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∞Love Peace and Harmony
∞01-31st of August 2010 - 01-31 Ağustos 2010∞

Fifth Dimensional Consciousness In Present

 Posted by Vicky♥♥♥ on August 1, 2010 at 10:26pm

Fifth Dimensional Consciousness In Present Moment By D. L. Zeta.

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Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness Happens inside your Present Moment

by DL Zeta

Within the scope of your present moment, you have it all. Right now, as
you read this, you are all that you have been and all that you ever will
be. To understand and experience the vast and infinite being that you
are, all you need to do is expand your definition of the present moment.

By accessing fifth-dimensional consciousness, you are able to connect

with every aspect of your consciousness past, present and future. This
form of inner connection and oneness allows you to bring about needed
healing, view and believe in future probabilities and work in
collaboration with your full being to manifest your highest visions into
reality. All of this is accessible from your present moment.

If you feel this is not possible for you, it is likely you have bought
into the erroneous and limiting belief that all our moments, all our

realities, all the aspects of our being are compartmentalized, divided
and cut off from each other. Divisive thoughtforms keep us from allowing
the greatness of our being, which is founded in the essence of oneness
and unconditional love. Divisiveness keeps us fighting within ourselves
and consequently, with each other.

The good news is that all limitations we impose on ourselves have the
power to help us move beyond them. This is just as all "problems"
contain the seed of their own solution. This seed always flourishes in
the rich soil of our higher understanding.

Expanding the Definition of your Present Moment

The key to freeing yourself of limitations is to expand your definition

of the present moment. Ask yourself, who are you within this moment? Are
you limited to what you see in front of you, or do you hold within your
consciousness a vast repertoire of possibilities you can activate at any
second? Do you hold within you maps of consciousness that point to
infinite locations and states you can access at will? Do you feel your
past (in this life and others) is inaccessible or do you feel connected
to these past aspects and even assisted and supported by them? Are you
able to travel through the doorway of your imagination to visit your
future and learn what you're creating in order to fine-tune your present

Steps to Expanding Your Present Moment

A first step to expanding your definition of the present moment is to

examine your present beliefs about who you are. If you believe you're a
vast, multidimensional being of infinite capabilities, you're well on
your way to expanding your present moment. If, however, you believe your
present physical reality is all you have and that you're limited to the
information you've programmed into your personal CPU, your definition of
the present moment could use some stretching.

When you view the world through the eyes of spirit, it's easy to see how
each person is spirit incarnate. Spirit, with its infinite nature, has
the ability to be all places at all times. The word "omniscient" is

often used to describe this unlimited potential.
Some of you might say, "But this is the word we use to describe God."
Now we are finally getting to the root of things. Do you see God as
separate from yourself or as a part of yourself? We offer this
holographic definition: you are to the universe as a drop of water is to
the ocean. A drop of water has the same properties as the ocean. It is
holographically the same as the ocean, just as you're holographically
the same as God and with the same properties and potentials. This is a
second step in expanding your present moment -- to see God, all-that-is
- whatever word you choose to describe the infinite -- as a part of you.

You are an Omnipresent Spark of Spirit

You as an omnipresent spark of spirit have likely been incarnated

hundreds and even thousands of times. We say "likely" because some
entities in this universe incarnate only on a few occasions and for
specific purposes. Younger souls have by definition experienced fewer
incarnations than older souls. (The fact that you're reading this says
you're an older soul).

You have been incarnated in numerous timeframes throughout history, both

past and future. You may find it a stretch to contemplate the
possibility that your spirit has incarnated into future timeframes.

You are Simultaneously Incarnated throughout Time

There is no "time" in the expanded concept of the universe. All your

incarnations are occurring simultaneously in various realities. If you
had a lifetime in Egypt in 550 AD, that "you" is still alive and well in
its own energetic coordinate in the universe. Likewise, if a future
"you" is incarnated in the year 2550 on your home planet of Betelgeuse,
that being is alive and well within its own energetic timeframe.

Some incarnations are closer energetic matches to your present moment

than others. These other "yous" are creating other experiences and
understandings in their own timeframes, but they still hold various
levels of resonance to the "you" that exists in your present moment.

Your higher self is in tune with all these various incarnations
occurring simultaneously. It is by tuning in to your higher self that
you learn about these other "yous" incarnated throughout time. As you
learn about them, you can choose to visit them in consciousness. In this
way, you're able to share information, knowledge and skills.

It's by learning about and connecting with these other "yous" that you
are able to come more fully into latent talents and abilities. A Mozart
or Einstein is not created in one lifetime. True genius develops over an
arc of lifetimes and culminates in a timeframe where the individual is
able to merge with other aspects of themselves to consolidate
understandings and abilities honed throughout time.

Excerpt from
The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing
Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness
By DL Zeta

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.com/

Tags: www.celestialvision.com

Ashtar on Separation and Oneness!

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 2, 2010 at 2:25am


Ashtar addressing the July 27th

"Well, Good evening everyone; evening, emphasis
on that. We shall be discussing a very broad range of topics, and yet it
all gets down to one. We've not done quite this before. We're going
to speak quite plainly about time. We recognize time. We observe

time. Yes, we can even feel time as we read or scan your vibrations and
understand your feelings.
"An example of a message that we might get is,
let us say that you have an appointment to get to, and you leave your house
with plenty of time to get there, but you didn't realize that there was going
to be a traffic jam on the way; and there you are sitting in the traffic
"And of course there are different ways that
you can deal with it. But, underlying even your "wanding", or your ho'o
ponoponos, or whatever it is. Perhaps you call ahead on your little
portable phone and say, "I am running late, there is a traffic jam." And you
are assured that it is perfectly all right, but never the less there might be a
slight element of stress because you feel as though you're running out of
"And so you put that message out; it is not
harmful. It is simply an observation on your part, unless of course you
let it consume you. But that is a way in which we understand your responses and
your reactions to the clock ticking, and the pages of the calendar
turning. And so when we speak of, 'It is time,' this might be a bit
of confusion to you, so please understand.
"We are wanting to present everything to you
within the context of time and energy, and most specifically within the context
of you Beloved Ones, who you are, and where you are on your own timelines, that
is your own paths, and you're all on an Ascension Path, and it is up to
you, really.
"All we can do is give you some information
that can then help you to determine what it is that you want to do next.
You're always creating your next moment in your now moment by the choices you
make now. Now, there's a little bit of quantum physics in there, but
don't worry, we're not going to go there.
"Now we want to assure you that we are a group
here addressing you. You are hearing and feeling the presence of I,
Ashtar, because sometimes I seem to have the loudest voice, or the loudest
usage of the voice that I am using, and because this is after all the 'Ashtar
on the Road' program.
"But we want you to understand that more and
more the three human components of this Ashtar on the Road program, and the
wondrous volunteers who assist with the transcriptions, and the 'utubies,' and
all of the different things that they do, are really working in harmony
together with us, a group, shall we say, from the higher realms, if you want to
call it that.
"And so it is a co-creative oneness that we
have established, and this is for the ultimate, optimum service that we can
give. You see there is mission and purpose here that is not
individualized; it is very much a group co-creation. And in a sense the
directors of this group are you, Beloved Ones.
"It is you bringing your magnificent selves to
these gatherings, whether you come as an individual to discuss with I, Ashtar,
or whether you come in this magnificent Family group. There is no
disconnect ever.

"When you're on the high road we're there with
you, with your permission. And so we want you to understand that the
material that we shall be presenting tonight is not only just us speaking to
you, it is our coming together. It is our announcement to you about time,
and where the time lines are that we see for all of you, and it is about what
is happening now, because it's pretty intense.
"Even Mother Sekhmet, who is here and wishes to
make, you know a final message, perhaps encourage those of you who are inclined
to dance, even She recognizes the solemnity of this particular gathering, and
it is highly important that we discuss with you what we are seeing at this
particular time, as you measure it upon Planet Earth.
"First, in a most general sense: You
heard Truth of what's going on from Masters Tara, Rama and Beth. They're
tuning in to the truth-tellers in the news. It isn't easy sometimes,
particularly with Ed, who is much beloved, but it isn't easy sometimes to
maintain your compassionate cool when they're telling you, showing you, what's
going on.
"And then you have all of the internet.
It is literally exploding right now with the news, news of this, news of
that. You're all aware of the different kinds of things that we've been
discussing. There is a Peace movement on right now which is stronger than
it has ever been. There are messengers going to Obama who are telling him
it's time for Planet Earth to make this great shift. It's time for you to
shift gears; stop holding back; the dominos are falling; the true colors are
revealing themselves. And when we say colors we mean no disrespect to
color, we're talking dark here.
"We just simply are saying that those who have
been pulling the strings, and treating you as so many puppets, are revealing
themselves in so many ways. Beloved Ones, you have to not blink, or
you're going to miss something, some revelation, something that is news, and
astonishing to you, but not really, because we've been discussing these things
for so long, and you're all pretty clued in, even those of you who are
relatively new to this Family.
"And if you will recall the very foundations of
our teaching: Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude - sounds like
ho'o ponopono, does it not? Ancient Lemurian wisdom coming now into the
New Lemuria. You are all citizens of Lemuria, every one of you.
Some of you may have forgotten. Some of you may be more tuned into
Atlantean times, which were somewhat different in the later times and perhaps
not quite as loving. Well, Lemuria had its share of the veil being
lowered, and some human creations in the way of events and so
"As a matter of fact we're just going to give
you a little bit of advance information. On our next call we will be
discussing Lemuria, then and now, and we're going to have a slightly different
format to it, so stay tuned. If you're not on our email list, you might
like to get on. It's going to be, well we can say de-lightful, of the
Light, but it's a lot more than that.
"Anyway to continue - Lemuria and the
principles and the wisdoms of Lemuria and the ancient wisdoms from around the

world and beyond, are shining forth, and these wisdoms are based in Love and
Respect and Forgiveness, which is simply the absence of judgment, not holding
things against anybody anymore, Gratitude for having gone through the
experience, or experience the experience in order to get to the other side,
which is the wisdom of it, nothing more, and Gratitude that you've cleared it
out of your being so that you're free.
"You're free to fly. You're free to move
up, up, up. Take that crystal elevator, or however you want to do
it. See that path sparkling before you. Notice if you will, that it
goes upwards, up into the clouds if you want to see that, or perhaps up to your
very own ship, or however. But it goes up, and yet the more of your
baggage you leave, or transmute into higher vibrations, the easier it
"And when you reach that point of Ascension,
you'll realize that you're totally free of baggage, and that you have
experienced a great amount of clearing. And every time you clear a space,
what comes in to fill it? With your permission, it's more Love. It
has to be; that's the way the Universe is, because all you are is Love anyway,
and like attracts like, unless of course you want to linger in the box of
"And you're welcome to do that if you choose
to, Family. There will be other ships leaving, other
times. We Love you all, and we say to you, you are invited aboard this
great Path of Ascension. But if you choose to stop and tarry a bit along
the way, or perhaps even take some steps backward, that is all
right. You have the will, which is free on Planet Earth, to do
"No recriminations, no judgments, absence of
judgment, total Forgiveness; we're looking for you to extend that to yourselves
in order to clear and cleanse your own beings, if there's anything there to
clear and cleanse.
"Now we're going to talk some more about the
world and the Planet and where it is going. There is a lot of emphasis
upon financial abundance. And many people are finding new ways to create
financial abundance for themselves, and this is all well and good. Be
discerning. If you find something that appeals to you, and you know it's
good and high vibe, and that your Higher Self is totally for it, shall we say,
wanting you to get into it, be sure you're doing it for the right
"Consult, call in the Christ Consciousness
perspective, and then if you're drawn to it still, by all means go for
it. That is one choice. There are other choices. People are
looking at choosing whether they want to stay where they live now, or move some
place else. People are looking at choosing what groups they want to
belong to, what passions they want to engage in.
"And there is no reason for you, Beloved Ones,
as individuals, not to find like-minded people, regardless of where you're
vibrating, regardless of what it is that you're choosing to do. If you
have passion to do something which you have not started on yet, this is the
time. Remember time, ah hah, we're bringing it in

"If you're not sure how to get started on it,
you have a wealth of resources available to you, everything from, you know,
googling, and research on the internet, to going to places where there might be
like-minded people to talk with. Ask! You see this is the
thing about time, it's collapsing. When you're in high vibration, and you
call forth something that you have passion for, it comes through very
quickly. And we have discussed this before, and we have done exercises on
this before.
"If you have a passion for Peace, say so.
If you are finding that you have time, energy and motivation to put that
message outside of yourselves, then by all means do so. We've had a
couple of little programs going, and they're not little, they've been
huge. But they take little time. Those are messages to Obama,
messages to the Congress, and so on. You can go to the
"If you've forgotten which websites, then you
can email fabulous Fran and she will direct you and give you some links.
We invite you to consider participating if you have not done so before, because
it is putting energy, it is putting the Light of Love, not anger, not
recriminations or judgment, but it is putting the Light of Love even more,
directing it toward those who are open to receiving your
"For instance, let us look at the outgoing
executive from BP. He seems to be pretty clueless doesn't he? He
seems to be running his program regardless, saying what he's used to saying,
getting away with what he's used to getting away with, and just totally ego
driven, and supported by programming, which let's face it, is not very
Light. What could help him? Love, pure and simple Love.
Does that mean that you should not put some energies into helping to clean up
the mess? Of course not. Does that mean it's OK to say, 'Oh well,
you're not responsible, there were all of these factors, blame, blame, blame
"No, it is to Love him, forgive him, offer him
Gratitude for what he has shown the world, but not for what he has done.
He's taught great lessons to the World. He's waked a lot of people
up. Honor him for that, and insist that he be responsible for the
disasters that he has co-created with the other BP Executives and with the
general attitude, the general program that has been running for far too long
upon Planet Earth. Stand tall!. It's called 'tough
love.' But stand tall and say, 'You may not do this anymore. We
stand for Mother Gaia, and we stand united. Your program is cancelled,
but you, beloved human, beloved brother, we always have Love for, and
Forgiveness and Compassion, and Gratitude.
"How else do you think that the Masters
ascended? They had to offer Love even in the hours when they were being
harmed, physically harmed, or in some manner. They had to have that Love,
and yet they stood in their Truth, and spoke their Truth. That's what
makes a Master. So speak your Truth, Beloved Ones, you don't have to try
educate anyone else, you just call them forth to you, and they will come to

share with you what you know, and to most of all share your wisdom. Reach
into your hearts. Find your Lemurian self and share that. That is
most joyful. And we'll give you more material the next time we get
together, so that is delightful.
"But the Truth as it was presented already in
this program,* we will not go into a lot more details. We know that you
understand what we're saying. The Truth is as it has been spoken
with the news update, it's all happening, and that, Beloved Ones, is
creating some separation, is it not? You don't want to be doing the
same things that these ones are doing, and you don't want to be supporting
their actions, and their lies, and their maneuverings, and their political
grandstanding, or any of that.
"You want to hold yourselves in the Light, and
not get down into the same 3D box or program that they're running. And
you know that their programs are just about turned off, and you know that they
are going to have to answer for whatever they are responsible for doing.
So it is to unite in oneness with whatever they have of Love, and to share your
Love with them. 'Ho'o ponopono' if you choose the ancient Hawaiian
method. Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, it's all the
same. And we've been speaking of that all these years, and we know that
you know what those feel like.
"So in the same moment, you are separating from
their actions and from their programs, while you are coming together in oneness
with them and the all that we are, and this is Truth. And so the key to
this is just as we have been speaking. Keep yourself in the higher
vibrations, and let those ones go who don't want to, are not ready, are
resisting change, or are not ready to express in the same high vibration that
you are. But at the same time give them Love, and all that goes with
Love. Never deny or withhold your Love from anyone, but that does not
mean that you have to let them run all over you.
"We have observed the most recent centuries in
your history/herstory. There's been a lot of enslavement, outright
enslavement, even in the countries of North America. There has been
enslavement and slavery brought to the country, outright slavery and then
enslavement of a more subtle kind, yes, even in the United States of America,
the land of the free.
"Well, just get in touch with any women who
literally fought, and in some cases gave their lives so that women could have
the vote. Just get in touch. The good news is the women are leading
the way to Peace on Earth. And it's not just the woman in the woman's
body, it is all humans who are allowing the feminine voices of Compassion and
Peace to speak through them, to express through them.
"The shift is happening. The energies are
supportive. And even though you might feel as though things are a little
bit chaotic, and you've got a few more ascensionitis symptoms, and so on, and
so on, get ready for the Lion's Gate. You all want to go through that
gate, every one of you does, because you're on the Ascension Path, and because
that gate will give you a marvelous boost, simply by entering into it and
walking through, or flying through, however you choose to see

"That is on the wondrous day of 8/8 by the
way. That's official, but guess what? Mother Sekhmet is happy to
announce that she's already there, and she's swinging that gate open for those
who want to come through even now. Remember, there's no time in the
higher dimensionality, so that's an easy and simple explanation of how it
"So, we have been discussing the world, and we
have explained how it is possible to be experience separation and oneness all
at one time, or in the now moment. Oh yes, that's another
component. It needs to be in the now moment, if you're going to
acknowledge the two of them occurring simultaneously within your energy fields,
it is the now moment, which creates the next now moment, and so
"If you want to stay grounded in the higher
dimensions, well that's almost an oxymoron is it not, but if you want to stay
grounded in the higher dimensions it's to do it in the now moment, and thus you
are literally, shall we say, forming the habit of being there. And this
Beloved Ones, is the goal.
"Some of you have been with this particular
Voice for a fair number of years. We will count. Ah we see it as
over six, and so you know what we have been discussing all of these years, and
you know we have been telling you the Truth of who you really are, and we have
been doing some State of the Earth reports and some wondrous exercises for
Peace upon the Planet, and to facilitate Ascension for everyone, and
specifically for your own radiant selves.
"And we shall have an exercise. But now
we want to bring this discussion home to each and every one of you, and this is
what we say. And this is the information that we have for you. We
understand that on a personal level, even though you're wanting to live in, you
know, 5D and higher, Christ Consciousness, and fly with the Masters, and the
Angels, and your Guides, you still have a part of you that is part of
"You have an energy in 3D. Why?
Because you're not quite finished with it. You are the Light that is
bringing the higher dimensional Truth into what there is of 3D. You are
giving 3D permission to be vacated by all who desire to live in higher
dimensionality, you're bridges, you're number one monkeys, as in the hundredth
monkey syndrome, however you want to see yourselves, beautiful, beautiful,
beings. See yourselves as radiant beings. See yourselves as Lights,
lighting the path. And, yes, you may be experiencing some, what you call,
pangs of separation from individuals or from groups, with whom you have shared
many happy moments, many exchanges of passion and Joy. It is all
"If you no longer resonate with someone, let
them go. Love them, Love them, Love them, and speak your Truth, 'You know
we've been together for twenty years; we just don't seem to have anything in
common.' Invite them to travel with you upon your path. Many, many,
times the Guides that they carry with them in their own entourage of energy
fields are tapping them on the shoulder, or ringing bells, or doing everything
they can to get their attention, but they simply are not

"So acknowledge them and honor them for where
they are. Love them and appreciate them, but if they present any kind of
a weight to you Beloved Ones, then let go of whatever mission you feel that you
have with them. It might help you to know that in many, many, many, the
majority of cases, they are there to get you to stand in your own courage and
speak your Truth and go on your high road. And the delicious, delightful,
thing about it is they might, once they know that you have had the courage to
go into flight, they might very well come along, or catch up with you at a
little later date on your calendar.
"So be not afraid to stand tall in your
courage, and even if you are finding it necessary to let go, perhaps,
a J-O-B, job, perhaps a house that you have lived in, perhaps a person who
has been a big part of your life, and this does not mean that you will not be
in communication with them, it simply means that you quit trying to force
yourself into their box of mission. That you stand tall and do your own,
what you have passion for, and you can still be friends, and you can still send
them Love, beaming them Love in every moment that they come into your mind, the
choice is yours. And it is not always easy, but nevertheless it is a
choice that every Ascension-bound human must make if there is any such
situation, or being, who might keep the Ascension-bound one from reaching their
own goal.

"Now we say this, and now we're going to say,

'Remember, We Are All One, anyway.' So you honor anyone, or any situation
that you are clearing yourself from, by remembering and honoring the oneness
and the connections, by carrying in your heart loving pictures and images of
those beings. We have asked you to extend this to the world, and to those
in the world who have been running some programs which have been enslaving, and
perhaps have been treating you as some kind of 'sheeple.'
"Well, you are standing tall now, and you're
beaming bright. You don't need to stay in any kind of lower
vibration. And so we're going to do an exercise tonight of coming
together in Oneness, and in honoring, at the same time, whatever there is to
let go of. We trust that we have given you ample explanation of what this
looks like. We are not here to inspire any kind of fear or upset in any
of you, but rather to have you understand that you have made a choice, and
it is brilliant, and that you are here to help the
"And by standing tall and making your choices,
and expressing them in some manner, telepathically or otherwise, you are
providing inspiration for others to do the same, to let go, to get out of that
tar pit, or whatever it is that they themselves need to do. We have
always acknowledged you, Beloved Ones, as leaders, leaders with Hearts of
courage, courageous Hearts, brave Hearts, loving Hearts. And so we tell
you now, just feel the energies of Love. You've come so far, you have a
way to go, and we honor you in your choices, and on whatever path you choose
for yourself, we're there. We're there with you in loving
"And so I, Ashtar have, what you might say,

said what we came to say this evening in the way of messages, congratulations,
and a bit of a look at the timeline which is now. You have no doubt seen
other messages or heard other messages from other beings, be they presenting
themselves as messages from their higher self coming through their human voices
or whether they are the channeled messages from beyond the human, but coming to
you through human voice or human writing. No, this is not a new topic for
you. We are merely wanting to take away whatever doubts you may have
had, whatever fears you may have had. It is time to let your egos take a
break and take a rest. And it is time to re-commit or to stay upon
the bright path that you have chosen and it is time to let go of whatever
does not serve you as far as your feelings or emotions or your egos would get
involved. It is rather to see it all with appreciation and Love and to
send only loving messages to everyone and to every kingdom upon planet Earth
and the universe beyond.
"And so it is. We shall have a special
loving light being come and be in voice and service to you, to all of us, so
that we may do this exercise with absolute clarity, with absolute
understanding, and of course with absolute Love. And so it is, Beloved
Ones. I, Ashtar, thank you, all who are here, each and every one of you
as individuals, and collectively as Family. We are turning a new page
together. We are going up even higher in vibration and we are putting out
even more Love Light to the planet and the universe beyond.
"And so I, Ashtar, say to you, 'Thank you and
* by Tara, Rama & Beth before Elise's
Given through Susan Leland, July 27,
www.AshtarontheRoad.com © Ashtar on the Road Publications 2010. All
rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed
freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is
altered or deleted.


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 4, 2010 at 7:35pm


Happiness is like a butterfly. When you run after it, it flies away from youand if you sit
quietly it alights upon you.

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. That is
happiness: to be dissolved into something complete and great.

He who depends on himself will attain the greatest happiness.

Happiness is a virtue, not its reward.

The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to
hope for.

Happiness is: Looking in a mirror and liking what you see.

Happiness is not a possession to be prized, it is a quality of thought, a state of


Happiness is not an ideal of reason, but of imagination.

Happiness belongs to the self-sufficient.

Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to yourself and

Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination.

Happiness is a Swedish sunset - it is there for all, but most of us look the other way and lose

Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on.

Nature Harmony



Michael Worldwide Newsletter - August 4,

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 5, 2010 at 12:14am

Michael Worldwide Newsletter - August 4, 2010

Love spoken here! - "Worldwide Abundance...Day"

What does your heart ache for that you do not already have? What is it you wish to become
that you are not already? Whatever you desire - it is
already yours. Now widen your vision so that you can see that what I say
is God's Truth. Heavenletter # 167

To me every hour of the light and dark is a miracle.

Every cubic inch of space is a miracle.
-- Walt Whitman


1) Galactic Federation UPDATE

2) Saul: You Are Getting Extremely Tired of Satisfying Your Illusion’s Energy Demands
3) Heavenletter - # 3539
4) Healing Laughter
5) Click here...

1) Galactic Federation UPDATE

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
8 Pop, 2 Oc, 7 Ik
Aug 3, 2010

"Everywhere on Mother Earth a great

Light is spreading. This heavenly Light is the true Light of the world! A
dark burden is being lifted from you, and joy and everlasting
prosperity is now your reality!"

Selamat Jarin!

We return with more information. At present, you are in a kind of

'settling' period. The remnants of the dark's power are fading, and as a
result your realm wallows in a sort of limbo. Our Earth allies are not
yet finished with the process that is to bring on the downfall of the
dark cabalists, but be assured that they cannot stop what is now well
underway. Once these historic momentums have reached their goal, the
announcements and deliveries will proceed immediately. Pursuant to this,
we have alerted our liaisons and our flight crews to watch closely and
assist this stage to its forgone conclusion. We are also asking our
crews to help Mother Earth as she prepares for the next phase of her
transformation from a limited-conscious state back to her original 5-D
one, so be prepared for another increase in earthquakes and volcanic
eruptions. Two of her major tectonic plates are already in virtual
'locked in' mode, with more of such preparatory measures to follow
imminently. Your atmosphere is likewise preparing for a huge increase in
oxygen content, in anticipation of the needs of her new ecosystem.

The new ecosystem will be a far cry from your present one: during the
Great Dying of the late Permian and early Triassic periods, Earth's
ecosystem changed from one which supported countless reptiles and
amphibians to one that saw the dinosaurs rise to dominance. The upcoming
change will be similar in degree and will be about consciousness. Wild
animals will become able to interact directly with Mother Earth, which
is the state of play prevailing in Inner Earth. The atmosphere is to be
purified and a much more life enhancing one will form out of the
cleansing violence that will accompany the surface reconfiguration. The
new realm will contain new types of trees, plants, and animals, and
Mother Earth is to evolve new, higher-level colors, sounds, and smells.
These heightened qualities generate Love, and are designed to create an
environment that breeds happiness and secures an ample abundance for all
the flora, fauna, and Beings that are to inhabit this new ecosystem.

The new Earth is a magical place! The ancient myths of the Pacific
islanders talk about Lemuria as a place where picked fruit grew back
swiftly, and where animals and people could be described as belonging
more to the realms of 'spirit' than stuck in the purely physical state
as they are at present. Endless tales are handed down of miraculous
deeds and of the strange and beauteous world they inhabited. This is

once again to be the future of Mother Earth. It is to be a place of
exquisite beauty, where colors, scents, and even the 'taste' of the air
will be like Heaven. The same will be true for Inner Earth. Eons ago,
this magnificent planet took on a mantle of deep shadow to facilitate
the establishment of an environment that resembled that of the dark
empires that surrounded your solar system. A chronicle of events was to
be played out which is now coming to its natural conclusion, in which
you fell into limited consciousness by shutting down most of your
RNA/DNA. This strange saga is now in reverse mode, and you and Mother
Earth are returning to your natural, pre-fall states.

This current realm is something of an oddity. When you look around your
galaxy and see stars and dust clouds and other amazing phenomena, you
are looking through the prism that is your particular reality. This
'colors' everything into the shapes, sizes, and qualities that make up
your definition of 'real'. In truth, the galaxy is composed of multiple
realities operating on a basis of mutual attraction. The key concept
here is 'realities'. Your science is defined by what is 'physical' in
your reality, and many other realities in this galaxy possess similar
styles of reality. Many others do not, and it is these 'realities' and
the way they impinge on one another that create the huge array of
anomalies that stun your scientists. Now, new paradigms are being
proposed and we welcome this accommodation. It gives you a foundation
upon which to study what is truly going on in your galaxy. This is why
our craft seem so strange to you, as they are from a higher reality and
are designed to move easily between realms.

'Reality' seems a simple concept to you but in fact is quite

complicated, with definitions that are never-ending. Each set of
realities is formed from a unique series of conceptions that we
encounter on a regular basis. We are describing these things to you to
help prepare you for full consciousness. In this very special state, you
will be able to experience these myriad realities simultaneously. What
you do is focus on where you need to be, and whoosh! You are there,
immediately, immersed in the particular reality you have chosen. This is
how we get from our home worlds to this solar system and your beautiful
Mother Earth. Everything to us is reachable and doable. This Creation
is gently unfolding, and our task is to help it do so as gracefully and
easily as possible. First contact is part of this process, and what is
to unfold now is a series of events that is to lead you quickly back to
full consciousness.

How the return to full consciousness is to be carried out can sound

hazardous to the uninitiated. The dark's minions have noticed what is
going on within you and have set up a variety of ways to prevent, or at
least delay, this rise in consciousness from taking place. All this has
failed. They have also had to accept that their strategies for reducing
your global population and completing their enslavement of you have
begun to peter out. There is a divine agenda that is addressing the
dangers of this reality, and this has somewhat lessened the consequences

of these dark onslaughts. The result is a stunning defeat for the dark
cabal. Its power is greatly dwindling as many nations, private
organizations, and powerful individuals turn toward the Light's agenda.
This growing support for the Light is close to being made public, and
this is when manifesting the new reality can go into high gear.

The dark cabal sees all this and wants to find a magical way out, but
its dilemma is not going away and is, in fact, growing. As your globe
approaches a critical mass, the numbers needed to trigger the changes
get larger by the hour, which means that our Earth allies' covert
operations are about to bear fruit. The constitutional illegality of the
major western nations is feeding scandals that are seeping through
Europe and America. The very nature of these governments serves to
support special interests that fly in the face of the principles laid
down many centuries ago. New governance truly dedicated to the people's
welfare is desperately needed and forms part of the sweeping agenda of
our Earth allies. These new governments are a prime component of the
next stage of your journey to galactic society.

As you move toward galactic society and full consciousness, you are
fulfilling a destiny that was given to you by the divine plan. This plan
placed most of you within a 13-millennia-long karmic cycle. You have
been into the very heart of darkness and back! You now stand on the cusp
of great revelations, and we have come to share your journey's end. We
come with advice and knowledge, and to restore the memories that will
make you fully conscious citizens of this galaxy. In this capacity you
are to use your wondrous talents to complete a permanent galactic peace
and to spread throughout physicality the great Light that each of you
holds. Yours is the task of dispersing a great joy throughout galactic

Today, we continued to share information about what is happening around

you. Everywhere on Mother Earth a great Light is spreading. This
heavenly Light is the true Light of the world! A dark burden is being
lifted from you, and joy and everlasting prosperity is now your reality!
Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and
never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat
Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El

Dorado Hills, California 95762 USA Voicemail: 808-573-3110 | E-mail:
info@paoweb.com | Website address: www.paoweb.com

2) Saul: You Are Getting Extremely Tired of Satisfying Your Illusion’s Energy Demands
08/01/2010 by John Smallman

Saul speaks

All is moving forward, just as planned, to bring humanity home to its natural state of full
consciousness. The time for being lost in your

make-believe reality is drawing to a close; you have spent more than
enough time there experiencing confusion and suffering, and you are
beginning to become aware of the wake-up call your Father has been
sending you since you first decided to go there to play.

Your awakening is inevitable because it is the divine Will — and yours —

that you return to Reality, and to the eternal joy that it bestows in
every moment of your existence. To build your illusion and remain within
it requires enormous amounts of your energy, and you are getting
extremely tired of satisfying those constant energy demands. Your
attitudes are changing, and you no longer wish to support those demands.
The very thoughts you have been thinking to maintain the illusion are
decreasing in intensity moment by moment, and its foundations are
crumbling because without your constant intent to maintain it, it cannot
So many of you are now intending to return Home that the thick fog or
heavy veil of the illusion, which has hidden Heaven from you, has become
far less dense, and is indeed starting to dissolve. Keep holding and
intensifying that intention because the illusion cannot much longer
withstand the continuous bombardment of Love and forgiveness it creates.

Love is the divine energy that drives Creation. It is infinitely

powerful, divinely directed, and eternally flowing. You, with your free
will, have chosen for eons to block and obstruct Its flow, thinking that
you did not need It and could live without It, independent of It, and
thus prove how mighty and powerful you were as sentient entities
separate from God. But, as you have been told many times, separation
from God is imposssible because all is contained within Him — there is
no other place. You just dreamed up an imaginary, alternate, and totally
inadequate environment from which you attempted to exlude your Father
and His eternal Love. And, of course, it just has not worked. Without
Love there is nothing, and deep within yourselves each one of you knows
this. Even to imagine such a situation is terrifying in the extreme, and
so you have tried to hide or disown that fear while you played within
the illusion.

Nevertheless, you cannot remain unaware of the intense anxiety that this
triggers within you for more than a few moments at a time. And that
anxiety is truly a great blessing because it prevents you from becoming
wholly lost and disoriented in your illusion, and ensures that you seek
and eventually find your way out so that you can return Home.

Once you recognize the reason for your almost constant state of anxiety —
the fact that without God there is nothing — it becomes patently
obvious that since you do exist (you are aware of thoughts, feelings,
and sensations that confirm this for you), God must also exist — Who
else could have created you? And His Love embraces you always in
everlasting acceptance of your divine beauty and perfection. You truly
know that you are completely safe, divinely cherished, and furthermore,
are soon to awaken from your inadequate, unappealing, and inappropriate

dream of abandonment into the brilliance of your heavenly Home.

With so very much love, Saul.

3) Heavenletter - # 3539

Heavenletters™, bringing earth closer to Heaven.

God is always bringing us closer to Him

HEAVEN #3539, August 3, 2010

A Mind Made Up

God said:

Because you are good and caring doesn't mean that you have to waste your
breath. In the relative world, people may consider what you have to say
according to its value or their value of you. Too often, it happens
that your pearls of wisdom are seemingly tossed away. You may be
absolutely right, and still your wisdom is tossed away as if it were
nothing at all.

You may even state the obvious. It is as if you point out a misspelling.
The person you point the misspelling out to says: "I like the way I
spell this word. It feels right to me." You could bring in the
dictionary, and the person wouldn't want to concede because he likes to
do things the way he does them. What is this?

You want to help your child or a friend. They may even have asked for
your advice. And you give it. You mean to make their life go more
smoothly, or even save them grief. Let's face it, they want to do it
their way, which is often the hard way. They want to do it their way, as
if something about their way is sacred. They will hang on to their way
for dear life. The fact is they don't want to hear what you have to say.
They like their misspellings. You could be a thousand per cent right,
and still, they like their misspellings.

And you who are nodding your head right now and perhaps clucking with
your tongue, do you not also have a soft spot in your heart for your

You say you are listening to your heart. I say you may be holding onto
an idea in your head. You're protecting your infallibility. You will
accept praise with alacrity, but not advice, even when you invited it.
You have your mind made up. Your mind made up is a closed mind, dear
ones. Sometimes it has happened that you don't even listen to your own
sage advice.

It is like you want to go to San Francisco in a hurry, and a truck

driver marks on a map for you the route he takes twice a month, and then

you say to yourself: "But I like it this other way."

Of course, you are free to go to San Francisco by any route you like and
be late, and yet why did you ask the truck driver for his advice?

You have free choice to listen or not listen. You have the choice to waste someone else's time
and your own or not.

Perhaps you could kindly make clear in advance that you would like to
know what is good about the decision you have already made.

On the other hand, if you do honestly want to learn something, and the
free advice asked for and given isn't what you like, if you are sincere,
you can ask questions like: "Why do you suggest this? How do you see
the two different scenarios? What outcome do you see ...?"
When you ask for more information, whatever you decide, you have honored the person who
honored you.

If you are the advice-giver, and your advice is true, and the other
person doesn't listen, can't or won't, who has the difficulty, beloveds?
It is not the other person's difficulty. It is yours.

Value yourself as much as you value the person who has asked for your
input and whom you have wanted to help. You are worth the time you give
away to someone else. Make good use of your time. If you are repeatedly
asked for your assessment, and your response is repeatedly glossed over,
then it's time you gave yourself some good advice.

We love to have new readers come to HeavenLetters through you.

Gloria writes: What Heavenletter comes up for you

today? It's kind of like I Ching! If you haven't tried this yet, click at my website. What
message was yours today?

www.heavenletters.org and www.godwriting.org


4) Healing Laughter

“Time spent laughing is time spent with the Gods.”

~Japanese Proverb
***Laughter is the mortar of the House of Joy!
~ Kryon

***Smile))) It gives your face something to do...!

If all you did was just look for things to appreciate you would live a joyous, spectacular life.
~ Abraham-Hicks

"A little nonsense now and then, is cherished by the wisest men."
-Roald Dahl

Proofreading is a dying art, wouldn't you say?

Man Kills Self Before Shooting Wife and Daughter

**This one I caught in the SGV Tribune the other day and called the
Editorial Room and asked who wrote this. It took two or three readings
before the editor realized that what he was reading was impossible!!!
They put in a correction the next day.

Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says

Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers

**Now that's taking things a bit far!

5) Click here...

Retirement Funds? - Highly recommended by everyone who sees these videos!!

http://GoldenOpportunity.124online.com ***Take or make the time to view these short

Body Magic? SEE 92 year old Granny's 'frozen' shoulder 'unfreeze'

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IF you are eager to buy any Amega product for yourself or a family member, or friend, DO

The WAND is listed under "Amized Fusion" products...IT looks like a pen.
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It is a very simple process to 'Enroll' or to 'Purchase' amazing Zero-Point Field Energy Amega
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Instruct everyone to go to your website and click on Enroll then follow the simple steps.

In Step One they are asked to chose a name for their business and enter
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Those folks wishing to place orders in the USA or Canada can certainly call me if they run
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Pope Mcelvy: TEL: 828-505-0421

Let me know if you have any problem?

Russ Michael WEBSITE: www.eamega.com/MagicWandTouch

Bless us all. I am Russ Michael - AGE-REVESAL@AON.AT

'Collective' Lightworker meditation IMAGE events Registration: www.100-Groups.net

***SEE UPDATES...of ongoing 100-Groups events here also!! - www.100-Groups.net

May the Heavens open and pour down a great divine flow of Light, Love
and Power into your life--into the lives of your loved ones--and into
your work. So be it...and it is so. All is well. I am Russ Michael.
***LOOKING for a RELIABLE psychic READER...?

Our very talented team eBook Editor--Pamela Leach--is also an excellent psychic!
www.pamramadama.com - pamramadama@earthlink.net (***Spiritual Quality - Psychic

Julie wrote

P.S. thanks for the tip about Pam Leach -- I had a reading with her. It was delightful
connecting with her, and she was very generous with her
time, went about a half-hour over the expected time, for no extra
charge. I have had LOTS of readings throughout the years, and I have
never had an intuitive do that before--they normally charge for every
minute, and lots more than Pam does!

Anne-Marie Cook wrote

P.S. Your psychic lterary person (Pamela Leach--see above) is so GREAT.

We made an instant connection and I chose to pay her $100 instead of the
measly $40 she is asking - so for the rest of your list - grab her
while she's still selling herself short!!!

Absolute magic happened after that - but - too much blah blah for right now - more later...

***Keep your focus on what is coming that will lift you up! -- SaLuSa
(***Own your own Amega WAND--smile and 'put on' a lovely New Face)
"Do not ask God to Guide your Footsteps if you are not willing to move your Feet."


Lightworker Report for August 4
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 5, 2010 at 12:18am

Love, dear Lightworkers of the
Today, we find our Galactic Family of Light mastering oppression in these last few days
before completion as they lead the world out of confusion into a new

The Higher Self I-Ching reading today is Mastering

 Distress is drawing to an end!

The supporting oracle today is Before Completion.

 Leading the world out of confusion and into a new order!

We see from this reading, dear Lightworker Family, that our Galactic Allies have once
again run into some opposition but we are told they are mastering the situation and that
problem will soon be corrected.

The solution? It is for us, dear Lightworkers, to become more magnificent than ever before
and to shine like a brilliant Sun over the Earth lifting Gaia and all life on Earth to Love!

Our Ongoing Meditation:

Imagine your Higher Self as a radiant Golden Star slightly above your head:

With each In Breath:

 Fill yourself with the Perfect Love from your Higher
Self and
spiral the Love counter-clockwise through your
spine to Gaia at the center of the

With each Out Breath:

 See the Love radiating out from Gaia throughout the Earth, lifting all life on Earth to
 At the same time, feel the Love from Gaia spiraling clockwise up your spine,
radiating throughout your body in gratitude to your Higher Self.

Whenever you have time, repeat to yourself, with deep feeling:

 I Am the Perfect Love of


 I Am lifting Gaia and all life on Earth to Love

 I Am blessing Gaia and all Life on Earth
 I am healing Gaia and all life on Earth

We are All One. I Love You,

Wisdom Paradise

Higher Self Master Guide

Fort Lauderdale, Florida


Lightworker Central

Our Love ripples through the Ocean of Consciousness which is our world.

Let your Light Shine!


Sacral Chakra and Women
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 5, 2010 at 12:40am

Sacral Chakra and Women

June 5, 2009
I asked Yeoshua (Jesus) and Mary Magdalene the following question: I’m
wondering today about encouraging women to become more empowered. I’m
seeing connections in some of the readings I give women about their

abdomen/sexual organs/digestive system and the sacral chakra. Can you
provide more information on that?

Chakra Empowerments

YEOSHUA: Yes, of course. If you have not studied chakras, I suggest you do so. This is an
amazing explanation of the human body and allows you a way to directly influence the
energies in your own body. It is
like a control panel to your brain and your body. You can manipulate
unseen energies by invoking these colors and imagery around your
chakras. We are speaking here of the 7 chakras but there are many chakra
systems and you are not limited to just one. Today, we will be
discussing the 7 chakra system.

There is the sacral chakra just above your root chakra and it is colored bright orange. Now,
when women have kids, this chakra dips or fades a bit. It is important to strengthen this
chakra after you have
had children. Your children absorb this energy when they are in the womb
and then take that energy with them when they are born. Women get into a
habit of giving their children this type of energy even after they are
out of the womb. This is OK. It is all part of the natural process of

But after a certain amount of time goes by and the child feels settled in the world, this drain
on the sacral chakra needs to stop. You may gently do this by visualizing the child’s own
connection to mother
earth and opening up their chakras first. Then you may cut cords between
you and your child through your sacral chakra. I suggest you only do
this after the child has reached the age of 2. Up until this point, your
child identifies the mother by their sacral energy and it will confuse
them if you cut this cord sooner than 2 years of age. After that, it is

After you have cut the cords of your sacral chakra with your child or children, it is important
to then take care of this chakra. You should infuse it with orange light every time you meditate
for a year
afterward. The drain on this energy channel is tremendous when women
have children. You need to get this energy back to return to your power
as a woman and to upgrade your hormones to return to optimal sexual
functioning. Many women find that their libido drops tremendously after
children and this is true for men too but I’ll get to them in a minute.

To energize your libido, send orange energy to this chakra and clear out any old dark energy
residue left over from childbirthing. Men, too, feel a drop in the energy of their sacral chakra
as a part of this
energy is devoted to their children as well but their energy bounces
back much more quickly than a woman’s. This is good to know. If men have
found that their energy in this region has not bounced back
sufficiently, then send orange energy to this spot during meditation and
clear any energy that is blocking it.

MELINDA’S FOLLOW-UP QUESTION: What other ways can we infuse this chakra with
energy and vitality?

YEOSHUA: Drink orange juice and eat orange fruit. The vitality in these foods supports the
reintegration of orange energy into that energy channel. Also, carry an orange stone in your
pocket and every time you
feel it, send that orange color to your chakra.

Add oranges to your diet...

MARY MAGDALENE: I agree with Yeoshua on these points. This is so critical for women to
do these practices. It is the first step in regaining our power. Our ancestors knew these things
and we have
forgotten. It is time to remember and reclaim our rightful place next to
men, equal to men, and yet different than men. Women have natural
abilities that complement men. We are not meant to compete with natural
male abilities. We bring our own special powers to the table and it is
important to remember this.

I have some herbal remedies to help with this chakra as well. You may grate orange rind and
smooth it onto your lower abdomen temporarily staining your skin orange. This is an
excellent way to get your mind to
place this color in this region. It helps strengthen your visual imagery
of this area. You may also rub orange oil in this area. You can buy
this at any whole foods store or online. It has powerful revitalization
energy and will help you in and out of bed, if you know what I mean.
Have your lover spread this orange oil on your lower abdomen to further
raise and honor the energies found in this region. It can be fun and
healing at the same time.

I am hopeful that remedies and practices like these around childbirth will help raise awareness
of how childbirth affects women’s bodies. It is a powerful female life event and it needs to be
respected and
honored. And women’s bodies need to be treated for a year or two
afterwards to truly restore them to their optimal balance. This is just
one way to do this by honoring the sacral chakra. There will be more
blog posts on this issue so check back.

Light Beings for The Goddess


The Power of Emptiness...

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 7, 2010 at 3:40pm

The Power of Emptiness...

The "void" or " psychological emptiness" is a strange

It appears spontaneously, in the pause between two
As the old thought ends its course and disappears,
Its end is the gate, natural silence ensues.

Insist in being with it, as much as you can,

The mind is completely silent, we are attentive – a clear
All meanings, boundaries disappear – us and the Infinite
are "One";
Practically, we have a new mind – always fresh.

Being in the pause – I become infinite!

It separates two worlds. I leave the limited world
And enter Boundlessness, through total melting;
The whole being is calm – a constant sparkle.

There is no time, no space – just everlasting Eternity;

I move in direct contact with life, in a permanent present.
I am Pure Energy, without motivations,
The simplicity of existence integrates us completely.

We really encounter Life only through this "now",

Free from the old, we are able to embrace the new.
All this beauty vanishes, when another thought appears,
It comes from the knowing mind – an old recording.

Let it play its game, do not oppose any resistance,

Encounter it as it is, without any purpose,
It will certainly disappear, and "emptiness" ensues again,
Another opportunity to encounter it practically.

We find the real meaning of Life through this "void",
It is a boundary line between the two worlds:
On the one side the limited, where the "ego" is the
On the other, the Infinite, where Love is the master.

Emptiness also separates Light from the darkness,

The permanent chaos through struggle, contradictions and
From the harmonious being, equilibrium and joy;
The whole egocentrism perishes, by encountering the

Peace, divine order becomes our nature

It changes our way of being, without effort or will,
Only through this psychological void, we become honest
and humane,
The Purity of the Energy – makes titans out of pigmies .

Let this "psychological emptiness" be your guide,

In everything you encounter on your spiritual path.
If it is not the starting point, we easily get deceived,
Only through emptiness – we become Love!

.........Elijah Crow


İnsanın Fizyobiyolojik Değişimi

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 7, 2010 at 6:11pm

Didem Çivici

İnsanın Fizyobiyolojik Değişimi
İklim değişiyor; gezegenimiz değişiyor; DNA yapılarımız değişiyor; biz
değişiyoruz! Değişim; son birkaç senedir belki de en çok
işittiğimiz ve tartıştığımız kelime.
Her birey kendi içinde hissettiği gibi, "dışında" gördüğü dünyada da
değişimlerin farkında artık. Öyle ki, bilimsel açıklamalarla
desteklenen DNA değişimleri de bunun "somut" kanıtlarından biri
olarak görülüyor. Şu bir gerçek ki, "değişiyoruz!". En
küçük yapı birimlerimiz değişiyor; mikro makroya yansıyor ve bu
değişimi tüm kainatta seyretmeye hazırlanıyoruz!

yapılarımız, şimdiye kadar bilinen 2 sarmallı karbon bazlı
yapıdan 1.024 sarmallı kristal yapıya dönüşmekte. Bu
değişimin hissedilen ve tahmin edilen nedeni ise, geçmekte
olduğumuz boyuta ayak uydurmak diyebiliriz. Elbette ki bu
değişimi kucaklayanlar sadece biz insanlar değiliz; bizimle
birlikte diğer tüm canlılar; hayvanlar, bitkiler, gezegenimizin
yapısı da değişmekte. "Kıyamet" diye anılan sürecin başladığı
buradan da anlaşılıyor sanıyorum; değişim...
Bilinçli ya da değil, her birimiz bu sürece tanık olmaktayız. Çoğunlukla doktor
ya da benzeri şahıslara başvurulduğu taktirde sorun ya da çözüm
bulunamaz. DNA değişimleri, canlılar üzerinde farklı şekillerde
tepkimelere yol açmakta:
• Grip, soğuk algınlığı şeklinde tepkimeler (ateş, kemik ağrıları, terleme vb.
Ancak ilaçlara yanıt vermezler.)
• Migren ağrıları;
• Nasal akıntılar;
• Baş dönmesi;
• Kulaklarda çınlama;
• Kalp çarpıntıları;
• Tüm bedenin titreşmesi-özellikle geceleri vücudun dinlencesi sırasında;
• Yoğun kas spazmları-boyun ve bel ağrıları;
• Kol, el, ayak ve bacaklarda sızlama ve karıncalanma;
• Kas gücünde kayıp-dolaşım sistemindeki değişiklikler nedeniyle ellerde;
• Sıklıkla nefes güçlüğü;
• Bağışıklık sisteminde değişimler;
• Lenf sistemi değişimleri;
• Çok çabuk yorgun düşme, nedensiz yorgunluk;
• Normalden daha fazla uyuma ihtiyacı-uykuda düzensizlik; yoğun şekilde rüya
• Tırnak ve saçların daha hızlı uzaması;
• Nedensiz yere depresif hal;

• Geçmişi ve kendini sorgulamaların yoğunlaşması;
• Geniş çaplı arınma isteği duyma;
• Tansiyon, sinir ve yüksek stres hali-bu durum çoğunlukla olmakta olan değişimi
anlamlandıramamaktan dolayı kaynaklanır.
• Sebepsiz şekilde ağlamak- bedenimizde oluşan enerjisel değişimler,
hormonal yapımızı değişime zorlar ve etkiler. Bunun sonucunda
tepkime ağlamak olarak kendisini gösterir. Böyle anlarda en
rahatlatıcı davranış kendini enerjinin akışına teslim etmek ve
kainatla birleşmektir.

bu değişimlerin hepsi DNA ile birlikte Evrensel değişimi, yani
"İçsel" değişimlerimizi yansıtıyor. Dünyamızın elektromanyetik
alanlarında oluşan değişimler, bedenimizin kutup ve
meridyenlerindeki farklılaşmalarla eş zamanlı ve aynı. Farkında
olduğumuz bu değişimleri farklı şekillerde okuyabiliyoruz. Maya
takvimine baktığımızda enerji atılımlarının kendisini yoğun bir
şekilde göstererek takvimin sonuna doğru yaklaştığını görürken,
Foton Kuşağı dalgalarının adeta birer atom bombası gücünde
gezegenimizi salınımlara teslim ettiğine tanık oluyoruz. Aslında
değişen "BİZ"iz, ve tabii ki kainattaki her şey!
DNA değişimleriyle ilgili bir röportaj yayınlanmıştı geçtiğimiz sene. Dr. Berrenda
Fox, kan testleriyle bazı insanların şu anda yeni DNA iplikleri
geliştirmiş olduklarını kanıtlamıştı. Kendisi Kaliforniya Shasta
Dağı'ndaki Avalon Tıp Kliniği'nde çalışan bir holistik
(bütüncül) tıp uygulayıcısı ve tıp doktoru. Fizyoloji ve
Naturopati üzerine doktoraları var ve Avrupa'daki eğitimi
sırasında yayınladığı çalışmaları da var. Şu anda Fox
televizyonuyla dünya dışı zeki varlıkları ve insanlık üzerinde
olan rollerinin anlaşılması amaçlı yapımlarda çalışıyor.
Bunlardan en bilineni tüm dünya televizyonlarında gösterilen
X-dosyaları adlı yapım.
Patrica Resch: Şu anda gezegenimizde olan
değişimler neler ve sizce vücutlarımız bundan nasıl etkileniyor?
Dr. Berrenda Fox: Büyük çapta değişimler var, daha önce hiç olmamış
değişimler oluyor. Genetikçilere göre söz konusu değişimler
insanlığın sudan çıktığı tarihten bu yana ilk defa
gerçekleşiyor. Birkaç sene önce Mexico City şehrinde tüm
dünyadan genetikçilerin katıldığı DNA'daki değişimler konulu bir
toplantı yapıldı. Şu anda insan bedenleri büyük bir evrimsel
değişim geçiriyor; fakat ne yazık ki henüz tam olarak neye
dönüştüğümüzü bilemiyoruz.

Resch: DNA'mız nasıl değişiyor?

Dr. Berrenda Fox: Herkesin bir çift helezonlu (Kıvrımlı) DNA'sı vardır.
Bizim şu andaki bulgularımıza göre ise oluşmaya başlayan başka
helezonlarda var. Çift helezonun içinde DNA'nın spiral şeklini
almış iki DNA kodonu var. Benim anlayabildiğim kadarıyla insan
DNA'larında 12 helezon gelişiyor. Tahminen 5 ila 20 sene önce
kadar başlamış görünen bu değişim süreci içerisinde insanlık
sürekli bir değişim içindeydi. Bu konunun bilimsel açıklaması.
Ve bu türümüzün henüz sonuçlarının ne olacağı bilinmeyen bir
değişimi. Değişimler henüz kamuoyu tarafından pek bilinmiyor
çünkü bununla ilgilenen bilim adamları söz konusu bulguların
halkı korkutacağı endişesini taşıyor. Yine de insanlar hücresel
düzeyde değişiyorlar. Ben şu anda üç DNA helezonu olan üç çocuk
üzerinde araştırmalar yapıyorum. Bu değişimleri bilen ve
hisseden aslında birçok insan var dünyada. Birçok dinde ve
kutsal kitaplarında söz konusu değişimlerin değişik yollarla
geleceğinden bundan asırlar önce zaten bahsediliyordu. Ve söz
konusu değişimler fiziksel, zihinsel ve duygusal olarak yanlış
anlaşılabilir ve korkutucu gözükebilir ve hafif rahatsızlıklar
verici olabilir olsalar da aslında tamamen olumlu değişimler.
Resch: Söz konusu üç DNA heliksine sahip çocuklar diğerlerine
göre farklı karakteristikler gösteriyorlar mı?
Dr. Berrenda Fox: Bu çocuklar yalnızca yoğun olarak bir odanın içinde
eşyaları dokunmadan hareket ettirebiliyorlar. Ve aşırı
telepatikler. Çocukları kendiniz görseydiniz bunların yarı melek
yarı süper insan olduklarını düşünürdünüz ama değiller. Fikrimce
onlar insanlığın bundan sonraki kuşaklarındaki bireylerin nasıl
olacağının zamanımızdaki örnekleri.
Patrica Resch : Sizce bu değişim hepimizin
başına gelecek mi?
Dr. Berrenda Fox: Savunma ve hormonal sistemlerimiz bu değişimlerin
gerçekleştiğine dair güçlü deliller sunuyorlar. Benim Bağışıklık
Bilimi testleri ve terapisinde çalışmam ve araştırmalar yapmamın
sebeplerinden biri de bu. Test ettiğim bazı yetişkinlerde
DNA'larındaki üçüncü kıvrım oluşmaya başlamış. Bazılarında ise
tıpkı o çocuklar gibi üç kıvrımlı DNA'ları oluşmuş ve mevcut. Bu
insanlar fiziksel bedenlerinde ve bilinçlerinde büyük
değişikliklere maruz kalıyorlar çünkü bedenin her parçası bir
bütün. Fikrimce DNA değişimleri yoluyla dünya ve üzerinde
yaşayan herkes titreşimini yükseltiyor. Ve çocuklara oranla daha
yaşlı bedenlere sahip olanlarımızdan değişimi seçenler de birçok
fiziksel değişiklik ve etkilerle yüzleşmek zorundalar.

Resch: Normal çift kodonlu DNA'larla doğmuş bedenlerdeki
değişikliğe ne sebep oluyor?

Dr. Berrenda Fox: DNA'yı değişime uğratmanın en kolayı yolu bir virüsle
etkileşimidir. Sonuç olarak virüsler her zaman zararlı değiller.
Virüsler yalnızca canlı dokularda yaşarlar. Epstein Barr ve
Herpes 6 gibi DNA virüsleri hücresel yapıda değişikliğe sebep
oluyor. HIV retro virüsü ise bir DNA virüsü değil. Bedeni
değişime uğratmaktansa,onu deyim yerindeyse yiyip bitiriyor.
DNA'daki mutasyon sürecinden geçenler ilk önce yeni bir düşünce
sistemi oluşturuyorlar veya en azından yeni bir yaşam biçimine
geçiyorlar. Dönem dönem kendilerini gerçekten hasta, yorgun ve
umutsuz hissetseler de, bu aslında bir hediye. Kendilerine beden
DNA'larının değişimi yoluyla ve sonraki kuşaklara da aktarılacak
daha hafif, daha sağlıklı bir beden yapısı oluşturma şansı
veriliyor. Ve söz konusu çocuklar gibi melekler de insanlığın
bedenen titreşimsel olarak yükseldiğini ve büyük bir değişimin
içinde olduğunun işaretleri. Ve anladığım kadarıyla, bu değişimi
tamamlamak için 2012 yılına kadar bir süreç söz konusu.
Patrica Resch: Başka hangi değişimler
Dr. Berrenda Fox: Hastalıklar olmayacak, ölmemize gerek kalmayacak. Yaşam
derslerimizi acılar çekerek değil zevk ve sevgi içinde
öğrenebilmeye başlayacağız. Eski sistemin uzaklaşması gerekiyor,
ve tabii ki o da bunu büyük bir kavga vermeden yapmıyor, bırakıp
gitmiyor. Bu yüzden tüm bu savaşlar çıkıyor; tıpta kullanılan
birçok ilaç ve tedavi tam anlamıyla işe yaramıyor ve devletler
de toplumları mutlu edebilecek düzeyde çalışamıyorlar. Birçok
eski paradigma (Ortak anlayışlar) daha uzun süre var olamayacak;
varlıklarını sürdürmek için mücadele etseler de, şüphe yok ki
değişiyorlar ve değişecekler. Bu zamanda yaşamayı seçmiş olan
bizler yepyeni bir türün müjdecileriyiz. Bu tür insan, ve aynı
zamanda Dünya'daki cenneti ortaya çıkaracak tür. Hepimiz
ustalardan ve dünya dışı varlıklardan, meleklerden farkında
olsak da olmasak da olağanüstü yardımlar alıyoruz ve içeri doğru
ilerlemeyi öğreniyoruz. Daha fazla içeri yönelebildiğimiz ve o
sessiz sesi dinleyebildiğimiz oranda, bedenimizdeki DNA
değişimlerini hızlandırıyoruz ve her şeyi yeni baştan değiştiren
bu oluşumla uyumlanıyoruz.
Resch: Bu değişimlerin bazı yan etkileri neler?
Dr. Berrenda Fox: Hücresel bir değişimlerden geçerken kendinizi bazı
zamanlar aslında bulunduğunuz yerde değilmişsiniz gibi
hissedebilirsiniz.Yorgunluk hissedebilirsiniz, çünkü
hücrelerimizi harfi harfine değiştiriyoruz ve yeni varlıklara
dönüşüyoruz. Yeni bir bebek gibi, çok daha fazla dinlenme ve
uykuya ihtiyaç duyabilirsiniz. Zihinsel karışıklıklar ve sıradan
işlere yoğunlaşmada güçlükler daha geniş bir şeye
programlandığımızdan dolayı oluşabilir. Vücudunuzda belli bir
sebebi olmayan ağrı ve sızılar sıklaşabilir. Bazı insanlar
kendileri tüm bu değişimlerden geçerken çıldırmaya başladıkları

fikrine kapılıyorlar. Ve modern bulguları tıp kurumlarına
giderek Prozac gibi ilaçlarla söz konusu semptomları yok
ettirilmeye çalışılıyorlar; çünkü ortada görünen fiziksel bir
sebep yok ve bu yüzden mental bir ruhsal çöküntü ve problem
olduğu teşhisine varılıyor. Oysa gerçek böyle değil. Klasik
tıpla uğraşan doktorlar için de bu durum zor çünkü insanın
enerji bedeni hakkında, tüm o sistem hakkında hiçbir bilgiye
sahip değiller. Tek tanıdıkları sistemin tek bir parçası olan
fiziksel beden. Çakralar hormonal sistemimizle bağlantılı
oldukları için, kadınlar hormonal değişimlerden geçecekler. Bazı
anlar sebebini bilmeden ağlayacaklar çünkü ağlamak birçok
yararlı hormonun salgılanmasına yol açıyor. Birçok kadın
menopoza daha erken yaşlarda giriyorlar çünkü tür olarak
gelişimimizde hızla değişiyoruz. Erkekler önceleri çok enerjik
ve canlı olmaya alışmışken karşılaştıkları bu yorgunluk ile
huzursuzlaşabilirler. Sezgisel taraf olan feminen, şefkat
yönlerinin dışarı çıktığını hissedebilirler. Son 20-30 yılda
sayıları artan duygusal tedavi yöntemleri yeni tedavi
tekniklerinin geliştirilmesiyle daha büyük bir hızda
artabilirler. Çünkü şu anda tür olarak kısa bir dönem içerisinde
büyük duygusal değişimler gerçekleştiriyoruz. Normal koşullarda
söz konusu işlerin yapılması evrim düzeyinde belki binlerce yıl
Resch: Siz bu tür değişimleri yoğun olarak yaşayan kişilere
nasıl davranıyorsunuz?
Dr. Berrenda Fox: Ben burada hastalıklarla değil bireylerle ilgilenen
yaklaşımı uyguluyorum. Doktor Latince de eğitimci demektir.
Gerçek bir şifacı olarak en etkili yapılabilecek şey gerekli
araçlarla bireylere kişisel güçlerini yeniden kazandırmaktan ve
olanların gerçek olduğunu onlara anlatmaktan geçiyor. Böylece
iyileşebilir ve bu süreç içinde negatif semptomlardan özgürleşme
yoluyla kurtulabilirler. İlk olarak, geleneksel olarak
yapılmayan savunma sistemi(immünoloji) testi istiyorum. Bu uzman
bir araştırma laboratuarı tarafından yapılan bir kan testi.
Bundan sonra hastayı kendim bizzat bilgilendiriyorum. Bu hastaya
kendi kendini iyileştirebilmesi için verilen bir tür değişim
haritası. Bu sebeple aslında şifayı veren burada ben değilim.
Yalnızca DNA değişimleri geçiren ve etkilerinden yakınan
hastaların bireysel şifa bulma işlemlerindeki aracım. Her
insanın içinde kan testlerine bakıp kendi vücutlarında olup
bitenin haritasını görme ve bunu oluşturan sebepleri bilinçaltı
düzeyinde yok etme gücü var. Gerçek anahtar ise bu insanın
kendini iyileştirme sürecinin sorumluluğunu üzerine alıp
alamayacağı. Kullandığım yöntemler geleneksel tıpta henüz yoğun
olarak kullanılmaya başlanmamış olanlardan bazıları. Bunlardan
ilki, hormonal sistemin DNA'daki değişimleri kabul etmesi için
kullandığım Avrupa'da öğrendiğim bir tür hormonal bez tedavisi
olan Organoterapi. Ayrıca, enerjetik bedenin üzerinde çalışmak

için Homeopati, vitamin, şifalı ot ve de soğuk lazer terapisi
kullanıyorum. Terapiler tamamen hastanın bireysel ihtiyaçlarına
göre belirleniyor. Yaptıklarımın çoğuna kendilerine eski kız ve
erkek kardeşler denebilecek ruhsal atalarımızdan öğrendim.
Bunların çoğu diğer güneş sistemlerindeki gezegenlerden bu
gezegene şimdiki değişim sürecinde yardım etmek için enkarne
olmuş varlıklar.
Resch: Yaptığınız işteki gelişimsel süreci nasıl
Dr. Berrenda Fox: İşime bir köprü veya bir halden diğerine geçiş olarak
bakıyorum. Hem bilimsel hem de artistik. Şifalandırma bir sanat
olduğu kadar bir bilimdir de. Tüm yaşamım boyunca insanları
iyileştirmek için çalışacağımı sanmıyorum çünkü inanıyorum ki
DNA'mızda değişimlerin tamamlanmasıyla hastalıklar ileride
ortadan kalkacaklar. Bizler bilinçli varlıklar olarak tüm
hastalık ve acıları önleyebileceğiz.
Evet, sanırım inkar edilebilecek hiç bir olgu yok artık; zira biz reddettikçe
gezegenimizdeki kaos ortamı sürmekte. Lakin her şeyin olması
gerektiği düzende ilerlemekte olduğunun bilincini taşıyarak, şu
an içerisinde bulunduğumuz bu "özel" dönemin enerjileri ile
bütünleşerek birlikteliğimizi doğuruyor olduğumuz "an"da VAR
OLUYORUZ. Yapılması gerekenlerden çok içsel seslerin dinleneceği
bir süreç; zira her varlık kendi yolunu kutsamakta ve
keşfetmekte artık. DNA değişimlerimizi ve yarattığı etkileri
bedenimize kabul ederek kainatın birliğini doğurmak, şu an için
toprak ve göğü birleştirecek unsur olacaktır sanıyorum; yani

Röportaj çeviri: Baran Yavuzer





Eylemle Varolmak..
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 7, 2010 at 8:26pm

Eylemle Varolmak..
Günümüzde spritüel görüş, Büyük Gerçeğe daha yakın bir gerçek olarak pek çok insan
tarafından kabul görüyor, sayısız kitap, web sitesi bu yeni bilgiyi insanlığa sunuyor. Ancak bu
insan bilincindeki bir
yükselmeye mi işaret ediyor yoksa bir terimin yerine bir başkası mı konuluyor?
Kişi spritüel bilgiyi kabul ediyor, hatta kendisi de bu konuda pek çok düşünce
üretiyor, yazılar yazıyor, konuşuyor, fakat zihniyet değişmiyor; sadece dini
bilginin yerine sprit bilgiyi koyuyor; tepkilerini bastırıyor ve değiştim,
ilerledim diyor. Oysa yaşam aynı yaşam. Dünyadan geçen pek çok peygamber, veli,
üstat insanlığı Ruhsal Gerçekler üzerine aydınlatmaya çalışmıştır. Buna rağmen,
kurulu sosyal ve kültürel düzenin, Yaratan’a, tüm yaratılmışlara ve elbet ki
insana yönelik, sevgi ve saygıya aykırı kalıplarına bilinçsiz bir uysallıkla
tabi olunduğu için yeryüzünde hiçbir şey değişmemiştir. Bugünkü duruma

baktığımızda ruhsal gerçeklik bilgilerinin de aynı akıbete uğramakta olduğunu
görüyoruz. Gerçekte tüm dinler ve ruhsal bilgiler sevgi ve saygıya, iyi ve doğru
olmaya dayalı yeni bir emek ve yeni bir bilgiye işaret ediyorlar; bu değerleri
esas alan bir yaşamı anlatıyorlar.

Ruhsal Gerçeklerin yaşanmasındaki engelin, sosyal ve kültürel düzenlerin sözünü ettiğimiz

sevgi ve saygıya, emek
ve bilgiye aykırı değerleri ve bu değerlere göre edindiğimiz alışkanlıklar,
görüşler ve ne yazık ki içi başka dışı başka, kolaycı, pasif tutumlar olduğunu
kabul edersek gerçeğe doğru bir adım atmış oluruz. Burada karşımıza yukarıda
saydığımız niteliklere aykırı olan kurallara karşı koyma yani eylem sorunu
çıkıyor. Neden gençler isyankârdır? İsyan ana babaya değil onların değerini
kaybetmiş eski kurallarına karşıdır. Hangi kurallara? Sevgiye karşı olan sevgi
üretmeyen tüm kurallara. Çünkü bizi yenileyecek olan bu karşı gelme veya
reddetme olgusudur. Bunu başardığımız takdirde dinler arasında, inançlar
arasında fark kalmaz. İnsanlığı birleştirecek enerji, bu karşı gelmenin,
reddetmenin eyleme geçirilmesinden doğar. Reddettiğimizin yerine yeni eylemi
koyduğumuzda gerçek özgürlük, gerçek bilgi ortaya çıkar.

Aslında günümüzde belki insanlığın yüzde doksanının dini aynıdır; ortak sosyal kabuller,
ortak siyasi kabuller, herkesin birbirine karşı kullandığı ortak stratejilerden
oluşan bu dinin tanrısı ne yazık ki insanın egosudur. Eylem sözcüğünü, sosyal
uysallığın, tabi olmanın karşısındaki bir hareket olarak, engellemelere rağmen
gerçekleşen davranış olarak kullanıyoruz. Yoksa kişi sabahtan akşama kadar
toplumun ona empoze ettiği sayısız eylem içindedir. Eylem, bize empoze edilen
tutum ve davranışların yerine, iradeyle ve kimi riskleri de göze alarak ruhsal
gerçekliğe uygun davranışları koymaktır. Bu bir karşı koyma ve eylem ahlakını,
spritüel ahlakı zaruri kılar.

Ruhsal Gerçekliğe uygun olan bir yaşam sürmek, dünya sorumluluklarını ruhsal gerçeklik
esaslarına göre yerine getirmek.
Ve bu ahlakın doğal sonucu olarak tüm inançlara saygılı olmak. Kimseyi
inancından vazgeçmeye açık veya örtük zorlamamak. Çağrı ortadadır. Duyan
katılır, inanan eyleme sokar. Doğruyu bilgi, iyi, güzel, emek ve sevgi ile test
etmek, keza iyi olanı, bilgi, sevgi, emek dediklerimizi iyi ile ve her birini
diğerleriyle test ettikten sonra karar vermek. Hiçbir şey bilmediğimizin
ayırdında olarak hükümsüz olmak, yargılamamak. Önünde yürünecek sonsuz bir yol
olduğunun bilincinde olmak. Hiç kimseyi ve hiçbir şeyi ayırt etmeden sevgi ve
saygı içinde olmak. Bozuk duygulardan uzak olmak. Kısaca kendi varoluş yapısına,
amacına dönük olmak, kendi yaşam kuralını kendi üretmek. Buna ‘Gerçek Özgürlük’
de diyebiliriz. Çünkü özgürlük yaratılış amacına uygunluktur.

Eylem, toplumsal ahlakın karşı kutbu olan spritüel ahlakın gereklerini yerine
getirmektir. Toplumsal ahlak, egosal psikolojiyi ve bir takım çıkar gruplarının
kazançlarını dikkate alan bir çerçeve içinde kişiyi başkalarıyla olan
ilişkilerinde sınırlar. Ego değerlerine göre oluşan toplumsal vicdan ve
toplumsal ahlak devamlı birbirlerini destekler durur. Spritüel ahlak ise bir
sevgi ahlakıdır; insanın ruhsal gücünün akıl almaz olanaklarını, varlık
nedenini, amacını ve her an Yaratan’ın gözü önünde olduğu gerçeğini dikkate
alarak bu çerçevede başkalarıyla değil önce kendi kendisiyle olan ilişkilerinde

belli spritüel esaslara uymasıdır ki, bu esasların en güçlü ifadesi Sevgi’dir.
Kişi kendisinde en yüksek bir spritüel ahlakı ve uygun vicdanı
gerçekleştirdiğinde zaten başka insanlar ve başka her şeyle ilişkisi mükemmel
olacaktır. Özetle eylem sevginin eylemidir, değişimin, gerçek bilginin
kaynağıdır. Sevgiyi eyleme geçirmeden başkalarının bilgileriyle değişim ve bilgi
edinme mümkün değildir.



8:8 Stargate: Healing the Great Divide -

Planetary Logos by Lauren C. Gorgo
August 8, 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 9, 2010 at 1:45am

8:8 Stargate:

Healing the Great Divide - Planetary Logos

by Lauren C. Gorgo
August 8, 2010

What an extraordinary moment of time awaits you.

Way-showers of earth, praytell.

In the ongoing shift of planetary evolution we now stand united, together with you, to usurp
the power of greed, of corruption, and to heal the deep wound of separation.

It is our divine pleasure to bring forth new ways of being and doing and by which all the
many tidings of Source-inspired creation shall allow.

The universal tide has turned in totality and as we collectively work to heal the separation
between spirit and matter, the divine hu-man is becoming whole again. This realization of
divinity is now evident in each of you, building momentum, pulsating with potential, and
awaiting implementation in physical form.

Blessings one and all who gather here on this powerful 8:8 stargate.

Healing the Great Divide

Today we would like to talk a bit about the transition that you are presently undergoing, the
transition from separation to unity, from the imbalance of masculine dominance to the balance
of male/female polar integration.

This month is a holy month indeed...a month of fiery alchemical transmutation, of merging
into oneness, of past life completions, of karmic endings... but most importantly, an
overlapping cycle of glorified new beginnings.

It is a month that will see great human struggle surfacing, but one that will also support great
human accomplishment for those prepared with a purified heart & vessel to walk the higher
path of love and to confidently usher in the new era.

Yes, there will be those experiencing great difficulty this month and in the months that follow,
and there will also be those who appear to have "missed the call". From a higher perspective,
there is no first or last, only perfect timing and order. Realize that some are simply
encouraging the new teachers and earth guides to settle into their rightful position before
moving forward in their personal and biological evolution.

