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Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Walkthrough
For the Playstation 2/PC/GC/Xbox
Final Version
Copyright 2005 - 2006 YuGiOhFm2002 & YuGiOhAngel
(If you Email one of us or both of us.)
(Please add Game Name or Guide Name in Subject)
(to let us know which game you need help with.)
First Created on : 1/14/05
Last Updated on : 2/13/06
Table of Contents
I. Legal Info
II. Introduction
IIa. Controls
III. Walkthrough
Chapter 01: "Tutorial"
Chapter 02: "The Maharajah's Treasure Vaults" |2%|
Chapter 03: "You Have Unleashed the Sands of Time" |5%|
Chapter 04: "Had I really seen her?" |7%|
Chapter 05: "A Secret Passage" |10%|
Chapter 06: "The Palace's Defense System" |12%|
Chapter 07: "A Booby-Trapped Courtyard" |14%|
Chapter 08: "Death of a Sand King" |17%|
Chapter 09: "I'll Try To Find a Way In" |19%|
Chapter 10: Climbing the Tower" |21%|
Chapter 11: "The Warehouse" |24%|
Chapter 12: "The Sultan's Zoo" |28%|
Chapter 13: "Atop a Bird Cage" |28%|
Chapter 14: "Cliffs and Waterfall" |33%|
Chapter 15: "The Baths" |33%|
Chapter 16: "There's Something Glowing Up There" |33%|
Chapter 17: "Above the Baths" |33%|
Chapter 18: "A Long-Buried Secret" |40%|
Chapter 19: "Daybreak" |43%|
Chapter 20: "A Soldier's Mess Hall" |46%|
Chapter 21: "The Drawbridge" |46%|
Chapter 22: "A Broken Bridge" |50%|
Chapter 23: "I'll Meet You at the Baths" |52%|
Chapter 24: "Waterfall" |55%|
Chapter 25: A Cavern of Ladders |57%|
Chapter 26: An Underground Reservoir |60%|
Chapter 27: Out of the Well |62%|
Chapter 28: "The Sultan's Harem" |65%|
Chapter 29: "What Did You Call Me?" |65%|
Chapter 30: The Hall of Learning |69%|
Chapter 31: Observatory |71%|
Chapter 32: Hall of Learning Courtyards |75%|
Chapter 33: On the Ramparts |75%|
Chapter 34: A Prisoner Seeking an Escape |79%|
Chapter 35: "At Last We're Here!" |81%|
Chapter 36: The Hourglass |83%|
Chapter 37: The Tomb |90%|
Chapter 38: "Farah! Come Back!" |90%|
Chapter 39: Climbing the Tower of Dawn |93%|
Chapter 40: The Setting Sun |95%|
Chapter 41: Honor and Glory |98%|
IV. Frequently Asked Questions
============================I. Legal info=================================
This document may not be altered, copied, published, sold nor reproduced for
profit in any way shape or form without advance permission from me. Use of
this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is
strictly prohibited. If you steal any part of this Guide, FAQ, you will be
punished to the full extent of the law. Plagiarism is illegal, and I really
detest it. If you do Email us for our permission, We have nearly no problems
in allowing you to post it on your site as long as full credit is given to
us (YuGiOhFm2002 & YuGiOhAngel), and you are not charging or profiting off
of Gamers/Users to access it directly or indirectly in any way shape or
form. However, you may print this document out if it is for your own personal
use. If you see a site using this without our permission let us know.
II. Introduction
If you see any directional errors (like left should be right or vice-versa)
just let one of us know and we will take care of it. We have altered some
major directions and corrected some other problems with the Walkthrough. We
hope this has not caused other errors/problems (it does happen sometimes) but
if You notice a problem just let one of us know and we will look into it.
= IIa. Controls =
L1 & L2 R1 & R2
| |
v v
_____ || _____
/ L | || | R \
_/ |___________||___________| \_
/ _ \ / ^ \
/ | | \ Select Start / /_\ \
Directional | _ v _ \ ___ / __ _ |
Pad ---> | |_> <_| | |___| |::> | | | / \ |
(D-Pad) | ^ /____ ___ _____\|__| \_/ |
\ |_| / __ \ |___| / __ \ \/ /
\ / / \ \_______/ / \ \ /\ /
/\______/ | | | | | | \______/\
/ /\ \__/ / \ \__/ /\ \
/ / \ / \ / \ \
/ / \___/ \_____/ \ \
/ / ^ ^ \ \
/ / | | \ \
\ / Left Analog Stick Right Analog Stick\ /
\____/ (L3) (R3) \____/
Gameplay Controls
Left Analog Stick = Move the Prince
Right Analog Stick = Move Camera
R3 (Push down on Right analog stick) = Reset Camera view
Triangle = Use Dagger
Circle = Cancel
Square = Attack
X = Action (Jump/Roll)
Start = Pause/Menu
L2 = Alternate view (Landscape Camera)
R2 = Look (First person View)
L1 = Hold Down L1 to Rewind Time (only when you have the time power) Tap L1
to slow down time (when you have the time power to do so)
R1 = Special Actions (Run along walls, Run up walls, Push/Pull,
Swing on poles/ropes, Drink water and Blocks during a fight
III. Walkthrough
(Note for Ps2 users ONLY: If you would like to play a level of the First
Prince of Persia game in 3D you will need to hold down L3 after you have
started a new game and when looking at the prince standing on the Balcony.
While holding down L3 (Left Analog stick) quickly push X, Square, Triangle,
Circle, Triangle, X, Square, Circle. If done fast enough you should see a
load screen come up and it will load up the 3D Level of the First Prince of
Persia game.)
When you start this game you will see the Prince on a balcony. You need to go
into the curtains behind the Prince.
Intro Scene
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 01: "Tutorial" |
/ \
(Note: The game tells you which buttons to use so I won't bother with giving
them to you again.)
1. Head towards the gate that the guys in front of you are trying to break
2. Once you see them get killed climb up onto the rock ledge to your right
and then climb up the next two ledges to your right.
3. Wall run (Push towards the wall and hold R1) along this wall to your left
to get to the next ledge (this move is very important to master because you
will be using it often throughout this game).
4. Climb up the two ledges to your right and then wall run up the wall here
to grab the ledge. Climb up and head to your right.
5. You will see a big explosion in front of you. Jump the large gap that was
made by the explosion.
6. Go out to the broken wooden walkway to your right and wall run along the
wall with the curtain here on your left.
7. Go into the doorway to your left and smash the box and chair in front of
the door to your right to clear the path to continue on.
(Note: If you want to climb the ladder without fighting the enemy you will
need to put away your weapon to do so)
8. This would be a good time to practice your various attack, dodge and
blocking moves. The two moves you want to master is the Vaulting over the
enemy move (Push Analog Stick towards and enemy and Push X to vault over them
and then slash them (Square) when you are coming down behind them) and the
Wall Vaulting over enemy move (Push Analog stick towards a wall and push X
twice to leap from the wall over an enemy to attack them when you are coming
down behind them. If you master these two moves the game will be much easier
for you because these are pretty much the two moves you will be using through
the entire game to take out enemies/bosses. I covered this now because I
won't be repeating myself later and now you know basically the two moves you
will be doing in all of the fights that you come to. I do have to mention
both moves do not always work on every enemy. Some will have a defense to
vaulting over them by knocking you down. If this is the case you will need to
use your wall vaulting move on them. I will mainly be covering where you need
to go as it seems that is the main problem people have been emailing us about
where to go from where they get stuck at.
9. After you have defeated this enemy climb up the ladder you find here along
this walkway to your right. You don't have to fight the enemies just to let
you know I just wanted you to get use to how you need to fight them with the
first guy. When you reach the top of the ladder (avoid or fight the enemies
here) head into the doorway to your left.
10. You will find a pool of water here that you can drink from (with R1) to
refill your health. Anytime you see a pool of water or water in generally you
can usually drink it to regain health. Keep that in mind when you are going
through this game as I'm not going to mention it due to the fact the water is
very obvious to find. Only waters I will mention are the Hidden Life Upgrade
Fountains that you will come to through the game. I will also mention where
to get all the Sand Upgrade Clouds but you don't need to know about those for
11. Go across the pool of water to the far side of this room and destroy the
chairs in front of the doorway to your left to continue on.
12. Go straight and drop down the various rock ledges here at the hole in the
walkway and go through the doorway that the last guy the scene showed you
was guarding it.
13. Follow this hallway right and then around to the left. Follow the hallway
to the right again and go out of the doorway you come to.
14. You will see the walkway up ahead get destroyed. Wall run along the wall
on your right to reach the next portion of walkway and then Wall run yet
again to reach the next portion of walkway. Climb up the ladder you see here
and then head into the doorway to your left.
15. Go to the far left side of this room and out of the doorway you find
16. You should have noticed in that scene a hole was made from an explosion.
That hole is where you need to go next. If you feel the need to beat up the
enemies here do so. If not go past them and jump up to grab onto a narrow
ledge on this wall. While hanging from this ledge shimmy to Prince's left
until you get past that face on the wall. Climb up onto the ledge and jump up
to grab the ledge above you. Climb up and Sidestep to the Prince's left. Once
you reach the face on the wall around the corner drop (Circle) off the narrow
ledge to hang from it. Shimmy to the Prince's left and once you are over the
narrow ledge you can see below you drop down to it. Sidestep to the left and
once you get to the face drop down to hang from it. Shimmy to the left until
you are over the hole in the wall and drop down to the hole in the wall.
Climb up into the hole and jump to/towards the column/pillar slightly to your
right (this serves two purpose it's a shortcut and you avoid fighting the
enemies in this room).
17. Turn to the Prince's right once and jump to the column/pillar behind the
Prince. Climb straight up this column/pillar and turn to the Prince's left
once. Jump to the balcony that is behind the Prince and climb up onto the
balcony. Go through the doorway with the green curtain over it.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 02: "The Maharajah's Treasure Vaults" |2%| |
/ \
1. Wall run along the wall to the left to reach the next walkway. Go to your
right and wall run along the wall to your right. Near the end of your wall
run you need to jump to the ledge to your left. Go straight and Wall run
along the wall to the right to reach the next ledge. Wall run up either the
right or left wall and jump at the peak of your wall run to jump to the
opposite wall. When you touch that wall (the controller will vibrate just
slightly to let you know you touched it) jump to the wall you ran up and keep
doing this until you reach the ledge on the left (this move I will refer to
as an upwards wall jump which is another move you will need to master). Go
into the doorway with the torn green curtain over it (where you hear the
buzzing/humming sound coming from).
(Note: When you gain control you can drop down to the area below and go over
to the hourglass to have the prince make a comment about it. You can use the
pillar/column near the ledge you dropped down from to get back up to it and
continue on with the walkthrough)
2. The scene just showed you the doorway you need to get to. Turn to the
Prince's right and wall run along the wall to his right to the next ledge.
Wall run again along the wall to the right and near the end of the wall run
jump to the ledge to the left. Go to your right where the door with the
glow light of the Dagger of Time is coming out of and wall run up a the wall
to the Prince's left (When you are facing the glowing light of the Dagger of
Time). Climb up onto this ledge and follow it straight and to the left. Wall
run along the wall to the Prince's right and you should drop down to the next
ledge at the end of your wall run. Wall run along the wall to the Prince's
right again until you reach the next ledge and then go into the doorway to
the Prince's right.
3. Drop down into the pit that the spiked poles are in and make your way past
them at the correct time. Once you have gone past them wall run along the
wall to your left and you should land on a narrow ledge at the end of your
wall run. Sidestep to the Prince's right all the way and then jump to the
narrow ledge directly behind the Prince. Sidestep all the way to the Prince's
left and then jump to the narrow ledge behind him. Sidestep to the right at
the correct time to avoid being hit by the spiked pole and when the next
spiked pole is out of the way wall run along the wall on your left. Near the
end of the wall run jump to the narrow ledge to the right. Sidestep to the
Prince's left and then walk to the edge of the doorway up ahead.
4. Drop off the edge of this doorway to hang from it and shimmy all the way
left. Drop down to the narrow ledge below you and then drop down to the
narrow ledge below that one. Pull yourself up after that near fall experience
and then sidestep to the Prince's left all they way. Jump up and grab the
narrow ledge above you and then climb up onto it. Do the same as before
sidestep all the way left, Jump up to grab the narrow ledge above you and
pull yourself up. Sidestep all the way left and then drop to hang from this
ledge before dropping down to the narrow ledge below you. Sidestep all the
way left again and then drop to hang from this ledge before dropping down to
the next narrow ledge below you. Sidestep left again (a bit repetitive
wouldn't you say) all the way left and then jump up to climb the narrow ledge
above you. Sidestep all the way left and then drop down to the narrow ledge
below you. Sidestep left one last time all the way and then jump to the
column/pillar behind the Prince.
5. Turn the Prince twice to the Prince's right or left and jump to the next
column/pillar. Turn the Prince twice again to the Prince's right or left and
jump to the next column/pillar. Turn the Prince once to the Prince's right
and jump to the next column/pillar. Turn the Prince twice again to the
Prince's right or left and jump to the next column/pillar. Slide all the way
down this column/pillar and then turn the Prince once to the Prince's right
to jump to the ground below. Wall run up the wall between the two fountains
of water and climb up onto the ledge. Wall run and climb up onto the ledge
with the glowing candles on the wall above the ledge. Wall run up the wall
to the Prince's right and at the peak of his wall run jump to the hand of the
statue to the left. Climb up onto the hand and wall run up the wall to the
left to get up to the shoulder of this large statue. Make your way towards
the head of this large statue and wall run up the side of the statue's head.
at the peak of your wall run jump to the wall to the left and then back to
the statue's head. Keep doing this upwards wall jump until you reach the
ledge on top of the head of the statue. Go over to the "Dagger of Time".
You now have the "Dagger of Time" (with the ability to rewind time (a limited
amount of time depending on how many sand tanks you have full) and the
ability to drain sand from sand creatures).
6. Turn the Prince around and wall run along the wall to the Prince's left
to reach the ledge inside the doorway up ahead. Go straight some and then
wall run along the wall to your left again and near the end of the wall run
jump to the ledge to the right. Wall run along the wall to the right and
before the end of that wall run jump to the ledge to the left. Make your
way past the spiked poles up ahead and then make Follow the spiked poles as
they are going away from you to duck into one of those little alcoves on
either side to make your way past those spiked poles. Once the poles get out
of the way drop down into the pit here that they were blocking. Make your way
past the spiked poles to the Prince's left (the same ones you went past
earlier on your way to the Dagger of Time. Jump up to grab the narrow ledge
above you and then jump up to grab the ledge above you. Climb up and walk out
of the doorway in front of you.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 03: "You Have Unleashed the Sands of Time" |5%| |
/ \
1. You now have many enemies to kill. Use your Vaulting or Wall Vaulting
attacks on them and once you knock one down use the dagger (Triangle) to
drain the sand from them. Just keep doing this until they are eventually
all defeated. They might seem like they are endless but they will
eventually stop showing up. You should also take notice that these enemies
are in red or reddish colored clothes. You may wonder why I mention this
fact. I mention it because the enemies in those colored clothes can be
vaulted over and later in the game you will run into ones that wear blue
which you can't Vault over them or they will knock you to the ground. The
only way to kill the ones in blue is with a Wall Vaulting attack.
