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Removing fault shadow distortions by Fault Constrained Tomography.

Sergey Birdus, CGGVeritas

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In reality we always have a combination of these factors.
Fault Shadows manifest a serious challenge to successful All these types of velocity variations exhibit strong and fast
seismic imaging. The major part of this problem is caused lateral changes and can be described as short wave-length
by rapid lateral velocity changes within fault zones. velocity anomalies. We use "short wave-length" title for an
Seismic rays traveling through fault areas experience anomaly with lateral length smaller than the cable length.
geometrical and traveltime distortions which result in poor These anomalies:
seismic images and non-hyperbolic moveout anomalies in - cause non-hyperbolic moveout;
areas below such fault planes (Fault Shadow Zones). Fault - cannot be restored from RMS-velocities by Dix-based
Constrained Tomography (FCT) is a special depth velocity transformations;
processing technique developed to solve this problem by - seismic tomography is the only current tool capable of
building detailed high resolution interval velocity model for building velocity model with short wave-length anomalies
such zones. Combined with Pre-Stack Depth Migration using seismic data;
(PSDM) this technique allows to remove Fault Shadow - PSDM with proper velocity model is the tool that can
distortions from seismic images. remove their distortions from seismic images.

Fault related velocity anomalies Depth-velocity modeling in Fault Shadow zones

Fault zones contain several different types of velocity Normally, detailed depth-velocity model is built by the
anomalies: following sequence:
1. Model driven velocity anomalies are created when faster A. Initial modeling. With regard to Fault Shadows we need
velocity rocks contact slower velocity rocks across a fault to put as much as possible a-priory geological information
plane. This is the most obvious type of fault related into an initial model to accommodate "Model Driven
velocity anomalies which can be predicted and included Velocity Anomalies".
into depth-velocity model if sufficient amount of a-priory B. PSDM with initial model;
geological information is C. Depth residual analysis to collect information about
available (well based velocity data, interpreted horizons, residual moveout left after "B"; this residual moveout
fault planes). In reality, this information is limited and can shows how accurate our velocity model is and can be used
give only limited solution to this part of the problem. For to improve the model;
many years, depth processing has been focusing on this D. Model update by seismic tomography (Zhou et al.,
type of anomalies using horizon based depth-velocity 2003). This step uses residual information gathered in "C"
modeling. to change interval velocity model. Avoiding complex
mathematical equations we can say that seismic
2. Fluids and pore pressure related velocity anomalies are tomography distributes residuals along seismic rays and
very important. Faults serving as paths or seals for vertical explains measured residual field as a result of velocity
and horizontal fluids movement significantly change anomalies through which these rays have traveled.
"normal" fluids and pore pressure distribution and create Depending on input data and objectives, it can be very time
additional intensive interval velocity anomalies. consuming and sometimes unstable procedure which
requires some data and model regularization to build
3. Imaging velocities used for PSDM always represent a geologically plausible model.
simplified smoothed copy of real interval velocity field. Steps B-D are repeated iteratively until desirable result is
Sonic logs may show a number of thin high contrast achieved.
velocity layers that cannot be included into imaging PSDM
velocity model because of their small thickness and lateral Working within Fault Shadow zones our main challenge is
inconsistency. Imaging model integrates these thin layers to build accurate depth-velocity model with sufficient
into much larger velocity features. It works fine lateral and vertical resolution. Our experience shows that
everywhere except fault zones, where a fault can displace under standard conditions we need velocity models with 50
high contrast velocity layers and create distortions to m and higher resolution to successfully accommodate fault
seismic rays traveling through these areas. In order to fix related anomalies. Standard depth processing techniques
these distortions we need to put non-geological anomalies cannot achieve this level of resolution due to unacceptable
into imaging PSDM velocity model.

SEG/San Antonio 2007 Annual Meeting 3039

Removing fault shadow distortions

computation cost and problems with getting converging velocity resolution but only within limited zones
tomographic solution. corresponding to fault planes. This type of model
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regularization (model constrain) corresponds to the nature

Fault Constrained Tomography of fault related velocity anomalies.
Depending on geological settings, several iterations of
Special technique called Fault Constrained Tomography PSDM followed by RCA and Fault Constrained
has been developed to build high-resolution interval tomography can be required. These iterations are run in
velocity models for fault zones. Distinctive features of this addition to standard iterative global tomography sequence
technique (figure 1) are: (Zhou et al., 2003), but because they effectively solve
- Fault planes are picked and included into depth-velocity major fault related problems the total turnaround time of
model; depth processing project can even be reduced.
- Non-hyperbolic Residual Curvature Analysis (RCA)
carried out on dense grid of PSDM gathers; Fault Constrained Tomography uses distortions in seismic
- High-resolution 3D seismic tomography using fault data cased by faults, it restores the adequate velocity model
planes as a constrain to update velocity. It allows and allows PSDM to remove these distortions from seismic
unrestricted velocity variations and achieves required high images.

Figure 1. Fault Constrained Tomography Scheme.

SEG/San Antonio 2007 Annual Meeting 3040

Removing fault shadow distortions

Analysis of fault related velocity variations revealed by

Examples Fault Constrained Tomography showed presence of all 3
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types of velocity anomalies listed above.

Fault Constrained Tomography has been employed on
several real 3D seismic datasets with severe Fault Shadow
imaging distortions and successfully resolved these
problems (figures 2 , 3).

Figure 2. a – PSTM image with typical Fault Shadow anomaly; b- PSDM section migrated with model built by Fault
Constrained Tomography. Data courtesy Talisman Energy, Petronas Carigali, PIDC and PetroVietnam.

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Removing fault shadow distortions
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Figure3. PSDM section before (a) and after (b) model update including FCT. Data courtesy ExxonMobil and Petronas

Conclusions Acknowledgments

Fault Constrained Tomography takes into account the Author would like to thank Talisman Energy, ExxonMobil,
nature of velocity variation in fault zones. Combined with Petronas Carigali, PIDC, PetroVietnam and CGGVeritas
PSDM it can successfully remove fault shadow distortions for carrying out these projects and permission to present the
from seismic images. results

SEG/San Antonio 2007 Annual Meeting 3042

Note: This reference list is a copy-edited version of the reference list submitted by the author. Reference lists for the 2007
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts have been copy edited so that references provided with the online metadata for
each paper will achieve a high degree of linking to cited sources that appear on the Web.
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Zhou, H., S. H. Gray, J. Young, D. Pham, and Y. Zhang, 2003, Tomographic residual curvature analysis: 73rd Annual
International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 666–669.

SEG/San Antonio 2007 Annual Meeting 3043

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