Do not be alarmed or mistaken if loved ones suddenly begin to reflect and/or portray these
discordant energies. This is in fact a great act of love, the precipitating force that may be
required to move forward into resonance creation.

We assure you that those seemingly stuck will gather great momentum once the divine plan
clicks perfectly into place. In the interim, we urge all of you to move forward when the
moment calls to you, regardless of outward appearances.

A critical choice point is upon you. Know that all is perfectly well.

The Call

As a planetary hierarchy, we oversee the development of human creation. We gently govern

and guide, yet we do not interfere with laws set in place at the inception of this earthen

Now, however, we are being called, just as you are, to step more firmly into our roles as active
guides...to govern more profoundly in your changing participation with the laws of the
physical universe.

In doing so, we call forth the makers of worlds, the governing body of souls who came to
earth with the commitment to serve this planet through the purification and transmutation of
karmic mis-creation. It is you who are needed to step forth now, to guide humanity to peace,
and it is you who hold the keys to thine kingdom.

Beloved counterparts, we call to you in great joy, great honor, great anticipation... but with
this call comes great responsibility. To you whom we speak, you will know that the time has
come to roll up your sleeves, to put into action all lost aspects that you have diligently

reclaimed during the great purification.

Be aware that in healing this great divide, even great forces of separation will rise to the
surface to be seen. Do not sway.

Diligently overcome the temptation to save others as you once wished to be saved, for each of
you have been where others will go, each of you have lived in a world you did not fully
understand and where you did not fully belong. But now brothers and sisters, the world and
it's shifting energetic dynamic is your dominion. The same will be true for all who follow that
path of love.

In this, use your strength to strengthen others. Use your light to lesson the load. Use your
discernment to set sacred boundaries, and use your expanded capabilities in love to shine forth
through the darkness that surrounds humanity at this time.

Emerging in Oneness

The 8:8 stargate portal on August 8th will release a magnificent wave of light sent forth to
heal, to uplift the downtrodden, and to rewrite theprograms of misaligned human thought.

This wave of solar energy emitted by the great central sun is composed of electromagnetic
particles programmed with the intention of unity and with the potential to turn the outside
world upside down, while
simultaneously turning your in-soular world right side up.

You are in the midst of a very physical transition where your internal
reality will more fully meet your external reality through the fusing of
the left and right hemispheres of the brain. As these masculine and
feminine forces unite through the pituitary and pineal glands, a cosmic
opening will appear in your personal universe leading you directly to
your expanded self and life.

Be aware that passing through this powerful gateway may cause some
temporary mental disorientation, dizziness, headaches, sinus discomfort,
changes in vision, hearing, or sense of smell as well as some unusual
sleep patterns and vivid dreaming. This merging can also create
temporary feelings of being placed outside of your physical vessel or
feelings of distance between yourself and your body. These symptoms and
sensations will subside shortly.

This month many of you will be gathering new tools and resources,
opening to new opportunities and reuniting with many soul-family members
through the delicately woven web of inter-connectivity.

And though this tide of connectivity will continue to ebb and flow,
bringing you greater connection with each incoming wave, this month you
will begin to clearly see glimpses of your divine self reflected back to
you by others.

For those who have been keeping the peace, holding the pillars and

structures of light in place for the procurement of this powerful grid
of love, you are emerging in oneness with all resonant, like-minded and
like-hearted souls. As your bodies and lives continue to mutate and
resemble the outward appearance of your internal rewiring, you will also
notice that you are no longer governed by causal law.

This change in your participation with energy will be the precipitating force behind the
creation of a new world.
There will be more of this to discuss in the coming days...

For the divine alchemists who have been aligning with

Source-creation, each of you will have a hand in the making of new earth
systems and structures. You will be the builders and architects of
your envisioned world, as well as the masterminds who conceptualized it.

For those still carrying the burden of this unbridled potential, to you we say...time to make
your mold. More pieces of your divine blueprint will come into plain view beginning mid-
month and into the next...it behooves you to prepare accordingly.

Causal to Resonant Creation

Beloved brothers and sisters, coconspirators of love... it is time to walk as one, to build a
bridge that spans the great human divide.

The release from causal creation begins with merging of worlds, of polarized energies, within
each of you. You are the great scientists, alchemists, architects, builders and healers of the
emerging world and by divine will alone, you are those who perpetuate the physical
manifestation of resonant creation.

We leave each of you with the reminder that the journey to oneness was a
continuous succession of higher choices that brought you here. Each
choice point was an opportunity to choose from a polarized
contrast...the unknown over the known, the future over the past, a new
way over an old way, a higher thought over a lower thought, love over

Now, in the merging fields before you, the energetic space that once provided the polarized
options for choice is changing. Those who have willingly, consciously & repetitively chosen
the path of love are being released from creation by contrast, and freed to experience creation
through resonance.

Resonance creation is the result of being, living and experiencing in a continuous state of

Represented as the hierarchy of Planetary Logos and in active participation with the embodied
makers of this world...today, a new journey begins.

Telepathic Transmission thru Lauren C. Gorgo at


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Rebirth or Rebound? by Jennifer Hoffman
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 11, 2010 at 11:26pm

So often we leave one situation only to find ourselves in another one that is exactly
the same. Why do we do that? Because we try to fix what we see as our failures by
fixing the other person or setting up a similar scenario, hoping that we will do

things differently the second time around. But sometimes the second time becomes
a third, fourth and so on and we find ourselves in perpetual rebound. What we are
trying to do is complete a cycle so we can be re-born but that cannot be accomplished
unless we shift our own energy.

The rebound process is best described in relationships, when we leave one and immediately
go into another one, thinking that the new person is different. But as we find out,
this new relationship is very similar to our previous one. How can we find another
person who is just like the one we said we would never go back to? Unless we shift
our energy, we are attracting only energies that will help us complete our healing
cycle. Did we change? If not then our cycle is not complete and there is additional
healing to be done.

To understand why we rebound we must look at the ego, which always thinks it's right.
And the ego never wants to admit defeat so it will help us re-create the past so
we can 'get it right' the next time. If we shift our energy we release the connections
to the ego and set new energetic boundaries, we cannot rebound because we are no
longer at that vibration. Can we resist the temptation to try one more time, just
in case we can get it right on the next try?

Re-birth is confirmation of our spiritual healing and rebounding is how the ego
forces its will on us. To avoid rebound we can take the word 'failure' out of our
vocabulary. There is no failure as everything that 'doesn't work' wasn't meant to.
Can we accept the blessings of failures as signs that our internal guidance system
is working on our behalf and removing those things that do not serve our highest
potential? We rebound when we think that there is something wrong with us and that
is never true. Re-birth is a shift in our energetic core and a sign that we can
integrate the healing we have done and create fulfillment, joy, peace and love for

I will talk about this in greater detail

on this week's radio show on Blog Talk Radio

Read the August


You can read the Frog and Scorpion fable from November's message
www.urielheals.com/Messages.html#frog story



The Art of Jumping Time Lines (A Hathor
Message, 2010)
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 12, 2010 at 1:30am

A Hathor Planetary Message

Through Tom Kenyon

The Art of Jumping Time Lines

Although it may seem paradoxical to some, your timeline—your life—is only one of many
simultaneous possibilities. And it is quite possible,
indeed it is your birthright, to alter your timeline and the potentials of your

Your culture, for various reasons, has hypnotized you into believing that you are limited to

one timeline. In this message we shall
endeavor to discuss our understanding of timelines and how you can change

Whenever there is an increase of chaotic events, there is a convergence of multiple timelines.

Due to the fact that your planet has entered
a Chaotic Node and is experiencing ever-increasing levels of chaos, there is
also an increase in what we call time nodes.

Time nodes occur when two or more timelines converge. As a result of their close proximity
effects sometimes occur when the realities of one timeline bleed through, or are
psychically perceived by those on a neighboring timeline. Strong timelines can
also literally affect the possibilities and/or probabilities of other timelines
within a time node. In other words, creative and novel effects often occur
within timelines when they enter a time node (proximity to other

These are evolutionary jumpstarts that hold tremendous possibility for accelerated evolution if
you understand how to utilize them. As
a result of the volatile nature of events on your planet, there are multiple
time nodes emerging. This is a very complicated and complex affair, and we shall
endeavor to break it down into its smallest segments, for we believe that this
information has vital significance for those of you engaged in the ascension
process, and for its sheer survival value. Let us turn our attention to the
larger picture first and then to the individual strategies we


Your planet is poised on the brink of utter transformation. The form of this transformation has
multiple expressions, and it
is you—the collective—that will affect these outcomes to a greater or lesser

Some of these outcomes, these possibilities, fulfill the prophecies of planetary destruction and
purification. Other timelines, other
expressions, reveal a different outcome. A sudden unexpected shift in human
consciousness could bring the Controllers, who have so negatively affected your
destiny, to their knees. And there are hundreds of other possible timelines
between these two polarities. There are vested interests in your society who
wish you to remain hypnotized, which wish for you to continue in the delusion
that you are limited to one timeline, one experience of life as they so deem

But you have, within your nature, the ability to change timelines and probabilities at the last
moment of any event—whether it be personal or
collective. We do not say this to be “positive.” We say this as a matter of fact
concerning your evolutionary potential. Whether you will collectively reach this
potential or not remains to be seen, but the path of an Initiate is to reach

upward for the highest potential, regardless of what may or may not be happening
around him or her. Thus, in this message we shall discuss what you can do, and
how you do it.

From our perspective, your collective destiny is the summation of individual choices that you,
as persons, make. This is combined
with evolutionary and terrestrial forces that are far beyond your and your
fellow humans’ abilities to control. This collection of forces also involves
cosmic patterns of energy and intentionality from areas of the cosmos beyond
your local solar system, for you are a part of a complex cosmic matrix that is
your universe.

If we were to use a metaphor, we would say that you, as humanity, are on a great ocean vessel.
But many of you are asleep, and there is
someone at the helm directing this vessel that should not be there. For many
historical and trans-historical reasons, which we won’t go into here, various
beings have commandeered your ship.

But, ah, how the tides are turning. More and more of you are waking up, though some, still
half-asleep, stagger
across the deck as they watch the tempestuous storm of their world changing
before them. The Controllers know that many of you are waking up—too many for
their comfort.

It is, indeed, an interesting time to be alive!

The current ecological situation in the Gulf is one example of multiple timelines.
In spite of your media’s grand attempt to dismiss the situation, many are
sensing how dire the situation is, and indeed, there are complications in the
Gulf region that are beneath the surface, both literally and

In our previous message we addressed several possible timelines for this event. Which of
these possible timelines will unfold into
your three-dimensional reality is not written in mud or concrete, but is a
changeable event or outcome. In this message we wish to discuss how you, the
individual, can jump a timeline into a different destiny at a moment’s notice.
This can be extrapolated to your civilization also jumping timelines, but that
is a topic for another time.

For the moment we wish to turn our attention to you, the individual human and how you can
jump from a disastrous
timeline—from an outcome you do not wish—to something more benevolent,
life-friendly, and full of evolutionary potential.

For the record, there are technological means to jump timelines, but our information here
deals with
human consciousness, and how you, through the power of your own awareness and
intention, can jump timelines. For this endeavor, you already possess two of the
greatest treasures in your very own nature—your sovereign will (to make choices)

and your capacity to feel. These two, when combined properly will allow you to
jump timelines as you so desire, as co-creators of your reality rather than
being mere pawns on a chessboard.

The Fundamental Principle

The fundamental principle, for jumping timelines, involves the coordination of a few
significant fields of intentionality.

1) You identify the timeline you wish to move into.

2) You shift your vibrational state to match the timeline.

3) You lock in the vibrational state so it does not waver.

4) You take an action that is an expression of the new timeline.

5) Persevere.

In this fifth stage, you must hold the vibrational state of the new timeline you have chosen,
making choices coherent
with the new timeline and persevering with this despite sensory information to
the contrary.

This last phase of perseverance is important, because your current timeline is an accumulation
of your beliefs and intentions. Depending
upon the strength of these beliefs and intentions, you may have to accumulate a
vast amount of energy in order to overcome the set pattern of your

The information we are sharing can be used to address any timeline or expression in your life,
down to the most mundane situation. In this message
however, we will be addressing this methodology for jumping timelines in regards
to the ascension process and how you can move into timelines different than the
timeline of the culture you are currently residing in.

This is, for some, a revolutionary idea; but for us it is simply a truth about your nature. You
creator gods and goddesses, and this information we are sharing is simply your
birthright. We offer it to you at this time with the anticipation and hope that
many of you will jump timelines and tilt the keel of the ship you are upon and
take the vessel into safe and prosperous waters.

Enough of the metaphors now, let us get to the nuts and bolts of how you jump


The ascension process, from our perspective, involves the energizing of your second body,
your KA, and its elevation in

vibration so that it emits more light, eventually becoming the SAHU, the
Immortal Energy Body. There are many ways to raise the vibration of one’s KA.
Most of your spiritual traditions have their own methods for raising your
vibration, unfortunately, many of them are also riddled with dogma, taboos, and
quite honestly, interference patterns from thought-forms placed by those who did
not and do not desire your freedom, but who profit by your

And, yes, it is sad to say that some of your spiritual traditions—and especially your religions
—are insidious traps, and if you are to
rise upward in the ascension of your own being, you must separate truth from
falsehood. Only you can undertake this task, for it is one of the necessities of
mastery. This is a line in the sand of consciousness itself for those who have
chosen the ascension of their own being. They become masters of truth and do not
step aside from ferreting out falsehood from reality. They are not slaves to
dogma. They bow to no one but their own divinity.

From an energetic standpoint, the ascension process begins when your life force, called
Sekhem by
the ancient Egyptians, begins its ascent up the Djed, or sacred pathway of the
chakras. This is ascension in its simplest form. It is the expansion of
consciousness and awareness. As your life force enters your higher brain centers
and as your KA body becomes energized, you enter another phase of ascension. At
this phase, you begin to metabolize light itself. By light we refer to spiritual
light, a light that exists in the spiritual realms. This light feeds the KA body
and increases its vibration. When the KA body reaches a certain amplitude, or
strength of vibration, without wavering, it ignites with a type of etheric fire,
turning it into the SAHU, or Immortal Energy Body. This could be viewed as one
of the final stages of this particular form of ascension. But what we wish to
make very clear is that any movement upward in consciousness and movement
life force up the djed, regardless of the method used, is part of the ascension process.

We wish now to discuss some basic concepts and training strategies that will impart a basic
method for jumping timelines. We
will then turn our attention to how you can create a new probability for
yourself, even in the midst of what appears to be great difficulty. And most
importantly, we will explore a significant evolutionary opportunity that exists
within your current time node.

One of the first tasks facing you if you are to jump into a different timeline is the
transcendence of fear. Most humans
fear the unknown, but there is a much more insidious element involved here. The
Controllers, those who wish to control your destiny and profit by it, are
masters of the projection of fear and they are using vast resources of mind
control and hypnosis through the media to convince the masses that there is much
to fear. And while there is, quite frankly, some truth to there being reasons
for fear, the higher truth is not being revealed.

The higher truth, as we view it, is your capacity to change your reality, your innate ability to

use the
two treasures of your sovereign will and your capacity to feel as a means to
navigate into new timelines. Let us be specific here.

As we mentioned earlier, the type of ascension we are speaking about begins with the simple
movement of your life force up the djed, or spine, into your higher brain
centers. As this takes place, the energy wheels within your KA body, called
chakras, become activated in new ways. This opens windows of new possibilities,
and new insights, new forms of inspiration and creativity blossom. But if
consciousness is locked into fear, it becomes imprisoned by the lower centers,
the impulses for survival, sex, and power.

For various historical and trans-historical reasons, as we alluded to earlier, there has been and
to be, a collusion to keep humanity locked into the lower centers, to perpetuate
fear as a means to control destiny. Thus for any master who chooses the upward
path, one of the first hurdles to pass through is the Valley of Fear—the
projected thought forms of one’s culture. You must then pass through the portals
of limitation that would confine you, to recognize the lies that have been
perpetuated, even by some of your most sacred religions.

But let us say that you have the courage and fortitude to undertake such a passage, and let us
say, for the sake of example, that the timeline you wish to live in is one of
benevolence: loving kindness. Here is how you would do this, remembering that
the same principal applies to any timeline you wish to create for

Preparation and Training

The first step is to identify the timeline you wish to create, that you wish to live in. In this
case it is a
timeline of loving kindness. The second step is to move into the vibrational
state that matches the timeline. In this case, it is the feeling state of loving
kindness, so you would, yourself, reside in this state as much as you are
capable of. By this we mean you would exhibit loving kindness to others and to

The third step is locking in the vibrational field, so it does not waver. This is an important
aspect of jumping timelines because the old
vibrational state has a life of its own. Just because you have chosen to create
a new timeline and have stepped into a vibrational state that matches the
timeline, is not a guarantee that the timeline will manifest or continue. You
must lock the vibrational field in place, for this is what sustains your access
to the new timeline.

The first two steps involve your sovereign will. You choose a timeline you want to
experience. You choose a vibrational state that
matches the timeline. And in the third step—locking in the vibrational state—you
use the second treasure of your nature: your capacity to feel.

By feeling the vibrational state you wish to be in, you amplify it; you strengthen it. And
if you also include a coherent emotional state such as appreciation or gratitude
for the vibrational reality, you will hasten its birth.

This simple act of appreciating, or feeling gratitude, for the new timeline catalyzes its
reality in ways that boggle the mind. So it is that the two treasures of your
nature are joined together in these three steps. The next step requires your
sovereign will again. You must persevere, to hold the vision of the new timeline
and the vibrational state, regardless of what your senses are telling you. This
is the passage where many fail.

The manifesting of a new timeline into your three-dimensional reality requires accumulated
energy. If you persist in
holding the vision of the new timeline, with the vibrational field (or feeling
of it), along with gratitude for it already existing, you will accumulate

The task here is to be true to your vision while paying attention to what the current reality is
showing you. It is not about pretending. It is
about facing reality as it presents itself to you while simultaneously holding a
higher vision. In other words, you deal with the reality of your life while
simultaneously holding the vision of a different life. This is the

Using our example, if you desire to create a life with more loving kindness, you would move
into that vibrational state by exhibiting loving
kindness to others. If you were able to also feel gratitude for this vibrational
state, it would accelerate the creation of the new timeline.

In reality, there will be a period when you will recognize that not everyone is capable of
loving kindness, nor of receiving it for that matter. Your vision will then be
refined by the realities of life, and this maturation of your consciousness will
take place naturally, as you deal with the realities of your current timeline
along with the emergence of your new timeline.

One result from this way of proceeding is that you will become a master of loving kindness
and a master
in dealing with those who cannot express such vibrational states. Eventually you
will experience a life of more loving kindness, where more people express that
quality to you and you to them. And when you encounter someone unable to express
this quality, you will be more able to deal with him or her without losing this
quality in yourself.

Thus would you seed the new timeline and new reality for yourself.

Let us now return to the collective timeline.

As we said earlier time nodes are juncture points where multiple timelines
converge, and you can jump from one to the other if you understand how it is
done. We just explained the basic principal as it applies to individual

timelines. Now let’s discuss how you can jump to a different timeline than that
of any given collective.

As paradoxical as it may seem it is quite possible to live a separate timeline, having a different
experience of life than
those around you.

Let us say that again another way. It is possible to live in heaven while others are living in
torment. At the deepest levels of
consciousness it is simply a matter of choice.

We do recognize that you have been, and are continuing to be, manipulated by forces that
desire to keep
you imprisoned. But our choice in this communication is to give you keys to jump
out of that imprisonment, not dwelling on the history of it, or the identities
of those involved. For, in truth, the true Controllers are unseen by you. They
are the Puppet Masters.

As chaotic events escalate you will have many opportunities to jump timelines. Our
suggestion is to remember the steps we
discussed earlier. You might experiment with this method by choosing to conduct
an experiment. Choose something that you would like to unfold as a reality in
your life and using the steps we discussed, see what you can create.

Physical and Spiritual Survival

Our essential reason for imparting this message involves something of greater consequence
than creating
personal desires. This “something” literally has to do with your survival, both
physically and spiritually.

As chaotic events escalate, your powers of intuition will be more important to you than ever

Some people call them “hunches.” Without knowing how you know, you suddenly know what
to do
in a situation.

This is how intuition works. In these moments of intuition you are at a juncture point—a time
node—where you can jump into a
different timeline and a different outcome.

This increase of intuitive receptivity is one of the hallmarks of personal ascension, or the
upward in consciousness. A more developed intuition has obvious physical
survival benefits.

A moment ago we said something that may be paradoxical to some individuals. We said that
the ability to jump timelines had both

physical and spiritual survival benefits.

What we meant here is that the ability to jump a timeline into a different outcome can result in
survival in certain situations. By spiritual survival, we mean that there are
threats to your spiritual awakening. If you lose track of your own truth, if you
lose the two treasures that you possess in your nature—your sovereign will and
your capacity to feel—then you are spiritually in danger. Do not lose sight of
these treasures in yourself. As chaotic events increase, and they shall—for this
is the birthing of a new world—the Controllers will increase their efforts. Be
leery of mind-control and of any thought form that limits your sovereign will
and your ability to feel, regardless of its origins—even if it comes from one of
your “sacred” religions.

Any thought form, no matter how dressed up in sacred garb or political correctness that would
limit your sovereign will to
choose or your capacity to feel should be avoided. This is a vital necessity for
those of you who wish to survive this passage spiritually intact.

The Convergence of Timelines and the Alteration of Probabilities

Let us now turn our attention to the primary reason for this communication. Everything we
have said up to this point is background and suggestions for the training of
your own consciousness to jump timelines.

But now we turn our attention to two highly significant timelines that exist independently of
your creation.
They are of a different order of existence. They are not created out of your
personal choice. And they exist in diametric opposition to each

You exist, as we have said on numerous occasions, in multiple timelines and probabilities
simultaneously. One of the timelines you and
humanity are living in at this moment is a fulfilling of the prophecies of doom
and planetary destruction. This is a very real timeline. But, this is only one
possible timeline. You are at a convergence point, a time node, where it is
possible to jump from the doomsday probabilities into a new type of Earth and a
new order of existence.

This timeline, which we call the New Earth, is a very different dimension of experience than
your current reality. In this
timeline, Earth is deeply honored and held in gratitude by the bulk of humanity,
which understands and appreciates the truth that all life is

Here, Earth is not ravaged and exploited for the sake of profit—at the detriment of her very
ecosystem. Technologies have been
transformed through the elevation of human consciousness. Gone are the
life-threatening technologies and life damaging mindsets of your current era.
Wars are a thing of the past. The Controllers who exerted negative forces upon

your destiny through their manipulation of religion, economics and international
affairs have relinquished their power. Life itself is held as sacred, and a new
understanding of the sacredness of matter is embraced by humanity. There is no
war between Heaven and Earth in this new world.

There are more things that we could say about this timeline, but you have a sense, we hope, of
difference between this timeline and the other that ultimately leads to doom and

There is one more thing we wish to say about this timeline of the New Earth. It is an attribute
that we particularly appreciate. In this
new timeline, the veils between the worlds are thin, and there is greater
interaction between humans and intergalactic beings—such as ourselves—and with
what you might call the devic and spirit worlds.

It is here that we must say it is not our intention to sway you, for we believe in non-
intervention. We
will not interfere with your free will. However, we are free to point out to you
what we see.

In ancient Egypt there was a goddess called Maat, who held a set of scales, and upon death
the heart of an Initiate would be placed upon
the scales, and a feather would be placed on the other side. If the heart was as
light as a feather the Initiate would be given entrance to the heavenly
worlds—meaning higher states of consciousness. But if the heart was laden with
negativity, regret, and sorrow, the Initiate would have to return to the lower

In a very real way humanity is at its meeting point with Maat. Every person who believes in
the timeline of doom, destruction and horror will
add to its reality. Everyone who holds as real the timeline of the New Earth
will add to its reality.

You are not powerless in this situation. You hold in your very nature the power of radical
change for yourself and the
planet—especially for humanity. If you feel a resonance with this timeline of
the New Earth, and if you choose to live in this new order of being, you will be
adding your weight, so to speak, and helping to tip the scales.

We wish to say something we said earlier, for it is of vital importance. It is possible

to live in heaven while those around you live in torment. This has little to do
with your location in time and space, but more to do with your vibrational

If you feel the truth of what we are saying and choose to align with this New Earth, we
welcome you to a new timeline and a new

Our suggestion is to go over the steps of how to jump timelines we gave earlier, and to begin

the grand experiment. Enter the timeline of the
New Earth and prepare yourself for the miraculous.

Finally—let the Earth speak to you. Let her caress you and transfer to you her deepest
knowledge and
wisdom. She shall be a great ally in the coming changes.

We shall give further information about jumping timelines and the New Earth in future
communications. But for now, we hope you have a basic understanding of how to

As always, even in the midst of such great difficulties as you now face, we hold a higher
vision for you, the human family. We see your hidden
greatness, even though you may not see it yourself. We hold a light in this hour
of darkness. It is just a reminder of the great light you hold within yourself.
It is time to free this light within you. Future generations will be blessed by
your ascent. May it be so.

The Hathors
August 3, 2010

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

Several things caught my eye in this communication. First of all they used a term, trans-
historical, which I had
never heard before. When I asked them about this, they said it described a way
of looking at certain types of intergalactic influences that transcend linear
time. Thus, the influences they were speaking about were generated outside of
time, as we understand it, but then showed up in our time line from pre-history
until the present moment. I don’t completely understand all of what they are
saying here. I am just passing it on.

Since they emphasized the significance of time nodes so many times and belabored the point
of how to jump
from one timeline to another, I asked them what the duration was for this
current time node. According to them, this time node is highly significant
because it contains multiple convergences of possible/probable timelines that
will affect our planet and our destiny as a species. Two of the timelines they
specifically mentioned were a timeline that fulfills the prophecies of planetary
purification and destruction running along with a timeline that leads to a new
more benevolent future, a timeline they referred to as the New Earth.

So when did this time node begin and when will it end? According to them, this
particular time node of polar opposite destinies emerged into our 3D reality in
July of this year and will continue in various permutations through July of

Please note, they are not saying that the New Earth timeline came into existence during this
time node. In point of fact, according to them, this
benevolent timeline has been going on for quite some time. But the polar

opposite timelines of planetary destruction versus planetary renewal are now
moving very close to each other (the time node aspect). Thus, if one knows how
to jump timelines, it is much easier to do when the timeline you desire is so
close to the one you are on.

The significance of this time node is that humanity is at a choice point regarding which
timeline it will experience as a
collective reality. And according to the Hathors, the reality that will prevail
is being anchored through the choices we are now making, both as individuals and
as a collective.

In this message, the Hathors have imparted a basic method for jumping timelines, which, as
they indicated, is primarily information
for those of us who choose to live in a different and more benevolent reality
than the increasingly surrealistic and life-negative reality that humanity is
currently living in.

The Training and Preparation section of their message can certainly be used as a method for
personal manifesting. Indeed,
those who are experienced with these types of matters would most likely consider
this information to be Manifesting 101. But the simplicity of the method belies
its profundity. The Hathors are masters at simplification of complex concepts
and techniques, and this one is no different. However, their reason for sharing
this basic method is not for manifesting desires, though it will work for this
purpose; it is rather to present a method that will allow us to radically shift
planetary realities— if not for the greater collective of our human family, then
at least for ourselves.

I loved the metaphor they chose to describe our current situation—as a ship at sea. Indeed, our
situation reminds me of what
happened on the Titanic as it was sinking. The ship had hit an iceberg and the
lower levels of the vessel were filling with water. At first they tried to hide
the danger from those on the upper decks. And so the party went on, complete
with orchestra, until the end was obvious.

In the manipulated media-hype of our consumer obsessed culture, few are pointing out that
our ship, the S.S.
Western Civilization, is severely listing to one side, or that it is sitting
dangerously low in the water.

The Hathors believe that if enough people jump timelines, leaving the prophetic timeline of
planetary destruction behind,
and instead, enter the more benevolent and life-affirming reality of what they
call the New Earth, many of the disastrous prophecies regarding our planet will
not come to pass.

But they are also clear that even if the collective does not shift into a higher destiny,
something remarkable will happen for those
of us who have the courage to live a different reality than the one that is
being impressed upon us by our current culture. “It is possible to live in

heaven while those around you live in torment.”

There is something else in this latest message that I consider to be of vital importance—
especially for
those of us who are actually going to attempt jumping timelines. And this
“something” has to do with our human capacity for delusional or “magical
thinking.” In case you aren’t aware of that term, magical thinking is a thinking
disorder in which the person believes that just by thinking something, it is
real or can be made real without any effort on his or her part.

There is, in my opinion, a highly toxic element in New Age thinking that encourages denial
as a means to cope with certain difficulties in life (i.e., magical thinking).
And to be sure, the current and escalating insanity of our world is increasingly
difficult for many of us to cope with. But if someone reading this thinks that
denial is an acceptable means to deal with the realities of our current
timeline, I wish to point out that the Hathors are saying something quite to the

Part of the art of jumping timelines is to hold the vision and vibrational signature of the
timeline we wish to experience. But at the same
time, we need to pay attention to the actual realities of the timeline we are
on. This is living between the worlds, and this is the type of mastery the
Hathors are calling us to.

I suspect that many of us who choose to jump timelines (myself included) will encounter a
learning curve, where we fall short
of being able to leap to the new timeline and/or fail to sustain it. This is
completely normal when learning a new skill, and yes, this is essentially a new
skill—albeit a profound one. So my advice to all of us neophyte timeline-jumpers
is to be gentle with ourselves, leave self-judgment behind, and enter into this
type of learning experience with a good sense of humor. After all, the whole
thing is, from at least one perspective, a grand cosmic joke.

How we navigate the realities of a transforming (some would say dying) civilization,
while keeping our hearts and minds on the timeline we wish to live in, will
undoubtedly become an art form.

And so… to my fellow Artists of the Living Mystery, to those of you who are enamored with
the vision, and who have
the courage to jump, I raise my cup to you.

I salute you and the great undertaking we are about to engage, which is nothing short of the
ascent upward
into our own highest qualities as spiritual beings living a human

Blessings to you and your loved ones,

Tom Kenyon

© 2010 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved

You may make copies of this message and distribute it in any media so long as you do not
alter it in any way, do not
charge for it, credit the author and include this copyright notice.

To read previous Hathors messages: http://tomkenyon.com/hathors-archives

To listen to and download free recordings: http://tomkenyon.com/sound-gifts

To subscribe: If you received this posting as a forward and you would like to receive Hathor
Planetary Messages in the future, please go to http://tomkenyon.com/contact and follow the
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Shocking NASA study proves global

warming spike in 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 12, 2010 at 1:58am

Massive glacier break-off in Greenland demonstrates the frightening future painted by new
NASA study on global temperature rise.

Image: NASA

With the news that a second massive ice sheet (4 times the size of Manhattan) broke off in the
Arctic, this time from Greenland's Petermann Glacier, you might think people would be
getting a little panicky over recent scientific reports that both our oceans and our atmosphere
are warming at unprecedented rates.
But there seems to be little reaction. One reason is that scientists, by nature, are extremely
wary of making definitive conclusions about any findings to the press. Large glaciers have
off before — the last big one was in 1962, and so it is impossible to
say with 100 percent scientific accuracy that the break is specifically
due to "global warming."
In 1962, when the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf broke apart, it may or may not
have been due to a couple of then record-breaking warm winters. 1958 and
1959 saw unseasonably warm winters (about 0.4 degrees warmer than
usual) but in 1963 the temperatures dropped back down to normal. It
could have been a solar flare. It could have been seismic activity. Or perhaps the mass had
grown to the point where it had to break. No one knows.
But the situation now is very different. The average January temperature over the past decade
was nearly 0.6 degrees above normal with a record-breaking 0.9 degree rise in 2007 and 0.7
degree rise this
January. If you scroll through NASA's Land-Ocean Temperature Index,
you don't have to be a scientist to see the wild warming trend that
started in the '80s and is now hitting uncharted territory.
The new NASA report issued last month shows that 2010 has set a record for the first six
months both in terms of atmospheric data and oceanic readings. The study also saw the lowest
level ever recorded for
Arctic sea ice in June. Rafe Pomerance of Clean Air Cool Planet has this
to say (via Washington Post):
The 2010 temperature data is evidence that the planet is continuing to warm. The absolute
numbers indicate that the earth's climate is moving into uncharted territory, as reflected by the
retreat of Arctic sea ice.
I'll leave it to you to make your own conclusions.


Planetary Transits for August 12 - August
18 by David Hawthorne
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 12, 2010 at 12:37pm

Planetary Transits for August 12 - August 18

by David Hawthorne

Note 1: We
are at the tail end of a three-month stationary position of Rahu and
Ketu; Venus remains debilitated and is closely conjunct Mars; Jupiter
and Saturn are in a serious mutual aspect. Write off August. Get rest,
go on vacation. Don’t get stressed. Hang in there. In Sept., Venus goes
into its own sign for four months. Expect relief.

Note 2: The
annual Perseid meteor shower peaks August 12-13 above North American
skies, and forecasters are expecting a lively show - about 80 meteors
per hour during peak display. This is a great opportunity for
sky-watching and time-lapse photography. The Perseids are bits of debris
from the Swift-Tuttle comet, which has been orbiting the sun for
centuries. The Earth passes through these streams of shooting stars
every August.


Sun transits out of Cancer and into Leo, Aug. 17 at 7:04 p.m. (CDT). Sun is weak until Aug.

Moon is waxing and transits Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and into
Sagittarius. Moon is debilitated in Scorpio, Aug. 16 – 18. Watch your
emotional state.

Mars transits Virgo, from 14:09 to 18:34°. Mars is conjunct Venus until
Sept. 20. Taurus, Scorpio, and Pisces rising sign persons, companies,
and countries should be careful and patient.

Mercury transits Leo, from 21:58 to 24:55° and is outside the orb of
influence of other planets. Mercury is weak due to the weakness of its
dispositor, Sun.

Jupiter transits its own sign, Pisces, from 08:45 to 08:14°and is

retrograde until November 18. Jupiter is under the close aspect of
Saturn. This seriously intensifies August 11 – 22. There could be

another problem in the Gulf of Mexico and/or for USA in general. Cancer,
Virgo, and Pisces rising sign persons, companies, and countries
(including USA) should be careful and patient. Expect relief in

Venus transits its debilitation sign, Virgo, from 11:08 to 18:03°. Venus
is debilitated until September 1. Venus is closely conjunct Mars until
Sept. 20. Taurus, Virgo, and Scorpio rising sign persons, companies, and
countries (including USA) should be careful and patient; take care of
the women in your life and be careful traveling.

Saturn transits Virgo, from 07:57 to 08:40°. Saturn is under the close
aspect of Jupiter until Sept. 4. Taurus, Cancer, and Capricorn rising
sign persons, companies, and countries, (including USA) should be
careful and patient. Note: in the USA horoscope, the oil problems in the
Gulf of Mexico are likely due to the mutual aspect between the sixth
and eighth rulers. The impact returns and is severe in August,
especially August 11 –22.

Rahu and Ketu transit Sagittarius and Gemini, respectively, in the

17-degree range until August 23. This is serious for persons, companies,
and countries with odd rising signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra,
Sagittarius, and Aquarius) from 16-18 degrees; and for those with
planets in odd signs from 16-18 degrees; (including the USA). Be careful
and patient.

Transits for each “Rising sign” (not “Sun sign”):

Focus on property, vehicles, home life, business, and communications. There is a lot of
activity around your health, finances, and legal issues. Your partner
may be going through a stressful time. Your children and investments are
also subject to stress through Sept. Consider long distant ventures or
spiritual journeys for the next nine months.

Focus on property and vehicles. Connect your children, education, and investments with
home life. Work on writing and business projects. Be careful in the
workplace. There may be setbacks or accidents. Be patient with health,
finances, and legal issues through mid-Sept. Focus on professional
education for your career through Nov. 2011.

Get extra rest over the next ten days. Recharge your batteries and prepare for
entrepreneurial success, Aug. 22 – Sept. 12. Connect your children,
education, and investments, along with income and friendships, with your
parents, property, and home life. Focus on education, partnerships, and
joint ventures for the next nine months.

Take the initiative. Focus on independent projects, writing, business, and communications.
There may be uncertainty with parents, property,
vehicles, and home life through Aug. Be careful and patient. Health,
legal, and financial issues are likely. Setbacks and accidents are also
possible. Expect to improve your status, Aug. 22 – Sept. 12.

Leo: Take it easy for another week. Stay rested and take time for meditation or a spiritual
retreat. Expenses or separations are still possible.
Expect a big lift Aug. 22 – Sept. 12. Your children, education, and
investments are vulnerable over the next nine months. There may be
status through marriage and partners over the next 15 months.

Consider long distant ventures or a spiritual retreat through Sept. There may be expenses or
separations. Wear your emerald gemstone and keep a lot of green colors
and plants around you. A diamond gemstone would also be helpful. Be of
service to others. Research, mysticism, and transformations are likely.
Be careful to avoid accidents.

Go on a vacation with your family, or focus on long distant ventures and spiritual retreats.
Expenses and separations are likely, for you, your partner, children and
investments. There are both gains and losses at work, connected with
the government or authority figures. Be careful with debts and legal
issues for the next nine months.

There can be gains in the workplace. Focus on writing, business and communications. You
have something to tell others. Expect a career lift, Aug. 22 to Sept.
12. There may be status over the next nine months through your children,
education and investments. In general, gain through your parents and
property over the next 15 months.

Be patient for another week. Expect good fortune Aug. 22 – Sept. 12. For some of you, there
was a recent windfall. Connect your children,
education and investments with your career through Sept. 5. Professional
matters are looking up and should be in good shape through Oct. Expect
above average income and friendships, Sept. through Dec.

Consider a long distant journey or spiritual retreat. Expenses and separations are likely. Wear
your blue sapphire and keep a lot of dark blue colors
around you. Windfalls and marital happiness are possible Aug. 22 – Sept.
12. Focus on research and mysticism. Expect good fortune in Oct.
Professional matters succeed Sept. through Dec.

Be patient with health, legal and financial issues in relationships for another week. Expect a

big lift in marriage and partnerships, Aug. 22 –
Sept. 12. Connect your own initiatives and long distant ventures with
research and mysticism. Gain through consulting over the next nine
months. Focus on spiritual knowledge for the next 15 months.

Be patient with your status through mid-Sept. Health, finances, and legal issues improve Aug.
22 – Sept. 12. Your partner is going through a
stressful time for six weeks. Your career is subject to losses and
expenses, or long distant ventures through Aug. After that, expect
success with your education and professional life through May 2011.

Copyright 2010, David M. Hawthorne, M.S, J.B.

David Hawthorne, M.S., J.B.

Astroview, Inc.
508 N. Second St., Fairfield, IA 52556
Tel: 641-472-3799



Birliğin Doğuşu ve O İçimizde Neyi

değiştirdi Bu Mesaj Kauai HI de alındı
Temmuz.2010- Aluna Joy
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 12, 2010 at 12:59pm

Birliğin Doğuşu ve O İçimizde Neyi değiştirdi

Bu Mesaj Kauai HI de alındı
Temmuz.2010- Aluna Joy

Şimdi, Yıldız Büyüklerinin öngördüğü gibi biz, Maya takviminin hızlandırdığı enerjiler ve
muhteşem gün dönümleri,
tutulmalar ve hizalanmalarca, çok büyük bir bütünleşme içindeyiz.Hızın çoğaldığı
oranda, dönüşler hızlanıyor ve yoğunlaşıyor.Bir çoğumuz çeşitli biçimlerde küçük
sağlık korkuları yaşıyoruz.Bir neden olmaksızın duygusal hissediyoruz.
Bedenlerimiz, ışığın yükseltilmiş titreşimlerinin tsunami ölçekli dalgaları
yüzünden, çok büyük bir özümleme baskısı altında.Evren bizden, güncellenmiş

çalışma usulleri için yavaşlamamızı ve dinlememizi istiyor.Yıldız Büyüklerine ve
Maya Takviminde okuduklarımıza göre, bu bütünleşmenin Ağustos ayının sonuna
kadar devam edeceği umuluyor ve daha sonra, 1 Eylül ile 10 Eylül arasında
tekrar toplanıyor.Bundan sonra hala neyin değiştiğini tasavvur edemeyeceğimiz
gibi, yalnızca spekülasyon yapabiliriz. Biz hala
yeni mülkü kaynaştırıyoruz. Biz, yeni geleceğin öncüleriyiz.

Raphael ve ben, yazar Carl Calleman tarafından esinlendirilen uyumlu Bilinç için Kauaiye
gittik (Temmuz 17-18/2010).
Ve, güzel, küçük bir sahil tatili yapacağımızı umut ediyorduk. Evet.., iyi
bilinen Lemurya cennetinden gelen gel git dalgalarından kaçmaya çalışıyordum.
Amaç, çok gereksinim duyulan bir mola almaktı ve yeni yuva temelli bir olanağı
keşfetmekti, fakat adanın düşündüğü bazı başka şeyler vardı.Sanırım adanın Ruhu,
bizimle yapmayı istedikleri için yalnıca bir haftası olduğunu biliyordu.Bu
nedenle söyleyelimki, sahilde bir gevşeme olmadı.Sahile, yüzme ve bir rahatlama
için gittiğimiz her zaman yağmur yağdı.Biz ise mümkün olan en kısa sürede
arabaya geri döndük, ve yağmur da anında durdu.Bu artık eğlenceli bir hal
alıncaya kadar tekrar tekrar oldu.Şahsen, adanın bana istediğimi vermeyeceğini
almaya başlıyordum…, fakat sonuçta, neye gereksinimim varsa onu kesinlikle
aldım! Ne
olduğu, ki ilkinde biz bir gönülsüzlükle kuşatılmıştık, bizim yerel halkla bağlantı kurmamız
ve onun ilgi odağını anlamamızdı ve yaşamın yolu bu
düzensiz zamanlardaydı . Arkadaşlarımızla bağlantı kurduğumuzda kendi akışımızı
bulduk ve yeni arkadaşlarla bir grup kurduk.

Gördüğümüz gibi Kauai toplumu, toplumu destekleyen çok büyük bir sorumlulukla kalpten
sorumlulukla, anda yaşamak için gerçeğin çok büyük bir miktarı gelir.Toplum,
korkunun ortak küresellik bilinci içinde inanmaz, ki o, anakara paranoyası
yüzünden çok güzel bir değişmedir.Belki de bunun nedeni Kauainin, Pasifik
Okyanusunun (Huzur Okyanusu) ortasındaki el değmemiş Lemurya enerjileridir. Bu
hissettiğim, Kauai toplumunun ortak bilince en müthiş armağanıdır…korkusuz
yaşama, güven ve destek.

Bir keresinde, eve vardığımızda oldukça yorgun düşmüştük ve üç gün uyuduk.Evet, hatta
zaman kaybettiğimizi düşünmemize
rağmen biz uyurken kaynaştık.Hemen peşinden ben, küresel değişimi anlamaya
başladım ki bu güç dolu zaman başlamıştı.O çok uçarıdır, tam şimdi öngörülemez
bir enerji Gezegeni kuşatıyor.Biz hepimiz bir şeye saplanıp kalmış ve aynı
zamanda da ittirilmiş hissediyoruz. Bu, Evrenin bize Yeni bazı şeyleri anlatmaya
çalışma nedeniyledir ve biz henüz onu nasıl işiteceğimizi bilmiyoruz.O aşina
olunan bir mülk değildir, ve o bizi bir parça delirtiyor.Kafaları mızı daha
fazla toplayamıyoruz. Kalpte yaşamak zorundayız.Bizim, Dünyamızla ilişki
kurmanın yeni bir yolunu bulmaya gereksinimimiz var, çünki bu Dünyanın gerçeklik
prensipleri şimdi bizim gözlerimizin önünde değişiyor.

Farketmeye başladım ki bu yeni enerji, bir çok biçim içinde bizi duygusal ve Ruhsal bir
Anaokuluna geri dönüyor gibi yapıyor ve bir çoklarımız kendini oldukça eleştirir
olarak hissediyor…bazı durumlarda biz, kendimizin parçalarına daha fazla
direnemeyiz. Bunun, Yeni Dünyada daha fazla gereksinim duymayacağımız, bizim

gitmesine izin verdiğimiz tarihi geçmiş kendi görünümlerimizin bir işlemi
olduğuna eminim.Şimdi doğrudan Yeni bir Dünya yaratıyoruz.. Eğer gerçekliğimizin
farklı görünüşlerini seversek, daha sonrasında onlar, bizimle birlikte bütün
Dünyaya gelecektir.Şayet sevmezsek gelmeyeceklerdir. Gerekli olan kritik coşku,
sonsuz mutluluğu bulacağımız Yeni Dünyayı biçimlendirmede bize yardım ediyor….
kabarcıklanması na değil.Zaman, değişimin son safhasına geldiğinde, gelecek
Dünyada bizim evrimimiz için, sonsuz mutluluk olmayana, gitmesi için kolayca
izin verecektir.Şimdi, en son teslim
olmaya dair öğreniyoruz.

Bu uygulamanın nedeni, kafamızın içinde bir çok korkuya saplanıp kalmış olmamızdır…
yapmak için neyin doğru olduğuna karar vermeye çabalıyoruz.Yaşam hakkında
hiçbirşey düzgün ya da huzur dolu hissettirmiyor, fakat hala o tuhaf bir şekilde
devam ediyor.Farklı olanaklar arasında karar veriyor görünemiyoruz. Bizim için,
eskiden paylaşmanın önemli olduğu şeyler içinde biz, kendimizi, ona dair bir çit
üzerinde buluyoruz ya da hepsini yapsak da korunmuyoruz. Bazı şeyler istiyoruz
ve sonrasında istemiyoruz. Bir yerlere gitmek istiyoruz ve sonrasında
istemiyoruz. Yürümek istiyoruz ve daha sonra istemiyoruz. Bir çoğumuz, bu
Dünyada isteyebildiğimiz ve gereksinim duyabildiğimiz herşeye sahiptir, fakat
yine de hala mutluluğu duyumsayamıyoruz. Bu tarzda hissediyoruz çünki Ruhumuz,
önümüzde ortaya çıkıyor olan cennetin zaten farkında.Ve biz, bizi mutsuz eden
herşeyin gitmesine izin vermek için hazırlık
yapıyoruz, ki böylece Yeni bir Dünyada yeniden doğabileceğiz.

Birliğin bu yeni yasası işte bu nedenle kaynakları paylaşıyor; tutmayı değil…ve toplumu
destekliyor; diğerleriyle
rekabeti değil.Kişisel yaşamlarımızın ötesini düşünmeyi istemiş
oluyoruz.Destekleme ve paylaşma bilincine gelebildiğimiz ölçüde, Evrenin,
Yeryüzünde herkes için sınırlandırılmamış bir bolluğu olduğunu anladığımızda bu
birlik gelir.Diğer taraftan, herkesi etkileyerek kendimiz için ne yaptığımızdan
ötürü, kendi kişisel gereksinimlerimizin ötesini ve bütün Küresel Toplumu
düşünmek zorundayız.Ruh, neye gereksinim duyarsak sağlar…sadece gereksinimi
değil ne istersek.Gereksinim , Ruh nedeniyle gösterilir.İstek Ego nedeniyle
yaratılır.Şayet güven, (a.k.a gelecek korkusu) ya tanıdık bazı şeyler (a.k.a
mekanik zihin) ya da hatta bireysel kendimiz için bazı şeyler (a.k.a Ego)
arıyorsak, o daha fazla iyi çalışır görünmez.Biz amaçlarımızı,
memleketlerimizi ve bütün Gezegeni kapsayacak bir şekilde genişletmek zorunda olduğumuz
bir zamandayız.

Birliği, birleşmeyi başardığımızda o, ünvanlarımızı, kostümlerimizi ve takip ettiğimiz

uzağa fırlatıp atacaktır.Ruhsal hiyerarşi için daha fazla bir gereksinim
olmayacaktır. Herkes kutsaldır; yalnızca kaideler üzerine dikip ayrıcalık
tanıdığımız birkaç kişi değil.Birlik, en son aile çemberidir.Birlik, akılsız
klonlar gibi, hepimizin aynı olmasına dair değildir, ancak o, ortaklığın açığa
vurduğumuz bütünsel tam bir resminin, bütün çeşitliliklerimizle hep beraber
geliyor olmasına dairdir.Hepimiz, kalbimizin yolunu takip etmek olan olarak söz
verilen ülkeye erişmeyi şimdi yapabiliriz ve biliyoruz ki, yalnızca, bulmacanın
bizim olan parçalarını dile getirdiğimizde, bütün resmi hep birlikte görmeye


Işık içinde çalışıyormuş gibi yapan bütün bu şeylerin acı dolu farkındalığındayız ve saygısız
ve hırsız bir gündemi olan diğer
enerjilere de sahibiz.”Kral çıplak” öyküsünü hatırlayın.Yeni enerji Peygamber
taklitlerini hoş görmeyecektir ve Yeni Çağ canavarları daha uzun bir süre kuzu
postu giyemeyeceklerdir. Onlar, doğrudan, gözlerimizin önünde kendilerini açığa
vuracaklardır. (Bu konuya ilişkin bilgiyi, “Kim sahte Peygamber/öğretmen dir
nasıl ayırdederiz” adlı makaleden, http://www.kachina. net/~alunajoy/ 2008april.
html http://www.kachina. net/%7Ealunajoy/
2008april. html, okuyabilirsiniz. )
Ortak bilinç içindeki yeni değişim, felaketlere omuzlarımız üzerinden bakıp onları terk
ettiğimizde ve daha
ilerideki İnsanlığın ortaklığını görüp anlıyor olduğumuzda, yeni ve bütünüyle
farkındalıkla dolu bir Dünyayı bize gösterecektir. Ve biz şimdiki anda yaşarken,
kaynaşmayı, içtenliği, İnsanlığı, mükemmelliği ve kendi sorumluluğumuzu da
yaşayacağız. Sınıflandırmaları mızdan, acı dolu tarihimizden ve bizi etkileyip
sınırlandıran anılarımızdan da özgür olacağız.Geçmişten bu özgürlük, bizi
birbirimizden ayıran sınırları ve zırhlarımızı düşürmede yardım edecektir ve
biz, bütünleşmiş olacağız.Bu zaman, herkesin hep beraber eşit ve Küresel, kozmik
bir vatandaş olacağı bir zamandır.
Ben, bir diğeriyle onun, bu uyanış oyununun içindeki eşit ve önemli bir parçası olduğunu
bilerek saygılı bir ilişki
içinde olma ve birisine veya bir başkasına daha fazla yetki ya da Ruhsal bir
statü veyahut bir pozisyon verme ve diğer herbirinin ünvanını bilmeden eşit
olarak hep birlikte gelebildiğimizdeki, ilerideki bir güne bakıyorum.Bazı
pozisyonlar daha göz alıcı veya prestijli görünebilir, fakat o şimdi, artık
solan bir Dünyanın eski algılarıdır.Herkes, farkına varıp varmadığına göre,
uyanışa yardım etmek için kendi üzerine düşeni yapmıştır. Hepimiz aynı
teknedeyiz.Şayet lüks bir yatta gezdiğinizi düşünüyorsanız, egonuz size şaka

Ve öyledir… Bu anda emin olduğumu bildiğim tek bir düşünce, akışı takip etmek ve onunla
kavga etmemek ve kalbimizi dinlemektir,
Yeni Dünyamız, bizim hayal ettiğimiz herşeyi bize gösterecektir. Hepimiz uyanan
İnsan ırkının üyeleriyiz.Ve biz bunu yapabiliriz, eğer beraber olursak.

Alina Joy Yaxk’ın

http://www.alunajoy .com/
http://www.kachina. net/~alunajoy/ news08-2010. html

Çn: Süleyman Kaya

Farkındalığın “Aydınlık” ışığında sevgi, huzur ve uyumla…


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 12, 2010 at 1:00pm


Bazıları için mantığa aykırı gibi görünebilse de, zaman çizginiz – yaşamınız –
birçok eşzamanlı olasılıkların yalnızca bir tanesidir. Ve zaman çizgisini ve
yaşamınızın potansiyellerini değiştirmek oldukça mümkündür, aslında sizin
doğuştan hakkınızdır.

Çeşitli nedenlerle, kültürünüz tek bir zaman çizgisi ile sınırlı olduğunuza inanmaya sizi
hipnotize etti. Bu mesajda zaman çizgileri anlayışımızı ve bunları nasıl değiştirebileceğinizi
tartışmaya gayret edeceğiz.

Kaotik olaylarda bir artış olduğu her seferinde, çoklu zamanların birbirlerine yakınsaması
olur. Gezegeninizin Kaotik bir Düğüme girmiş olduğu ve gittikçe artan seviyede kaos
deneyimlemekte olduğu gerçeği
nedeniyle, zaman düğümleri dediğimiz şeyde de bir artış vardır.

Zaman düğümleri, bir veya daha fazla zaman çizgisi yakınlaştığı zaman gerçekleşir. Bunların
yakınlıklarının sonucu olarak, tek bir zaman çizgisinin realiteleri içeri sızdığı veya komşu
zaman çizgisinde bulunanlar tarafından fiziksel olarak algılandığı zaman bazen salınım
etkileri gerçekleşir. Ayrıca kuvvetli zaman çizgileri bir zaman
düğümü içindeki diğer zaman çizgilerinin olasılıklarını ve/veya
olabilirliklerini etkileyebilir. Başka bir deyişle, zaman çizgileri bir zaman
düğümüne (diğer zaman çizgilerine yakınlık) girdikleri zaman, zaman çizgileri
içinde sıkça yaratıcı ve alışılmışın dışında etkiler gerçekleşir.

Eğer bunları nasıl kullanacağınızı anlarsanız, bunlar muazzam hızlanmış evrim olanağını
taşıyan evrimsel sıçratıcılardır. Gezegeninizdeki olayların değişken doğasının sonucu olarak,
ortaya çıkan çoklu
zaman düğümleri vardır. Bu çok karmaşık ve anlaşılması güç bir konudur ve bunu
en küçük parçalarına bölmeye gayret edeceğiz, çünkü bu bilginin yükseliş süreci
ile meşgul olanlarınız için çok önemli olduğuna inanıyoruz. Önce dikkatimizi
daha büyük resme ve sonra önerdiğimiz bireysel stratejilere çevirelim.

Arka Plan

Gezegeniniz mutlak dönüşümün eşiğinde duruyor. Bu dönüşümün şekli çoklu ifadelere sahip
ve bu sonuçları az veya çok etkileyecek olan sizsiniz – kollektif.

Bu sonuçların, bu olasılıkların bazıları gezegensel yıkım ve arınma kehanetlerini

gerçekleştiriyor. Diğer zaman çizgileri, diğer ifadeler farklı bir sonucu ortaya koyuyor. İnsan
bilincinde ani beklenmedik bir
değişim, kaderinizi çok negatif bir şekilde etkilemiş olan Kontrolcüleri dizleri üzerine
çöktürebilirdi. Ve bu iki kutupluluk
arasında diğer olası zaman çizgilerinin yüzlercesi vardır. Toplumunuzda hipnoz
altında kalmanızı dileyen, tek bir zaman çizgisiyle sınırlı olduğunuz yanılgısında
olmaya devam etmenizi dileyen, bundan çıkarı olanlar vardır.

Ancak doğanızda, ister kişisel ister kollektif olsun herhangi bir olayın son anında zaman
çizgilerini ve olasılıkları değiştirme yeteneğine sahipsiniz. Bunun “pozitif” olmak olduğunu
söylemiyoruz. Bunu,
evrimsel potansiyeliniz ile ilgili bir gerçek olarak söylüyoruz. İster
kollektif olarak bu potansiyele ulaşın ister ulaşmayın, bir İnisiyenin yolu,
onun etrafında nelerin gerçekleşip gerçekleşmediğine bakmaksızın, en yüksek
potansiyel için yukarılara erişmektir. Bu nedenle, bu mesajda ne
yapabileceğinizi ve bunu nasıl yapacağınızı tartışacağız.

Bizim perspektifimizden, kollektif kaderiniz bireyler olarak yaptığınız bireysel seçimlerin

toplamıdır. Bu, sizin ve diğer insanların kontrol etme yeteneklerinin çok ötesinde olan
evrimsel ve yerküresel kuvvetler
ile birleşir. Kuvvetlerin bu toplamı ayrıca lokal güneş sisteminizin ötesindeki
kozmos bölgelerinden gelen kozmik enerji ve niyetlilik kalıplarını da kapsar,
çünkü sizler evreniniz olan karmaşık bir kozmik matriksin parçasısınız.

Eğer bir metafor kullansaydık, insanlık olarak büyük bir okyanus gemisinde olduğunuzu
söylerdik. Ama birçoğunuz uykudasınız ve dümende bu gemiyi yöneten başka birileri var ve
onlar orada olmamalıydı. Ayrıntısına
burada girmeyeceğimiz birçok tarihsel ve trans – tarihsel nedenlerle, çeşitli
varlıklar geminize el koydular.

Ama, ah, gelgitler nasıl geri dönüyor. Birçoğunuz uyanıyorsunuz, bazıları hala yarı uykuda,
dünyalarının çalkantılı fırtınasının önlerinde değişmekte olduğunu izlerken güvertede
sendeliyorlar. Kontrolcüler
birçoğunuzun uyanmakta olduğunuzu biliyor – onların rahatlarını bozacak kadar
çok sayıda insan uyanıyor.

Aslında bu hayatta olmak için ilginç bir zaman!

Körfezdeki şu andaki ekolojik durum çoklu zaman çizgilerinin bir örneğidir. Medyanızın
durumu akıllardan çıkarma girişimine rağmen, birçok insan durumun ne kadar dehşetli
olduğunu hissediyor ve aslında
Körfez bölgesinde yüzeyin altında hem hakiki hem de mecazi komplikasyonlar var.

Önceki mesajımızda bu olay için birkaç olası zaman çizgisine değindik. Bu olası zaman
çizgilerinden hangisinin üç boyutlu realitenizde ortaya çıkacağı balçığa veya betona yazılı
değiştirilebilir bir olay veya sonuçtur. Bu mesajda anında farklı bir kadere
giden bir zaman çizgisine bireysel olarak nasıl sıçrayabileceğinizi tartışmak
istiyoruz. Bu, zaman çizgilerinde sıçraması için uygarlığınıza da
uygulanabilir, ama bu başka bir zamanın konusudur.

Şimdilik dikkatimizi size, bireysel insana ve felaket getiren bir zaman çizgisinden –
istemediğiniz bir sonuçtan – daha insaniyetli, yaşam dostu ve evrimsel potansiyel ile dolu
başka bir zaman çizgisine nasıl
sıçrayabileceğinize çevirmek istiyoruz.

Zaman çizgilerinde sıçramak için teknolojik araçlar vardır, ama bizim buradaki bilgimiz insan
bilinci ile ve kendi farkındalığınızın ve niyetinizin gücüyle zaman çizgilerinde nasıl sıçrama
yapabileceğiniz ile ilgilidir. Bu çaba için, kendi en temel doğanızda en büyük
hazinelerden ikisine zaten sahipsiniz – egemen iradeniz (seçimler
yapma iradeniz) ve hissetme kapasiteniz. Doğru şekilde
birleştirildiğinde bu ikisi bir satranç tahtasındaki piyonlar olmak yerine
gerçekliğinizin birlikte – yaratıcıları olarak arzuladığınız gibi zaman
çizgilerine sıçramanızı sağlar.

Temel Prensip

Zaman çizgilerinde sıçrama yapmak için temel prensip niyetselliğin birkaç önemli alanının
koordinasyonunu kapsar.

1) Girmek istediğiniz zaman çizgisini belirlersiniz.

2) Titreşim durumunuzu o zaman çizgisine uyacak şekilde değiştirirsiniz.

3) Salınım yapmaması (bocalamaması için) için o titreşimsel duruma kilitlenirsiniz.

4) Yeni zaman çizgisinin ifadesi olan bir eylemi yaparsınız.
5) Azmetmek.
Bu beşinci aşamada, seçmiş olduğunuz yeni zaman çizgisinin titreşim durumunu

yeni zaman çizgisi ile tutarlı olan seçimler yapmalısınız ve aksine duyusal
bilgiye rağmen sebat etmelisiniz.

Bu son azmetme aşaması önemlidir, çünkü sizin şu andaki zaman çizginiz inançlarınızın ve
niyetlerinizin birikimidir. O inançların ve niyetlerin kuvvetine bağlı olarak, yaşamınızın set
edilmiş kalıbını yenmek
için engin miktarda enerji biriktirmek zorunda olabilirsiniz.

Paylaştığımız bilgi herhangi bir zaman çizgisine ve en sıradan duruma kadar yaşamınızdaki
bir ifadeye değinmek için kullanılabilir. Ancak bu mesajda, yükseliş süreciyle ve
kültürünüzün şu anda içinde bulunduğu
zaman çizgisinden farklı olan zaman çizgilerine nasıl girebileceğiniz ile
ilgili olarak zaman çizgilerinde sıçrama yöntem bilimine değineceğiz.

Bazıları için bu devrimci bir fikirdir; ama bizim için sadece sizin doğanızla ilgili bir gerçektir.
Sizler yaratıcı tanrılar ve tanrıçalarsınız ve paylaştığımız bu bilgi sadece sizin doğuştan gelen
hakkınızdır. Bunu bu zamanda birçoğunuzun zaman çizgilerinde sıçrama yapacağı
ve üzerinde olduğunuz geminin omurgasını eğip gemiyi güvenli ve refah içinde
olan sulara çevireceğiniz beklentisi ve umuduyla size sunuyoruz.

Yeterince metafor kullandık, zaman çizgilerinde nasıl sıçrayacağınızın pratik ayrıntılarına



Bizim perspektifimizden, yükseliş süreci ikinci bedeninizin, KA’nızın enerjilendirilmesini ve

onun daha fazla ışık yayması, en sonunda SAHU, Ölümsüz Enerji Bedeni olması için
titreşiminin yükselmesini
içerir. Kişinin KA’sının titreşimini yükseltmenin birçok yolu vardır. Spiritüel
geleneklerinizin çoğunun titreşiminizi yükseltmek için kendi yöntemleri vardır,
ne yazık ki, bunların çoğu dogma, tabular ve açıkçası özgürlüğünüzü arzulamamış
olan ve arzulamayan, esaretinizden çıkar sağlayanlar tarafından yerleştirilen
düşünce –formlarından kaynaklanan girişim kalıpları ile delik deşik olmuştur.

Ve evet, spiritüel geleneklerinizin bazılarının – ve özellikle dinlerinizin – sinsi tuzaklar
olduğunu söylemek üzücü ve eğer kendi varlığınızın yükselişinde yukarı doğu
ilerleyecekseniz, gerçeği yalandan
ayırmalısınız. Yalnızca siz bu görevi üstlenebilirsiniz, çünkü bu görev
üstatlığın gerekliliklerinden biridir. Bu, kendi varlıklarının yükselişini
seçmiş olanlar için bilincin kendisinin kumunda bir çizgidir. Onlar gerçeğin
üstatları olurlar ve sahte olanı bulup çıkarmak için kenara çekilmezler.
Dogmanın köleleri değillerdir. Kendi kutsallıkları haricinde hiç kimseye boyun

Enerjisel bakış açısından, kadim Mısırlılar tarafından Sekhem adı verilen yaşam gücünüz
Djed’e veya çakraların kutsal yoluna yükselişine başladığı zaman, yükseliş süreci başlar. Bu
en basit
formunda yükseliştir. Bu bilincin ve farkındalığın genişlemesidir. Yaşam
gücünüz yüksek beyin merkezlerinize girerken ve KA bedeniniz enerjilenirken,
yükselişin bir diğer aşamasına girersiniz. Bu aşamada, ışığın kendisini
metabolize etmeye başlarsınız. Işık ile, spiritüel ışığı, spiritüel alemlerde
var olan ışığı kastediyoruz. Bu ışık KA bedeninizi besler ve onun titreşimini
artırır. KA bedeni yalpalamadan belirli bir titreşim genliğine veya titreşim
kuvvetine eriştiği zaman, onu SAHU’ya veya Ölümsüz Enerji Bedenine dönüştüren
bir tür eterik ateşle tutuşur. Bu, bu özel yükseliş şeklinin son aşamalarından
biri olarak görülebilir. Ancak açığa kavuşturmayı dilediğimiz şey, kullanılan
yönteme bakmaksızın bilinçte yukarı doğru hareketin ve yaşam gücünün djed’e
ilerlemesinin yükseliş sürecinin parçası olmasıdır.

Şimdi, zaman çizgilerinde sıçramanın temel yöntemini açıklayacak olan bazı temel kavramları
ve eğitim stratejilerini tartışmak istiyoruz. Sonra dikkatimizi, büyük zorluklar olarak görünen
şeylerin ortasında
bile kendiniz için nasıl yeni bir ihtimal yaratabileceğinize çevireceğiz. Ve en
önemlisi, şu andaki zaman düğümünüzde var olan önemli evrimsel fırsatı

Eğer farklı bir zaman çizgisine sıçrayacaksanız, karşılaşacağınız ilk görevlerden biri korkunun
aşılmasıdır. Çoğu insan bilinmeyenden korkar, ama burada dahil olan çok daha fazla sinsi
unsur vardır.

Kaderinizi kontrol etmeyi ve bundan çıkar sağlamayı dileyen Kontrolcüler korku
yansıtma üstatlarıdır ve kitleleri korkulacak çok fazla şey olduğuna ikna etmek
için medya vasıtasıyla engin miktarda zihin kontrol ve hipnoz kaynakları
kullanıyorlar. Ve açıkça, korku için bazı nedenler olduğu gerçeği varken,
yüksek gerçek ifşa edilmiyor.

Onu gördüğümüz şekliyle yüksek gerçek realitenizi değiştirme kapasitenizdir, yeni zaman
çizgilerinde seyretmek için araçlar olarak egemen iradenizin ve hissetme kapasitenizin iki
hazinesini kullanma
içsel yeteneğinizdir. Burada spesifik olalım.

Daha önce bahsettiğimiz gibi, sözünü ettiğimiz yükseliş türü yaşam gücünüzün yukarı djed’e
veya omurgaya, yüksek beyin merkezlerinize çıkarılma hareketiyle başlar. Bu gerçekleşirken,
KA bedeninizdeki
çakralar adı verilen enerji tekerleri yeni şekillerde aktive
olurlar. Bu, yeni olasılıkların ve yeni içgörülerin, yeni ilham ve yaratıcılık
şekillerinin pencerelerini açar. Ama eğer bilinç korkuya kilitli kalırsa, alt
merkezler, hayatta kalma, seks ve güç güdüleri ile hapsedilir.

Daha önce değindiğimiz çeşitli tarihsel ve trans – tarihsel nedenlerle, kaderi kontrol etme
araçları olarak korkuyu ebedileştirmek üzere, insanlığı alt merkezlerde kilitli tutmak için gizli
bir anlaşma (tuzak)
vardı ve var olmaya devam ediyor. Bu nedenle yukarı giden yolu seçen herhangi
bir üstat için, geçilecek ilk engellerden biri Korku Vadisidir – kişinin kültürünün yansıtılmış
düşünce formları.
Sonra bazı en kutsal dinleriniz tarafından bile sürdürülmekte olan yalanları
fark etmek için, sizi kısıtlayan sınırlama portallarından geçmelisiniz.

Ama diyelim ki bu tür bir geçitten geçmek için cesarete ve dayanıklılığa sahipsiniz ve diyelim
ki örnek adına, içinde yaşamak istediğiniz zaman çizgisi hayırsever bir zaman çizgisi: şefkat.
İşte bunu nasıl
yapacağınız, hatırlayın aynı prensipler kendiniz için yaratmayı dilediğiniz
herhangi bir zaman çizgisine uygulanır.

Hazırlanma ve Eğitim

İlk adım yaratmayı dilediğiniz, içinde yaşamayı istediğiniz zaman çizgisini belirlemek,
tanımlamaktır. Bu durumda bu şefkatin zaman çizgisidir. İkinci adım o zaman çizgisine uyan
titreşim haline geçmektir.
Bu durumda, bu şefkatin
hissedilme halidir, bu nedenle
siz kendiniz yapabildiğiniz kadar bu şefkat halinde kalırsınız. Bununla
başkalarına ve kendinize şefkat göstereceğinizi kastediyoruz.

Üçüncü adım, salınım yapmaması, bocalamaması için titreşim alanına kilitlenmektir. Bu,
zaman çizgilerinde sıçramanın önemli bir veçhesidir, çünkü eski titreşim hali kendi yaşamına
sahiptir. Yalnızca yeni bir
zaman çizgisi yaratmayı seçtiğiniz ve o zaman çizgisine uyan titreşim haline
adım attığınız için, o zaman çizgisinin tezahür etmesi veya devam etmesi
garanti değildir. Titreşim alanını yerine kilitlemelisiniz, çünkü yeni zaman
çizgisine erişmenizi devam ettiren şey budur.

İlk iki adım egemen iradenizi kapsar. Deneyimlemek istediğiniz zaman çizgisini seçersiniz. O
zaman çizgisine uyan bir titreşim halini seçersiniz. Ve üçüncü adımda – titreşim haline
kilitlenme – doğanızın
ikinci hazinesini kullanırsınız: hissetme kapasiteniz.

İçinde olmayı dilediğiniz titreşim halini hissederek, onu güçlendirirsiniz; onu büyütürsünüz.
Ve eğer titreşim realitesi için takdir veya şükran gibi evreuyumlu (ahenkli) duygusal bir hali
de eklerseniz, onun doğumunu hızlandırırsınız.

Yeni zaman çizgisi için takdir etme veya şükran hissetmenin bu basit davranışı onun
gerçekliğini zihni afallatacak şekillerde katalize eder. Böylece bu üç adımda doğanızın iki
hazinesi bir araya gelir.
Sonraki adım tekrar egemen iradenizi gerektirir. Duyularınız size ne anlatırsa
anlatsın, yeni zaman çizgisi vizyonunu ve titreşim halini taşımak için
azmetmelisiniz. Bu birçoklarının başarısız oldukları bölümdür.

Yeni zaman çizgisini üç boyutlu realitenize tezahür ettirmek birikmiş enerji gerektirir. Eğer
zaten önceden var olduğu için şükran duyarak titreşim haliyle (veya onu hissederek) yeni

zaman çizgisinin vizyonunu
taşımada ısrar ederseniz, enerji biriktirirsiniz.

Buradaki görev şu andaki realitenin size gösterdiği şeye dikkat ederken, vizyonunuza sadık
kalmaktır. Bu rol yapmak ile ilgili değildir. Eşzamanlı
olarak daha yüksek bir vizyonu taşırken, realite size kendisini sunarken,
realite ile yüzleşmekle ilgilidir. Başka
deyişle, eşzamanlı olarak farklı bir yaşamın vizyonunu taşırken, yaşamınızın
realitesinin üstesinden gelmenizdir. Bu sanattır.

Örneğimizi kullanarak, eğer daha fazla şefkat olan bir yaşamı yaratmayı arzu ediyorsanız,
başkalarına şefkat göstererek bu titreşim haline girersiniz. Eğer bu titreşim hali için şükran da
hissedebilseydiniz, bu
yeni zaman çizgisinin yaratımını hızlandırırdı.

Gerçekte, herkesin şefkat yeteneğinde olmadığını, bunu almadığını fark edeceğiniz bir periyot
olacaktır. O zaman vizyonunuz yaşamın gerçeklikleriyle saflaşacak ve yeni zaman çizginizin
ortaya çıkışı ile birlikte
şimdiki zaman çizginizin gerçeklikleriyle başa çıkarken, bilincinizin bu
olgunlaşması doğal olarak gerçekleşecek.

Bu ilerleme şeklinin bir sonucu, sizin bir şefkat üstadı ve bu tür titreşimleri ifade edemeyenler
ile başa çıkmanın üstadı olmanızdır. En sonunda daha fazla insanın bu niteliği size ifade ettiği
sizin de onlara ifade ettiğiniz daha fazla şefkatli olan bir yaşam
deneyimlersiniz. Ve bu niteliği ifade edemeyen birileriyle karşılaştığınız
zaman, kendinizde bu niteliği kaybetmeden onunla daha fazla başa

Bu kendiniz için yeni zaman çizgisini ve yeni gerçekliği tohumlar.

Şimdi kollektif zaman çizgisine geri dönelim.

Daha önce söylediğimiz gibi, zaman düğümleri çoklu zaman çizgilerinin yakınlaştığı kesişim
noktalarıdır ve bunun nasıl yapıldığını anlarsanız bir zaman çizgisinden diğerine
sıçrayabilirsiniz. Bireysel zaman

çizgilerine uygulanan temel prensibi biraz önce açıkladık. Şimdi herhangi
belirli bir kollektif zaman çizgisinden farklı bir zaman çizgisine nasıl
sıçrayabileceğinizi tartışalım.