Scene and your First Premonition Scene (the Premonition scene is to give you
hints on what you will be doing soon or what you need to do to continue on
with the game.)
2. You can save or repeat the Premonition Scene if you need to and then head
through the opening on the right side of the gate in front of you.
3. Go up the stairs in front of you and then to the left. Follow after the
Mysterious woman you see at the top of the stairs going to the right. Your
path will be blocked by the ceiling collapsing. Go into the doorway to your
right that is covered by the red curtain and go down the stairs here until
they end. Wall run along the wall to the Prince's right and you should land
safely on the lower portion of the staircase at the end of the wall run (let
go of the wall run a little early otherwise you will take a little damage from
landing on the lower part of the lower portion of the staircase). Drop off
the top part of this lower portion of the staircase and you will find a sand
cloud here. Use your Dagger (Triangle) on the cloud to get the "Sand Tank
Upgrade #1 part #1 out of 8". Go straight to the corner of this room that is
under the broken staircase where the camera should change and jump up to grab
the low pole it shows you.
4. Swing/Jump (Hold R1 and Press X when the Prince is going in the desired
direction) to the next pole you can see up ahead and then swing/jump again to
the next pole. Swing/Jump one more time to the next pole up ahead and then
swing/jump to the narrow ledge you see on the wall. Climb up and Sidestep to
the right until you reach the ledge. Wall run along the wall to the Prince's
left to reach the next ledge. Wall run again along the wall to the left and
jump to the pole you see to your left near the end of the wall run.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 04: "Had I really seen her?" |7%| |
/ \
1. Swing/Jump from this pole to the balcony to the right. Go out of the
doorway you see to the left and then down this hallway to your left. You will
see that Mysterious woman again and chase after her yet again. Your way gets
blocked yet again. Turn around and go back towards the doorway you got to
this hallway from and wall run up the rock ledge near it to reach a Sand
Cloud. Use your Dagger on the Sand Cloud to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #1
part #2 out of 8". Drop down off these rock ledges and then head to where the
ceiling came down when you saw the Mysterious Woman. Go to your left and wall
run along the wall to the right to grab the pole you see in front of you.
Swing/Jump to the pole that is just behind the red curtain in front of you.
Shimmy all the way left on this pole and then swing/jump to the pole up
ahead. Shimmy left on this pole to the left and jump to the next pole.
Swing/Jump from this pole to the ledge up ahead. Use the fountain here if you
need it otherwise go to your right and into the doorway to the right.
2. It showed you the hole you need to get to now. Wall run along the wall to
the Prince's right to grab a pole and then swing/jump to the next two poles.
Swing/Jump from the last pole to the balcony up ahead and go to your left.
Wall run along the wall to your right to grab that highest pole you can see
in the distance. Drop down from pole to pole below you until you reach the
floor and then go to the opposite side of this room (on the other side of the
bed). You will want to fight and take the sand from all the sand creatures
here to make the next Premonition/Save Point appear before making your way up
to that hole in the wall.. You should see a pole here with a light hanging
from it. Wall run up the wall near it (the wall the big hole in the wall is
over) and jump from the wall to that pole. Swing/Jump from this pole towards
the wall you just used to get on that pole and wall jump off that wall to
reach the pole above the one you were just on. Swing/Jump towards the wall
you just jumped off again to grab the narrow ledge you see below the big
hole. Sidestep to the right and then jump up to climb out of the big hole.
3. Use the Orange and White Premonition/Save Point to see what is ahead of
you and to save your game. Run down this hallway to the Prince's right (use
the fountain if you need it) and then break the boxes and chair in front of
the doorway up ahead. Go in through that doorway and go to your right to use
your dagger on the sand cloud to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #1 part #3 out of
8". Go back the way you came and you will see a pole near the top of the
doorway you came out of. Use the right side of the wall directly in front of
you to wall run up and jump to that pole. Swing/Jump towards the wall you
just jumped from to grab the ledge you can see and climb up onto it. The
camera angle should change and you need to make your way down to that hole in
the wall you see to your right. Make your way down this hallway until you
reach the end of it. Go across the bridges you see in front of the Prince to
reach a fountain.
You now have Life Upgrade #1 (if you are low on health it will refill your
health fully). This will extend the size of your health bar and refill your
health bar if it is low..
4. Jump to the rock ledge to your right and then make your way down these
rock ledges. Once you reach the floor go down this hallway and jump the hole
in the floor. Use your dagger on the sand Cloud to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade
#1 part #4 out of 8". Drop down into the hole/gap you just jumped over and
make your way down these rock ledges. When you reach the floor follow the
hallway to the left.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 05: "A Secret Passage" |10%| |
/ \
1. Fight off the scarabs by slashing them and if you think one is going to
hit you just use block (R1) to block their attack. You will know you have
defeated them all once the it shows the Prince put away his weapons. You
should see a fountain of water near you if you need a drink of water. Face
away from that fountain and go down the hallway ahead of you. Go into the
doorway to your left and down the hall to the right. You will find a Sand
Cloud here to use your Dagger on to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #1 part #5 out
of 8". Go back through the doorway you got here with and go into the doorway
directly in front of you.
2. It should have shown you a very large room that you now need to work your
way around and down to the floor of it. Jump to the ledge directly in front
of you and then go out of the doorway to your right.
3. Go to the Prince's left and the floor will crumble. Wall run along the
wall to the left to get across this gap and then go into the doorway you see
to your left.
4. Jump to the column/pillar and climb up it all the way. Face the back of
the Prince to the broken column/pillar to the right and then jump to it. Turn
to the Prince's left once and then jump to the next broken column/pillar.
Turn to the Prince's right or left twice and then jump to the next broken
column/pillar. Turn to the Prince's right or Left twice again and then jump
to the last broken column/pillar. Turn to the Prince's right once to face the
Prince's back to the cracked wall and jump to the crack in the wall. Drop
down to the crack below the one you are hanging on and then drop down to the
ledge. Turn to the Prince's left and wall run along the wall to the right and
right when you reach the shadow of the column/pillar on the wall jump to
grab onto that column/pillar. Slide all the way down this column/pillar to
the floor below.
5. Fight the scarabs here and then use the Dagger on the Sand Cloud to get
the "Sand Tank Upgrade #1 part #6 out of 8". Face the column/pillar you slid
down a moment ago and go over to the wall to the Prince's left. Turn to your
left and wall run along this wall (with the green curtain) to your right
until you reach the shadow of the column/pillar. Jump to that column/pillar
once you reach it's shadow and then turn the Prince once to the Prince's
right after you have climbed all the way up it. Jump to the broken
column/pillar that the Prince's back is facing and then. Turn to the Prince's
right or Left twice and then jump to the next column/pillar. Slide down the
column/pillar to the floor and climb up onto the rock ledge you see in the
corner here. Wall run up the wall to grab the higher ledge and climb up onto
it. Wall run up the wall to the Prince's left and at the peak of the wall run
jump to the pole that this camera angle shows you. Swing/Jump to the next
pole at the bottom of your screen and then swing/jump to the ledge in front
of that pole. Climb up and go to the Prince's right. You should see a Sand
Cloud behind you to the Prince's right. Jump across the gap and use your
Dagger on the Sand Cloud to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #1 part #7 out of 8".
Jump onto the broken pillar near the edge of this ledge and climb all the way
to the top of it. Turn to the Prince's right or left twice and then jump to
the broken column/pillar you see behind the Prince. Turn to the Prince's
right or left twice again and then jump to the next broken column/pillar.
Turn to the Prince's right once and then jump to the ledge you see behind the
Prince. Hang off the edge of this ledge to the Prince's left and shimmy all
the way to your left. Drop down to the next crack in the wall below you and
then shimmy all the way left again. Drop down to the next crack in the wall
before dropping down to the floor. Go over to where the green curtain is
hanging near the wall and jump to the pole you see here. Swing/Jump from pole
to pole and on the last pole swing/jump to the ledge up ahead. Go over to the
railing to the Prince's left and hang off the side of it. Line the Prince's
back up with the column/pillar that is near it and jump to it. Slide down the
column/pillar to reach the floor below. Go to the far corner of the room
where the Sand Cloud is and use your Dagger to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #1
part #8 out of 8".
You now have Extra Sand Tank #1.
6. Fight all of the sand creatures here before trying to do anything else to
activate the Premonition/Save Point in the room. Use the Orange and White
Premonition/Save Point to see what is ahead of you and to save your game. Go
over to one of the cabinets near this save point. Go over to that cabinet and
stand on the side of it. Push (R1) the cabinet either way and go into the
doorway it reveals. If there is no doorway behind the cabinet go to the other
cabinet near the save point.
7. Go down the stairs on your left and you will see the stairs to your right
are missing. Wall run along the wall on the left and near the end of the wall
run jump to the ledge on the right. Use your Dagger here to get the "Sand
Tank Upgrade #2 part #1 out of 8". Step on the button up ahead and then enter
the doorway that opens up. Go towards the bridge and it will end up
collapsing. Go to the Prince's right to wall run along this wall here and
when you are near the end of the wall run you need to jump to the make it
onto the other side of the bridge. Go towards the doorway near you and you
will see a button and a box. Go over to the box and push/pull (R1) it over to
the button on the floor. Go into the doorway that opened up.
\ /
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| Chapter 06: "The Palace's Defense System" |12%| |
/ \
1. Pull the Handle out of the wall to the Prince's right. Quickly make your
way across the retracting bridge and jump to the center platform quickly. Go
to the center of this center platform.
2. Here are the directions for this puzzle (One handle on this center
platform moves the platform up and down. The other Handles moves the
platform clockwise or counter-clockwise. You can figure out which one does
which by looking at the spiral design on each handle):
A. Step on button to get First Axel.
B. Next Turn platform once clockwise.
C. Move platform up once.
D. Next Turn platform counter clock wise three times
E. Move platform down once.
F. Step on button to get Second Axel
G. Move platform up Once.
H. Turn platform clockwise twice.
I. Move platform up twice.
J. Step on button to get Third Axel.
K. Turn platform once clockwise.
L. Move platform down once.
M. Step on button for Final Axel.
N. Move platform up once.
O. Turn counter clockwise once.
P. Move platform up once
3. Go across the bridge that extended and climb up the ladder to your left.
Go to your left and jump up to grab the pole switch here.
4. Go back to where the ladder is and go down it. Defeat the two sand
creatures that show up.
5. Use the Orange and White Premonition/Save Point at the top of the stairs
to see what is ahead of you and to save your game. Continue up the stairs
and make your way past the spiked poles here. Avoid the panels on the floor
with the holes in them and when you need to pass over them walk very slowly
(push slightly forward on analog stick to walk slowly) to avoid having spikes
coming out of it. Go into the doorway here and pull the handle out of the
wall below the yellow symbol on the wall.
(Note: You will need to do the following directions rather quickly because
the door is slowly starting to close. If you don't make it to the door in
time you will need to go back to the handle and pull it out again.)
6. Go up the stairs to your right and make your way past the spiked poles at
the top of the stairs. When you reach the gap up ahead wait until the saw
blade is going to the left before jumping across the gap to grab the narrow
ledge and quickly climb up onto it. Sidestep to the Prince's left all the way
and then jump to the ledge on the left when the saw blade is going towards
the top of the screen, Quickly drop off the narrow ledge to hang from it and
shimmy all the way to the Prince's right. When the saw blade is going away
from you quickly climb up onto the narrow ledge and jump to the ledge to your
left. Quickly run down this corridor and jump to the narrow ledge you see
in front of you. Sidestep to the Prince's right making sure to avoid being
hit by the saw blades here and when the saw blades are moving away from you
go a little into the saw blades path to be able to jump to that narrow ledge
you can see on your right. Sidestep to the Prince's left all the way and
when the saw blades are near the bottom of the screen (or off the screen jump
back to the narrow ledge you were on. Sidestep to the Prince's right all the
way and then drop down to the ledge below you. Quickly go into the doorway
here that is slowly closing (roll under it if it is to low to walk through).
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 07: "A Booby-Trapped Courtyard" |14%| |
/ \
7. Go to the far right corner of this courtyard to find a Sand Cloud after
you have climbed over a rock ledge. Before you get there take notice of that
button that is on the wall to the right with a white symbol on it. Once you
find the Sand Cloud use your dagger here to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #2
part #2 out of 8". Fight off all the sand creatures here and take their sand
if you have not already done so. Use the Orange and White Premonition/Save
Point to see what is ahead of you and to save your game if you have not
already done so. Head over to the wall with the button with the white symbol
on it once you have done that and Wall run up the wall to activate the button.
8. Quickly make your way up the stairs to the block that rose out of the
ground and wall run up it. Climb up onto it and quickly jump up to grab the
pole above you. Swing/Jump to the ledge you see near you and climb up onto
it. Go to the Prince's right and jump across the gap here to grab the higher
ledge you can see. Climb up onto the ledge and go forward.
9. Drop off to the right and roll past the spinning blade trap here (You can
also wall run past it if you climb up on that small rectangular block). You
can sometimes run past some of these blade traps and the others you will need
to time your roll just right to get by it without taking damage (you will
want to get use to this because you will be doing this alot more farther into
the game).
10. Once you have gone past the blade trap wall run along the wall on your
left and jump to the ledge to your right near the end of the wall run. Now
you need to make your way past spiked poles and a spinning blade trap. Once
you have gone by them stand near the yellow symbol on the floor and jump from
there to the pole switch you see on your right. Swing/Jump to the ledge in
front of you and into the doorway you opened up.
11. This next part will be a bit tricky for some of you. Climb up onto the
rock ledge to your left and wall run here along the wall to your left. Near
the end of the wall you need to jump to the ladder to the Prince's right. You
need to jump to that ladder and then move the Prince right or left to get
onto the correct side of the ladder (facing his back to you).
12. Climb up the ladder and go to the Prince's left. Wall run or jump to the
ledge you can see to your left. Continue to the prince's left and you will
see a gap you need to jump across diagonally. Once you make that jump go
to the Prince's right and use your dagger here to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade
#2 part #3 out of 8". You should see a big hole on the top portion of the
wall here with a few spike floor panels on the floor. You can either wall run
along the wall the sand cloud was near to reach the big hole in the wall
without touching the spikes or Wall run along the wall here once you climb on
that little rock block you see to the right to reach the big hole without
getting touched by the spikes.
13. Go into the hole and drop down to the hallway below. Follow this hallway
until it ends and then go across the bridges until you reach a fountain.
You now have Life Upgrade #2. This will extend the size of your health bar
and refill your health bar if it is low..
