. Transport C. Data Link D. Presentation

17. TCP/IP Protocol used to transfer files from one machine to another

18. Match the following

A. 802.11 - Bluetooth
B. 802.3 - Wifi
C. 802.15.1 - Ethernet

19. List any 3 Network O/S’s

20. List any 5 Protocols

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