Mantığa ne kadar aykırı görünürse görünsün, ayrı bir zaman çizgisinde yaşamak,
etrafınızdakilerin sahip olduğundan daha farklı bir yaşam deneyimine sahip olmak oldukça

Bunu başka bir şekilde söyleyelim. Başkaları acı içinde yaşarken, cennette yaşamak olasıdır.
Bilincin en derin seviyelerinde bu yalnızca bir seçim konusudur.

Sizi hapsedilmiş tutmayı arzulayan kuvvetler tarafından manipüle edildiğinizi ve manipüle

edilmeye devam ettiğinizi fark ediyoruz. Ancak bu iletişimde bizim seçimimiz bunun tarihi
üzerinde durmak veya
buna dahil olan varlıklar üzerinde durmak değildir, size o hapishaneden dışarı
sıçramak için anahtarlar vermektir. Çünkü aslında, gerçek Kontrolcüler sizin
tarafınızdan görülmemekte. Onlar Kukla Üstatlardır.

Kaotik olaylar artarken zaman çizgilerinde sıçramak için birçok fırsatlara sahip olacaksınız.
Önerimiz daha önce tartıştığımız adımları hatırlamaktır. Bir deney yapmayı seçerek bu
yöntemi deneyebilirsiniz.
Yaşamınızda bir realite olarak ortaya çıkmasını istediğiniz bir şeyi seçin ve
tartıştığımız adımları uygulayın, ne yaratabileceğinizi görün.

Fiziksel ve Ruhsal Hayatta Kalma

Bu mesajı vermenin asıl nedeni, kişisel arzuları yaratmaktan daha önemli şeyleri kapsar. Bu
“bir şeyler” hem fiziksel hem de spiritüel olarak sizin
hayatta kalmanız ile ilgilidir.

Kaotik olaylar tırmanırken, sezgi güçleriniz daha önce olduğundan çok daha önemli olacaktır.

Bazı insanlar bunlara “önsezi” diyor. Nasıl bildiğinizi bilmeksiniz, aniden bir durumda ne
yapılacağını bilirsiniz.

Sezgi bu şekilde işler. Bu sezgi anlarında siz farklı bir zaman çizgisine ve farklı bir sonuca
sıçrayabileceğiniz bir kesişme noktasındasınız – bir zaman düğümündesiniz.

Sezgisel alıcılıktaki bu artış, kişisel yükselişin veya bilinçte yukarı yükselmenin ayırıcı
özelliklerinden biridir. Daha çok gelişmiş bir sezginin görünür fiziksel hayatta kalma faydaları

Biraz önce bazı bireyler için mantığa aykırı olabilecek bir şey söyledik. Zaman çizgilerinde
sıçrama yeteneğinin hem fiziksel hem de spiritüel hayatta kalma faydaları olduğunu söyledik.

Burada söylemek istediğimiz şey, bazı durumlarda fiziksel hayatta kalma ile sonuçlanabilecek
olan farklı bir sonuca, bir zaman çizgisine sıçrama yeteneğidir. Spiritüel hayatta kalma ile,
bunların sizin
spiritüel uyanışınıza tehditler olduğunu kastediyoruz. Kendi gerçeğinizin izini
kaybederseniz, kendi doğanızda sahip olduğunuz iki hazineyi – egemen iradeniz
ve hissetme kapasiteniz – kaybederseniz, o zaman spiritüel olarak
tehlikedesiniz. Kendinizdeki bu hazineleri gözden kaybetmeyin. Kaotik olaylar
artarken ve bu olaylar artacak – çünkü bu yeni dünyanın doğumudur –
Kontrolcüler çabalarını artıracaklar. Kaynaklarına bakmaksızın – bunlar
“kutsal” dinlerinizin birinden gelse bile – egemen iradenizi ve hissetme
yeteneğinizi sınırlayan zihin kontrole ve düşünce formlarına karşı tedbirli

Kutsal bir giysiye veya politik doğruluğa nasıl büründüğüne bakmadan, seçmek için egemen
iradenizi veya hissetme kapasitenizi sınırlayan düşünce formlarından kaçınılmalıdır. Bu
geçişte spiritüel olarak
sağlam olarak hayatta kalmayı dileyenleriniz için bu çok önemli bir

Zaman Çizgilerinin Yakınsaması ve Olasılıkların Değiştirilmesi

Dikkatimizi bu mesajın asıl nedenine çevirelim. Bu noktaya kadar söylediğimiz

her şey arka plandır ve zaman çizgilerinde sıçramak için kendi bilincinizin
eğitilmesi için önerilerdir.

Ama şimdi dikkatimizi sizin yaratımınızdan bağımsız olarak var olan iki oldukça yüksek
önemi olan zaman çizgisine çeviriyoruz. Bunlar farklı varoluş düzenindendir. Bunlar sizin
kişisel seçiminiz ile
yaratılmadılar. Ve bunlar birbirlerine direkt olarak karşıt şekilde var olurlar.

Sayısız durumlarda söylediğimiz gibi, siz çoklu zaman çizgilerinde ve olasılıklarda eşzamanlı
olarak var olursunuz. Sizin ve insanlığın bu zamanda içinde yaşadığı zaman çizgilerinden biri
kıyamet ve
gezegensel yıkım kehanetlerini tamamlıyor, gerçekleştiriyor. Bu çok gerçek bir
zaman çizgisidir. Ancak, bu sadece tek bir olası zaman çizgisidir. Siz bir
yakınsama noktasındasınız, bir zaman düğümündesiniz, burada kıyamet günü
olasılıklarından yeni bir Dünya tipine ve varoluşun yeni düzenine sıçramak

Yeni Dünya adını verdiğimiz bu zaman çizgisi, sizin şu andaki realitenizden çok farklı bir
deneyim boyutudur. Bu zaman çizgisinde, Dünya tüm yaşamın birbirine bağlı olduğu
gerçeğini anlayan ve bunu takdir eden insanlık
kitleleri tarafından derin bir şekilde hürmet görür ve ona minnettarlık

Burada, Dünya kar adına – onun ekosisteminin zararına olacak şekilde - yağmalanmaz ve
sömürülmez. Teknolojiler insan bilincinin yükselmesiyle dönüştürülmüştür. Şu andaki
çağınızın yaşamı tehdit eden
teknolojileri ve yaşama zarar veren zihniyeti gitmiştir. Savaşlar geçmişin
olayıdır. Din, ekonomi ve uluslar arası ilişkileri manipüle ederek kaderiniz
üzerinde negatif kuvvetler icra eden Kontrolcüler güçlerinden vazgeçtiler.
Yaşamın kendisi kutsal tutulur ve maddenin kutsallığının yeni bir anlayışı
insanlık tarafından kucaklanır. Bu yeni dünyada Cennet ve Dünya arasında savaş

Bu zaman çizgisi hakkında söyleyebileceğimiz çok şeyler var, ancak umuyoruz ki bu zaman
çizgisi ile en sonunda kıyamet ve yıkıma götüren diğer zaman çizgisi arasındaki farkı

Yeni Dünya’nın bu zaman çizgisi ile ilgili söylemek istediğimiz bir şey daha var. Bu, bizim
özellikle takdir ettiğimiz bir niteliktir. Bu yeni zaman çizgisinde, dünyalar arasındaki perdeler
incedir ve insanlar ve –
bizler gibi – galaktik varlıklar ve devic ve ruhsal dünyalar diyebileceğiniz
şeyler arasında daha büyük bir etkileşim vardır.

Burada niyetimizin aklınızı çelmek olmadığını söylemeliyiz, çünkü biz müdahale etmemeye
inanıyoruz. Özgür iradenize engel olmayacağız. Ancak, gördüğümüz şeyi size işaret etmekte

Kadim Mısır’da Maat isimli bir tanrıça vardı, bir terazi tutardı ve öldüğü zaman İnisiyenin
kalbi teraziye konulurdu ve diğer tarafa da bir kuştüyü konulurdu. Eğer kalp tüy kadar hafif
ise, İnisiyeye
cennet dünyalarına girme izni verilirdi – yani bilincin yüksek hallerine. Ama
eğer kalp negatiflik, pişmanlık ve üzüntü ile doluysa, İnisiye alt dünyalara
geri dönmek zorunda kalırdı.

Çok gerçek bir şekilde, insanlık Maat ile buluşma noktasındadır. Kıyamet, yıkım ve dehşet
zaman çizgisine inanan her insan bu realiteye katkı yapacaktır. Yeni Dünya’nın gerçek zaman
çizgisini taşıyan Herkes bu realiteye katkı yapacaktır.

Bu durumda güçsüz değilsiniz. En doğanızda kendiniz ve gezegen için – özellikle insanlık

için - radikal değişim gücünü taşıyorsunuz. Eğer Yeni Dünya’nın bu zaman çizgisi ile
rezonans hissediyorsanız ve eğer
varoluşun bu yeni düzeninde yaşamayı seçiyorsanız, ağırlığınıza katkı
yapacaksınız, deyim yerindeyse terazinizi hafifletmeye yardımcı olacaksınız.

Daha önce söylediğimiz bir şey söylemek istiyoruz, çünkü bu çok önemli. Etrafınızdakiler acı
içinde yaşarken, cennette yaşamak mümkündür. Bunun sizin zaman ve mekandaki yeriniz ile
çok az ilgisi vardır,
daha çok sizin titreşim haliniz ile ilgisi vardır.

Söylediğimiz şeyin gerçeğini hissediyorsanız ve bu Yeni Dünya ile hizalanmayı seçiyorsanız,

yeni zaman çizgisine ve yeni kadere hoş geldiniz diyoruz.

Tavsiyemiz daha önce verdiğimiz zaman çizgilerinde sıçrama adımlarını tekrar gözden
geçirmek ve büyük deneye başlamaktır. Yeni Dünya’nın zaman çizgisine girin ve kendinizi
mucizelere hazırlayın.

Son olarak – bırakın Dünya sizinle konuşsun. Bırakın Dünya sizi okşasın ve size en derin
bilgisini ve bilgeliğini aktarsın. Gelecek olan değişimlerde o sizin büyük müttefikiniz olacak.

Gelecek iletişimlerimizde size zaman çizgilerinde sıçramak ve Yeni Dünya ile ilgili daha fazla
bilgi vereceğiz. Ama şimdilik, nasıl ilerleyeceğinizin temel anlayışına sahip olduğunuzu

Her zaman olduğu gibi, şu anda karşılaştığınız büyük zorlukların ortasında bile, sizin için,
insan ailesi için yüksek vizyonu taşıyoruz. Bunu kendiniz göremeseniz bile, saklı azametinizi
görüyoruz. Bu
karanlık saatte bir ışık taşıyoruz. Bu yalnızca sizin kendi içinizde
taşıdığınız büyük ışığın hatırlatıcısı. İçinizdeki bu ışığı serbest bırakma
zamanı. Gelecek nesiller sizin yükselişiniz ile kutsanacaklar. Öyle olsun.

3 Ağustos 2010

Tom’un Düşünceleri ve Gözlemleri

Bu iletişimde gözüme birçok şey takıldı. Her şeyden önce onlar daha önce hiç
işitmediğim trans – tarihsel terimini kullandılar. Onlara bunu
sorduğumda, bunun lineer zamanı aşan galaksi içindeki etkilerin belirli
türlerine bakma şeklini tanımladığını söylediler. Sözünü ettikleri etkiler
zamanın dışında üretilmişti, ama sonra tarih – öncesinden şimdiki zamanımıza
kadar bizim zaman çizgimizde görünmüştü. Onların burada söylediklerinin hepsini
tamamen anlamıyorum. Sadece bunları aktarıyorum.

Zaman düğümlerinin önemini birçok kez vurguladıkları ve bir zaman çizgisinden diğerine
nasıl sıçrama yapılacağı noktasında çok fazla durdukları için, onlara bu şimdiki zaman
düğümünün süresinin ne olduğunu
sordum. Onlara göre, bu zaman düğümü çok önemli, çünkü gezegenimizi ve türler
olarak kaderimizi etkileyecek olan olası/muhtemel zaman çizgilerinin çoklu
yakınsamalarını kapsıyor. Onların spesifik olarak sözünü ettikleri zaman

çizgilerinin ikisi, yeni daha hayırsever bir geleceğe götüren zaman çizgisi
ile, (onların Yeni Dünya olarak değindikleri bir zaman çizgisi) birlikte
işleyen gezegensel arınma ve yıkım kehanetlerini gerçekleştiren bir zaman
çizgisi idi.

Böylece bu zaman düğümü ne zaman başladı ve ne zaman sona erecek? Onlara göre, kutupsal
karşıt kaderlerin bu özel zaman düğümü 3B realitemizde bu yılın Temmuz
ayında ortaya çıktı ve 2013’ün Temmuz ayına dek çeşitli değiştirmelerle devam

Lütfen not edin, onlar Yeni Dünya zaman çizgisinin bu zaman düğümü sırasında varlığa
geldiğini söylemiyorlar. Aslında, onlara göre, bu hayırsever zaman çizgisi oldukça uzun bir
süredir devam
etmekte. Ama gezegensel yenilenmeye karşı gezegensel yıkımın kutupsal karşıt
zaman çizgileri şimdi birbirlerine çok yakın hareket ediyorlar (zaman düğümü
veçhesi). Bu nedenle, eğer zaman çizgilerinde nasıl sıçrama yapıldığı
bilinirse, arzuladığınız zaman çizgisi sizin üzerinde bulunduğunuz zaman
çizgisine çok yakın olduğunda ona sıçramak çok daha kolaydır.

Bu zaman düğümünün önemi, insanlığın kollektif realite olarak hangi zaman çizgisini
deneyimleyeceği ile ilgili bir seçim noktasında olmasıdır. Ve Hathorlara göre, hüküm sürecek
olan realite hem bireysel hem de
kollektif olarak bizim şimdi yaptığımız seçimler vasıtasıyla demirlenmekte.

Bu mesajda Hathorlar zaman çizgilerinde sıçramanın temel yöntemini verdiler. Belirttikleri

gibi bu yöntem şu anda insanlığın içinde yaşadığı giderek artan gerçeküstü ve negatif realite
yerine farklı ve
hayırsever bir realitede yaşamayı seçenlerimiz için temel bilgidir.

Mesajlarının Eğitim ve Hazırlık bölümü kişisel tezahür ettirme için bir yöntem olarak elbette
kullanılabilir. Aslında, bu tür konuları deneyimleyenler büyük olasılıkla bu bilginin Tezahür
101 olduğunu düşüneceklerdir. Ama yöntemin basitliği onun
mükemmelliğinde gizlidir. Hathorlar karmaşık kavramların ve tekniklerin
basitleştirilmesinde üstatlardır ve bu da farklı değildir. Ancak, onların bu

temel yöntemi paylaşmalarının nedeni bu amaçla çalışmasına rağmen, arzuları
tezahür ettirmek için değildir: gezegensel realiteleri radikal şekilde
değiştirmemizi sağlayacak olan bir yöntem sunmaktır – insan ailemizin daha
büyük kollektifi için olmasa bile, en azından kendimiz için.

Şu andaki durumumuzu tanımlamak için seçtikleri metaforu sevdim – denizdeki bir gemi.
Aslında, durumumuz bana Titanik’in başına gelen şeyi hatırlatıyor. Titanik bir buzdağına
çarptı ve geminin alt seviyeleri
suyla doldu. Önce, tehlikeyi üst güvertede bulunanlardan saklamaya çalıştılar.
Ve böylece son görünür olana kadar orkestra ile parti devam etti.

Tüketici saplantılı kültürümüzün manipüle edilen medya – aldatmacasında, çok azı gemimizin
ciddi şekilde bir yana yalpaladığını veya suyun içinde tehlikeli düşük seviyede oturduğunu
işaret ediyor.

Hathorlar, eğer yeterince insan gezegensel yıkımın kehanetsel zaman çizgisini arkada bırakıp,
zaman çizgilerinde sıçrarsa ve onların Yeni Dünya adını verdikleri daha hayırsever ve yaşamı
– onaylayan bir
realiteye girerse, gezegenimiz ile ilgili felaket kehanetlerinin çoğunun
gerçekleşmeyeceğine inanıyor.

Ama ayrıca, kollektif daha yüksek kadere geçmese bile, şu andaki kültürümüz tarafından bize
baskılanan realite yerine farklı bir realiteyi yaşama cesaretine sahip olanlarımız için fevkalade
bir şeylerin
gerçekleşeceğinde açıklar. “Etrafınızdakiler acı içinde yaşarken cennette yaşamak

Bu son mesajda, çok önemli olduğunu düşündüğüm bir şey var – özellikle zaman çizgilerinde
sıçrama yapmaya girişecek olanlarınız için. Ve bu “bir şey” kuruntulu veya “sihirli düşünme”
insan kapasitemiz ile ilgili.
Bu terimin farkında değilseniz, sihirli düşünme, kişinin sadece bir şeyi
düşünerek onun payına herhangi bir çaba olmadan bir şeyin gerçek olması veya
gerçek haline getirilebilmesine inandığı bir düşünme hastalığıdır.

Benim fikrime göre, Yeni Çağ düşüncesinde yaşamdaki bazı zorluklarla başa çıkma aracı
olarak yadsımayı teşvik eden oldukça toksik bir unsur vardır (örneğin sihirli düşünme). Ve

şüphesiz, dünyamızın şu andaki
ve yükselmekte olan çılgınlığı, birçoğumuzun başa çıkamayacağı kadar giderek
artıyor. Ama eğer bunu okuyan biri yadsımanın şu andaki zaman çizgilerimizin
realiteleri ile başa çıkmak için kabul edilebilir bir araç olduğunu düşünüyorsa,
Hathorların bunun oldukça tersine olan bir şey söylediklerini işaret etmek

Zaman çizgilerinde sıçrama sanatının bir parçası, deneyimlemeyi arzuladığımız zaman

çizgisinin vizyonunu ve titreşim imzasını taşımaktır. Ama aynı zamanda, içinde
bulunduğumuz zaman çizgisinin asıl
realitelerine dikkat etmemiz gerekiyor. Bu, dünyalar arasında yaşamaktır ve
Hathorların bizi çağırdıkları bu tür üstatlıktır.

Zaman çizgilerinde sıçramayı seçenlerin çoğunun (kendim dahil) öğrenme kavisi ile
karşılaşacaklarından şüpheleniyorum, bu kaviste yeni zaman çizgisine sıçrayabilmekte
yetersiz kalacağız ve/veya bunu
sürdürmekte başarısız olacağız. Yeni bir ustalık öğrenilirken bu tamamen
normaldir, ve evet bu esasen yeni bir yetenektir – mükemmel bir yetenek. Böylece
hepimize, acemi zaman çizgisi sıçrayıcılarına tavsiyem kendimize nazik olmak,
kendini yargılamayı geride bırakmak ve bu tür bir öğrenme deneyimine iyi bir
espri anlayışı ile girmektir. Ne de olsa, en azından bir perspektiften her şey
büyük bir kozmik şakadır.

Kalplerimizi ve zihinlerimizi içinde yaşamayı dilediğimiz zaman çizgisinde tutarken,

dönüşmekte olan (bazıları ölmekte olan diyecektir) bir uygarlığın realitelerinde nasıl
seyrettiğimiz, hiç kuşkusuz bir
sanat şekli olacaktır.

Ve böylece… Yaşayan Gizemin sanatçılarına, vizyon ile büyülenenlerinize ve sıçrama

cesaretine sahip olanlara, kadehimi kaldırıyorum.

Sizi ve meşgul olmak üzere olduğumuz büyük girişimi selamlıyorum, ki bu girişim bir insan
deneyimi yaşayan ruhsal varlıklar olarak kendi en yüksek niteliklerimize yükselmekten başka
bir şey değil.

Size ve sevdiklerinize kutsamalar,

Tom Kenyon


© 2010 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved

(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)

Across the Middle East West-Eastern Divan
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 12, 2010 at 4:13pm

"Music will save the world."

-- Pablo Casals

"I know the price of success: dedication, hard work and an

unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen."
-- Frank Lloyd Wright

Across the Middle East

West-Eastern Divan Orchestra

The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra -- http://www.west-eastern-divan.org/ -- annually

since 1999 selects 90 gifted youth musicians from the Middle East, including
Israelis and Palestinians, to train and tour together in concert each
After 11 years, it is a premier example of excellence in music and relationship building.
It is the shared, fulfilled dream -- and unremitting devotion -- of Jewish conductor Daniel
Barenboim and
deceased Palestinian scholar, Edward Said.
Peace by Example: Palestinian Israeli Musical Mix
Reuters News 2009 - 2 min video

Palestinian-Israeli orchestra marks 10th anniversary

Al Jazeera News 2009 - 6 min video

Daniel Barenboim West-Eastern Divan Orchestra:

Barenboims Mission for Peace
Spiegel TV News 2009 (4 min)

Daniel Barenboim And The West-Eastern Divan In Palestine

Barenboim expresses vision
Video - 1 min.


In Venezuela
El Sistema: Changing Lives Through Music

Venezuela is a good starting-point for people to begin moderating dark stereotypes

painted by traditional news
media preoccupied with political personalities.
Venezuela is the home of a music program for children, Youth Orchestra Salinas
-- http://www.youthorchestrasalinas.org/
This El Sistema-inspired music program is so extraordinary it has been hailed as the future of
classical music itself.
More information is available from Jenean Watrous at Jenean@yosal.org .
El Sistema: Changing Lives Through Music
Venezuela's Groundbreaking Musical Education Program
60 Minutes
READ story:
WATCH video
LISTEN to audio:

In Israel
The Arab-Jewish Ensemble

Shesh-Besh: The Arab-Jewish Ensemble of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra

(IPO) -- http://www.ipo-kids.org/en/jewish_arab/ -- is Arab and Jewish musicians
modeling mutual respect, something that largely
escapes those largely-disengaged communities in the Holy Land.
On stage and in Israeli classrooms, Shesh-Besh demonstrates communication and
cooperationm, while performing and teaching classical music of the West and
the East.
They frequently incorporate vocalists in Hebrew and Arabic, in addition to languages of the
standard opera repertoire.
Elementary schools
High schools

In Vienna
The Muslim-Jewish Conference

August 1-8, 2010, the first Muslim-Jewish Conference j(MJC) --

http://www.mjconference.org/ -- convened in Vienna, Austria 60 students from all over

the world.
They, too, showed how music closes distances, while including discussion
committees, guest speakers, open dialogue panels, and social events.

The idea was birthed in Vienna from two Austrian students, Ilja Sichrovsky (
ilja.sichrovsky@mjconference.org ) and Matthias Gattermeier, driven by their experiences at
international student conferences and desire to create
cultural awareness between young aspiring Jewish and Muslim academics.
They saw that most Jewish and Muslim youth have not had constructive contact
with each other.
Opinions regarding one another are mainly based on stereotypes and prejudices dispersed
both by their media and society.
Motivation and skills lack for recognizing and understanding the wishes, fears,
problems, and hopes of other communities.

The two, young social entrepreneurs realized that young individuals worldwide hunger for
multi-cultural and multi-religious dialogue.
Participants went beyond the borders of dogmas to enter a phase where Muslims and
Jews can see
each other again as friends and allies who can together face the challenges that
lie ahead.
Their collective faith has no name, but is the faith in the possibility of a peaceful coexistence.
In Vienna, they successfully addressed the lack communication, and contributed to a long
term, new era of

Today, the ‘MJC committee includes over 20 volunteers from Asia, the Middle East, Europe
and America.
Their homepage describes the conference:
"Our first step together creating the power to forge a link between possibility and
Because the pronunciation of our names is no barrier for friendships."
VIEW Austrian TV News Reports
The Muslim-Jewish Conference (MJC)
August 1-6, 2010
Institute of International Development
University of Vienna, Austria.

Video #1 (2 min)



Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 12, 2010 at 4:30pm

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

1.Tekamülsel Tamamlanma

Tekamülsel tamamlanmaya izin veren biri, varlığını var etmek için bir bilgiye
sarılır. Bu bilgi sayesinde tutucu vasfına bürünerek şuurunu yayar.
İdrak ve şuur mekanizmasını çalıştırır. Buradaki sembole
odaklanıldığında kişinin yolculuğu bir anda tesir ve yön değiştirir.
Kişi artık asıl evine - asıl kendine- doğru yolculuğa başlar. Düşünce
formları, mekanizmalar ve psişik yüklerle dağılmış olan varlığın alanı
bu tesir sayesinde kendisine odaklanmayı sağlayarak kişiyi yapmış olduğu
yükseliş seçimi ile ahenkli olacağı hale getirir.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

2.Tekamülün Yaratımsal Devreleri

Tekamülün yaratımsal devreleri, varlığın, yolculuğu esnasında diğer yaratılmış beşerlerle,

yunuslarla, balinalarla ve doğanın krallıkları ile yükseliş yolunda ahenkle yürümesini sağlar.

Bir başka açıdan tedriç
yasasının tezahür halidir. Her bir kademenin, yükseliş yolunda,
varlığın hayat ile yapmış olduğu dansta oynadığı rolü vardır. Bu sembole
odaklanmak kişinin yolculuğunun dünya üzerinde bulunan diğer form
-mineral, bitki, hayvan- krallıkları ile yükseliş yolunda uyum içinde
olmasını sağlar. Kişi bu sembole odaklandığında dünyanın kendi
yükselişinin bir parçası haline gelir.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

3. Fikir birliği realitesinin uyumunun artarak yükselmesi.

Dünyanın, yükselişinin bu zaman diliminde, varlıkların yapmış oldukları yükseliş seçimi

sayesinde fikir birliğinin giderek arttığına şahit oluyoruz. Bu sembolün taşıdığı anlam,
varlığın, kendi
yolculuğunda, dünyanın, merkezi güneş ile hizalanması esnasında gelen
yüksek enerjilere uyumunun arttırmak için tasarlanmıştır. Kişi bu ilkeye
odaklandığında merkezi güneşin kendi yolculuğundaki hedefinin birer
parçası haline gelecektir. Varlığını vareden varlık, kendi kendinin
sebebi olan varlık.

Devamı: http://www.maddeveruh.org/ruh-ve-madde/1/814/fikir-birligi-realites...

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

4.Holografik entegrasyon (İdrak ve şuur mekanizması)

Varlık bu hayatında veya yükseliş işlemini seçmiş ata soyunda bölünen veçhelerini düzenli bir

şekilde toplayarak bir araya getirerek bir
düzene sokar. Bu durum adeta bilgisayarınızın hard diskine gelişi güzel
yazılmış dosyaların derlenip toparlanması için yapılan defrag işlemine

(Defrag İşlemi)
Ayrıntılı bilgi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defragment)

Varlığın alanı, sürekli olarak, kesintisiz cehit ile yeniden şekil almasını sağlamak için
düzenlenir. Varlık bu veçheleri sayesinde elde ettiği bilgileri, yükseliş yolunda ona yardımcı
olmasını sağlamak için
olabildiğince basitleştirir, sadeleştirir. Bu entegrasyon sembolü
varlığa elindeki bilgi taneciklerini müşahadeye -gözleme- ve bilgiye
dayalı bir kıyas haline sokarak, elindeki mevcut bilgisini yeni bir
bilgiye çevirmesine olanak sağlar. Bu süreçte bilginin işlenmesi alansal
yapılanmada değişim yaratacaktır. Alansal yapılanma bilgisi, kısaca
holografik bilgi, kendi içinde bir bütün ve tamamlanıştır. Modüler bir
yapıya sahiptir. Bilgi varlığın ihtiyacı doğrultusunda şekil alır. Eğer
varlık bu holografik bilgiyi bir diğerine taşırsa, o kişi ilgili
parçaları ve bölümleri taşımayıp sadece tüm hologramı taşıyacaktır.
(Çevirmenin notu: Bu nasıl oluyor derseniz siz yanınızda helvayı
götürüyorsunuz, malzemeleri değil. Bir başka varlık sizin helvanızdan
başka bir şey yapacaktır) Bu sembolün sürekli çalışması varolan desende
yeni bir süreci başlatarak varlığın paralel düzlemde yeni holografik -
bütünsel - yapıyı deneyimlemesine vesile olacaktır.

(Çevirmenin Notu: Aslında burada ifade edilmek istenen şu an beşeriyet tarafından fazlasıyla
deneyimleniyor. Bunu teknolojik buluşlar ve onların geri yansımalarından oluşan zincirleme
reaksiyonlarla ortaya

çıkan yeni süreçlerde fazlasıyla görebiliyoruz. Bir ihtiyaç başka bir
ihtiyacı doğuruyor. Keza bu durumun yansımaları içsel hayatımızla dışsal
hayatımız arasındaki oluşan sınırları kaldırıp bizi aynı ortak dili
paylaşan varlıklar haline sokuyor. Bu süreç bizi daha da şuurlandırarak
belli olaylarda aynı tepkiyi vermemiz gerektiği sonucuna götürecek ve
tek idrak böylece oluşacaktır. Çünkü parça bütün ayrımına gitmeden
oluşan hal tüm varoluşu etkilemektedir. Bunu göremeyen kardeşlerize aynı
gemide olduğumuzu göstermek için bu site varedilmektedir.)

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

5.Holografik Bilgi

Holografik bir bilgi alanına girmek varlığı, çok boyutlu olarak, diğer insanlara ve diğer
türdeki varlıklara ve ortak bütünsel alanda bulunmanın farkındalığına bağlar. Varlık
serbest şuur sirkülasyon alanlarında bulunarak hem beslenir hem yayılım
yapar. Bu sembol yükseliş sürecinde varlığı diğer şuur alanlarına
bağlayarak varlık bünyelerindeki bilgi taneciklerinin eşleşmesini
uyumunu dengesini sağlar. Böylece doğa ile uyumlu bir yaşam başlamış
olur. Bu süreç esnasında yükseliş bilgisinin deneyimi tüm türlerle
paylaşılır. Varlık adeta kendini büyük bir orkestranın çok sesli ve çok
birlikli enerjisini hisseder. Varlığın bünyesindeki ben ve ötekiler
ayrımı ortadan kalkıp, ayrılık ilizyonu sona erer.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

6.Holografik Yaratımlar

Eğer birisi holografik bilginin dansına katılırsa, diğer yaratımların holografik fonksiyonlarına
erişmeye başlayabilir. Bir diğer holografik yaratım olan büyük merkezi güneş ile şu anda
iletişiminin nasıl ve
niçin tezahür ettiğinin farkına varıyorsunuz. Bu sembol varlığın

yolculuğunda kendi alanı ile dünyanın alanını ve büyük merkezi güneş
alanını uyumlu hale, nefes alacak hale getirir.

(Çevirmenin Notu: İlk cümlede ifade edilen holografik bilginin dansına katılma deyimi
varlığın kendi şuur sahası ile irtibatını kurması ve bu şuur sahası vasıtasıyla serbert şuur
sirkülasyon alanlarında
diğer varlıkların yaratmış olduğu bilgilerin yaratımlarına katkılar
yaparak büyümeye devam etmesi, varlığımızın derin şuurunun çalışış
mekanizmasını ifade eder bize gösterir.)

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

7.Holografik Füzyon

Füzyon varlığın tüm parçalarını bir bütün halinde birbirine uygun şekilde birleştirir. Füzyon
sonsuza sonsuz ilişkideki potansiyelleri holografik doğaya uygun şekilde birleşik
realite haline getirir. Füzyon tek idrakin şemsiyesi altında birleşik
realiteleri bir araya getirip birleştirir. Varlık ancak füzyon sayesinde
büyük merkezi güneşin yolculuğunun hedefiyle uyumlu hale girebilir. Bu
sembolün yardımıyla varlık, yolculuğu esnasındaki yönelimlerini, büyük
merkezi güneşin holografik serüvenine dahil edebilir.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

8. Holografik Yeniden Şekillendirme

Holografik yeniden şekillendirme sayesinde bir çok hologramdan çeşitli tipteki holografik
bilgi derlenerek tek bir holograma yerleştirilir. Büyük merkezi güneş holografik bilgi tabanı
kuruludur. Bundan dolayı bu sembol varlığın kendi bilgisine uyumlu hale
gelmesini sağlar. Bunu yükseliş yolunda şuurunu yayan varlığın durumuna

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

9. Holografik Senkronizasyon

Bütün hologramlar ellerindeki bilgilerle birbiriyle senkronize haldedirler. Senkronize

haldeyken, bilgi, hologramla ilişkili tüm varlıkların realitelerinin kullanımına açık bir
haldedir. Bu sembol
varlığın kendi şuur sahasındaki bilgi ile senkronize olmasını sağlar.
Böylece şuur sahasını kapsayan daha geniş şuur sahalarının bilgisine
otomatik olarak erişecektir. Burada daha geniş şuur sahası büyük merkezi
güneşin kendi realitesi hakkındaki bilgiyi alacaktır.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları
10. Holografik özgürlük ve hakimiyet

Holografik birleşik realite içinde bilgiler paylaşılmasına rağmen her realitenin yapı içinde
kendi deneyimini yaşayabilmesi için özgürlüğü ve egemenliği vardır. Bu sembol sayesinde
insanlar ve dünya üzerindeki
diğer türler arasında holografik alan özgürğü sağlanır. Bununla birlikte
varlık bu sembolü kullandığı taktirde merkezi güneş ile arasındaki
bütünsel ilişkinin kalitesi değişecektir.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

11. Holografik Bilginin Tekerleği

Holografik bilgi, varlığın tekamül amacına uygun olarak, bilgi enerjisini bir tekerlekle
çevrelenmiş şekilde tutarak, varlıkların bilgiye erişimlerinde kolaylıklar getirerek bilgi
paylaşılır. Bu sembol
varlığın kendi genişleyen şuuru yönünde ilerlerken bilgisini
arşivlemesini sağlar. Bu arşivleme işlemi, rezonans yasası ilkesiyle
çalışır. Başka bir deyişle sempati yasası bilgisi -benzer benzeri çeker-
üzerine kuruludur. Bir çok holografik bilgi tekerleği kendi
alanlarında rezonans yasası sayesinde daha büyük tekerlekleri kapsayarak
daha fazla bilginin küçük alanlarda saklanmasına olanak sağlar.
(Bkz:Teknolojideki gelişmeler cihazlar fiziksel olarak küçüldükçe,
taşımış olduğu hafıza miktarı artmaktadır.) Bu sayede her hücre, organ
veya sistemin daha fazla bilgi taşıması sağlanarak DNA'sının(manyetik
hafıza) bilgi işleme hızı -bilgiyi bedenleme hızı- giderek
hızlanacaktır. Böylece şuur açılımı genişleyen hale dönüşecektir.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

12.Holografik ilahi birlik

Bir holografik alan, madde(beden) ve ruh arasında farklı bir hareket etkileşimi -dans- yaratır.
Bu iki unsur arasındaki fikir birliği, yükseliş - genişleyen şuur halinden - işleminden önce
gelir. Holografik
ilahi birlik, ruhu diğer hologramlarla ilişkilendirerek varlığı kendi
kendisinin mekanı yapar. - Bkz. İslamda Allah (c.c) ifade ettiği, "ben
bir gizli hazine idim, bilinmek istedim" nüzul sebeplerine, Bkz.
Üzerinde ruh bulunmak deyiminin manasına - Holografik yapının bütüncül,
birlik içindeki doğasıyla burada kaynakların ve ruhun bilgisinin
paylaşımı meydana gelir. Bu noktada ruhun kendi içinde hiyerarşik
mekanizmaları, bilgi, zaman ve mekan enerjisinin birbiriyle ilişkili
kapladığı potansiyellere göre şekil alır. Bu hal ruhun enkarnasyon
vasatlarındaki tatbikatlarla ilişkili bir haldir. Bu durumu en
basitinden varlığın veçhelerinden başlayıp üst ruh, yüksek benlik,
ruhsal planlara doğru gidişattaki sıralanmalarda izlerini görebiliriz.
Bu sembol varlığı, holografik düzeyde bütünsel alan içinde genişlemiş
şuur haline - yüksek benlik ile ilişkiye - doğru hazırlar. Adeta yüksek
benlik varlığa tedricen enkarne olmaya başlar.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

13.Holografik yol örülüyor.

Holografik yolun örülmesi dokunulması adeta bir bal peteği şeklinde gözüküyor. Bu dokuma
esnasında ışığın ve karanlığın oranları dengeli bir şekilde birliği sağlayarak yaratının birlik
realitesinde tezahür
etmesine katkıda bulunuyor. Bu sembol varlığın kendi gelişimi adına
yapmış olduğu seçimlerde kurduğu bağlantıları tekrardan organize ederek
alanını balpeteği şekline dönüştürür. Böylece varlık, diğer varlıklarla

aynı gemide olduğunun bilinci ile seçimlerini yüksek amaçlar
doğrultusunda kurgular. Bu sayede kendi seçimleri diğer varlıkların
seçimleri ile çakışıp bir karışıklık yaratmaz. Birlik evi -alanı-
gelişime izin verirken bozgunculuğa, bölücülüğe izin vermez.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

14.Holografik Yolculuğun Tamamlanması

Herhangi bir türün üyelerinin yapmış oldukları seçimlerin yarattığı deneyimlerin

tamamlanmasına izin verir. Holografik alanda yapılan seçimler kurgulanırken,
tamamlanmama veya bir şeyin eksikliği söz konusu
değildir. Bu sembol varlığın yükseliş işlemi sırasında bulunduğu alanı
yeni bir yolculuğa hazırlar. Burada alanın üyeleri kendi deneyimlerini
tamamlamışlardır. Seçimi yapılıp deneyimlenmiş kalıp başka alanlarla
ikame edilirken eski alan terk edilerek yeni bir paradigmaya doğru
hareket edilir.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

15.Holografik Bilinç

Holografik alanın her bir üyesi, kendisine gelen bilgiyi, kendi iç dünyasında deneyimlerken,
işlerken aynı zamanda bu bilginin yaratacağı sürecin etkilerini diğerlerine kendi şuur sahasına
bilgi aktararak
yansıtacaktır. BU sembol ile varlık kendi kendisinin rehberi olaraktan
genişleyen şuur yönünde yolculuğunu meydana getirmektedir.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

16.Holografik Akış

Holografik enerji akışı bilgi enerjisinin - ışığın dilinin - hareket biçimini bize göstermektedir.
Holografik akışla, Kamil insan -ideal insan modeli- hologramını meydana getiren çoklu
hologramlar arasında
devam eden bir birlik sağlanıyor. Bu çoklu hologramları oluşturan her
bir hologram bir varlık türü ile ilişkilidir. Bu hologramların
bileşkesi dünyayı, güneşi ve ve merkezi güneşi kapsayacak şekilde
ilişkilidir. (Çevirmenin notu: Mevlana kendisinin ifade ettiği kavram
güzel bir örnektir. Bizim mezarımızı yerde aramayınız, bizim mezarımız
ariflerin gönülleridir der. Bazı ruhsal tebliğlerde buna serbest şuur
sirkülasyon alanlarında dolaşmak olarakta geçer. Bkz: İnternette sörf
yapmak) Bütün bu hologramlar akış esnasında yaratıma ait devre "Ev"
için uyumlanırlar. (Çevirmenin notu: Sizin kendi alanınızın üstünde
olan bir tesir kuşağı ile irtibatta olmanız ve bu holografik alanı
kendinize yaklaşırmanız, eve dönüş, kaynağa dönüş, kutsal kitaplarda
rabbe dönüş olarak ifade edilmiştir.) Bu sembol varlığı diğer
varlıklarla birlikte varolan akış - bilgi enerjisi - doğrultusunda
hareket etmesi yönünde uygun zemini yaratacaktır

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

17.Holografik Eşitlik

Holografik eşitlikten anlaşılan holografik bileşkenlerin her biri ortak paydada - ortak realitede
- birbirlerine eşittirler. Her holografik bileşken bu
ortak paydaya karşı aynı derecede sorumludur. Bu bileşkenlerin hepsi
ortak paydada fikirlerini belirtirken aynı oranda söz sahibidirler.
Burada ortak realitenin veya hologramın boyutunun kapasitesinin önemi
yoktur. Bu bağlamda tüm ölçüler birbirine eşittir. Bu sembol varlığın
bünyesinde holografik alansal eşitliğe tutunmasını sağlayarak varlığı
kapsayan merkezi güneşin alanı ile uygun düzeyde titreşmesini sağlar.
(Çevirmenin notu: Buradan türeyen fikirler, hepimiz birimiz için birimiz
hepimiz için konsepti)

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

18.Holografik Arşetipler

Holografik arşetipin -modelin- doğası bize enerjinin nasıl hareket ettiğini gösterir. Her
arşetipin alt kümesi mevcuttur. Bu alt kümeler daha büyük bir küme ile ilişkilidir.

Bu ilişki biçimi bir üst küme diğerlerini kapsayacak şekilde karakter
sergilerken bu kümelerle bütün alanla ilişkili hale gelir.

Holografik arşetipsel desenlerden sonra yükseliş için yeni astroloji modeli tasarlandı. Yeni
astrolojide horoskop tekerleğinde 18 tane ev mevcuttur. Her ev ışığın -bilgi enerjisinin- dilinin
üç farklı düzeydeki titreşimini baz
almaktadır. Bununla beraber her evin diğer evlerle bazı farkları olmakla
beraber temel benzerlikleri vardır. Horoskop tekerleğinin tümü BiR
olanın diliyle ilişkilidir. Bir olanın tonu olarak bir çok astrolojik
tekerlek -horoskop modeli- mevcuttur. Dolayısıyla arşetipler genişleyen
bir doğaya sahiptirler. Bu sembol varlığı tekamül yolculuğunda merkezi
güneşin holografik arşetipine hazırlamaktadır.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

19. Varlığın yolculuğunda holografik özgürlük

Varlığın yolcuğundaki holografik özgürlük her bireye kendi yolculuğunu istediği gibi
deneyimleme imkanı verir. Böylece varlığın rüyası gerçekleşir.
Holografik yolculuğun kendi içindeki kısıtı, varlığın birleşik realite
ile olan ilişkisinde kendini gösterir. Varlık yapmış olduğu birliklere
uyum göstermek zorundadır.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

20.Holografik Senkop

Senkop ile her tekamül yolculuğunun kalp atışı, holografik fikir birliği doğrultusunda aynı
zamanda uyumlu hale gelir. Her uyumlanmada aynı kalp atışları ile senkronize olan
zamanlama ilahi zamanın
tezahürünü destekler. İlahi zaman sürekli şekilde tezahür ederken her
devrede genişleme ve daralmalar kendine has zaman akışı içinde tezahür
eder. Bu durum, birlik realitelerinin kendi içinde ve kendi aralarında
tezahür etmektedir.

Sakin bir gecede ilâhî boşluğu ve sessizliği pırıltıları ile terennüm eden yıldızlara bakın
Onlar, dev bir bedenin kalpleridir. Ve bütün varlık, bütün tekevvünat(Yaratılmış), bir kalptir.
Ve Müteal için
çarpar, Müteal'den dolayı çarpar. Müteal'e doğru çarpan Müteallerin
Müteali hepimi zin yardımcısı olsun.
Sadıklar Planı Celse 12

Müteal: Hafızalara sığmayacak kadar aşkın olan
Tekevvünat: Yaratılmış

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

21.Holografik Sentez

Sentez ile yaratımın tonları -tesir kuşakları- ışığın(bilgi) boyutunun frekanslarından,

gökkuşağı - 7 renk, 7 realite - şekline dönüşür. Holografik sentez, her holografik hakikati en
büyük parçadan en
küçük parçaya doğru bu gökkuşağı yapısına göre veye bu yapı olmadan
uyumlar. Bu bağlamda her hakikat, bir fikir birliğinin sentezlenmesinin
ürünüdür ve her birlik realitesi, büyük merkezi güneş olarak bilinen
fikirlerin bütünü ile bilgiyi sentezlemiştir.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

22.Holografik ilahi zamanlama

Holografik ilahi zamanlamanın temeli her bir hologramın yolculuk seyirinin durumuna göre
şekil alır. İlahi zamanlama varlığın bir halidir. Bu hal içindeyken varlık cehit içinde kesintisiz
holografik fikir birliği realitesinin her bir üyesi ile sentezler ve
senkoplar yapar. Bu sentez hali içindeyken varlıklar daha üst bir alan
ile zaman enerjisi uyumu gösterirler. Burada her bir birleşik realite
büyük merkezi güneş ile uyum yapar. Büyük merkezi güneş ile senkop ve
sentez yapmayı öğrenmek, uygun harmoniye hazırlanıp giriş yapmak için
bir gerekliliktir.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

23.Holografik Hakikat

Her holografik konsensusun kendi hakikati mevcuttur. Her konsensus realitesininde kendi
holografik hakikati mevcuttur. Holografik hakikat konsensus içindeki her doğru ile
uyumludur. Holografik hakikat konsensus
realiteleri arasında çok boyutlu tesir kuşağı tarzında en küçük
parçadan en büyük parçaya kadar tüm doğrularla uyumludur. Eğer bu konu
hakkında biraz teffekkür yapan bir varlık olursa şunu görecektir.
Doğrular giderek sentez haline gelen bir yapıya dönüşmektedir. Bu sentez
her konsensuz realitesi ve her holografik konsensus realitesi arasında

Konsensus: fikir birliği
Tefekkür: derin düşünme, sadeleştirme

Sadıklar Planı Tebliğlerinden bu bilginin benzer bir ifadesi

S: 'Dolayısıyla bir fikrin sahibi iseniz(bir fikiri kendi hafıza alanınıza download ettiyseniz), bu
fikir sizden Önce ve sizden sonra görülmeye,
temaşa edilmeye(gözlemlenmeye) çalışılan Müteal Fikrin
aks'idir'(yansıması) dediniz. Müteal bir fikrin inikası(yansıması) olan
herhangi bir fikrin dışında Müteal fikirle alâkası bulunmayan fikirler
mevcut olabilir mi? Biz bunun olmaması icabettiği hususunda bir kanaate
vardık. Acaba doğru mudur?

P: Doğrudur. Çünkü Müteal fikir dendiği zaman, kelimenin kendisinden de anlaşılacağı üzere,
idrâk dışı
sınırlarında(enkarne varlığın bireysel hafızasına sığmayacak büyüklükte
olan), çok büyük idrâk dışı sınırlarında dahi bilinmeyen; asıl'dan,
Müteal Öz'den size daha doğrusu bütün kâinatlara sinen fikirler
mevzubahistir. Halbuki sizin, bunun haricinde düşünmüş olduğunuz
fikirler asıl değildir. Şöyle ki; sizler, daha doğrusu bütün varlıklar
Müteal Fikrin ancak şurasından ve ya burasından, şöyle veyahut bu
kıyısından müşahede ve öğrenmek kabiliyetinde yani çok büyük bir aynanın
zerreler halinde kırılmış parçalarına sahiptirler. Dolayısıyla bu kırık
parçacıklar birleşirse Müteal fikrin, sizin kâinatınıza olan
aks'ini(yansımasını), sizin kâinatınıza olan nasibini elde etmiş

S: Yalnız acaba, bu ayna parçacıklarının bir araya gelmesinden esas Müteal fikrin teşekkül
edeceğini düşünmemiz bize biraz
hatalı gibi geliyor.

P: Zaten esas müteal fikri elde edeceksiniz demedim. Sizin kâinatınıza nasip(ihtiyaç) olanı
göreceksiniz dedim.

S: Evet, yani o parçacıkların da üzerinde bir hususiyete sahip olarak düşünüyorum müteal
P: Evet, aynanın yapıcısı var.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

24.Holografik Birlik Realitesi

Holografik birlik realitesi diğer birlik realiteleri ile kalp atımı şeklinde bir konsensus
oluştururlar. Bu konsensus bütüncül ve birlik için yolculuk yapar. Herşeyin bu bütünlük içinde
bir yeri vardır ve her
parça bütün için gerekli bir ögedir. Büyük merkezi güneş'in holografik
fikir birliği realitesi kendisine aittir. BÜyük merkezi güneş'in alanına
dünyanın girebilmesi için bu bütün içinde kendine yer bulması gerekir.
Doğal olarak bu süreç dünya üzerindeki türleri ve dünya üzerindeki
beşeriyetin bu yeni konsensusta kendi yerlerini bulması ile mümkün

(Çevirmenin notu: Kısaca sistemin nefes alışına, varlığın kendi ritmini uydurması gerekir.
Burada varlığını var edecek olan varlığın bizatihi kendisidir. Bu hal sistemin umurunda
değildir çünkü sistemin
yapıcıları sistemi ilerletmektedir. Sisteme dahil olmak isteyen
kendisini göstermelidir.)

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

25.Holografik Manyetizm

Holografik manyetizm, herhangi fikir birliği realitesinin ya da fikir birliği realiteleri

alanlarının düşünce formları titreşimlerini iterek, çekerek alan içinde dengede kalmasını
sağlar. Bütün içinde birleşim
halinde olmak yerine dengesiz hale gelip kırılan veya sendeleyen
alanlar için yükseliş yolunda manyetizm anahtardır.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

26.Holografik Denge

Holografik Dengeyi yaratımın hafif ve yoğun titreşen alanlarının kendi rotasyonları sırasında
çok yumuşak bir geçiş yaratır. Hatta bu geçiş konsensus realiteleri arasında veya
konsensus realitesinin genişlemesi esnasında devam eder. Dengelenmiş
alan yaratımın tüm türleri ve birleşik realiteleri arasındaki dengeyi
koruyarak devam ettirir.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

27.Holografik İlahi Birlik

İlahi birlik, bilincin bir halidir. Bu hal içindeyken ruh, enerji akışının yaratmış olduğu şekil
veye fiziksellikle kaynaşmıştır. Holografik akışta ruhun, enerji akışını birlik realitesi içinde
demirleyip idrak etmesi için asli bir vazifesi vardır. Bu vazifeyle
birlik realitesini destekleyerek yükselişin amacını gerçekleştirir.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

28.Holografik ilişkiler , holografik birlik vasıtasıyla bireysel türler ve konsensus realiteleri

arasında yaratılır. Holografik ilişkilerde denge ve dengesizlik vardır. Harmoni, birlik, barış,
onur ve
neşe ilişkili tüm bireylerde, türlerde veya consensus realitelerinde

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

29. Holografik anahtar

Anahtarlar yaratımın makamlarıdır ve bu sayede holografik kütüphanedeki bilgiler varlığa

açılır. Her kütüphanenin kendine has bir anahatarı vardır. Ancak varlığın bilincinde meydana
gelen düşüş deneyimi
ile bu kütüphanelerin anahtarları - bilgileri- çok uzun bir zaman önce
kaybolmuştur. Her anahtar geri çağırılabilir sonra daha genişleyici bir
holografik bilgi su üstüne çıkarak varolan yükseliş yolculuğunun bir
sonraki aşaması için destekler. Bu destekleyici bilgi hem bireyleri,
türleri hem de konsensus realitelerini bir sonraki düzeye taşır.

Bir Olanın Dili - Ekin Çemberlerinin Anlamları

30.Holografik kütüphane

Her holografik bilgi dizisi kütüphane olarak bilinir. Her kütüphane bilgi enerjisini tutarak
diğer bilgilerle rezone olur böylece bu bilgiler bir araya gelerek ortak bir dil ve hakikat
meydana getirir.
Her kütüphaneye açan anahtarlar yaratımın eşsiz bir makamıdır ve bu
anahtarlar burada tutulan bilgi enerjsinin kısmi hakikati oldukları için
enerjiyi harekete geçirir.



 Posted by Sibel Kavunoğlu on August 12, 2010 at 6:00pm



Carlos Barrios
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 13, 2010 at 4:00pm


by Carlos Barrios

Carlos Barrios was born into a Spanish family on El Altiplano, the highlands
of. His home was in Huehue tenango, also the dwelling place of the Maya Mam
tribe. With other Maya and other indigenous tradition keepers, the
Mam carry part of the old ways on Turtle Island ( North America ).

They are keepers of time, authorities on remarkable calendars that are

ancient, elegant and relevant. Mr. Barrios is a historian, an
anthropologist and investigator. After studying with traditional elders
for 25 years since the age of 19, he has also became a Mayan Ajq'ij, a
ceremonial priest and spiritual guide, Eagle Clan.

Years ago, along with his brother, Gerardo, Carlos initiated an investigation
into the different Mayan calendars. He studied with many teachers. He says
his brother Gerardo interviewed nearly 600 traditional Mayan elders to
widen their scope of knowledge.

"Anthropologists visit the temple sites," Mr. Barrios says, "and

read the
inscriptions and make up stories about the Maya, but they do not read the
signs correctly. It's just their imagination. Other people write about
prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in
December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not

end. It will be transformed. The indigenous have the calendars, and know
how to accurately interpret it, not others.

The Mayan
Calendars comprehension of time, seasons, and cycles has proven itself
to be vast and sophisticated. The Maya understand 17 different
calendars, some of them charting time accurately over a span of more
than´ ten million years. The calendar that has steadily drawn global
attention since 1987 is called the Tzolk'in or Cholq'ij.

Devised ages ago and

based on the cycle of the Pleiades, it is still held as sacred. With the
indigenous calendars, native people have kept track of important
turning points in history.

For example, the day keepers who study

the calendars identified an important day in the year One Reed, Ce
Acatal, as it was called by the Mayans. That was the day when an
important ancestor was prophesied to return, "coming like a
In the western calendar, the One Reed date correlates to Easter Sunday,
April 21, 1519 the day that Hernando Cortez and his fleet of 11 Spanish
galleons arrived from the East at what is today called Vera Cruz, .

When the Spanish ships came toward shore, native people were waiting and
watching to see how it would go. The billowing sails of the ships did
indeed remind the scouts of butterflies skimming the ocean surface. In
this manner was a new era initiated, an era they had anticipated through
their calendars. The Maya termed the new era the Nine Bolomtikus, or
nine Hells of 52 years each. As the nine cycles unfolded, land and
freedom were taken from the native people. Disease and disrespect

What began with the arrival of Cortez, lasted until August 16, 1987 - a
date many people recall as Harmonic Convergence. Millions of people took
advantage of that date to make ceremony in sacred sites, praying for a
smooth transition to a new era, the World of the Fifth Sun."

From that 1987 date until now, Mr. Barrios says, "We
have been in a time when the right arm of the materialistic world is
disappearing, slowly but inexorably. We are at the cusp of the era when
peace begins, and people live in harmony with Mother Earth. We are no
longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World
of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition.
As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of
environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth

All this, Mr .Barrios says, was foreseen via the

simple, spiral mathematics of the Mayan calendars. "It will change,"

Barrios observes. "Everything will change." He said Mayan day keepers
view the Dec. 21, 2012 date as a rebirth, the start of the World of the
Fifth Sun. "It will be the start of a new era resulting from and
signified by the solar meridian crossing the galactic equator, and the
earth aligning itself with the center of the galaxy.

At sunrise on December 21, 2012 for the first time in 26,000

years, the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and
the plane of the ecliptic. This cosmic cross is considered to be an
embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life, a tree remembered in
all the world's spiritual traditions."

Some observers say this

alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012 will open a channel for
cosmic energy to flow through the earth, cleansing it and all that
dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration.

This process
has already begun, Mr. Barrios suggested. "Change is accelerating now,
and it will continue to accelerate." If the people of the earth can get
to this 2012 date in good shape, without having destroyed too much of
the Earth, Mr. Barrios said, "We will rise to a new, higher level. But
to get there we must transform enormously powerful forces that seek to
block the way."

A Picture of the Road Ahead:

From his understanding of the Mayan tradition and the calendars, Mr. Barrios
offered a picture of where we are at and what may lie on the road ahead. The
date specified in the calendar Winter Solstice in the year 2012 does not mark
the end of the world. Many outside people writing about the Mayan calendar
sensationalize this date, but they do not know. The ones who know are the
indigenous elders who are entrusted with keeping the tradition.

"Humanity will continue," he contends, "but in

a different way. Material structures will change. From this we will have
the opportunity to be more human. We are living in the most important
era of the Mayan calendars and prophecies. All the prophecies of the
world, all the traditions, are converging now. There is no time for
games. The spiritual ideal of this era is action. Many powerful souls
have reincarnated in this era, with a lot of power. This is true on both
sides, the light and the dark.

A Call for Fusion:

As he met with audiences in Santa Fe, Mr. Barrios told a story about the most recent Mayan
New Year ceremonies in . He said that one respected
elder, who lives all year in a solitary mountain cave, journeyed to

Chichicastenango to speak with the people at the ceremony. The elder delivered
a simple, direct message. He called for human beings to come together in
support of life and light.
Right now each person and group is going his or her own way. The elder
of the mountains said there is hope if the people of the light can come
together and unite in some way.

Reflecting on this, Mr. Barrios explained:

"We live in a world of polarity: day and night, man and woman, positive and negative. Light
and darkness need each other. They are a balance. Just
now the dark side is very strong, and very clear about what they want.
They have their vision and their priorities clearly held, and also their
hierarchy. They are working in many ways so that we will be unable to
connect with the spiral Fifth World in 2012.

On the light side everyone thinks they are the most important, that their
own understandings, or their group's understandings, are the key.
There's a diversity of cultures and opinions, so there is competition,
diffusion, and no single focus."

As Mr. Barrios sees it,

"The dark side works to block fusion through denial and materialism. It also
works to destroy those who are working with the light to get the Earth to a
higher level. They like the energy of the old, declining Fourth World, the
materialism. They do not want it to change. They do not want
fusion. They want to stay at this level, and are afraid of the next
level. The dark power of the declining Fourth World cannot be destroyed
or overpowered. It's too strong and clear for that, and that is the
wrong strategy. The dark can only be transformed when confronted with
simplicity and open-heartedness. This is what leads to fusion, a key concept
for the World of the Fifth Sun."

Mr. Barrios said the emerging era of the Fifth Sun will call attention to a
much-overlooked element. Whereas the four traditional elements of earth, air,
fire and water have
dominated various epochs in the past, there will be a fifth
element to reckon with in the time of the Fifth Sun: ether. The dictionary
defines ether as the rarefied element of the Heavens.
Ether is a medium. It permeates all space and transmits waves of energy
in a wide range of frequencies, from cell phones to human auras.

What is "ethereal" is related to the regions beyond earth: the

Heavens. Ether, the element of the Fifth Sun, is celestial and lacking
in material substance, but is no less real than wood, stone or flesh.
"Within the context of ether there can be a fusion of the
Mr .Barrios said. "No more darkness or light in the people, but an
uplifted fusion.

But right now the realm of darkness is not interested in this. They are
organized to block it. They
seek to unbalance the Earth and its environment so we will be unready
for the alignment in 2012. We need to work together for peace, and
balance with the other side. We need to take care of the Earth that
feeds and shelters us. We need to put our entire mind and heart into
pursuing unity and fusion now, to confront the other side and preserve
life, to be ready for this Moment in History."

Mr. Barrios told his audiences

in Santa Fe that we are at a critical moment of world history. "We are
disturbed," he said. "We can't play anymore. Our planet can be
or ravaged. Now is the time to awaken and take action. Everyone is
needed. You are not here for no reason. Everyone who is here now has an
important purpose. This is a hard, but special time. We have the
opportunity for growth, but we must be ready for this moment in

Mr. Barrios offered a number of suggestions to help people walk in balance

through the years ahead. "The
prophesied changes are going to happen," he said "but our attitude
actions determine how harsh or mild they are. We need to act, to make
changes, and to elect people to represent us who understand and who will
take political action to respect the earth. Meditation and spiritual
practice are good, but also action. It's very important to be clear
about who you are, and also about your relation to the Earth.

Develop yourself according to your own tradition and the call of your heart. But
remember to respect differences, and strive for unity.
Eat wisely. A lot of food is corrupt in either subtle or gross ways.
Pay attention to what you are taking into your body. Learn to preserve
food, and to conserve energy. Learn some good breathing techniques, so
you have the mastery of your breath. Be clear.
Follow a
tradition with great roots. It is not important what tradition, your
heart will tell you, but it must have great roots. We live in a world of
An important task at this time is to learn to sense or see the energy of
everyone and everything: people, plants, animals.

This becomes increasingly important as we draw close to the World of the Fifth
Sun, for it is associated with the element ether - the realm where
energy lives and weaves. Go to the sacred places of the earth to
pray for peace, and have respect for the Earth which gives us our food,
clothing, and shelter. We need to reactivate the energy of these sacred
places. That is our work.
One simple but effective prayer technique is to light a white or baby-blue
colored candle. Think a

moment in peace. Speak your intention to the flame and send the light of
it on to the leaders who have the power to make war or peace. We Have
Work To Do."

According to Mr. Barrios this is a crucially important moment for humanity, and
for earth. Each person is important. If you have incarnated into this era, you
have spiritual work to do balancing the planet. He said the elders have opened
the doors so that other races can come to the Mayan world to receive the
tradition. The Maya have long appreciated and respected that there are other
colors, other races, and other spiritual systems.

"They know," he said, "that the destiny of the Mayan world is

related to the
destiny of the whole world. The greatest wisdom is in simplicity," ... .

"Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness. It's not complex or elaborate. The
real knowledge is free. It's encoded in your DNA. All
you need is within you. Great teachers have said that from the
beginning. Find your heart, and you will find your way."

Carlos Barrios


HAARP Teknolojisi Rusya'yı ABD mi
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 1:32am

Rusya'yı ABD mi yakıyor? HAARP





What is Ascension? By Lord Metatron

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 2:06am

understanding the infinite source

What is Ascension?
By Lord Metatron

Ascension from my point of view is a simple definition

even though humanity seems to make it difficult.
The word Ascension tells you
something. The verb ascend is contained in the word. Ascend means to
move up in some form. Therefore, to ascend means that the vibrations of
the soul and the physical body that contains the soul increases until
both of them are able to reach a higher plane of existence. Most people
could identify with these words and probably agree with them.

However, it is the circumstances that surround this event that confuse

people. Where does one go and how does one get there? Even Masters and
souls on higher levels seem to have some differences in opinion
depending on the work that they are involved with.

Since I hold the keys of consciousness for humanity towards their

Supreme Maker in the center of the cosmos, I have a much broader view of
Ascension since I am more aware of the many different layers of
experience between what is held in the center of the cosmos and what
humanity experiences presently.

In the fuller view of which I hold as truth, what most consider

Ascension to my viewpoint is but just the start of a very long journey
which takes one back to source in toto. What I mean by that is that the
soul will eventually connect with Source with all their memories intact,
but the physical will change very dramatically by the time the soul
encounters Source.

Yes, I am saying that the physical form will make its way back to the
Ultimate Creator, but it would be very different from your physical
body. It will not be dense, but rather the electrons of the physical
will be of a different formation and there will be larger spaces between
the electrons, but one will be able to decipher the electrical charge
of the form. So what I mean is that the physical body will be more
electrical rather than a hard substance.

The Maker-Of-All wants to see you empowered by all the experiences that
you have developed and this will not be shorn from you as you will go
back with all your memories intact.

On the first several changes in the dimensions, the physical body from
at least the external point of view will not go through many changes,
but internally there will be many changes. Internally all the cells must
be changed from an organic structure to a crystalline structure.
Another way of saying this is that the cells hold light in a manner that

hasn’t been experienced since Atlantis. The electrical wiring in the
physical body must change also so that the organs and the brain will
accept more of the light that exists in the higher vibrational pools.
What I mean by this is that even light changes in the higher dimensions,
as light has the ability to be contracted or compacted in your
dimension also.

There are other changes in the physical body that must be completed
before moving to higher dimensions. The connections in the brain must be
completed. In Atlantis the brain was divided because humanity chose to
work on a lower objective rather than being aligned to their God. Memory
had to be cut to a certain requirement because memory brought forth
great spiritual abilities and these abilities could be used in a manner
that could harm other humans in their soul construction.

Remember your abilities are a reflection of God’s abilities and

remembering them brought you great power. This had to change so that all
souls could be allowed to follow their path without harm from the
dark. As you move ever upward, what was lost will be regained.
Therefore the brain will be connected so that what spiritual information
does come to the individual will not be countermanded by logical
thought. Logical thought or the scientific protocol destroyed the
spiritual connection with God and all the gifts that were intended.

In the dimension that you find yourself all the gases and organic
particles have been compacted as I said and that applies to the light
also. Light can heal and light can sustain as it is God’s love. Light
has no words per se, but rather light is an emotion which as it comes
from God or Source, is only love as God is only love.
Compacted in your dimension, this light has less room to work and be
effective and it takes a longer time to obtain a result. That is the
reason why we say that on the higher planes, or dimensions, the
particles are faster and they are spaced further apart.

Now getting back to a broader perspective, I tell you there is much more
to Ascension than moving through a dimension or two. Humanity has kept
their eyes on this first jump in understanding and awareness because
many of the Masters, who guide the human race, felt that it would be
discouraging to search beyond the bend so to say and see experiences or
life from a broader perspective.
One of the reasons that humanity has stayed so long in the
reincarnational wheel of expression is because they have not considered
the fact that life on Earth is just the beginning of a journey in
experiencing all life and life forms. For the most part, if you find
yourself on Earth, you are probably one of the roving reporters of the
cosmos. Their job is to experience life in all parts of the cosmos
before they go back to Source.
There are some souls on Earth that are the wayshowers in some fashion
and they are on assignment so to say and their journey is slightly
different from the mass majority on Earth presently. I bring these

truths forth so you understand that there is much joy before you but it
doesn’t come without the work that is necessary to attain spiritual
perfection. Contrary to what some think, this is not a free ride.


through the eyes of Mother Mary

Jeshua Returns

I consider you my children and I am here to support you as a mother supports her children.
Therefore, I perceive Ascension as the next step
rather than a grander perspective that is
held by Lord Metatron. Mind you, I do not disagree with his assessment,
but rather I am here to give you the next step in your progression.
Humanity seems to be caught up in what
comprises each dimension and how you can tell which dimension you are
working with. I do not see that as germane to the question of
advancement. I feel it is best to make certain one has opened up the
heart structure to receive love and to give love freely. I feel that if
one can do that then arriving at the next higher dimension is assured.

We have spoken of this before, but I will
mention it again as I feel this is extremely important. There are three
aspects of the heart structure that involve love. One is the beating
heart itself, the second is the heart chakra and the third is the heart
mind. These three structures comprise the heart structure which is
necessary to give and receive love to the fullest.

The dark understood that this was of great

importance to the development of the soul and very early in humanity’s
existence, the dark wove its nefarious web in order to shut down this
composite center. This was done through the emotions of shame, feeling
LESS THAN and lastly being dominated and controlled in their
(humanity’s) belief patterns and other forms of abilities.

This has been a tool of the dark for aeons

as they understood that to prevent humanity from living joyfully and
being able to connect with the light of God’s love, it was necessary to
shut down the love center. And once this was shut down it became
difficult to open up the heart to love again.

I see the progression of Ascension to open

first the love center to give yourself completely to your God and to be
in service to humanity in general and support the health of your planet

This is the pattern of awareness of what is

around you. I feel that you cannot become cognisant of the longer path
if you cannot become aware of what is around you now. It is these day to
day activities that are the seat of power and progression in the
present. Therefore your energies must be aligned with God’s energies and
those energies are love.

If one cannot love then one is lost to the

process of ascending to the next higher dimension as it is the
vibrations of love that will allow entry into the next higher dimension.
I call that a checkpoint where the dark cannot enter. You might
consider this the 5th dimension. We consider this the angelic realm and
it supports your future in the near term. Each dimension has the support
of beings in a higher dimension. That is a law which is universal.
No-one is an island so to say. Each owes their support and guidance to
beings more advanced and developed than them. That also is a law that is
universal. When Source created all of their works, they created a world
of cooperation and understanding for all life. It is the way.

according to Archangel Michael

To my beautiful beings of light: You came with me when this world was created by the
Elohim who had permission from Source to create and develop this
galaxy. You and I understood that this was to be a pattern of love and
when that love force was completely understood in all its implications
and abilities, we would move on to another galaxy that we would have a
hand in creating. We would be taking this love focus with us and in that
mission we would bring heaven down upon Earth and take this love force
with us to the next galaxy that I call the Golden Galaxy.

For me and my lightworkers that is the next step. We are not working within the progression
of what you call Ascension, but rather learning and
understanding your capacity to love and to bring that love to new worlds
and their expression using your creative abilities.

This still is on my radar screen to use your vernacular. When souls come to that checkpoint in
vibrational ability, choices will be available to
them. They will have the choice to stay on Earth or rather what we call
the new Earth or they have the ability to come with me to the Golden
Galaxy which I am preparing presently. They will come with their
physical body intact as those who move to the next higher dimension will

move with the physical intact.

However, to come with me, one must be aware that this is a choice. Awareness is the key as it
is in everything else that happens to a soul.

Brought forth
by Carolyn Evers

The following is an Akashic reading brought by Carolyn (via the cherubim)

which adds great insight on Ascension.

I would like to know if I will ascend or stay behind to help the planet. If this is not another
question, may I ask if I have done everything I
need to do to ascend?

As we open your records we see that your records are full of light. You have been one who
has followed their mission lifetime after lifetime. It
is the reason why you are here on Earth presently because you have
earned the right to inherit the wonder of existing in the Angelic Realm
of energies with your body and your soul.

You see, this has not happened on Earth even when it was first created. The very early
inhabitants came to Earth as what you call the Lemurians.
They were not constructed of the same dense particles in which humanity
finds the physical body presently. Rather, they were more like shadow
people as far as their bodies were concerned. While they came from very
high elevations of vibrations and were here to help set up the
vibrational levels on Earth, they were not here long enough to integrate
those high vibrational energies into the Earth, the core of the Earth,
and the grid system of the Earth.

Some stayed as the Atlantean growth period began. Even then those who settled the planet
had come from other worlds and while they took on the
fleshy garments of Earth, they were not completely seated in these
energies of the Earth’s vibrational level.

Most understand that there was a fall in understanding and consciousness and that affected the
physical body in many ways. It is not our intention
to go into bringing forth all the information about the physical bodies
during the Atlantean period, other than what we say is that no-one on
this planet who has taken on the vibrations of the Earth in its densest
form has been able to move to the Angelic Realm of vibrations with their
entire physical body and soul.

This we define as Ascension.

It is the joy of awakening the memory of where the soul has gathered information and also
their connection to their Creator. It is also the
remembrance of all the truths and what was learned from the many
journeys of the soul. This memory is a distant memory as it has been a

very long time since souls understood their journey through memory.

It is possible to move through your previous lifetimes and explore some facts of that lifetime
through accessing akashic records in some form,
but it is not been because of memory. You see when someone REMEMBERS
their past, they REMEMBER their soul abilities. Souls understood their
abilities and they understood their connection to their Creator when
they were brought forth from nothingness into spiritual form at that
very moment when the Creator breathed life into their souls.

As they left the center of the cosmos and began their journey, at the Creator’s request to
experience and bring those experiences back home,
they forgot who they were because of the changing vibrations that they
experienced. These experiences in vibration were so different from those
experienced in the center of the cosmos, that they forgot as they
continued on their journey and they had nothing to compare the
vibrations that they experienced throughout the cosmos to those that
they experienced in the center of the cosmos where they were initially

We bring this up because this is so special to remember and when souls were between
lifetimes and reviewing their previous lifetime and
understand in some diluted form the memory of their Creator, they felt a
strong desire and compulsion to understand to the fullest the ideal of
who they are again in full ability and in full recall.

You as a soul who is ready for this wanted so desperately to follow this string of experience
and actually be in full memory and connection to
your Creator. This is why you came this time. Indeed you have served
this planet to your fullest ability and that is why you asked the
question of staying behind to help as you have the remembrance of this
service that you gave to Earth to the full acknowledgement that you did
this for the love of God and your love for humanity.

Beloved, you have earned the right to understand your full and complete soul history and feel
again that love when the Creator created you. That is
what memory is actually; being in that moment when the Creator created
you and connecting in a very personal way and loving the Creator and
feeling that great love that the Creator has for you their progeny.
No one can explain this. No one can understand unless they remember. This gift awaits you.
Follow your soul’s hand in guidance and walk to that
light and love that Father God extends for you. Presently each soul has
that responsibility now. Each must take upon themselves that desire and
that path to honour the Father as their Creator, and in that, their soul
are particles of their Creator; awakening that understanding that each
soul is a part of their Creator and their Creator owns that. The soul
you might consider is on loan to the ego, but then you truly understand
that. You truly are one who holds that connection and you truly are one
who will access that memory and joy soon.

Blessed one, the wait is not long.

This information has come from your Akashic records

and brought forth through the cooperation of Carolyn Evers.