14. Go straight and wall run along the wall to your right to grab onto the
pole with the hanging light in front of you. Swing/Jump from this pole to
the next pole and then to the crack in the wall. Shimmy to your right until
you get past the corner of the wall and then jump to the ledge behind the
Prince. Go straight and then wall run along the wall to the Prince's right
when the saw blade isn't in the way. Near the end of the wall run jump to the
ledge on your left or you might get lucky and grab onto it anyways as the
wall run ends. Wall run up the wall here and grab the narrow ledge on the
higher part of this wall. Climb up onto it and sidestep to the Prince's
right. Jump to the Pole behind the Prince and then face the prince the other
direction when swinging on the pole. Swing/Jump to the ledge that you can see
and then climb up onto it. Wall run along the wall with the saw blade here
when it is not in the way to reach the ledge in the distance. Wall run again
when the saw blade ahead is not in your way and near the end of the wall run
you need to jump to the ledge to your right. Follow this walkway straight and
then around the corner to the right (use the fountain if you need it on your
left). Wall run here when the saw blade isn't in the way to get to the ledge
in the distance with the button on the floor. Go over the button on the floor
to push it.
15. Quickly wall run back across the wall when the saw blade isn't in your
way to go through that doorway you opened up near the fountain you passed a
moment ago.
16. Pull the handle out of the wall here under the yellow symbol and quickly
go to your right. Wall run along the wall on your left or right when the saw
blade isn't in your way and make your way past the spinning blade trap. Wall
run up the wall to your left to activate the button with the white symbol on
it. Once you touch the button quickly jump to the ledge that extends out on
your right and jump up to grab the narrow ledge on the wall in front of the
Prince. Climb up onto the narrow ledge and then the one above you. Sidestep
to the Prince's right and then jump to the narrow ledge behind the Prince.
Climb up onto the narrow ledges above the prince and then sidestep to the
Prince's left all the way. Jump to the ledge behind the Prince's back and
you have two ways of doing this next part. You can either walk along the
narrow ledge and then drop down to shimmy along it to get past the blade or
you can wall run past the blades on your right which ever you prefer. Once
you have done that quickly make it through that slowly closing doorway (roll
through if it is low).
\ /
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| Chapter 08: "Death of a Sand King" |17%| |
/ \
1. Boss Battle "Sand King and Minions"
These are tips to help you beat this boss and his minions.
A. For red monsters use a vaulting attack on them.
B. For blue monsters use anything to rebound off of to attack them (If you
try use vaulting attacks they will knock you to the ground and attack you).
The only time you can vault over them is when you turn them into a statue of
sand with the dagger.
(Note: If a monster is bent over you can either attack or vault over them to
knock them down on the ground so you can use your dagger on them.)
C. They respawn a lot just keep killing them and they will eventually stop
D. Defeat all other monsters before even trying to attempt the task of
killing your father.
E. Use Vaulting attacks on your father when you are one on one with him.
Use these tips until you finally defeat him.
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| Chapter 09: "I'll Try To Find a Way In" |19%| |
/ \
1. Save your game if you need to.
2. Follow after Farah as she runs off and jump or wall run to make it to the
ledges she jumps to. Jump to the balcony up ahead where the sand creatures
are and take the sand from all of them to make a Premonition/Save Point
appear (you may want to fight them near the top of the stairs as it seems
Farah didn't shoot me when I was over there and when she comes to the balcony
where you are protect her from any that try to attack her). Go up the stairs
that are here on the far side of the balcony and go to your right to find a
sand cloud hidden here. Use your dagger here to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #2
part #4 out of 8". Use the Orange and White Premonition/Save Point to see
what is ahead of you and to save your game. Wall run up the wall near you
and hop over the railing. Go to the Prince's left where the floor collapses.
Wall run along the wall to your right and at the end of your wall run you
will fall down to a little greenish rooftop. Wall run along the wall again to
reach the next little greenish rooftop and then wall run to grab the first
pole you see in the distance. Swing jump from pole to pole until you reach
the last pole and then you need to swing/jump to the little greenish rooftop.
3. Face the way you came and wall run along this wall on your left and at
the end of the wall run you will drop down to that rooftop overhang you see
below you. Wall run again to the balcony where the handle is at. Move the
Handle clockwise until it opens a doorway.
\ /
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| Chapter 10: Climbing the Tower" |21%| |
/ \
1. Break the barrels near you then drop off the broken ledge that they were
blocking and then drop down to the balcony below. Go over to the Sand cloud
to use your dagger here to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #2 part #5 out of 8".
Fight off and take the sand of the sand creatures that show up to make a
Premonition/Save Point appear inside of the doorway you opened up. Use the
Orange and White Premonition/Save Point to see what is ahead of you and to
save your game.
2. You now have three options for the next part (I recommend A or B only if
you are good at the Upwards Wall jumping):
A. Face away from the doorway you came in and stand between the pillars in
front of you. Wall run up one of the pillars and at the peak of your wall run
jump to the other pillar Keep upwards wall jumping back and forth until you
eventually grab the pole that connects the two pillars.
B. Face away from the doorway you came in and go to the left side of the
doorway in front of you. Wall run up the wall here and near the peak of your
run jump to the pillar behind the prince. Jump back and forth between the
wall and pillar until you reach a narrow ledge. Sidestep to the right on this
narrow ledge and then jump to the pole behind you.
C. Climb up on the rock ledges near the wall on the far side of this room
away from the doorway. Once you climbed up them wall run up the wall here and
then climb up onto the narrow ledge you grab. Sidestep all the way to the
Prince's right and then jump to the pole behind the Prince.
3. Swing/Jump to the pole that is higher up and near you. Swing/Jump to the
next two poles. Swing/jump to the wall once you reach the higher pole near
the wall to Jump off the wall and grab the pole that is above the one you
jumped from a moment ago. Swing/ Jump to three more higher poles and then
swing/jump to the ledge near the last pole. Climb up on this ledge and then
either turn to your left to wall run along the wall here or just jump across
the gap here. Enter the hole in the wall you see here and follow this hallway
until it ends. Go across the bridges until you reach a fountain.
You now have Life Upgrade #3. This will extend the size of your health bar
and refill your health bar if it is low..
4. Wall run or jump back across the gap you went across to get here and you
will find a ladder to the right. Climb up the ladder and you can either go
straight or wall run along the wall behind you. Whichever way you choose you
need to wall run past the gaps and push the wall button with the yellow
symbol on the wall between two saw blades going up and down. Once you have
pushed that button quickly make your way back to where the ladder is and go
into the doorway that opened up near it.
5. Go to your right and wall run along either wall here to get past the pit.
Go down the stairs on your right and push the button with the yellow symbol
on it at the bottom of the stairs. Go back up the stairs and over to the gate
to your right.
6. Go into the door Farah opened and then go into the doorway to your left.
\ /
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| Chapter 11: "The Warehouse" |24%| |
/ \
7. Go down the walkway in front of you and wall run along the wall to your
left near the edge. When you reach the white symbol on the wall jump to grab
onto the pole switch.
8. Drop down at the correct time to avoid being in a retractable clamp trap
sandwich and walk up the walkway that Farah moved over to you. When you reach
the top of this walkway go into the doorway here and pull the handle out of
the wall to your right.
9. Go down the hallway it showed you avoiding the spiked poles and slowly
walking over the spike panels on the floor here. Quickly get through the
slowly closing door and then wall run over the pit in front of you. Go into
the doorway in front of you and then out of the doorway to your left to make
it back into the room with the moving walkways. Go down the walkway to your
right and wall run or jump to where Farah is and then go down the walkway to
your left. Wall run along the wall here at the correct time to avoid the
clamp trap and then wall run again to get to the walkway you can see in front
of you. Go up this walkway and jump up where the white symbol on the floor is
to grab the pole switch.
10. Go down the walkway that moved near you and wall run or jump to the ledge
up ahead. Stand on the white symbol and jump to grab the pole switch.
11. Go down the walkway that moved near you and wall run or jump to the ledge
up ahead. Stand on the white symbol and jump to grab the pole switch (you
should see a sand cloud in this scene that you will be getting once you reach
the bottom of this room).
12. Go down the walkway to stand on the white symbol and jump to grab the
pole switch.
13. Go down the walkway and meet up with Farah. Drop down to where the sand
creatures are and take care of them like normal by taking their sand to make
another Premonition/Save Point appear. Climb up the boxes where the Sand
cloud is and use your dagger here to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #2 part #6
out of 8". Drop back down to the floor and look around this room for two
blocks that you can move with symbols on them that look like the white
symbols on the floor buttons. One of them is under the walkway that Farah
came down on some boxes. You will need to pull or push that block off of
the stack of boxes to get it down to the floor. The other block is on the
far side of this room. Move both of these boxes onto the floor buttons with
the white symbols on them. Once you have done that jump up onto the platform
it brings up and get back up to the ledge Farah is on. Use the Orange and
White Premonition/Save Point to see what is ahead of you and to save your
14. Climb up onto the platform near the wall and wall run up it to push the
button with the yellow symbol on it.
15. Follow after Farah and go into the doorway that you just opened.
16. Follow this hallway and jump across the gaps you come to. Continue to
follow this hallway until you are outside again.
\ /
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| Chapter 12: "The Sultan's Zoo" |28%| |
/ \
1. Go down the stairs and go around the right side of them. You will find a
Sand cloud here to use your dagger here to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #2 part
#7 out of 8". Turn around and head for the stairs in the distance where the
sand creatures are at (near the outside of that large bird cage you can see).
Take care of them and take their sands to make another Premonition/Save Point
appear (be sure to protect Farah from them). Use the Orange and White
Premonition/Save Point to see what is ahead of you and to save your game.
2. Face the front of the Bear/Animal Statue near the Premonition/Save Point
and wall run up the wall to the Prince's left. Climb up onto this ledge and
then jump to the tree trunk here to climb up it like a column/pillar. Climb
all the way up it and face your back to the higher ledge to jump to it (if
you would like a slightly faster way of getting up it you can also wall run
up the wall near the trunk and jump to the trunk from the peak of the jump.
This will put you at the correct height and direction to jump right to the
ledge that you need to jump to). Go to the other side of this ledge and drop
down to the lower ledge. Turn to the Prince's left and you should see a
branch to jump to. Jump to it and then swing/jump straight to land on the
wall in front of you. Drop down off this wall and walk over the floor button
with the yellow symbol in front of the gate here. A few birds will come down
from the sky and attack you. There is two ways you can handle this:
A. Before a bird attacks push Block (R1) and then slash it to kill it.
B. Stand a little way away from Farah and hold down block to let Farah take
care of them.
3. Go into the small room of this area and move the block on your left with
the Symbol on it (pull it out of the way (R1)). Leave this room and stand in
front of the gate with the yellow symbol direction in front of you. When
Farah opens it go into this large bird cage.
4. Jump up to grab the pole near the gate you came in from and swing/jump to
the side of the bird cage near you to wall jump off of and grab the pole
above the one you were just swinging on. Swing/jump to the next pole in front
of the Prince and then swing/jump to the ledge in front of you. Climb up and
you have two choices here:
A. Go to your left to jump to the long pole here and then swing/jump from it
to the ledge in front of you.
B. Go to your right and wall run along the bird cage wall here to reach the
ledge you can see nearby.
5. Jump up to grab the pole here and swing/jump to the higher up pole you can
see from here. Swing/Jump to the next higher pole and then swing/jump to the
ledge in front of the Prince. Go to your right and climb up the correct side
of the ladder you find here. When you reach the ledge at the top wall run
along the wall to the left to reach that ledge you can see in the distance.
Go to your left and you can either jump to the long pole you see at the
bottom of your screen or you can wall run to it. If you jumped to it you need
to swing/jump to the ledge in front of you and if you did a wall run to it
you need to shimmy left all the way before jumping to the ledge with the hole
in the cage.
\ /
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| Chapter 13: "Atop a Bird Cage" |28%| |
/ \
1. Jump out of the hole in the cage to land on the ledge in front of you.
Wall run up the wall in front of the Prince and at the peak of it jump to
the branch to the right. Swing/Jump to the ledge to the right and climb up.
Go to the center of this rooftop where a handle is at and move it clockwise
until it can't move anymore.
2. Turn to your left and you should see a Premonition/Save Point. Jump to
that ledge to use it to see what is ahead of you and to save your game.
3. Face towards the wall you are near and you need to drop off the ledge
to your right to get onto that small ledge you can see below. Drop off this
ledge and then hang off the edge of this ledge. Shimmy all the way to your
right to make sure you are over the pole below you and then drop down
(Circle) to the pole. Swing/Jump to the next light pole and then swing/jump
to the ledge in front of you. You should see the door you opened up earlier
to your left. Before going into that doorway go straight and wall run up the
wall with the white symbol on it. Jump when you are over the symbol and you
should grab the pole switch.
4. Lead Farah into the door you passed a moment ago and then follow the path
here down until you see a room to your left. Go into the room to your left
and fight off the scarabs you encounter here (If you want Farah say something
different you will want to come here before using the pole switch to raise
the ladder). Climb up onto the ledge in the corner on the left side of this
room and then wall run towards the opening you came in from after you destroy
the barrels in the way. When you reach the yellow symbol on the wall jump to
the pole switch. Drop down and go into the doorway you opened up. Climb up
onto that ledge you see to your right where the sand cloud is to use your
dagger to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #2 part #8 out of 8".
You now have Extra Sand Tank #2.
5. Drop down and go over to the block near the wall to pull it (R1) away from
the wall. Leave this room and leave through the opening on your left or hop
over the railing to your left and go down the slope here to go into a now
opened up gate at the bottom.
6. Break the barrels in front of you and then pull the handle out of the
wall. Quickly make your way down the slope near you and get past the three
blade traps here by rolling past them on the side that doesn't have a spike
floor panel. Jump across the gap once you get past those three blade traps
and then head to your right to wall run along the wall on the left at the
correct time to make it across the gap. Walk slowly over the spike floor
panels near the slowly closing door and then roll under the door before it
\ /
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| Chapter 14: "Cliffs and Waterfall" |33%| |
/ \
1. Jump across the gap in the bridge in front of you and go over to the
Premonition/Save Point. Use it to see what is ahead of you and to save your
2. Jump back across the gap in the bridge to make it back to where Farah is
at and then wall run along the wall to your right to reach a ledge with a
tree. Climb all the way up this tree and then jump to the next tree. Jump to
the ledge you end up near and stand near the wall to fight off the birds by
blocking before attacking. Go to your right and wall run along the wall here
to a crack in the wall you should grab. Shimmy almost all the way to the
Prince's right and jump to the tree that is behind the Prince. Slide down the
tree to find a sand cloud to use your dagger to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #3
part #1 out of 8".
3. Climb back up the tree and climb almost all the way up before jumping
to the next tree. Jump to the tree on the Prince's left and then climb all
the way up it. Turn to the Prince's right and jump to the ledge with the
waterfall. Fight off the birds by blocking and then attacking them (go to the
corner of the waterfall to make it harder for the birds to back out once they
swoop in), Drink the water of the waterfall if you need it and then hang off
the edge of the ledge in front of the waterfall. Shimmy all the way to the
right and then drop down to the ledge below (if you went to this ledge while
fighting the birds Farah could help you fight them also). Go to the broken
bridge and jump across the gaps in the bridge to make it to a handle. Move
the handle clockwise until it can't move anymore. Go to your left and wall
run along the wall here to jump to the tree you see in the distance when you
reach the moss on the wall.
4. Slide down almost all the way before turning to the Prince's left or right
twice and then jumping to the tree behind the Prince. Turn to the Prince's
left once and then jump to the ledge you see here. Follow this ledge around
to the left and wall run along the wall here to reach the door you opened. Go
into the doorway to meet back up with Farah. Fight off the scarabs here and
then follow this hallway to the right to where a fountain is if you need it.
Fight off the scarabs in this hallway and then head into the hallway at the
end of this gloomy hallway.
\ /
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| Chapter 15: "The Baths" |33%| |
/ \
1. Fight all the sand creatures here and take their sand. Once you have
cleared the ones in this room you can either go up the stairs in the back
of the room or wait until more show up. When you defeat them all go to the
Premonition/Save Point that appeared. Use it to see what is ahead of you and
to save your game.
2. Drink the water here if you need to otherwise go over to the waterfall
near the save point and jump up to grab the ledge it is flowing down. Climb
up and then go up one of the staircases here. You should see a vase here on
a pedestal blocking a crack in the wall. Pull the pedestal away from the wall
and onto the button near the doorway (like the vision showed you). Go into
the doorway and a swinging spiked log will start swinging. Time your run just
right to avoid the swinging log and hang from the edge of the pit that it is
swinging over. Drop down to the crack in the wall below you and then drop
down to the floor below. Wall run up the wall under the pole to grab the pole
or wall run up the wall farthest away to jump to the pole. Swing/Jump to the
pole on the other side of the pit and then to the wall ahead of you. Drop
down to the floor below and wall run up the right or left wall. When you are
at the peak of the wall run jump to the opposite wall and keep up this
upwards wall jump between the walls until you reach the crack in the wall to
the left. Continue the upwards wall jump to the ledge below the swinging log
you can see above you. Quickly get up at the correct time and go into the
doorway here up ahead of you.
\ /
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| Chapter 16: "There's Something Glowing Up There" |33%| |
/ \
3. Fight off all the sand creatures here and take their sand to make a
Premonition/Save Point appear. Use it to see what is ahead of you and to save
your game.
2. Farah should be standing on a button in a pool of water now near you (if
she is not on it you may need to hit her onto it). Go over to the statue near
the save point and push it (R1) towards the button on the wall to make it
hold down that button like in the vision. Go to the wall to the right of the
statue below the other button on the wall and wall run up it to push it.
Quickly go into the doorway that opened before it closes. Go over to the sand
cloud to use your dagger to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #3 part #2 out of 8"
and then go to the handle to turn it clockwise until it can't move anymore.
3. Go back out the way you came by pushing the button on the floor near the
closed gate. Turn to your right when you go out of the gate and you should
see two streams of water here. You should also see a narrow ledge up on the
wall in the distance. Go to the wall under that narrow ledge and wall run
up the wall to grab that narrow ledge. Climb up onto the ledge and then jump
to the pole behind the Prince. Shimmy to the Prince's right before facing
the Prince towards the next pole and swing/jumping to it. Shimmy to the
Prince's right and face the Prince in the direction of the pillar/column to
your right. Swing/Jump to it and then turn once to the Prince's left (to face
the Prince's back to the column/pillar near you if his back isn't already
facing it) before jumping to the next pillar/column. Turn to the Prince's
left once and then jump to the pole you see to your left. Shimmy to the
Prince's right and then face the Prince towards the next pole before jumping
to it. Swing/Jump to the pole switch you see here before the yellow writing
on the wall.
4. You can either drop down from this pole switch or make your way back the
way you came to get down. Once you have gotten down head to the other side of
the room to find another narrow ledge to wall run up to. just like the one
you just used near the flowing water. Once you grab it climb up onto it and
jump to the pole behind the Prince. Swing/Jump to the broken pillar/column
once you grabbed the pole. Turn to the Prince's right if you are not facing
towards the next pillar up ahead already and jump to it. Turn to the Prince's
right and jump towards the pole you see to your right. Shimmy all the way to
the Prince's left before facing the next pole up ahead and then swing/jump to
it. Swing/Jump to the pole switch you see here before the yellow writing on
the wall.
5. You can either drop down from this pole switch or make your way back the
way you came to get down. Go over to the Movable block near Farah and move
it into the hole you opened up (the left side of the hole).
6. Go through the doorway that Farah is standing near and make your way
through this swinging log room the same way you did earlier. When you exit
out of the door on the other side go down the stairs to your left and you
will find the block you pushed into the hole. Push/Pull the block over to
where the water flows down near the Premonition/Save Point and push it off
that ledge. Drop down to where it fell and you should see a ladder to your
right. Push/pull it towards that ladder and climb up onto it to climb up the
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 17: "Above the Baths" |33%| |
/ \
1. Go over to the sand cloud to use your dagger to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade
#3 part #3 out of 8". Climb up into that hole on the higher part of the wall
you see in front of you and then hang off it when the camera angle changes.
Drop down to the narrow ledge below you and shimmy to the Prince's right.
Climb up onto the ledge here and walk about of the hole in the window you see
here. Sidestep to the Prince's left (if he is facing away from you) along
this narrow ledge and then jump to the column/pillar behind the Prince.
2. Turn to the Prince's right once and then jump to the narrow ledge you see
on the wall. Climb up onto this narrow ledge and then Sidestep all the way to
the Prince's right. Jump to hang from the narrow ledge above you and shimmy
all the way to the Prince's right. Drop down to the narrow ledge below and
sidestep to the Prince's right again. Jump to hang from the narrow ledge
above you and shimmy all the way to the Prince's right. Jump to the wooden
pole behind the prince and swing/jump to the ledge to your right. Wall run
along the wall here to make it to the next ledge in the distance and wall
run again to the right to reach a ledge with a doorway. Go into the doorway
and wall run up to the Prince's left. When you reach the peak of your wall
run jump to the pole here. Swing/Jump from pole to pole until you reach a
narrow ledge. Sidestep to the Prince's right to make it into a room and then
go to your left. Break the barrels you find here in front of the doorway and
step on the button with the yellow symbol on it. Quickly make your way past
the blade trap in front of you and then the one around the corner to the
right to get through the doorway before it closes (I recommend wall running
past these blade traps to get by them faster).
3. Fight the sand creatures here and take their sands to make another
Premonition/Save Point appear. Use it to see what is ahead of you and to save
your game.
4. Go up the stairs and to your left at the top of them. You should see a
pole on your right high up over the railing and a cabinet on your left.
Pull/Push (R1) the cabinet over to the railing under the pole. Climb up on
the cabinet and jump up to grab the pole. Line your self up with the
column/pillar in front of you and then swing/jump to that column/pillar. Turn
to the Prince's right once and then jump to the pillar behind him. Turn to
the Prince's right or left twice and then jump to the pillar behind him. Turn
to the Prince's left once and then jump to the pillar behind him. Turn to the
Prince's right or left twice and then jump to the pillar behind him. Turn to
the Prince's right or left twice and then jump to the pole behind him.
5. Swing/Jump towards the wall ahead of you and then go over to the sand
cloud to use your dagger to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #3 part #4 out of 8".
Face towards those pillars/columns you just came from and go to your left.
When you reach the opening on your right you need to wall run along this wall
to the right to reach the place it showed the sword was at and then go over
to the sword.
6. Wall run back the way you came and go over to the doors you see on your
left. Go in front of them and hit them repeatedly until they break open. Go
down the stairs here and down the stairs around the corner to the left. You
should see a big crack in the wall on your right as you go down these stairs.
hit the crack with your sword repeatedly to open up a hole in the wall. Go
into the hole you made and follow this hallway inside it until it ends. Go
across the bridges until you reach a fountain.
You now have Life Upgrade #4. This will extend the size of your health bar
and refill your health bar if it is low..
7. Continue down the stairs until you reach another broken doorway. Break it
open with your sword and go back out to the "Baths" to meet back up with
Farah. Go up the stairs Farah just came down and down the stairs on the other
side. Go to your right and you will see a wall here with light coming through
a crack in it. Use your sword to break open the wall and enter the hole you
make. Follow this corridor and staircases down until you reach a big cavern.
\ /
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| Chapter 18: "A Long-Buried Secret" |40%| |
/ \
1. Go to the Prince's right and you should find a block. Pull it towards the
stairs you just came down from. When you see the camera angel change push it
up near the wall to line it up with the square groove in the wall you can
see. Wall run up the wall after you have climbed on the block and jump to the
pole when you are at the peak of your wall run. Swing/Jump from the pole to
the next pole in front of the Prince and then jump to the ledge in front of
him. Jump to the ledge to the Prince's left and then go to the Prince's right
to hang off the edge of the ledge. Shimmy to the Prince's right until you are
hanging over a crack in the wall. Drop down to the crack in the wall and then
the narrow ledge below you. Climb up onto this narrow ledge and sidestep to
the Prince's right. Jump to the wall to the right and then jump back to the
wall to the left. Keep doing this upwards wall jump until you reach the
narrow ledge high up on the right. Climb up onto the ledge and sidestep all
the way to the Prince's right. Climb up to the narrow ledge above the prince
and sidestep again all the way to the right. Climb up onto the narrow ledge
you see above you and then jump to the narrow ledge to your right with the
sand cloud. Go over to the sand cloud to use your dagger to get the "Sand
Tank Upgrade #3 part #5 out of 8". Hang off of the opposite side of the ledge
from where you landed. You should see a narrow gap below you. Drop down to
that narrow gap and shimmy all the way to the Prince's right. Jump to the
ledge behind the Prince and then follow that ledge to the right. Sidestep
along the narrow ledge you come to and then climb up to the narrow ledge
above you. Sidestep to the Prince's right and then climb up into the doorway
that Farah is waiting for you at.
(Note: For PS2 gamers go over to the blank wall just past the handle here and
hit it with your sword to unlock POP1. To open up the gate behind the wall
you destroyed you will need to point the handle of this room towards that
gate. Go into the gate that opened and it will give you the option to save.)
2. Point the handle in this room towards the gate on the right with the white
symbol on it to open it. Go through the gate you just opened and fight off
the scarabs here. Continue down this hallway and pull/push the block you see
to your right towards the edge of the pit near the wall. Climb up onto the
block and you should see ledges popping out of the wall at this time because
Farah stood on a button. Wall run along the wall the block is next to and
when you get near the ledge on the left jump to it. Wall run again towards
the next ledge and jump to it. Keep doing this until you make it all the way
across to where Farah is standing.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 19: "Daybreak" |43%| |
/ \
1. Climb up the ladder that Farah climbs up and then go into the room up
ahead. Fight the sand creatures here and take their sands to make another
Premonition/Save Point appear. Use it to see what is ahead of you and to save
your game. Go to the far right corner of this room in front of you (if you
are facing away from the door you came in that is of course). You should see
a cracked/weak wall to your right. Use your sword to break down the wall and
go inside. Go to your left down the hallway and use the fountain to refill
your health if you need some. Continue down the hall and towards the doorway
up ahead. Go to your left when you reach the door and break the barrels here.
Step on the floor switch that you find behind the barrels and go into the
door behind you that was closed (be sure Farah goes into the door also or
you won't be able to continue on to the next area past this dining area).
\ /
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| Chapter 20: "A Soldier's Mess Hall" |46%| |
/ \
1. Fight the sand creatures here while protecting Farah at all cost (remember
that the enemies in blue you need to rebound off of walls to hit them easier)
and take their sands to make another Premonition/Save Point appear. Use it to
see what is ahead of you and to save your game. Once you have done that go
all the way down the stairs and to your right you will notice some fallen
debris here (if you need to heal there is a fountain down here). Climb up on
the debris that is next to the wall and wall run along this wall to the pole
you can see from here (to the Prince's right if you are facing the wall).
Swing/Jump from this pole to the next higher pole and swing/jump from that
pole to the narrow ledge in front of the Prince. Climb up onto the narrow
ledge and sidestep all the way to the Prince's right. Jump to the pole behind
the Prince and then jump to the narrow ledge in front of the Prince. Climb up
the two narrow ledges above you and then sidestep all the way to the Prince's
right to reach the sand cloud. Go over to the sand cloud to use your dagger
to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #3 part #6 out of 8". Go back to the narrow
ledge and sidestep all the way to the Prince's left. Jump to the pole behind
the Prince and then jump to the ledge in front of him. Go to your right and
wall run along the wall on the right to get across the big hole/gap in the
floor. Go to the end of this walkway and step on the floor button that you
find. Go out of the door you just opened near you.

\ /
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| Chapter 21: "The Drawbridge" |46%| |
/ \
1. Go to the Prince's left and follow the walkway here along the side of the
building. When you reach the end of it jump to the flag pole you can see and
then swing/jump to the next pole. Swing/Jump towards the wall in front of the
Prince and jump off of that wall to grab the pole above the one you just
jumped from. Face towards the wall you just jumped from and swing/jump to the
rooftop above that wall. You should see some spikes come up above you. Wall
run up the wall and climb up when the spikes are not in your way. Head to
the left making your way past the spiked poles and spikes coming out of the
ground. You will eventually reach some spiked poles with some spike trap
flooring surround them. Use your wall run when the spike poles are away from
the wall to get past them and then wall run up the wall you find a symbol on
at the end of this walkway. Jump when you reach the symbol on the wall to
grab the hanging switch behind the Prince. Go into the door that opened and
go to your left down the stairs. Stand on the white symbol on the floor and
jump up to pull down the hanging switch.
2. Go up the stairs and follow the walkway to the left to reach a gate that
Farah should crawl under. Go over to the sand cloud to use your dagger to get
the "Sand Tank Upgrade #3 part #7 out of 8". Go to the wall with the white
symbol on it and wall run up the wall. Jump when you reach the white symbol
and grab the hanging switch behind the Prince.
3. Leave this room and go out of the doorway Farah is standing near. Go to
the Prince's left and the camera angle should change. You should see a wooden
platform you can jump down onto. Jump down to that ledge and drop down to the
floor below. Go to the Prince's left and then use the fountain you see to
your right before crossing the bridge. Fight the sand creatures here while
protecting Farah at all cost (remember that the enemies in blue you need to
rebound off of walls to hit them easier) and take their sands to make another
Premonition/Save Point appear. Use the fountain before Using it to see what
is ahead of you and to save your game. Go across the bridge and follow the
walkway to the left to find a doorway to go into. Turn the handle in this
room to face the gate and then go out of it.
(Note: This part actually reminded me a little of ICO.)
4. Go to the stairs to the Prince's left and after you go up the first
staircase face away from the second staircase. You should see a pole in the
distance. Wall run along the wall to the left to reach that pole. Swing/Jump
to the next pole behind the Prince and then swing/jump to the next pole
behind the Prince again. Swing/Jump to the next few poles until you land on a
ledge. Stand on the white symbol and jump up to grab the hanging switch.