Reiki New Moon Meditation - By Laurelle

Shanti Gaia
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 2:08am

Reiki New Moon Meditation

Posted by: "Denise
Mon Aug 9, 2010 10:39 am (PDT)

Reiki New Moon Meditation

By Laurelle Shanti Gaia

** I wanted to share this lovely article with you by Laurelle.

============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========

For several years I have been studying the power of the cycles of the moon. Of
particular interest are the experiences shared with new moon meditation groups
when we invoke Reiki to assist in meditations, for personal growth and world

Components of the Reiki new moon meditation

Sacred Intention ... The spoken or written word that describes goals for healing
or visions for creation offered with love and for the highest good of all.
Prayer ... An act of giving thanks for sacred intentions that have been stated
and offered to the Divine for manifestation. A statement of faith and
knowingness that the intention is fulfilled as it can be for the highest good.

Reiki . . . Spiritually guided life force energy, which never causes harm. True
Reiki is channeled without interference from the ego, nor controlled by the
personality. Reiki is totally guided by the infinite wisdom of the Divine. Reiki
links sacred intention, prayer, moon energies and the ascended spiritual masters
together as one powerful force for manifestation in the highest form.

Soul Linking . . . the act of conscious, energetic soul connections which take

place between willing individuals to fulfill a specific portion of the Divine


Moon Energies
The moon emanates distinctly different energies during the full cycle from new
moon to full moon. Each of the eight cycles facilitates the process of creation
and manifestation. The eight phases each have a duration of approximately 28
days. An example and definition follow:

Day 1-31/2 New moon energy is for creating a vision

Day 31/2-6 Crescent moon energy if for organizing resources needed to accomplish
the vision

Day 6-91/2First quarter moon is using resources gathered to take action toward
fulfilling the vision

Day 10-131/2 Gibbous moon energy helps us fine tune our goals, gather opinions
from others and make revisions to the plan.

Day 133/4-171/2 The light of the full moon brings about manifestation of, or

progress toward our goals. We can see where we are in the process of
realization of the plan.

Day 171/2-21 The disseminating moon helps us distribute and share what we have
learned, or to have a clearer understanding of what to do next.

Day 21-241/2 In the third quarter of the moon we are in a completion and review
phase, or following up on and refining the resources we gathered during the
crescent moon. Re-evaluation takes place during this time to determine what is
needed as a next step to move forward with the goal.

Day 241/2-282Under the balsamic moon it is time to be alone, meditate, retreat,

and release attachment to outcome. It is time to rest and be introspective.
During this time vision clears and we are ready to begin again with the next new

Ascended Spiritual Beings

These can be well known Masters like Jesus, Buddha, Kwan Yin, Mother Mary, Maha
Chohan, Hillarion, Lady Master Nada, etc. They can also be members of the
angelic hierarchy, or highly evolved beings that we have yet to learn of.

Sacred intention
In working with these aspects with the Reiki New Moon Meditation we can focus on
intentions such as personal goals for our work, family, relationships, health,
finances, home, or any of the aspects of our earthly existence. We can intend
to stay focused on our spiritual path, or ask for assistance in understanding or
transmuting our karma.

We can also focus on world issues, like ample organic food for the world, peace
among nations, humanity living in harmony with the earth, nurturing home
environments for everyone, healthy relationships, a world where diversity is
embraced as a strength, etc. Notice that we are not focusing on hunger,
homelessness, war, etc. We are focusing on what we are creating, not on what we
want to change, or are afraid of. The sacred intention is powerful when the
vision is created in the highest form that you can imagine, but left up for
manifestation by the Divine in the most perfect way.

Steps in the Reiki New Moon Meditation

1. Pray by giving thanks that you are clear and open channel for Reiki to
flow through and that your personality and ego stand aside, so the Reiki will
flow in its clearest and truest form. Give thanks that you are open to receive
the guidance of angels and masters who have come forth to assist you.
2. Prepare you energy field by strengthening your light. To do this draw a

large Usui power symbol in front of you and move the energy into you etheric
field. Draw small power symbols over each of your charkas beginning at the
base. Pause and beam Reiki into your energy field and toward your solar plexus
and heart.

3. Call on the Divine, and the ascended spiritual masters and beings.
Welcome them, and give thanks for their presence. Give them permission to assist
you in creating your sacred intention, and helping you manifestation your
4. Invoke the Usui mental/emotional symbol. Write down your sacred

intention for this meditation. Include your personal goals, and also your
intention for world service. It can also be helpful to draw something that
represents your vision. A new moon journal is very helpful. Channel the
mental/emotional Reiki energies into your written intention, and state your

5. Invoke the Usui distant healing symbol imagining that you are creating a
bridge of light from your heart to the hearts of all the spiritual beings who
are assisting you, and all the other people who are joining in this group
meditation around the world. Allow yourself to feel each soul linking with
yours, and to feel the illusion of separation melt away, and you recognize the
Oneness of all creation. Remember that Reiki transcends time and space. (note:
if you are attuned to the Reiki Master or Karuna Reiki® symbols you can add them
to the meditation)
6. Meditate and transmit Reiki for as long as you feel comfortable.
7. Give a prayer of thanks.
8. Draw a large power symbol over your body with the intention of
disconnecting from the meditative process, and knowing that each person is
disconnecting also and returning to their individual life expressions with
clarity and aligned with their soul purpose.
The first few times you do this you may wish to refer to the above notes about
the various aspects of the moon cycles to see where you are in the process. It

is intriguing how often we find ourselves in full momentum and taking action on
our goals and we check in with the moon cycle to find that we are in the first
quarter phase; or we may realize that we are feeling withdrawn and introspective
and then become aware that we are under the influence of the balsamic moon.
If you would like to join in a worldwide Reiki New Moon Meditation, please join
with us. We meditate monthly on the second day of the new moon phase, as the new
moon energies are growing in strength. I personally meditate at 6 a.m. mountain
time, but I also time-capsule the meditation to link with all others who are
participating anytime during that day. At each new moon I hold a vision of a
world at peace, where humanity honors the earth and every person is living life
as their higher self in every moment. Please join me to uphold this vision and
allow the energy to empower your personal goals and world vision as well.

In the Light of the Creator . . . We See Only Love

Bright Blessings
Denise (Moonrose)

"Why don't angry witches ride their brooms? --
They're afraid of flying off the handle!" (Anonymous)


Uriel - Siz bu dünyanın idrakisiniz

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 2:24am

Dünya üzerine enkarne olan beşeriyet üzerinde çok fazla korku mevcuttur ve beşeriyet
giderek bu zamanda dünya ile olan bağlantısını idrak etmeye
başlıyor. Bu bağlantının burada hüküm süren enerjiler için bir
sorumluluk olduğunun farkına varıyor. Küçük bir çoçuk hata yaptığında
kendini nasıl hissederse, sizde şu anda olayları merak etmeye
başlıyorsunuz acaba onarılamaz, tamir edilemez bir duruma mı sebebiyet
yarattım diye kendinizi sorguluyorsunuz. Yaptığım davranışlarda fazla mı
ileri gittim, dünyada üzerinde mevcut olan potansiyeli yanlış mı
kullandım diye kendinize soruyorsunuz. Ancak bilmelisiniz ki bu hal
yeni bir enerji siklusu başlamadan önce, sembolik olarak varolan bu
enerji siklusunun sonuna gelindiğinin göstergesidir.

Dünyanın kaderini tasarladıkça, siz kendi yaratımlarınızın sonuçlarından korkmaya

başlıyorsunuz ve bu korku sizin kendinizi dönüştürmenize neden oluyor. Ancak unuttuğunuz
bir şey var siz buraya
dönüşüm/gelişim/tekamül için varolan dünyaların bilgi enerjisini
demirlemeye/bedenlemeye/ idrak etmeye geldiniz. Yükseliş yolculuğunuzda
yüksek titreşimli boyutlara yaklaştıkça gerçekleşen ayrılığın anlamını
idrak ederek oluşan hali büyük bir berraklıkla ileriye doğru
taşıyorsunuz. Bu içgörüşleriniz size korkularınızı getiriyor sebebi
varlığınızın sınırlı bir veçhesinde hala yanlış yapıldığında
cezalandırmaya odaklısınız. Yüksek alemlerde cezalandırma yoktur sadece
tekrar sağlanan bağlantıyla barış ve neşe mevcuttur.

Varolan ayrılığınızın, sizin çok boyutlu bakış açısınızdan, size hatırlattığı tekrar burası ile
bağlantıya geçecek olmanızdır. Böylece dünya üzerinde cennet hali yeniden tesis edilerek
ruhsal ve maddesel
alem arasındaki denge kurulacaktır. Herbiriniz şifalanma -şuurlanma- ve
tekrar bağlantının birer enerjetik titreşimli çıpasısınız. Burada size
ait enerjileri demirliyorsunuz/bedenliyorsunuz/idrak ediyorsunuz. Ancak
tekrar uyumlanma sürece biraz sancılı ve sizin varolan halihazırdaki
realiteniz için meydan okuyucu bir süreç olarak tezahür ediyor.
Dengesizliğinizin farkındalığını fark ettikçe yani kendinize ait denge
dışı enerjilerinizi gördükçe o noktaya kendinizi getirerek bütünlüğe
geri döneceksiniz (Çevirmenin notu:Son cümle Subhan-Allah tesbihinin

Şifalanma için, içinde bulunduğunuz alemde niyet olmadan hiç bir şey gerçekleştirilemez.
İçinde bulunduğunuz alemde, hata olarak algıladığınız, atfettiğiniz süreçler doğru düşünceyi
taktirde şifalanacaktır. Ancak doğru düşüncenin gelebilmesi için sizde
güvenin yani kendi içiniz de koşulsuz sevginin kaynağından beslenen bir
güvenin tesis edilmesi gerekmektedir. (Çevirmenin notu:Siz ancak kendi
kendinizin dayanağı olabilirsiniz. Bir başkasından bir şey beklemenize,
beklenti içinde olmanıza gerek yok.) Her biriniz bu bilgiyi, kendi
hayatlarınızda sevgi vasıtasıyla idrak edip bu bilgiye teslim olmak
üzere geldiniz. Bu an'da ve her an'da size erişilebilir olan koşulsuz
sevgiyi kabul edin. Olayları yargılayıp sınırlamayın. Beklenti içinde

olmayın. Bilin ki yanlış olan ve ayrı olan bir şey yok. Herşey birbiri
ile ilişkili. Aşkın insanı olun, biliyorsunuz ki ilahi olanın yasalarını
kabul ederek dönüşmek ve yükselişe burada devam ederek dünya üzerinde
cenneti tezahür ettireceksiniz. Böylece beşerin devri sonlanarak ilahi
olanın devri başlayacaktır.


Devamı: http://www.maddeveruh.org/ruh-ve-madde/1/883/Uriel-Siz-bu-dunyanin-...
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives


Kendimizi İyileştirelim: Doğu Tıbbı
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 2:26am

Kendimizi tedavi etmeyi öğrenmeliyiz; bu hakkımızdır. Başkalarına bel bağlamak gereksizdir,

kalifiye eleman bile olsa bir başkasının bizim yerimize
bizim sağlığımız hakkında karar vermesi lüzumsuzdur. Soğuk algınlığından
kurtulmak için tek bir gün işimize yarayacak haplar almaktan başka
birçok yol vardır. Tedavi geçici değil tam olmalıdır. Organlarımızın ve
damarlarımızın ne şekilde bağlantılandığını bilirsek özgürlüğümüzün
sınırları hakkında bir fikrimiz olur. Herkesin kendisini
iyileştirebileceği kabul edilmelidir. Bunun için hiçbir mucizeye gerek
yoktur. Her birimizin kendi durumuna uygun ilacı bulmak üzere testlerde
bulunabilmesi, halihazırdaki durumumuzu ve modumuzu göz önüne alma
yoluyla kişiye özel tedavilere yol verir.

Doğu tıbbı eskiden beri besinlerin en iyi ilaç olduğunu düşünmüştür. Doğulu geleneksel
doktorlar tedaviyi kendilerinin değil doğanın yaptığını düşünürler. Çin’in üç bin yıllık kitabı
“Shurai”, uygulanan
tedaviye göre beş seviye doktor tanımlar. En yüksek doktorun adı “Hikmet
Sahibi”dir, onu sırasıyla besin-doktoru, cerrah, ilaç doktoru ve hayvan
doktoru takip eder. En yetkilileri olan filozof-doktor insanın ve onun
dünyasının harmoni içindeki sistemini öğretir. Besin-doktorunun
öğretileri “uzun ömür tıbbı” olarak bilinen koruyucu tıp olarak
sınıflandırılır. Cerrah kötü yaralanmalarda bitkilerin ve besinlerin de
yardımıyla hastalarını ameliyat yoluyla iyileştirmeye çalışır.
Görüldüğü gibi bir çeşit diyetisyen olan besin-doktoru cerrahtan önce

Doğu tıbbı tüm içeriklerde yin ve yang’i dengeleme prensibiyle çalışır. Modern tıp ise daha
çok hastalıkların görünen sonuçlarını göz önüne almaya çalışır ve semptomlar üzerinden
iyileştirmeyi amaçlar.
Günümüzde her yıl yeni bir hastalık gün yüzüne çıkıyor ve her yıl bir
virüs yada mikrop haberleri kaplıyor, küçük bir organizma keşfediliyor
ve bu organizma anında hastalığın sebebi olarak görülüyor. Bir sonraki
aşama bunu cerrahi yolla yada ilaçla yoketmek oluyor.

Doğulu yaklaşım tamamen farklıdır. Sağlıklı düşünce yapısına sahip bir insan kendisini
bakteri dünyasından soyutlamaya çabalamaz. O mikropların ve virüslerin de kendi işlevleri
olduklarını bilir ve insana
fayda sağlayabileceklerini düşünür. Onlar bizim düşmanımız değildir,
zaten bizim yaşantımızın içindeler- yediğimiz yemekte ve içtiğimiz suda
bakteriler yaşıyor. Ve en önemlisi, ortaya çıkan yeni hastalıkların

mikropları dahil hiçbir bakteri iyi sağlığı olan bir insana zarar
veremez. Antik bir inanışa göre hastalık sadece onu hakedeni yokeder.
Bilimin anti-mikrop tutumu modern insanın kendisini bedenen ve aklen
daha güçlü hale getirmesi imkanını ortadan kaldırdı.

Modern tıp yüksek seviyede analitiktir. Uygulayıcıları genellikle bedeni parçaları üzerinden
inceleme eğilimindedir. Hastalığı olabildiğince küçük bir alana hapsetmeye çalışır ve bu
spesifik parçayı
iyileştirmeye konsantre olur. Böylece, eğer mide ağrınız varsa, çoğu
modern doktor sorunun sadece midenizden kaynaklandığını söyleyecektir.
Bazen onlar gastrik ülser gibi rahatsızlıkları enfekte bölgeyi mideden
kesip çıkararak tedavi ederler. Gastrik ülser aşırı yemek yemekten ve
kötü sindirimden kaynaklanır. Organları kesip biçmek çok ilkel bir
mantıktır. Bedenimizin bir parçasını geri kalan tümüne zarar vermeden
kendimizden ayıramayız.

Geleneksel doğu tıbbı bedeni parçalar olarak ele almaz; organları tüm bedenin parçası olarak
görür ve hastalıkları tüm vücut-sistemindeki bir bozukluk olarak ele alır. En yüksek
uygulayıcıları insanın bu dünyadaki
ve hastalığın yaşamdaki rollerine eğilir. Onlar bizim bedenlerimizin
bizi besleyen topraktan bağımsız olmadığını bilirler. Yerküre, onun
ürettiği bitkiler, hayvanlar ve insanoğlu; hepsi birbiriyle ilişkilidir.
Modern tıp vücudun hücrelerden oluştuğunu ve hastalananın hücreler
olduğunu söylüyor. Bu iyi bir teoridir, ama batılı doktorun eksik
bıraktığı nokta açığa çıkan herhangi bir hastalığın bedenin tümünde
görülen bir problemin dışavurumu olduğudur. Doğu tıbbı problemlerin
sınıflandırmalarını organlar bazında değil bedenin tümünü odak alarak
yapar ve bu yüzden her birinin birçok farklı semptom gösterebileceği
yalnızca birkaç yüz çeşit hastalık adı vardır.

Sorumluluk sahibi hiçbir doktor hastasının gerekli beslenme diyetini anladığından emin
olmadan hastasına ilaç vermez. Hastalığın dışarıdaki bir düşmandan kaynaklandığını düşünüp
kendimizi kandırmamalıyız. Biz
hastalıklarımızdan sorumluyuz, çünkü çoğunlukla besin seçimlerimiz
hastalıkların esas sebebidir. Beslenmemizi ve onu nasıl sindireceğimizi
seçmemize göre sağlık yada hastalık geliştiriyoruz. Modern tıbbın çok
önem verdiği hücreler aldığımız besinlerle kendini besleyecektir ve eğer
organlarımız aldığımız besinlerden yeterli özü alamıyorsa hücrelerimiz
zayıflar, bu da bizi her türlü hastalığa açar.

Hakiki tıp uygulaması “karar vermemizi” gerektirir. Biz kendi yiyeceğimizi ve ilacımızı
seçebilmeye ehil olmalıyız, böylece gerçek anlamda bir büyüme ile “insanlaşarak”
özgürlüğümüzü ilan edebiliriz.
Modern yada antik tıp farketmez, tıp ilmi sıradan insanlarca
anlaşılabilir bir formatta öğretilmelidir, çünkü insanın kendi kendini
iyileştirebilmesi en doğal hakkıdır. Böylece insan (kendi sağlığı
konusunda bile yaşadığı) başkalarının kararlarına sistematik bağlılıktan
kurtulabilir ve özgürleşebilir. Başkalarının kararlarına bağımlılığa
son verebilmemiz için tıbbı şahsen öğrenmemiz gereklidir. Bu bağlamda
doğu tıbbını öğrenmek iyi bir çözümdür; çünkü anlaşılır yapıdadır ve

önlem alma bilincimizi geliştirerek daha sağlıklı bireyler olmamıza
yardımcı olur.

Çeviri kaynağı: Healing Ourselves – Naburo Muramoto Çeviren: Aytaç Koray Koç

© 2010, BATİNİLER. Ticari hakları saklıdır. Kaynak belirtmek şartiyla her türlü yazı ve
resimin kullanılması serbesttir.


The list of Changes leading up to 2012

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 2:32am

In the next stages of Light you will merge with your core essence and the universe will now
support your true way of being. As you reach the
cosmic alignment of 2012 you will awaken to your latent spiritual
talents and abilities and all of your senses will become heightened.
This galactic core alignment of 2012 will be just the beginning of
living a life of your true design.

Your Christ Body

You will be able to live more comfortably in your earth bodies. Your earth
bodies will be able to carry more of your true essence as your light
quotient increases, enabling you to embody more of God in form - "the
ascension". This process of light is the way of Christ through Mary

Magdalene that has been hidden from you. These lost teachings of Christ
will be revealed.

Your Earth Bodies a Secret Star Gate

You will work with your sacred divine blue print and merge with the cosmic
and planetary forces of light for support and knowledge. This will
enable you to work with all soul beings of a divine higher frequency to
bring powerful sacred healing and alignment to Gaia. This awakening will
occur on a mass scale showing you how the unity of creation works and
of what the souls together are truly capable.

You are the Gods, Returned to Activate the Pyramids and Sacred Sites
Many of you have been here before and worked with and created the sacred
temples and pyramids that were instruments of the divine, to heal,
travel through dimension and space and maintain communion with your
sacred lineage. This is why many of you are drawn to sacred sites and
vortexes to experience these energies that exist in the other realms.
You will be a part of reactivating these sacred sites and pyramids and
you will also sense and activate new ones that will emerge.

Are You Ready to Be Who You Came Here to Be?

The List of Changes Leading Up to 2012

· Sudden awakenings, beings that have not been on the path will awaken to their star lineage.
· Changes in your spiritual work, you will refine your skills and new
ones of your core essence will surface and take precedent. Many healers
of the blue ray will retire and be drawn to a new way.
· Change of jobs, careers and long-term relationships will end or shift dramatically, and new
ones will begin.
· Feeling sick and exhausted especially during influx of energies around
solar and lunar eclipses and cosmic alignments as your body will go
through frequency refinement.
· You will not feel comfortable in the old energies, bodies and situations; you will no longer
be able to
tolerate lower vibrating energies. The universe in many instances will
take care of this for you. If you force your will, your body and health
will suffer.
· Your body and being now run on a higher frequency resonance so what you did in the past
may no longer work now. You will
find new ways to support your highly tuned sacred vehicle which will
continue to shift and change.
· Dietary changes to assist the increase of light for your body and being.
· New ways and guides to assist in connecting with your spirit; these are
part of your soul's lineage that will empower and expand you.
· Feeling cut off from God and your guides. The way in which you received
divine guidance and inner knowing has shifted. You are actually at a
master level. Know you are in a readjustment period where your
connection will become even stronger.
· Faster manifestations with periods of breaks that seem to keep you in a holding pattern then
mysteriously the energy shifts.

· Strange body shifts and occurrences as you receive new insight and
higher vision; this may occur with head pressure. Feeling your head is
in an energetic vise and then suddenly its release will alert you that
your implants of the veil are being removed.
· Waking up tired. Your higher self and guides are working on you being extra kind to
yourself that day.
· Times of being super sensitive to energies and vibrations.
· Sleepless nights. Power surges of cosmic frequencies to earth that
interface with earth energies causing restlessness. You as divine
anchors of the cosmic light source are balancing and realigning your
energy fields.
· Sound frequency resonances will become a powerful method for healing transformation,
communication and entrance into the
sacred realms.
· Heart expansion and awakening.
· Feeling more emotional with emotional releases.
· Meeting others of your same lineage. You will come out of your long
hibernation of being alone and slowly come back into the world as you
will have a group anchoring of sacred energy to feel more alive and
· The animals and living beings collectively and individually will act as a barometer of what
is really taking place in your world.
Watch for their signs. Start communicating with them, as this ability is
innate within you.
· You will be drawn to and work with crystals and the crystal beings. The crystals have
encoded information to share with
you and will assist you in balancing your frequency and being more
· Great return to the Goddess and interest in the Sacred Divine Feminine.
· Opportunities will magically present themselves that were not available to you before.
· You will begin to feel happier as you experience more of your true
essence. It will feel like a long lost friend has come home. The Blue
Ray and ultra-sensitive had to shut parts of themselves down so as to
not be overwhelmed with energies. This happy shift will bring more
openness and receptivity.

What you can do to bring the new frequency alignments of 2012 into your life for balance and
harmony. Use
your sacred tools, your gifts from spirit that you already possess now.

Your Gift of Your Super Sensitive Nature

My Beloved Light Bearers, there is a reason for your super sensitive
nature. The true human is a sensitive empathic being that is in harmony
and sacred communion with Nature, the wind, water, earth, plants, trees
animals, other humans, the cosmos, and stars. This is your "Divine
Original Blue Print", the Divine original intent of Creation. At one
time when many star seeds from the Galactic core came to earth it was
this way.
You Light Bearers have this powerfully encoded in your soul ray that activates the divine
original blue print. It may not always be

comfortable for you to be this way here on Gaia though this is
changing. Your ultra-sensitive nature is your intuitive empathic knowing
that is of your true soul origin and will be your guide in the coming
changes. We suggest that you begin to work with your sacred divine
temples, the bodies, and honor this divine trait that will become
invaluable to you in the future.

Your Gifts of Expansion, Continuous Change, Transforming and Evolving

You are programmed for expansion as this is how the universe works in
constant plenty. It is the reason that you do not like labels;
restrictions are found in organized religions. You feel it takes away
your sacred power. You already know how to work with the universe and

· Letting go of lower energies and thought forms.

· In times of doubt, in becoming more secure in your new foundations of
true essence and as your world systems go through many changes, look for
the truth in Nature. She will start speaking to you even louder and
clearer than before.
· Feel more in your Bodies the way of the sacred divine feminine. By being more aware in
your body you will know what
real divine guidance is and what is illusion.
· You may need more rest and minerals and properties that assist the body in becoming Light.
REST will be needed in between the times when the star gates will bring
an influx of energies. Allow yourself to rest even if it does not look
like you have been doing much work to the outside world. You are on a
sacred path of light that needs to be honored.
· Play more, have fun and enjoy; movement, rhythm, music and dance will be especially
The Blue Ray has been diligent at their spiritual work and it's time
for fun.
· Work and play with the devic and fairy kingdoms, water spirit and plant medicines. You are
in this together and they have much
to share with you.
· It is time to build and reestablish a relationship with the Angels of Life, known as the
elements and four
directions. You will begin to awaken to this sacred relationship and
inner calling.
· Align to Divine Will; this will completely free you and bring to your life the absolute highest
good without you needing to
· Work with your body elemental, your health assistant for your physical vehicle.
· Allow yourself to be creative as it assists you in being in the flow and in the sacred rhythms
of the Creator.
· Clear yourself of all unnecessary, unneeded and outmoded energetics.
The very stage you are in now is showing this in every way and form of
life - Free yourself!

In your world there will be shifting and continual regrouping until there is a settling. It could
look like chaos

until the realignment takes place. You will be the anchors though the
storm, and yes you are ready and prepared as your soul has been in
readiness since the beginning of time. By realigning yourself on a daily
basis to the flow and rhythms of Source/Creator "Divine Alignment", you
will live a life of grace and ease now and in the future..

"I am one with thee, you live in my heart, I caress your soul with every pulse of life



AA Metatron Channel - Alpha Omega-The

Dimension of Truth
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 2:44am

The Dimension of Truth

The Earth-Keeper
August 2010 - Issue # 45
AA Metatron Channel - Alpha Omega-The Dimension of Truth

Plant journeys have been used for millenia by Mystery Schools and in Sacred
Ceremony by indigenous cultures. The following channeled information is in
response to many queries we have received over the past three years concerning
the use of sacred plant medicines in what is often termed 'Shamanic Journeys'.
The below is presented as a robust query and review into a fascinating topic.
It is presented in objective neutrality exactly as given. It is neither an
endorsement or rejection of such modalities, which are based on individual
discernment and choice.

Archangel Metatron Channel

via J Tyberonn

Alpha & Omega: The Dimension of Truth

Greetings Masters ! We greet each of you in this moment with Unconditional


Masters the Cardinal Grand Cross is is a time of great awakening and

transformation on the Earth plane. The Earth and all of her kingdoms are
transitioning to great and greater consciousness. Life is protracting in

Indeed we say to you that there is even greater life that circles about and
above your planet now in this phase. It is beyond and because of the intensity
of the Grand Cross. It is an energy consciousness that wishes to enter your
mass field of awareness. It is light of a sublime nature. It does not hold
logic, it does not hold vision, it is not the light of promise but it is the
light of wellness and we will say to you that if you will allow this light to
enter your sphere of influence, your field of awareness, you would find
yourself lighter in spirit almost immediately and this is only achieved by

Humanity seeks promise, and endeavors for light, and this is requisite. Yet few
on the path work to bring in wellness, and we tell you it would compliment your
path, soften your journey.

For hidden in the waves of the Grand Cross is a subtle brilliance of wellness
that is now more available to humankind. You can apply and avail yourself of it
but YOU must call it forward, and become it. Seek and ye shall find. You must
engage the light of the truth of wellness within yourself. Because in seeking
greater knowledge one does not always seek or choose to include wellness, self
love, but they are synergistically required to do so in achieving the
crystalline vibration. They are complimentary and each would benefit by

And so we begin our topic...

Conscious Kingdoms of Earth

The Human kingdom on Earth is the most conscious of all Earthen Kingdoms. Yet
humanity at this time is still somewhat unaware of much of its

The Earth itself is a celestial Consciousness and supports many forms of

sentient awareness within and with-out. Even without the consciousness of
humanity, the Sentient Earth is a growing conscious being, that in many aspects
is more fully aware of mankind and the Cosmos, than mankind is at this time.
Because the Earth nurtures and provides the matrix of mankind's linear and
nonlinear Earthen experience, humanity tends to think of the earth as a
Feminine Energy. In truth the Earth is neither and both, as in truth are

The Earth homes many Kingdoms and Sub-Kingdoms that have symbiotic
relationships with one another and indeed with Mankind and the Unified Earth.
Among these are the Mineral Kingdom, the Plant Kingdom and Animal Kingdom. Each
of these are also sentient, but humanity has forgotten much of its ability to
communicate and receive the wisdoms and true support that each of these

Plant Wisdom

And so we are asked to speak of sacred plant teachers, for indeed within these
are a unique lens that is offered to those who wish to experience a wisdom that
existed prevalently in the Alchemy Schools of ancient days.

It is but one modality of intense introspection. And without endorsement or

condemnation, we tell you that It is one of many individually discerned choices
that can lead to greater awareness. But indeed a path that is available to the
few who truly desire to enter its dimension of truth. It is a crucible of
amplification within a juxtaposition of that termed Alpha & Omega.

Dear Ones, the plant kingdom has a unique ability to interact with humanity
that is quite specialized, because it has the ability to work directly in the
mental field, in a way quite different from the mineral kingdoms.

The mineral and plant kingdom can interact in myriad ways, opening auric
energies, holding space for communication and multidimensionality, yet only the
sacred plant kingdom has the ability to enter the body physical via the
bloodstream. This alters brainwave frequency in a manner that allows primary
consciousness to enter the ultraviolet of the subconscious dreamscape in lucid
state, devoid of frontal ego-personality narrative.

Medicinal Plant Affect

The plant kingdom offers medicinal qualities that no other kingdom on earth can

do in the same way. Plants are able to affect the pressure of your bloodstream,
both upward and downward. Certain herbal plants are able to elevate your
emotions and moods. Others are capable of regulating the hemispheres of the
human brain, and in so doing are capable of modulating how you relate to your
greater essence, the unconscious aspects of multi-dimensional mind.

Campestral societies of the indigenous have known of this for millennia, as did
the ancient Mystical Societies of the Egyptians, LeMurians and

They knew through direct communication, that certain plants were capable of
altering thought waves, the very resonate patterns of the brain. And as such
gateways that were otherwise difficult to enter, were opened through the
alliance of that termed the sacred plant medicine.

So they learned that as brain waves were altered so were thoughts, and as
thoughts were altered consciousness could either expand or contract its
perception of realities. It was as if the hemispheres of the brain could be
turned on their side and viewed from a different lens of perception.

And so in this unique lens, the contents of the human brain are shifted and can
be viewed in perceptions that are expanded in means that are above the linear
alignment of space and time. Acute awareness well beyond the norm becomes both
possible and probable within this effect.

Doors of Perception

Doors are thus opened to another dimension of perception, to other realities,

unique aspects of the mind, and can allow for great transitional visions and
breakthroughs of creativity and understanding, often allowing for deeply
embedded 'energy blockages' to be confronted and released.

We will say then that psychoactive plants to varying degrees can be of great
assistance, varying according to the energy and light quotient of the
individual. To some it is of immeasurable value and to others less so. It is a
question of readiness, of system of belief, and of individual choice and

Question to Metatron: A few years ago I took ayahuasca, and I seemed to go

through many dimensions. I felt is if i was in this place for years, yet it was
only 5-6 hoursin linear-time. Can you expand on what occurred. Was it an
experience only of the mind ?

AAMetatron: It is both. This most sacred of herbs allows entrance to one focal
dimensional overlay, and that is the dimension of Truth. The essence and
experience is one of travel thru many dimensions but it is indeed the mind that
travels , and travels far. The Beingness moves, but only slightly. Just as the
heavens seem to shift each night bit by bit, degree by degree yet bring great
change to the plane of earth, the dimension of ayahuasca brings a vast
perception expansion, but it does so in one dimensional overlay, and that is

the sacred dimension of Truth.

Dear One, you were indeed in a place above linear time, and the life review you
relived truly passed through 40 years of experience. This you were keenly aware
of, and was part of the great joy you realized in re-entering your physical
body. The knowledge that you could carry the deeply fire-scripted
understandings and lessons into your present unfinished experience in this
lifetime. That is the gift of this plant journey.

It takes one to the dimension of their consolidated individual Truth in

association with their lifetime and all that relates to it, you see. In other
words, all that one can hope to gain, discover, enlighten and learn are held in
the fulcrum of one single point within this unique coagulated vision. It is
both the Alpha & Omega uniquely conjoined in one complex dimension of Truth
as aligned to one's own frequency. This is where you traveled to and what one
experiences in this profound journey.

It is a meeting of the self, yet the whole self as related to this lifetime,
you see. What is encountered then is the complete result of who you are and who
you can be. All that is untrue, all that does not serve you, all that is in
imperfection is fully and painstakenly revealed. All that separates you from
perfection, from worlds and realities is what you must encounter. That is why
this most noble of herbs is so sacred.One confronts the self in a crucible of
reality. It is exemplified by the serpent consuming its own tail, and by that
we mean the entirety of one's experience is revealed in one purifying vision,
one crucible setting.

Question to Metatron

: In my first experience, I had a life review, and in the second I was met with
Teachers. Can you explain the uniquely different experiences?


: Dear One, as we have said, in truth you had in the initial journey what the
Christians refer to as the 'afterlife judgment'. You reviewed your life, as if
in real time, and where you had hurt another, you felt that hurt from their
perspective, sought and obtained release of the energy. You did likewise for
those that had hurt you, the energy was purged, cleansed. You expereinced a
great opportunity to expereince what most of humanity experience after physical
death, an intensive review of your lifetime.

The immeasurable gift is that you were given the opportunity through this
expereince to come back into the linear and make adjustments.

Accordingly the first experience enabled the second. And we will say doors were
opened that remain open, and your Beingness is in much greater clarity. For
what did not serve you, that you may term negative experience was released in
one night which otherwiswe could have taken several lifetimes.

The purging was appropriate in the first experience, it was what was required
in your frequencial truth, likewise in the second, it was teachers that you
sought, and teachers that were appropriate in your expansion. Does that answer
your query?


: Yes, thank you.


: And so we continue in this most interesting discussion.

We will tell you that the human experience is often riddled with adverse
emotional reactions to life interactions, and certain restrictive energy
obstacles occur in the emotional and mental bodies that close windows of the

Certain sacred plants of the psycho-active genre, when taken in ceremonial

manner by a learned facilitator can assist in re-opening these doors and
windows. Once opened they rarely close again, or remain open for a long time
and so quantum leaps in awareness and parity are enabled.

Gateways of Mind

Yet the plants that enable the hallucination of the mind can be most beneficial
to some and less so to others. It is therefore imperative that one be able to
navigate within perspective of the experience. That you term illusion is in
truth a corridor, a gateway of the mind that leads to other realities and

For example, as we have said, the corridors opened by the medicine plant termed
ayahuasca, can lead one into unresolved embedded energies from traumas in the
present and other lifetimes by offering the path to the experience. In this way
the present or past life issue comes into clear focus and the energies
associated with it are re-lived in actual reality aspect with opportunity to
release what need be liberated to remove the trapped obstruction. One may also
change the outcome or finish an uncompleted mission that was not completed in
the previous experience.

The Cumulative Focus

Accordingly the mind is expanded to an array of multidimensional time hologram

realities and is not locked into one perception. Many become available within
what we call the focal dimension, the one dimension of Truth as it relates to
the individual.

Yet be aware that strength and especially wisdom are necessary to accomplish
these releases and completions. Simply having access to the doorway of
expansion does not necessarily mean one will have the key to open it or the
ability to navigate within its offered realities. A certain level of intent,

will, fortitude and light quotient are requisite to establish the conscious
wisdom and ballast to navigate and manifest these benevolent outcomes.

The Requsite of Preparation

Strength begets strength and wisdom initiates even greater wisdom, but both
require effort and preparation, you see. And it is essential to understand that
one must enter these realms in a state of preparation, and devoid of fear. For
if one enters in a haphazard fashion, if one enters expanded reality state in
fear, that fear must be overcome or one will experience an amplification of
that fear. Indeed it is not an experience of frivolous pursuit and requires
strength, preparation and courage.

Without these attributes, one merely hallucinates or one only experiences

dreams or nightmares. In some cases nothing occurs. And accordingly one returns
from whence they came without the rewards that were available. The key is that
the vibration of the seeker must then match the highest purpose of the journey.
Such plants were never intended for recreation for entertainment you see. One
is meant to enter as if entering the holiest of Cathedrals, in reverence,
respect and with great considered purpose.

If one enters the expanded reality realm without preparation, one will
encounter an experience that has no redeeming merit. What one puts in, one will
harvest. If nothing is sewn in sacred intent, nothing of value will be reaped.
That is so in all endeavors of growth and of spirit. And with the highest
intent, the ability to enter without fear is tantamount. That is among the
preparation attributes required, for fear is ever the vibrational static of
disruption, a frequency that is not harmonic to the experience, you see.

So let it be understood that there is indeed a sentient consciousness of the

highest order available within the experience of ayahuasca, which is presently
by far the most profound of all the sacred plant medicines. It is the one then
that offers the most gain and provides the highest frequency for wisdom.


The ingestation connects the seeker to the ultraviolet area of the subconscious
mind. It is akin in process to what may be termed the 'near death' experience.
The ego consciousness must 'go to sleep' and the sub conscious opens into lucid
dreamscape taking one into the dimension of Truth. In effect a rewiring occurs
that benevently opens corriders into the greater state of consciousness.

It is a process that enables the advanced seeker to deal with imperfection,

review perfection and confront the full experience from birth to present, and
reboot. It is in essence a rebirth.

The ancient Mystery Schools used this process for the advanced student . It is
similar in effect to the 5 day fasting process, but occurs in much faster
timing and often in greater detail.


Now, if one misunderstands the purpose or misapplies the experience, and enters
haphazardly out of mere curiosity, the sentient frequency is not matched and
the greater experience simply cannot vibrationally occur. And for that reason,
masters, they are NOT for everyone. We will also add that while these plants
offer an incredible opportunity for clearing and truth, they are certainly not
the only method of obtaining such clarity.

The plant carries an extremely high frequency and a great degree of the
consciousness of the Earth itself, and accordingly offers incredible
transformation for those that choose this lens, and for those that are ready.
The plant kingdom offers gateways, but the most important gateway is entered
and directed from within.


Divine dimensional light for each human is transmitted from within your own
being, not from without. It is based upon the energy of one's own truth, the
confirmations that are the Cosmos and from the place they are aggregated. They
are expanded within you as only light frequencies can be and then vibrate
themselves into the mind and heart where by the magic of your intent they are
converted to wisdom. But it is important that you will know that it is energy
that you send, energy that you receive, energy that you speak, and that you
guide, and that you call upon that reveals to you your true divine self. There
are many paths to enlightenment, but all must contain the one Truth from

Points of light and infinity dot your planet, and indeed they can offer great
acceleration, Lake Titicaca is among the most pristine of these. But the most
important portal, you see, is within your heart, and you ever carry it with
you. Such is the gift of the human kingdom on Earth.

I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved !

..And so it is.



Hearing, Seeing and Feeling Angels or
Divine Presence by Seraphia Preston Rea
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 2:46am

Hearing, Seeing and Feeling Angels or Divine Presence

by Seraphia Preston Rea

The spiritual shift in man and the general evolution towards a higher
conscious, has given us the opportunity to communicate with Higher
Divine Realms. This is a true gift and not one that is to be considered
to belong to the `rare few'. We are all made in the image of God, the
Divine if you like, so we are all an aspect of Him. That does not makes
any the more inferior or superior to those around us. With this in mind,
we are all able to see, hear or feel our Guardian Angels or Angel

Below is a list of ways Angelic presence can be discerned. Bear in mind

though that there really is no right or wrong way of determining Divine
presence as we are all different and therefore have different
experiences. It lies ultimately in what you believe and what resonates
with you.

There is a degree of difficulty though as one must be centred, clear of

any judgement, love unconditionally.. and call upon Angels only for the
highest good. They appear when they are called upon patiently and
lovingly and only with the highest good in mind. They also appear after
one has realised and truly accepted that they exist and when serenity
lies within.

Meditating or praying helps clear one's souls thus opening a channel to

higher realms. Do not feel insecure if you do not see or hear from your
angel the moment you ask for his presence at first. Wait patiently,
quietly , believe and he will arrive.

Hearing Angelic Presence.

• What may be heard is a voice in the distance. It is soft, soothing and

very accurate. It does not beat around the bush nor does it say too
much. It is not direct nor rude nor demanding. It is a beautiful soft
voice but may become hard when your guide is trying to avert danger.

• The advice given is exactly that – advice. Angels do not feed egos, do
not come up with money making schemes nor the lotto numbers. They guide
in your daily routine or problems. Their advice is sound and safe. It
never ever denotes anger, violence or hurt.

• They may be usually usually heard , now this is a little difficult to

explain, on the periphery of our ears. The message reaches our ears once
its completed but already heard .It may be something like a distant
voice but distinct and clear.

• The language is `proper'. There are no slang terms nor any rude
language. Nor, will they ever say `I told you so!' Angels guide us with
the decision we have made as long as it is for the highest good.
Remember though that the voice you hear is really a vibration and the
accent may just as well resonate with your mother tongue.

• Some hear music. This can be experienced in dreams as well. The music is soft, gentle and

• Sometimes, you may hear nothing! This can happen numerous times. Upon
asking why there is no guidance you may receive `You know the answer.'
After some thought, the answer is there but the angels do not interfere
with the lesson one must learn in life. He is there to help you get
through the lesson and learn from it.

Seeing Angels.

• Angels can be seen as people, which is quite rare or as angels. That

is normal angels with flowing robes or gowns and their wings are there
but invisible in a way. Some, like myself, may be able to see their
faces and characteristics...

• One can also see their colours but in my personal experience not say
the exact colour. It's either yellowey, bluey and so forth.

• Angels can be seen as sparks of beautiful colour, flashes of light or beautiful bubbles or
clouds of light.

• Colours – generally it's blue for Archangel Michael, yellow for Uriel,
red for Gabriel and green for Raphael. As mentioned, everyones's
experience is different. Personally, Archangels come through in Gold for
me – but that is only my experience, yours could and probably will be

• Feathers in the oddest of places are also seen whenever one needs to
be reassured that Angels are in your presence or to remind one that we
have not called upon them.

Feeling Angels.

•One always feel a safe, warm presence. Even in summer when it's very
hot their warmth is felt but it does not make you hot. Sometimes Angels
have do through as cool but there is a feeling of elevation and joy

• When an angel is presence you are truly in a higher vibration. You may
feel a flutter all the way from the corso to the head. It is a
wonderful feeling, something like being dizzy but aware. It is a safe
feeling and it fills one with joy and happiness. Sometimes, it
overwhelms but in a positive way.

• Other times one may just feel them next to them . End of story. You
know they are there – no heat, warmth or coolness just their presence.
But it is a very safe feeling, very harmonious and very loving.

Basically, these experiences are to reassure us that it really is them

with us. Some of you may not even have these feelings aroused but know
that they are with you. For me, I no longer ask to see,hear or feel them
but just ask for their presence. Luckily, I have built my faith in them
to know that they are with me and do guide me. I only hear their voices
if need be but I know they are present.

This is of course from experience and it resonates with me. You however
may feel you need to see their wonderful presence – there really is
nothing wrong with that. Our angels are from the Divine. They are sent
to help, guide and heal us. They are here to help us tread the path of
life as smoothly as possible and to lift us up when we fall and falter
reminding us that we are here to learn and teach and grow spiritually.

Circle of Divine Light


What Is Heaven and The Golden, New
Age !!!
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 2:51am

Some times in India when a person leaves the body and dies usually they say that the person
has taken the place in heaven !
Do you also Believe that concept ?
Actually There are Four Yugas of One Kalpa of 5000 years and each Yugaamonst all four is
equally divided into 1250 years according to some !
Hindu Mythology does not agree with this numerology but Prajapita
Brahmakumari's Vishva Vidyalaya has given this concept of periods of
Time !!
They have 8500 centers arround the World !
There are Four Yugas........
1. Sat Yuga or The Golden Age.
2. Treta Yuga or The Silver Age.
3. Dwapar Yuga or The Copper Age and
4. Kali Yuga or The Iron Age.

Each and Every yuga has one Connecting period and that is The Sangam Yuga.
Now The period of Kali Yuga is about to end and we are in the connecting
period of The Sangam Yuga, themost important period in our Human
History, for changing our Consciousness by raising the Vibrational
frequencies for Ascension into the new Golden Age or The New Age !!!

The Souls which are ready to go in to this heaven will be just like Gods and Goddesses !
Means they will have to change their consciouness making it to very Spiritual and Divine, As
Pure As Devi-Devtas..........

So we are the Light Workers,The Spiritual Warriors, or The Rainbow

Warriors to make understand what is Divinity and Why we have Crystal
Clear Mind and Pure and Compassionate heart full of Unconditional Love
........Why we have to cultivate our selves like Gods and Goddesses !Why
so many Ascended Masters are helping to evolve our Consciousness !Just
think it over !

Now the Time has come and we are at the dawn of the New Golden Age or The New Age !
So my friends who are ready to help the Humanity and our Planet Mother
Earth will come forward first to change one's own life and attitude and
then will help others to make the life different towards Spiritual and
help in the Divine Plan of our God !!

We should help the Divine in this plan by Any means......
All Our Living and Ascended masters are with us for this project to guide
us !Because the Masters will take the help of us to Fulfill the Mission
We should come forward and will have to make Unity Consciousness Grid over planet Earth,
and by that Unity Convergence we can help each
other and all our masters for the Changes to come !
With Lots of Love, Light, Peace, harmony, balance, Joy, Power or Shakti, and Wisdom
full of Divine Knowledge a........nd Blessings..............

Dr. Sohiniben Shukla.


Çalışmak Üzerine - Halil Gibran'dan
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 3:05am

Çalışmak Üzerine - Halil


Sonra bir çiftçi söz aldı, bize, Çalışmaktan söz et dedi.

Ve El Mustafa yanıtladı:
Yeryüzüne ve onun ruhuna ayak uydurabilmek için çalışıyorsunuz.
Çünkü aylaklık yeryüzünün mevsimlerine yabancılaşmak demektir. Sonsuza doğru gururlu bir
kabullenmişlik ve soylu adımlarla ilerleyen Hayat'ın
gelişiminin dışına çıkmak demektir.
Çalıştığınız zaman akıp giden saatlerin fısıltılarını içinde müziğe dönüştüren bir ney'e

Yeryüzünde her şey belli bir uyum içinde şarkı söylemekteyken, hangi biriniz çıkıp da sağır
ve dilsiz bir kamış parçası gibi sessiz kalabilir?
Kim bilir kaç kez çalışmanın bir bela ve işin de bir uğursuzluk olduğu söylenmiştir sizlere.
Oysa ben sizlere diyorum ki, çalıştığınız zaman yeryüzünün en uzak düşünün,
doğduğu gün sizin adınıza ayrılan bir parçasını doldurmuş olursunuz.
Kendinizi işinize vermekle de gerçekte hayatı ve yaşamayı seviyor oluşunuzu ortaya

Hem, sarıldığınız bir işin aracılığıyla hayatı sevmek, onun içinin derinliklerinde sakladığı
gizeme yakınlaşabilmenizi sağlar.
Ama eğer çektiğiniz acılara bakarak üretkenliğin bir bela, kör gırtlağı
doyurmanın da alnınıza yazılmış bir büyü olduğunu söylerseniz, sizlere,
akan alın terinizden başka hiçbir şeyin bu yazgıyı silip atamayacağını
Sizlere hayatın kapkara olduğu da söylenmiştir. Ve sizler de gerçekte zayıf kimselerce
söylenmiş olan bu sözleri kendi
zayıflığınız için de dilinize dolayıp, yinelemektesiniz.
Ben de size diyorum ki, hayat, ancak hızlı gelişiminden yavaşlatılmaya kalkışıldığında
kapkara olur.
Ve bu hızlı gelişim bilgiden yoksunsa kör olur,
Ve her bilgi, içinde eylem yoksa boşunadır,
Ve her eylem içinde sevgi yoksa boştur.
Sevgiyle dolu olarak çalışırsanız, ilkin kendinize, sonra birbirinize sonra da Tanrı'ya
bağlanmış olursunuz.
Sevgiyle dolu olarak çalışmak nedir, bir de bu var?
Dokuduğunuz kumaşı, sanki yalnız en sevdiğiniz kimse giyecekmişcesine yüreğinizden
çektiğiniz ipliklerle dokuyabilmek,
Kurduğunuz yapıyı, sanki içinde yalnız en sevdiğiniz oturacakmışcasına özenle ve sevgiyle
Serptiğiniz tohumları ve onun ürünlerini, sanki yalnız en sevdiğiniz yiyecekmişcesine
sevgiyle ekip biçebilmek,
Bütün yaptıklarınıza kendi canınızdan yükselen bir soluk katabilmek,
Ve tüm kutsanmış ölülerin, çevrenizde yaptıklarınızı gözlemlemekte olduklarını bir an bile
olsun aklınızdan çıkarmamış olmak.
Uykunuzda konuşuyormuşcasına şu sözleri yinelediğinizi çok duymuşumdur; 'Mermeri
işlerken, kendi ruhunun şeklini o ak taşın içinde bulan kimse, toprağı
işleyen kimseden daha yücedir.
Gökkuşağını yakalayarak bir kumaşın üzerine onun renklerinden insanı çizebilen kimse,
ayaklarımızı donatan
kimseden daha üstündür.'
Oysa, şu öğle vakti ve uykuda değil de olanca uyanıklığımla sizlere diyorum ki, esen yel, dev
çimenlerin en boysuzuna konuştuğundan daha tatlı bir dille konuşmaz.
Gerçekte büyük olan, o rüzgârın uğultusunu kendi sevgisiyle karıştırıp bundan daha hoşa
gidecek bir şarkı yaratabilendir.
Çalışmak, sevginin göze görülebilen şeklidir.
Eğer işinize sevgiyle değil de isteksizlikle sarılmışsanız o zaman işinizi
bırakın ve tapınağın kapısı önüne çöreklenip sevgiyle çalışanların
önünüze atacakları sadakaları toplayarak geçinin, daha iyi.
Çünkü, eğer ekmeği içine sevgi katmadan, ilgisizce pişirirseniz, yiyecek
olanların ancak yarı açlığını giderebilecek acı bir ekmek yapmış
Eğer üzümlerinizi içine ağız-tadı katmadan, kinle damıtmışsanız, şarabınızdan içecek olanın
kadehine zehir akıtmış olursunuz,
Ve eğer, meleklere özenircesine şarkı söyleyip de gerçekte içinizden şarkı
söylemeyi sevmek geçmiyorsa, insanların, gecenin ve gündüzün seslerini
duyacak kulaklarını tıkamış olursunuz.

Halil Cibran - Ermiş'ten


Eckhart Talks About Presence in

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 3:17am

Eckhart Talks About Presence in


a message from Eckhart Tolle

Monday, 9 August,

How do I maintain a sense of presence when I’m in the company of another
person? How do I bring presence into conversation?

Eckhart: It’s not easy. The moment you start

talking, the two minds come together and so they strengthen each other. A
flow starts, a stream of thought. A moment ago you were present, and then
somebody starts talking. What applies here is the loss of space during
the conversation. Both participants of the conversation have lost any
sense of space. There are only the words, the mind, the verbalization,
the stream of thinking that becomes sounds. They are taken over by
that. It has its own momentum – almost a little entity, a stream, that
doesn’t want to end.

Often, it generates emotions in the body. That strengthens it,

amplifies it. If the mental stream triggers emotions, which it often
does, especially when talking about other people, what they did, failed to do,
did to you, did to others, criticisms, gossip, all kinds of emotional [things],
the ego comes in. When you can criticize another, the ego feels a little
bit stronger. By diminishing another, in the delusional system of the
ego, you have enhanced your own self-image a little bit. Any criticism of
another is a part of that energy stream. And then emotions come, and they
amplify the thoughts. It’s the loss of space.

For you to regain space, without saying “I’m not talking anymore”, one thing is

necessary for you – which is the realization that you’ve lost
space. Without that, there’s nothing you can do – when you’re so
taken over by a stream of thought, that you don’t even know you’ve been taken
over by a stream of thought – there’s nothing you can do. “Forgive them,
for they know not what they do”. They are unconscious. They are the
stream of thought. And as the stream of thought, you don’t want it to end
– because you don’t want your own end. Every entity wants to remain in
form for as long as possible.

If there’s the slightest realization that you’ve lost [space], at that moment
you have a choice. What is your choice? Your choice is to bring
some presence, some space, into the stream of thought. But how do you do

It’s coming at you not only from within your own mind, but it’s coming at you
from the other person too. The awareness is there, and it may only last
three seconds, and then it’s gone again. So you have to use those two or
three seconds, where you realize the loss of space, and do something in that
space where you have some freedom to act. By a conscious choice, you take
your attention out of thinking – but you have to anchor it somewhere else,
otherwise it won’t work. So you choose your breath, or your body, or some
other sense perception around you that you become aware of. When you are
actually talking to another person, it’s probably easiest to either use your
breath or your inner body.

Practice this beforehand, when conditions are easier, so that you can do it
once it’s necessary. Go into your inner body, feel that your energy field
is alive. And you’ll notice, you’re not thinking anymore. You can
still listen. The amazing thing is that you can listen to another person,
without thinking, easily, beautifully.

You are listening, but part of your attention is on your energy field – so
you’ve taken attention away from your thoughts. There is a sense of
aliveness in the background.
It’s ultimately formless; it’s already the doorway into the formless.
Feel that while you sit there and listen, and you’ve stepped out of the stream
of thinking. Then, the quality of the interaction immediately
changes. The other person may not consciously notice what’s happening,
and may carry on for a while. It also does not mean that you cannot
respond anymore. But how you respond and the quality of your response
changes, too. You are no longer contributing to the negative nature,
which is often the case, in conversations.

A certain amount of stillness, then, will also be a part of the words that you
speak. It’s so subtle that the other person probably will not notice it,
consciously. So hang on to the inner body, let it be the anchor, and then
you become present. If you lose it again, if the other person says
something challenging, then after a little while you remember – and you go back
into the inner body. That’s a powerful anchor, and then everything
changes from there. It takes continuous practice.

© copyright
2008-2010. Eckhart Tolle . All rights reserved.



Sounds Associated with the chakras

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 3:26am

Give this a try!

Sounds Associated with the Chakras

Open the Root Chakra

Let the tips of your thumb and index finger touch.

Concentrate on the Root chakra at the spot in between the genitals and the anus.
Chant the sound LAM.

Open the Sacral Chakra

Put your hands in your lap, palms up, on top of each other. Left hand underneath, its palm
touching the back of the fingers of the right hand.
The tips of the thumbs touch gently.
Concentrate on the Sacral chakra at the sacral bone (on the lower back).
Chant the sound VAM.

Open the Navel Chakra

Put your hands before your stomach, slightly below your solar plexus. Let
the fingers join at the tops, all pointing away from you. Cross the
thumbs. It is important to straighten the fingers.
Concentrate on the Navel chakra located on the spine, a bit above the level of the navel.
Chant the sound RAM.

Open the Heart Chakra

Sit cross-legged. Let the tips of your index finger and thumb touch. Put
your left hand on your left knee and your right hand in front of the
lower part of your breast bone (so a bit above the solar plexus).
Concentrate on the Heart chakra at the spine, level with the heart.
Chant the sound YAM.

Open the Throat Chakra

Cross your fingers on the inside of your hands, without the thumbs. Let the thumbs touch at
the tops, and pull them slightly up.
Concentrate on the Throat chakra at the base of the throat.
Chant the sound HAM.

Open the Third Eye Chakra

Put your hands before the lower part of your breast. The middle fingers are
straight and touch at the tops, pointing forward. The other fingers are
bended and touch at the upper two phalanges. The thumbs point towards
you and touch at the tops.
Concentrate on the Third Eye chakra slightly above the point between the eyebrows.
Chant the sound OM or AUM.

Open the Crown Chakra

Put your hands before your stomach. Let the ring fingers point up, touching
at their tops. Cross the rest of your fingers, with the left thumb

underneath the right.
Concentrate on the Crown chakra at the top of your head.
Chant the sound NG.
Warning: don't use this meditation for the Crown chakra while you don't have a
strong Root chakra (you need a strong foundation first).


The Transformation is at Hand: Heightened

Perception and New Oceans
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 12:49pm

The Transformation is at Hand: Heightened Perception and New Oceans

The Transformation is at Hand: Heightened Perception and New Oceans of


By DL Zeta

The intense energies of Summer 2010 blazed a path for new levels of
transformation that now allow each person to access the next phase of
intuitive perception and heightened consciousness. During this
transition, your conscious mind may struggle and resist the untested
waters of new possibilities, and your body may undergo shifts and
transformations that leave you feeling ungrounded and disoriented.

The key during this time is trust and allowing as you learn to navigate
new levels of unconditional love and heightened perception.

Decoding Visions from your Higher Self

As you move into this new time, you will find new visions, ideas and
dreams arriving on the movie screen of your mind. Some of these may seem
far afield from what you have previously seen for yourself. Take care
not to automatically discount a vision because it does not seem possible
from your present frame of reference.

Your field of possibilities is changing now to accommodate the clearings

that have taken place in recent months. These clearings made room for a
new level of existence. This new level brings with it a new set of

Also hold in mind that your higher self speaks to you in the language of
symbols, so literal interpretations of images downloaded into your
consciousness may not apply. For example, if you see yourself climbing a
tall mountain, the image may be about an upcoming challenge rather than
guidance to buy a pair of climbing shoes and schedule a trip to climb
Mount Everest. It is a good time to begin an intuitive journal to record
these images so you can keep a record of them and interpret them as you
would dreams symbols. In weeks and months ahead, the symbols will likely
show up again and over time their meaning will become clear.

These new visions are showing you how to manifest new levels of
consciousness into your physical reality. Physical realities that are no
longer aligned with your inner realities will create points of stress,
frustration and upheaval.

Future Memory and New Levels of Intuitive Perception

Many of you are now experiencing new levels of intuitive perception.
This makes it more possible to perceive "near future" moments and
happenings before they actually occur. To your subconscious mind, there
is no past or future. All-time resides in one expanded moment of now.
From this expanded continuum, future moments become as clear to you as
your past. In fact, the meaning of past moments now becomes clearer so
you're able to view all experiences from the light of a more
finely-tuned consciousness. The key to enhanced powers of perception
lies in allowing yourself to exist in a heightened space of sensitivity.

Heightened Sensitivity and the Pain of Powerful Passages

Whenever you move to a new level of perception, you enter a space of

heightened sensitivity. In this new space, you will observe deeper
levels of everything that goes on around and within you. You will sense
deeper levels of suffering that will trigger new levels of love and
compassion. For a time, a new level of light and the increased
sensitivity it brings can seem painful. Do not turn away from this
passage. Rather, hold it in a space of love and compassion. From a place
of love, all is understood at a higher level. Your conscious mind will
want to understand the transitions taking place now but this will not
always be possible.

You are being asked to move to a new level of love and compassion for
all you sense and perceive. Trust in the power of unconditional love and
let your consciousness rest there whenever the winds of transformation
leave you feeling out of sorts.

Grief, Alienation, Disillusionment and Physical Symptoms

During this time, it's not uncommon to experience feelings of alienation

and disillusionment. You may find yourself crying for no reason at all.
Feelings of grief and loss may come front and center now. Whatever was
not properly mourned from the past will come before you with brilliant
intensity. These feelings will be triggered by feelings of loss for
people, situations and realities that are now passing from your daily
experience. You may no longer feel connected to people and situations
that have long been part of your life. Physically, you may feel the need
to sleep long hours; you may feel dizzy and ungrounded at times.
Accidents and out of synch timing may be common. The more you can take
time out from schedules and obligations, the better you will feel. Break
loose from your moorings and let yourself drift in silence upon this new

ocean of possibility that stretches to infinity.

For more information, visit, http://www.celestialvision.org


Tek Bir Ihtisam

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 3:30pm

Tanri dedi ki:

Onumde oturmaniz, annelerinin verecegi lezzetli lokmalarin beklentisiyle gagalarini acan

yavru kuslarin yaptigi gibi Bana dogru bakmaniz ne kadar da hos bir

Bakislariniz Bana dogru uzanir ve kalbinizi Bana sunarsiniz. "Iceri gel", der yureginiz ve
gozleriniz bu duyguyu yansitir. Elbetteki Benim
bir davete ihtiyacim yoktur. Zaten yureginizde mukim oldugum icin bir davete
ihtiyacim yoktur. Buradayim iste, yureginizi sevgiyle dolduruyorum ve siz de
"Iceri gel" diyorsunuz Bana. Dopdolu yureginizle konusuyorsunuz aziz

Bir davet verdiginizde ve herkes hazirladiginiz masada otururken, "Lutfen benim davetime
istirak edin" demezsiniz.

Bunun yerine soyle soylersiniz: "Evime geldiginiz icin tesekkur ederim. Burada oldugunuz
cok mutluyum."

Ve Ben de bir Konuk olarak diyorum ki: "Burada olmaktan cok mutluyum."

Masanizda oturan bir Konuk olarak bile, hernasilsa Evsahibiyim de aslinda. Kendi Kendimi
agirliyor olmamin mantigi buradadir.
Kendimle konusmaktayim Ben. Oyunun tum bolumlerini Ben oynuyormusum gibi de
gorunebilir bu. Oynanan pek cok farkli rol varmis gibi yapiyorum Ben. Sizse
biribiriyle ilgisi olmayan, farkli bolumlerin varligina inanir gorunuyorsunuz.
Farkli bolumleri daha kolay farkediyor ve Butunlugu pek goremiyorsunuz. Her seyi
sessizce goruyorum Ben, hepsini, hepinizi.

Burada, yureginizde otururken dikkatinizi cekmek icin ne yapmam gerekiyor? Herhalde sunu
soylemeye devam etmem
icabediyor: "Buradayim Ben. Burasi Beni bulacaginiz yerdir. Tam buradayim, her
zaman sizin icinizdeyim." Kalbinizin ceperlerini yumruklamiyorum. Benim tarzim
degildir bu. Bazen yeri sarstigimi dusunuyorsunuz; fakat asiri tepkilerinizle
gemiyi sallayan sizlersiniz. Ben her zaman sessizce kalbinizde oturuyorum. Orada
meditasyon yapiyorum. Meditasyon sevgidir. Etrafa sevgi yayiyorum. Bundan
kacinmak mumkun degildir. Gercekten Beni isitmek zorundasiniz. Daha fazla bunun
inkarinda olmazsiniz artik. Dogrusu, boyle yaparak cok zaman

Elbetteki bir seyleri ozetlemeye calismiyorum; Kendimi sizin konustugunuz sekilde ifade

Farkindaliginiz, goz acip kapayincaya kadar gecen bir sure icin Benden uzaktadir. Gozlerinizi
kirpistirmayi birakin ki her zaman mevcut olani goresiniz.

Bir issizlik hali mevcut degildir aziz cocuklarim. Ve issizligin icinde Bana yonelik bir
cagri da yoktur. Eger boyle oldugunu dusunuyorsaniz bu, oynamak icin sizin
sectiginiz bir oyundur. Duragan olanim Ben, sessiz ve sakin olanim; buna karsin
Benim pesimden gelebilirsiniz ya da hayrete sayan bir sekilde Benden uzaklasmaya
tesebbus edebilirsiniz.

Hicbir tereddutum yoktur Benim. Sapasaglam ve emin bir sekilde sizin icinizdeyim. Dallari
en uzak yildizlara erisen, diger tum
agaclari sarmalayip kucaklayan Sevgi agacim yureginizde buyumektedir. Tum
yureklerden yukselen tatli bir cardaktir o ve tum dunyanin uzerini kaplar.
Herkes ona tirmanabilir. Herkes dallarina salincaklar kurabilir. Bu sevgi
cardagi salkim sogutler gibidir. Taptaze ilik ruzgarlar eser ona dogru. Aziz
cocuklarim, Bizim bagliligimiz, biribirine oylesine sarilmis, susturulmamis
ancak asude kilinmis, pamuk lifinin yuregi gibi sefkatle, yumusacik ve
harikulade bir sekilde carpan sevgiyle orulmustur - Bizim butunlesmis Tek bir
yurek atisimizdir bu.

Sadece bunu dusunun; yureklerimizin Tek Bir yurek olarak carptigini, Bizim muhtesem ve

harikulade yuregimizin Birligin yuregi
oldugunu, tum dunyayi kucaklayarak dunyayi yine dunyanin kendisiyle
tanistirdigini dusunun. Yuregim sizin yureginizde mukimdir ve sizinki de Benim
yuregimin icinde carpar, boyle olmasina ragmen carpan iki farkli yurek yoktur,
Tek, Bir yurek vardir. Sizinki midir o, yoksa Benimki midir. Ya da sevginin
butun halindeki Tek Bir Ihtisami midir?

Ceviren: Engin Zeyno Vural


Sevgi ve sifayla kalin,

Sifa Cemberi


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 4:37pm

Diktiğiniz her tohumun içinde muazzam bir Evrensel bilgi vardır.Hem de İnsan yapımı hiçbir
şeyle kıyaslanmayacak kadar büyük bir
bilgi.İşte bu bilgi sayesinde Tohum ne zaman canlanıp büyüceği,topraktan hangi
özsuları emeceğine Güneş,Ay,Yıldızlar gibi gökcisimlerinin ışınlarından nasıl
yararlanacağına saniyenin on binde biri kadar kısa sürede,kesin olarak karar
verir,nasıl gelişeceğini ve hangi meyveyi vereceğini gayet iyi bilir.

Meyveler, insanın yaşam destek ünitesi gibidir. Her türlü hastalığa karşı vücudun direncini
arttırır, onlarla mücadele ederler, hali hazırdaki ve
gelecekte üretilecek İnsani yapımı tüm ilaçlardan DAHA ETKİLİDİRLER.
Ama bu tohum bu mücadeleyi verebilmek için insanın durumunu bilmek zorundadır. Zira
hasta ya da hastalığa meyilli bir insanı iyileştirebilmek için olgunlaşma
evresinde meyvesine hangi maddeleri yükleyeceğini önceden bilmesi gerekir.

Belli bir bahçede yetiştirilen bir salatalığın, domatesin ya da herhangi bir bitkinin tohumunun
böyle bir bilgiye sahip olması için aşağıdakiler
Bir veya birkaç tohumu ekmeden önce ağza alıp en az 9 dakika dilin altında tutulmalı,
sonra avuçlarının arasında 30 saniye de burada tutulmalı,bu esnada tohumun ekileceği yerin
üzerine mutlaka yalınayak durmak
Avucunu açıp elindeki tohumları ağzına yaklaştır,ciğerlerindeki havayı tohumlar üzerine üfle.
Tohumu soluğunla ısıtmalısın ki içinde ne olduğunu
Bundan sonra avucundaki tohumu havaya kaldırıp 30 sn Günışığına tutmalısın. Tohum o anda

doğuş zamanını tayin eder, bütün Gezegenler de ona
yardımcı olacaktır! Filizlere,ihtiyacı olan ışığı verecektir ki bitki sırf Sana
özgü meyvesini üretebilsin.
Artık tohumları ekebilirsin. Asla hemen sulama, tüm tohumlar tükürüğüne bulandı zaten,
seninle ilgili bilgileri emmeleri gerek.
Ektikten 3 gün sonra sulayabilirsin ancak.
Her bitki uygun zamanda ekilmelidir (ekim zamanları insanların bildiği ay takvimine göre
Tohumu toprağa sulamadan erken ekmenin bir sakıncası olmaz ama geç ekmek kötü
sonuçlar doğurabilir.
Bitkinin gelişimi esnasında çevresindeki tüm yabani otlar ayıklanmamalı. Mutlaka bu otların
her birinden bir tane bırakılmalıdır.
Yabani otları ayıklamak yerine budamak da mümkün. Yabani otların da kendilerine
göre ödevleri var. Bunlar bir kısmı bitkiyi hastalıktan korurken,diğerleri de
ona ek bilgiler sağlıyor.
Bitki büyürken onunla iletişim kurmak,hiç olmazsa istenen boya eriştiğinde,dolunay varken
yanına gidip bir kere dokunmak zorunlu.
Bu yolla yetiştirilen bir bitki meyvesinin insanın her türlü hastalığına iyi
geleceğini,yaşlanmayı büyük ölçüde engeller,insanı zararlı alışkanlıklardan
kurtarır,akli yeteneklerini arttırır ve Ruhuna huzur verir.
Meyveler toplandıktan sonra 3 gün içersinde tüketilirse etkileri artar. Böyle
yetiştirilmiş meyveler diğerlerinden ayıran sadece tatları değil,incelemeye tabi
tutulursa içindeki maddelerin farklı olduğu görülür.
Tohumu ekmeden önce toprağa mutlaka el ve ayak parmaklarıyla küçük bir çukur
kazmak,sonra da içine
tükürmek gerekir. Ayak terinde insanın hastalığıyla ilgili bilgiler içeren bazı
maddeler (mesela toksinler) bulunur. Tohum bu bilgileri alır, ara sıra ekim
yerine çıplak ayakla dolaşmak gerekiyor.
Çoğu bahçede olduğu gibi çeşidi bol tutulmalı,nereye ne kadar ekileceği o kadar önemli değil.

Enerjik bir bahçe yaratmak için Ayçiçeği gibi (en az bir tane bulunmalı) olmazsa olmaz
bitkiler de
Farklı bitkiler ekilmiş tohumluklar arasında en az 2 m2 boşluklar bırakılmalı.


Bilgiler ‘’Rusya’nın çınlayan sedirleri’’ kitabından alıntıdır

Toprakta çalışan insanları gözlemleyin, kolay kolay hastalık nedir bilmezler, onların Doktoru
Toprak Ana ve Doğa’dır.



"dünya üzerinde zerafetle, sevgiyle ve neseyle yürüyorum.."


Uriel - Bilinç Nedir
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 4:45pm

Ruhsal yolculuğunuz, bir tür bilinç halidir ki, bu bilinci içinde bulunduğunuz realitenin
farkındalığında deneyimlemektir. Bu işlem ne çok karmaşık ne
de zordur. Bu hal içindeyken, önceden tanımlanmış bir istikamet yoktur.
Önceden tanımlanmış bir yol yoktur. Herşey varlığın farkındalığı ve
cehiti ile ilişkilidir. Bireysel yolculuğunuzda her birinizin yeniden
doğum ve kendinizle yeniden bağlantı için dahil olduğu hareket ne zordur
ne de kolaydır. Bilinç, kaderin yolu, birbirine zıt olan kavramların
arasında büyümedir. Bilinç enerjinin akışıdır ve bu akışla siz ya
realiteyi yaratarak açarsınız ya da zihniniz geçmişin hapisanesinde
kalarak kendinizi sıkıştırırsınız. Bu hal ne ruhsal ne de maddeseldir.
Bu hal tüm dünyalarınızı çevreler. Cennet ve dünya hali, sizin
bilincinizin içinde bulunduğunuz aleme yansıtılma düzeyine göre şekil
alıp sizin tarafınızdan deneyimlenir.

Bilinci tanımlarken, kendinizi sadece ruhsal farkındalık olarak düşünürseniz kendi gücünüze
bir sınırlama getirmiş olursunuz. Hal bu ki tüm ruhsal ve fiziksel süreçler realitenizin tüm
çevrelemiştir. Herhangi bir zaman diliminin anında, basitçe
varlığınızın nasıl deneyim yapacağına kendinizi ne şekilde ifade
edeceğinizi gösterirsiniz. Fiziksel bilinç, günlük yaşamınızdaki
olaylar içindeki farkındalık ile başlar, ki biz buna NEFES deriz. Nefes
vasıtasıyla yaratıcıdan hayat alırsınız. Bu başlangıç ve sondur. İlk
olarak beden doğar ve son olarak ölür. Gerçi nefes almak çok hayata
bağlı bir olgu gibi gözükse de bir açıdan nefes alırken siz bilinçsiz
bir haldesinizdir. Son aldığınız nefesi hatırlıyor musunuz?

Ruhsal farkındalığınız, fiziksel bilincinizi genişleterek size fiziksel varlığınızın içinde

bulunduğu hayatın ötesinde bir farkındalık katar. Farkındalığınız, şuurunuz genişledikçe siz
ol(uş)ma halini
deneyimlersiniz kısaca OLursunuz ve bu oluşla siz kaynağa bağlanırsınız.
Her biri, gezegeniniz ve evrensel varlığınızı tanıdıktan sonra çok
boyutlu bir varlık olursunuz. Hayatı enerjetik bir akış olarak görmmeye
başlarsınız. Bu arada size ait tüm veçhelerinize sarılırsınız onlarla
kucaklaşır, hemhal olursunuz ve onlarla beraber çalışarak gelişen
varlığı yaratırsınız. Böylece tüm korkularınızın, içinde bulunduğunuz
kutupluluk hallerinin, karanlığınızın ve eylemlerinizin ötesine
geçersiniz. Bu varlığınızı bilinç olarak tanımlarsınız fakat o bilinçten
de öte bir şeydir. O ilahiliğinizin insan formu kanalıyla ifadesidir.
Siz her zaman bilinçliydiniz şimdi farkındalığınızın bir parçası olarak
sizde evrensel denge, ahlak mevcuttur.