5. Drop off of it and jump back up to grab it again.
6. Jump up and grab the hanging switch again.
7. Climb up onto the rock that you see near you. Wall run up the wall to grab
the narrow ledge you see. Climb up when the saw blade isn't in the way and
quickly climb up to the narrow ledge above you. Sidestep to the Prince's left
and then jump to the wooden platform behind the Prince. Climb up onto it and
then jump to the big hole in the wall you see behind the Prince. Shimmy to
the right a little and climb up.
8. Drop down out of the big hole and go to the Prince's left along this
walkway. Break the barrels if you want and then wall run along the wall to
reach the pole you can see to the right. Swing/Jump to the ledge in front of
the Prince and then go into the doorway you find to the left around the
corner. Wall run up the wall where the white symbol is and jump when your
feet touch the white symbol to grab the hanging switch. Drop down and walk to
the end of the wooden platform you just moved.
9. Jump to the narrow ledge that the wooden platform is now near and climb up
to the narrow ledge above you. Sidestep to line yourself up with the ladder
before jumping to it and then go to the left or right to get onto the correct
side of the ladder. Climb up the ladder and go to your left along the
walkway. When you reach the end of the walkway you can either wall run to
reach the hanging switch or stand on the white symbol and jump to the hanging
10. Swing jump back to the walkway you were on and go over to the door Farah
is standing near.
11. Go out of the doorway and near the start of this bridge in front of you.
\ /
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| Chapter 22: "A Broken Bridge" |50%| |
/ \
1. Quickly run across the bridge and just ignore/dodge the birds. Climb up
onto the wooden platform that Farah is on.
2. Follow the path that is just past the Premonition/Save Point and go over
to the sand cloud to use your dagger to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #3 part #8
out of 8"
You now have Extra Sand Tank #3.
3. Use the Premonition/Save Point here to see what is ahead of you and to
save your game. Climb back up onto the wooden platform and hang off the side
closest to the bridge that collapsed. Drop down to the pole below you and
the shimmy all the way to the Prince's right to line up with the tall pole
behind the Prince. Jump to the pole and slide down to the bottom of it. Turn
to the Prince's right once and jump to the pole behind the Prince. Turn
to the Prince's right once and jump to the gap in the wall behind the Prince.
Shimmy all the way to the left and then jump to the wall to the left. Jump
off that wall and back to the wall you were hanging from. You need to keep
doing this downward wall jump until you reach the bottom. When you reach the
floor quickly run along the walkway to the left and when you reach the wooden
wall you need to wall run up it. When you are at the peak of the wall run
jump to the pole behind the Prince. Swing/Jump to the ledge to your left
(above the wall you just did the wall run up).
\ /
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| Chapter 23: "I'll Meet You at the Baths" |52%| |
/ \

1. Hang off the other side of this ledge and drop down to the narrow ledge
below before dropping down to the ground below. Follow this walkway and to
the Prince's right you will see a gap to grab. Jump up to grab it and shimmy
to the Prince's left all the way. Jump to the Pillar behind the prince and
then turn the Prince twice to jump onto the ledge with the sand cloud. Go
over to the sand cloud to use your dagger to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #4
part #1 out of 8".
2. Jump onto the other pillar you haven't been on yet and face the Prince's
back towards the building that Farah is in. Climb all the way up the pillar
and jump to the gap in the building behind the Prince. Shimmy all the way to
the left and then drop down to the narrow ledge below the Prince. Hang off
this ledge and shimmy all the way to the Prince's left. Climb up when you
reach a ledge and then make your way across the narrow ledge the same way you
balance on a balance beam. When you reach the wall in front of you sidestep
to the Prince's right until you reach a ledge. Go into the doorway you find
3. Go to the Prince's right and when you reach the end of the ledge here
wall run along the wall on the right. Before you run into the wall jump to
the pole to your left. Swing/Jump from pole to pole until you reach the
Premonition/Save Point. Use the Premonition/Save Point here to see what is
ahead of you and to save your game.
(Note: If you fall off at any point of this next part you can get back up by
going into the small dead end room closest to the Premonition/Save Point to
upwards wall jump to make your way across the narrow ledges again.)
4. Drop down to the ledge with the doorway below you and go into the doorway
here. You will see (R2) the exit floor switch on the other side of the bars
here. Go out of the doorway and look (R2) to the Prince's right to see a sand
cloud in the distance. You will notice there is no way right now to get to
that sand cloud. You will need to remember how to get back to this ledge you
are on because a bit later you will be making a mad dash back to this ledge
and over to that sand cloud. Look to the Prince's left and you should see a
narrow ledge you can balance on. Walk out on that narrow ledge and jump to
the narrow ledge in front of you. Walk along this narrow ledge to the right
and out onto the top part of the open gate. Jump to the other door of the
gate and walk along the narrow ledge to the right. When you reach the fork of
this narrow ledge go to the Prince's right and out onto a metal narrow ledge.
Jump to the Narrow part of the wall that you can see to the Prince's right
and then fight off the birds that start attacking you while you are on this
wall. If you time the attack just right you can kill the bird when he
is swooping in or just when they get near you (you can also just continue
with the direction and not fight any of them just be fast to jump to the
ledges you need to jump on). Once you have killed them all (it makes it
easier to get around if you kill them all) jump to the wall with the raised
gate in front of you and walk along this narrow ledge to the left until you
walk onto a narrow wooden beam. Jump to the wooden beam/frame to the Prince's
right and then walk along this narrow ledge to the Prince's left until you
get inside of a room with a hanging switch. Stand on the white symbol before
jumping up to grab the hanging switch.
5. Drop down off of the hanging switch and go down the ladder to the
Prince's left. Face away from the ladder and go over to the sand cloud to use
your dagger to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #4 part #2 out of 8". Go back to
the ladder and face away from the ladder. Follow the wall to the Prince's
left keeping the wall on your left until you reach the gate you opened up
with that hanging switch you pulled. Stand on the white symbol on the floor
of the room you come to and jump to grab the hanging switch here.
6. Leave this room and fight off all the scarabs that are now running
around. Go into the room they came out of and pull out the handle under the
white symbol to your left.
7. The gate is slowly closing and like I told you earlier you now need to
make a mad dash back to that ledge just below the Premonition/Save Point.
Quickly head back to the ladder to climb up it and go out along the narrow
ledge you got here with. Quickly jump to the narrow beam/ledge to your right
and then make your way along it to the Prince's left. Jump across the gap
you come to and then back up a little if you jumped to far before jumping to
the narrow ledge to the Prince's right (if you don't back up a little you
may end up jumping over the ledge you need to jump to). From this ledge jump
to the now closed gates that were open before and go to the left along the
ledge. Jump across the gap quickly to reach the ledge just below the
Premonition/Save Point. Go to the left and quickly wall run along the slowly
closing gate to reach that sand cloud I mentioned earlier. If you didn't make
it here in time and the gate closed you will need to go back down to pull
that handle out of the wall again. Go over to the sand cloud to use your
dagger to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #4 part #3 out of 8".
8. Go into the room on this ledge and stand on the white symbol in the room
before jumping up to grab the hanging switch. Drop down off of the hanging
switch and out of the doorway near you. Wall run along the wall to the left
to reach the ledge the ladder is at and go into the doorway here. Break the
barrels to the Prince's left (left of the exit floor switch) and then break
the cracked/weak that is behind those barrels. Go into the hole you made and
follow this hallway inside it until it ends. Go across the bridges until you
reach a fountain.
You now have Life Upgrade #5. This will extend the size of your health bar
and refill your health bar if it is low..
9. Step on the exit floor switch in front of the Prince..
10. Quickly go out of the door and down the ladder. Go into the door that
opened up before it closes. If it does close just go back up the ladder
and step on the button again.
\ /
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| Chapter 24: "Waterfall" |55%| |
/ \
1. Go into the tunnel in front of you and use your sword to break down the
cracked/weak wall that you find at the end of the tunnel. Go out and walk
across the narrow ledge to the Prince's left. Break the barrels to the left
and then hang off the edge of the ledge they were blocking. Drop down to the
narrow ledge below you and then sidestep to the Prince's right all the way.
Drop down to the next narrow ledge below you and then sidestep again to the
Prince's right. Drop down again to the next narrow ledge below you and then
jump to the rock with the sand cloud on it. Go over to the sand cloud to use
your dagger to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #4 part #4 out of 8". Fight off
the Scarabs here and then face away from the wall you came from and you
should see a narrow ledge going across the waterfall to your left. Climb up
onto the ledge and go towards the narrow ledge that goes across the front of
the waterfall.
2. Go across the narrow ledge (if you want to get across it faster you can
just jump forward) and then hang off the edge of the ledge near the wall to
the right when you reach the other side. Drop down to the narrow ledge below
you and then drop down again to the next narrow ledge below you. Drop down
to the ledge that is below you and go over to the waterfall. Jump across the
gap in front of the waterfall to the next ledge and go across the narrow
ledge to the Prince's left. As you are going across some bats will attack
you. Quickly kill them with your sword until only three remain and they will
then fly away (if you are fast enough you don't even have to kill them just
keep following the direction quickly and they will leave you alone once you
reach the premonition/save point whichever you prefer). When you reach the
other side turn to the Prince's left and wall run along the wall here on your
right to reach that lower ledge in the distance. Hang off the edge of the
ledge to the Prince's left and drop down to the narrow ledge below him.
3. Sidestep to the left and you will need to fight off more bats. Continue to
sidestep to the left until you are next to the waterfall and then jump to the
ledge behind the Prince. Go to the other side of this ledge and jump to the
ledge you see up ahead. Go across the narrow ledge you find here and when you
reach the other side turn to your right. Wall run along the wall to the left
to reach the Premonition/Save Point. Use the Premonition/Save Point here to
see what is ahead of you and to save your game.
4. Walk across the beam he wakes up near and then follow the path on the
other side to the left. Break the cracked/weak wall here with your sword and
follow this tunnel out. Drop down to the wooden ledge at the end of the
tunnel and go to the Prince's right. Face to the left when you are near the
wall and wall run along the wall to your right to reach the next wooden
platform. Quickly continue to run along this wooden platform as it will start
collapsing once you land on it. When you reach the end of this wooden
platform wall run again to the next wooden platform and then you should run
into a ledge you grab onto after wall running one more time along the wall
to your right. Climb up and go to the cracked/weak. Break the wall with your
sword and enter the big cavern.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 25: A Cavern of Ladders |57%| |
/ \
1. Go over to the wooden platform to your left and then wall run along the
wall to the left to reach the next wooden platform. Quickly run across this
wooden platform and wall run along the wall to the Prince's left to reach
the next wooden platform. Quickly run across this wooden platform and wall
run along the wall to the Prince's left to run into a wall with a narrow
ledge. Sidestep to the Prince's right and fight off the bats when they show
up. Put away your sword (Circle) and then sidestep to the Prince's right all
the way. Climb up to the narrow ledge above you when you reach the end and
sidestep all the way to the Prince's right again. Jump to the stalactite
behind the Prince and quickly go to the Prince's right or left twice. Quickly
jump to the wooden platform behind the Prince before the stalactite falls and
then quickly run across the wooden platform to the Prince's left. Wall run
along the wall on the right to reach the next wooden platform and then make
your way across this wooden platform. When you reach the other side of it
wall run along the wall until you reach the shadow of the stalactite on the
wall. Quickly jump to the stalactite when you reach that shadow and then
quickly turn to the Prince's left or right twice and jump to the stalactite
behind the Prince. Quickly turn to the Prince's left or right twice and jump
to the next stalactite behind the Prince. Quickly turn to the Prince's left
or right twice and jump to the narrow ledge behind the Prince. Sidestep to
the Prince's right all the way and then jump to the stalactite behind the
Prince. Quickly turn to the Prince's left or right twice and jump to the next
stalactite behind the Prince. Quickly turn to the Prince's left or right
twice and jump to the next stalactite behind the Prince. Quickly turn to the
Prince's left once and jump to the next stalactite behind the Prince. Quickly
turn to the Prince's left or right twice and jump to the next stalactite
behind the Prince. Quickly turn to the Prince's left or right twice and jump
to the next stalactite behind the Prince. Keep turning and jumping like this
with the remaining stalactites until you reach the Premonition/Save Point.
Use the Premonition/Save Point here to see what is ahead of you and to save
your game.
2. Wall run up the wall where you see a narrow ledge to the right of the
Save point (if you are facing the wall) and climb up onto the narrow ledge.
Sidestep to the Prince's right all the way and then jump to the stalactite
behind the Prince. Quickly turn to the Prince's left or right twice and jump
to the next stalactite behind the Prince. Quickly turn to the Prince's left
once and jump to the next stalactite behind the Prince. Quickly turn to the
Prince's left or right twice and then jump to the next stalactite behind the
Prince. Quickly turn to the Prince's right once and then jump to the next
stalactite behind the Prince. Quickly turn to the Prince's left or right
twice and then jump to the next stalactite behind the Prince. Quickly turn to
the Prince's left once and then jump to the next stalactite behind the
Prince. Quickly turn to the Prince's left or right twice and then jump to the
next stalactite behind the Prince. Quickly turn to the Prince's left once and
then jump to the next stalactite behind the Prince. Quickly turn to the
Prince's left or right twice and then jump to the next stalactite behind the
Prince. Quickly turn to the Prince's left or right twice and then jump to the
ledge behind the Prince. Go over to the sand cloud to use your dagger to get
the "Sand Tank Upgrade #4 part #5 out of 8". Go across the wooden bridge
3. Wall run along the wall on the left to reach the next wooden ledge and on
the other side of this ledge you need to wall run again until you run into a
ladder. You have a choice here:
A. Slide down the ladder and face away from the ladder at the bottom of it.
Wall run along the wall on the Prince's right and go down the ladder behind
the barrels on this ledge. Go to the other side of this wooden ledge (away
from the waterfall and wall run along the wall to the Prince's left to the
next wooden ledge. Go to the other side of this wooden ledge and wall run
along the wall to the Prince's left again to reach the next ledge. Go down
the ladder on this ledge to reach the bottom of the cavern.
B. Climb up the ladder and go to the other side of the wooden ledge. Wall run
along the wall on the left to reach the next wooden ledge and go down the
ladder on the other side of this wooden ledge. Once you reach the bottom you
should see another ladder to go down in front of the Prince. Go down that
ladder and at the bottom face away from the ladder. Wall run along the wall
on the Prince's right to reach the next wooden ledge. Go down the ladder on
this ledge to reach the bottom of this cavern.
4. Go into the tunnel near the waterfall and break the weak/cracked wall you
come to with your sword.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 26: An Underground Reservoir |60%| |
/ \
1. Follow this tunnel until you reach a very large green room.
2. Go to the Prince's left to find a little mound of debris. Go near the wall
at the top of that mound and wall run up the wall to climb up to the ledge
here (you might not be able to do it first try due to your shoes being wet).
Wall run up the wall on the Prince's right and climb up onto the narrow ledge
above the Prince. Step farther away from the ledge before running towards the
ledge and jumping to the bucket on the rope you can see at the bottom of your
screen. Hold R1 to swing on the rope and start swinging towards the
Premonition/Save Point. When the Prince is swinging towards the Save Point
jump to that ledge. Use the Premonition/Save Point here to see what is ahead
of you and to save your game.