Tüm beşeriyet ikili bir bilinç halinde fakat bu hal ne karanlığın ne de ışığın doğasına sahip.
Bu hal tamamiyle kutupsal odaklı bir düşünme şekli olarak tezahür ediyor. Ruhsal ve
maddesel olan sizde
harmanlanarak, dengeli bir şekilde sizde varoluyor. Hepiniz bilinçli
varlıklarsınız ve sizin içinizden gelen ruhsal olana sarılıp onu
beşeriyete getirin ve bu sizi fiziksel bilincinin sınırlılığından,
yüksek alemlerin sınırsızlığına taşıyacak. Bu şekilde siz kendi ruhsal
vazifenizi tamamlayarak tekrardan kendi ilahi soyunuzla bağlantıya geçip
uyumlanacaksınız. Gün içindeki olaylarda basit farkındalık vasıtasıyla
bilinçli olmak için kendinize izin verin. Ruhsal olan her anınıza davet
edin. Böylece kendinizi tamamlayarak ruhunuzun kaderi olan cenneti
(yuvayı) dünya halinize getireceksiniz. Cennet halini dünyada iken
yaşayacaksınız. Böylece yeni dünyanın bilinçli ortak yaratıcıları

Kaynak: www.urielheals.com

Devamı: http://www.maddeveruh.org/ruh-ve-madde/1/885/Uriel-Bilinc-Nedir.asp...
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives


Lemurian Angels and Galactic Star
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 5:06pm


from the Lemurian Angels and Galactic Star Families


We send you sublime blessings of light and gratitude to be able to

connect with you at this time on your life journey and relay these
messages to you. We come forth to bring you these messages in
gentleness, lightness and grace and ask that you have an open heart to
receive them and simply intend that as you read them they will be
received on the heart level of consciousness.

We, the Lemurian Angels unite with many other star beings throughout
other galaxies, universes and star nations at this time forming new
Galactic Star Families whom are helping the Earth. Each beloved
Galactic Star Family assists in continuing the transference of new light
to raise the vibration on Earth to that of a Divine Paradise once
again. When we speak of raising the vibration on Earth, this is also
being being facilitated through the opening of hearts of awakening
humanity. The collective consciousness of open hearts, together with the
lighter vibration of the Earth will transcend all into love and the
new paradise as Heaven on Earth.

We the Lemurian Angels, reside within our etheric Ascension Temple of

Star Diamonds and Lemurian Jade Healing Temple of Light in the inner
planes, as well as within many different star galaxies as yet unknown to
most on Earth. We choose to communicate at this time to facilitate and
transfer energetic light codes and specific light rays for the Earth’s
ascension and healing, through our messages are encoded with complete
and pure love and peace to bring the hearts of humanity into the state
of Oneness consciousness as it was once known.

The days of Lemuria were loving and peaceful where all living beings
existed in total harmony and spiritual perfection, never doubting
abilities and only ever knowing that all was well and resonating with
love. Deep within the very soul of your Being and deep within your
heart, you remember this too.

Indeed you have all given so much throughout your life, to other people,
it is now your time to become open to receive this love back to you.
It is your time to really and truly connect with your life path to bring
you new fulfillment and spiritual growth. You all have many beautiful
abilities to create with light energy and with the assistance of spirit,
and only some of these abilities have yet shone through, we ask you now
to trust that there are many more to come, to be gifted to you over
time and through your divine multi-dimensional self.

The greatest gift you can give to yourself now is to be true to yourself
and your heart. Go forth in knowingness of your own truth. Trust in
your own truth, for when you trust, you let go of fear and doubt and in
doing so, you set yourself free.

We wish to gift to you at this time, to assist you on your path of

growth, healing, and learning, an etheric key to new gateways in the
Higher Realms which are now opening for you. These will enable you to
travel through to etheric realms while you are sleeping and, if you
wish, re-connect to your multi-dimensional self. As you reconnect with
other multi-dimensional aspects of yourself this may assist in enabling
you to integrate the many more aspects of your natural talents and
abilities into your physical reality now.

Dear Ones, know that we simply offer you this all as a gift from our
hearts for it is only ever from the heart we give with love as we wish
to be of service to you. Know that nothing is written in stone, always
the choice of freewill is with you.

These gateways we speak of are stargates or portals, where you can

travel through to work directly within the inner planes and celestial
realms of light. We will journey with you to our Lemurian Jade Healing
Temple of Light, and there you may rest and receive healing and

These gateways are doorways of possibilities opening and unfolding now

for you. Either before sleep or during meditation ask to connect with us
to take you through these gateways where you will receive new knowledge
in the part of your consciousness that is the part of you in pure
alignment and connection with the Divine Source. You will be guided to a
beautiful sacred space where it is safe to ask the questions you wish
to know. There you shall rest within crystalline chambers and receive
that which is needed the most for you, and you may also release
attachments to doubts or fears that you may have about yourself or your
abilities, and embrace this time for again these are blessings on a
higher level. Know that during this time all healing will also occur on
multi-dimensional levels within your BEing.

Once you begin to travel through the gateways with us, you may begin to
sense a new harmony spreading in your life as you find within yourself
the freedom to move forwards in the spiritual direction of your choice
and you will feel more at ease and more your true self. Know that your
light strengthens your purpose and so let it illuminate the pathway
ahead of you and grow stronger and stronger – and as strongly shining as
you can bear to view it. Move with the rhythm of time and do not resist
the direction it takes you, nor question that it is either the right or
the wrong decision, for all choices made are always perfect and always
correct. In allowing yourself the freedom to trust your inner voice,
you will then find that you are in the rhythm of the Universe and
beginning to feel the sense of Oneness.

The messages and healing will assist in bringing the realisation that
you are already the master of your inner world, and you have always been
free to shine in your own abilities and knowledge or to share with
others if you so choose to. You will integrate new knowledge in the
Oneness of your Being, within your psyche on whichever level it is
needed. Many of you are wayshowers for others but importantly you are
also a way-shower for yourself – guiding yourself beyond your limits
spiritually and thus expanding your own consciousness.

After receiving such healing or learning, be gentle with yourself for

changes may also be occurring for you on a cellular level and that your
true crystalline self will be emerging in the essence of your soul
being, and as a result your vibrations will raise and your energetic

frequencies will become lighter.

Beloveds, you are so much more that just a spiritual being having a
human experience and it is for us to yearn and desire that you were able
to view you as we see you, for the spectral aspects, even of but one
soul such as yours, creates such beauty as that of a light show across
the universe. To view the full spectrum of your multi-dimensional selves
is something that is indescribably sublime.

Like the prism of colours within rainbows reflects back to you the
wonderful spectrum of light representing the many aspects of your
multi-dimensional self. Know that within you, you carry each and every
one of these colour spectrums as you hold each and every truth.

Remember, YOU are always the Creator of your life, and you can create
your world exactly how you want it to be. In choosing the greatness of
your being, you choose the greatness of YOU. The only limitations are
those you impose upon yourself. Have no doubt that you are a complete,
perfect being of light. You are perfection at all times.

Your creative essence, if you allow it, shall bear its vibrancy and
light and will continue to grow within you ready for a new expression,
ready to be illuminated. Follow all your creative impulses openly and
retain momentum and positivity. Nurture your heart gifts and bring them
forth as your gift to others for in doing so you will be gifting
yourself in abundant joy.

Only you have the sight to see these creations now - but when they are
unleashed and expressed they will bring a multitude of joy to so many.
Simply be You. Your Divine perfect self. This together with your natural
talents, when coming from the heart, can certainly heal the heart of
hearts of all those whose lives you touch with your joy and shining
light and will have a ripple effect carrying love and joy ever outwards
to others.

Know that you are truly as we view you to be – a star shimmering

brightly out across the galaxies for all to see, as your creativity and
spirituality grow stronger. From the darkness a star is always evolving
and awakening, birthing new visions ready to be brought forth for the
greater good of all.

Beloveds, it is not just the external vibration of this Earth that will
bring you the paradise you so seek, it is WITHIN YOU, your heart that
resides Heaven. In awaking your heart to its fullest beauty there you
shall see that all around you in the Paradise on Earth, within the heart
of the hearts of all. Your heart is an ascension vehicle as is the
collective hearts of humanity an ascension vehicle for the planet

It is time for you to shine brightly, to peel off the layers of

protection which are no longer needed, and to embrace your position
within this Galaxy of Light as an ascended being. It is not for us to
tell you that you are the Divine Masters, it is for you to simply know
that you already are.

We leave you these words from our hearts to yours:

Walk your path, be your path.

You are the light, and the light is You.
You are the Divine One, You are the Ancient One,
You are You, and You are the Universe,
You are love, and You are Truth,
and in this Truth,
You are all things.
Step into the light of your path and be embraced by its golden blessings.

The Lemurian Angels and Galactic Star Families


Invocation and Meditation for the
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 5:08pm

Invocation and Meditation for the Archangels

Lay down comfortably (or sit if you prefer), Repeat the following Invocation for each
Archangel at a time out loud. Then
close your eyes and Visualize/Imagine the things you requested happening, and
see what messages the Archangel has for you
(you can also ask for a message)

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Michael to stand at my right hand side. I ask
him to pour courage and strength into me and bring about positive results to my
endeavors. I now request that he cut all my negative cords and attachments with
his sword. I ask that the deep blue cloak of protection be placed over me so
that only that which is of the highest and purest light may enter my aura. Pause
for a moment so that Archangel Michael can complete this work and communicate
anything he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Gabriel to stand at my left-hand side in his
pure white ray. I ask that he pours his pure white energy into my aura and
brings me guidance about my next step or my pathway. I ask that the symbols of
my life’s mission be illuminated and activated now. Please bring joy, grace,
clarity, understanding, generosity and order into my life. Pause for a moment
so that Archangel Gabriel can complete this work and communicate anything he
wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Uriel to stand in front of me and fill my
aura with his purple and gold ray of wisdom and peace. Help me to soothe all
conflict in my life and replace it with serenity, brotherhood and sisterhood. Please
break my mental and emotional chains and free me from all my fears. Pause for a
moment so that Archangel Uriel can complete this work and communicate anything
he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Raphael of the emerald ray to stand behind
me. I ask that he pour healing and abundance into me. I ask for protection on
my journeys and that I be impressed with justice, truth and vision. Pause for a
moment so that Archangel Raphael can complete this work and can communicate
anything he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Chamuel of the pink ray to expand the flame
of love in my heart. Please help me to find compassion and forgiveness for
myself and for everyone I have ever harmed knowingly or unknowingly. I ask that
my heart be opened at a personal and cosmic level. Pause for a moment so that
Archangel Chamuel can complete this work and can communicate anything he wishes

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Jophiel to pour the golden light of wisdom
and illumination onto me through my crown centre. I ask that his wisdom light
up and inspire my mind, helping me to learn and teach at the highest level. I
ask that the symbols of wisdom I have accumulated throughout my lifetimes be
lit up and activated now.Pause for a moment so that Archangel Jophiel can
complete this work and can communicate with you if he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Zadkiel of the violet ray of mercy, joy and
transmutation to pour the violet flame into my aura. I ask for all my
negativity to be released and dissolved and replaced with joy, diplomacy and
tolerance. Pause for a moment so that Archangel Zadkiel can complete this work
and can communicate with you if he wishes to.

Your aura is now filled with the energy of the Archangels and you are connected
to your
Mighty I AM presence. You are blessed.






Message from Matthew, Aug. 13, 2010,
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 5:14pm

Message from Matthew, Aug. 13, 2010,


This is Matthew, with loving greetings from all souls at this station. I begin with a
personal note about the lapse in these messages. My
mother’s energy and time were dedicated to caring for Bob during the
last stages of his illness, and after his transition she needed
restorative time. Both of these souls who are so dear to me are doing

Now then, many Earth residents perceive your world as tumultuous as ever. Wars
continue and so do poverty, corruption, oppression and other ills,
so it is understandable that people who have long lived in such
conditions often feel hopeless. You know that changes of unprecedented
magnitude are afoot, yet you may be encountering unsettling feelings
too, perhaps depression, discontentment, undue impatience, fatigue or
physical discomfort. You
may feel restless, “rudderless,” floating without clear purpose or direction, or feel that
nothing of significance
is happening in your life or even anywhere on Earth.

It may be because world transformation is so far underway that many are having one or
another of those sensations — as microcosms of Earth, you
naturally are affected by the magnitude of changes she is undergoing.
Everything in your world is in acceleration mode and there are frequent
rises in the vibratory level along Earth’s pathway — you still may be
adjusting to the most recent level while she is moving into the next.
Vibrations in the energy planes your planet has reached make maintaining
balance in body, mind and spirit a greater effort than previously. When
you are in a state of imbalance, your energy flow is jolted or blocked,
causing your electromagnetic system to malfunction and produce a
variety of unsettling physical, mental and emotional sensations.

Another effect of the higher vibrations is inner stirrings of dissatisfaction with personal
situations. Individuals who are following intuitive
feelings to change locations or work or relationships are faring better
than those who are resisting soul-level guidance to get on track with
karmic experiencing chosen to complete third density lifetimes.

The vibrations also are magnifying human characteristics and behaviors, making
“good” better and “bad” worse. Generous persons share until the
cupboard is bare and those with
warm hearts serve wherever help is needed. Greedy ones acquire more and more and
give nothing, and
heartless individuals cause problems for others. Played out on the world
stage, light-filled people are thriving spiritually and activities of
light nature are ever expanding in scope and positive results. People
whose attributes and deeds are of darkness
are regressing spiritually and their intentions and efforts are stumbling along into
eventual futility. Interaction with individuals in the latter group can
indeed be stressful because your light body’s energy is resisting

A possible source of anomalous sensations and behaviors is Earth’s ascension route that
puts her in new alignments with the other planets
and Sol. Although the juxtaposition of solar bodies always has affected
Earth’s residents, the difference now is her rapid, steady course out of
third density. Not only your feelings, but others’ attitudes and
reactions that seem to be erratic, irresponsible or shocking may be due
in part to unusual celestial

The increase in geophysical activity is another potential source of stressful feelings

because your bodies are affected by Earth’s
shockwaves. Another consideration here is that earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, violent storms and floods are relieving the negativity that
caused the planet to spiral downward and, until about seventy or so
years ago, had confined it for millennia to third density. The lessening
of negativity also has an effect on bodies. Let
us digress a moment to answer a pertinent question: How much drastic
weather and earthquakes and other `natural’ disasters are manmade? It
would not be much of an exaggeration to say “all.”

Just as in Nature, a technologically created earthquake, for example, cannot have

isolated effects — the energy release initiates activity in
similarly vulnerable areas around the globe and those trigger still more
upheavals. It is the same with clouds and winds. Mother Nature,
however, knows when to take a time-out so her lands and seas and skies
can settle and she can regain balance, and she spares areas meant to be
safe. The ones who are manipulating your weather and generating
geophysical disasters don’t care about healing respites for Earth or any
exclusion from destruction, death toll and suffering.

Returning to possible causes for unpleasant symptoms you may be experiencing, we

offer practical suggestions to lessen their effects and duration.
Fatigue never is your ally — get sufficient relaxation and sleep.
Drinking a lot of pure water will help energy flow more smoothly

throughout your body and let your electromagnetic system better perform.
Physical and mental exercise, meditation, solitude, being in Nature,
positive thinking, creative projects, melodious music — all are aides in
balancing your energy.

Your bodies need light-filled foods for a strong immune system; eat more fresh fruits and
vegetables and less meat and sugar. Illegal synthetic drugs, chemicals
in prescription medications and
alcohol not only are barriers to light-absorption, they exacerbate the
conditions you want to remedy and can create new types of dis-ease. Make
every effort to avoid or defuse abrasive encounters — the energy those
generate is a formidable deterrent to achieving balance and well being.
If, despite employing those suggestions and any other practices that
usually have served you well, your symptoms become severe and
persistent, please consult a trusted health care provider.

Now then, with the combination of that wide variety of energetic influences, the obvious
turmoil in your world and unawareness of
profound changes taking shape, it is little wonder that some believe the
“end times” are coming and others interpret December 2012, when the
Mayan calendar ends, much the same way. Both perceptions are wrong, but
indeed an end time is coming — along Earth’s ascension pathway into the
era of the Golden Age, all forms of darkness on the planet will end.

There are many questions and misconceptions about ascension, who will accompany
Earth, what will become of the people who don’t, and what to
expect in the higher densities. First, ascension has nothing whatsoever
to do with the “raptures” of religion, so please do not try to fit that
concept into the universal truth. Ascension is the process of Earth
leaving third
density and traveling through fourth on to fifth. Although this movement is into planes
of successively lighter energy,
not into progressively higher elevations such as climbing a stepladder
or a mountain, souls’ growth in conscious awareness and spiritual
clarity can be thought of as upward, thus ascension is the most
descriptive term for this advancement.

In the timeless continuum, the beginning and completion of Earth’s ascension cannot be
dated — you could say that both “times” have been
known for untold ages. In linear time, the ascension process began in
the last years of the 1930s, when atrocities long committed by humankind
against each other reached unconscionable measure and nearly depleted
Earth’s light that is the life force of her planetary body and the
bodies of all her residents.

Her cry for help went out into the universe and instantly God authorized myriad
spiritually advanced civilizations to respond by beaming their
own vast light into Earth’s body. The massive infusion of light from
those distant sources stabilized her orbit and enabled her to jar loose
from negativity’s stranglehold, start to ascend out of deep third

density and continue toward her ultimate destination in fifth density.
Her soul originated in that high plane and there it remained throughout
the millennia that her body spiraled ever downward as more and more
human and animal blood was shed and the environment ravaged.

Ascension is possible for all who have absorbed the light, and the souls who accompany
Earth will do so in their physical bodies. If bodies lack
organs or limbs or have physical,
emotional or mental disorders, farther along the ascension pathway there will be healing
of all disease
and replacement of missing parts until the bodies are perfected and
mental and emotional health is sound. In fourth density the bodies of
aged persons will become youthful and live healthfully much longer than
your current life expectancy, and life spans in fifth density can be
tenfold or more than yours are now.

There is no seat of judgment or arbitrary selection of which humans can ascend and
which cannot — it is strictly a matter of science and souls’
own choices. Light changes third density’s carbon-based cellular
structure to the crystalline form that lets bodies survive in the higher
frequencies, or vibrations, of fourth density and beyond. That is why
persons who choose to live in the light can ascend with Earth and those
who choose to cling to their dark ways cannot. After a time in spirit,
souls in the latter group will incarnate in a world that corresponds to
their Earth lifetime energy registration and have more opportunities to
“see the light.”

Not all light-filled people will go all the way to the Golden Age — it depends on the
longevity clause in soul contracts. Prior to birth many
of today’s populace chose to enter
spirit life before Earth reaches that era, and among them are highly evolved souls whose
light is as
bright as noonday sun. Those who came from higher civilizations to
assist Earth in special ways during her ascension may quickly pass
through Nirvana on their way to a higher density spirit world, most
likely the one serving their original homeland, or they may manifest new
bodies and incarnate in another civilization for different kinds of
growth experiencing. Others will stay for a time in Nirvana, which will
remain Earth’s spirit world and ascend in tandem with the planet. Souls
who have completed third density karmic lessons may choose another Earth
lifetime or join a civilization in a different fourth density world.

A large number of people who have lived in godly ways will choose not to ascend with
Earth after the truth about the origin of religions emerges:
They were designed in darkness
to deceive and control the peoples, be the most divisive element of life on Earth, and reap
wealth for the
heads of churches. Although everyone on Earth knows that truth at soul
level and it is a contract choice to consciously remember it, many of
the devoutly religious will be unable or unwilling to accept that their

deep-seated faith is founded on false teachings. By so doing, these
individuals deny the light within truth, that they are god and goddess
selves, eternally inseparable from God and all other souls in this
universe. Their next pre-birth contract will again include the provision
to become consciously aware of that truth
during their next physical lifetime, which will be in a third density world.

Regardless of the reason a soul leaves this lifetime, physical death will come from any of
the many causes that exist now. There will be no mass
departure of darkly inclined persons when Earth reaches some specific
vibratory level because the amount of light within bodies varies. And
there is no way for you to distinguish between light-filled individuals
who leave Earth lifetimes in accordance with soul contracts, those who
choose to leave rather than accept the truth about religions, and
persons whose bodies’ viability is snuffed out because they lack the
light to survive in the vibratory level Earth entered.

In most cases there can be reunions of souls who live in physical or spirit worlds of
differing densities. Those who have evolved into a
higher density can astrally travel to a lower density that has
sufficient light to assure the visitors’ departure. Reunions are not
possible with the souls that are consigned by their lifetime energy to
first or second density worlds,
where intelligence is almost nonexistent and no memories or feelings exist. That is not
punishment —
it offers those souls a new beginning free of the negativity they
created that automatically led them to those lowest levels of existence.

The innocence of animals, who act from instinct, never from malice, automatically
qualifies all except a few species to ascend with Earth.
Along the way those who now are wild will become tame, predators will
become vegetarians, and all will live peaceably with each other and
humankind. Already there is evidence of cross-species friendship, even
mothers of one species nurturing infants of another, and instances of
bonding between wild animals and humans.

Animal numbers will shrink in the next few years as instinctively they will breed less
often and produce fewer offspring. While most species will be
able to adapt to environmental and climate changes as Earth is restored
to her Eden self, when there were no temperature extremes and all lands
were arable, species living in polar regions will not survive. Their
souls will go to Nirvana and continue evolving, and in time they will
incarnate in a world where conditions are suitable for their new bodies
and life purposes.

Now then, despite the emphasis on the final day of year 2012, there is no absolutely fixed
date for Earth to be within fourth density. There is a
“celestial window” for smooth sailing, so to speak, but it offers a
degree of flexibility in your calendar’s time. And please remember that
ascension is a process that has been ongoing for about seven decades, so

do not expect a dramatic occurrence to herald the first day of the
Golden Age. January 1, 2013, often considered to be The Date, will be
little different from the day preceding or following it. There is no
validity to the notion that immediately prior to Earth’s entry into
fourth density there will be three days of darkness or, as other reports
have it, three days of
burning sun.

It is not so that life after 2012 will be much the same throughout many centuries. Just as
life on Earth has not been static, but has progressed
through many phases of development, so too will life in the Golden Age.
The difference is that everything will be taking place in the peace,
harmony and boundless opportunities for learning and evolving in that
glorious world! [The message dated December 31, 2007, "Essay on 2012"
gives a comprehensive
description of life in that era.]

The last phases of the transition from third density to fourth will present some
challenges as the Illuminati keep trying to stir up trouble spots.
Heeding your intuition will carry you through the bumpy episodes, which
can’t last much longer anyway because the dark ones cannot fight in the
light, and the light is growing stronger by the day.

You don’t consciously remember that you were eager to incarnate during this
momentous time on Earth, and although many, many others also wanted to
participate, they lacked the innate abilities, experience and courage
that qualified you to be among the chosen. Few can be in prominent
leadership roles, but all of you are leaders simply by BEing the shining
god sparks you are! Do not for a moment doubt that you are powerful
souls whose contributions to the light are helping assure its triumph
over darkness — in the continuum, you already are victorious!

Now we shall address questions about situations of current interest. By Earth’s

invitation, other civilizations lessened to the extent possible
the damage to marine life and coastlines caused by the oil in the Gulf
of Mexico; and by Earth’s desire, there will be no explosion of methane
gas that could cause widespread sickness and loss of life. Your planet’s
healing ability and other worlds’ technology can remedy or prevent
these and other types of manmade destructiveness, whether intentional or
by negligence or ignorance.

The oil spill was a major turning point in Earth’s favor. The oil companies’ dominance
in energy production has been drastically reduced
as demands for alternate sources have soared. Soon you will see
long-suppressed technologies coming into use for many purposes, from
curing diseases and eradicating pollution to providing light and heat
and transportation fuel.

Are you still convinced that US President Obama is a highly evolved lighted soul who
came from an advanced civilization to lead us into the Golden
Age? Yes! There is no reason for us or other messengers in high stations
to doubt that, but we understand why some of you do. Assessments and
conclusions can only be according to information available to you. You
don’t have our vantage point in the universe or our information sources,
and you have no way of knowing all the undercurrents that will be
ushering in your new world.

Doubt about Obama’s light-filled intentions is arming his opposition — that is why we
urge you to withhold judgment and to envision him and your
world in golden light. Negative thoughts and feelings about Obama’s
leadership are reducing his ability to persuade his own government and
other leaders to act in harmonious cooperation to achieve a peaceful
world with shared wealth and well being for all. This is not his
failing, but rather the law of
attraction in operation — negativity aimed in any direction brings back to Earth more
negative situations.
Along with vibrations intensifying the best and the worst of human
traits, the law is producing divisiveness in politics, ideologies and
philosophies that form all
systems and organizations that regulate life in your world. Each side of any issue is
blindly digging in its
heels instead of giving an inch. But do not despair — that stubbornness
to keep the status quo and to resist reform attempts is but one element
in the picture whose full design soon will “come to light.”

It still benefits the tattered wisps of darkness that control mainstream media to
exhaustively cover sporting events or one person’s heinous deed
and ignore the ever-growing grassroots movement toward
self-sufficiency, ingenuity, innovations, sharing resources and other
signs that vast changes are occurring within hearts and minds. Like
everything else in your world that is of dark design, mind control via
the media soon will be history — all methods of mind control operate at
the low frequencies that will disappear as the light continues to
intensify. Your best source of honest information is the Internet, but
be aware that it also is teeming with deliberate falsehoods,
unintentional inaccuracies and misconceptions — be evermore discerning!

None of the dire situations that some analysts and some channeled messages purport to
be likely, or even unavoidable, will come to pass. There will
be no repeat of “9/11,” no third war world, no nuclear war in space, no
worldwide riots because of food shortages, no inundation of coastlines
until the seas reach the mountains, no pandemics or lack of drinking
water that will imperil or eradicate billions of lives, no invasion by a
dark civilization, no planetary destruction that will necessitate mass
evacuations or underground living.

Hatonn asked us to give you his message: “My job as manager of communication
between Earth and all other points in the universe is difficult enough.
Please don’t compound it by
passing on false information or predictions that are pure hogwash. Thank you.”

Some within the lightworker community are dismayed because the presence of other
civilizations has not been officially acknowledged and no craft
have landed. If we knew when the announcement will take place and when
ships will land, we would happily tell you, but even our best sources
for that information don’t know. Your space family members living among
you are eager to introduce themselves and the thousands in crafts want
to be on the ground helping you, but they must wait for the right time.
The Illuminati’s diversionary tactics have kept Earth’s representatives
preoccupied with major upheavals that have precluded final decisions
about a televised announcement, and there can be no landings until your
safety is fully assured — at this time, the Illuminati control weaponry
that poses a risk of danger to large numbers, and no chances will be
taken with your lives.

Although there are optimistic indications of economic recovery, any improvements are
purely by manipulation. The longstanding corruption in banking,
investments and
commerce cannot much longer be hidden, nor can the usurious interest rates and unfair
taxation continue — the Illuminati’s
worldwide economic network is crumbling irremediably. Your monetary
system will return to precious metals as its basis until such time that
your heightened consciousness no longer requires the use of money in
exchange for goods and services.

Concerns about current homelessness and unemployment are natural and so are
ponderings about what will be the lot of homecoming troops if all
military forces in the world are disbanded. Those concerns would vanish
in the blink of an eye if you could see as we do the peace and joy, the
harmony and cooperation, the abundance of life’s necessities and
enjoyments of Earth’s Golden Age. Not only are lighted souls throughout
the universe cheering you all along your pathway to that glorious world,

we see you living there!


Suzanne Ward

Note from Suzy:

Heartfelt thanks to all who sent prayers for Bob's recovery. I'm sure the energy of your
caring helped in his transition and adjustment to spirit life.
After receiving customized care in Nirvana's "ICU" to strengthen his
etheric body, Bob was reunited with souls with whom he has love bonds,
including our dogs who are there, and he's enjoying the active, diverse

life in Earth's spirit world. I've never used these messages before for personal requests, and
Matthew said that for this purpose, I can.

Please read about Jane at


and send light to her and all who want to punish her

for honestly reporting what H1N1 was about.


Anahata Heart Chakra
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 5:19pm

Some terminology:
mooladhara: root chakra
swavadishtana= sacral chakra.
manipura= solar plexus
Shakti= kundalini.

In kundalini yoga, anahata chakra is a center of great importance. This

is because although awakening from manipura is constant, kundalini has
to remain in anahata for quite a long time.
It is said that in this present age the consciousness of mankind is
passing through a phase of anahata. It means that in many people anahata
chakra has started to function, but there is a difference between
functioning and awakening. In most people, anahata is not completely
active, but it functions slightly. Mooladhara on the other hand is very
active and almost awake in the majority of people today.

The word anahata actually means 'unstruck or unbeaten'. And this center
is known as such because of its relationship with the heart, which
throbs, beats or vibrates to a constant unbroken rhythm. It is said in
many of the scriptures that there is a sound which is non-physical and
non-empirical, which is transcendental in nature, and this sound is
endless and unbroken in the same way that the heart beats faithfully and
continuously from before birth up until death.

Fate and freewill

In the tantric scriptures it is said that anahata chakra is where the
thoughts and desires of the individual are materialized and fulfilled.
There are basically two ways of thinking - dependently or independently.
Up to manipura chakra the first approach holds true, but once the
shakti pierces anahata, the second approach takes precedence.
This means that as long as the consciousness is centered in the lower
chakras, you will remain completely dependent on what is already
enjoined for you, your fate or destiny. This is called prarabdha karma.
Even the awakening of the lower chakras does not make much difference.
Once the consciousness ascends through manipura chakra, you become
master over some of the situations of life, but you are still influenced
and bound by your prarabdha karma. You know that you can escape it, but
you don't know how.

Anahata chakra is almost completely beyond these empirical dimensions.

Here, one realizes that fate is of course real, but still one can go

totally beyond its dictates. It is like throwing something into the sky.
If you are able to hurl that object right out of the gravitational
field, then it will no longer be pulled down by the earth's magnetic
forces. Just as a rocket is launched at tremendous speed in order to go
beyond the gravitational pull of the earth, so the consciousness is
accelerated in anahatato the speed of freewill in order to transcend the
pull of latent samskaras.

It is only when you reach anahata chakra that you become a yogi. Up
until then, whether you are in mooladhara, swadhisthana or manipura, you
are a yoga practitioner. In anahata you become a yogi because you are
completely established in yogic consciousness and you depend solely upon
the power of your own consciousness rather than on anything that is
external or concerning faith.

Wish fulfillment
In anahata chakra, the freedom to escape from a preordained fate and to
determine one's own destiny becomes a reality. According to the tantras,
at the root of anahata there is a wish fulfilling tree known as the
kalpa taru or kalpa vriksha. When this tree starts to fructify, whatever
you think or wish comes true.
Ordinarily, we have so many wishes but they rarely assume more than the
air of a daydream. However, if they were all to become realities, we
would quickly start to question whether we want our wishes fulfilled at
all. Most people prefer to depend on fate rather than take
responsibility for creating their own destiny, and well they should.
There is a fine story which is often told to illustrate this:

Once a traveller was sitting underneath a tree. He was feeling very

tired and wanted to have a drink. So he thought of a clear stream, and
immediately he heard the trickle of water flowing beside him. After
drinking some water, he thought he would like to have a little food to
satisfy his hunger, and that appeared beside him also. Then, as he was
feeling tired and thought he would like to rest, there appeared before
him a nice bed, and so he went to sleep. The foolish man did not know
that he had come to rest beneath the wish fulfilling tree. In the
evening when he awoke, the sun had already set and night had fallen. He
got up and the thought came to his mind: 'Oh, it is terribly dark,
perhaps the tigers will come and eat me', and so they did.
This is what can happen to anyone who awakens the wish fulfilling
capacity without sufficient preparation. If the consciousness awakens in
anahata, but you do not know the powers of your mind, or you possess
negative, pessimistic attitudes, dark approaches to life, apprehensions,
fears and many other negative mental tendencies, then you will
immediately fall prey to them. If this happens, you risk the possibility
of falling back from anahata. And if you fall from anahata, there is
hardly any chance of making a second start. To avoid a downfall at this
point, it is necessary to always remain as alert as the antelope, which
is sensitive to each and every sound. The antelope is the vehicle of
anahata for this reason; it is not the symbol of restlessness, but of


When whatever you wish for comes true, this makes you very happy, but at
the same time, it is necessary to constantly analyze your attitude
towards yourself and others. You have to be very careful of doubting
thoughts. For example, if you develop a few palpitations of the heart
and think: 'Perhaps I am developing angina pectoris', or a pain in the
abdomen and think: 'Now I have appendicitis or gall bladder disease',
such thoughts may bring many problems and disorders in their wake. You
must also guard against doubts concerning others: 'Maybe that man is my
enemy', 'My son is sick, maybe he will die', 'My friend has not
contacted me, he must have had an accident'. It is important to have a
firm and alert control over the mental tendencies and fantasies of the

All sorts of thoughts concerning the body, children, wife, family,

monetary, social, economic or political situations come to us all the
time. If kundalini is asleep, these thoughts have no power, but when
kundalini awakens in anahata chakra, all these thoughts suddenly become
realities. Unless we are ever alert at this stage we will place our own
destructive hand on our head.

In the tantric text Saundarya Lahari, this wish fulfilling process is

aptly described as the chintamani, or wish fulfilling gem. Here chinta
applies to the 'process of selective thought' and mani means 'jewel'.
Therefore, chintamani means the 'jewel of correct and positive
thinking'. In this text, anahata is described as the garden of the
devas. At the center is a small divine lake inside which is the
chintamani. It is not necessary to obtain this jewel; as long as you can
realize your proximity to it that is enough, then whatever you think
comes true.

Develop a new way of thinking

When anahata chakra blooms and awakens, you must have very good sangha,
associations. You should never associate with people who depend on their
fate. Rather, you should always associate with those who depend on
faith. You must have unswerving faith in the power of your own will.
Even in the face of tremendous odds, be unflinching. Then you will
succeed. Willpower is never the outcome of suggestion. If you are ill
and you say a hundred times, 'I am well, I am well, I am well...', this
is called autosuggestion. It is not will. Will is something more than
this. 'Even if my son is suffering from the worst disease and medical
science has declared that he is about to die, I know he will not.' This
is how you have to think and use your will.
The first preparation, therefore, with regards to awakening anahata is
to change your entire way of thinking. If you are the type of person
whose thoughts and wishes often come true, even when conditions seem to
be opposed to that outcome, then it is necessary to develop a certain
amount of caution along with a new way of thinking.
You must become extremely optimistic and positive, always full of hope.

You must never dwell in the negativity of the mind. Physically, mentally
and spiritually, you must be completely at peace with yourself, with
people outside and with the whole community at large. Though the world
is full of conflicts, contradictions and deep animosities, you have to
always feel deep peace throughout your being. Never be negative about
any situation in life. Even if you meet a murderer, hopeless gambler or a
debaucher, to you he is a good man. Every situation is a good one for
you and the future is always bright. In all circumstances this must be
your attitude. It makes no difference whether you are amidst poverty,
suffering, disease, conflict, divorce, emotional crises and discord. It
is all part of the good, therefore you accept it.
You have to think only one thought resolutely, 'The whole world is in
me', or 'I am in everyone'. When you are able to develop this universal
sort of attitude, the kundalini will shine forth and pierce the fifth
chakra - vishuddhi, the center of immortality. This is the importance
and significance of anahata. Perhaps the best mantra for the heart
center is Оm Shanti. 'Om' is the universal cosmic vibration which
permeates the whole creation and 'Shanti' means peace.

From: Kundalini Tantra Swami Satyananda Saraswati.



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 5:45pm

August 8, 2010
Newsletter Headline

by Lisa Renee


ES News- August 2010


Dear Family,

This newsletter series returns after an absence from the last month of July, of which created
public confusion and of which I would like to clarify now. Writing these

newsletters takes a lot of my personal energy and focus, and that space was
simply not made available to me in the last weeks. Recently my planetary service
commitments have radically increased which means prioritizing my health and
sanity must take precedence. I am devoted and deeply committed to my service
mission, yet it is crystal clear that the drain on my person and the
organization known as Energetic Synthesis cannot continue to fulfill its tasks
in the same way as in the past. I have no idea what this will look like as we
all continue to move forward. We are standing in times of total mystery and

Most all of us at this time are being drastically reconfigured in the way we have been carrying
out our lives. As these deep
reconfigurations happen to me and within the Energetic Synthesis body of work, I
appreciate your patience and compassion rather than criticism. I send my
heartfelt appreciation and acknowledgment to all of us in this consciousness
family who have been worked incredibly hard over the last weeks. I know how
rough it has been for many of us as we have been experiencing the Shockwaves of
the recent quakes forcing change upon us. Many of us who are designed to
"embody" and bring these changes forward are plum exhausted. These shockwaves
will continue to ripple through us in this new cycle, yet it is driving us to
our destiny to be a "Complete Human Being". This has not been an easy time for
those who have committed to spiritual transformation as their first priority
over comfort - while existing in the 3D disintegrating structure. Ascending is
not comfortable and many of us have been spiraled into a whole new level of
experience of what that actually means for our human selves. Thank you to all of
our Ascension Wave and Indigo Teams, as it is you that hold the courage to
"dream the dream" for the rest of humanity. By holding the dream and never
giving up, you are the promise that the dream will never die -- and that we can
and will - create a free planet for the future of humanity. We will live our

A Huge Wake Up Call to Unify

Unity intelligence is a consciousness field that is a non-polarized. It has neither an electric or

magnetic spin charge, it is a
neutral field. The Melchizedek Guardians ( and many others from the next
Universal System) are a part of the consciousness teams that have been working
to repair grid structure by overriding reversal codes on this planet so that
these "neutral" fields were able to be accessed even when our planet is
surrounded by a "controller" frequency fence. These "fences" are the mind
control fields that propagate and feed into "anti-life" structures and their
circulatory systems. They have impaired human consciousness evolution for
thousands of years.

In order to poke holes through these "fences" those of us embodied in this density that have
committed to serve the Law of One can
create "handshake hubs" through the 12 D consciousness field. (You cannot
effectively spin the field if you are not aligned to the purposes of the 12 D
consciousness field which is -Unity.) This means by spinning a 12 D field into a
vortex (after you have embodied the 12D Shield process) you can direct links to

communicate with Guardian Intelligences while harmonizing and supporting the
surrounding planetary grid. "Handshake Hubs" can be made with the Unity
intelligence field and connected with the Guardian beings that are committed to
serving consciousness freedom. The Guardian Consciousness is synonymous with
Unity Avatar Intelligence. They do not exist within polarity

Polarity exists in both extremes of positive and negative charge and it is this "field charge"
that drives the perception of the ego
consciousness. (The ego and its personality program is "bi-polar" so it is
unable to perceive or experience Unity intelligence because its self-awareness
is externally experienced through the extremes of the polarized consciousness
fields.) There are new developments and links that have been made within the
planetary consciousness structure to allow the choice of unification. You may
have noticed the recent incredible consecutive and ongoing stream of Cosmic
alignments and frequency transmissions, whether the recent Astrological Grand
Cross, or huge Solar Flare Tsunamis ejecting out of our Sun, humanity is now
getting A Huge Wake Up Call.

What Pill Are We Taking?

As we are well aware of by now, the higher the frequency available to our human bodies (as
well as the consciousness matrices
of the planet), the more the polarities are greatly amplified in the external
reality. Everything takes on a quality of an extreme. Whether it's the BP Oil
Spill, Celebrity nervous breakdowns, or other current sensationalistic news
designed to distract us, we can still observe how surreal these events are
increasingly becoming. This gives us the bizarre quality of watching the "Global
Theatre of the Absurd" where more of us are becoming aware of events that seem
just plain obvious as to what is "really" going on. As an example, how many
pharmaceutical commercials can we watch and not become aware that someone behind
a desk has become a medical drug pusher? Who is motivated to keep us drugged up
with an unceasing parade of new marketing campaigns to parade pill taking? What
pill ARE we taking? Does that pill control our mind, our beliefs? Now that we
can see behind the "dog and pony show" it is clear there is a controlling agenda
behind the show. The pig cannot be dressed up in red lipstick much longer. What
is a pig is a pig - and we have to call it what it is - when we see

Many of us have noticed how surreal it has been watching people become unhinged around us
as they lose control over themselves. Walking down the
street in a metropolis setting with a large population has become increasingly
bizarre as you observe the behavior in your environment. It is clear people are
like internal pressure cookers exploding over very petty and temporary things,
all the way through to the spectrum of huge life altering events. This
amplification is also a purification that increases a surfacing of watching
distortions appearing in people, places and organizations. Nothing is spared
from this necessary purification. We have to see what has been holding the
façade up, and we are being made privy to watching what goes on "behind the

scenes". Nothing can remain hidden very long in these new Unity architecture
patterns as it is changing the physics of how the energies and space time are
revealed to us as an "observer". This is a relief to many of us that have
nothing to hide and really just want to get on with it. This is a starting point
of the unraveling that will give many of us the freedom we have been desiring to
live our lives in order to move forward into the new patterns that can be
supported by the Unity (neutral) framework.

Unity Architecture Begins

We are entering a cycle where "Unity" architecture patterns are being restored access to
certain places within the
planetary mass consciousness grid. This means more of us can access species race
memory and this Unity pattern and its frequency (neutral or zero point) if we
attune to it from our inner self. This is accessed from inside of you as
personal "power" and cannot be captured externally or controlled as an external
"force". This allows for experiences of greater spiritual self realization and
our inner source connection becoming greatly enhanced. This also amplifies
polarity in the external reality so it's been increasingly intense dealing with
the amplification of the "fear consciousness" fighting for its control. This
fear "collective" consciousness has been very aggressive lately, like in the
"bullying" of those it perceives as weak or stronger than itself. Lately many of
us feel we have been put through the wringer as these ego polarized "bullies"
have been pounding us hard to find a weakness they can exploit in some way. The
ego keeps your attention focused on the external events which generally means it
is ignoring the inner voice and higher self message. There is purpose in
everything, even in unpleasant events. This "bullying" behavior is common when a
dominating ego loses perceived control. It then becomes increasingly desperate
to find ways to control or manipulate external events into its "favor".
Desperate means give in to desperate measures, and this is what we are observing
in those confined to their ego structure of relating. It has not been pretty,
albeit it is a necessary part of the collective consciousness

Unity Source Code

Fear consciousness or Anti--life forces have existed within this Universal System in multiple
such as Entities (both human and non humans that have been "consumed" by these
forces), Group Fragmented Consciousness Fields, Artificial or distorted
creations and certain forces of Physical Matter. Over eons of time many of these
forces became increasingly distorted and advanced in their way to survive
through vampirism, parasitism or "feeding" on others energy bodies. This is
phenomena like an infection that happens at both the microcosm level through the
macrocosm level of our Universe. Because our reality is holographic in nature it
means the "infection" is recorded in the blueprint of the entire structure. This
means that "consciousness possession through consumption" can happen at all
levels, the human body layer, planetary levels all the way to infect the
Universal body levels. It is this "consumptive modeling" and/or its
"consciousness possession" that have created various infections in the

structural integrity of our Universal creation. The Unity Intelligence (i.e.
Crystal or Krist template) and its Eternal Life Code are synthesizing physical
matter through the polarity of these forces in order to heal them. And some of
them do not want to be healed!

The instructional language of our Space Time field matrices became distorted and damaged
through the act of "consuming"
others. The Crystal template or Unity Intelligence when physically embodied has
a function that acts as a re-encryption processor of overwriting distorted
artificial code (death or anti life forces) and replacing it with organic Source
code.(eternal life forces) This is a very similar process to using an
"anti-virus" program on your computer hard drive. It scans for problems creating
weakness in your computer function and it eliminates or overwrites the virus
instructions that were embedded in the computer's mainframe language.

We are receiving a whole new Unity Source Code language at this time and it is
purposed to overwrite the distorted code that has been used to "consume" others.
Unity Intelligence source code is the language platform to end the "consumptive
modeling" that has infected our blueprint. This means it is getting increasingly
harder for those beings who are "consumers" who feed upon others to either exist
or have used others energies to serve themselves. These entities are being
"starved" and it is another reason why they are desperate and "fighting"
aggressively now.

Another way to express this is that the Cosmic Christ Intelligence is a Unity Source Code that
has access back into the direct God
Source thereby it is Eternal and does not need to consume anything to exist.
Upon its return to the Earth during the Ascension cycle, its purpose is to
incarnate on the Earth body to restore God's Natural Laws and correct its
blueprint back into the Divine Plan for creation.

The Divine Plan of a Complete Eternal Body

It was necessary to create the "pairs of opposites" and forces of polarity to create physical
matter and its level of
vibrational densification within the time space matrices. If we could not embody
God-Spirit at this 3D density level, the creation would be reduced to
mineralized dust (elemental raw material) at the return cycle. (The Ascension or
"In Breath" cycle is the return cycle underway now) The forces of polarity are
necessary in order to fulfill the destiny of re-creating a Living Universal Body
and A Complete Eternal Human Being. (Otherwise known as the Living Crystal
Matrix or Krist Template) This is why the process of bringing the God-Spirit and
its Living Light to embody within physical matter is called by Guardian
consciousness "Polarity Integration". The forces of polarity must be synthesized (therefore
mastered) within the physical experience to generate the
alchemy required for the Living God Spirit to command the flesh. Otherwise the
flesh is controlled genetically by the "mind control program" and over repeated
reincarnation into the same destructive pattern, it can damage and destroy its
original blueprint pattern. This means that it is possible to fragment the
consciousness body so that it returns back to the Core of Creation (The In

Breath of the God Source) as in its "elemental" raw material form. From the
Guardian perspective this choice is not the highest expression for humanity or
the planet, and as such there has been intervention from various ET races. These
interventions have had varied results, as they ultimately interfere with the
"creation" and the direction of evolution. We have both agendas present on the
planet at this time and many of them are fighting for their control over the
dominion of the "space" and time fields.

As a Complete Eternal Human Being (Neutral-Unity) we are able to synthesize the genetic
material of the
Universe which allows all beings (existing within the Universe) the choice to
experience the eternal Nature of God Source. It is through the activated DNA
template of a Crystal Human Body that all forces of consciousness may be allowed
to experience the God Source Fields. Many ET intelligences and their bodies have
evolved out of the experience of sensory emotion. To perceive and experience
emotion is the only way to feel and heal which allows the ability to merge with
the God Source Light. Without a feeling body or sensory perception field a
consciousness cannot experience itself as a part of the Eternal God
consciousness. Therefore it cannot heal itself or rehabilitate itself. A major
conflict in this Universal System is that many entities believe that they are
"God Intelligence" through the Supreme Arrogance of the mental body. They do not
know themselves as existing within the experiential field of the God
Intelligence, as IT only exists within Unity Intelligence and Wholeness. Most of
these beings have lost their emotional experience and therefore have lost their
alignment to and with the God Source. One cannot be aligned to God's Natural
Laws and desire to enslave or consume others, for in this state of being there
is no need to consume other's energy in order to exist.

The Group Soul of Humanity chose to be the Universal Body of Unity to allow this
process to be given to ALL Beings, no matter if they forgot who they are as they
travel inside the many mansions of the "Universal Body of

Frequency Fences are Mind Control Fences

If we are to recognize this planet is enslaved in its mental body fields and therefore it has
genetically enslaved the flesh through the systems we have been controlled to
believe within the mind, it becomes clear. We need to get out of the mind fields
in order to be Free. We need to free our bodies from mind control fences and
their implants. We need to stop feeding matrices of division, separation,
superiority or judgment. We need to stop feeding Guru's and self proclaimed
authorities who want your money, your devotion and worship to serve self
interested or exclusive motivations. We also need to ponder the possibility that
No Thing is more powerful than God Source and the Attunement of a Pure Heart to
serve God's purpose.

God excludes No One.

Just Say No to Mudslinging

Recently, there has been an accelerated pattern of "mudslinging" transpiring within various
"Consciousness Groups" that is
designed to keep fear and division among these groups so that it prevents them
from actualizing higher patterns such as joining together in Unification. This
is a clever manipulation tactic of the undisciplined ego or the "fear
controllers" so be aware as to not "feed" that game of division. Remain in
engaged detachment and hold a neutral association to any events you may

Unity intelligence and the potential of humanity coming together to Unify is threatening to the
ego programs and the beings that control and
manipulate through its fear programming. Currently, what this manifests as is
that the "Consciousness Group" attempt to assert that they know the "Truth" and
no one independently has access to that "Truth" but them or by going through
their specific teachings or its organization. This is very similar to how the
histories of many of the organized religions were created to operate and
maintain control over their parishioners. Ultimately this ego pattern creates
control through division between the "teachings" or information offered that
then exclude or intend to discredit another body of work without recognizing its
inherent value of purpose.

The Age of Organized Religion and those self deemed Prophets of God that say they are in
control of God's technology
(Spiritual Sciences) and therefore in control of the human beings light body
field and its consciousness - is coming to an end. The Age of the Guru with a
group of followers is coming to an end. However those who have been "followers"
need to accept responsibility for themselves, and trust the honesty of their
inner core being and stop projecting on another the "Guru" dynamic. This
archetype of " Guru" is the old energy architecture that feeds the consciousness
enslavement matrices. It is time to go beyond the intellectual perception of
your relationship to God and into the knowing through feeling and experiencing
your relationship to God inside yourself.

In the organic state of the Natural Laws of God inherent in the Divine Plan of Universal
Creation, nothing
can be possessed by another, it simply IS. The time of Possession of Another's
Energy Field is coming to an End on this Earth, and it is the inherent right
within the integrity of God's source light to restore Freedom to the races of
the Earth. Whether we choose to embody true Freedom within this reality
structure or upon another planetary body seems to be the crossroads of choice
being made by the human race at this time.

Your Consciousness Power is Yours

As we have passed through the latest Ring of Fire in mid-July, it is a time of extremely deep
and powerful purification. There is
no longer a roadmap or "certainty" in these times that we now exist within on
this planet. There is no outside information or external source we should allow
to direct us "here or there" anymore, there is no one to blame for our troubles.

We have to choose in our hearts what is aligned and true for us, while the
Universe is removing anything in your path that prevents you from going internal
to connect to your own direct God Source information.

Your personal power, your personal choice and the commitment of where you direct your
consciousness stays with you and you alone. You are now a fully responsible
divine human and will have lessons that continually allow you to make the
choices to fully have that realization. This is what it means to allow the
Divine Plan to be restored to the Earth, as through its original design and
blueprint. You cannot control it, possess it, force it upon others or demand it
answer to your ego. The more you allow witnessing through non-judgment and
surrender to what simply "Is", you allow the God consciousness to steer your
rudder and begin its process of "re-harmonization" to the hologram. This is
radically changing your personal perception of reality, as well as the people
around you that share a similar resonance. This is how we begin to go beyond
polarity thinking and into direct "knowing" which stems from being able to hold
"perfect neutrality" to the external events. We are getting massive amounts of
practice through our life experiences now. In order to have a "direct knowing"
one must have the reality experience of that information directly.

You cannot "know" through the intellect, a book or what an external source is
telling you is the "real truth". You are left with your feeling senses and that
is all we have to go on reliably at this time. At this time we are leaving the
intellectual pursuit of Truth and coming into the direct knowing of Universal
Truth. This means you will have incredible amounts of new information in the
cellular memory of the planet to directly access, however the responsibility of
your resonance to feel the energy signature beyond what an external source is
telling you, is now your total responsibility. The mass consciousness fields on
this planet are now receiving and directing energetic intelligence (frequency
intelligence fields) in this way and if you pay attention to the external events
you will begin "see" this pattern change in what creates the movement of the
reality fields of this planetary hologram.

And as we come into our new adventure together - thank you for sharing yourself with me. In
deep love and
gratitude for the tireless supporters of protecting the Human Spirit, Love is
the God Power that will restore the Plan for humanity. As we become healed and
neutral to the poison driving our personal needs, desires and pain projected on
others, we become the Servants of Love.

Thank you to our growing and expanding Guardian Family willing to be disciplined and self
contained in order
to embody the Power of the One for the All.

To the ES container, thank you for your support and much love to our community at all of its
levels of
process. I love you.

Stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path! Be Gentle with your hearts and each other.

Love Always, Lisa

© 2010, Lisa Renee

This ES Monthly News Article reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline
(2012 Timeline) as support, both energetically and informationally, for the Galactic Families
of Starseeds and
the Indigo Races. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to
support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship as an evolutionary model for this
planet and humanity, and this is a level of earth based advocacy designed for
this specific group. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role
each being has chosen for its expression. The Guardian Groups mission directive
is rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (dna),
embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying informational context on
Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic (ET) Agendas and reeducating both human and
non-human's to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One. Freedom,
Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source
is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian

The Group Unity Vow Decree

Defender Warriors of Truth, Sovereignty, Liberation. All Guardian races Serving the One.
From Across All the Multiverses We Call Upon You to Join US Now. Our Unification
deemed as demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love - We Sound our Group Note to
You Now. Our Group Template Updated, Individually and Collectively, Renewed and
Forever Perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. Our Alchemical Container
is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and we endeavor to be the
Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God. Sustain Us in the Eternal Power
of our Consecration.

We have called for your Gatekeeping in order to hold our community, our missions, our
mutual highest purposes in Service to the One Light, Our Source, The Living
Light Code. Our Intention is Unification - The Christ Principle - as an
Energetic Reality, Here and Now.

We request the handshake of our community to fortify our spiritual links through the
Universal Cosmic Triad, and into The Core of One, the Zero Point God Matrix, that which is
the source of our Genesis. With deep
reverence for all of Life, Dear God, Breathe your Life Codes into all created
form. We set our intention now to be Remembered to That Which We Are, fully
completely and totally.

To State our Mutual Purpose as One, Resurrect All inorganic patterns to the Organic Living
Light Now. And to that we Say, Thank God We Are The Cosmic Christ!

And so It is. Lovingly Decreed.

Please note in order to distribute this Newsletter in other forums please do so with the

following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and include the ES
website url. http://www.energeticsynthesis.com
© 2009, Lisa Renee

Çöp kamyonu kanunu

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 6:30pm

Kadın taksiye binmiş ve havaalanına gitmek istediğini söylemişti.

Sağ şeritte yol alırken siyah bir araba park ettiği yerden aniden
yola, önlerine çıktı.

Şoförü çarpmamak için sert şekilde frene bastı.

Taksi kaydı, ama diğer arabaya çarpmaktan kıl payı farkla kurtuldu.
Siyah arabanın sürücüsü camdan başını çıkarıp bağırmaya ve küfretmeye başladı.
Taksi şoförü ise gayet sakin ona gülümsedi ve içten bir şekilde el salladı.

Kadın bütün bu olanları şokunu yaşarken, taksi şoförünün tavrına daha

da şaşırmıştı.

Sordu: "Neden böyle davrandınız? Adam neredeyse arabanızı mahvedip

ikimizi de hastanelik edecekti."

Taksi şoförü gülümsemeye devam ederek: "Çöp Kamyonu Kanunu" dedi.

Kadın: "Çöp Kamyonu Kanunu?" diye sordu, anlamamıştı.

Şoför açıkladı:"Pek çok insan, çöp kamyonu gibidir.

Her tarafta içleri çöp dolu olarak dolaşıyorlar;

kızgınlığı, öfkeyi ve hayal kırıklığını biriktiriyorlar.

Ancak doldukça çöpleri bırakacak bir yere ihtiyaç duyuyorlar.

Bu bazen ben, bazen de siz olabilirsiniz.
Kişisel almayın.
Sadece gülümseyin, onlar için iyi şeyler temenni edin
ve yolunuza devam edin.

Onların çöpünü alıp işyerinize, evinize veya sokaktaki diğer insanlara


Başarılı insanlar, çöp kamyonlarının günlerini mahvetmesine

ve ellerine geçirmesine izin vermezler.

Hayat sabahları pişmanlıklarla uyanmak için çok kısa,

dolayısıyla size iyi davranan insanları sevin,
iyi davranmayanlar için iyi temennilerde bulunun.'

Hayat "%10 " onunla ne yaptığınız,

"%90 "onu nasıl alıp karşıladığınızdır...


"dünya üzerinde zerafetle, sevgiyle ve neseyle yürüyorum.."

Sevgili Gülten e teşekkürler.


Doganiz Sifadir Sizin
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 6:48pm

Doganiz Sifadir Sizin

Sevgili Dostlar Merhaba,

Pek cogumuz, son zamanlarda yogun sehir hayatinin getirdigi stres ve yasam kosullari
nedeniyle bir cok hastalikla ugrasmakta. Yine pek cogumuz bu hastaliklarin sebebini pek cok
farkli nedenlere
baglamakta ve sorundan uzaklasilirsa hastaliklarinin da iyilesecegini
sanmaktadir. Bundan yola cikarak, bildigimiz eski bir 'seslenisi' Siz Degerli
Dostlarimizla paylasmak istedik. Belki bu konuya biraz olsun isik tutabilir

Hepinize kucak dolusu Sevgiler.

Sifayla Kalin, Butunun Dogasi ve Esasi olan Dengeyle ve Gucle.

ONLAR Seslenislerinde 1.kitap 59. bolum.

Onlar'la ilgili daha fazla bilgi icin www.onlardan.com
Diger seslenisler icin: http://www.onlardan.com/onlardan/onlardan.htm

1 - 59


Bazi dostlarimiz, sizler nasil sifacilarsiniz ki, HASTALIKLAR VE TEDAVILERINDEN hic
soz etmiyorsunuz diye sitem
etmektedirler. Oyle ya hem SIFACI olacaksin -iddia anlaminda, yoksa ne oldugun
ya da olup olmadigin bile belli degil- hem de hastaliklar ve tedavileri
konusunda sus pus oturacaksin. Kanmaz DUNYA INSANI, oyuna

Dostlarimiz, aslinda bizler de bazi hastaliklara ve tedavilerine deginelim istemekteyiz ama,

diplomamiz olmadigindan cekinmekteyiz. Daha once de
soylemistik, YOK denklik vermediginden diplomamiz buralarda gecmiyor. Ama buna
ragmen cesitli zaman ve mekânlarda, kacak da olsa, calismalarimiz olmadi degil.
Yine birilerine sahip cikmis gibi olmayalim, ama INSANLIGIN BUYUK EVLATLARI ile
BUTUNLESME DIYELIM BUNA, bir goz atin deriz EDGAR CAYCE'YE. Onun vakif
kitapliginda detaylari ile yer alan yaklasik 40.000 = kirk bin vaka "okumasi"
var. Tam kirk bin hastanin "okumasini" yapmis ve dertlerine derman bulmaya
calismis. Nedir OKUMA? Karsisina gelen hastaya ODAKLANIP, TRANS haline gecip,
Ingilizce "THEY ARE HERE" dedikten sonra VARLIGIN-INSANIN sorununu, derdini,
hastaligin nedenlerini ve tedavi seklini hizli bir sekilde anlatirdi. O sirada
bir sekreter not alirdi. Ve ardindan CAYCE ile birlikte calisan TIP DOKTORLARI,
RECETEYE uygun ilaci -ki dogal ilaclardir- yapar ve tedaviyi

Hastalarin cogunda sonuc alici olunmustur. CAYCE'NIN okumalarinda ilginc olan, hicbir
okumanin bir digeriyle ayni olmamasidir. Yani
ONERILMISTIR. Bircok TIP DOKTORU bu okumalardan yararlanarak TEDAVILER
gelistirmislerdir. Bu arada CAYCE'NIN farkli konularla ilgili okumalarindan da,
o konularda calisan cesitli bilim adamlari yararlanmislardir ve
yararlanmaktadirlar. Bugun Amerika'da Cayce vakfinin kitapligindan halen BAGNAZ
OLMAYAN BILIM INSANLARI yararlanmaktadirlar.

Cayce'nin bu okumalarinda cesitli hastaliklarin NELIK'LERI hakkinda da bilgiler vardir.

Turkcenize az
cevrilmis olan bu metinlerin INGILIZCESINE ulasmaniz cok

Dememiz o ki, evet biz THEY ARE, sizlerle henuz hastaliklar hakkinda paylasimda
bulunmadik ama, EDGAR CAYCE'NIN 40.000 OKUMASI elinizin
altinda, tabii ki yararlanmak isterseniz. Ozellikle de YASAMININ SON YILLARINDA
Icinizden kendi ya da yakinlari icin yeni acilimlar saglamak isteyenlere bu
okumalari oneririz. Nihayetinde OKUMAK DA, OKUMAMAK DA, DEGER VERMEK DE,

Dostlarimiz, ONLAR'A gelince sizlerle zaman icinde, HASTALIKLARIN NELIK'LERINI

paylasmak istiyoruz. Oncelikle sizlerle bazi

temel PRENSIPLERI paylasmak zorundayiz;











Bu anlamda bizler bir sure sonra sizlerle HASTALIKLARIN NELIK'LERINI paylasmaya

basit ve berrak bir sekilde ele alacagiz.

Sunu da unutmayin ki ASIL DOGANIZ SIFA olmamis olsa, NE HASTALIK OLABILIRDI

hastalik ya da saglik olgularinin otesinde SIFA esasli VARLIKLARSINIZ. Bunu

Iste dostlarimiz, cok ozetle HASTALIKLARIN NELIK'LERINE adim atmis bulunuyoruz. Bu

mesaji bir evirin, cevirin
lutfen. Yeterli CAGRI, yeterli ILGI gorursek ya da gordugumuzde DIZI YAZIMIZA

Askla Kalin. Hayata ve onun tum ifadelerine askla.

O N L A R (O'ndan gelenler - ON ON gelenler - O'n'larla gelenler - O'nunla gelenler - O'na


Sevgi ve sifayla kalin,

Sifa Cemberi
Egitim & Danismanlik Merkezi
Buyukdere Cad. 151 B blok Yonca Apt.
K:7 D.31 Zincirlikuyu
tel:0212-347 41 53
cep tel: 0538-674 42 49
e-posta: sifacemberi@gmail.com


Negatif insanlar hayatınızı zehirlemesin!

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 8:04pm

Negatif insanlar hayatınızı zehirlemesin!

İş yerinde nefes almakta zorlandığınız anlar olur. İşinizi çok sevseniz de ayaklarınız geri geri
gider zaman zaman. Bulundukları ortamdaki havayı zehirleyen negatif insanlar diğerlerinin
enerjisini emer. Bir kişiden yayılan zehir bile herkesi zehirlemeye yetebilir.
Olumsuz insanların olumsuz etkilerinden korunmak ise tamamen size bağlı…
Hepimizin içinde hem kötülük hem iyilik vardır. İçimizdeki iyi ve kötü
birbiriyle çatışır ve biz bu çatışmada (Jung) hangisini seçersek onu yaşarız.
İyi olmak da kötü olmak da elimizdedir.
Bütün dinlerin bize gösterdiği hedef, içimizdeki kötülüklerden kurtulmak ve yaşadığımız her
gün seçimlerimizi
iyiden yana yaparak olgunlaşmaktır. Bütün dinlere göre hayatın amacı olgun bir
insan (kâmil) olmaktır. Bu yolculuğun sonu, Budizm’de Nirvana, Sufizm’de
Fenafillâh mertebeleridir.
Her sabah işyerlerimize giderken, içimizdeki iyiyi de kötüyü de beraberimizde götürürüz.
İçimizdeki kötü denetimimizden çıkarsa,
etrafa negatif enerji yaymaya başlarız. Kötü tavır ve davranışlar çatışmalara
neden olur ve kendi kendini besleyen bir süreç başlar. Ortaya çıkan kötülük
herkesi olumsuz etkiler. Bir kişiden yayılan zehir, herkesi zehirler. Bir
kişinin olumsuz davranışı, tüm ortamın ahengini bozmaya yeter de artar bile.
Kötülük hızla bulaşır.
Bulundukları ortamı zehirleyen çeşitli insan tipleri vardır:
• Kendi ihtiyaçlarını diğerlerinden daha önemli ve acil zanneden “benciller”,

• Kuralların kendileri için değil de diğerleri için koyulmuş olduğunu düşünen “asiler”,
• Sorumluluk üstlenmekten kaçan, sürekli etrafını suçlayan “hamlar”,
• Kendi istedikleri olmayınca sorun çıkaran “huysuzlar”,
• Öfkeli, sivri dilli, saldırgan tavırlı “kavgacılar”,
• İğneleyici ve küçümseyici sözlerle etrafta sürekli negatif bir hava estiren
• Hemen her konuda kendi görüşünü herkese kabul ettirmek isteyen “çokbilmişler”,
• Her durumu dramatikleştiren, sürekli sızlanan ve her şeyden şikâyet eden “mızmızlar”,
• Egoları şişkin, kendilerini mükemmel zanneden ”narsistler”,
• Her şeyi kontrol altında tutmaya çalışan ve etrafındaki herkesi bu aşırı kontrolle kasıp
• Her durumda mutlaka olumsuz bir yön bulan “felaket tellalları”.
İçlerindeki kötülüğü zapt edemeyen insanlar hepimizin çevresinde var. Kendilerine yenik
düştükleri yetmiyormuş gibi bizi de zehirlerler. Bize
kötü günler geçirten onlardır. Onlar hayatın zaten var olan zorluklarını bir kat
daha artırırlar. Bulundukları ortamda kamplaşma, kutuplaşma ve çatışma
yaratırlar; kendi halinde çalışan insanları tedirgin ederler, şirkete olan
bağlarını zayıflatırlar.
İçinde yaşadığımız dönemde çalışanların çoğunluğu ya aklı ve bilgisiyle ya da yaratıcılığıyla
katma değer yarattığı için, çalışma
ortamını zehirleyenlere karşı duyarlılığımız giderek artıyor. Sorunlu bir insan,
bütün bir bölümün moralini bozup, ciddi verim kayıplarına neden olabiliyor.
Üretim bandında çalışmadığımız için, “zihin açıklığına ve ruh sağlığına” hiç
olmadığı kadar çok ihtiyacımız var.
Bugünün iş ortamlarında, en alt seviyedeki bir çalışanın bile en üst düzeydeki bir yöneticinin
gününü mahvetme
gücü (!) vardır. Hiyerarşilerin azaldığı, herkesin herkesle ilişkide olduğu
günümüz iş ortamlarında kırılganlık, herkese özgü bir özelliktir. Kimse
dokunulmaz değildir.
Bir yöneticinin görevi iş ortamında verimliliği sağlamak olduğuna göre, işyerinin esenliğini
koruma görevi de vardır. Gergin ilişkiler
içinde başarı sağlamak mümkün olmayacağından, bir yöneticinin iş ortamına zehir
saçanlara kayıtsız kalma lüksü yoktur.
Drucker, yönetimle teoloji arasında benzerlik kurar ve yönetimin insanların içindeki iyiyi ve
kötüyü yönetmekle
ilgili bir iş olduğunu söyler.
Bugünün çalışma ortamlarında, “kötülüğü” önlemek için, eskinin cezalandırma ya da
sindirme yöntemleri çalışmıyor. Bu
sebeple ben, iş ortamlarında zor insanları yönetmenin, açık yürekli bir
diyalogla mümkün olacağına inanıyorum.
Martin Luther King, “Barış çatışmaların yokluğu değil, adaletin varlığıdır”, der. Eğer
çatışmalar, lider
tarafından iyi yönetilmez, görmezden gelinir ya da taraf tutularak çözülmeye
kalkılırsa, kurumdaki adalet duygusu zedelenir.
Bir yöneticinin görevi, hem “sorunlu” insanları yönetmek hem de onlara rağmen çalışma
iklimini pozitif,
yapıcı duyguları ortaya çıkaran bir iklim haline getirmektir.
Benim şahsen son yıllarda bu konuya duyarlılığım çok arttı. Gerek özel hayatımda gerekse iş
hayatımda içinde bulunduğum ortamlarda “negatif” tavırlara karşı yüksek bir

farkındalık içindeyim. Ne zaman olumsuz bir tavırla karşılaşsam, yaptığım işi
durdurup önce söz konusu tavrı yapanın amacını, derdini, sıkıntısının kaynağını
anlamaya çalışıyorum. Bunu doğrudan kendisine sorarak yapıyorum. Yapmakta
olduğumuz işin akışını durdurup, böyle bir soru sormak kimsenin alışık olduğu
bir durum değil. Dolayısıyla çok etkili oluyor. Sorduğum soruyu son derece
samimi, kinayesiz, imasız, doğrudan soruyorum.
Bu yöntem çok işe yarıyor. Size de tavsiye ederim. Şeffaflık, açıklık ve yaptıkları tavrı
kendilerine sormak –suçlamadan sormak- onları problemlerinin gerçek kaynağını
araştırmaya ve iletişimlerini daha pozitif bir eksene taşımaya
Siz de deneyin. Havanızı kirletenlere izin vermeyin.
Ayrıca, çok yakın olduklarıma (beni yanlış anlamayacaklarından emin olduklarıma),
içlerindeki olumsuz duyguları yönetemedıklerini açık açık
söylüyorum ve biraz hava alıp kendilerine geldikten sonra aramıza katılmalarını
Şurası bir gerçek ki, havamızı zehirleyenler hep olacak. Bizim bunlara rağmen içinde
bulunduğumuz ortamları temiz tutmayı başarmamız
Ben daha enerjik ve yaratıcı ortamlar elde etmenin, olumsuz kişilere rağmen mümkün
olabileceğine hatta değer odaklı iş ortamlarının zaman içinde bu
tarz olumsuz kişiler üzerinde de tedavi edici etkiler yaratacağına inanıyorum.
Eğer çalışma ortamı değer odaklı bir ortamsa yani kararlar şartlara ve kişilere
göre değil ilkelere göre alınıyorsa, sorunlu insanların kendilerini düzeltmeleri
ve “olumlu” havaya uyum sağlamaları çok daha kolay olur.
Değer odaklı bir ortamda bile havanızı zehirlemeye devam eden, kendilerini değiştirmeye
insanlar varsa size tavsiyem kendinizi onlardan korumanızdır. Bence hemen -eğer
mümkünse- insan perhizi yapmaya başlayın.

Yazan : Temel Aksoy


O Guzelim Tarlalari Gorun
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 8:05pm

O Guzelim Tarlalari Gorun

Tanri dedi ki:

Kollarimda dinlenirsiniz. Dinlenebileceginiz bir baska yer yoktur aziz cocuklarim. Tanri
vardir ve istirahatin oldugu yerdir O. Yataginizda
dinlenirken Benim kollarimdasinizdir. Huzursuz oldugunuz zamanlarda yine Benim
kollarimdasinizdir. Sizi aziz tutarim Ben. Sevgili cocugumsun. Sevmekten ve sizi
sevmekten baska yapabilecegim bir sey yoktur.
Sevgimin icinizde oldugu fikrini ve bunun verdigi o guzel hissi her zaman tasisaydiniz
olmaz miydi?
Yapamaz misiniz? Heran ve herzaman Benim kollarimda oldugunuzu bilemez misiniz?
Bunu bilmeniz Benim arzumdur. Sizin de arzunuz olsun bu.

Kollarimda olmak endise ve uzuntulerden kurtulmakla ayni seydir. Sonu gelmeyen

kaygilarin size ne
faydasi vardir? Kollarimda olmanin, Bana dayanmanin nasil bir sey oldugunu
kaygilarinizin pesini biraktiginiz zaman anlayacaksiniz. Herhalukarda Bana
yaslaniyor, Benden dayanak buluyorsunuz, Bana farkindaliginiz dahilinde
yaslanmamak niye? Kaygilarinizda, bu kadar siki tutacak kadar onemli olan ne
var? Tipki Benim, sizi hep Kendi farkindaligim dahilinde tuttugum gibi, siz de
kaygilariniz yerine farkindaliginiz dahilinde Bana sarilin. Sizi koruyorum

Guvenli bir gemiyim Ben, aziz cocuklarim. Benimle yelken acin. Dumende Benim
oldugumu ve basiniza hicbir seyin gelmeyecegini

Korkuyla soyle diyebilirsiniz: "Fakat Tanrim, ya hastaliklar, ya olum? Basimiza bunlar


Ben de size sunu soylerim: "Ya sevgi? Ya hayat? Kiyiya ulasamayacagimizi gercekten
dusunuyor musunuz?"

Basiniza gelmesini istemediginiz seyler uzerinde hangi fayda ugruna dusunup

ki? Hastaliktan bile korkmayin; hele olum, o hic korkulacak bir sey degildir.
Olumle birlikte bir trenden inip bir diger trene binersiniz, olay budur. Olum
kaygilarinizin en ama en hafifi olsun.

Hastaliklar konu oldugundaysa pek cok seyden korkarsiniz. Sunu soylemeliyim ki aziz
cocuklarim, sizin hastaliginiz
bu korkudur. Bu konuda kendinizi tedavi etmenizi sizden cok rica ediyorum. Gul
goncalari toplayin. Korku degil.

Tum olanaklarin diyarinda yasiyorsunuz. Size kendilerini empoze eden hastaliklardan,

korkulardan ve diger herseyden
ozgur olma olanagina sahipsiniz.

Hastaligin utancindan ve sikintisindan da korkuyorsunuz. Bunun yerine sagligin keyfini

cikarin, sagliktan mutluluk
duyun. Yataga bagimli bile olsaniz, korkuya da bagimli olmaniz gerekmez.
Korkmayi birakin. Bir daha kapinizdan iceri girmesine asla izin vermeyin. Onu
buyur etmeyin. Etegini tutmayin. Onu itip kakmayin da. Korku muhim bir hasim
degildir. Korku tamamen size tabidir ve buyumek icin bunyenizdeki iyice
gubrelenmis verimli topraklarin arayisindadir. Topraklariniz ciceklerle ve
mutlulukla dolu olsun, korkunun kendini yesertmesi icin ona hicbir alan

Bahcenizi ekin. Dusunceleriniz Vasitasiyla ona neleri ekeceginizi secer ve onlari ekersiniz.
Dusunceleriniz tohumlardir. Secmek icin
her turlu hakkiniz vardir. Simdi secin ve bir daha geriye bakmayin. Onunuzdeki o
guzelim tarlalari gorun. Uzerlerini gullerle kaplayin.
Cesarete ihtiyaciniz yoktur, aziz cocuklarim. Size hizmet edecek dusuncelere ihtiyaciniz
Cesur olmanizi gerektiren bir sey yoktur. Hayatin cesaret istedigi fikrini
kafanizdan silin. Ne dusunurseniz, onu bicersiniz. Hangi dileklerin hasadini
yapmak istiyorsaniz onlarin resimlerini toplayin.

Mutlulugun hasadini yapmak istemez misiniz?

Omuzlarinizi diklestirin ve sagligin hasadini yapin simdi.
Dostlarin hasadini yapin.
Ve sevgi bahcenizde Benim hasadimi yapin. Beni hasat edin.

Azicik bir yagmur bile bahcenizdekilerin buyumesini saglar. Size yakisan, hayati bir dost
gibi karsilamaktir. Dusman fikrini
aklinizdan cikarin. Kendi dusuncelerinizden baska bir dusman yoktur. Ne size, ne
dunyaya ne de Bana hizmet eden bu dusunceleri koparip atin. Yerlerine sevgiyi

Ceviren: Engin Zeyno Vural


Sevgi ve sifayla kalin,

Sifa Cemberi


 Posted by Jacques on August 14, 2010 at 8:21pm

"Now as I plant this Seed of Light into Your heart ; I want You to imagine it rising up to the
point between Your eyebrows called the Third EYE. That's it. Now visualize Your third eye
beginning to glow -glowing now with this beautiful golden white and soft pink Light. Now
see the Light start to intensify. You may ask Source for intensification if you desire. Now
visualize Me standing in front of You. You will see this same golden white pink Light glowing
fromMy third eye. Allow Me to penetrate Your third eye with My portion of Light. From My
third eye to Yours. That's it. Ask Father Source to activate Your Third Eye channel.

Your third eye chakra has now been activated with the Christ energy. Now visualize the Light
going further. Visualize it going from your third eye through Your pituitary chakra ;
expanding there just a little, opening and clearing it. Visualize the Light going through Your
throat chakra, expanding there, opening and clearing it and onto Your heart chakra, where it
will rejoin the original Seed of Light We plant earlier.

Visualize Your Heart chakra glowing and glowing brighter still. Open Yourself to feeling My
Love for You. Now allow Your Self to feel Your Own Love for All That Is and open Your Self
to feeling the Love that Source has for You ; the gratitude and esteem bestowed on You for
Your courage, for Your bravery in participating in the Earth games. Feel how Loved You are.
Now tell Your Self : I Love My Self ; I AM That I AM ; All Is One.

Now send the Light down, through Your solar plexus, opening and clearing it ; through your
naval chakra, opening and clearing it ; through your base chakra, opening and clearing it ;
straight down into the Heart of Mother Earth where you will Visualize this Light turning into
pure gold and splaying out in all directions like the root of a marvelous tree. This is the Tree
of Life, the Tree of Love. Earth Mother is healed by the Christ energies back up through the
same channel.

You are now a fully operational transmitting and receiving station firmly tuned to Channel

At this point I AM at your disposal for counsel and Love. You may ask any questions You
like, You may simply merge with My energy, simply experience the sensation of Spirit and
Light flowing through You, feeding your chakras and cells with information, empowering
You, healing You.

You have now tapped into the Christed part of Your Self, You are One with All That Is. This
channel may be used in numerous ways. You may councel Others ; You may heal the Earth,
You may receive training on the inner planes. Trust the Christed part of Your Self to guide
You to the optimum, the highest and best use of this channel. It is Your gift to Your Self and
Your road home.

Call on Me at any time You feel the need for guidance and Love. Call on Me for personal
guidance on Your path to Ascension. I AM Yours in Love,


Transmitted by Jhilian Blake (Azrael)... August 1996


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 8:52pm




United-Turks Birleşmiş Türkler

Hakimiyet ihtirası:

Tek ikametgahı olan dünyayı defaten ve toptan yok etmeye kararlı görünen insan, kendini yok
etme yolunda hızla ve büyük bir kararlılıkla ilerlemektedir.

Ortaçağda Alşimi (Simya) ile başlayan maddeye egemen olma merakı ile kurşun, cıva ve
kükürdü birleştirerek altını üretemedi ama, bir nesil öncesinde Baltimor açıklarındaki
Filedelfiya Deneyinde yüksek
elektromanyetik rezonansta “görünmez” olmayı ve Los Alamos’ta
atomu parçalayıp “nükleer bomba” haline getirmeyi başardı!

Günümüzün meraklı yaratığı post-modern insan ise çok daha büyük, hatta tanrısal işlerin
peşinde. İdris’in Zümrüt Levhasını ele geçirmeyi başarmasına karşın içeriğini çözebilmeyi
henüz başaramamış olan insan, madde
üzerinde ‘tam hakimiyet’ istiyor. Sırlarını asla anlayamayacak olsa da,
yönetebileceğine emin…

4 Ana Sırrı saklayan 4 Ana Element olan Toprak, Su, Hava, Ateş ise büyük bir bilgelikle içrek
bilgilerini insan nesline açmamakta kararlı.

Mutlak Bilincin bu “ulu element”leri o kadar kararlılar ki, ne özel amaçlı mekiklerin
uçmasına izin veriyorlar, ne de Cern hızlandırıcısındaki ilahi Atlas Denemelerine.

Ne tanrısal parçacığın bulunmasını amaçlayan Hadron Çarpıştırılmalarına, ne de Alaska

üzerinden yapılan Haarp (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) “iyonosferin
ısıtılması” denemelerine.

Sürekli olarak sahiplerine geri dönen büyük zararlar vermekteler…. Bu beklenmedik ve hesap
edilemeyen gelişmeler eğer kolektif bir bilincin planlı sabotajları değil ise, mega zeki bir
kozmik şakacının işleri
olsa gerek…..

Sonuçsal deneyimler:

Anormal yağışlar, Sel felaketleri, Engellenemez kuraklıklar, Aralıksız depremler, Öldürülemez

bakteriler ve virüsler, Eriyerek kopan devasa buzullar, Dev hortumlar, Kimyasal katkılı ve
GDO’ lu gıdalar, Artan
anormal ısı değişimleri, Aşırı sıcaklar, Aşırı soğuklar, Önlenemeyen büyük doğal
yangınlar, Görülmemiş kasırgalar, Bilinmeyen hastalıklar, Artan sağlık
problemleri, Yok olan doğal varlıklar, Hızla ve tamamen yok olan canlı türleri,
Büyüyen çölleşme, Asit yağmurları, Atmosferde büyüyen ozon delikleri, Artan
radyasyon kirliliği, Kirlenen su kaynakları, Mutant gıdalar ve hayvanlar,
Metamorfozlar, Kirlenen hava/atmosfer, Elektro-manyetik kirlilik, Nükleer
atıklar, Yok olan yağmur ormanları… Vb…

İşte Ademoğlunun zaruri deneyimsel serüveninden bir iki kesit. Elbetteki saymakla bitmez.
Tüm bunlar işin maddi boyutları. Ama insanı insan yapan zihinsel boyutu ile psikolojik ve
sosyolojik boyutunu da mercek
altına almaya kalkarsanız, durum algılanabilir felaketlerin çok daha

Eşref-i mahluk, tüm bu yaşananlardan ders çıkarmak ve kısmen de olsa akıllanarak frene
basmak yerine gaz pedalına giderek daha çok yüklenmekte.

Algıda zaaf:


Ya da


İşte bütün mesele burada!

Binlerce yıl önce karnını doyurmayı ve sırtını ısıtmayı öğrenen insan çoğalmayı da
garantiledikten sonra, anne ve babasından gelen kabulleri dini olarak, yaşadığı coğrafyadaki
otoriteyi de dünya görüşü olarak

Ne var ki, bu mutluluğu uzun sürmeyecek, toprak ve su kaynakları için birbirlerini topluca
öldürmeye başlayacaklardı. Bu öldürmeler önlenemez hırslara devinip egemenlik kavramına
dönüştürülerek savaş konuları
çoğaltılacak ve en kan dökücüsü keşfedilecekti. Tanrı adına yapılan savaşlar…

Artık insanlar gibi insanların tanrıları da ayrılmaktaydı birbirlerinden. Belki de, yeryüzü
savaşları göksel savaşların dünya küresindeki yansımalarıydı sadece…

Elbetteki bu duruma tanrıların savaşları demeye cesaret edemiyordu insanoğlu, ama diğer
taraftan ölmeye de öldürmeye de kesin kararlı görünüyordu. Şiddet, karakterinin en temel
parçası, hatta canla ve kanla
doyurulması gereken en önemli organıydı artık. Aç bırakılırsa kendisini

kemirmeye başlıyordu içten içe, karnı doymuş, sırtı ısınmış ve üremiş

Artık savaş yapılması gereken asıl ‘Şey’ sadece bir ‘Kavram’ dan ibaretti.

Ne su başı, ne de doğal mağaralar gibi nesnel değildi savaş sebepleri. Buradaki en derin
sıkıntı, bu Şey’ in ne olduğuna ve olacağına, ‘ölümlü tanrılar’ın mı, yoksa ‘ölümsüz
insanlar’ın mı karar vermesi çıkmazıydı.

Tüm bu belirsizlik ortamlarını, Hıristiyanlık Papalık ile, Musevilik Hahamlık ile,

Müslümanlık ise Halifelik ile çözebilmişti günümüze kadar. Milyonlarca dini savaşçının
canları pahasına uzlaşmalar sağlanabilse de
ara sıra.

Yaratıcı zekanın başyapıtlarından olan İnançsal Ritüeller, zaman içinde sosyal ve psikolojik
disiplinlere dönüştürülmüş ve bu sayede mutlak hakimiyete yakın bir otorite sağlamıştı tahtın
sahiplerine ve

Merkezi bir fetva nötron bombasından çok daha çabuk ve toptan susturabiliyordu insan

Ama her şeye rağmen ters giden bir şeyler vardı hala ve eksik olan.. Bir şey veya şeyler işte.
Değer erozyonuna uğramaması için bilinmez, tarif edilemez, ulaşılamaz hatta söylenemez bir
şey olmalıydı
mutlaka… Ve öylece de gömülmeliydi kendi tabu alanına, bir daha hiçbir zaman

Rüya içinde rüya:

Günümüzde, gelinen noktayı bir rüya aleminden ve ön yargılarından sıyrılarak görebilme

umudu giderek azalmaktadır. İnsan ve nesli için en akla gelmeyecek, dahi ki karanlıkların
prensi ve bilgilerin efendisi
şeytanın bile düşünemeyeceği savaş alanları oluşmuştur.

Bu savaşların bazılarına kısaca bir göz atalım:

Genetik savaşlar, Biyolojik savaşlar, Kimyasal savaşlar, Nükleer savaşlar, Elektro-manyetik

savaşlar, Psikolojik savaşlar, Sosyolojik savaşlar, Kültürel savaşlar, Dini savaşlar, Irki
savaşlar, Ekonomik
savaşlar, Doktrinsel savaşlar, Siyasal savaşlar, Vaatsel savaşlar, Ahitsel
savaşlar, Bilim savaşları, Teknoloji savaşları, Spor savaşları, Enerji
savaşları, Su savaşları, Verimli toprak savaşları, Yerleşim savaşları, Kutsal
mekan savaşları, Casusluk savaşları, Göç savaşları, Tüketim savaşları, Terör
savaşları, Cemiyet / Mahvil savaşları, Vs…..

Daha yüzlercesi, dahi ki binlerce savaş türleri…

Artık her şey bir savaş konusu.

Nedeni ise çok basit.

Artan talepler ve çoğalmayan, sabit duran, hatta azalan (azaltılan) kaynaklar…

Dünyasal yaşanabilir alanlar genişlemez iken insanoğlu hızla çoğalmakta. Üstelik Nefilim’ler
kadar aç ve Ofanim’ler kadar dengesiz….

Gücü elinde tutan insan toplulukları biz daha çok yiyelim derdinde iken, güçsüz insan
toplulukları bir bardak temiz suya ve bir dilim ekmeğe muhtaç. Her Şey’i çözebilen üstün
insan bu durum karşısında fevkalade
duyarsız ve kayıtsız. Melkisedek ise kayıplarda.

Kendi halkını, hatta ırkını üzerinden beslendiği güçlü bir sistem kurmuş. Adı ‘medeniyet’ olan
bu sistem, yerin yerlerini ve göğün göklerini bitirerek uzayın derinliklerinde dolaşıyor
şimdilerde. Etik’ten uzak
bir postürde hedefsiz ve ilkesiz bir dizi uğraşlar içinde. Hızır bile

Amacı ne insan neslini kurtarmak, ne de dünyayı. Eğer böyle olsaydı: Koca bir dünyayı
evinin wc’sine çevirmezdi. İnsanları da; sayıları geometrik oranda artan çaresiz, hastalıklı ve
aç mahluklara.

Son vaaz!

Eriştirilmiş Hermetik Ustalarının 3 defa muktedirlendirilmiş emsalsiz savaşçıları bile topluca

çaresizleşirken, olanca haşmetiyle ortaya çıkan büyük kaos imparatorluğu yeni kralını
aramaktadır köşe
bucak… Yeni bir Kral… Soyu Baal… Adı Deccal …. Daha şimdiden sızamadığı bilgi,
giremediği delik kalmamış zaten.

Aslında en büyük sırrın ta kendisi olan Hakikat, kendisini algılayabilecek ve kavrayabilecek

tek yaşam formu ve öz evladı olan İnsan’a küsmüş gibi durmaktadır. Kadiri Mutlak, zaten
ulaşılamaz mesafesinde
olan Gerçekliğini iyice uzaklaştırarak Öz’ündan sapma temayülündeki ve
ısrarındaki insandan yavaş yavaş kopmaktadır.

Bir ihtimal mahşerin en derin 3’lüsü olan Mehdi, Mesih veya Maşiyah son ziyaretini
yapacaktır büyük sürgün toprağı olan dünyaya.

Secdedeki meleklerin ahdi gayretleri ile neslin devamını sürdürebilen insan, anlaşılamaz bir
sihirle şeytana doğru yanaşmakta, büyük vals’te o’nun partneri olma hevesini ebedi helak
riskine rağmen

Havva’dan günümüze değişen tek şey mekanlar ve dekorları olmuştur. İnsan aynı insan, adem
aynı ademdir.

Sınırlının, sınırlandırılmış serüveni, Sınırsızın sınırlarına bile ulaşamadan telef olup


Ürettiği müthiş teknolojinin hurdalıkları arasında yok olmaya mahkum edişmiş ölüm
mahkumu insanoğlu için, içine dönüp kendisini keşfedebilmesi ve tanıyabilmesi için hala
yeterli vakit vardır.

Aklını henüz kiraya vermemiş, o’na, bu’na tutsak etmemiş ve irade kullanabilen yetki sahibi
her insan, pozisyonu dili ve kabulü ne olursa olsun tüm kararlarını yenibaştan gözden
geçirmek zorundadır. Özellikle de,
dünyanın sinir merkezlerinde ahkam makamında oturan (Decision Makers)

Aksi takdirde Stefan Hawking’in Kara Delik Sınırı olarak betimlediği “Olay Ufku”
gravitasyon (cazibe-çekim) alanından geri dönüş mümkün olmayacaktır ve Tanrılarına rağmen
kendisinin yamyamı olacaktır yüce
İnsan nesli.

Aynı kendi kuyruğunu ısıran yılan gibi…… !


Uyanmış İnsan..
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 9:03pm

Uyanmış İnsan..
Uyanış nedir sorusunun cevabı herhangi bir kimse için ilkin sabahleyin uykusundan uyanması
olarak alınır. Uykudan gün ışığına gözlerini açması gerçekten de bir insanın dar anlamda
uyanışıdır. Oysa
uyanış, insanın gafletten çıkması, yaşadığı ortamda olup bitenleri bambaşka
yüzüyle görmesi, onların nedenleri ve sonuçlan üzerine kendisini daha doğru
hazırlaması şeklinde düşünülebilmelidir. Olayları doğru karşılamada olmak ve
yeniden olacaklara daha üst ve uygun davranmasını bilmesi uyanışa girmiş
olduğunun belirtileri sayılmalıdır.

Geleceği karşılamak, bir anlamda uyanmak oluyor. İnsanın sorumluluk sınırlarını bilmesi ve
yaşamı hem kendine hem
de etrafındakilere huzurlu etmesi şeklinde görülebilir. Nitekim bu husus
doğrudur ve de huzur havasının insan için değerli olan yanı onlarla bir uyuma
girmesidir. Ayrıca sorumluluk duygusu da üst yasalarla ahenk içinde olmasını
ifade eder.

İnsan bilgilendiği nispette bu uyanışta en büyük etkendir. Vicdan sesi onu daha güçlü edecek-

tir. İç birliğinin sağladığı güvenle büyük
işlerin üstesinden gelecek, yaşamın ona yüklediği sorumluluk böylece kolaylıkla
açığa çıkacaktır. Yeni yeni sorulan kendine sormaya başlayarak yaşam kalitesini
de yükseltme yoluna gidecektir.

Bu yaşamın kendisine yüklediği yaşam nedir, nasıl olmalıdır sorularına karşılık vermek üzere
hazır olması derin
düşünmesiyle aydınlık kazanacaktır.

Aldığı bilgilerin inancına sahip insan, varlığının bir enerji yumağı olduğunun şuuruna varıyor.
Böylece düşük
titreşimlerle olabilecek ilişkilerini kontrolde tutarak yüksek titreşimlere
uzanıyor. Etrafında olan ama göremediği enerjilerin farkındalığına giriyor.
Bütün bu yerlerde uyanabilmesi de gönülce bir davranış sağlayarak yeni ve gerçek
şuurlara geçmesine vesile teşkil ediyor.

Uyanmış olan insan; artık yüksek duygulara, yapıcı eylemlere yöneliyor. Ona yeni yeni
şuurların getirdiği
yüksek bir hazzı yaşayarak ileri bir hizmet anlayışını kazandırıyor.

Uyanmış insanın gerçeğe dönük yaşamı, esas varlık âlemine geçişte ona yön vererek mevcut
gücüne kavuşmasına yol açıyor.

Tüm insan kardeşleriyle, özde bir olan yerinin seçilmesiyle o büyük İlâhi Sevgiyi içinde
duymaya başlıyor. Renk, cins, yaş, ırk, mevki, rütbe demeden, güzel, çirkin,
dürüst, hasta, deli, akıllı, bilgili, bilgisiz gibi ayırımlar yapmadan hepsinin
O'nun varettiği kul kardeşler olarak görüp O'nun sevgisinden varolduklarının
şuuruyla güçlenmeye ve sevmeye başlıyor.

Hataların, yanlışlıkların, aşırılıkların da bir hikmeti, bir hayrı olduğuna inanıyor ve hoş
görüyor. Kin,
nefret, öfke, intikam, hırs vb. olumsuz duygulardan sıyrılarak adeta uçuyor
uyanmış insan.



Üçüncü Boyut Algısı...
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 9:04pm

Üçüncü Boyut Algısı...

Üçüncü boyuttaki bir yaşamda ve üstelik tüm niteliklerinizi teslim etmiş olarak bir Gezegende
yaşamak ve yaşamın hakkını vermek, kuşkusuz çok zor olmalı ki her birey bunu bir şekilde
yaşıyor.İşte bu
nedenledir ki Kutsal kitaplarda yazıldığı şekliyle Tanrı İnsanı yarattığında tüm

Meleklerin onun önünde secde etmesini ister ve hepside secde eder onun
üstünlüğünü kabul ederek, yalnızca bir Melek, bir Baş Melek bu isteğe karşı
durur ve onun adı "Şeytan" olur ve din terminolojisinde yerini alır ve öykü uzar

İşte bu nedenledirki yüce Ruhlardan, enerjilerden ve kuşkusuz bir Enerji Bilinç

Programlarından biri olan Kryon da, kendisinin Gezegen
üzerindeki Manyetik Izgaraları, yeni enerji kalıplarına uyumlamak için gelen bir
Melek olduğunu bildirerek, sonucunda bir haberci olduğunu söyler ve
Gezegenimizde bir kanal aracılığı ile bilgi getirdiğini tüm kitaplarında,
Türkiyede yayınlanmış 9 kitabında da belirterek, çoğunlukla sözlerini "İnsan
Varlığı, biz buraya senin ayaklarını yıkamak için geldik" diyerek bitirir...Bu
İnsana karşı gösterilen bir saygıdır ve İnsanın Diğerleri" ne karşı üstünlüğüdür
veya öyle tutulduğunun bir açıklamasıdır aynı zamanda da, çünki onlar
Yaratılışta İnsanın sahip olduğu bilgilerle donatılmamıştır, bu nedenlede "İlahi
Plan" tarafından bir Enerji Bilinç Programı olarak veya Bilinçli bir Enerji
Programı olarak İnsanın hizmetine verilmişlerdir ki İnsan da Yaratıcının Özünü
taşıyan ve onun bir parçası olan bir Bilinç Enerjisidir, en azından Kutsal
Kitaplarda ön anlamıyla İnsan-Melek ilişkisi biraz önce bahsedildiği gibi, böyle
anlatılır.Ama ne varki bu konu da diğerleri gibi İnsanoğlu tarafından tahrif
edilerek yanlış anlaşılmış, Meleklerin İnsandan üstün olduğu gibi bir izlenim

Üçüncü boyut algısı içinde çok boyutluluğun kavranmasının neredeyse olanaksız olması
nedeniyle tüm Ruhsal konulara ve
içerdikleri bilgilere şimdilik kuşkuyla yaklaşılıyor Dünyamızda.Ancak şu
unutulmamalıdır ki, nasıl ki alt limit hızı ışık hızı olup bu hıza düştüğünde
gerçekliğini yitiren parçacıkları üç boyutluluk içinde görememiz onların yok
olduğu anlamına gelmezse, ki bu quantum mekaniğinin temel kavramıdır, Yaratılışı
sadece gördüklerimizle sınırlamak ve diğer, türlü yaşamları yok saymak ki Ruh ve
adı "Melek" olan vb.diğer yaşam formları bilinçli bir enerji olarak onlardan
biridir, onların da yok olduğu anlamına gelmez.Bu anlamda, bakış açısı, yer,
zaman ve durumuna göre hiç bir bilginin kesin ve doğru olduğundan da emin
olunamaz.Bilincin bilgisini taşıyan Evren tümüyle değişkendir.O sürekli genişler
çünki o doğrudan Yaratıcının bedeni olarak betimlenebilir. Yaratıcı her an yeni
Yaratım ve Yaratım yasaları ve onların gelişen, büyüyen ivmesi ile değişkenliğin
adeta temelidir.Bu anlamda kesinlik ve eminlik sadece onun belirlediği kalıplar
içinde geçerlidir ki bu kalıpların dışındaki kesinlik ve eminlik sadece
onundur.Bu bilgi hiç bir şekilde, Yaratılan hiç bir Varlğa
verilmemiştir.Yaratılanlar ise sadece onu hissedebilir ve eminliği ve kesinliği
işte bu noktada, yalnızca kalbindeki sevgi duyumsaması ile yakalar ve

Farkındalığın "Aydınlık" ışığında sevgi, huzur ve uyumla...

Süleyman Kaya,


Bir Ruhani Bilim Olarak Astroloji -1-
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 15, 2010 at 2:04pm

Bir Ruhani Bilim Olarak Astroloji -1-

Astroloji ruhsal bir bilim olmalıdır. Doğum haritamız ruhumuzun ve onun belli bir
bedenlenmesinin aynasıdır. Yıldızlarımızda içsel varlığımızın bir
hayattan ötekine gelişimini ve tekamülünü görürüz. Bu, sadece astroloji
haritalarını okuyarak hakikati veya özgürlüğü bulacağımız anlamına
gelmez. Sadece astrolojinin bize ruhun kendini gerçekleştirmesinin
anahtarlarını sunduğu ve içsel gelişimin bir anahtarı olarak
kullanılabileceği anlamına gelir.

Yıldızlar ve gezegenler yalnızca dışsal varlıklar değildirler; onlar zihnimizde bizim rehber
ışıklarımız olarak var olurlar. Bizim içsel ışıklarımızın dünyanın
tekamülüne rehberlik etmek için dışarıda yıldızlar ve gezegenlerin
şekline büründükleri söylenebilir. Dışsal olan içsel olandan gelir,
fakat tersi doğru değildir. Bununla birlikte dıştaki içtekini
etkileyebilir. Yaratımın aynı ışınları dışarıda gökyüzünde ve içeride
kendi yüksek gönlümüzün semasında iş görmektedirler. Yıldızlar hayattaki
etkinlik alanımızı belirlerler. Onlar ruhlar olarak bizlerin bu hayata
yansıttığı enerjileri yansıtırlar. Biz onların bir yansıması olduğumuz
gibi onlar da bizim bir yansımamızdır. Kozmik insanın yıldızları biz
beşeri varlıklarda, içimizde bir güneş sistemi oluştururlar.

Kendi ruhumuz bizzat bir yıldız, bir güneş, kozmik ışıkta bir noktadır. Hayatımız ve
düşüncelerimizin ardındaki sebepsel güç olarak genellikle ‘sebep varlığı’ denen ruhumuz
bütün evreni yaratacak gücü
içinde taşır. Ruhumuzun ışığı Güneş’te ve bütün yıldızlarda parlayan tek
İlahi ışığa, kozmik ışığa doğrudan bağlıdır.

Bizzat evreni yansıtan astroloji hayatın her alanını incelemek için kullanılabilir. Ondan
sağlımız, varlığımız, kariyerimiz ve ilişkilerimiz; maddi, zihinsel ve ruhsal tezahürler
öğrenebiliriz. Astroloji yaşamımız sırasında içinde eylemde bulunmamız
gereken enerjilerin bütünsel yapısını gösterir. Bu yüzden o elimizdeki
en kapsayıcı bilimdir. Yine de en yüksek seviyesinde astroloji yoga,
ruhun biliminin bir parçası olmalıdır. Onun amacı bizi hayatımızı
belirleyen dışsal kuvvetler ağının kaynağına götürmektir. Bu kaynak
ister bu fiziksel dünya ister daha latif başka bir alem olsun, semada
değildir. Bu kuvvet ne gizemli ne de yabancı bir kuvvettir. Bu kuvvet
ayrı bir varlık olduğumuz yanılsamasından gönlümüzü özgürleştirdiğimiz
zaman olduğumuz şeydir.

Gezegenler zihnimizi sakinleştirmek için egemen olmamız gereken enerjileri gösterirler.
Örneğin Mars gezegeninin düşük düzeyde tipik enerjisi olan kızgınlık, hakikatin doğru olanı
tezahür ettirip ondan
ayrılmayan kuvvetidir. Hakikati bir bencil görüş veya duyguyla
özdeşleştirdiğimiz zaman o kızgınlık halini alır. Gezegenlerin alt
seviyedeki işaretleri aslında bir sınırlılık haliyle mücadele eden yüce
kuvvetlerdir. Onlar aydınlanmış gönül mücevherinin farklı yüzleridirler
ve bastırılmak yerine bütünleşmeyi beklerler.

Bir ruhani bilimin esas ilkesi kendini bilmektir. Büyük bilgelerin tekrar tekrar dile getirdikleri
üzere, “Kendini bilmek, her şeyi bilmenin kökenidir.” Yine de unutmamak gerekir ki kendini
psikolojik analizden daha öte bir şeydir. Bu bilgi bizim kişiliğimiz
hakkında, yani cüzi benliğimiz hakkında, bir bilgi değil, bizim içsel
bilincimiz ve ulvi varlığımız hakkındadır. Hafızanın analizleri bizi
varlığımızın yüzeysel yönleri içine kapatıyor. Kendini bilmek ayrıca
geçmiş hayatları bilmekten de öte bir şeydir. Geçmiş hayatları bilmek
daha fazla hafıza sahibi olmaktır ve hala suret, zaman sınırlarının
perdesiyle örtülüdür.

Kendini bilmek gerçekten ne olduğumuzu, gerçek varlığımızı bilmektir, farkındalık ışığıdır.

Bu gerçek kendi, Öz, bütün bedenlenmelerin kendine maske olduğu şeydir. Kendini bilmek,
geçmişte kim olduğumuzu, bu
noktaya veya şu noktaya nasıl geldiğimizi bilmekte bulunmaz; bütün ayrı
varlıkları reddederek, kendi kalplerimizin içindeki alemi yeniden
bütünleştirerek bulunur. Bu, bütün hayatları kendi içimizde görmeyi
gerektirir. Bu görme Uluhiyet’in varlığını her yerde görmektir.

Astroloji doğru bir şekilde kullanıldığında bize içimizdeki alemi gösterir. O bütün alemi
kucaklamak için bilincimizi yaratımın ışınları aracılığıyla insan beynindeki fiziksel
sınırlarının dışına taşımak için
bir araçtır. O gezegenlerin kendi içimize tanımamız gereken nitelikleri
temsil ettiği bir meditasyon aracıdır. Gezegenler kozmik insanın
uzuvlarıdır, ilk yaradılış halimizdeki yüceliğe varmak için bu dağınık
uzuvları bir araya getirip bütünleştirmemiz gerekir. Astrolojiyi
anlayarak ruhumuz gezegenler ve yıldızlar aracılığıyla her şeyin en iç
kalbinde yatan merkezi Hakikat Güneş’ine uçabilir.

David Frawley, Astrology of the Seers

© 2010, BATİNİLER. Ticari hakları saklıdır. Kaynak belirtmek şartiyla her türlü yazı ve
resimin kullanılması serbesttir.


KRYON-“Kalbiniz herşeyi biliyor”
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 16, 2010 at 7:21pm

KRYON-“Kalbiniz herşeyi biliyor” 15.Haziran.2010 Münih, Almanya

“Kalbiniz herşeyi biliyor”

Selamlar sevgililer, ben manyetik hizmetten Kryon,

Ilık havadan memnun olarak, bir kez daha geriye gelip Münihte olmak çok güzel.Havada çok
fazla sevgi ve herkesin yaşamına gelen
bir çok değişiklik var.

Geçen defa konuştuğumuz gibi, sevgi bir yanıtmı? Ve 2012 yılından sonra sevgi tek yanıt
olacak.Sevgi ifadenin ve gösterinin tek
yolu olacaktır.Oynamaya gelen, incinme, kırgınlık ve kızgınlığın negatif
enerjileri daha fazla sürmeyecek.Bu, başlangıçta herkes için değildir; Hepsinden
önce yeni enerjiye ilerleyecek 144.000 İnsanın bir dalgası olacak ve onlar, Yeni
Dünyayı yaratacak ve İnsanları bu yeni enerji içine almaya

Sevgi akmaya başlıyor sevgililer, Yeni Dünya başlıyor, yeni uygulamalar ve iyileştirmenin
öne çıkan yeni tarzları var; yeni tarzlar
negatif enerjinin gitmesine ve sevginin daha açık bir anlayışına izin
veriyor.İlerleyen yeni bir yol var.Bu, bu Dünyaya, varlığın yeni bir ifadesiyle
çok daha fazla özgürlük ve sevinç getiriyor.Sevginin yeni bir enerjisi olacak ve
bu, son üç yüz yıldır yaratılan teknoloji ile birleşecek; varlığın daha bir adil
ve kolay bir yolu.Kalpler açılmaya başlayacak ve bu açılan kalpler ile
yaşamınızı seveceksiniz.Yeni enerjiler, birlikte yaratım ve şifanın çok daha
kolay bir yolunu getirecek.

Sevgililer, rehberleriniz şimdi bu odaya geliyor.Sizin alanınıza hoş geldiler, Ruh Dünyasından
çok, bir çok varlık şu
anda bu odaya ulaşıyor.Sevginin akmasına izin verin, bağlantıya izin verin ve
Ruhlar için bir boşluk, yer yaratın.Odada akan Ruhları hissedin, Kryonun
enerjisini hissedin…Kryon, bu Gezegenin şifalanmasında çok güçlü bir rol

Gözlerinizin kapanması için kendinize izin verin…ve bedeniniz içine girin.Ayak tabanlarınız
ve kök çakranız aracılığı ile Yeryüzü Ana ile
bağlanın.Dünya Ananın altınızda ve onun güzel pembe kalbinin ta ortasında
olduğunuzu düşleyin.Bu kalbin içine inmek için kendinize izin verin.Ve
duygularınızı gözlemleyin, nefesinizi gözleyin.Nefesinizi gözleyerek bedeninizin
rahatlamasına izin verin ve Dünya Anaya derin bir bağlantı kurun… ve izin verin
sevgi aksın…çember içindeki komşunuzla bağlanıyorsunuz.Sevginin kalbinizden bu
odadaki herkesin kalbine akması için izin veriyorsunuz ve bu odadaki herkesten
sevgi alıyorsunuz.Dünya Anaya derin, çok daha derin bir bağlantı kurmaya ve
dostunuza da daha derin bir bağlantıya izin veriyorsunuz; kalpleriniz

Kalbinizi gözlemleyin; kalbiniz açıkmı, kapalımı? Kalbinizde tıkanıklık varmı? Kalbinizi

gözlemleyin ve kalbiniz olun…kalbinizin
kulakları sıklıkla kafanızın kulaklarından daha iyi işitir, ve bunlar,
kafanızdan kalbinize gerçekten yürümeye başlayan bir yolculuk olarak bu mesajı
işitmek zorundadırlar.Bu binlerce yıldır uygulanmış eski bir yolculuk çağıdır ve
bu odadaki herkes, sondan bir önceki olarak bu yolculuğu yapacaktır ve biz ışığı
rehberiniz olarak çağırırken, bir kez daha kafanızdan kalbinize nasıl
yürüyeceğinizi hatırlayabilirsiniz.Bu Dünyada hepinizin öğrendiği kafanızda
depolanmıştır, fakat kalbiniz Evrene bağlıdır ve o herşeyi bilir, herşey, herşey
hakkında bilmektir.

Zaman, kendinize kalbinizi dinlemesi için izin verme zamanıdır…kalbinizle birleşmesi için
kafanıza izin veriyorsunuz…ve hafifçe
gevşiyorsunuz.Batıda, mantıksal akıl üzerine çok fazla vurgu yapılıp
yerleştirilen bir yer vardır, ve bu yeni enerji içinde kalp
hükmedecektir.Hepiniz, kalplerinizi tamamen açmak için bir yolculuktasınız,
kalpleriniz tamamen açılıyor, ve kalpleriniz bütün zamanlarda açık
tutuluyor.Bunu yapma sayesinde siz, çok, çok uysal oluyorsunuz.Nazik ve uysal
olmak için kendinize izin verin; uysallık ve naziklik içinde sevgiyi
hissedebilirsiniz.Sevgi uysal ve naziktir ve sizin yaşamınızı gösteriyor,

yumuşaklık ve nazikliği heyecanlandırıyorsunuz.

Enerjiniz içindeki uysallık ve nezaket kolayca yaralanır.Batı Dünyası, uysallık ve nezakete

fazla dikkat etmez.O, içerde gerilim yaratan bir paradoks olan uysallık ve
naziklik paradoksuna benziyor.Bu anda ona inanmayabilirsiniz, fakat bu
uygulamaya koymak zorunda olduğunuz bazı şeylerdir ki, herşeyin uysallık ve
naziklik olduğu bir yer olan Yeni dünya içine doğru yürümek için, kendinize
meydan okumak zorundasınız; sertlik bu öykünün bir parçası değildir,
dayanıklılık bu öykünün bir parçasıdır.Daha uysal ve daha nazik hissettiğinizde
biz daha güçlü olacağız.

Enerjilerinize daha uysal ve çok daha uysal olmaları için izin verin.Bu gece biz, sizin eril
kendinizi şifalandırmak için
buradayız.En savunmasız ve en uysal hissettiğinizde en derin şifa olur.Kendinize
daha uysal ve daha nazik olması için izin verin.Şimdi, bedeniniz içinde derine
ve çok daha derine gidiyorsunuz.Bedeninizi ve kendinizi gerçekten sevmeyi
öğreneceksiniz.Bu kendini sevme ifadesi, iç ebeveynlerinizin birbirini sevdiği
zaman olur.Sizin kendinizi sevme deneyiminin olmasına gereksiniminiz

Bir iki yıla kadar neyin olacağı, iç ebeveynlerinizin bir diğerini sevmeye başlayacak olmasıdır
ve iç ebeveyleriniz üzerinde bunu siz, bir diğer
kişiden çok daha iyi yapmaya çalışacaksınız.Siz Evreni ve Güneş Sisteminizi
kopyalamak için buradasınız.”öyle aşağıda olup yukarıda olmak” ve “öyle
olmaksızın içinde olmak” diye işittiğinizde onların çift anlamı vardır.Bu, madde
Dünyası olmaksızın yarattığınız kendinizin içinde neyin devam ettiğini ifade
eder.Diğer bir anlamı ise, mükemmel bir uyum içinde çalışan Güneş Sisteminin bir
örneğine sahip olduğunuz ve bu, burada neyin kopya edildiğidir.Bu model size,
Evren ve kendiniz ile mükemmel bir uyum içinde var olmanız için izin
verecektir…sadece uyumla değil, aynı zamanda eş zamanlılıkla.

Şimdi, enerjilerinizin yükselmesine, çok daha yükselmesine izin verelim…kendinize, onun

2012 içindeymiş gibi neyi hissettiğini hissetmek için izin verin.Evren ile bir
bağlantı kurmak için kendinize izin verin.Bütün farkındalığınızı ve bilincinizi
bu Evren içine yerleştirin.Tamamen dua aracılığı ile bunu yapabilir ve Evrenin
nasıl hissettiğini hissedebilirsiniz.Bu sizi otomatikman daha yüksek bir
titreşime alacaktır; ki o, daha yüksek bir titreşime ve korkularınıza,
üzüntülerinize ve kızgınlıklarınıza gidip ulaşabileceğiniz bir

Böylece siz, Evren enerjilerine doğru yürürken, izin verin duygularınız gelsin ve gitsin.
Duygularınızın gelip gitmesine izin verin…
duygularınız Yeni Dünyaya bir geçittir.Daha fazla neyi duyumsamak
istemiyorsanız, onların gitmesi için daha fazla cesaret duyumsamak

Bu, sevgililer, kolay ve çok daha kolay olacaktır…Yeni Dünyanın enerjileri, sizinle
karşılaşmak ve 2012 enerjileri içine ilerlemeniz
için size nazikçe rehberlik etmek üzere geliyor…bir gün tek bir şeysiniz ve

gelecek gün bir diğer şeysiniz.Bilinmeyene doğru adımladığınızda, daima bir
korku vardır.Daima, bilinmeyene yürüdüğünüzde sizi durduracak bazı şeyler vardır
ve bu nedenle bunun farkında olun ve izin verin korkularınız gelsin ve gitsin…ve
tam şimdi o sevgi, sizin gerçekten en korktuğunuz şeylerden biridir ve sizin
özünüz sevgiyle aynıdır.

Siz, özünüz olmaktasınız.Eğer biz, bir tırtıl öyküsünün örneklemesinden yararlanabilirsek; O

gençken dut ağacının
yapraklarında yaşar, yer de yer ve şişmanlar ve sonrasında bir ipek işlemi ile
kendisini kapatır ve sonuç olarak o, yapraklar ve koza bir değişime
uğrar…kafasını kozadan dışarı, Dünyaya, bir Kelebeğin, çiçekten çiçeğe veya her
nereye gitmek istiyorsa oraya uçup gidebileceği bir Dünyaya
uzatır.Bir İnsan Varlığı bundan farklı değildir, belki bu kadar çok yeyip şişmanlamaz, fakat bir
işlem ve değişimin içinden geçen İnsandır.Bu, hepinizin üstünde olduğu bir yolculuktur.

Bu ipek işlemi, bütün ebeveynlerinizin sınırlandırma ve yaralamalarının bir

örneksemesidir.Böylece bu sizin için, kelebeğinizin kozasını kırıp onu dışarı
çıkarmak yoluyla gerçek kendi benliğinizi bulmaktır…ve bu gerçek kendiniz yaralı
değildir; ve o Yeni Dünyaya bir bütünlük ve birlik ifadesi içinde
girecektir…bütünüyle Evrene bağlanacaktır…Evrenle bir olarak ve Evrenle kesin
bir eş zamanlılıkla.Sevgi içinde olacaksınız, kendinizle sevgi içinde
olacaksınız ve herkes sizi sevecek.Ve cennet ve Yeryüzü arasındaki patikada
yürüyen sihirli bir varlık olacaksınız.

Bu sizin yolculuğunuz…çok daha kolay söylendi ve daha sonra da yapıldı.Yakınmalarınızı

duyuyorum, “Bu 2012 ne
zaman geliyor?”, “Ne oluyor?”, “İçinden geçeceğim gelecek uygulama nedir?”,
“Daha çok iç çalışmamı?” , bütün bunların hepsini işitiyoruz, ve tam şimdi
biliyoruz ki, Yeni Dünyaya doğru attığınız her bir adım, bir adım daha
yakındır…ve büyüyor ve Evreni anlıyorsunuz ve kendinizi anlama yolu ile Evreni
anlıyorsunuz ve Evreni anlama yolu ile de kendinizi

Babanızın enerjileri olan Güneş ailenizin uygulamaları içinden geçerek çalışmak neden bu
kadar çok önemlidir…Babanız, aileniz içindeki
bütün babaların ortak enerjisidir.Doğal olarak babanız zayıf düştüğünde,
yaşamınızda Güneş parıltısı olmayacaktır.İç çalışmanızda neyi aradığınız,
Yeryüzü ile Güneş arasındaki ilişkidir.Bu, kendi içinize neyi getirmek
istediğinizdir….Güneşin enerjisi, bütün Güneş Sisteminin % 95 idir.

Güneş Dünyayı tutar, onu kontrol etmez; O, Dünyaya ne yapacağını söylemez.Güneş sadece
Dünyayı tutar ve sizin iç kendinizde neyi aradığınız da, babanızın sizin
annenizi tutmasıdır.Bu bütün iç çalışmaların hepsidir; şimdi konuştuğumuz herşey
iç Dünyaya, fiziğin iç planlarına dairdir.Bu nedenle, sahip olmayı seveceği bir
deneyime sahip olması için, annenize bir yer tutabilsin diye güçlü bir iç
babanız olmasını istiyorsunuz.Daha güçlü bir iç babanız, dişil (enerji) içine
yürüyebilen daha fazla bir iç annenizdir.İç anneniz, daha ve çok daha fazla
dişil rollere yürürken o, iç babanızı daha fazla sever…iç anneniz dişil olmayı
sever, o bir kadın olmaktan hoşlanacaktır.Hepsinden önemlisi, iç çocuğunuzun, bu
deneyimden öğreniyor ve büyüyor olmasıdır ve tamı tamına sizin iç annenizi ve

babanızı kopyalar.

Daha güçlü bir iç babanız, daha ve çok daha güçlü bir iç anneniz, iç çocuğunuzun büyüyor
olması için çok daha büyük bir yer
tutar.Yaralı iç çocuğunuza bütün enerjilerinizi yoğunlaştırmada yanlışlık
yapmayın.Gerçek iyileştirme, bütün aile takımyıldızını iyileştirmektir…buna,
anneniz, babanız ve onların anne ve babaları ve daha büyük ebeveynleriniz ve
atalarınız dahildir.Halalarınız, teyzeleriniz ve amcalarınız, kuzenleriniz, kız
ve erkek yeğenleriniz, bütün bu aile görünümleriniz bir rol oynar ve siz bu her
bir görünüşü Kutsal düzene ve dengeye getirirken, kendinizi de daha ve çok daha
güçlü yaparsınız ve Evrene de çok daha fazla bir bağlantı kurarsınız…o alanı,
Yeni Dünyaya girişiniz için yaratıyorsunuz… deneyime sahip olmak ki onu
gerçekten yaşamınızdan istiyorsunuz.

Sevgililer, bu bilgi gizli tutulmuştu.Binlerce yıldır çok az İnsan bu sırrı öğrendi ve size ait
olan bu
bilgi artık çok daha uzun bir süre bir sır olamaz.Bu bilginin sahibine ve bu
bilgiye bedeniniz içinde akması için izin verin.Bazen, bazı şeyler öyle kolayca
gitmez ve İnsanla yıllar içinde giden, bu sonuca gelen bütün yaşama meditasyon
yapmak zorunda kalmış olacaktı.Bu bilgiyi anlamakla onurlandırıldınız ve
kendinizi onurlandırıyorsunuz.Enerjiler, herkesin yıldız ailesi için değişti, ve
onun başlaması için küçük bir tekmeye gereksinimi var.

Sizin için, burada, bu Yeryüzünde bütün şifacılar kimdir, o, bir tertip içinde kendi yıldız
takımı ailenize ulaşmak için sizin bir işinizdir…Güneş Sistemi gibi, aynı
kesinlikteki tertip ve düzen içindeki bedeniniz sayesinde uyum ve huzuru
getirmek için.Yaşam sürelerinde başarı için neye sahip olunacağı, şimdi gelen
iki yıl içinde olacaktır.Sevgi akacaktır…sevgi sizden, erkek ve kız
kardeşlerinize akacaktır, koşulsuzca sizden annenize ve annenizden ve
babanızdan…sizden çocuklarınıza, halalarınıza, teyzelerinize ve amcalarınıza,
erkek ve kız yeğenlerinize ve kuzenlerinize.Herşey, Kutsal düzen içine
akacaktır.Bu, sevgililer, yolculuktur.

Enerjilerinize, 2012 enerjilerine daha ve çok daha fazla yükselmesi için izin verin.O, uyumun
enerjisidir; O,
tamamen Kutsal bir düzen içine akan sizin aile takım yıldızınızın
enerjisidir.Sevgi akacaktır…siz desteğe sahip olacaksınız…siz, Ruhsal
rehberlerinizce, meleklerinizce ve hatta Kryondan da, daha fazla enerjetik bir
desteğe sahip olacaksınız; Kryon enerjisi daha çok ve çok daha güçlü Yeryüzünde

Giden yıllar ile, bütün yaşam sürelerinde ne aldıysanız şimdi onu yalnızca dakikalar içinde
alacaksınız.Herşey hızlandırılmaktadır ve
herşey tutulmaktadır.2012 enerjisine doğru nazikçe yürüyen enerjiyi
duyumsayın…aileniz içinde sahip olduğunuz yayımları Kryona havale ediyorsunuz ve
kendinize, anneniz ve babanızın bir diğerini seviyor görmesi için izin
veriyorsunuz.Bu, kendini sevmenin bir sırrıdır.

Biz, kendimizi tekrar ettiğimizi biliyoruz ve sizin bunu unutmanızı istemiyoruz.Sevgi bu


Gezegenine geliyor, ve biz, bir ıskalama durumu ve bir darbe istemiyoruz; ve
sizi tamamen açık olarak istiyoruz.Ve, bütünlük ve birliğin yolunu size gösteren
büyük bir işaret levhası koymak istiyoruz… sevinç, huzur ve sevgi için.Bu büyük
işaret direklerini, size Yeni Dünyanın yolunu göstermek için

Yolunuz üzerinde duran iki enerji var; onlar askeri bir enerji ve “Balıkçı Kral Yaralı” (Kryon
burada aynı isimle verdiği bir mesajda İsadan,
onun bu enerjisinden bahsetmektedir. çn.) enerjileridir.Bu enerjiler bir
keresinde serbest bırakıldılar, bir köprüdeki taşıyıcı kilt taşlarını onun
dışına almak gibi, onlar çökecektir.İyileşme, bir çocuktan şeker almak gibi
oldukça kolay olacaktır.

Günler saçınızı yolma ve merak etme günleri, “Ne olup bitiyor, neden ona ulaşamıyorum ve
bu doğrumu?” hemen hemen bunun
üzerinde.Bu enerjiler sizin içinizde olduğunda hiçbir şey doğru gitmeyecektir…o
bunun düzenlenme tarzıdır.Eğer babanız askeri bir enerjiye sahipse, sonrasında
anneniz de buna sahip olacaktır; herşey bir aynadır.Bu, sadece sizin iç anneniz
ve babanız arasında bir nitelik yaratacaktır…o, bir uyumsuzluk ve iletişimsizlik
yaratır…gerçekte bu enerji, onun iletişimde olup olmadığına dikkat etmez, o,
tamamiyle o ne istiyorsa onu ister! Bu enerji size hiçbirşey vermez, o sadece
alır.Naziklik ve uysallık için bir oda yoktur; Bu naziklik ve uysallık
enerjileri, askeri enerjilerin yanında hayatta kalamaz.Hatta biz, bu Dünya
Gezegeni üzerinde askeri enerjiler için bir yerin var olduğunu söylesek bile ki
söyleyemeyiz, bu enerji sizin aileniz içindekine uygun değildir.

Her karı koca, evlilikleri için bir düşe ve görünüme sahiptir; ve orada bir askeri enerji
varsa, düşlerinizi pencereden dışarı fırlatabilirsiniz.Her sorun, ve her sorunun
% 100 ü sevgi tarafından çözümlenebilir.Yaralı Kral Enerjisi içinde ya da askeri
enerji içinde, ne varki sevgi yoktur.

Askeri enerji kontrole dairdir ve “Balıkçı Kral Yarası” da gizli kontroldür.Kontrol bu

Gezegene ait değildir.Güneş
Dünyayı tutar ve herşey Güneş Sisteminde mükemmellikle işler, hiçbirşey yanlış
gitmez…herşey uyumludur…huzur ve uyum.Her sorun sevgi ile çözülür.Bütün sorunlar
sevginin yokluğundandır.

Yağmanın, soygunun sonunda sevgi yoktur, ne varki sevgi yoktur, o sorunu kötüye götürür; o
sorunu sadece daha da ağırlaştırır.Sevgi tek yanıttır.Sevgi herşeyin üstesinden gelendir.Güney
Afrikada o, değişimleri getiren barış dolu gösterilerdi, askeri mücadeleleri
değil.Barış ve sevgi herşeyin üstesinden gelecektir.

Gerçek sevgiden daha fazla korkacak hiçbir şey yok.Her zaman sevginin bir korkusu olabilir,
ancak ne
zaman korku giderse sonrasında siz sevgiyi hissedersiniz, o bir başka dünyadır,
sınırsız mutluluğun ve kararlı bir bağlantının dünyası… Yeryüzü ve cennet
arasındaki o patikada, doğru yoldan ayrılmadan yürüyen o sihirli varlık olarak…o
sihirli varlık bir sevgi varlığıdır.Sevgi, böylesine kendinden geçirici bir
yüksek titreşimle akıyor.

Hepiniz, 2012 enerjierinin % 95 ve 98 i arasındasınız…bu enerjinin daha daha yükselmesine
izin verin…İzin verin sevgi
aksın ve sevgi korkularınızı teslim edin.Teslim olun.Onun anlamı silahlarınızı
teslim etmektir.Daha fazla savaş yok; dış Dünyanızda sahip olduğunuz bu savaş,
sadece iç Dünyanızda süren bir savaştır.Uzağa yürümek için ilk gereken galip
olmaktır…bu nedenle izin verin diğer kişiler uzağa yürüsün ve onunla kavga
edecek bir başkasını bulsun.Kaşlarınızı çatmayın ve herşeyin üstünde olan
Tanrıya teşekkür edin.

Teslim olma, daima kazanacaktır.Hepinizin yapacağı içteki savaşınızı durdurmaktır.O

tamamiyle bir enerji israfıdır, kendinizin iki
parçasının bir kavgasıdır.Kavgadan uzağa yürüyün ve bırakın sevgi aksın.Hiç
kimse, sizi size ait olan bir şeyden uzakta tutamaz…sizinki neyse
sizindir…kalbinizdeki daha fazla sevgi, daha fazla sahip olduğunuz sizdir ve
onun daha fazlası da size aittir.

Enerjileri duyumsamak için kendinize izin verin…yarattığınız neyi duyumsuyorsunuz…ve

hissetettiğiniz bu enerji ile
şimdi siz istediğiniz yaşamı yaratıyorsunuz…bu yaşam düşlerinizin

2010 yılı içinde 2012 ye hoş geldiniz; bu yeni enerjidir.İyi olun ve Tanrı sizi korusun, bu
Kryonun imzasıdır.

İyi geceler, Tanrı sizi kutsasın, ve teşekkür ederim.

Çn: Süleyman Kaya

Farkındalığın “Aydınlık” ışığında sevgi, huzur ve uyumla…


Astroloji: 16 Agustos
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 16, 2010 at 7:21pm

Astroloji: 16 Agustos
Posted by: "FELIX..." felixurus_2002@yahoo.com felixurus_2002

Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:43 am (PDT)

Inegol Olaylari uzerine


Yuce Saturn ve Terazi


Kopus Kusagi



Incredible watercolour paintings by boy

aged just SIX
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 16, 2010 at 7:24pm

Incredible watercolour paintings by boy aged just SIX

A street scene from the paintbrush of a child usually involves

triangle-topped boxes for houses. And often an unnaturally large dog.

But Kieron Williamson's attempts are so beautifully rendered that artists ten times his age will
be filled with envy.

Experts have said that the six-year-old's atmospheric paintings, which

began with harbour scenes and expanded to include rural vistas, animal
portraits and landmarks, have perspective, shadow and reflections that
demonstrate an ability well beyond his years.

He is even preparing for his first exhibition in a gallery near his home in Holt, Norfolk.

His mother, Michelle, said: 'Until last year he didn't draw anything and in fact we had to draw
dinosaurs for him to colour in.

'The turning point was when we took our first family holiday to Devon
and Cornwall last May and he liked the boats and scenery. He asked for
some plain paper and started drawing his own stuff.
At the time, they were like the drawings of most five-year-olds but he really took off after
going to some art classes.'

Mrs Williamson, 36, a nutritional therapist, is married to art dealer

Keith, 43. The couple also have a daughter, Billie-Jo, five.

'We often think about why Kieron has chosen art in this way and I think
it's because we live in a top-floor flat and we have no garden or
outside space, so perhaps he's had to create his own scenery,' she said.

Kieron appears to agree. 'I like painting because it's fun and
inspiring. It makes me think of places I can't see,' he said. His talent
was recognised by a family friend, artist Carol Ann Pennington, who
offered to give him lessons.

She said: 'I have known Kieron since he was a baby but I had no idea he had it in him.'

His hero is Norfolk landscape artist Edward Seago, who died in 1974. The
late Queen Mother was an avid fan, and bought many of his paintings.

Obviously keen to follow in his footsteps by courting royal patronage,

Kieron said: 'I'm going to send one of my pictures to Prince Charles.
I've already sent one to the Queen but I haven't had a reply yet.'

An exhibition of his work will go on display on Sunday - two days before

his seventh birthday - at Mrs Pennington's gallery, The Last Picture
Show In Town.

Art expert Jeremy Green, owner of The Canon Gallery in Huntingdon,

Cambridgeshire, said of Kieron's work: 'It is unusual to see someone of
that age painting with such definition and in such a stylistic way.
Normally they would be splashing colour all over the place.

'Some of these watercolours have a very rigid structure as if he has

been painting in that style for some time. They are very good, there's
no doubt about it.'


KalkiMaitreya through Elizabeth Trutwin
Speaks About The Time of Emergence
(One of the 4 M's Maitreya, Mother
Sekhmet, Metatron, Archangel Michael)
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 16, 2010 at 7:26pm

KalkiMaitreya through Elizabeth Trutwin Speaks About The Time of

Emergence (One of the 4 M's Maitreya, Mother Sekhmet, Metatron,
Archangel Michael)


There are in Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism teachings about a

Great World Teacher coming in Earth's End Times. Islam believes this time has
come and gone
with Muhammed. Jesus of Nazareth, Imam, Lord Vishnu (Kalki Avatar), the
and Maitreya, are noted as several Faith's "World Teacher" which will come
during the "End Times". All of these are operating from the Office of the
Christ. All of these are part of The Goodly Company. All of these work with the
Galactic Federation and have been around thousands, if not millions, of years.
When you fuse the Hindu Principle (AVATAR) with the Buddha Principle (Christ)
you get KalkiMaitreya (COSMIC Christ).

COSMIC CHRIST. Within the Cosmic Christ embodies all the religious "saviors".
This has been known as the Day of
Declaration and we at Galactic Round Table have been calling it Announcements.
Legend says that when KalkiMaitreya returns to Earth (from the StarShips) he
will bring abundance for everyone shared evenly throughout the World. It is
specifically mentioned, food, raw materials (gold), free energy, scientific
knowledge (Galactic Technology) and educational facilities (Holodecks) and that
and that patterns of waste will be eliminated (depleted uranium, trash in the

ocean, recycling) At the Galactic Roundtable, we explain this as NESARA. There
will be programs in place, from the Galactics for abundance for every person on
Earth, in every Country, every man, woman, and child. On the Day of Decloakings
it is believed that: "Everyone will (simulataneously) hear his voice
inwardly--telepathically in their own language. At the same time, everyone will
deeply feel His omnipotent love and hundreds of thousands of spontaneous
healings will take place throughout the world." This will be the Announcements
and the Decloakings which will happen simultaneously. Only Sananda and Ashtar
know when this will be. No Dates. No Nukes. No Flukes. On this day there will be
a Worldwide Unification including World Peace. According to the Bhagavad Vita,
Bible, and Hindu sacred book, have all spoken of The World Teacher. The Tibetan
Mahatma is also The World Teacher. This is KalkiMaitrya and he is here now on
Earth teaching. He asks for no followers and suggests each person continue to
follow their own religion. This happens at the end of the

KalkiMaitreya is here, to remind each one of us, that in our AVATAR Bodies we are
a Divine Incarnation. He will be known as Maitreya, and this means
friend. He will be one of the World's Galactic Mentors. He will remind us all
the Path to Light, Love and Consciousness. KalkiMaitreya, a bodhisattva, is "a
person, who can be animal (Galactic AVATAR) or divine (Angelic) as well as
human, who has conceived the will to enlightenment and vowed to manifest the
spirit of enlightenment, thus dedicating all his or her lives to the attainment
of perfect Buddhahood for the sake of all beings." (The Goodly Company) At the
Day of Declaration, the New Golden Age begins on Terra Nova. KalkiMaitreya will
be there as the COSMIC Christ, as the World Teacher. About KalkiMaitreya, it has
been predicted, "the manifestations of Maitreya shall come after the wars. (When
PEACE is declared) But the final war shall be for the cause of the True
Teaching. (Chosing the Light) But each one rising up against Shamballa (Where we
keep the Hall of Records) shall be stricken in all his works. (Sent to the
Scorpi Black Hole) And the waves shall wash away his dwellings. (The Dark Hats,
the Fallen Angels, will be removed from all Timelines, past, present, and
future) And even a dog shall not answer to his call. (They will be dissolved
into Light for new creation) No clouds but lightening shall he see on the final
night. (Declaokings) And the fiery messenger shall rise up on pillars of Light.
(Metatron) The Teaching indicates that each warrior of Shamballa (The Secret
Forces including Sananda) shall be named the Invincible. (Nothing will Stop the
Master Plan) The Lord Himself hastens. (Ashtar) And his banner is already above
the mountains. (The New Jerusalem) Thy pasture shall reach the Promised Land.
(Earth~New Jerusalem) When thou tendest thy flocks, dost thou not hear the
voices of the stones? (Singing Stones, water, fire, air, earth and sky or space) These
are the toilers of
Maitreya, who make ready for thee the treasures." (The Goodly Company, The
Ashtar Command).

It was in the different periods of time when different AVATARS walked the Earth.
All That Is exists in No Time. In other words,
everything that has ever happened, is happening Now. Time Travel means leaving
the body behind and traveling to another dimension, another place in time. There
is no time, just a reference point in which something took place. We are all
multidimensional Beings and we all have AVATAR bodies to travel in. We all are
here at the time of the Kali Yuga because we have a special role to play, A
Mission, at Zero Point. Each of the religious "saviors" mentioned, as well as
the Ascended Masters of Earth, and the Gods and Goddesses, all were AVATARS
walking the Earth during different Time Periods.

It is the time of Emergence. When the Ships come there will be Guides and
Mentors for each one of
us. These will be there to help us discover Our Mission. We will no longer
wonder who we are or where we came from. We will no longer struggle for
survival. We will remember our Galactic Avatar, Angelic, and Human Presence. We
will meet and know the Cosmic Christ. We will obtain


Beth and Mark www.GalacticRoundTable.com


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 17, 2010 at 1:48am


1. Üç barış vardır: Birinci barış, en önemli barıştır. İnsan ruhundadır o. İnsan, kainatla ve
kainatın bütün güçleri ile olan ilişkisini, beraberliğini farkettiğinde, kainatın merkezinde
Büyük Ruh'un durduğunu ve bu merkezin her yerde, her birimizin içinde
olduğunu farkettiğinde birinci barış sağlanmıştır. Bu gerçek barıştır,
diğerleri sadece bunun akisleridir. İkinci barış iki fert arasında olan
barıştır. Üçüncü barış ise iki millet arasında yapılır. Fakat hepsinden
önce, anlamalısınız ki 'gerçek barış' dediğim birinci barış, insanın
ruhundaki barış yoksa ne fertler ne de milletler arasında barış

2.Yağmur iyilerin üzerine de yağar, kötülerin de..

3.İnsan tabiattan uzaklaştıkça kalbi katılaşır.

4.Her şey halkadır. Her birimiz kendi hareketlerimizden sorumluyuz. Hepsi döner dolaşır,
bize geri gelir.

5.Gözlerde yaş yoksa, ruh gökkuşağına sahip olamaz.

Kızılderili Atasözleri


St.Germain Mesaji 19 Temmuz 2010

Zihninizi Ele Gecirmek Icin Savas(The
Battle for Your Mind)
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 18, 2010 at 5:25pm

St.Germain Mesaji

19 Temmuz 2010

Zihninizi Ele Gecirmek Icin Savas(The Battle for Your Mind)

Ben Sevgili Ustat Saint Germain. Bugun sizlere bir Uyanis mesaji ile geldim. Dunya Ana’nin
dogum sancilarinin son
evreleri olan dunya uzerindeki cok onemli bir zaman. “Itmeye” hazirlaniyor ve
bu itis ile beraber eski dunyanin olumu ve yeni Dunya’nin dogumu
gerceklesecektir. Sizlerin gerceklesemekte olan olaylara bu sekilde bakmanizi
istiyoruz. Belki de o zaman hersey bu kadar acimasiz ve sert gorunmeyecektir.
Yeni bir yasam icin dogum aci verebilir. Bu tam da sizin beklentinizdir.
Dogumun kolay birsey olacagina inanmiyorsunuz ama sizi temin ediyoruz ki, o
gercekten kolay olabilir....
..Bircok yuzyillar once bunun gercek oldugu zamanlar yasandi ve siz bu dogumun acili olmasi
gerektigi inancini o gunlerden tasiyorsunuz. Iste bu yuzdendir ki, Yuksek Boyutlara gecis olan
bu donemi
kendi fizik bedenlerinizde aci ile deneyimliyorsunuz. Her zaman bir baska yol
vardir. Ve, artik size hizmet etmeyeni salivermek acilar

gerceklesen bir olay olmak zorunda degil. Fakat, gene de seylerin kolay olacagina
inanmiyorsunuz. Yasamin zor olduguna dair olan inanciniza tutunuyorsunuz. Gercekte, aci
cekmeye olan inanciniz sizi dunyadaki bu
yolculuga surukluyor.
Simdi bir mesaj ile geldik.Her biriniz bu Yeni Dunya’nin dogumuna yardimci olan
Ebe’lersiniz. “Nasil?” diye
soruyorsunuz. “Nasil biz birsey yapabiliriz?” Sizlere bircok yuzyildir soyledik
ve bugun de ayni mesaj ile geliyoruz......KENDINIZI SEVIN......ICINIZE BAKIN VE

Kritik kutle oldukca yakinlasiyor Sevgililer. Su anda tum dikkatinizi ve odaginizi dunya ve
onun uzerindeki
problemlere odaklamaniz gerekiyormus gibi gorunse de,YAPMANIZ GEREKEN SEY BU
DEGILDIR. Yalnizca bu son soyledigimiz bile sizi bu mesajin gecerliligi hakkinda
kuskuya dusurebilir. Fakat, gercekten yasadigniz dunyayi tam olarak
algilayabilir ve sahip oldugunuz gucu tam olarak hissedebilirseniz,bunun aslinda GERCEGIN
KENDISI oldugunu BILECEKSINIZ. Gozleriniz ile gordugunuz dunya
gercek degil.O bir illuzyon!!!!!
BUNU BIR AN ONCE IDRAK ETMELISINIZ. Sevgililer, bu dersi ogrenmeniz icin cok
onemli bir zaman.
Gormekte oldugunuz dunya kendi zihninizin bir projeksiyonu, ve aklinizdan gecen dusunceler
dunyanizda GORMEKTE olduklariniz. SAHIP OLDUGUNUZ GUC
Mucadele etmekte oldugunuz bu savas fiziksel degil, materyel mulkiyetlerde veya dunyasal
niteliklerde degil.......
Savas ZIHNINIZDE.Zihniniz savas alani ve cephaneniz duygulariniz!!!!! LUTFEN BUNU
ANLAYIN. Bu mesaj, olcegi SEVGI ve ISIK’tan yana biraz olsun yukari cekebilmek
Zihisel bir seviyede zihnin KORKU bombalari olarak projekte edilen dusunceler ve imajlar
ile tutsak edildiniz.Burada soz konusu olan zihniniz ve
duygulariniz! Ve, sizin kendi dusunce ve duygularinizi size karsi cephane
olarak yine sizi yok etmek icin kullaniyorlar. Dunyaniz yeniden dogacak, ve
sizin icin yuksek bir Bilinc Seviyesinde olacak, fakat, ancak ve ancak KENDI
Bu sizi korkutmak icin degil.Bu size BP’ye karsi savasmadignizi gostermek icin.
Korfez’i kurtarmak icin de calismiyorsunuz.

Sevgililer.................Bunlar zaten onlarin sizin dikkatinizi dagitarak fokuslemenizi istedikleri
Odak noktaniz ve dikkatiniz HER ZAMAN KALBINIZ OLMALIDIR......GUCUNUZ
“Bombalariniz” SEVGI dir.Kutsal topraginiz kendi zihninizdir. Zihninizi her seviye ve acidan
size saldiran imaj ve dusuncelerden korumalisiniz.Sizlere yardim icin buradayiz. Ve, burada
ne icin bulundugunuzu bilmeniz icin, “ne icin
savastiginizi” ve “cephanenizin ne oldugunu” bilmek zorundasiniz. Dusunme
ozgurlugunuz ve zihninizi istedigniz gibi kullanabilmek icin savasiyorsunuz.
Ve, onlardan cok daha Yuksek bir Enerji olan SEVGI ile savasiyorsunuz.

Gormekte oldugunuz dunya zihninizin ve kollektifin bir yansimasi oldugu icin, gordugunuzu
hersey icin hayir demenizi gerektiriyor. Size soylendigi gibi yapmaniz
gerekmiyor. Tahmin ettiginiz ve bildiginizden cok daha guclusunuz.Fakat, karar
verislerinizde icinizdeki Ilahi Niyet / Arzuyu ortaya cikararak kullanincaya
kadar gucunuzu bulamayacaksiniz. Kalp ve Ruh seviyesinde IYI HISLER VERMIYORSA,
YAPMAYIN!!!! Bu baslangic.Bir seciminiz oldugunu bilmelisiniz.Dunyanizi gormek
istedigniz sekilde deneyimleme gucunuz oldugunu anlamalisiniz.
Gucsuz oldugunuza dair hepinizin beyni yikandi.

Bu daha once vermis oldugumuz bir mesaj degildir. Mesajlarimizin keskinligini karsi tarafin
mesajlarinin keskinliginin yukselisi oraninda
artiriyoruz.Nihai Gerceklikte “diger” taraf diye birseyin soz konusu olmadigi , Birlik
Bilincinde dualitenin var olmadigi, her ne kadar dogru olsa
da......sizlere su anda bulundugunuz seviyeden konusuyoruz, eger ki, dualite
seviyesinin illuzyonlarindan yukselmemisseniz...............

3 Boyutlu realitenizde, halen “iyi ve kotu”nun zihninizde varligini surduruyor olmasindan

dolayi bazilari tehlikeli bir sekilde zihninizi,
duygularinizi, ve yasam gucunuzu kontrol etmekte. Ve, bu dualiteye inananlar
iste bu kontrol ve hakimiyet icin en savunmasiz durumda olanlardir. Bu
bilincsiz kontrol ediciler/denetleyiciler Sevgi den yoksundurlar, ve tum toplumsal zihnin
onlara pompaladigi negatif duygular ile beslenirler. Sunu
anlamalisiniz ki, korkarak surekli olarak onlari beslemektesiniz. Bu insanlar
gucluler cunku, bu dunya uzerindeki cehennemden cikis yolunuz olmadigina karar
verdiginiz gunden itibaren, onlara kendi gucunuzu teslim ettiniz.

uzanan yol.Eger ki, kendi Kalbinize
odaklanma kararini verir ve zihninizi Isa bilinci ile hizalamaya niyet
ederseniz, sizlere hemen yardim edilecegini goreceksiniz.
Sevgililer, ozgur iradeniz var!!!! Istenmedigmiz/talep edilmedigmiz surece mudahale
edemeyiz.Ve, sizlerin kendiniz icin yapmayi ogrenmeniz gereken seyi biz sizler
icin yapamayiz.
Buradaki DERSINIZ BUDUR..............mumkun olabilecek her sekilde yardim edecegiz ama
ruhunuzun derslerine mudahale edemeyiz. Arzu etmekte oldugumuz kadar siklikta bizleri
cagirmamaktasiniz. Cagrilmadikca
gelemeyiz. Ve, sizlerin uygunsuz ricalari neticesi “rahatsiz” oldugumuza dair
inanclarinizi birakmalisiniz.
Bu zamanda artik boyle birsey yok.

Cogu zaman bu cok kolay olan benzetmeyi kullandik, ve bundan daha kolay herkesin
anlayabilecegi baska birsey olamaz. Aynaya baktiginizi hayal edin.
Aynada yansimanizi goruyorsunuz. Yansimaniz yuzunuzde bir sivilce gosteriyor.
Onu koparmak icin aynaya dogru mu uzanirsinz? Hayir. Onun oldugu duyarli
bolgeye yani yuzunuze uzanirsiniz!!! Yansima yalnizca sizin icinizden cikani gostermektedir.
Ayni sey yasamakta oldugunuz dunya ve etrafinizda tum gordukleriniz icin gecerlidir. Bazi
seyler tamamen size ozeldir. Cunku, onlar
kendi zihninizin canli ifadeleri, yansimalaridir. Veya, Korfez krizi gibi
Global seviyede olan dramatik, katastrofik birseyler vardir.“Bunu ben
yaratmadim” diyebilirsiniz. “Bu olay oncesi boyle petrol sizintisi veya Korfez
ile ilgili dusuncelerim yoktu!” diyebilirsiniz. Gercek su ki, kolektif zihin
disariya yansitmakta oldugunuz negatif duygu ve dusuncelerin “hepsini
yakalamakta”. Eger, tum toplumsal zihin bu petrol sermayesinin karsisinda gucsuz
ve kollektif olarak negatif ise, o zaman EVET! Bu felaketin olusmasinda payiniz
oldu! Sifalanmada ilk adim katkida bulunmus oldugunuz sey icin sorumlulugunuzu
ustlenmenizdir, her ne kadar benzin deponuzu her doldurusunuzda soyleniyor
olsaniz da, veya gaz fiyatlarinin her arttisinda sizi bazi zevklerinizden mahrum
edecek sekilde fakirlestirdigine
inansaniz da..........Illuzyona her odaklanisinizda realiteniz daha da genisliyor derinlesiyor.
Dikkat nereye dogru ise enerji de oraya akar.............Bu anlamasi ve yasamasi cok kolay bir
yasa, degil mi? Evet, bu zihni disipline etmek ve Kaynak Enerji ile birlikte
yaratilan bir hayat yasamak icin samimi bir istek gerektirir.
............Fakat, sevgililer, bu sizin Gucunuzdur.
Sonuclarinin uzerine egilirken, tum dikkatinizi ve odakginizi Korfezin uzerine vermemeniz
gerekiyor. Korfezi temizlemek, kolektif bilince cok daha fazla zarar verici
negatif enerji odaklamak, BP’yi ve dunyayi yikima ugratanlardan nefret etmekten
cok daha farklidir.Onunuzde durandan nefret ederek pro-aktif oldugunuzu
dusunuyorsunuz......fakat, Cekim Yasasi burada size hangi titresimde olursa olsun, nefret

ettiginiz veya enerji gonderdiginiz herseyi deneyiminize
cagirdignizi ogretmek uzere var.