3. Facing away from the rope you just came from climb up onto the ledge to the
Prince's right and then jump up to climb up onto the narrow ledge above the
Prince. Sidestep to the Prince's right until you are standing under that
burning torch you are near. Drop down to the narrow ledge below and walk out
onto the narrow ledge behind the Prince. Jump across the gap to the narrow
ledge to the right and go to the wall at the end of this narrow ledge.
4. Sidestep to the Prince's left and walk across the narrow ledge here until
you run into the pillar it ends at. Sidestep to the Prince's Sidestep to
the Prince's right and walk across the narrow ledge here to the right until
you reach a broken pillar. Sidestep until you reach the other side of this
broken pillar and then jump to climb up onto this broken pillar. Walk out
to the middle of the narrow ledge connected to this broken pillar and jump
to the bucket with the rope to the Prince's left (jump to the bucket before
you reach the grassy green colored moss growing at the center of the beam you
are walking along). Swing towards the bars directly in front of the Prince
and jump to them to climb up onto a narrow ledge. Sidestep to the Prince's
left until you see a narrow ledge to cross over. Go half way across this
narrow ledge and jump to the bucket with the rope to the Prince's left.
5. Swing towards that bucket with the rope at the upper right of your screen
(to the Prince's left) and jump to it. Swing from this rope towards the
doorway to the Prince's right and jump to that doorway.
6. You should see a clamp trap in front of you. Before doing anything near it
jump across the pit to the Prince's left and you should see a sand cloud to
the Prince's left. Go over to the sand cloud to use your dagger to get the
"Sand Tank Upgrade #4 part #6 out of 8". Time it just right to wall run up
the wall behind the Prince to avoid being caught by that clamp trap to grab
the narrow ledge you see just above it. Quickly climb up and sidestep to the
Prince's left when the saw blade is not above you until to reach a ledge. Go
into the doorway here and stand on the white symbol in this room. Jump up to
grab the hanging switch.
7. Drop down and hop over the rim of the hole that opened up and you should
now be hanging over spinning blades. Use your slow down time (Tap L1) and
drop down at the correct time to avoid the blades. Go out of the rectangular
hole in the room below the blades and push (R1) the block out of the hole it
is blocking. Drop down to where the block is and push the block over to the
ledge near you that you see a sand cloud on. Push it right against the wall
and wall run up to climb up onto that ledge with the sand cloud (your first
wall run may not work due to your shoes being wet). Go over to the sand cloud
to use your dagger to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #4 part #7 out of 8".
8. Climb up onto the narrow ledge to the Prince's right and then jump up to
climb up onto the narrow ledge above him. Sidestep to the Prince's right all
the way until you can jump to another narrow ledge behind the Prince.
Sidestep to the Prince's right and walk out onto the narrow ledge you see
here. Walk halfway out and then jump to the bucket with rope at the lower
part of your screen. Swing towards the bucket with rope at the upper right of
the screen (to the Prince's left) and jump to it (get a good swing and make
sure you are at the bottom of the rope or you may not make it). Swing to the
bucket with rope in front of the Prince and jump to it. Swing towards the
bucket with rope at the upper left of the screen (to the Prince's left) and
jump to it.
9. Swing towards the doorway you see to the Prince's right and jump to that
doorway. Go down this corridor and jump or wall run across the pit to your
left. Go over to the sand cloud to use your dagger to get the "Sand Tank
Upgrade #4 part #8 out of 8".
You now have Extra Sand Tank #4.
10. Jump or wall run back across the pit and wall run up on the other side of
the corridor opening (away from the pit). You should grab a pole above you.
Face the prince towards the opening of the corridor and swing/jump to the
pole above that corridor opening. Swing/Jump to the next pole and then
swing/jump to the next pole. Swing/Jump from this pole to the ledge up ahead.
Break open the weak/cracked wall in front of you. Go into the hole you made
and follow this hallway inside it until it ends. Go across the bridges until
you reach a fountain.
You now have Life Upgrade #6. This will extend the size of your health bar
and refill your health bar if it is low..
11. Drop down from the ledge and jump across the pit again or wall run across
it. Go out of the corridor opening to the Prince's right and jump to the rope
under the bright circle of light. Climb up the rope until you reach the top.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 27: Out of the Well |62%| |
/ \
1. Go behind the tree near the well to find a sand cloud. Go over to the sand
cloud to use your dagger to get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #5 part #1 out of 8".
2. Fight off all the sand creatures that appear and take their sand to make a
Premonition/Save Point appear. Use it to see what is ahead of you and to save
your game.
3. Go into the doorway nearby and go straight until your standing on a
platform overlooking a pit. Jump to the rope in front of you and jump to the
wall with the White wall button. Once the Prince touches the button quickly
jump back to the rope. Swing towards the Yellow button on the wall and jump
to it. Once the Prince touches it quickly jump back to the rope and then
swing towards the ledge that has the now opened door on it. Quickly jump to
it and go into the doorway before it closes.
4. Go over to the sand cloud at the bottom of the stairs to the Prince's
right to use your dagger and get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #5 part #2 out of 8".
Go back to the stairs and face away from them. Go over to the handle under
the Yellow symbol on the wall and pull it out of the wall.
5. Quickly go over the White floor button to the Prince's left and run
towards the edge to jump to the ledge that came out of the wall. Wall run
along the wall to the Prince's right at the correct time to avoid the saw
blade and then jump away from the wall to avoid the floor spikes. Go up the
stairs here avoiding the blade traps and quickly roll under the doorway at
the top of the stairs before it closes.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 28: "The Sultan's Harem" |65%| |
/ \
1. Go down the stairs and fight off all the sand creatures that appear. Take
their sand to make a Premonition/Save Point appear. Use it to see what is
ahead of you and to save your game.
2. Face towards the pool from the save point and push your way past the
curtains to the right of the pool of water. Go into the open doorway that is
behind the curtains and use your sword on the weak/cracked wall to the
Prince's left. Go straight and you will see to your right through the bars
that some sand creatures are going after Farah. Go to the weak/cracked wall
in front of you and break it open with your sword. Go into this room and
push your way through the curtains to the Prince's left. Go over to the sand
cloud to the Prince's left as he comes through the curtains to use your
dagger and get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #5 part #3 out of 8". Go over to the
wall run up the fence with the yellow symbol on it and when your feet touch
the symbol jump to the hanging switch.
3. Make your way back to where the Premonition/Save Point is at.
4. When you reach the Premonition/Save Point just to the left of it push
through the curtains to get into the gate you just opened with the hanging
5. You will see a pit in front of you turn to your left and wall run along
this wall to the Prince's left. At the end of the wall run jump to the ledge
to the Prince's right. Go over to the sand cloud around the corner to use
your dagger and get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #5 part #4 out of 8".
6. Go down the hallway in the other direction quickly as Farah is being
attacked at this point. Break the weak/cracked wall to the Prince's right at
the end of this hallway and go into this room you opened up. Break the
weak/cracked wall to the Prince's left and go into the next room you opened
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 29: "What Did You Call Me?" |65%| |
/ \
1. You should now have met up with Farah. Go down the path to the Prince's
left until you reach the large room on the Prince's right. Fight off all the
sand creatures that appear. Take their sand to make a Premonition/Save Point
2. Go over to the big statue near the Premonition/Save Point and move to the
left to expose a small hole for Farah to crawl through. Go over to the gate
with the Yellow Symbol on it and wait for Farah to open it.
3. Go into the now opened doorway.
4. Move the handle clockwise until it clanks into place to open up the gate
near you. Go through the open doorway to meet up with Farah again.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 30: The Hall of Learning |69%| |
/ \
1. Go to the Prince's right towards that shining light in the distance. Go
over to the mirror that the light is coming from and turn it until it points
into the open doorway near it. Go into the doorway you pointed the light
2. Fight off all the sand creatures that are here. Take their sand to make a
Premonition/Save Point appear. Use it to see what is ahead of you and to save
your game.
3. Go over to the far side of the room where the light beam ends at a mirror.
Pull the mirror away from the wall and move this mirror onto the brown area
on the floor. Go to the room that the light is now going into and move the
mirror in this room onto the brown area on the floor in this room until the
light reflects off of this mirror. Go to the far side of this room where the
light beam goes now and move the mirror here onto the brown area on the floor
until the light reflects off of it. Break the weak/cracked wall that the
light is shining on and move the mirror behind that wall onto the brown area
on the floor until it reflects off of the mirror and onto the weird symbol on
the pillar near you. The bottom floor should look like the diagram below:
| | S <-- Where the beam
| | of light starts
| | from.
| | B <-- Breakable wall.
Sy | |
| | | Sy <-- Symbol for
\--B|------/ beam to hit
| / or \ <-- Mirrors
S | or - <-- Beam of
(Note: Now comes the more difficult part for me of explaining how to climb up
to the ceiling of this room.)
4. Wall run up the wall (the wall with the symbol the light is shining on) to
grab a ledge and climb up onto it. Wall run up the pillar to grab a narrow
ledge and climb up onto it. Sidestep to the Prince's left around the corner
and jump to the narrow ledge behind the Prince. Go across the narrow ledge
here that goes towards the wall and then jump to the ledge near the wall.
Climb up onto it and turn to the Prince's left. Wall run along the wall on
the Prince's right to the pillar you see in the distance. Sidestep out onto
the narrow ledge of this pillar and jump to the pole behind the Prince.
Swing/jump to the next pole and then swing/jump to the balcony in front of
the Prince.
5. Go over to the mirror on the far side of this balcony and turn it once
6. You should see a wall button on the Prince's left. Wall run up that pillar
to step on that button. Quickly jump away from the wall once you step on the
button and jump off section of bookshelf that came out of the wall. Keep
jumping back and forth between them doing an upwards wall jump until you are
on top of the bookshelf that came out of the wall. Quickly wall run to the
Prince's right before the bookshelf goes back into the wall. You should land
on a pillar at the end of your wall run. Wall run again on the wall to the
Prince's left from this pillar and jump away from the wall when you are near
the ladder to grab it. Turn to the correct side of the ladder and climb all
the way up. Go over to the sand cloud to the Prince's right to use your
dagger and get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #5 part #5 out of 8". Wall run up the
wall in front of you and jump at the peak of your wall run to grab the narrow
beam. Make your way across the beam that goes over the clamp trap and jump to
the beam on the next ledge you can see in the distance. Drop down (Circle)
off these beams to the platform below. Go over to the wall with the saw
blades behind you and wall run at the correct time to avoid the saw blades.
You should see a crystal here and a weak/cracked wall. Go over to the
weak/cracked wall and break it down with your sword. Go into the hole you
made and follow this hallway inside it until it ends. Go across the bridges
until you reach a fountain.
You now have Life Upgrade #7. This will extend the size of your health bar
and refill your health bar if it is low..
7. Time your wall run just right again and wall run back across the wall with
the saw blades back to the platform you were on. Go across the narrow ledge
on the Prince's right. Jump across the gap to the other portion of the narrow
beam. You should see a narrow beam to your right that you will need to go
across in a moment and a mirror here to move. Move the mirror to make it
point the light beam away from the narrow beam you just came walking across
from (turn it once clockwise). Once you have done that go across that narrow
beam that I mentioned a moment ago and walk out onto the narrow beam to the
Prince's left. Jump to the ledge behind the pillar to the Prince's right and
then wall run up the wall or pillar that is here. Jump at the peak of your
wall run to grab the pole you see here. Swing/jump towards the wall and jump
off of the wall to grab the next pole above you. Shimmy over to the Prince's
right (if you need to) and swing/jump to the narrow beam you see in front of
the Prince. Climb up onto the beam and jump across the gap to the other
portion of this narrow beam. Jump to the next beam in front of the Prince and
then drop down off of this beam onto the platform below. Go over to the
mirror near the beam of light and move it over to where the brown area is on
the floor. Line up the mirror to reflect the light off and then go over to
the other mirror on this platform. Move this mirror over the brown area on
the floor and reflect the light beam to make it hit the crystal you saw
earlier. It should look like the diagram below:
| |
| | M <--- Mirror
| | C <--- Crystal
| | GD <-- Wall Run here to get down
| | After lighting up the crystal
M |
8. Go over to ledge near the wall with the windows near you and wall run
across the top of those windows and you will run into a narrow ledge. Drop
down off this ledge to the narrow ledge below the Prince. Drop down off this
narrow ledge to the next narrow ledge below then prince and then sidestep to
the Prince's right all the way. Jump to the pillar that is behind the Prince
and then wall run to the balcony with the mirror the light is shining on.
9. Hop over the railing the light is pointing over and jump to the ledge that
came out of the wall. Jump from ledge to ledge until you reach Farah's
balcony. Go to the Prince's left until you reach the end of the balcony. Hang
off the edge and drop down onto the bookshelf with the sand cloud. Go over to
the sand cloud to use your dagger and get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #5 part #6
out of 8". Wall run up the pillar and jump at the peak of the wall run to
grab the balcony Farah is on again. Go over to the pillar that Farah is
standing near and wall run up it. Shimmy to the Prince's left until the
Prince is lined up with the rope hanging from the narrow beam here. Jump to
the rope and slide down to the bottom of it. Swing (hold R1) towards the next
rope you see hanging from another narrow beam and jump to it. Swing towards
the narrow ledge you see at the wall and jump to it. Sidestep to the Prince's
left a little and then climb up onto the narrow ledges above the Prince.
Sidestep all the way to the Prince's right and then drop down to the narrow
ledge below the Prince. Sidestep to the Prince's right and then climb up onto
the narrow ledge above him. Jump from this narrow ledge to the ladder behind
the Prince. Turn to the correct side of the ladder and climb all the way up.
Break the weak/cracked wall to the Prince's right with your sword and then
break the weak/cracked wall you see in front of you in the room you just
opened up. Stand on the white symbol in this room and jump up to grab the
hanging switch. Drop down and break the next weak/cracked wall you see in
front of the Prince. You should see a crystal in this room that you need to
shine a light onto. Go back out the way you came and go across those ledges
that came out of the wall near the ladder. Move the mirror that you come to
first away from the light and then move the mirror on the far side of this
platform onto the brown area the mirror you just moved was on to shine it in
the direction of the weak/cracked walls you opened up.
10. Go back across the ledges and through the first hole you made in the
wall. Pull the mirror here out of the hole and onto the brown area on the
floor to reflect the light towards the crystal. It should look like the
diagram below:

/--L------\ GD
| |
| | M <--- Mirror
| | C <--- Crystal
| | GD <-- Wall Run here to get down
| | After lighting up the crystal
C M L <-- Ladder
11. Go back across the ledges and to the other side of this platform. Wall
run across the top of the window's to the Prince's right and when you are on
the narrow ledge drop down to the narrow ledge below the Prince. Drop down
once more to another narrow ledge and then sidestep to the Prince's right all
the way. Jump to the pillar behind the Prince and then wall run to the
balcony with the mirror. Go to the Prince's right and hop over the railing
on the far end of this balcony to hang from the railing. Drop down to the
bookshelf below the Prince and then Drop down to the floor below. Go into the
room you opened up down here and go over to the sword (you may want to save
before going to the sword).