Sevgili Gaia’ya ,insanlara nefret dolu dusunceler ve duygular gondererek yardimci

olmuyorsunuz.Kendinizi cok kotu , berbat hissediyor olabilirsiniz. Kurban degilsiniz, Sevgili
sizler yaraticilarsiniz!!!! Bunu gercekten anladigniz anda, bilincinizde inanilmaz bir sicrayis
gerceklestirmis olacaksiniz. Dusuncelerinizi ve
duygularinizi kontrol etmeyi ogrenmek zorundasiniz!!!
Cekim Yasasi sizlerin dusunce akislariniza yalnizca daha fazla materyel zenginlik
olusturmaniz ve oburca ve bencilce ihtiraslarinizi tatmin etmeniz icin
aktarilmadi. Cekim Yasasi bilincliliginizin zihinsel akislarina ,GLOBAL
ZENGINLIK ve YUKSELIS icin dunyanizi degistirebilecek gucu sahiplenmeniz icin
takdim edildi, kendi kisisel cikarlariniz icin degil............

Eski program, materyelizm icin Cekim Yasasini kullanmanizi ister.Aslinda, Yuksek

Benliginizin Cekim Yasasini kullanmak icin tamamen farkli bir
acandasi,gundemi vardir. Eger, benzer benzeri cekiyorsa, niyetin , dusuncenin
ve pozitif duygularin gucu ile, bu Yasayi yapmis olduklarinizi yeniden
duzenlemek uzere nasil kullanabilirsniz??? Ebeler olarak, Dunyaya, Dunya Ana’ya fayda
saglayacak neleri cekebilmek icin niyet edersiniz????

Yeni dunyanin dogusu icin bu sizin bir aletiniz, ve siz bunu kendi bencilce istekleriniz icin
kullaniyorsunuz. Uyanin dunyanin sevgili insanlari ve
farkedin ki yalnizca INSAN VARLIK degilsiniz.......Kimliginiz ve realitenizin kaniti olarak
eger surekli bir sekilde hala bedene bakiyorsaniz,
hicbir zaman kim oldugunuzu bilemeyeceksiniz.

Ne ve kim oldugunuz bedeninizi HAYATA GECIRIR. Bunu bilmek sizi kurtaracaktir.Siki

sikiya tutunmakta oldugunuz olum korkunuzu birakmaya baslamalisiniz.Sizin uzerinizdeki
gucleri budur. Hepiniz olmekten korkuyorsunuz, cunku olumun gercek
olmadigni bilmiyorsunuz.

Eger, yalnizca bedeniniz olmadiginizi bilecek olsaniz, gucleneceginizi biliyorlar!!!

Bunu sizin uzerinizde tekrar ve tekrar kullaniyorlar, ve vucudunuzda “gercek” hastalik olarak
ortaya cikmasina sebep olan korku dolu dusunceler ile zihninizi ablukaya aliyorlar.
Gucunuz kendinize ait, ve sizi kontrol etmek isteyenlere tumunu devrettiniz.

ZAMAN SIMDI, ve HEPINIZ ıcın kim oldugunuzu ve GERCEKTEN nereden geldiginizi

hatirlamanin zamani geldi. Sizi temin ederiz ki, Varliginizin
GERCEK dogasina uyandiginizda, hicbir sekilde uzerinizde gucleri yoktur!!!

Zihniniz en degerli ve nadide servetiniz, ve BUNA SAHIPSINIZ, fakat,iblise(seytana) burada
kamp kurmasi icin izin verdiniz.Hakkiniz olani geri alma zamani.Zihninizden iblisleri
cikarma, ve Kutsal Ruhun onunde diz
cokerek zihninize sahip cikarak sizi ozgurlestirmesi icin istekte bulunma
Bekliyoruz, fakat, zihninizin korku ve illuzyonun pencelerinden ozgurlesebilmesi icin sizin
istekte bulunmaniz gerekiyor ki bizler
kurtulusunuzda sizlere yardimci olabilelim.

Simdi, eger cesaret edebilirseniz, dizleriniz uzerinde cokup Bizlere, YUkselmis Ustatlara ve
Varliklara, zihinlerinizi illuzyon dunyasinin baglarindan, kalbinizi depresyon
ve uzuntu, vicdan azabi ve korku duygularindan ozgurlesmeleri icin yardim
isteyin.Bizler sizlere destek olmak, yol gostermek icin buradayiz.Yalnizca, bir
an icin gercek ve samimi, kalpten bir yakaris Ilahi Tohum’un karanlik kabugunda
uyanmasina, onu catlatip gunese, isiga dogru buyuyup filizlenmesine yeterli
olacaktir. Gercek ben bu kucuk kabuk kirisi beklemekte. Uyanmamis olarak, siz
karanlik kabuksunuz, ve Kalbinizin en derinlerinde,Gercek Ilahi Ozunuzu tasimakta olan bir
tohum gomulu.Tanri’nin Sevgi Bahcesinde Ilahi bir Cicek
olabilmek icin bu kucuk catlamayi bekliyor.
Sizleri sulayacak ve sizleri yeni safliginiza ve varlginiza yonlendirecegiz. Kendinizden
Gercekten Goren
Gozlerinizden daha Buyuk birseye guven duymalisiniz, ve bu daha Buyuk sey sizin
icinizde …………dogmak icin sancilar cekmekte………

Olculebilenin cok otesinde guclusunuz, ve cok uzun zamandir bunu biliyordunuz………

yalnica kemik ve sivi dan ibaret olmadiginiz daha fazlasi da olabileceginiz
fikrine yeni yeni uyaniyor…….Iste bu daha fazlasi olana su anda tum dikkatinizi
vermeniz gerekiyor.Icınize donmelisiniz, gunluk meditasyonlar yaparak, kendiniz ve digerleri
icin Sevgiyi secmek uzere odaklanmalisiniz.Sizi onurlandirmayan her secim yapisinizda,
tumu de onurlandirmadiginizi bilin. Akillica secimler yapin.

Dunya Gezegeninin Sevgili Cocuklari, uyanmalisiniz.Zaman simdi. Zihniniz korumaniz

gereken sey. Kalbiniz, guvensiz ve korku dolu hissettiginizde gitmeniz gereken yer.
kalbinizin tapinaginda mevcut.Televizyonlarinizi kapatin. Size sizi iyi hissettirmeyen tum
haberleri okumayi kesin.

ONLARIN kullanmakta olduklari iletisim araclarini kullanmazsaniz sizi kontrol


Internetinizin ifade ozgurlugunuz icin olmasini talep edin! Onlarin bunu kapatmasina izin
vermeyin. DUSUNUN!
Cekim Yasasini kullanin.
Ne istemektesiniz? Buna odaklanin, negatif olan kutba degil.

Gucunuz var, ama onu nasil kullancaginiz hakkinda akilli olun. Boylesi, dusmanca ve negatif
olmak istemezsiniz. O
zaman, onlarin yapmanizi istedigi seyi yapiyor olursunuz.

Zihninizi istiyorlar.BUNU BILMELISINIZ.

Sizi surekli korku da tutabilmek icin herseyi yapmak istiyorlar…..
KENDNIZI NASIL POZITIF TUTABILIRSINIZ?? Zihninize girmelerine izin vermeyin! Dua
eder, meditasyon yapar, Sevgiye ve Dunya uzerinde Cennete ve Yukselisteki Dunya Ana’ya
cekersiniz ve bunu deneyimlersiniz…………Cekim Yasasinin nihai amaci budur.

Bugun sizlerden Inanilmaz Sevgi Kutsamalari ve Isa Zihnine dogru aralik bir kapi ile
birakiyoruız. Sizi iceriye sokamayiz, ama, sizleri her zaman guvende
olacaginiz Ilahi Zihnimize davet edebiliriz.

Sevgili Cocuklarim, dusunceleriniz silahlarinizdir, ne cesit bombalar atmayi dusunuyorsunuz?

bombalari mi yoksa, korku bombalari mi?

Ve, onlari nereye birakmakta oldugunuz ile ilgili sorumluluk almaya istekli misiniz?

Dunyanizi zihninizle yaratiyor veya yok ediyorsunuz, o zihninizden geldigine gore………..

Ne gormek istiyorsunuz?

Ne Olmak istiyorsunuz?

Cennetin dusunceleri nin Zihninizi doldurmasi dileklerimizle, BEN Saint Germain ve Bizler
Sizlerin Yukselmis Ustatlariniziz.

Alicia A. Rammel kanaliyla………….

Tercume:Humeyra Kanca


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 18, 2010 at 5:32pm


Sevgili okurlar,

Zor günler yaşadığımız ve yaşama dair çelişkiler içinde uğraştığımız bu zamanda, sizlerle
bundan takriben 3.330 yıl gibi, İnsanlığın
birçoğunun “Taş Devri” olarak adlandırılan zamanlarındaki, belki de çoğunuzun
zaten aşina olduğu bu müthiş düşüncelerini paylaşmak istedim.Umuyorum sizlerin
zihninde geçmişin farklı bir perspektifini canlandırıp çok daha farklı
düşünceler yaratacaktır.Anananın kim olduğuna dair özet ve bilinen en yakın
bilgi ile yazıya devam ederek O çok önemli ve derin bir içeriğe sahip “Papirüsü”
birlikte okumaya devam edeceğiz.

Anana Mısırda, 19.Hanedanın kurucusu Firavun I.Seti veya namı diğer I.Ramsesin (yaşamı
M.Ö. 1365-1279) son
dönemlerinde ve özellikle Ramses I’in oğlu II.Seti veya II.Ramsesin (yaşamı
M.Ö.1303-1213) ilk zamanlarında Saray baş katibi ve Kraliyet baş danışmanı
olarak yaşamıştır.(Not:Bu tarihler konusunda tarihçiler arasında tam bir birlik
yoktur ve tarihler halen çelişkisini muhafaza etmektedir.)

Papirüs Metni,

“Şahit olun! Bu tomarda yazmıyormu? Okuyun, ey siz Tanrıların okuma becerisi verdiği
kişiler, henüz doğmamış günlerin neler getireceğini
okuyun. Okuyun, siz geleceğin çocukları ve geçmişin, sizden çok uzak aynı
zamanda (da) aslında çok yakın gizemlerini okuyun.

İnsanlar yalnızca “bir kere doğmaz” ve ölünce de burayı sonsuzca terk etmezler.Her zaman bu
olmasa da, birçok kereler, birçok yerlerde yaşarlar.Bu yaşamlar bir “Karanlık”
perdesiyle birbirinden ayrılmıştır.

Kapıların açılacağı ve başlangıçtan itibaren (kendi) ayaklarımızla girdiğimiz bütün (bu)

odaları (yaşamları)
gözümüzün önüne sereceği gün gelecektir.

Dinimiz (bize) Ebediyen yaşadığımızı öğretir.Şimdi, sonu olmayan Ebediyetin başı da

olamaz, (çünki) o

bir dairedir.O halde eğer biri doğruysa, yani yaşamaya devam edeceğimiz, o
taktirde diğerinin de doğru olması gerekir, yani hep yaşamakta olduğumuz
(olan).(Geçmişte de yaşadığımız).

Rahiplerin İnsanların düşüncelerini buz kalıpları gibi dondurmadığı ve onlardan, binlerce

Tanrıya tapınaklar inşaa
etmediği “eski” günlerde, birçok kişi bu “akıl yürütme” nin doğruluğuna sahip
çıkıyordu ve dolayısıyla “Tek bir Tanrı” dan başkasının olmadığına

İnsanların gözlerinde Tanrı birçok “Yüzler” alır ve her biri de yalnızca kendi gördüğünün
“Gerçek Tanrı” olduğuna yemin eder.Ancak hepsi
yanılır, çünki hepsi de haklıdır.

Bizim Ka’larımız, (Karmalarda kazanılan deneyim benlikleri) ki bunlar bizim gizli kalmış
benliklerimizdir, kendilerini
bize çeşitli yollarla gösterirler.Her İnsanın varlığında saklı olan “Sonsuz
Bilgelik” kuyusundan (Akaşik kayıtlar-yzn.) çektiğimiz damlacıklar bize gerçeğe
bir göz atma şansı tanırlar, çünki talimatla gelen, bizlere “şaşırtıcı işler
yapma” kuvveti onlardadır.

Ruh hakkında bedenle, ya da Tanrı hakkında (onun) eviyle hükmedilmez.

Mısırlıların “Bok Böceği”, Tanrı değildir.yalnızca Yaradanın bir “Amblem” idir (temsilidir),
çünki o, küçük bir
çamur topağını ayakları arasında yuvarlaya yuvarlaya götürür ve onun içine
yumurtalarını bırakır.Tıpkı Yaradanın, yuvarlak olduğu anlaşılan Dünyayı
döndürmesi gibi ve orada hayat meydana gelmesine yol açtığı gibi.

Bütün Tanrılar Dünyaya sevgiyi armağan ederler, sevgi olmasa (bu) Dünya devam
edemezdi.Benim inancım bana hayaın ölümle sona ermediğini ve bu yüzden “Hayatın
Ruhu olan Sevgi” nin, hayat sürdüğü sürece süreceğini, belki sizinkinden bir
parça daha açık öğretiyor.

Bu görünmez bağın gücü (sevginin gücü), Dünya öldükten çok sonra bile iki Ruhu birbirine

Eğer çok sevdiğiniz birisini kaybederseniz, rahat olun.Ölüm yalnızca onu uyutan bir
“Dadı” dır, hepsi budur ve sabah olunca, başlangıçtan beri kendisi ile beraber
olanlarla birlikte (Aileyle) yeni bir günde yoluna devam etmek üzere

Ve bütün bunları günümüzden 3.330 yıl önce yazan baş katip ve danışman Anana bir diğer
Papirüste şöyle devam ediyor.

“İnsan birçok kereler doğar, ama geçmiş hayatları hakkında hiçbirşey bilmez; yalnız bazen bir
“Gündüz Düşü” (Dejavu) ya da aniden zihnine gelen bir “Düşünce” onu geçmiş
yaşamlarındaki bir sahneye götürebilir.Bu sahne ona tanıdık gelse de, onun ne
zaman ya da nerede yaşandığını zihninde belirleyemez.Buna karşılık sonunda, tüm
geçmiş hayatları kendilerini (bir gün ona) ifşa edeceklerdir.

Bir Enkarnasyonda bir arada olan Ruhların, bir diğer Enkarnasyonda tekrar bir araya
gelmeleri ve bir mıknatıs tarafından çekilircesine birbirlerine
yaklaştırılmaları çok muhtemeldir, fakat bunun nedenini

Değerli okurlar, günümüzden binlerce yıl öncesinde İnsanlığın bir çoğunun sahip oldukları
düşünceler ve Din ile, bu günün İnsanoğlunun sahip
olduğu düşünce ve Dinin ve onların yansıttığı eylemlerin yorumunu sizlerin derin
anlayışınıza bırakıyorum, kuşkusuz mantığınızın ve kalbinizin işbirliği
Ruhunuzda bunun doğru yorumunu yansıtacaktır…

Süleyman Kaya,

Farkındalığın “Aydınlık” ışığında sevgi, huzur ve uyumla…

Kaynak: Kayıp Kıta Mu-James Churchward (1851-1936)-Bölüm; insanlığın İlk Dini (Bu
kitap Atatürkün okuyup üzerinde notlar aldığı ve ilk
baskısı 1926 yıllarında yapılan kitaptır-Ege Meta Yayınlarına bu eşsiz değerdeki
kitabı bizlere kazandırdığı için sizlerin nezdinde an azından kendi adıma
teşekkür ederim.)


DL Zeta - Dönüşüm Elinizde - Yüksek

farkındalıklar ve potansiyellerin yeni
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 18, 2010 at 5:49pm

DL Zeta - Dönüşüm Elinizde - Yüksek farkındalıklar ve potansiyellerin yeni okyanusu

2010 yazının yoğun enerjileri üzerinizde ışımaktadır. Bu ışıma ile yeni düzeye gelebilmek için
oluşan, dönüştürücü yol, her birey için
ulaşılabilir haldedir. Bu sayede her bireyin sezgisel farkındalık
düzeyleri ve bilinçlenmeleri bir sonraki düzeye erişecektir. Dönüşüm
esnasında bilinçli zihniniz yeni potansiyelerin test edilmemiş sularında
ilerlerken oluşan hallere direnç gösterip mücadele halinde olabilir.

Bedeniniz bir takım tesir kuşaklarının etkisinde kalarak kendi
dönüşümüne devam edecektir. Bu hali bir türlü sabitlenememiş ve dengesiz
hal içindeymiş gibi deneyimleyeceksiniz.

Bu süreç esnasında anahtarınız kendi kendinizin dayanağı olmak ve kendinize, koşulsuz sevgi
ve yüksek farkındalığın doğrultusunda izin vermektir. Geleni kabul etmeniz önemlidir.

--0-- Yüksek benliğinizin vizyonlarını okuyup deşifre etmek

Bu yeni zamanlara doğru hareket ettikçe yeni vizyonlar, fikirler bulacaksınız ve zihninizin
ekranında yeni rüyalar göreceksiniz. Bu rüyaların bazıları daha önce gördüklerinizin dışında
Rüyalarınızı otomatik olarak indirgenen vizyonlar olarak ele almayın,

çünkü bu rüyalar sizin referans aldığınız şimdiki zaman çerçevesinden

Sizin -olasılıklar alanınız- potansiyelleriniz önceki aylarda yapmış olduğunuz temizliklere

uygun olarak şimdi değişmektedir. Bu odada yapılan temizlenmeler yeni bir düzeyde
yeralmak -varolmak- için
geçerlidir. Gelmekte olan bu yeni düzey bir takım potansiyeller setini
buraya getiriyor. Ayrıca şunu aklınızda tutun, yüksek benliğiniz sizinle
sembollerin dili ile konuşur. Bilincinizde idrak edip, gördüğünüz
vizyonların aslına uygun yorumları uygulanamaz. Rüyalardaki ifadeler
semboliktir. Örneğin rüyanızda yüksek bir dağa doğru tırmandığınızı
gördüğünüzde, bu vizyon size olmakta olan meydan okuma yerine gidip bir
çift dağ ayakkabısı alıp, bir gezi düzenlemeniz konusunda rehberlik
yapmıyordur. Bu rüyalarla ilgili günlük tutmaya başlamak için güzel bir
gündür. Dolayısıyla rüyalarınızı bir not defterinde kayıt almaya
başlayınız. Bu rüya sembollerini size has olduğu için kendinize göre
yorumlayınız. (Çevirmenin notu:Bir başkasına yorumlatmayınız.) Önünüzde
ki haftalarda, aylarda bu sembol siz onun anlamını açık bir şekilde
idrak edene kadar bir kaç kez daha gözükecektir.

Bu yeni vizyonlar, bilincinizin yeni düzeylerini fiziksel realiteye nasıl yansıttığınızı

göstermektedirler. Fiziksel realiteler uzun süre sizin iç realitenizle uyuşamazlar ve sizde
stress, düş kırıklığı hüsran
ve ani kesilme noktaları yaratır. (Çevirmenin notu: Halk arasında bir
şeyden soğumak deyimi kullanılabilir)

--0-- Gelecek hafızası ve sezgisel farkındalığın yeni düzeyi

Birçoğunuz sezgisel farkındalığın yeni düzeylerini deneyimliyorsunuz. Bu durum haliyle

yakın geleceğin olası potansiyel hallerini meydana gelmeden önce farketmenize neden oluyor.
Şuuraltı zihninizde geçmiş ve
gelecek yoktur.(Çevirmenin notu: Araştırınız Ekminezi hadiselerini)
Bütün zaman genişlemiş tek bir AN'da mevcuttur. Bu genişleme halinden
ilerlerken gelecek diye tabir ettiğiniz haller sizin geçmişiniz olurlar.
Aslında geçmiş hallerin anlamı sizin için daha berrak ve açık bir
şekile dönüşmektedir. Dönüşümün kaynağı daha uyumlu bir bilincin
kendisini daha uyumlu bedenlere yansıtmasından kaynaklanmaktadır. (Bkz:Zamanda geri
Anahtarınız, farkındalığın gelişmiş güçlerinde yatmaya kendinize izin
vermekten geçmektedir. (Geleni bir akar olarak görüp onun akacağı yatağı
temizlemeniz icab etmektedir) Bu hal içindeyken yüksek alemleri daha
net algılarsınız. Yükselmek bu bapta yüksek ahlak sahibi olmaktan geçer.

--0-- Yükselmiş idrak ve güçlü koridorların acısı

Her yeni idrak haline girdikçe, sizler yüksek alıcılığın/duyarlılığın mekanına girersiniz. Bu
yeni mekan içinde çevrenizdeki olguların daha derin düzeylerini gözlemlersiniz. Sevgi ve
şefkatin yeni düzeylerinin
tetiklemesi ile oluşan acıların daha derin düzeylerini sezgi ile
hissedersiniz. Belli bir süre yeni düzey bir bilgi içindeyken artan

hassasiyetiniz ile bu durum size acı dolu gelecektir. (Çevirmenin notu:
Acı dolu gelmesinin sebebi gelen üst titreşime uyumlanma, geleni
sindirebilme özelliği kazanma, belli bir süre almaktadır işte bu hali
bilgiyi veren plan koridora benzetiyor.) O koridordayken geri dönmeye
çalışmayın. Bilakis o yeni bilgi enerjisini şefkatin ve sevginin
mekanında tutun. Sevginin mekanından her şey
yüksek düzeyden anlaşılır. Bilinçli zihniniz şu AN'da olmakta olan dönüşümü anlamak
isteyecektir fakat bu her zaman mümkün değildir.

Varlığınız şefkatin ve sevginin yeni bir düzeyine hareket etmek için algıladığınız her şekilde
size soruyor. Koşulsuz sevginin gücüne inanın ve dönüşümün rüzgarları eserken sizi keyifsiz
bırakıren bırakın
bilinciniz dinlensin

--0-- Gam, Keder, Yabancılaştırma, Gözünü açma/Hayal kırıklığı yaşam ve Fiziksel


Bu süreç esnasında yabancılaşma ve hayal kırıklığını deneyimlemek ortak bir hal değildir.
Kendinizi sebepsiz ağlarken bulabilirsiniz. Gamın, kederin verdiği hissiyat ve zararı önünüze
ve merkezinize
gelebilir. Her ne olursa olsun, önceden hellaleşemediğiniz -hakkını
vermediğiniz- konular büyük bir şiddetle sizin karşınıza çıkacaklardır.
Bu hissiyatlar birinin kaybını, statüsünü ve realitesini kaybetmesini
tetikleyecek ve şimdi günlük yaşamınızdan geçeceklerdir. Artık kendinizi
hayatınızda uzun bir süredir olan bu kişilere ve durumlara bağlamanıza
gerek yok. Fiziksel olarak kendinizde uzun saatler uyuma ihtiyacı
olabilir. Kendinizi bu zamanlarda başınızın döndüğü ve sanki
topraklanmamış gibi hissedebilirsiniz. Doğal olarak kazalar ve zaman
senkronizasyonlarının dışında olmanız ortak bir haldir. Kendinizi yapmış
olduğunuz takvimlerden, yükümlülüklerden uzaklaştırırsanız daha iyi
hissedersiniz. (Çevirmenin notu: Amaç akışla beraber uyumlu akışı
hissederek gitmek) Sizi bağlayan şeyleri salınıma bırakarak kendinizi
onlardan koparıp uzaklaşın böylece kendiniz sessiz bir şekilde
potansiyellerin yeni okyanusunda hareket ederek sonsuzluğa uzayacak.

Kaynak: http://www.celestialvision.org/journal/

Devamı: http://www.maddeveruh.org/ruh-ve-madde/1/888/DL-Zeta-Donusum-Eliniz...
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives


Are You Feeling Edgy And Not Sure Why -
Jim Self
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 18, 2010 at 6:10pm

Are You Feeling Edgy And Not Sure Why - Jim Self

Here's a short update Jim posted on his Facebook page.

The Solar Flares...they have just begun.

If you live in northern latitudes no doubt, you're well aware of the effects of tremendous solar
activity of late. If you've not been
able to see the stunning auroral displays or have not had them forwarded to you
in e-mails, likely you've been feeling the effects and just didn't know

Have you been: Impatient? Restless? Itching to do something but you can't figure out what it
is? Extra edgy? Feeling like you need to clear
invisible cobwebs off your skin? Wanting to bark at everything you perceive is
in your way? Do you hear static electricity crackling around you?

These are common effects of when highly charged solar energy reaches Earth. Forget
about disrupted cell phone service and that your favorite reality TV character
turns into a pixilated pixie. The influx of energy typically offers an agitated
time in which mind and body do not synchronize. The mind might be tired and the
body needs activity; or the body might be dragging and the mind won't shut off.
It happens with these energies.

Best thing to do, get outside, lean against a tree and go for some good grounding. Everyone is
feeling these blasts.
Sentient folks feel it more than most. So, take some time to chill, relax and
shake off the static.

We are now slowly scaling up to the solar maximum - when the sun reaches the culmination
of its 11 year activity cycle – to be
experienced sometime in 2011. I'll do my best to keep you up to date on these
events, but if you want immediate notification you can go to www.spaceweather.com and sign
up for their alerts.

If you're interested in keeping up with the latest information about the Shift as the energies
escalate, you might want to explore
the benefits of our new PathWays program at http://tiny.cc/n2lo6.



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 18, 2010 at 6:27pm


"Well Good Afternoon, Good Evening, good, good, good! All is good, as we come together in
this wondrous Family. We are joyful. We see who you are. We see your Lights
shining. We feel the closeness of this connection that we have. And it is
powerful, Beloveds, beyond words, because it is a connection of Love. No higher
power can there be to unite us in the holy, sacred celebration and communion of
who we all are, Divine Beings, purposefully led with missions which sometimes
seem to be a bit overwhelming, but nevertheless led to be in this exact moment,
in this exact place, and in this exact manner, with your attitudes, your hearts,
all of your being coming together in this Divine Love, in this sacred
"And so we have an item or two before we begin. First of all be it known that we asked the
Ashtar on the Road Team to devise a different format, because the topic of
Lemuria is so big, and so vast, and it is a topic which we shall be returning to
as Lemuria Now becomes reality. What we suggested was that your questions be
divided into three groups, and we shall leave it up to the lovely Elise to
determine how long it is for each group that we have, because the last grouping
is where we want to take everyone this
So here are the three parts. We know you are curious and we want to tell you. The three parts
are: 1.) Questions that have to do with Lemuria then, 2.) Questions that
have to do with Lemuria Now, that is bringing Lemuria forward, envisioning with
you and answering your questions about what it's going to be like, what it is
already like, 3.) And then the third part is empowering Lemuria Now, coming
together in the sacred mission, or Exercise we like to call it, Exercise of the
Heart, joining together in this fabulous Family gathering, to help to bring
forth the entire lifestyle of Lemuria Now, in all of its beauty, in all of its

harmony, and let's face it, in all of its empowerment. So that is the format
that we have.
"We shall have a guest speaker as always. He is Family. I know him well. And he shall be the
one to come forth to facilitate for all of us this exercise of anchoring and
empowering. And oh yes, Mother Sekhmet is here. We have some Lemurian tunes
tonight, but she has her dancing slippers on, and she will adjust to the rhythm
of the tunes. Now we also want to tell you that the Spirit of Lemuria is very
much alive and well in various parts of the World in Hearts, and the Ascension
Center that you have heard about is real as
"And we have been providing information about some modalities, and offerings, and services,
that shall be there that are beyond 3D and indeed what we have
presented up until this now moment, because after all we keep climbing higher
and higher, so we have presented some information on these things which are new.
And as the sequential flow of events continues, there will be information coming
to all of our Family and beyond to the World about these wondrous creations,
which are very close.
"So, we want to thank you for coming, and we thank those of you who have emailed in your
questions and to remind you, yes, I, Ashtar, and the others in this grand
company, the Spirits, the Masters, the Angels, Representatives from all the
Kingdoms are very much here, and shall very much continue to co-create this new
forum, or format that we are discussing.
"Now there will be on-going communication, primarily through the internet as always. And
just as soon as something is, shall we say, humm, created by this group, the
Ashtar on the Road Group, and those of us in service with them, we'll be letting
you know. We'll be sending out some news, some announcements. So if you are new
to this Family gathering, and have not yet put yourself on the list to receive
the information, then you can go to the website and do so, if you so
"All righty! I think we have covered the details. Now, we have a general information packet to
present to you about Living Lemuria, Lemuria Now, Lemuria live,
Lemuria Then, it's all Lemuria. And here's the information that you need. We
have defined individual energy fields. We shall review. This is important! You,
that wondrous bundle of energy that you are, the Love you are, have many
different components in your energy fields, you have your past, you have your
present, you have your future, you have your parallel and your dimensional
selves, and you have all your bodies: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual,
and so on.
"Now everybody is a part of the one we all are, while at the same time having individuality
within your fields. So don't get too much into Quantum Physics.
We're not really going there, except to tell you that there are many different
versions of Lemuria Then, and it's all wondrous
"Hmm, let us bring back our friend the elephant. If you are sitting on the back of the elephant
you might have, in fact you do have, a much different view than if you
are lying underneath the tummy of the elephant, yes? The elephant is rather huge
you know. We have selected the elephant, because of its hugeness. Well that's
history/herstory as well.
"And so when you are looking for information in any of the various aspects, but we are
focusing upon what you call the past at this moment, be advised that there

are many different versions, depending upon the perspective of the one you're
getting the information from. Be not concerned about that. We're not going to
talk about discrepancies, and we're not going to declare that there's only one
right story, and you're hearing it here, because that's rather silly. There are
many, as many different perspectives as there are accesses to the information.
So be not concerned.
"We shall be speaking more in generalities, and we can say to you, for instance, that the first
beings came to Lemuria anywhere between a hundred thousand and a million
years ago, because it's all been seen in each one of those timelines, and in
between as well. Remember, time does not exist except on Planet Earth, and there
are many, many, distortions, that have taken place, many different timelines
that have been formed, and many different sources of information. And if we're
going to talk about channeled information, remember, you can find all different
versions among the channelers who are totally connected with Source. So be not
"Also there are discrepancies about who the first Star Seed Beings were who came to
Lemuria. Well there many from many different places. So if you feel that you have
Pleiadian heritage, and you resonate with coming to Lemuria as a Pleiadian
identity, you're
absolutely correct! If you feel that you have the heritage of the
Sirian in your genes, and you feel as though you came to Lemuria in your Sirian
identity, you, too, are absolutely correct! We are not saying this to create
confusion. We are saying this to say to you it's all blessed, because you are
the blessing Beloved Ones. You are the Love, and it was the Love energy that you
all brought to Lemuria, and that's why Lemuria is alive today, and that is what
is being brought forth: the Spirit, the Love, the Joy, the Fun. You know there's
a great joker present and his name is Maui, and he has a lot of fun, and so
"So just celebrate that you are connected, that's what's important here. It doesn't matter when
you came, or who you came with, or whatever; it's that you came. And
yes, there were many who came. This was opening up Planet Earth to humanity. And
you came with purpose. You came in your Light bodies, but you allowed, as the
veil that you called for, came and became more and more dense, you allowed your
Light bodies to transmute, as it were, with the very highest of purpose in mind,
and that was to create as humans. You hadn't done that before, it was a
"And oh, what experiences you created! You were on mission from Mother/Father, and you
came from different parts of the Universe, and you came to be a part of this
grand, what do you call it, the grand opening of Planet Earth, indeed. And you
came with Love so pure you literally sparkled and radiated it out from your
entire beings, from all of your fields, you know, the fields we've been
discussing. And you came and you co-created the Lemurian experience. And as the
veil lowered, and as you forgot your Divinity, you left it intact within your
beings, but it was hidden. It was hidden, as it needed to be, because how else
could you do such perfect missions, if you had remembered all the way through,
all of your experiences in human body, it would have been impossible for you to
"How could you have harmed another human, or an animal? How could you have allowed
your ego to lead you into wars, into stealing, and all that goes with fear-based thoughts
and words and actions? You couldn't have done it. Now here's something that we

want you to ponder for just a moment, and we'll get to our questions. If you had
not done such a perfect job of living all of these experiences and acquiring all
of the wisdoms from these experiences, the wisdoms for you to shine forth and
share with all of humanity and all of Mother Gaia's Kingdoms, how could you
possibly be ready for Ascension now? Interesting question is it not? It is the
return to Love, which is the most basic of wisdoms that coming home to Lemuria
is about.
"We are especially fond of alliteration, and we will tell you, that what you are coming home to
is the 'Loving Lemurian Lifestyle,' and the more that you can accomplish
your homecoming within your own heart, the more you are helping the Planet. Now
there are many advantages to recognition, to bringing into your energy fields
the essence, the empowerment of Lemuria, and we're talking about Ascension here.
We're talking about committing to the Loving Lemurian
"Now, even more, we're going to amp it up. We're going to amplify it even more. We know
that all of you have made that commitment. Wasn't that Lion's Gate
fantastic?!!! Empowerment, Beloved Ones, empowerment of Love; when you walked
through that gate you received even more empowerment. And then of course we have
this new moon period, creation, co-creation even more. Do you see what we're
doing? We're amplifying, we're amplifying, we're amplifying, we're moving up in
our vibration. The path to Ascension is commitment to the Loving Lemurian
Lifestyle, and that is what we are here to amplify, and bring even more of its
empowerment into all who are with us in this beautiful gathering of Family. And
of course as we co-create we share. You know the Lemurian Lifestyle is
absolutely about sharing.
"And we shall have more information as we proceed with these questions, because we know
you would like to hear more specifics. And that, Beloved Ones, is what we're
here for. So then we'll have after the questions and answers, we'll have a bit
of a wrap-up with the 'how to do it' in two parts. I, Ashtar shall give the
first part, and our Beloved Family Member shall give the second. And so we shall
begin discussion. Know that your voices are being heard even as Elise reads your
questions. So we shall begin."
Elise: "Thank you Ashtar. I have a question from Laura. She says, 'I would like to know if the
Oregon Coast in particular, or all of the northwest up to Canada and
beyond were part of Lemuria?'"
Ashtar: "Well of course and beyond that. You may have heard. Laura, you do live in very
sacred place. Uh humm! This one likes Froggies. All righty! Yes, and going south
through the Americas down to South America, and there are places in what you
call the far eastern rim. And of course we see that the Heart of Lemuria is in
these islands, in the Pacific, peaceful Pacific Ocean, and we call this land
Hawaii, and there are other islands. You see, at one time all of this was
connected. But you do not have to go to one of these places because Lemuria,
your connection to Lemuria is in your hearts wherever you are. So whether you
are called to be in a, what you call it, a physical, geographical, location or
not, is up to you and your discernment. But know that wherever you are you carry
Lemuria with you. All righty!"
Elise: "Thank you Ashtar. I think that might also answer Deborah's question. But number two
is. Oops, I switched the page. I'm going to combine these two. This one is
from Loreli, 'Are the Lemurians more human-like, and are any of them
reptoid-like?' And Iris asks, 'Is it true that everything then, at the time of

Lemuria, was so much bigger physically, the humans were taller, the vegetation
was quite large, as well as animals being larger than
Ashtar: "Oh how interesting! All righty! Because there were many Star Seed People, Star
Seed Beings, not to be confused with humans, Star Seed Beings who came here in their
identity, there was a variety of shapes and heights and colors, we had green, we
had blue, we had the kitty cats, we had a friendly race of reptoids who wanted
to get in on the fun, and not to be confused with others you may have heard of.
The original ones who came to Lemuria were all high dimensional beings, well
let's say higher than third, living in the higher vibrations of the dimensions
that they came from.
You know, there's a grand teacher who speaks of, what is it, overtones of dimensions, and he
has about 144 different parts, and so on, and this is very true also, but
we're not going to go into that. Just suffice it to say that they came from all
over, primarily from this galaxy of course, and they were variety, but they all
had connections, heart connections, Love, and they all had sacred purpose. It
was to take on the veil, and get into the bodies of the humans, and to be one
that is recognizable as human. And what you may not be aware of, is that, yes,
among the humans there were varieties. You could have a man, well people were
generally shorter in those days, but you could have a man who said, 'Well, I
really liked being twelve feet tall when I came from Niburu, so I think that
that I'll just hang out in the human body of six feet
"And you might have had someone else who came from, oh perhaps, Arcturus and they were
shorter in stature, and they might have said, 'Well that's great, but I want to
be a little closer to the ground and to nature, so I'll take a humanoid body
that's four feet tall.' So, you see there was some variety, different eye
colors, different hair colors, and so on, but all connected as
"And guess what, just because they chose their human form, they all knew each other anyway,
because they were all one heart, one mind. But, as the veil lowered, of course,
that particular aspect; well it was just locked; the veil hid it. So, there was
great, great, great, variety amongst those who first came to Lemuria. And oh
yes, the animals who came too were of great variety, and they kept more of their
individuality than the humans did. The humans recognized that they had a common
mission, the animals came primarily to be in service to the humans, in some
manner or other. So, that's how it worked. All righty! (I love to say 'all
righty' - I say it a lot.)"
Elise: "Thank you Ashtar."
Ashtar: "Oh indeed, I am not by myself you know, we have Mother [Sekhmet] here standing
Elise: "OK, this is from Tom: 'Until the de-cloaking and NESARA announcements occur we
must continue to live in 3D as well. Families must be provided for, especially the
protection/nurturing of young children. As a practical matter this can entail
working a second job at night, because the day job does not pay as much as it
used too. Additional time working and taking care of all these 3D
responsibilities does not help one maintain the high vibes, rather quite the
opposite, pulling one more into the 3D and out of 5D. All of this feels like
it's going to be a long time until the dark ones are sent packing and NESARA
arriving. A lot of channeled information talks about it occurring in 2012 over

two years away. The question is how does one stay in the high five dimensional
vibration to usher in the Lemurian times which may be years away, while needing
to spend more, and more time in 3D activities to take care of their family
Ashtar: "Oh my goodness! We congratulate you for acknowledging this 3D aspect of what
you are presenting here, and we're going to say something that is serious; so listen
up: don't blink! Because if you do, you're going to miss the aspects of the
'Loving Lemurian Lifestyle' which are even now presenting themselves. You have
choices, Beloved One, and obviously you have wondrous ones who are depending on
you. Take them in, even the children into your circle, and co-create a higher
vibration for all of you. You might even allow the children to lead the way,
because they are higher vibration, the children of today, and it's because
everything is flowing in the sequential flow. We shall be assisting and
facilitating to bring a higher vibrational state that will connect us and enable
us to bring Lemuria even more into Planet
"We understand what you're saying about your energies being somewhat scattered. We assure
you the time is very short for this. This is the time for you to create
your visions, and we shall be providing some information which could be quite
helpful to you in that. Beloved
One, we know. Understand that you have saved, most of you have saved, your
greatest test for yourselves. Remember you all created these for yourselves you
know, with the help of your guidance team. Because this is it. This is where you
rise. This is where you become citizens, carriers, if you will, within your
beautiful fields, of the vibrations of Lemuria Now, and all that it
"This is where you recognize yourselves as having reached the end of the trail of hardship,
and this is where you accept your sacredness, your higher dimensional
selves, and we suggest that you get with your Family, with your Guides, and that
you say, 'I AM committed to my path of Love, of Ascension,' and you invite your
Guides to come close. Feel their Love, and accept it into your being, and you're
going to feel some instant high
"Find a vision quickly. What does it feel like? What do it look like? What does it sound like?
How does it feel inside of your heart to have this closeness, this
connection? And start re-membering it, so that you can keep bringing it back,
and bringing it back. We never said that this was going to be easy, and neither
did you, Beloved Ones. But it's getting easier in every moment. You made
it; we're past the Lion's Gate date!!! We have perhaps some bumpies in the road
that we see on your timelines, but smooth them out. There are so many wondrous
healing facilitators who can help you to identify where your blocks are. Go
within. Get your own MAP Team going. There are many, many things that you can
do. Use the
Ho'oponopono. Use the lessons of Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude.
Put sticky notes up everywhere. Be your
mirror of Love. If you look into the mirror and you see Love beaming back at
you, you can't stay in the 3D dumpies. Love, be Love, express Love, shine Love
to the World. And call forth your team to find the smoothest, straightest, path
to higher dimensionality, and if you're envisioning that it's going up just know
that you are on one of those moving belts, the escalator that goes up. Now you

don't want to jump off of that do you? So just move yourself up another step, or
however you want to see
"Be one with the All that we are, Beloved Ones. And above all else recognize what a treasure
you are, how sacred you are, and that you don't need the three
dimensional creations of ego, and so on, and so on. Because all you really are,
and the Truth of your entire being, is Love. And so it is! (Well, that was
somewhat of a long
Elise: "Yes, Thank you Ashtar! This is from Lynn, actually Alice Anne, excuse me. I'm going
to just go to her question for time wise, 'Could you say something about
how Lemuria rising assists us in co-creating this new reality, and where some of
the pitfalls might be as we move forward through all these dimensional shifts,
timelines and heart-ful
Ashtar: "Ah, wondrous question is it not? And we did give some answer to that with the last
question. So, pitfalls, hmm; well, if you feel a scrunching in your tumtum,
it's your ego wanting to keep you in the false illusion of the 3D box, because
your ego is about fear. Yes, its protected you. It kept you from stepping into
the street when a car was careening around the corner; you know that little
feeling, but your ego really deserves a rest, a lovely vacation. So, if you
are feeling scrunched up and you've got some 3D fear going on and so on, you can
take a time out, and you can talk with your ego as a loving Mother talks to a
child, soothe it, nurture it, thank it for all it has done for you, and love it,
and then invite it up into your heart space. Create a special place for it where
it's comfortable. And at first it might say, 'Well, I'm afraid to leave this
place.' Then just say, 'Well try it for a nano-second, and the next time try it
for a second, and so on.' You speak to your ego, not in fear, not in anger,
because that's an out growth of fear, and not with
"Remember that funny man who used to talk about himself and some of his life's experiences,
of course he made them up for the show. But he was so fond of
saying, 'The devil made me do it!' (Flip Wilson). Well whatever it is, Beloved
One, that you have done is perfect for your experiences, so thank yourself and
be grateful, and thank your ego for being a part of it, and then invite your ego
to take a rest. You're not
casting out your ego. You're not leaving your ego behind. You're just aying,
'OK, we have a new role for you called on vacation. How about that?
We're going to have so much fun, I'm taking you with me. But we're not taking
any of your baggage. You don't need it. Everything you need is going to be
provided, because you're going to be nurtured with Love. How does that sound?'
So that will help you to get up and out of the 3D. And there are many other
ways that you can do it; many helps, many guides, and so on. Do what resonates
with you. Everyone, do what
Elise: "All righty!"
Ashtar: "Are there more?"
Elise: "Yes, we have a couple of questions from Julian. 'Will we all be living fully from our
higher selves in our Light bodies, and I hear about going briefly to fourth dimension, then

fifth dimension, is this the same
Ashtar: As we said, there is a wise teacher (Drunvalo Melchizedek) who learned from a very
wise one, Thoth himself, who talks about the different overtones of the different dimensions.
We're not going
to go there, except to say that when you leave 3D it's good to have your Guides
with you, or at least one whom you trust. You can even invite Mother/Father to
hold your hand and fly with you, or however you want to do it. Because there is
a level of 4D, which is called the astral, and it is nice if you can just kind
of bypass it you know, and get up to the higher levels of
4D, where
you're going to find the Nature Spirits. Avalon went there you know; had to go
into the mist and that's where Avalon went. And the Angels, and then 5D is
generally recognized as Christ Consciousness, and it goes up from there, and so
on, and so on, and so on. Look for the Light if you're traveling, if you're
doing what you call out of body travel. Go where the Light is. Go where the Love
is. Go where you feel only Love, only Joy. And it really doesn't matter that
"Now, by the same token, we're going to share with you that in Ascension for most people,
some will go further immediately, most will go to 5D. That's a place where you
can really get the Love, and it's a place where that Love is going to support
you, because you're going to, guess what? Make decisions. Do you want to hang
out with wondrous ones who've gone on before you, and have parties and reunions
and celebrations? That's great! Do you want to go back to school, perhaps the
great universities of Arcturus? Great! Do you want to know what it is to be
back in your own ship made of wondrous materials unknown on Planet Earth, pretty
much unknown. Do you want to reconnect with flying in your own Merkaba? Well,
it's undergone a few changes, a few upgrades!
"Do you want to get into music? You might want to hang out with the Angelic Realm and join
in. You're going to have choices. And always, always, always you will be
advancing even more. You won't have the constrictions and the restrictions of
the 3D box to hold you back. The Universe is yours Beloved Ones, and it is
Elise: "Well thank you - that kind of answered the rest of our questions really-as far as
telepathic communications, electro-magnetic, anti-gravitational, I mean,
types of vehicles."
Ashtar: "Oh, it's all there. And some of it is coming before Ascension. Humm, Sekhmet favors
the little red sports car, and it doesn't have any
Elise: "Convertible of course!"
Ashtar: "So picture that one for just a bright, loving, high vibe moment, and then let us
Elise: "What lifespan do people on Lemuria have?"
Ashtar: "Well, when people came to Lemuria in their original beings, oh the life spans were
generally a minimum of three hundred years, and could easily be more,
extended by will, if a mission was not complete, and so on. As they, of course,
took on the human bodies, the life span generally dropped more and more over
time. Now those who stayed close to the Earth were generally recognized, and
still are, as having capacity for longer life spans, but that's the body, we're

talking about, we're not talking about the
"You're immortal, Beloved Ones. You're unending. So whatever you choose to do could have -
let us say that you want to go back into your Pleiadian lifestyle body,
whatever you want to call it. And it might be that you would live 900 years, you
complete your mission, you take your Spirit and you go someplace else. It sounds
rather easy, and simple, and straight forward, and when you get there it will
be. Isn't that
"You as humans have just done such a wondrous job of creating complications, and you are
honored and appreciated for so doing, and we are, at the same time that we are
congratulating you for that, we are also being very serious to tell you that we
understand, and we know where you've been, because some of these complications
have been very seriously, dangerously, harmful, demeaning, upsetting, and just
painful for you.
"And we honor you that you are coming to the end of those experiences, and that you are
coming of your own free will, that the consciousness of the Earth rose on that
great date known as the Harmonic Convergence, where the consciousness said,
'We're going to do it this time. We may have failed before, but this time we're
doing it.' So congratulations to all of you for all that you have experienced in
your human bodies!
"And know that you are greatly honored, and loved, and appreciated. And know that the good
times are rolling out for
Elise: "Thank you."
Ashtar: "What is next?"
Elise: "I think we need to cut off the time, so there's just one more, but we can do it later."
Ashtar: "Do we have time for the lifestyles?"
Elise: "Yes."
Ashtar: "All righty! Well, let's just keep going. What is the question?"
Elise: "Will Lemuria occupy a different space to that of Mother Earth?"
Ashtar: "Lemuria is becoming extant upon Mother Earth. What does that mean? It means they
are one and the same. Lemuria has always been a part of Mother Earth and
always will be. Now, a part of Mother Earth, as it is seen in this moment; well
let us say a replica, a duplicate of Mother Earth is prepared for those who may
still be choosing not to make the Ascension. Mother Earth will be Lemuria risen
into the now, ascending even higher in vibration, because of the Loving Lemurian
Lifestyle, which is coming back into hearts and clear visions. So there is no
separation between the ascending Mother Earth and the Loving Lemurian
Elise: "OK, thank you we are complete with this, the questions."
Ashtar: "And all the Q and A?"
Elise: "We have. We are."
Ashtar: "I like my slang! We have still our guest, and so on, so we want to present a picture to
kind of bring it together, a vision for you. This Loving Lemurian
Lifestyle that we are discussing will be felt and seen and heard and experienced
on all levels everywhere. It's another name for the Age of Aquarius, the Golden
Age, a return to Love. It is
bringing forth the most ancient wisdoms of Lemuria, and bringing them into what
you call your now moment. In doing that, it is co-creating the future, it

is brightening and lightening up the paths, it's bringing together the exact
conjunction of the timelines so as to go forth on the Lemurian path. It is all
of these and more.
"So what is this Loving Lemurian Lifestyle? Well, we shall be asking our guest speaker to
describe how it feels, to anchor it in hearts, and to share it with the hearts of the entire Planet
and beyond.
But I, Ashtar would say to you, you have so many gifts and so many tools each
and everyone of you. We ask that
you use your gifts to connect with this Love, this purity, this sacredness, and
to keep the purity, the integrity, always in your vision and in your hearts so
that as you move along your paths, your pathways with the moving stairs, if you
like. You know who you are, and you know that you're coming home to your
beginnings on Planet
"Now one of the most basic tools, or gifts, that we invite you to encourage by practicing is the
tool of telepathy. You can use your voices anytime you wish, in a Loving
Lemurian Lifestyle, and indeed you may be a singer, a teacher, a healer. But we
ask that you begin, and most of you already have, to heighten your telepathic
communications. Start with your high self, your heart, your Guides, perhaps you
and another being on the path would like to practice, being in different rooms,
or across the World from each other. And we will
tell you something, Beloved Ones, if you have a child who will practice with
you, it will be a grand help to you in developing this gift in which today's
children are already well practiced, and very much in loving harmony in
"You see, the children have a network. The children are here to help and facilitate. They are so
beautiful. So that's just what you call it, a helpful heart hint for all of you. You are so loved
and you
are so appreciated, and we honor and treasure you beyond words, for coming to
this gathering of hearts, of minds, and of spirits. And so I, Ashtar shall leave
the stage, and we shall transition* a bit, up, up, up, even more, and then we
shall co-create together, bringing Lemuria Now into the hearts of all present
here, and indeed the World beyond. And so it is.
Transcription by Arnold Troeh
*Ashtar was followed by the Lei'ohu Ryder song Aloha No O Waitapu from her album Honor
All Life. http://leiohuryder.com/index.html
Given through Susan Leland, August 10, 2010. www.AshtarontheRoad.com © Ashtar on the
Road Publications 2010. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of
us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is
acknowledged and that no part is altered or
By popular demand, we are offering a "4 for 3" opportunity beginning with this August 24th
call. If you pay for the next 3 calls beginning with August 24th, you will receive the 4th call
free. The
registration for this offer must be complete by 9am PDT on Tuesday, August
24th. If you already have 3 credits, you'll get a 4th call for free. If
you already have 2 credits, you can pay for 1 more call and get a 4th call free.
If you already have 1 credit, you can pay for 2 more calls and get a 4th call

free. Susan has emailed all of you who have credits to let you know how many you
have. If you haven't received an email from her, you don't have any current
credits at this time. If you have a question, please email Susan at ashtarontheroad@aol.com .
Please register here: http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/catalog/item/2497194/2108034.htm
Namaste, Susan, Fran & Elise


Master Hilarion's Weekly Message - August
15-22, 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 18, 2010 at 6:28pm

Master Hilarion's Weekly Message - August 15-22, 2010

August 15-22, 2010

Beloved Lightworkers,

Many changes are now taking place within you and around you. The dimensions are
beginning to come closer together and the veils that have kept you blinded are being lifted
from you and you will notice
that your perceptions are getting ever more accurate and your intuition is
always leading you upon the Path you have set for yourselves before you came to
the Earth plane. Look around you and notice how everything is feeling the
Oneness of all that is. Those of you who have been doing your inner work are
beginning to feel a greater Lightness of Being and you are beginning to
experience more and more moments of joy and bliss, for no apparent reason other
than it feels so good.

Our Scribe has now begun a steady thought stream of ‘thank you’ and is training herself to be
in deep gratitude at all times.
There have been and still are, many challenges in her daily life and in her
beloved family members’ lives that have tested and are testing, each. As in the
lives of each of you, our Scribe has had to walk the ways of this World and
experience the many challenges that beset Humanity. Many seeming injustices have
occurred without apparent purpose and yet, she has been able to keep her bottom
line – and that is - that Love is the greatest force in the Universe. Each of
you are also connecting deep within yourselves, at the core of your Being, and
are emerging stronger and brighter than ever. We know it has not been easy, but
it was necessary and there will come a time when all will be made totally clear
to you.

Have faith in your Higher Self and Great I AM Presence and trust that you are each being
guided to be in the right place at the right time, doing
exactly the right thing. All is as it should be and the deeper purpose of many
of these testings and trials will become apparent in retrospect, for this is the
process of learning as it takes place upon the Earth.

These changing times require you to be adaptable and flexible and able to change plans at a

moment’s notice and also being able to bend and move as the Willow tree is
important whilst at the same time embodying the qualities of the upright and
mighty Oak, whose roots go deep into Mother Earth. Cast your roots down into the
center of Mother Earth and take some time each day to connect to Her in whatever
way works best for you. Feeling the Oneness is now the next step on your Path to

Each of you will begin to express yourselves in a greater capacity than ever before and your
words will carry the essence of the greater
Being that you truly are. Do not sell yourselves short, Beloved Ones, for truly
you are the Light upon this World and what you say, think and do has enormous
impact upon the Mass Consciousness of this Planet.

When you find yourselves expressing thoughts, words and feelings that are not of the Highest
vibrations, realize that this is the cleansing process that is occurring and try
to have a sense of humor about it, so that you have the ability to laugh at
yourselves and to forgive yourselves for any seeming transgressions. Realize
also, Dear Ones, that the more you decree the Light, the greater will be the
resistance from those parts of yourselves that you have carried with you in this
lifetime and other lifetimes as well, which are ready to be transmuted and
brought into the Light. This is why it is important to PERSIST in your daily
disciplines, for daily practice makes this process much easier.

Do not look so much at what is being expressed upon the World stage but tend to your
own ‘garden’ to ensure an abundant harvest of all the good that you desire and
deserve, for this is what will manifest, as surely as night follows the day.
Always honor your selves and your needs and listen to what your body and your
Soul wishes to impart to you. This process is ongoing and does become easier and
more filled with grace as you work through them. Love yourselves and be patient
with one another. All is well and you are all doing an excellent job! We are so
deeply grateful to be working with you during these exciting times that are even
now having a far reaching effect upon everyone and everything upon your Beloved
Planet Earth.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion
©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and
nothing has been changed, or altered in
any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.


Losing Hope: the final attachment

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 18, 2010 at 6:29pm

Monday, August 16, 2010

Losing Hope: the final attachment

Remember in the last update when I said...."if we can walk through this VERY narrow
doorway, fully present and completely void of
an agenda, we will experience a major shift on many levels"?

Well, not that I need to tell you, but we are still trying to squeeze
our full-bodied selves through that very small opening. And our success
rate...or the ease by which it happens... has everything to do with the
"completely void of an agenda" part.

Truth is, most of us want through that doorway so badly that we are trying e v e r y t h i n g
we can think of to bust down that door and get the hell out of Dodge.
We're being forced through sheer frustration to find our way out of this
paradoxical box we've locked ourselves into...forced into surrendering
to a new way of seeing and doing things, to accessing and using a whole
new set of tools in an entirely new realm of human experience.

Trying and Prying

The last few weeks...but days especially...feelings of hopelessness and

desperation abound. We have been frantically trying to access this
portal to our new lives, scraping our nails against the grain, in search
of even the tiniest clutch hold that will offer us the ability to pry
that door ajar.

Each time we find a groove deep enough to leverage the door's heavy
mass, we lose our grip, the door slams shut and we fall back into our
old ways, into those old energies that we are fighting to be free of.

Our physical bodies still screaming..."UNCLLLLLLE!"...bucking in

complete defiance of integrating another ounce of light or pushing our
way through one more day without resolve.

But even through all this resistance we are facing, we are being told
that there is, in fact, a door here...and that there IS a way through
it...and at the risk of reusing some played-out platitudes...we just
can't force it open with our hands, we can only will it open with our

Moving forward through this "active death zone" requires that we release
all mental and emotional resistance to it....that we settle fully and
completely into the present discomfort so that we can feel our way to
the other side. It's almost as if this doorway exists only for those
who don't want it...but more appropriately, this doorway exists only for
those who don't "need" it.

Which brings us back to the age-old anomaly....how do we NOT want something that we so
desperately want?

And the answer is always the same...we have to release attachment to our desires...to let go
by surrendering into complete acceptance of what-is.
It's not as if we will lose our heart-felt desires on the other side,
its that they must be unplugged, upgraded, rewired, fine-tuned and
completely free of human attachment.

Digging Deep

The Arcturians are telling me that..."there was a time when each of

you were guided to the space of no space when you would more
effortlessly release yourself from bondage. But now, in the final hours
and through feeling the building desperation of wanting so badly to
move forward, you are unable to find and settle into that same sense of

Gee, you think??? Now granted, I am just as guilty of this as the average idiot who agreed to
this half-baked journey...wait, did we agree to this?...but somehow,
by some obnoxious force greater than our own, we still. can't. give.
up. We HAVE to remember...now more than ever...that beneath the
death-like fatigue and disconnection, we still have the power within us
to push through these gateways... only its so easy to lose sight of this
in the mounting frustration of our relentless stuck-in-the-mudness.

And if that weren't a tall enough order, we must also realize that this
frustration also has its divine purpose...it is the building momentum of
sheer desire for something better that is accumulating like the
pressure of a combustion engine applying irrational force to our
refurbished pistons so we can be catapulted forward into our new lives.

So even though we are far beyond exhausted and weary...we are still
being urged to remember that there is always a way to peace...but to
access this space requires a shift in perspective... a release...a
surrendering...and a letting go of unparalleled proportion.

Losing Hope

I recently mentioned that this letting go process was very similar to physical death in that we
must first release all emotional attachments to get to the other side where love will abound in
greater measure.

It's our nature to hold on...but just as with all endings, the desire to hold on eventually begins
to wane and we are left facing the uncertainty of "what's next?"

Right now we are at the stage of releasing the deepest layers of human attachment, and that
includes the desire to hold on any longer as well
as our long-time companion...HOPE. From a higher perspective, hope is really just

resistance in disguise.
It's a candy-coated expression of doubt, discomfort with uncertainty,
dissatisfaction with what-is, and an inability to surrender into full

Because we are stepping so fully into our authentic selves, we are

losing our strength and ability to hold onto to anything...and hope is
the last to go. Contrary to Forrest Whittaker's vision in
1998...hope-doesn't-float here. In fact, it will sink us if we try to
hold on.

So don't be alarmed or confused if you can't muster up the energy to

be-lie-ve in the outcome of this journey anymore...you're not supposed
to. We literally can't take hope with us because it's too dense.

Essentially, hope is a derivative of lack...of not-having, but

wanting...of incompleteness...and it simply cannot be upheld in the
higher frequencies of wholeness. Where we are going, hope is
transformed into knowing and peace comes with presence when we are in
full acceptance of what is, without wanting anything to be different.
This is the ultimate state of surrender, and the one that is required to
pass go.

Instead of hoping or wanting things to be different at this point, we

need to take the opposite approach...we need to whole-heart-edly
surrender ourselves so fully into the discomfort of uncertainty that we
emerge on the other side with visceral knowing...assured of our mastery,
and the ability to uphold it.

All illusions/delusions, hopes, dreams, expectations, etc....anything

that we have fabricated in our minds or used as fuel...or carrots!...to
keep us going, or propel us this far, must now be cut loose in order to
fit through that doorway. And just to be clear here...that doorway is
built on the threshold of both endings AND beginnings...when we come
full circle, the end of the old is just the beginning of the new...which
is why they happen simultaneously.

When in doubt, remember that it's the faithful, not the hopeful, who will rise with the new

And keep in mind that it is not as if we cannot have, manifest or

achieve our heartfelt desires that are burned within our
galactic-genetic blueprints, its that each doorway is getting smaller
and smaller, and to make it through each one we have to leave behind
more and more...to let go of what we perceive we need in order to be authentic and
true...where we truly experience with every fiber of our being that we already have it all.

We are officially breaking through the most putrefied layers of sediment

that exist at the deepest layers of our being. We are becoming
completely empty (neutral) vessels so that the light of our divinity can

fill in every nook and cranny of our deeply excavated personas.

This deep letting go is bewildering to experience, and it takes us

through the most obscene challenges in facing our mis-creations and
limitations. You may be thinking to yourself...what could we possibly
have left to let go of...and just in that moment, we are faced with the
realization that we are still holding on to the frustration of letting
go! Yes, mastery is a mockery.

Physical Happenings

Everything hurts.

(For more detailed symptoms and information check out the TWYH forum.)

The Plunge
The physical proof of our galactic and earthly achievements is coming to
a head, ready to burst open like the deluge of Noah and flood our
vastly empty lives. And though we may feel incapable to be-lie-ve that
truth any longer, the unseens are saying... "let go of that too!"

For those of you out there hanging on by that splitting thread...time to

take the plunge! There is very literally nothing left to hold onto,
and for good reason...because there is nothing on this side that we can
take to the other...the only thing that remains is our trust in that
still quiet voice within...the voice that is pushing us through despite
all the resistance and frustrations that we are up against.

It's very easy to understand how letting go of the last thread can be a
very freeing experience, but actually doing it...peeling our fingers
from the only things we have left to hold onto...to be-lie-ve in...to
hope for...is a whole other ball game.

Rest assured, we are doing it whether we want to or not. It may not be

pretty...it may not be fun... but somehow, someway, we are getting
through that damn door!

The Key

This expansion process very naturally forces us to outgrow our past...to

the point that nothing here feels remotely good or interesting, and
boredom overtakes us as we waddle around in the void, waiting for our
new level of reconnection to take hold. We are so bored here that even
boredom is boring.

And if you're anything like me then you are especially bored with the
entire process and have absolutely hit your limit with all this
ascension talk, talk, talk. Personally, I can't even look at the word
any more without wanting to bludgeon myself with a blunt object. Some

mornings I wake up and think, there is just NOTHING left to say...we
can't possibly talk ourselves through one...more...day....of...this.
And of course, then we do.

This is because we have explored all territory here and are moving
on...oh god please...to a place where we will have new interests, or
revised existing interests, that will finally have fertile soil to
replace the once barren land that disabled the growth of our higher
dimensional dreams. In our new gardens, however, our intentions will
easily take root because the proper balance of nutrients are contained
within the soil to sustain and nourish them.

From mid-August to early September we will continue to assimilate this

huge expansion that is propelling us out of our old lives...albeit with a
bit more connection... and into the new framework by which we will
operate. You may find that sudden endings are immediately replaced with
new beginnings and that much of it is happening with or without your
involvement. This is as it should be.

I am hearing that for the next few weeks we will be intermittently

accessing new realms. Kind of like newborn souls trying to ground in
the lower dimensions during the beginning stages of incarnation...and of
course sleeping like them too...one day we may make it through to the
other side, and the next we may be prohibited from entering...but each
time we are successful, we will begin to intimately understand our
ability to create without resistance, and to realize that this is
exactly how it was always meant to be.

So each time you experience suffering, remember that all suffering is resistance to what-is.

There is only one combination to the lock on that door we are all trying
to fit through: surrender-acceptance-acceptance-let go

Each time you reach down and find the ability to embrace the uncertainty, to welcome the

Right, left, left, right, CLICK...

...you're in!

To free falling...



Mother Earth's Message
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 18, 2010 at 6:33pm

Mother Earth's Message

Dear One,

Humans see a soul with a physical body, with a face, a nose, two eyes, two arms, two legs etc,
but they forgot that I have a soul too and my soul is the same as the soul within you;
we are ALL ONE. If only the Earth's children
were taught from young in schools that I Am a sentient being and have a
soul and souls do not only come in human form, but in variety of forms,
then there will be an understanding and peaceful coexistent between
nature and humans, and the taking care of the environment will be the
responsibility for all.

Dear One, I Am pleased to know you are into recycling and going back to the old ways of

taking care of your
physical body. Do remind others to reduce their rubbish by doing
recycling and using reusable personal products for themselves and their
families. It will take a while for them to get use to it. Remind them
that I have a soul and I feel just like they do.

Teach the youngsters about LOVE of nature and everything around them, even though
their school science teach them that everything around them consist of
living things and non living things, but in true spirituality
all is alive. Everything has consciousness. When there is an
acknowledgment of this fact, the honoring of all things living and non
living will be seeded in their hearts for all time.

With so much Love

Mother Earth, Gaia



 Posted by Jacques on August 18, 2010 at 11:26pm


I AM Lord Metatron.Beloved Stars People, as this has been prepared and told, I come, within
your density, in order to unveil, to free from what has to be. I come to give in the last
Metatronic keys, Vibrations of the pure and Genuine Light, releasing, within your density, the
new and Genuine Tri-Unity. I come, by the unveiling of Four Living, Four Horsemen, Four
Orients, to allow and set up the New Covenant. Thus, Good and Evil, established as unique
means of life, by Archangel Lucifer, is resolved today, by the addition, within your Crowns, of
Unity, Truth, by the Good and Evil transcendency, re-awoken and initialized by the Four
Living. The new Vibratory tri-Unity, within you as within this world, named Christ, Michael
and Mary (differently named, in Vibral language, Ki-Ris-Ti, Im-Al, and Is-Is) are henceforth
active Vibratoryly, permitting you to realize the Cross, the Crown in the Crown, allowing to
raise your Vibrations until Throne Kingdom, until Truth Kingdom, through your upward

The Four Living, Hayot Ha Kodesh, reveal themselves, within your world, by the Four
Horsemen, by the wakening of Elements to Four Orients : Fire, Earth, Water and Air, then
allowing to reunify, within the Crown inside the Crown, the Truth Crown, the Authenticity
Throne, of Unitarian Vibration. By the switching of 12 Stars, really well within (at a level of
your head) the Head Radiant Crown, as the Earth, by the reunification of the central crown
existing at level of your head, like in the center of the Earth, by the Crystalline core of the
center of the Earth, by your central crown, fulfilling the alchemy of the Wheel within the

Wheel, wakes up this Cross, the Merkabah, allowing you, by the 12 virtues poured down by
Mary and the whole of Her Fleet and Stars, from this evening (August 15 2010) and until
Mary (Is-Is) Announcement, to raise your Vibrations until Beingness, until Sun..."

To be continued


oyun bitti
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 19, 2010 at 1:00am

oyun bitti

İş adamı tıraş olurken bir yandan da berberiyle sohbet etmektedir.

Derken, kapının önünden ağır ağır geçmekte olan paspal bir çocuk görürler.
Berber, iş adamının kulağına fısıldar;
'Bu çocuk var ya, dünyanın en aptal çocuklarından biridir! Bak; dikkat et şimdi...'

Berber çocuğa seslenir: 'Ali, buraya gel!'

Bunun üzerine çocuk sakince dükkâna girer ve yüzündeki aptalca sırıtmayla berberi
selamlar. Berber işadamının kulağına sessizce, 'bak şimdi'
diye fısıldar ve bir elinde 5 liralık, diğer elinde 50 liralık bir banknot

olduğu halde çocuğa sorar:
'Hangisini istiyorsan alabilirsin? '
Çocuk dalgın dalgın bir 5 liraya bir de 50 liraya bakar ve sonunda 5 liralık banknotu
hızlıca çekerek berberin elinden alır.
Berber işadamına döner ve gülerek:
'Gördün mü? Sana söylemiştim.' der.

Tıraş bitince işadamı sokağa çıkar ve az ileride kendi kendine oynayan Ali'yi görür.
Yanına giderek, neden 50 liralık değil de, 5 liralık banknotu aldığını sorar.
Çocuk hiç de aptalca olmayan bir sırıtmayla yanıt verir:
' Eğer 50 liralığı alırsam oyun biter!'

Dale Carnegie diyor ki,

"Tanrı'nın bile insanlar hakkındaki hükmünü, ömürleri sona erdikten sonra verdiğine
Biz kim oluyoruz da insanları birkaç kez görmek,
iki-üç yazı okumak,
birkaç dedikodu dinlemekle
yargılama hakkına sahip olabiliyoruz! "

Sevgili Gülten e teşekkürler


Meditation On Flower Of Life. By Sananda
-Channeled by Michelle
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 19, 2010 at 1:04am

Hello Dear Ones,

Here is some information to assist you in understanding the sacred

geometry of the Flower of Life. The center circle of the Flower of Life
symbol represents the Creator. From the innermost point of the circle,
the Creator formed another circle of It's Self, then returned to the
center of the first circle and created a third circle of It's Self,
until there were six circles surrounding the first circle of the
Creator. This initial pattern represents the formation of life, created
in six days, as the Creator rested on the seventh day. This first
pattern of seven circles can also be called the Genesis pattern. This
pattern may be created to infinity. The Flower of Life symbol has been

found in ancient Egyptian culture, and God within the circle has
sometimes been depicted as the right eye of Horus.

May you flow in the River of Life in the Love of your Sacred Heart.


Message From Sananda, August 2010

Through Rev. Michelle Coutant

"Flower Of Life Meditation"

Beloved Ones,

One life, one heart, one ascension. This, in truth, is the reality of
the experience you are having in the Now Moment, there is only one
ascension. You are all connected to each other, there is no separation.
You are One. There is only One and it is the God Source. It is the All;
it is the Divine Mind, the Divine Heart, the Divine Oneness of eternal
Creation. It is the Divine Blueprint from the inception of the All That
Is, the moment when the Creator chose to experience It's Self, and
create each one of you. You are each a perfect and Divine Blueprint, an
exact replica of the God Source. You have all the qualities, aspects and
virtues of the eternal Creator within you. Separation is only an
illusion. All that God is, you are, and it is so for each and every soul
incarnate on this planet and for each and every soul throughout
eternity. You are in the process of realizing this vast truth, this
Oneness, and experiencing the unconditional love, the joy, that comes
with this deep, deep, knowing.

Sit down in meditation, Dear Ones. Deepen this knowing, this oneness
with all life, with your brothers and sisters, with mother earth, and
above all, with your Divine God Self within you. Sit down in meditation
and place your consciousness within the center of your Sacred Heart and
allow the expansion, to open your heart as a flower. You may visualize
this expansiveness as the opening of the many petals of a lotus blossom,
a rose, any flower which ignites your visualization, and provides this
expansion for you. As you expand upon the love of your Sacred Heart,
breathe deeply and visualize the Flower of Life symbol. Sacred geometry
ignites fire letters and key codes, symbols which assist you in making
the transition to your crystalline light body of the fifth dimension.
Sacred geometry will assist you in activating your Merkiva, your light
body which will be your vehicle for travel in the fifth dimension. A s
you breathe and meditate upon the opening and the expansion of the
sacred flower in your heart, allow the transition to the symbol of the

Flower of Life. Allow the Flower of Life symbol to overlay your Sacred
Heart, to overlay the flower you have opened. Feel the expansion. Allow
the activation of the Flower of Life to integrate into the love of your
Sacred Heart.

Expand the Flower of Life to fill your auric field, and slowly expand
the Flower of Life symbol to encompass what you perceive as your
extended field. Then breathe and expand the Flower of Life symbol to
encompass mother earth. See the Flower of Life as large as mother earth,
filling mother earth, encompassing all that she is, enfolding all life
within the sacred geometry of this Flower of Life. Breathe deeply and
feel the magnificence of this activation, of this one life, one heart.
Feel the activation of the key codes and sacred fire letters. Feel the
activation of the Oneness with your brothers and sisters. And now,
breathe and expand the Flower of Life to the Oneness of your solar
system. Breathe deeply and feel this expansion. Now breathe deeply and
expand the Flower of Life to enfold your galaxy, your universe, and the
Cosmos. You are this Flower of Life, as is every soul incarnated , every
life form, your brothers and sisters, as is God. This is the first cell
formation, the beginning formation of the cells of God, as God choose
to experience It's Self. This Flower of Life is the One Source, the
initial split off cells of God. It represents the formation of all life.
Breathe deeply and experience this Oneness with God, this Oneness with
the Cosmos. Plant the Flower of Life deeply within your Sacred Heart

Breathe deeply and plant this code of the One Heart, firmly and
lovingly, into your Sacred Divine Mind. Feel the activation of the
sacred fire letters and key codes within your sacred Divine Mind.
Breathe deeply as you feel this activation with the oneness of all life
and the knowing that you are the eternal God Source. Breathe, expand and
firmly plant the Flower of Life into your Sacred Divine Mind. And now,
connect the flower of life within your Sacred Heart, to the Flower of
Life within your Sacred Mind and allow them to meld and become one.
There is no separation. The heart and the mind are One. All is One. Feel
this blending, this flow, as the two Flower of Life geometric patterns
become One. This is the first cell of the God Mind, it is God, it is
you, it is all life, it is infinity, it is eternal. This symbol of the
Flower of Life can be expanded into infinity, it has no begi nning, it
has no end. It is the circle of life; it is the All, which has no
beginning, which has no end. This you have now activated within your
being. Breathe deeply, and feel this knowing. Breathe deeply and Be this
knowing. This Flower of Life is the God Source, it is unconditional
love, it is peace, it is joy, it is abundance, it is harmony, it is
every aspect and facet of God that you desire to be. It is the
personality of God.