12. Go over to the handle under the orange symbol and pull it out of the
wall (you will want to heal your self with the fountain in the large room
before doing this just to make sure you have full health in the next area).
12. Quickly head over to the slowly closing door on the far side of the large
room and roll under the door before it closes.
13. Go down the stairs and follow this hallway out to a very large
observatory room.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 31: Observatory |71%| |
/ \
1. Fight off all the sand creatures that are here. Take their sand to make a
Premonition/Save Point appear. Use it to see what is ahead of you and to save
your game.
2. Go to the top of the stairs in the middle of this room that go no where
when Farah is ready to pull a switch.
3. Jump to the ledge the platform stops near and go to the Prince's left to
find a sand cloud. Go over to the sand cloud to use your dagger and get the
"Sand Tank Upgrade #5 part #7 out of 8". Go to the other side of this ledge
and either jump or wall run to the flagpole you see here. Swing/Jump from
this flagpole to the next flagpole. Turn around and swing/jump to the light
pole that you see to the left and then turn around again to swing/jump to the
light pole to the right. Swing/Jump to the ledge in front of the Prince and
climb up onto it. Move the handle you find here once counter-clockwise to
move the mobile in the center of the room (the planet display in the center
of the room).
4. Jump to grab the pole near this handle and swing/jump to the pole directly
in front of the prince. Swing/Jump to the next pole you see in front of the
Prince and then swing/jump to the broken pillar in front of the Prince. Move
to the Prince's right or left twice and then climb all the way up this
pillar. Jump to the pole behind the Prince and then swing/jump to the next
pole. Swing/Jump from this pole to the ledge in front of the Prince (be sure
to push forward when the Prince lands to roll on your landing or you will
take damage from the landing. Move the handle here counter-clockwise once.
5. Jump to grab the pole near this handle and swing/jump to the pole directly
in front of the prince. Swing/Jump to the next pole you see in front of the
Prince and then swing/jump to the broken pillar in front of the Prince. Move
to the Prince's right once and jump to the pole behind the Prince. Swing/Jump
to the next pole and then swing/jump to the hanging switch in front of the
6. Swing/Jump to the white button on the wall and then drop down to the ledge
below. Quickly go to the Prince's left and wall run along the wall to the
Prince's right to reach the next ledge and then wall run again to reach the
first handle you turned. Jump to grab the pole near this handle and
swing/jump to the pole directly in front of the prince. Swing/Jump to the
next pole you see in front of the Prince and then swing/jump to the broken
pillar in front of the Prince. Move to the Prince's right once and climb all
the way up the pillar. Jump to the pole behind the Prince and then swing/jump
to the next pole. Swing/Jump to the hanging switch in front of you.
7. Drop down to the ledge below you and you should see a big rope looking
cable to the right of the square shaped hole on this ledge. Jump to it and
and face the Prince's back to the cable that goes into that square hole.
Jump to it and slide almost to the bottom of it. Jump to the cable behind
the Prince and slide almost all the way down this cable. Jump to the cable
behind the Prince and slide all the way down to the ground floor. Go out of
the doorway down here and go into the door that Farah is waiting near. Go
down this corridor ahead of you.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 32: Hall of Learning Courtyards |75%| |
/ \
1. If you need to heal yourself use the fountain behind the prince just past
the spinning poles. If not zig zag a path past the sword blades that are
coming out of the wall and time it just right to jump over the pit at the
end to avoid the swinging pole (Use slow motion if you need to). Go into the
door on the other side of the pit and then go to the Prince's left.
2. Slowly walk (push slightly forward on analog stick) over the spike floor
panel in front of the Prince or wall run along the wall to the left of him to
get past them. Once you have gotten past them time it just right to step on
the floor button without getting hit by the swords coming out of the wall.
Quickly go into the door that opened up. Pull out the handle under the yellow
symbol that you see here.
3. Zig zag past the swords or roll under them as they come at you from out of
the wall and wait just past this rubble until you can make a run for the door
that is slowly closing. Quickly roll under the bigger swords if they come out
of the wall and then roll under the slowly closing gate. Go to your left and
out of the doorway.
(Note: You can avoid this fight and save point completely just by continuing
with step 5 and avoiding the bird/creatures.)
4. Fight off all the sand creatures that are here. Take their sand to make a
Premonition/Save Point appear. Use it to see what is ahead of you and to save
your game.
5. Go over to the fence with a ladder leaning up against it in the corner.
Climb up the ladder all the way and then jump to the narrow ledge behind the
Prince. Climb up onto the narrow ledge and jump across the gap to another
narrow ledge to the right. Fight off the birds if you want or quickly go
along this narrow ledge until you reach the end (you can get by the birds
just be sure one isn't in your way when you are jumping or it will cause you
to jump crooked. When you reach the end jump to the rope to the Prince's left
and swing towards the narrow beam without a rope. Jump to the narrow beam at
the top of the swing towards that beam and climb up onto it. Go towards the
wall and jump to the pole to the Prince's left. Swing/Jump from the pole to
the balcony in front of the Prince. Climb over the railing and wall run along
the wall to the Prince's right to reach the narrow beam in the distance.
Climb up onto it and jump to the pole behind the Prince. Swing/Jump to the
roof of the balcony you were on a moment ago go to the Prince's right. Fight
off the birds here if you want or just wall run along the wall to your left
to reach the narrow beam you can see up ahead. Go out to the edge of this
beam and jump to the rope you can see near it. Swing towards the rope you can
see in the distance to the right and jump to it at the right time. Swing
towards the rooftop of the building you see in front of the prince and jump
to it. Turn to the Prince's right and wall run along the wall to the Prince's
left until you drop down to a rooftop down below. Drop off this rooftop onto
the walkway below it and go into the little room that has a handle in it.
Turn the handle clockwise until it clanks into place.
6. Go out of the doorway and hop over the railing to the Prince's right to
hang from it. Shimmy to the Prince's right until you get past the spiked pit
along the walkway then hop back over the railing. Go into the now opened
doorway you are near. Go to the Prince's left and then turn to his right to
see a spinning blade trap in the distance. Wall run along the wall on the
Prince's left towards that spinning blade and right before you reach it jump
to land on the stairs on the other side of it. Go down the stairs and right
before you reach the next spinning blade hop over the railing on the Prince's
right. Drop off the railing to land near a sand cloud. Go to the sand cloud
to use your dagger and get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #5 part #8 out of 8".
You now have Extra Sand Tank #5.
7. Fight off or ignore the scarabs that attack you here and go into the open
gate you see near you. Follow this corridor until you meet up with Farah
8. Continue to follow this corridor around the corner to the Prince's right
and up some stairs. Continue to follow the corridor around the corner to the
left and jump over the two pits that are in your way. Go up the stairs you
come to and go out of the doorway to the Prince's left at the top of them.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 33: On the Ramparts |75%| |
/ \
1. Drop down into the gap in the wall and drop down to the walkway to the
Prince's left. Go over to the sand cloud to the Prince's left to use your
dagger and get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #6 part #1 out of 8".
2. Turn around and follow this walkway straight ahead. Go around the corner
to the Prince's right and you should see a sand cloud in the distance. Go
over to the sand cloud to the Prince's left to use your dagger and get the
"Sand Tank Upgrade #6 part #2 out of 8".
(Note: You can avoid this fight and save point completely just get the sand
clouds and then climb back up to go over to the broken gate along the wall to
continue the directions just start from step 4 second sentence.)
3. Fight off all the sand creatures that are here. Take their sand to make a
Premonition/Save Point appear. Climb back up onto the broken rampart to use
it to see what is ahead of you and to save your game.
4. Jump across the gap in the walkway that leads to the broken gate you have
not been to yet and go over to the partially opened gate. Hop over the
railing to the Prince's left and jump to the pole behind the Prince.
5. Swing/Jump to the wooden beam in front of the Prince and climb up onto it.
Walk towards the wall and sidestep to the Prince's left. Walk out onto the
wooden beam here and jump to the rampart where Farah is waiting behind a
gate. Go over to the gate and Farah tells you she will meet you down below.
Turn away from the gate and go to the sand cloud you see in the distance.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 34: A Prisoner Seeking an Escape |79%| |
/ \
1. Now comes the fun test to see how fast you can maneuver while being very
high up. Go over to the ladder you are near and slide down it. Wall run along
the wall with the white wall button on it and keep wall running until you
land on the ledge the button extended. Quickly go to the other side of this
ledge and wall run again over another white wall button. Keep doing this
until you reach a lift that comes up to meet you as you are wall running.
2. Ride the lift down and then wall run on the wall in the reverse direction
now. Wall run over the white button and land on the ledge it extends. Go to
the far side of the ledge and wall run again. Keep doing this until you reach
a second lift that comes to meet you as you are wall running.
3. Ride the lift down and then wall run to the white button on the wall. When
you step on the white button jump off the wall and land on the ledge that
extend. Go to the far side of this ledge and do the same. until you are
running on a wall with no white button. Before you reach the end of the wall
jump to the pole with the cage on it to the Prince's right and swing/jump to
the ladder in front of the Prince. Slide down the ladder to the ledge below.
4. Now wall run along the wall with the white button and after you touch it
jump off if to grab the pole to the Prince's right. Swing/Jump quickly to the
ledge that extended. Go to the far side of this ledge and repeat the same
exact thing again. Do this until you wall run on a wall with no button.
Before you run into the wall jump to the pole on the Prince's left and then
swing/jump to the ladder in front of the Prince. Slide down the ladder to the
floor below.
(Note: You can avoid this fight and save point completely just get the sand
cloud and then push the cage in this room over onto the yellow button on the
floor on the far side of the room to open the door to continue. Once you have
done that skip down to step 8.)
5. Fight off all the sand creatures that are here. Take their sand to make a
Premonition/Save Point appear. Use it to see what is ahead of you and to save
your game.
6. Go over to the sand cloud inside the cell to use your dagger and get the
"Sand Tank Upgrade #6 part #3 out of 8".
7. Inside a cell near the sand cloud you will find a yellow button hidden
behind some barrels and a table. Clear the barrels and table away with your
sword. Look around this area for a square block shaped cage with a skeleton
in it. Push/Pull the cage over that yellow floor button and go into the door
that is now held open.
8. Break the weak/cracked wall to your right at the corner of this corridor
and follow the tunnel until it ends. Go across the bridges until you reach a
You now have Life Upgrade #8. This will extend the size of your health bar
and refill your health bar if it is low..
9. You will see a sword trap here in front of the Prince. Slow down time and
at the correct time run out and wall run up the wall to step on the wall
button. If you do it at the correct time you should land right after the
blades pass your position. Quickly go into the gate at that just opened at
the end of the corridor.
10. Go over to the sand cloud in this room to use your dagger and get the
"Sand Tank Upgrade #6 part #4 out of 8".
11. Pull the handle from the wall under the white symbol near you and then
quickly run over to the other handle to the Prince's right to pull it out of
the wall under that white symbol. When the two walls that you extended out
are near each other quickly go between them while they are slowly retracting
and wall run up one of them before jumping towards the other wall. Keep doing
an upwards wall jump between the retracting walls until you reach the top of
one of them. When you reach the top quickly wall run up the wall near you and
at the peak of your wall run jump to the beam behind the Prince. Walk out to
the edge of this narrow beam and jump to the narrow beam in the distance
above the door you came into this room with. Stand at the edge of this beam.
Jump to one of the walls with the white buttons and then jump back to the
narrow beam. Jump to the other wall with the white buttons and then jump back
to the narrow beam. Quickly walk towards the wall and jump towards one of the
walls retracting. Jump off the wall to the other wall and keep doing the
upwards wall jump until you reach the top of one of them. When you reach the
top quickly wall run up the wall and jump to the pole behind the Prince.
12. Swing/Jump towards one of the walls and jump off the wall to grab
the pole above the one you were on. Swing/Jump towards one of the walls and
jump off the wall to grab the narrow ledge above the pole you were on. Walk
out to the edge of this narrow beam and then jump to the pole that has the
two cages hanging from it. Swing/Jump to the ledge with the sand cloud on it
from this pole. Go over to the sand cloud here to use your dagger and get the
"Sand Tank Upgrade #6 part #5 out of 8".
13. Wall run up the wall with the lower white button on it near the sand
cloud and when your feet touch it quickly jump to the ledge behind the
Prince. Wall run up the wall on this ledge to step on the white button here
and then jump to the ledge behind the Prince once you step on it. Keep doing
this until you reach the narrow beam at the top. Walk out to the edge and
jump to the ladder you see here. Turn to the correct side of the ladder and
climb all the way up it. Jump to the pole behind the Prince and then
swing/jump to the ladder in front of the Prince. Jump to the pole behind the
Prince after climbing up the ladder and then swing/jump to the ladder in
front of the Prince. Climb all the way up and out of that prison.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 35: "At Last We're Here!" |81%| |
/ \
1. Fight off all the sand creatures that are here and be sure to protect
Farah because they tend to gang up on her here. Take their sand to make a
Premonition/Save Point appear. Use it to see what is ahead of you and to save
your game.
2. Go up the stairs in this area to find the sand cloud you were trying to
get to earlier before you fell through the floor into the Prison. Go over to
the sand cloud here to use your dagger and get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #6 part
#6 out of 8".
3. Go down the stairs and near the fountain you will see a white floor
switch. Face towards the Tower of Dawn and after you step on that white floor
switch quickly go down the stairs on the Prince's right. wall run up onto the
ledge that rose up or wall run towards it to get onto it. Quickly wall run
here towards the ledge with the white symbol on it near you and wall run up
the wall to step on the white wall button here. Drop down from here and
quickly go to the other side of the area to find the ledge that rose up. Wall
run up it and quickly wall run towards the ledge that has the block on it.
Push the block off this ledge before dropping down off of it. Push/Pull the
block all the way between the two staircases under the orange button and then
climb up onto it. Wall run up the wall to step on the orange button.
4. Go into the gate that opened up. Go over to the sand cloud here to use
your dagger and get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #6 part #7 out of 8".
5. Go to the far side of this bridge and into the doorway on the other side
(I ignored the birds but you can fight them if you want). Go over to the sand
cloud to the right to use your dagger and get the "Sand Tank Upgrade #6 part
#8 out of 8".
You now have Extra Sand Tank #6 and the final one for the game.
Continue down the corridor and before you turn left and out of a doorway at
the end of this corridor you should see a crack in the wall in front of you.
Break the weak/cracked wall and follow the tunnel until it ends. Go across
the bridges until you reach a fountain.
You now have Life Upgrade #9. This will extend the size of your health bar
and refill your health bar if it is low..
7. Go out of the doorway to the Prince's right.
8. Go towards the white symbol on the fence and the room will start moving
because it's a big elevator.
9. Once the elevator has gone up for a bit some sand creatures will appear.
This will be your most challenging fights because there will be roughly 28-30
attacking you in this fight (not all at once just about 6 at any given time)
and they love ganging up on Farah. Protect Farah at all cost while trying to
keep yourself alive until you have beaten all of the sand creatures. Be sure
to fill up your health with one of the fountains if you need to when the
creatures start showing up (just take quick sips of water). You shouldn't
have to big of a problem with them with all the life upgrades you got. If you
didn't get any or very few life upgrades you will have a much harder time
with this fight and it will be alot more challenging especially if you didn't
get any life upgrades. The best way I've found to beat this part is by
filling up all your sand tanks (the yellow circles and the white curves on
the side of the yellow circles).
10. When you have killed about 18 or 19 roughly use your Mega-Freeze Power by
holding down R1 when your tanks are full before tapping L1. Push towards an
enemy when the sand creatures turn to sand and start attacking all of them
that are frozen until the power runs out. If you do this at the correct time
you should have only one or two sand creatures remaining before you are done
with this fight (or you may end up killing them all depending on when you
start using Mega-Freeze).
11. Once you have reached the top wall run up the fence with the white symbol
and jump at the peak of your jump to grab the hanging switch.
12. Get onto the lift that Farah got onto.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 36: The Hourglass |83%| |
/ \
1. Go over to the Premonition/Save Point near the Prince to use it to see
what is ahead of you and to save your game.
2. Go up the walkway until you reach the end of it and then climb up onto
the smaller ledge to the right above the lift you came up on. Go to the far
side of it and wall run along the wall to the next ledge. Wall run again
across the window to the next ledge and then wall run again to the next
ledge. Wall run one more time and half way across the mirror jump away from
it to grab the pole. Swing/Jump from the pole to the top of the Hourglass.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 37: The Tomb |90%| |
/ \
1. Follow the very long staircase in front of you to search for Farah.
2.When you reach the bottom you will enter a room with many doors.
Below is the solution to get past this puzzle:
(Note: You can either follow my diagram or listen carefully when you are near
the correct door you will hear water dripping/spilling on the floor. If you
go into the incorrect door it will make you start over.)

4 5
3 6
2 7
1 S 8
S = Starting point where
you first entered from
3. 4th door
4. 8th door
5. 3rd door
6. 1st door
Next floor
5 6
4 7
3 8
2 9
1 S
7. 4th door
8. 9th door
9. 5th door
10. Go out of the door on the far side of this room and avoid the sand
creatures in the hallway since you don't have any weapons. Follow this
hallway until you reach the room with many mirrors in it.
11. You can either use the diagram below or just line up the mirrors in the
correct direction on the brown areas on the floor if you want to figure it
out on your own you won't be using the brown spot near A on the diagram just
to warn you).
| | | and - <--------- Light beams path
3 \---\ | 6 |=| <---------- Center where the
| | sword |s located.
|=| | / or \<----- Mirrors |n the room
| A <----- Where you enter this
| room from
2 /---/ 7 1-8 <---- reflective pillars
1 | 8
12. If you lined up the mirrors correctly the force field should have been
lowered and you can get the new sword on the table.
13. Go back to the room you came from once you have the sword and fight off
all the sand creatures here. Take their sand to make a Premonition/Save Point
appear. Use it to see what is ahead of you and to save your game.
14. Go back to the room of mirrors and go over to the weak/cracked door on
the Prince's left to break it open with your sword. Go out of the doorway and
go to the Prince's left.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 38: "Farah! Come Back!" |90%| |
/ \
1. Wall run along the wall or jump to the pole you can see near you to the
right. Swing/Jump to the next pole and then swing/jump to the wall in front
of the Prince. Jump off the wall to grab the pole above the one you were on
and then swing/jump to the next pole in front of the Prince. Turn around to
swing/jump to the next pole and then swing/jump to the ledge.
2. Fight off all the sand creatures that show up here. Take their sand to
make a Premonition/Save Point appear. Use it to see what is ahead of you and
to save your game.
3. Hang off the edge on the opposite side of this ledge (from where you
climbed up from) and drop down to the narrow ledge below. Sidestep to the
Prince's left all the way and then drop down to the narrow ledge below the
Prince. Sidestep to the Prince's left all the way and then climb up to the
narrow ledge above the Prince. Sidestep all the way to the Prince's left and
then drop down to the narrow ledge below. Sidestep to the Prince's left and
drop down to the narrow beam when the narrow ledge crumbles. Walk under the
building and jump up to grab the pole you find down here. Swing/Jump on the
pole towards the wall to climb up into the room. Use first-person view once
you are in the room and you should see in front of the prince a wooden door.
Use your sword to break open that wooden door and follow the tunnel until it
ends. Go across the bridges until you reach a fountain.
You now have Life Upgrade #10. This will extend the size of your health bar
and refill your health bar if it is low..
4. Wall run up the wall with the white symbol on it and jump off the wall
to grab the hanging switch when you reach the peak of your wall run.
(Note: You have no time powers which means you will have to do quite a bit
here without messing up. One slip up and you will more then likely fall to
your death.)
5. Swing/Jump to the pole in front of the Prince.and then swing/jump to the
trap door that opened up and jump off it to reach the opening. Climb up and
save again if you want to. If not wall run up the wall near the save point to
grab a narrow ledge here. Jump and hang from the next narrow ledge above the
Prince. Shimmy to the Prince's left and climb up to hang from the next narrow
ledge above the Prince. Shimmy to the Prince's right and climb up the next
narrow ledge until you reach the ledge with the fountain. Go to the Prince's
right and jump to the pillar that you find here. Climb all the way up it and
then face the back of the Prince towards the pillar you see coming from the
ceiling of the structure here. Turn to the Prince's right once and jump to
the L shaped beam you see in the distance. Jump to the pole to the Prince's
left and shimmy all the way to the left edge of it. Swing/Jump to the beam
in front of the Prince and jump towards the wall in front of you (sounds odd
but this way you won't have to deal with the bats). Go into the open doorway
here and wall run along the wall to the Prince's left. Jump to the wall to
the right before the end of the wall run and jump back to the wall to the
left. Keep doing an upwards wall jump until you grab the ledge on the top of
the wall on the right. Wall run up the wall to the left and jump at the peak
of your wall run to grab the ledge behind the Prince. Climb up and go towards
the doorway you can see on the other side of this bridge.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 39: Climbing the Tower of Dawn |93%| |
/ \
(Note: be sure to go to where the sand creatures are before the bridge you
are standing on collapses. If you want to avoid the fight and save point just
wall run up the wall to the right of the doorway to grab the pole there and
use step 3 to continue on.)
1. Fight off all the sand creatures that are here. Take their sand to make a
Premonition/Save Point appear. Use it to see what is ahead of you and to save
your game.
2. Facing the big door go to the right of it where you should see a pole
above you. Wall run up the wall here and at the peak of your wall run jump to
grab the pole.
3. Swing/jump towards the wall again and jump off it to reach the narrow beam
above the pole. Jump to the higher narrow beam you see to the right of the
Prince and face towards the wall. Turn the camera to the Prince's left and
jump to the narrow beam you see in the distance.
4. Walk towards the wall on this narrow beam and then sidestep all the way to
the Prince's left. Jump to the pillar behind the prince and turn once to the
Prince's left before jumping to the next pillar near the one you are on.
5. Climb all the way up this pillar before facing the back of the Prince
towards the wall. Jump towards the wall and then jump off it to grab the
broken ledge. Climb up and walk along this broken ledge to the Prince's
right. When you get to the narrow ledge sidestep to the Prince's left and at
the end of it drop down to the walkway below. You will see a U-shaped opening
between two walls. Go between the two wall and wall run up one of them. Jump
at the peak of your run and jump off the other wall towards the one you wall
ran up. Keep doing the upwards wall jump until you reach the ledge on the
6. Sidestep along this narrow ledge all the way to the Prince's right and
Walk out onto the narrow beam above the green flag. Jump to the narrow beam
you see to the Prince's left and then go towards the wall on this beam.
Sidestep to the Prince's right and then walk out onto the metal until you
can't go anymore. Drop down (Circle twice) to the pole below this metal beam
and shimmy to the Prince's right all the way. Swing/Jump towards the wall and
jump off it to grab the metal beam above the pole you were on. Climb up and
walk across this metal beam until you reach the wall. Sidestep along this
narrow ledge all the way to the Prince's right and Walk out onto the narrow
beam above the green flag. Jump to the narrow beam you see to the Prince's
left and then go towards the wall on this beam. Sidestep to the Prince's
right until you are between two walls and then do a upwards wall jump until
you reach the ledge on the top of the right wall.
7. Shimmy to the Prince's right and climb up onto the ledge. Climb up the
narrow ledges here and then sidestep to the Prince's left until you are
between the two walls again. Jump up to climb up onto the narrow ledge above
the Prince before jumping to the narrow ledge behind the Prince. Sidestep
to the Prince's left all the way and then climb up onto the narrow ledge
above the Prince. Sidestep to the Prince's left all the way before dropping
down to the narrow ledge below the Prince. Climb up onto it and then sidestep
to the Prince's left all the way. Climb up onto the narrow ledge above the
Prince and then sidestep to the Prince's left all the way. Climb up onto the
narrow ledge above the Prince and then sidestep to the Prince's left all the
way. Jump to the Pole behind the Prince and then swing/jump from pole to pole
until you grab a narrow circular ledge. Hang from this ledge and shimmy all
the way to the Prince's left and when you are between the two walls do a
downwards wall jump to get down to the floor below (the downward wall jump
is exactly the same as upwards only different timing because of the larger
gap between the two walls).
8. Go into the doorway and step on the yellow button on the floor.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 40: The Setting Sun |95%| |
/ \
1. Go out of the doorway to the Prince's left and wall run along the wall on
the Prince's left to get over the gap in the walkway to reach the door you
opened up.
2. Go into the doorway and climb all the way up the ladder in this small
room. Jump to the ladder behind the Prince and then climb all the way up it.
Keep doing this until you reach the top.
3. Fight off all the sand creatures that are here. Take their sand to make a
Premonition/Save Point appear.
4. Face away from the ladder you came up and if you need health go to the
Prince's right to find a fountain or if you don't need health go to the
Prince's left and climb up the wall here to find the Premonition/Save Point.
Use the Premonition/Save Point to see what is ahead of you and to save your
5. Wall run up the wall you jump down to get here and climb back up onto it.
Jump to the pillar here and climb all the way up it. Face the Prince's back
towards the pole that is near you and jump to it. Swing/Jump to the next pole
and then to the next pole. Shimmy all the way to the Prince's right and then
swing/jump towards the wall to grab the narrow ledge that appeared. Sidestep
to the Prince's right all the way and then hang from the narrow ledge above
the Prince. Shimmy to the Prince's left all the way and then jump to the
narrow ledge behind the Prince. Shimmy to the Prince's right and then jump
to the ledge behind the Prince (you could walk to it on the narrow ledge but
it is easier for me to explain it this way).
6. Wall run along the wall here to reach that little balcony across from you
that you can see to the Prince's left. Go around the corner and wall run
again to reach the next small balcony. Walk out onto the narrow ledge on this
balcony until you reach the hole in the structure in front of the Prince. Go
along the narrow ledge to the Prince's left all the way until you get to the
end of it. Jump towards the wall of the structure and then jump back towards
the wall above the ledge you were on. Keep doing an upwards wall jump until
you reach the rim of this structure. Climb up and follow the walkway here.
If you need health follow the path to the right and if you don't go to the
left at the fork. Wall run along the wall to reach the next walkway in the
7. Follow the walkway to the Prince's left and climb onto the ledge to the
Prince's right. Go across this narrow beam to the next tower and then follow
the walkway to the Prince's right. Go to your left and wall run along the
wall here to reach the next walkway. Go around the corner to the Prince's
right and wall run along the wall here. When you are at the end of your wall
run jump towards the blue/gray pillar. Climb all the way up this pillar
before facing the Prince's back towards you and then jump to the rooftop
behind the Prince. Jump to the pillar on this rooftop and climb all the way
up it. Face the Prince's back towards the pole with the flags on them and
jump to that pole. Swing/Jump from this pole to the ledge in front of the
Prince. Follow the ledge to the right and as soon as you go around the corner
to the left wall run along the wall here. Jump to the ladder you see here
when you get near it on your wall run and climb all the way up it.
8. Jump to the pillar behind the prince and then turn the Prince to the
left or right twice before jumping to the ledge behind the Prince.
\ /
\ /
| Chapter 41: Honor and Glory |%| |
/ \
(Note: The blue sand creatures here block too much the easiest way to kill
them is to wall vault over them and hit them.)
1. Fight off all the sand creatures that are here. Take their sand to make a
Premonition/Save Point appear.
2. Save your game for the last time and then continue on.
3. Boss Battle: "Vizier"
You should have very little trouble with this guy. You won't be able to
attack directly instead wait until he sends out a clone of himself. Block
(hold down R1) his attack and then vault over him (or you can vault over it
right before it attacks). Hit the clone on your way down (the same way you
vaulted over the red/brown clothed sand creatures) and then repeat that until
you have defeated the clone (you will know you hit the clone when it the
clone flashes from being distorted). He will then send out a second clone do
the exact same thing until you have killed the second clone. He will send out
a third and final clone. Kill it off and then attack the Vizier directly
(when you hear the Vizier coughing alot that is when you need to go over to
him and hit him with your sword). If you wait too long to hit the Vizier
when his force field is down he will send out another clone.
4. Hit the Vizier with your sword one final time to finish him off.
Ending Scene
Congratulations you have now completed Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
? IV. Frequently Asked Questions ?
Q. I am having trouble doing upwards and downwards wall jumps (jumping back
and forth between walls) have any tips on how to do a upwards or downwards
wall jump better?
A. The Main tip is practice makes perfect and the second tip is you need to
push Jump (X) when you feel the Prince touch the wall. When the Prince
touches the wall the controller will very slightly vibrate from it. When you
feel that you need to push the Jump (X) button. When you are doing a downward
wall jump the same applies the only difference is the timing of the jump due
to the farther gap between the walls.
Q. Does Final Version mean you won't be updating the guide anymore?
A. Final version for us only means we have no plans in updating the guide any
further. If you find an error or some new information that you think should
be added you are welcome to send it and if we feel it is worth adding we will
update it.
Only sites allowed to use this at this time (in no particular order):
Sorry if we missed listing you, but as long as you are not listed below and
you got our go ahead to post you are fine. If we find a site that wasn't
given our permission they will be added below.
Site(s) that can NOT use any version, updates, parts of this Walkthrough
or any of our other Walkthroughs since their creation are listed below:
If you see this Walkthrough by YuGiOhFm2002 & YuGiOhAngel or any of our other
walkthroughs on cheatcc.com or on the site(s) listed above edited in any
amount to try to show they have permission, it's an admission of guilt of
having an illegal copy of this walkthrough without our permission.
Thanks to italian_luver for some numerical corrections and the missing sand
Copyright 2005 - 2006 YuGiOhFm2002 & YuGiOhAngel

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