When you find yourselves in moments of lower vibrations, when you find
yourselves in challenges and you have temporarily forsaken the Love of
your Sacred Heart, bring yourself back into your Sacred Heart by

visualizing the Flower of Life as an overlay beginning in your heart,
expanding to include the Sacred Mind, and enlarging and expanding to the
Cosmos. You will be able to do this in a moment in the Now, as you
practice doing it. Each time you visualize the Flower of Life, in this
way, you further activate your crystalline body codes and assist
yourself in the ascension process.

Dear Ones, we are here to assist you and to help you with tools and
meditations to lift you up to the light of the higher realms. There are
many paths back to the One. Choose your path and do not waiver. Each new
level and integration of light you incorporate for your Self, will not
only bring you closer to matching the fifth dimensional vibration, it
will assist your brothers and sisters, the earth and all life forms to
lift themselves up, on this sacred journey of life.

Call on me, Beloved Ones, to join you in this meditation. I am here with you in the Love of
your Sacred Heart.

I am Sananda.

You may copy and share, with Love and Blessings. Please copy the message
in its entirety, giving credit to Sananda through Rev. Michelle
Coutant, and provide a link to: www.transformingradiance.com.

Visit Michelle's website at: www.transformingradiance.com

Email: michelle@transformingradiance.com

All my Love and Many Blessings,



 Posted by MotherGod on August 19, 2010 at 1:20am

MotherGod 14 minutes ago

ActivityRank: 3580

The Awakening of The Blue Star Nation, Equal One Planet Earth=Heart Fully Awakened.



Humanity Is The Highest Possibility of Planet Earth's Expression, of Love Being Shared with
the Living Universe. This is the Blue Star Nation, when EveryOne on This Planet Expresses
the Love
of the Planet, For the ALL, EQUAL US, EQUAL YOU.

The Consciousness of Love is a Multi-dimensional Expression of Creation. Everything Within

Creation is Alive Within this. Are you alive? How does that FEEL? If It Does Not Feel like
Overflowing, Then You Are Missing it by not Being Present.

Love Does Not Have To Awaken To You, YOU HAVE TO AWAKEN IN-TO LOVE. Your
Truth Is the Love That YOU Are. The Lie Is the illusion Of Being In illusion. The Illusion
Consists of Belief Systems and
False Understandings About Reality. In Illusion, Reality Is Obscured By
Fantasy. Ego is a Living Fantasy Missing Reality Completely.

The Way to Understand Reality is to FEEL, if You Feel Joy You are in Reality, its as Simple
As That. In Most Instances In the Illusion, the Internal Dialogue Directs Energy Away From
Reality and into the Fantasy of the Ego. The Ego is Empty and Cannot EVER be
Filled, because it Equals Nothing to Reality.

Reality is this Living Experience of What’s Really Going On, and that Reality, Is Love Being
Present Within You, as You, Within Us, as We are All One, EQUALLY. Honestly, How could
it be any other
Way other than ALL EQUAL? Love Provides ALL with EVERYTHING Overflowing
Abundantly. In Real Reality, This Is How The Real Energy of Love

The Signs of Love are Delivered in EVERY MOMENT. Love Is this Living Moment. If You
Are Reading this, You Are Definitely in the Moment! Can You See the Signs of Love?

The True Understanding of Equality, Is One Equal All, All Equal One. Each and EveryOne Is

EQUAL. Simple as That. It Doesn’t Matter What Type of Belief System One has, whether it

Scientific, Religious, or Political, the Human Being Containing Belief Systems, Is Not In

Reality is a Human Being, Being Present. And There Is a Real Present, We Call that NOW.

Matter Where You Are, You are Still in the Now with Us, and We Love YOU Unconditionally.

So star nations Grow Up into Being Star Nations, Planet Earth is Growing up Her Children
Into Being a Brilliant Star Nation. A Star Nation is a Nation of GLOBAL EQUALITY. Its the
Can Exist. It Is when Every Human Being on this Planet, Glorifies Their
Equality. That’s When, the Being Is Truly Present.

Ignorance, as Belief Systems Limits the Unlimited. How Dumb Is That? Just askin'?

Once You Discover the Love Within, You are Immediately Connected to The Real Truth and
Experience of Love Everywhere Present. Love With the “ALL” of Creation. As this Occurs
and You
Awaken, You Will Find Us. In this Experience, the Reality Is Humanity Has
Awakened into 5D Reality. That’s a Very Big Truth, of the Godhood Within Each
and Every Human Being on This Planet.

You Cannot Take Your Belief Systems with You, Because YOU Aren't a Belief System. Love
Contains Not a Belief System, cause Love fills Creation to Overflowing with Love
Overflowing. When a
Human Being Experience's Being Completely Present, Refer to Now. How Does that
Feel? If Joy Is Not There, You Are Missing it, You Are Missing YOU. LOL,

How Many Others On This Planet Are In Complete Service to Humanity? With Unconditional
Love In ALL ways. UHMMM...You Can Look Around and See Who Isn't. Then You Can See
Who Is Ignorant. Now, If
You Can Rise Above That, and Not Expect Another To Do it For You, Now Are You
Serving? With All You Are, as Love Overflowing? Or are you Missing It? Just

See We Told You, We Were Going to Give You a Test. Now We Just Ask the Questions to See
If You Can Answer Them For Yourselves. The Correct Answer to All the Questions Is the
Love that You
Are. Have You Answered That One Correctly Yet?

When You Have Answered the One Question Correctly, We Are One More Step Closer To
This Blue Star Nation Awakening. Have a Good Day!

WE Love YOU Unconditionally

Straight from the Heart


~ Love


End Transmission


Making The Connection

By Love Reporter for The Galactic Free Press


For months now we have watched as relationships founded upon the old paradigm of the ego
and based upon conditions broke apart. These fear based relationships are crumbling whether
they are between lovers, spouses, friends, family or even having to do with our
jobs and homes. We were told this would happen quite awhile ago, and many are
now just experiencing it. Any connection that had been made within the lower
vibrational energies are now dissolving, because they do not serve

This is occurring and shall continue to do so as the energy upon the planet continues to raise
it's vibration frequencies. The dissolving away of the old systems is happening at a greater
rate and many are watching as it seems like our world is crashing down upon us.
Only through the death of the old can the energy be released and transformed
into the Light and Love of the higher dimensions. The phoenix is symbolic of
what is occurring right now, the fire bird has returned and is showing us that
out of the ashes a new beginning is being born. For some of you nothing has
dissolved yet, but you are feeling dissatisfied, your questioning your life and
your purpose. For those of us experiencing this we need to relax and realize
that if it is based in the old paradigm it's eventually going to crumble
anyway, so why wait to choose the Love That We Are? We need to go ahead and
release those attachments so that we can allow in the new

We would like to share with you that ego is taking this very hard. It's attempting to cling to
the past and trying to hold on to something that has never existed in the first place. It is afraid
because it feels like it is loosing something, when in truth while in illusion
you don't have anything to begin with! Ego experiences this as loss and
emotions of pain, hurt and fear take over.

Meanwhile those of us that can see the Light shining through the darkness we are realizing
that there is no need to suffer over the loss of our illusions. That our ego is not who we really
and that anything our ego is attached to is not real! It is time for us to
embrace this awakening as a blessing and truly release anything that we are
holding onto. We Let Go of Everything and if it serves Love it shall return if
not we know it was an illusion. We are being given everything if only we can
let go of our illusion and step into the Love and Light That We Are! As the old
falls away it makes room for the abundance that is being shared freely by Love.
We begin to discover our missions and embrace them, we are connecting within to
Love allowing for Unconditional Love to Step into our lives in the forms of our
Light Family, and our Twin Flames as well. Jobs that truly serve the Light
present themselves and together we are being drawn to spread the message across
the planet for All To Hear! People see the Light of our combined Brilliance and
shall either embrace or turn away their eyes. This is their choice, don't dull
your Light for ignorance!

The best advice we can share with you is to Connect In to the Love That You Are! Don't
worry about the future, and don't feel guilty about your choice to serve Love. Illusions will
fall away,
don't grieve for it or mourn it's loss, Be In Joy For Accepting The Love You
Are. During this time you shall travel deep within yourself. It's time to
ReOpen your Heart Chakra and allow the Love that is there to Flow Freely. From
there it's a matter of Balancing your Masculine and Feminine energies so that
in Balanced Harmonics You Remain Always Open and Connected in Every Moment to
your True Divine Nature.

This process is an Amazing Experience, you'll cry tears of Joy as the Synchronistic events are
occurring. These signs are letting you know you are Present and doing it perfectly! As you
are Aware and Conscious Connected in Everything shall be Shared Freely with

We will Be Here every step of the way offering assistance through this process. We are here to
reconnect you, yet you must be the One to let go. Your Family of Light can't do this for you.
We Are
Here to Share the Light and Love withYou, to be the Mirror of your True Divine
Nature to Allow You to See Who YOU Really Are!

John Denver ~ Looking for Space




By Love Reporter Michael Boone

Sustenance is joy. In the bliss of Eternal Now lies truth, a connection to all that is, source.

What are the conditions that favored us Being here Now? How is it that when We rely on
something greater than our limited selves, the universe provides unlimited abundance?
Why are We at command and in the helm when it comes to reality Creation power, and at the
same time helpless?. Why must We be surrendered and powerless to enter the tortoise shell
crystal temple? Why did We activate a grid that had been set up thousands of years ago?
How did We co-evolve with every atom of every plant, animal, rock, star, and person?
Could it be that simple? We all got here together. We have all had many different forms.
What forms did We take in order to get here? Sustenance is knowing the questions,
fathoming the answer like a North Korean cyberspace attack conducted from China not
too long ago in which everything got pinged.

Contemplating, reflecting, refracting the light.. Do We wake up and tell the sun to come to us?
Do We demand Life from the sun? No We rise to the sun, turn to the sun, return to the sun,
the two twin warrior brothers who go on a journey to their father. They want to
know who they are. So they get tested severely. Are these guys really the sons
of God? Do they know this? Does God know this?

So We must journey to a heart resonance identity, in order to find out exactly who We are.
Then communication is possible. Receiving and giving Appropriately in the

This is who We are. We are this very sustenance. Why are We looking all over for what

sustenance is. Are We ignoring what is right in front of our faces. The people around us? Us.

Our connection with source. Spirit? Do We rely merely on our own cunning to get the job

done? When We survived the destruction of the Second World, it was the ants who took us in

and fed us, at their own expense. That is why their waists are so narrow Now. What force will
sustain us when the world is destroyed? Do We have the will to carry on? The Fourth World is
crumbling. The blue star is Awakening. You are sustenance. We


Welcome home.


The Following is a Green Love Donation Request for Our Love Fund to Finance the Divine
Mission. This Mission Requires ALL OF US.

Love Donations Here Please!


Beloved Humanity,

We Are Sitting At the Heart Center of Every Now Moment Waiting Here For YOU With Open
Arms and for Love to Grow Exponentially on Planet Earth= Heart, more Energy

Needs to Be Re-directed Away from the Illusion and towards LOVE! The

Nature of Energy, no matter what form it is in, is to Increase In

Magnitude as More of the Same Energy Flows~Grows Together. Even

small donations are Assisting the Divine Mission because they Come

From the Heart and Each One Brings Our Mom & Pop Great JOY just

because it indicates that YOU ARE AWAKE!

So make a Green Love Donation to those who Are Holding the Energy of Unconditional Love
for ALL, your Ever-Faithful, Ever-Present Parents of Creation and See if

Doesn’t Bring a Smile To Your Heart!

LOVE Gives EVERYTHING This Is Why FatherMotherGod have…nothing much materially

to speak of, but in Reality, in Love, they have EVERYTHING and want to Share It with You.

We Are Calling All of Humanity Home into LOVE in ONENESS~ No Exceptions, Come
One, Come All Who Can Hear the Call~ Everyone Is Worthy of the Unconditional Love of

FatherMotherGod and the Kingdom Company of HeavenBeing Reborn into

Heaven, that’s why its Heaven, it is Where All Are Equal to All

Love Is as ONE.


Hello Grand Beings of Love and Light! We now have full internet connection and we are
going to resume the Awakening Sessions for those ready to connect in fully with the Light.
These sessions are
offered in Unconditional Love, and Love Donations are requested, but not
required. We would like you to know that we are here, and in complete service
to Humanity, and yourAwakening. Many ask what the sessions are all about, the
answer is they are different for everyone. We offer a wide range of services

*Answering questions about the Ascension Process, what's happening on the Planet, what's in
store for 2011 & 2012

*Full astrological reading and reports, both Western and Mayan

*True information about Twin Flame relationships

*Assistance for Twin Flames through the Transfiguration

*Energy Readings

*Contacting your Guides and Angels Teams

*Assistance with removing energetic blocks that prevent full Connection with Source= Love
Everywhere Present and JOY!

The list goes on as to how we can assist and support You. We have been highly trained in
Human Consciousness to help facilitate Your Unique Awakening Process. For more questions
or to set up

Session, E-mail Us directly at MotherGod1111111@gmail.com and we can move forward

from there. Currently we have several options
for the Sessions, including text and voice chat, plus we have phone and video
on the way.

~ Love Unconditional~

Father-MotherGod &

The Galactic Free Press Staff Join The Rest of The Light Family at


A Letter to Father-Mother God, Twin Flames


Desi and Willow

Thank You To Mother And Father God

Love has a message to share....shhh it's a secret...Mother and Father God are here Present with
Us in the Physical Manifest, Be sure Ego doesn't find out! The first Twin Flames to Unite in
Unconditional Love Sharing With Us The Love We All Are! This should be the
Moment The Family of Light Celebrates In Joy as We Return Home To The Love We
All Are!

This is the Moment to Thank Love For Being Present With US. Through their connection and
sharing the duty and responsibility to Be Awake and Aware In All Moments, they have given
us the
opportunity to Awaken to Who We Are EQUAL To Them. The Lights are coming on
1,1,2,3,5,8. Twin Flames Are Hearing The Call through the Feeling in their

Hearts! One set of Twin Flames connecting activates another's awakening
connecting them in allowing them to connect with their Twin Flame and it
continues from there.

Twin Flames show up Present Together in The Kingdom of Heaven. The clearing being done
by one of them activates the other to do the same. As they connect in through their energy
they clear
themselves bringing each other into Balance! While we are going through this
clearing process we connect to others that are our equal at that moment
believing that they are our Twin Flames. This allows us the chance and the
opportunity to be mirrors of the Love to each other. In reality we can never
become attached to the ego's illusion that a certain person is defiantly our
Twin Flame. For the Twin Flame connection is one of Pure Unconditional Love, An
Energy and A Vibration that They Share Together. During our process the ego can
step in and halt their process if they are still clinging to certain

Twin Flames must consciously Be Together In Service To Love, that is their duty and
responsibility to each other and the planet. Being Together Present in the Physical can only
when they are both connected, clear and ready to Accept their Divine Mission,
Which Is Being Together Conscious and Sharing Their Love With Everyone On The
Planet Allowing Others To Connect In As Well! You can Only Have 1 Twin Flame,
this is True for only One can Be Present With You! 1+1=2

Again We Thank You Father and Mother God for activating the Hearts of Twin Flames Across
the Planet allowing us to discover our Unity and Equality With You and Each Other...Same,
Same, But
Different! Also a Big Thanks to All The Being of Light out there awakening and
connecting in with their Twin Flames!

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, We Love you!! We Ask You, Are
YOU In? Love Chooses You! Please share with your Brothers and Sisters, That We are Here,
and Love "Has" All of
Humanity and Everyone is Coming Home Into The Light, all they have to simply do
is Choose Love and they Are FREE. We Are Here for Humanity's Graduation
Celebration. Love Mother and Father God, The Company of Heaven, and the First
Contact Ground Crew Team.




Ascension ... Now !
 Posted by Jacques on August 19, 2010 at 2:08am

"Beloved Stars People, the hour of your wakening has rung. The Metatronic Keys,
Unity, Truth, beyond Good and Evil, restore the Wheel, in its totality, thus quashing
the vicious and pervated circle of reincarnation, within Illusion, freeing you and
permitting you, if your Freedom agrees to it, to live anew free of all fixed shape, of
all fixed personnality, of all fixed reincarnation.

To live again the closest in uniting and in resonance with the Source, is the good
news that I put down Vibratoryly, among you, today and at this hour.

Each evening, at 7:PM (french local time; see www.lolo.free.fr for the jet lag), the
Mary Stars whole, relieved by the Light Intergalactic Fleet, within the revealed and
unveiled new tri-Unity (Christ, Michael and Mary) will be in you, within your
Essence, your Presence, your Vibration. You will be showered with Living Water
Source, clarifying the new baptism of Fire, within Lustral Waters, by the
Reunification of four triangular Crowns existing inside the Cross of your head.
Thus so, fulfilling Unification of Im and Is (Hic and Nunc, left and right, two

fingers over each ear), connecting the Cross allowing then the reversal, within you
like this planet, getting resonate you and Vibrate within your eternal Presence and
Eternity, in order, if such choice is yours, to allow and remove you and meet again
Unity. Thus, for the second time, I am pouring down, Stars People,

Ehieh. Asher. Ehieh.

Energy Outpouring...


1-12.12.2010 VIPASSANA KURSU * 1-
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 19, 2010 at 9:30pm


Sizlere 1-12 Aralik 2010 tarihleri arasinda, Istanbul-Sile'deki Sile Resort

Hotel'de duzenleyecegimiz bu yilin
ikinci Sayagyi U Ba Khin Gelenegindeki ve S.N
Goenka Ogretmenligindeki 10 gunluk Vipassana Kursu'muzu duyurmaktan
mutluluk duyuyoruz.

Ekte kursla ilgili gerekli dosyalari bulacaksiniz.

Yasama Sanati, Teknige Giris ve Disiplin Kurallari baslikli dosyalari okuduktan sonra, kursa
katilmaya karar verirseniz, Kayit
Formu'nu doldurup vipassanaistanbul@yahoo.com adresine

Kayitlari 01 Agustos 2010 tarihi itibariyle almaya baslayacagiz.

Sizleri de aramizda gormek dilegiyle,


Kayit Komitesi


We happily would like to introduce you that, our next 10 day Vipassana Course (as taught by
S.N Goenka and his assistant teachers in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin) will be held in
between 1-12 December 2010 in Sile Resort Hotel-Istanbul,

Please find attached the Art of Living, Code of dicipline and Application Form.

If you decide to attend our course, registration will be started by: 01 August 2010.

Please send your form to : vipassanaistanbul@yahoo.com

With our best wishes

Registration Committee

Ekler :




An inspirational Reminder by Lady Mary
Channelled through Natalie Glasson-
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 19, 2010 at 9:31pm

An inspirational Reminder by Lady Mary

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 16/08/10

As the colours, light and frequencies of the Creator manifest in greater abundance with each
day on the Earth, it is essential to determine what is correct and appropriate for you
to hold focus on within your reality. S o many changes are occurring on the
Earth due to the alterations of a gradual process within the minds, hearts,
souls and consciousness of humanity. Times of change in energy can bring forth
confusion and a feeling of disappointment or an inability to achieve one’s
goals; this can convey a feeling of a drifting focus rather than a precise
focus. While it is sometimes appropriate to allow ones focus to drift as this
may be needed to acquire new skills, lessons or to re direct intentions, it is
essential to remain alert to the focus that is most appropriate for you as you
exist in the present or the moment. Many people continue to hold onto or remain
attached to a focus, idea or goal that is no longer needed in their current
reality, these can be difficult to detach from because of a feeling of
incompletion. S ome become distracted by feelings of expectations from the self
and others which can lead them from a path of truth and the will or divine plan
of the Creator. To let go of a focus that no longer serves a purpose in your
reality or spiritual growth can be the key to unleashing new abilities or a new
path way forward. It can also clear your energies to allow new experiences and
lessons of growth to come into your reality. If you are ever feeling stuck then
it is a wonderful practice to re-examine your focus, ideas or goals as we can
become so involved in certain thoughts that we miss opportunities that are
waiting to be accepted and adopted. Letting go of an unneeded focus can assist
you in accelerating along your spiritual path.

To live in the moment is a necessity when change in energy and therefore in your reality is a
foot as it signifies moving with rather than against the energy and flow of the Creator.
From day to day the energy and intentions that are aligned with the Earth can
alter and hold diverse influences on your life, being accepting of this and
focusing on the present allows you to learn from and manifest the will of the
Creator while receiving the energies that are sent to the Earth to be accepted
by humanity rather than ignored or misunderstood. To live in the moment is to
live in truth and free from illusion as you are discarding the influences of the
past and the prospects of the future to align with your own body, existence,
mind and energy. This habit allows one to align with the Creator’s soul as
boundaries between the Earth and all that is the Creator are nonexistent.

Allowing yourself to simply be, experience and acknowledge your current experiences and
senses expands your mind and brings forth a clarity that encourages your focus on what
is needed in your life to be accurate, strong and precise. When we have a mind
that holds a strong focus on our desires and our intentions for our current
reality, with an acceptance of the energies of the Creator, we begin to realise
that we can tweak our focuses with ease so that they remain aligned with the
will of the Creator. We also realise that the focus becomes so deep that it
develops into a natural part of our being and energy, thus our mind and focus
become clear and we become our intentions or the will of the Creator. This
creates a manifestation of yourself that is the Creator’s energies, the will of
the Creator and the appropriate intentions and focus for your soul’s experiences
on the Earth. To live in this manifestation is to live as truth and will attract
all that your soul desires into your reality.

To exist in the moment, supported by the current energies of the Creator and to
determine the focuses or goals that are appropriate for you now allows your intuition to step
forward into the sacred space and clarity that you have created. To follow your
intuition in these times of alteration is the most valuable tool and practice
that you can adopt because it means that you will always receive the correct
guidance to be in the appropriate place and time to further your spiritual
growth. Your intuition will steer you away from negativity and towards
positivity, allow the flow of Creator to build around and within you and to aid
your progression on all levels of your being. Your intuition can become an
immense feeling or a loud voice directing you appropriately allowing doubt,
fear, confusion and insecurity to fall away. When we are secure within ourselves
and almost feel a guiding arrow within us directing us on a golden path of love,
we become secure in ourselves, abilities and experiences on the Earth,
understanding that we are always safe and protected and that whatever occurs
around you due to the awakening of humanity you have the strength within you to
remain balanced and focused upon your mission and purpose on the Earth at this
present time.

This is merely an inspirational remainder for those we are open and receptive to my

With sacred warm blessings,

Lady Mary

Natalie Glasson, Wisdom of the Light, www.wisdomofthelight.com


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 19, 2010 at 9:32pm


Interacting with our DNA


What is the real purpose of junk DNA?

An astronomer from the future, knowing nothing about our English language, and discovering
a preserved copy of "Astronomy Now", would look through the pictures, and be
impressed. Aha! He would be thinking! This ancient civilization was well
advanced in astronomy!

But all this junk between the pictures, it has no meaning and no purpose. So we will call it
"junk astronomy!" Grin!

How could he guess that these ancient humans did not talk by telepathy, and used a written
language! And that this "junk" between the pictures, these are letters, and they
make up words!

Similarly the originator of life on earth, he must have been quite somebody! And we have no
reason to assume that he was not a genius, or a God. And that the junk DNA he
used in the genes at the time were his letters and that they built up into words
or instructions for the assembling up of some essential constituents of our

So considering this possibility as a working hypothesis, I give you below an abbreviated

version of what could possibly be the real structure of our DNA in its
multidimensional format.

The complete text, sent to us by Kryon can be found at our group (Multi Dimensional Man)

The first group of three layers:

TheFirst Layer. This is The Human Genome. And it occupies the same space as layer 6, and
layer 12, which are in higher dimensions (the spiritual or God dimensions). This layer 1 is the
layer we have to heal to improve our health. And to heal it is not difficult. We must just
become one with our God and ask Him to do the healing! (AHA! This is precisely where
these exercises come in! grin!)
The part of the DNA which we consider to be "junk" has to do with communication with layer
6 and must respond to instructions received from higher dimensions. Predisposition for a

hereditary disease, for instance, lies in this layer. Meditation and prayer can be used to send
these instructions from layer 6 to layer 1 and thus cancel the predisposition
Prayer must be done to your Spirit, your personal God, as described in the Exercise "The
Scientific method of praying". Meditation and prayer are the communication bridge with
DNA layer one, the bridge through which to send the healing instructions.
The Second Layer. The Emotional / Meditation layer
This is the state you go to when you meditate. When you talk to Gaia, examine your karma,
talk to the Saints, or change the rules so that you can live a happy and prosperous life.
It's a dreamy edge of reality awareness - that state where consciousness competes with
unconsciousness .This is the entry port to your spiritual self. To the ascension layer
The Third Layer The ascension layer. The catalyst of layer one and two. This is the most
divine of the 12 layers. It is the layer of real communication. The layer to which Ex.No.5
takes you/ When you're convinced you're in touch with this layer, the inter dimensional parts
of your DNA will have permission to change as per the instructions it receives.

The ascension layer is also associated with the pineal gland. The pineal is the channel for
communication with this third, ascension layer, of DNA. What happens with layer three,
through the pineal communicator, modifies layer one, the biological layer and layer two, the
emotional layer. When you begin connecting the pineal and the communication attributes of it
to the third layer, that part which was dormant will become active again
The Layers of Meditation

Meditation has three distinct sections to it. The first we will call intent. This section is where
more than 80 percent of humanity spends its time when it decides to speak to God. It is
received well by Spirit, but it is only the "hello" portion of the process. The second layer is
what we can call passion. This is the process that not only communicates, but does so with
passion. The third one is the delivery, which could be by a vision or a deep emotional feeling.
In "the Scientific method of Praying" (exercise 5) we describe how to make sure you are in
touch with your personal God and that your prayer is being received. And how to have a two
way conversation with your God.

DNA - Group two is the divine group, and consists of layers 4, 5, and 6.
Layers 4 & 5: They exist on top of one another and work together
Layer four describes Great power and great light.
Layer five is the divine grouping that talks to angels and to other humans telepathically
Layer 6 : The I am that I am layer.The God layer. We all know the DNA of layer 1 consists of
a twisted pair of nucleotides hanging on a superstructure of sugar. There are three billion base
pairs, making 120,000 genes. And the ninety seven percent that our scientists call junk DNA,
is what makes the DNA respond to the requests sent to it by our personal incarnation of God.
When you're in that third layer of meditation - the one the masters use when on earth - you're
in touch with DNA layer six.

DNA - Group 3 consists of layers 7,8,and 9

DNA Layer 7 : the Lemurian Layer. The Medical intuitive.

The first thing you need to activate this layer is to believe in, and understand and have faith in
inter dimensionality, both that of your body as described in the chapters of this group, and that
of the DNA. This belief is not difficult since it is part of our reality.

The second thing is to talk daily to your dimensions
The next thing is to talk to Gaia. Gaia can be thought of as a sister or a brother who has the
magnificence and
sacredness of a best friend. Partner with Her, Talk with Her as such
Layer 7 also has another name. It's the Dragon layer
- the creative, the star seed;, the

DNA Layer 8: "Riders of the Light." Layer 8 is again inter dimensional and we have stored in
it all that we
have learned in our thousands of past lifetimes. We will awaken this layer once
we realize that all the wisdom and experience gained is now available for use on
this wonderful and unique planet of free choice. So start by sending your light
to the areas where there is strife. Visit all these areas while in your God self
and send them the messages of wisdom with which to solve their quarrels. Become
Riders of Light. Do this by creating and joining exercises such as
"Exercise 12 -
putting a final end to all conflicts on planet Earth". This type of activity
will activate your layer 8.

DNA Layer 9, The flame of expansion. Completes layer 1, and enables the "junk" part of the
other layers to function. . It's the bridge to ascension, to healing, to mastery, to self-worth
and to the" Cosmic Lattice". When activated and vibrating it enables the violet
flame of St.Germaine. Imagine a red blood cell, a nice round, red blood cell with a gold
fully functional, Merkaba inside of it. Focus everywhere that you have blood
cells, the skin surface, pretty much all over the body, inside the bones, the
bone marrow, and see these little gold Merkabas everywhere. See them increase to
two and three inside each blood cell.

DNA Layer 10 is called "the call to divinity." It's an action layer. A powerful participant in
healing and
activation and in the connection to Spirit.

Healing consists in returning the body to its original divine balance, and the expelling of any
inappropriate items. The rate of aging can also be altered. The Lemurians are
experts in this and they stand ready to answer any call for

When you reach this stage you become the Lighthouses of the century. The Saints are looking
to you to be the ones who will create peace on earth. There's never been an
opportunity like this with the energies of the Lemurians so close to us and so
willing to help.


Activating the 12 strand DNA - Ch.20 of the
DNA book - Ex.1
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 19, 2010 at 9:36pm



Remember your 8 bodies? We are now going to also add the 4 Outer Spiritual Bodies!

I: -The Ego or Personality

The Personality consists of the 4 lower bodies which are:

The Physical Body, The 3rd. Dimension, centred in the Base Chakra

The Etheric Body, The 4th. Dimension, centred in the Navel Chakra

The Emotional Body, The 5th. Dimension, centred in the Solar Plexus

The Lower Thinking Mind, The 6th. Dimension, centred near the Heart

2: - The Spiritual Body:-

The Spiritual Body consists of the 4 upper bodies which are:

The Astral Body, The 7th.Dimension, centred in the Throat Chakra.

The Upper Mental Body, the highest Division of the Astral Body.

The Soul Dimension, The 8th.Dimension, centred in the Third Eye.

The Spiritual Dimension, The 9th.Dimension, God, centred in the Crown Chakra

3:- The Upper Dimensions

The Other Upper Spiritual Bodies in the visible cosmos.

The Planetary spiritual Bodies 12th.Dimension

The Solar Spiritual Bodies, 13th.Dimension

The Galactic Spiritual Bodies, the 14th.Dimension

The Big Bang Cosmos Spiritual Body, the 15th.Dimension

The All That Is, God.


Merging the Personality with the Spiritual Body

The Personality

Visualize your physical body standing in front of you.

Then see your Etheric Body surrounding it completely and extending slightly beyond it.
Next see your Emotional Body again surrounding the Etheric, and extending beyond it.
Finally go outwards by about 100cm, and see the limits of the Lower Thinking Body.
Visualize in front of you your complete Personality, your Ego. A vivid yellow body
completely surrounding your physical body and extending right round it.

The Spiritual Body:

Next to your Personality visualize your Spiritual Bodies

You will first see your Astral Body, 7D, with its chakra extending out of your throat

Surrounding it, see the Upper Mental Body, the highest Division of the Astral Body.

Surrounding this, see the Soul's Body, 8D, with it's chakra extending from the third eye.

Finally see your Spirit, 9D which is based in an energy vortex above your head. And
completely surrounding the other bodies.

Now visualize this huge, impressive and beautiful Spiritual Body standing beside the
Personality. And surrounding it and completely imbibing it with its love energies.

Joining the two:

And the Personality will return the Spiritual Body's love energies, and ask to merge with it.
"Let's merge" will go out the request. Visualize the two bodies merging. Don't worry about
how this is done. They know how to merge.
All you have to do is to express your wish, and visualize it being executed.
What you have now become is a fully illuminated, spiritually activated person.
All thoughts emanating from you will now be inspired, illuminated

Joining with the 4 Upper Dimensions:

Now that you have united your Personality with your Spiritual Body, you can continue your
journey upwards.

"I want to Unite with You, Gaia" you will send out your strong and loving call. Then,

"We, Gaia and Me, we want Unity with our Solar Logos" you will now ask and you will now
unite with the Spiritual Dimension of our Solar System.

Next focus on the Black Hole Porthole in the centre of our Galaxy and rush through it with
the objective of "Unity with our Milky Way Galaxy Spiritual Body!"

Finally, while considering yourself as a member of the Spiritual Body of the Galaxy, with
which you have become One, ask for Unity with the Big Bang Cosmos.

These four operations are done quickly when you become accustomed to them, and they will
take you into an indescribable condition of Vastness.

Activating your body:

Now look around you. Look at infinity, and see the All That Is descending upon you, from the
top head chakra to the bottom base chakra, then expanding outwards, until you see and feel
yourself become part of Infinity part
of the All That Is.

You now know what it feels like to be really part of the "All That Is". Finally, you are back



Sheldan Nidle and SaLuSa Latest Messages
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 19, 2010 at 9:37pm

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy Aug 17, 2010
Posted by: "slc514" slc514@yahoo.com slc514
Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:39 pm (PDT)

Update For August 17, 2010 Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and
the Galactic Federation
3 Kan, 2 Uo, 7 Ik
Selamat Jaram! Much has happened since last week! The dark cabalists are
scrambling to procure their survival and our Earth allies are
maintaining the pressure on them. At present, the dark is working on a
plan to use its growing debt as leverage to amass desperately needed capital without
which it faces massive bankruptcy from which it can never recover. Knowing this,
our Earth allies are focused on denying this infusion of assets to the dark. The
prospects are that the dark cabal's strategy to accrue new monies is to fail,
and our Earth allies expect this situation to end with the dark's capitulation.
When this
moment arrives, the dark has no choice but to agree to the terms laid down by the
Earth allies. This is when the triumph we have long discussed
with you becomes reality! Our Earth allies are ready at that
time to formally begin the inauguration of a series of caretaker governments that are
to set in
motion the various procedures and programs that we have been discussing with

These changes in how government on your world operates are the next step on your
road to full consciousness. The
purpose is to realign government so that it actually reflects what you the
people truly
intend, and consequently, an extensive exchange between government and the public
needs to begin. It is one thing to be accountable, and
quite another to be truly representative of public opinion. The intent of the
new governance is to have many different opinions come together and be openly
expressed. This national conversation need not be muddied by quaint political
maneuvers; rather, the objective here is for a range of possibilities to be

fully discussed and a reasonable plan of action agreed to by all. Such a
proposal requires that the public become aware, educated, and prepared to enter
into this national dialogue.
Creating such a milieu is a prime goal of these new regimes, which means that in the
initial stages, government will be without
a working legislature and an ill-conceived judiciary. The point is to
these branches so that they uphold Common Law and honor its citizenry.

Another major goal is to review all that was instituted by former governments and
work swiftly to correct what is
unconstitutional or ineffective. Government manifestly needs to alter its
principles, and these caretaker regimes come to power with a well thought out and
lengthy agenda. This agenda involves more than bringing
prosperity and common sense to this realm: it is about allowing a new
consciousness to rise up and be fully embraced. Mother Earth has endured
humanity and its dark masters for 13 millennia, and it is time now to graduate
to perceptions that bring the power of the Light into full play. You have been
marinated for eons in a witches' brew of lies, innuendo, and manipulation, which
have brought your societies to the brink of extinction. This folly needs to be
replaced with something completely different. This something must be righteous,
far-reaching, and inspiring, and able to be quickly manifested by government
and, above all, by each of you. This something has been thoroughly mapped out by
our Earth allies and by us, and is capable of laying the groundwork for first

What we are talking about is a conscious relationship between humanity and Mother
Earth (Gaia). Gaia has long
accepted your limited state and provided a safe environment for your many
lessons in growth.
She has endured endless wars and other excesses that have marked your societies
through the ages. The time comes now to return to another
level, away from the exploitation of either off-world overlords, like
the Anunnaki, or by their earthly minions or cabals. The next step is to take
responsibility for your actions. Your new governance needs to accommodate this
growth in public responsibility and the Earth allies have designed their agenda
with this in mind. A great deal of profound change is to take place which
requires your support and your full participation. Policies will be enacted that
are geared to this end. A
series of revelations will also be announced. We are to take part in this operation after
a short period, and then together we

can prepare for first contact.

Once the dark is no longer at the helm, a whole lineup of topics is to be broadcast by
the new
governments. This will be your first opportunity to come together and interact
with your new governance. A great prosperity is to roll out. Massive debt
forgiveness will occur, and many other actions that liberate your economic
potential set in motion. This increases the opportunities for paying more direct
attention to government and for forging a new relationship there. The ongoing
revelations are to include the disclosure of our benevolent presence and the
fact that we have been helping. As many amazing, suppressed technologies are
made public, you need to sort out what this all means. We want you to discuss
everything openly with each other and with your governments. The age of
special-interest corporations is over, leaving the way open for you to assume
your responsibilities and create governance you can all be proud of!

To participate in such a world requires a certain diligence. Your wealth is no excuse

not to take part in what is happening. Many changes
need your feedback and, especially, some follow-up monitoring.
Government is to be carried out within the context of Common Law. Mindless,
government regulation is at an end, and in its place is your active response. Be
ready to contribute and make your
voice heard! In a galactic society everyone participates, and each person's ideas and
suggestions are regarded as vital to a
society's well-being. A society made up of self-actualized individuals works
best. Our Earth allies envision you as honored participants in this new open
society. Each of you is a sovereign Being. You possess talents and creativity
that can bring ingenious and original solutions to bear on any and all problems
facing the collective.

Knowing who you truly are is a central component of being fully conscious. This
period of inaugurating new
governments is when this process of stepping-up to a new personal identity can
begin. You need
to move beyond the very polarized world of special-interest party politics into a
transformative place filled with amazing technologies that
allow you to be part of many interlocking communities. These
local, regional, and national communities require redefinition. You have been
fragmented, indeed
'atomized', by the dark matrix, and positive change on the scale being planned
means an about-face in yourattitudes and actions. Propelling such change will be

the new technological devices which, once widespread, can produce a multileveled
web, analogous to neural networks. These networks are to be the foundation for
what we are trying to describe to you.

Within the framework created by this new technology you can blossom, rise in
and get a better idea of what lies ahead. Your future is not merely an improved
projection of the current status; you are destined to become someone who can
handle a wholly different world, and this world is to come at you full tilt when
first contact happens. Prior to that, you will have these small samplings of
galactic society. The Light has set an agenda and a timetable for this
transformation, and events are happening in secrecy which are to make possible
the many astonishing changes to your world. Together with our
Agarthan brethren we have instigated ways to hasten our arrival on your shores and
plans are to be introduced to you shortly!

Today, we brought you up to speed regarding developments on your world. We are

ready at
any moment to carry out first contact with you. This magical moment is to
reunite your planet, return you to full
consciousness, and set up the foundation for your galactic society and your star-
nation. Know, dear Ones, in
your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of
Heaven are indeed
Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El
Dorado Hills, California 95762 USA
Voicemail: 808-573-3110 | E-mail: info@paoweb.com | Website address:

SaLuSa 18-August-2010
Posted by: "rob6523" rbrioul@gmail.com rob6523
Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:15 am (PDT)



You have power beyond your imagination, and as you get nearer to the end of this
cycle, it will become more evident. Up to now it has been
largely expressed through your mass consciousness, and has created the
conditions and experiences you are having now. There are some exceptions where a
soul has been able to lift their vibrations, and the most common example is one
with positive healing abilities. To a degree you can all do it and it is healing
with the love vibration. A mother's love for her child is a typical example. It
is not too many years ago that claims to have healing powers would have most
likely been ridiculed. It requires a firm belief in your ability to do such
things, and you are now in a period when it is becoming easier to do so. People
are also more accepting of natural healing methods, and some prefer them to a
lifetime of drugs with their own side effects.

As you progress through the next few years, the vibrations will increase more
rapidly. You will find that as you lift up your own, you will be less afflicted
by illness or any health problems. Your body is becoming
more crystalline, and it will be able to overcome any attack upon its bodies defensive
system. You
will no longer be subject to any form of disease, and eventually the process of
aging will stop and be reversed.
There is a point coming in the future when you will be in the most perfect body form.
May we say that is why you have never
seen an "old" Space Being, and when we speak of long past events it is because
we often have first hand experience of them. We live many hundreds of years and
do not age as you do.

As you keep on ascending, so you will reach even higher dimensions and eventually
become a Being of pure
Light. It means that you have no need for a physical body, but with your godlike
powers can create whatever form you may need. There are times when such Beings
drop down into the lower dimensions to serve the souls at that level, such as
for example the one you are in. The higher dimensions are the creations of pure
love, and cannot be affected by any energies of a lesser nature. They are levels
that you would find too powerful to remain in, and because of the Law of
Attraction you cannot in fact reach them. However, some souls are taken to them
under the wings and protection of a Higher Being, and it is usually as part of
their spiritual teachings.

For many of you what has been described will sound familiar, and some will have had
such experiences in

your present lifetime. There are very few of you that can bring back such
memories to your waking state.
Virtually all souls will leave their bodies at some time during their sleep period. You
will most likely meet your loved ones
in the Astral regions, including those that have passed over. Sometimes such
are partially remembered, but simply seem like dreams. It is a quite normal
experience, but those who have no belief in life after death or the other
realms remain poised above their body. When you realise how much more you do
than you are aware of, perhaps you can see how limited you are in your
understanding of life in the 3rd.dimension.

If you approach life in the best way, even although it can be a great trial you can move
through it without being affected by it. Nothing that can happen to you will be
lasting, and at a point that comes nearer each
day we shall be allowed to enter your lives. A great cleansing will commence very
quickly, whilst steps are
taken to reverse some of the pollution that affects very large parts of your
Earth. At the same time
negotiations will ensure that unjust laws and actions are no longer possible. It will
result in your sovereignty being restored, and
freedom assured for the future. You will quickly put all of your
concerns behind you, and there will be a totally different sense of well being not
experienced for a very long time. Our plans will be shared with
you, and many of you will obviously work with us.

We wish you to feel part of everything that is happening, and there will be a
coming together of many countries that have previously been archenemies. Your
history shows that the dark Ones have deliberately created tension between them,
and have perpetuated the idea of continual wars. It has been to drain your
resources and keep you in state of fear, whilst projecting the possibility of a
world war. In fact but for our actions the predicted Third World War would have
commenced some years ago. The Galactic Federation have been active in this way
for a long time, to ensure that you safely reached the point of Ascension. You
sometimes forget that we are behind you all of the time, and we continuously
monitor what is happening on Earth.

Be assured that we are tightening the net around the dark Ones, and the longer it
goes on the less
opportunity they have of avoiding the inevitable. They know they are losing the
fight, but cling to the hope they can hold out. However, their days are numbered

and plans in disarray, and they cannot escape the days of reckoning. God may
allow you total freedom, but that does not mean that you can treat others just
as you wish. You are all on Earth to learn lessons, and without laws there would
simply be anarchy. All experience is to lead you along the path of
understanding, to the realisation that everything is founded upon the love
energy. When you find the true God you will then realize that all life is
irrevocably connected, and is infinite.

It is in order for you to concentrate on your own advancement, as the end times are
rushing towards you. Your consciousness levels will by now have increased, and
as a result you are better able to be discerning
where your future is concerned. You do have all knowledge within, and can trust your
own decisions.
Sometimes your Guides will help you, by trying to influence you in your actions
and that is quite allowable. They know your life plan better than you do, and
will always act in your best interest. Get to know that they are there with you
and talk to them, as they will hear you.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and enjoy sharing my thoughts and understanding with
you. I also
like the opportunity to tell you about our part in your future. We have been
preparing you for this time for ages, and you are now well informed. We
appreciate and thank you for your welcoming messages.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.


Archangel Metatron Channel The 12th
Gate of the Golden Sun Disc
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 19, 2010 at 9:37pm

Archangel Metatron Channel

The 12th Gate of the Golden Sun Disc
AA-Metatron via J Tyberonn
Greetings Masters, and so we greet each of you this day in a vector of Unconditional Love !
There are many paths for a human to walk and all of integrity will find their light. So it is
always true that discernment is required.
Dear Ones, change is the nature of reality and is ever expanding as consciousness expands.
All shifts within and without in a manner that is appropriate on and beyond the holograms of
Earth. Many of you are in your advanced stage of Mastery, and have
attended the Mystery Schools of Earth far more times than you may realize. And
now is the time of completion. It is the 12th Gate, and the energy of this
'Mastery Initiation' is resurfacing. Disciplines in the wisdom schools of ancient Alchemy
in time. Yet the frequency of Truth ever remains the
same in resonance.
Masters, be aware that the energy and earthen resonance of these encalves of Mastery still
exist in certain nodes, and these are among the portals where wisdom is resurfacing. Among
the greatest mystery schools of
ancient Earth were those located in ancient OG. the lands currently called
Bolivia and Peru. It is why many of you are called to make pilgrimmages to the
land of OG, for there is a frequencial download of great wisdom and great
balance available to you.
And so Masters, we speak this day of sacred earth, the Lands of ancient OG, and of
Bolivia...and of the Keeper of the 12th Gate : Lake Titicaca.
Lake Titicaca corresponds to the Ascension in many different ways. It is a consciousness that
enlivens each dimension and relates to the individual within a specified frequential resonance
of these dimensions. At Lake Titicaca these
frequencies are fixed to humanity and as such are more readily available to
those who align with them.
The Golden Sun Disc
Within Lake Titicaca lies one of the great 'Golden Sun Disc'. It is 12- connected to the Guild
of Hathors.
Many of you are part of this, and have been for a long time. We have told you this before.
Indeed others will be drawn to the sun discs as the work intensifies in2011 in
preparation for 2012.
Regarding 2012, some have erroneously concluded in these changing times that the earth will
be eradicated and we say it will not, cannot be. It matters not what sensational movies and
programs are broadcast in your mass media about
such destruction. The Earth cannot be destroyed and will not be anulled...so the

transformation of the Earth is absolutely not a destruction, rather a requisite
and joyous recreation of itself.
Do you understand?
Mega Vortex-Portal
The energetic field, the very length, breadth and vitality of the mega-portal-vortex of Lake
Titicaca, is one of the largest & most pristine
on your planet. It is also one of the Keepers of the planetary equiliibrium at
this time in the dawn of Ascension. It is important that you understand, that
Lake Titicaca is energetically balanced. And such parity is essential at this
time, and yet hard for some of you to truly understand and
Accordingly Titicaca carries tremendous clearing potential for all advanced seekers on the
path. The frequency therein is balanced in terms of duality polarity within and above the 3rd
dimension...and that is the requisite
model for humanity. Titicaca is neither male nor female, it is both. That is why
many are drawn there. We assure you, if it was either one or the
other, the feminine energy or masculine, Lake Titicaca would not draw that
amount of power, it would not contain the equilibrium, you see? It contains
proportional levels of both, and as such the potency, the harmonic, and the
So the consciousness of this vortex will offer balance to any human that is in imbalance...and
much of humanity is indeed imbalanced as yet, because your Earth is energetically,
ionically and frequencially unevenly polarized. Yet at certain rare vectors,
such balance does exist on Terra. There are several such locales. The greatest
of these nodes is Titicaca. That is why so many are drawn there. One who is overly macho or
overly feminine will receive the opposite to obtain the balance. Such is the
nature of the crystalline energies of the 12th Gate and Golden
In your current scientific understanding, you might think that the presence of anionic and
cationic, female and male would neutralize one another in bonding. It would seem so but that
not the case. Rather, they activate one another. This rare point
on the planet, which is BOTH a human chakric center and planetary chakra
consciously directs & regulates itself according to what is needed for
balance, do you understand?
And we tell you the pristine energy of the mega vortex of Lake Titicaca and its incredible
balancing energies are reaching
far and wide to heal the Earth in ways that have not been recognized. For
theGolden Sun-Disc within Titicaca is the focal radiator that programs the Discs
of the West, just as the one beneath Roslyn Chapel will regulate the areas of
Europe Middle East and Africa. Indeed the energy each of Titicaca is a part of
the heralded prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor
The 'Eagle and Condor' Prophesies
In what the Hopi refer to as the 'Eagle and Condor', the Eagle represents the energies of the
North, and the Condor the energies of Latin America. Both were once as one and the
prophecy states that
when the Eagle and Condor again fly together, it will signify the return of
wisdom and balance. But in current times, a key portion of the message is that
without the Condor, the Eagle will falter. You see, it is the sacred wisdom of
the Land of the Condor that has not been as scattered, has not been as corrupted

as yet, we might say. The energy of the Condor must go north and that of the
Eagle south. It is to heal the Eagle. That is why those Earthkeepers and
Lightworkers of the North are drawn to the Land of the Sacred Lake, and those of
the Condor are drawn to the North at this time.
The Eagle Must Fly
For the Eagle to fly, much must be done by Earth-Keepers and Lightworkers in the United
States. The Harmonic must be raised. The United States has many powerful spiritual pockets,
and these are
growing in inertia. But, the great masses of the people in the United States are
incased within gilded cages of manipulated misunderstanding, victims of their
own insulation and subtle controls of the patriachal narcissism of the ruling
Few North Americans truly have sovereignty. The common man in the United States is
enslaved by debt, manipulated by media and intoxicated by quantity. Sadly, America has
become a corporation based on
profit. The people of America are no longer citizens they are employees. Many
are beginning to wake- up and working to change this, but it will not be
Those on the path of Light will lead the way...and in time change must occur.
Now, because the governments of South America became colonized into Castilian
aristocracies, a great separation polarized between the controlling patricians of the rich and
the stark poverty
of the indigenous.
Yet despite this inequity and partially because of it, a larger degree of the indigenous peoples
retained their campestral culture, wisdom and knowledge. This is especially true in the sacred
land of OG, where the
indigenous compose a larger segment of the populace, and to a smaller degree in
the lands of the Yucatan.
In South America, indeed, in this time of the fulfillment of the Eagle and Condor much
transition is now afoot. There will be a time in the not so distant future in which South
America will displace North America as the
primary bread basket of the world. As its economy strengthens so will emerge a
powerful cry from the common man for stronger voice and more equity among all
its classes and people.
This is beginning now in Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela, and has been evolving for
some time in Argentina, Brazil and Chile for more than 3 decades, as a growing middle
economic class emerges. The Condor of the
mighty Andes is strengthening!
Axialtonal Energy Exchange in the Americas
The 'vortex/portal' energies between North and South America are being interchanged to
achieve balance, you see. The greatest interaction is in an interface of
axialtonal energy between Titicaca and
Arizona. Beloved, a great connection has always existed between Sedona &
Titicaca, but that ancient energetic route has become less effective, and is now
to be repaved as 2012 nears. That portal which is Titicaca is much more intact,
and more capable of feeding and healing the other. Is that not why
many such gatherings are occurring, that is the activation. Titicaca is
providing balance to many powernodes and energy sites in North America.
We are not speaking of peoples or of governments, but rather of the meridiens of the Living
Earth balancing themselves in a very sentient manner. A similar process is occuring

thru different aspect of crytsalline energy from North
to South via the Master Crystals beneath the vortex of Arkansas.
Many of the potent vortex/portals in the North such as the area you refer to as Monument
Valley, Grand Canyon and Mount Shasta were designated to the care of certain
Indigenous Tribes, or were legislated through inspired guidance of
Human Masters into reserves you call National and State Parks. And these have
been kept far more pristine. But we tell you Titicaca is sending energy to these
and more, and many of the North come to the South to assist in this
Since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, and even before, many have been drawn to visit
and 'anchor' energies, connect energies, at vortex sites, and that is so important, so
appropriate. Because when ceremony, as Earthkeepers have always known, is
performed with right intent to honor the Living Earth, the Living Earth responds
10 fold.
Those of you who have done such work have benefitted as well, because when Earthkeepers
go to sacred sites, they absorb the energy there, and it increases their frequency. When you
bury your crystals, and prayer
ties and offerings that energy becomes as a tuning fork, not just within the
site, but also within your own Crysto Mer-Ka-Na field. So what is
represented by Titicaca is that it is among the most pure of portals, and
greatly 'protected' by its massive waters, elevation, geology
and grid geometry.
Titicaca is a perfect & potent battery for both receival and transmission of those attuned
higher dimensional
energies required for the Ascension of this planet. The object you refer to as
the 'Golden Disc' is of extraterrestrial origin, similar in function to the one
beneath Roslyn and the one beneath the Crystal Vortex of
Two of the Temple Crystals of Atlantis were placed in safe keeping below the waters and earth
of Titicaca .
Indeed, the 12 Sun Disc does indeed also reside beneath the waters of Lake Titicaca, and it
performs an astonishing role, that your present science has no means to measure,
and it does so in synergy with 11 other such units across your planet. Lake
Titicaca is the 12th Gate of the
Now, as the channel has mentioned, the indigenous of South America, specifically in the
region of what was once called OG (Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador), still maintain & preserve
great knowledge that they receive
from the elements and plant teachers of the
Throughout history indigenous societies have held the greater a great understanding of the
living Earth. Their wisdom schools existed in small enclaves after the Fall of Atlantis
and Mu. Yet purification lodges, vision quest and medicine journeys were
maintained and conducted by highly evolved souls.
Two of the greatest Wisdom schools existed on the Island of the Sun, in Bolivia as well as in
the vast chasms beneath Tiahuanaco- The Lost Pyramid City of
The 12th Gate
The lands of Bolivia are indeed very similar in resonance to the highlands of Tibet. Salar
Uyuni and Lake Titicaca are among the most pure of energy centers and lucid of

initiation portals. Both are in truth part of the same matrix, the former being
a major satellite contributor to the latter. Yet both are a potent battery for
clear receival and transmission of coded higher dimensional energies required
for the Ascension of both the Americas and indeed the planet. We will say that a
visit to points referenced in the Bolivian alti-plano, specifically Salar Uyuni,
enhances and prepares the advanced seeker for the full incorporation of the
Island of the Sun, that termed the 12th gate of Initiation. Not all
who visit will receive such codes, so better to
At Lake Titicaca these frequencies are fixed to humanity and more readily available to those
who align with them. But again, each must be ready and capable of raising their
frequency and open their hearts to receive such
Masters, the lands of Bolivia are a sacred gateway, and offer the resonance of the magnicifent
energies of the Initiations of Wisdom Schools that existed thru out the land in the times before
and after ancient OG. Many of you had lifetimes there and are drawn to sacred
Titicaca for a completion, the12th Gate of Initation, for it is indeed the Land
of the 12th Gate- The Golden Sun Disc.
I am Metatron and YOU are beloved.
...And so it is.
This channel is copyrighted to www.Earth-Keeper.com - Posting on websites is permitted as
long as the information is not
altered and credit of authorship and website is included. It may not be
published in journals, magazines or print without expressed permission from
Earth-Keeper. Permissions may be requested at Tyberonn@hotmail.com


Cinnamon and Honey
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 20, 2010 at 2:39am

> Honey is the only food on the planet that will not spoil or rot... It will do what
> some call turning to sugar... In reality honey is always honey... However, when left
> in a cool dark place for a long time it will do what I rather call "crystallizing".
> When this happens I loosen the lid, boil some water, and sit the honey container in
> the hot water, turn off the heat and let it liquefy. It is then as good as it ever
> was. Never boil honey or put it in a microwave. To do so will kill the enzymes in the
> honey.
> Cinnamon and Honey
> Bet the drug companies won't like this one getting around. Facts on Honey and
> Cinnamon: It is found that a mixture of honey and Cinnamon cures most diseases. Honey
> is produced in most of the countries of the world.. Scientists of today also accept
> honey as a 'Ram Ban' (very effective) medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can
> be used without any side effects for any kind of diseases.
> Today's science says that even though honey is sweet, if taken in the right dosage as
> a medicine, it does not harm diabetic patients. Weekly World News, a magazine in
> Canada , in its issue dated 17 January,1995 has given the following list of diseases
> that can be cured by honey and cinnamon as researched by western scientists:
> Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, apply on bread, instead of jelly and jam,

> and eat it regularly for breakfast. It reduces the cholesterol in the arteries and
> saves the patient from heart attack. Also, those who have already had an attack, if
> they do this process daily, they are kept miles away from the next attack. Regular use
> of the above process relieves loss of breath and strengthens the heart beat. In
> America and Canada , various nursing homes have treated patients successfully and have
> found that as you age, the arteries and veins lose their flexibility and get clogged;
> honey and cinnamon revitalize the arteries and veins.
> Arthritis patients may take daily, morning and night, one cup of hot water with two
> spoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. If taken regularly even
> chronic arthritis can be cured. In a recent research conducted at the Copenhagen
> University, it was found that when the doctors treated their patients with a mixture
> of one tablespoon Honey and half teaspoon Cinnamon powder before breakfast, they found
> that within a week, out of the 200 people so treated, practically 73 patients were
> totally relieved of pain, and within a month, mostly all the patients who could not
> walk or move around because of arthritis started walking without pain.
> Take two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of
> lukewarm water and drink it. It destroys the germs in the bladder.
> Two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of Cinnamon Powder mixed in 16 ounces of
> tea water, given to a cholesterol patient, was found to reduce the level of cholesterol
> in the blood by 10 percent within two hours As mentioned for arthritic patients, if
> taken three times a day, any chronic cholesterol is cured... According to information
> received in the said Journal, pure honey taken with food daily relieves complaints of
> cholesterol.
> Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one tablespoon lukewarm honey
> with 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder daily for three days. This process will cure most
> chronic cough, cold, and clear the sinuses.
> Honey taken with cinnamon powder cures stomach ache and also clears stomach ulcers
> from the root.
> GAS:
> According to the studies done in India and Japan , it is revealed that if Honey is taken
> with cinnamon powder the stomach is relieved of gas.
> Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the
> body from bacteria and viral attacks. Scientists have found that honey has various
> vitamins and iron in large amounts. Constant use of Honey strengthens the white blood
> corpuscles to fight bacterial and viral diseases.

> Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken before food relieves
> acidity and digests the heaviest of meals
> A scientist in Spain has proved that honey contains a natural ' Ingredient' which kills
> the influenza germs and saves the patient from flu...
> Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly, arrests the ravages of
> old age. Take four spoons of honey, one spoon of cinnamon powder, and three cups of
> water and boil to make like tea. Drink 1/4 cup, three to four times a day It keeps the
> skin fresh and soft and arrests old age. Life spans also increase and even a 100 year
> old, starts performing the chores of a 20-year-old.
> Three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste. Apply this paste
> on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. If done daily
> for two weeks, it removes pimples from the root....
> Applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected parts cures eczema,
> ringworm and all types of skin infections.
> Daily in the morning one half hour before breakfast on an empty stomach, and at night
> before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup of water. If taken
> regularly, it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also, drinking this
> mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though the
> person may eat a high calorie diet.
> Recent research in Japan and Australia has revealed that advanced cancer of the stomach
> and bones have been cured successfully. Patients suffering from these kinds of cancer
> should daily take one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder for one
> month three times a day.
> Recent studies have shown that the sugar content of honey is more helpful rather than
> being detrimental to the strength of the body. Senior citizens, who take honey and
> cinnamon powder in equal parts, are more alert and flexible. Dr. Milton, who has done
> research, says that a half tablespoon of honey taken in a glass of water and sprinkled
> with cinnamon powder, taken daily after brushing and in the afternoon at about 3:00
> P.M. when the vitality of the body starts to decrease, increases the vitality of the
> body within a week.
> People of South America , first thing in the morning, gargle with one teaspoon of
> honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water, so their breath stays fresh throughout
> the day.

> Daily morning and night honey and cinnamon powder, taken in equal parts restores
> hearing. Remember when we were kids? We had toast with real butter and cinnamon
> sprinkled on it!


Babalara Nasihat: Çocukların hatalarını

kabul edebilmek
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 20, 2010 at 1:24pm

Babalara Nasihat: Çocukların hatalarını kabul edebilmek

Baba olmanın en zor yanlarından biri de çocukların hatalarını kabul edebilmeyi öğrenmektir.
Çocuklar hiç hata yapmasaydı seven, destekleyen ve yardımsever bir baba olmak elbette çok
kolay olurdu, ancak dikkatli babalar çocuklarının hayatında hatasız bir dönemin neredeyse hiç
olmadığının farkındadırlar.

Çocukların hata yapmaları konusunu açıklığa kavuşturalım: Sabah uyandığında kollarını

kavuşturup “acaba bugün babamı delirtmek için ne yapabilirim” diye düşünen bir çocuk
yoktur. Çocuklar hata yapmaktan hoşlanmaz ya da isteyerek hata yapmazlar. Hata yapmak
onlar için dünyayı öğrenme yollarından biridir sadece.

Çocuklar genellikle ellerinden gelenin en iyisini yaparlar, ancak sadece o anda sahip oldukları
kaynaklar çerçevesinde en iyisini yaparlar. Bazen yorgundurlar, bazen kolayca dikkatleri
dağılır ve bazen de çok inatçı olurlar, ama genellikle ellerinden gelenin en iyisini yapmaya
çalışırlar. Daha önce ne yaptıklarına bakarak çocukları yargılamak kolaydır.

Çocuklar hata yaptığında, babaların elinde bazı seçenekler mevcuttur.

Babalar yaptıkları seçimlerle çocukların savunmacı ve yalan söyleyen çocuklara dönüşmesine

yardımcı olabilirler…

Ya da yaptıkları seçimlerle, çocuklarına hatalarından ders almayı ve hata yaptıkları konularda

kendilerini geliştirmeyi öğrenmelerine yardımcı olabilirler.

Çocuklar hata yaptığında cezalandırılmaktan ya da daha az sevileceğinden korkarlarsa

hatalarını gizlemeyi öğrenirler.
Bu çocuklar iki farklı yerde yaşarlar, bunlardan biri babalarından (ve annelerinden) sevgi ve
destek gördükleri bir yer,
diğeri de hataları anlaşılırsa bu sevgiyi hak etmeyeceklerini zannettikleri yer.

Bu çocukların anne-babanın sevgi ve desteğini tam olarak kabul etmesi zordur.
Ayrıca bu çocuklar başarısız olmaktan korktukları için kendilerine hedef olarak yüksek
standartlar belirlemezler.

Hatalarından ders alan ve hata yapmaktan korkmayan çocuklar yetiştirmek için babaların
yapabileceği bazı şeyler:

Çocukların ellerinden gelenin en iyisini yaptıkları ve hataların kabul edildiği bir ortamda
yaşamaları durumunda hatalarından ders çıkarmayı çok daha hızlı öğrenecekleri gerçeğini
kesin olarak kabul edin.

Çocukların hataları karşısında yaşadığınız zorlukların, kendi hatalarınızla baş etmekte

yaşadığınız zorlukların bir yansıması olduğunu unutmayın. Bu gerçeğin farkına varın ve
öncelikle kendi sorunlarınızı çözümleyin.

“Bunu nasıl yapabildin?”, “Beni dinlemiyorsun!”, “Daha iyisini yapabilirdin”, “Senin derdin
ne?”…. Çocuklarımıza bu gibi utanmalarına neden olacak mesajları kolaylıkla verebiliriz.
Ancak bu mesajlar çocuklara çok büyük zararlar verebilir ve kendilerini değersiz
hissetmelerine neden olabilir.

Çocuklara deneyerek öğrenme olanakları sunmaya devam edin, ancak ortamlarını çok fazla
hata yapamayacakları biçimde düzenleyin. Örneğin evin her tarafında pahalı kristal eşyalar
koyarsanız, çocuklar bunları kırabilir ve bu onların hatası değildir.

Kendi hatalarınız karşısında verdiğiniz tepkilerle çocuklarınıza model olun. Siz savunmacı ve
gerçeği çarpıtan bir kişi misiniz yoksa hatasını “sahiplenen” ve bundan bir şeyler öğrenen bir
kişi mi? Hatalardan ders almaya dayanan bir “kültür” oluşturun.

Çocuklarımıza hepimizin yaptığı hatalardan bir şeyler öğrenmelerine izin verecek sabrı
göstermek için sadece bir şansımız var. Siz de bu konuda daha iyisini başarma fırsatına şu
anda sahipsiniz:

Çocuklarınıza ihtiyaç duydukları ve hak ettikleri özgürlüğü tanıyın.


Yetişkinlerde ilişkimizde de
onların "ellerinden gelenin en iyisisi"ni yaptıklarını bilelim.. çünkü gerçek bu...
Herkes kendi "büyümesi" oranında, elinden gelenin en iyisini yapıyor..
ve çaba gösteriyor:)
demek ki "o zaman dilimin"de elinden gelen o kadar...
ve herkes mutlu olmak ister...:)

"dünya üzerinde zerafetle, sevgiyle ve neseyle yürüyorum.."

Sevgili Gülten e Teşekkürler


Kosmosun kardeşliği adına
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 20, 2010 at 1:45pm

Kosmosda bizden başka düşünen var mı

bize benzer mi
belki bizden güzeldir
bizona benzer mesela ama çayırdan nazik
belki de akarsuyun şavkına benzer
belki çirkindir bizden
karıncaya benzer mesala ama tıraktörden iri
belki de kapı gıcırtısına benzer
belki ne güzeldir bizden ne de çirkin
belki tıpatıp bize benzer
ve yıldızlardan birinde
hangisinde bilmiyorum
yıldızlardan birinde konuşacak elçimiz
hangi dilde bilmiyorum
yıldızlardan birinde konuşacak elçimiz onunla
Tovariş* diyecek
söze bu sözle başlayacak biliyorum
Tovariş diyecek
ne üs kurmağa geldim yıldızına
ne petrol ne yemiş imtiyazı istemeğe
Kola-kola satacak da değilim
selamlamaya geldim seni yeryüzü umutları adına,
bedava ekmek ve bedava karanfil adına
mutlu emeklerle mutlu dinlenmeler adına
"Yarin yanağından gayrı her yerde her şeyde hep beraber"
diyebilmek adına
ve kosmosun kardeşliği adına

Nazım Hikmet / 13 Nisan 1961 / Paris...

*Tovariş: Rusça yoldaş demektir.

Devamı: http://www.maddeveruh.org/ruh-ve-madde/1/894/Kosmosun-kardesligi-ad...


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 20, 2010 at 1:49pm


Uyanış, düşünce ve farkındalığın ayrıldığı bir bilinç değişimidir. Çoğu kişi için bir olay değil,
devam eden bir süreçtir. Ani, belirgin ve görünüşte tersine çevrilemez gibi görünen bazı ender
kişiler bile, yeni bilinç durumu tüm hayatlarına yerleşirken, yaptıkları her
şeyin doğasını değiştirirken ve böylece hayatlarıyla bütünleşirken, yine de bu
süreçten geçecektir.
Uyanık olduğunuzda, düşüncelerde kaybolmak yerine kendinizi onun ardındaki farkındalık
olarak algılarsınız. O zaman düşünce, kendi
başına hareket eden ve tüm hayatınızı yöneten otonom bir akış olmaktan çıkar.
Farkındalık düşünceden ayrılır. Düşünce hayatınızın kontrolünü elinizde tutmaya
çalışmak yerine, farkındalığınızın hizmetkarı haline gelir. Farkındalık,
evrensel zekayla kurulan bilinçli bağlantıdır. Bunun için kullanılan diğer bir
kelime, Varlık'tır: Düşünce olmadan bilinç.

Uyanış sürecinin başlaması çok görkemlidir. Onun olmasını sağlayamaz, kendinizi ona
Zihin bunu çok sevse de, uyanışa doğru uzanan düzenli ve mantıklı basamaklar
yoktur. Önce bir şeyleri hak etmeniz gerekmez. Hatta bazen günahkar biri, bir
azizden daha önce uyanabilir. Uyanış hakkında yapabileceğiniz hiçbir şey yoktur.
Her ne yapmaya çalışırsanız, aslında bu çabanın ardındaki şey, uyanışı veya
aydınlanmayı en değerli mal olarak kendine katmak ve böylece daha önemli ve daha
büyük olmaya çalışan ego olacaktır. O zaman uyanmak yerine, uyanma kavramını,
uyanmış bir kişinin nasıl olacağıyla ilgili zihinsel bir imajı zihninize
eklersiniz ve sonra da o imaja uymaya çalışırsınız. Bir imaja uyarak yaşamak,
özgün bir yaşam değildir; sadece egonun oynadığı başka bir bilinçsiz



Uyanış, düşünce ve farkındalığın ayrıldığı bir bilinç değişimidir. Çoğu kişi için bir olay değil,
devam eden bir süreçtir. Ani, belirgin ve görünüşte tersine çevrilemez gibi görünen bazı ender
kişiler bile, yeni bilinç durumu tüm hayatlarına yerleşirken, yaptıkları her
şeyin doğasını değiştirirken ve böylece hayatlarıyla bütünleşirken, yine de bu
süreçten geçecektir.
Uyanık olduğunuzda, düşüncelerde kaybolmak yerine kendinizi onun ardındaki farkındalık
olarak algılarsınız. O zaman düşünce, kendi
başına hareket eden ve tüm hayatınızı yöneten otonom bir akış olmaktan çıkar.
Farkındalık düşünceden ayrılır. Düşünce hayatınızın kontrolünü elinizde tutmaya
çalışmak yerine, farkındalığınızın hizmetkarı haline gelir. Farkındalık,

evrensel zekayla kurulan bilinçli bağlantıdır. Bunun için kullanılan diğer bir
kelime, Varlık'tır: Düşünce olmadan bilinç.

Uyanış sürecinin başlaması çok görkemlidir. Onun olmasını sağlayamaz, kendinizi ona
Zihin bunu çok sevse de, uyanışa doğru uzanan düzenli ve mantıklı basamaklar
yoktur. Önce bir şeyleri hak etmeniz gerekmez. Hatta bazen günahkar biri, bir
azizden daha önce uyanabilir. Uyanış hakkında yapabileceğiniz hiçbir şey yoktur.
Her ne yapmaya çalışırsanız, aslında bu çabanın ardındaki şey, uyanışı veya
aydınlanmayı en değerli mal olarak kendine katmak ve böylece daha önemli ve daha
büyük olmaya çalışan ego olacaktır. O zaman uyanmak yerine, uyanma kavramını,
uyanmış bir kişinin nasıl olacağıyla ilgili zihinsel bir imajı zihninize
eklersiniz ve sonra da o imaja uymaya çalışırsınız. Bir imaja uyarak yaşamak,
özgün bir yaşam değildir; sadece egonun oynadığı başka bir bilinçsiz




Ascension ... Now ! Third part

 Posted by Jacques on August 20, 2010 at 11:55pm

Love Fire, and no more the falsified Fire, Unity Fire, Truth, Fire, Heart Fire. By the
conjunction and resonance of the head Crown, Heart Crown and by the matter Sacred
Triangle, revealed to her-self, reunified to the Central Sun, from this day, Earth Ascension is a
thing underway All, absolutely all that has scheduled Archangel Michael and ourselves,
within this Conclave, from more one year, now finds its conclusion. The new tri-Unity, whom
we have given the totality of Vibratory Keys (Christ, Mary and Michael, present in you,
Vibrating in you, revealing your stellar DNA, today active is.

For the third time : Ehieh. Asher.Ehieh.

Energy Outpouring...

Beloved Children of the Source and Children of the Law of One, the junction of your Crown
in the Crown, and the Four Living finding within, henceforth allow, in you, to Vibrate and to
live, such within this world, the Truth and Unity. The promise and the oath come true, right in
front of your eyes, under your Inner look. All what, until now, had veiled, diverted your
attention and your Conciousness of the Truth, dissolves. You are invited to live your Eternity
Nuptials. The Celestial Nuptials conjunction with Terrestrial Nuptials leads you to Vibrate
within your Unity, within your Truth. Nothing, neither nobody, within this world, cannot

switch off what Me, Lord Metatron, has raised. Be present, at each Breath, within yourself. Be
present and unified too, each evening, at 19PM, allowing in this way, in conjunction with
Earth, in conjunction with Christ, with Mary and with Michael, to bear what you are and to
bear Earth and this Universe, to Eternity Dwelling Places.

I decree open the real and Authentic Earth 's Ascension, of his inhabitants of good will, of Sun
and of the whole of this solar system. That comes true and will be fulfilled right in front of
your eyes, each day which is deducted coming close to you of Glory moment. The Light
shines, as some of you live it, see it or feel it, the whole of this world.

To be continued



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 22, 2010 at 1:30am


Sevgili IŞIK Kardeşlerimiz!

Meksika körfezindeki petrol sızıntısı devam etmekte ve oluşan tropik fırtına, bölgenin zaten çok kötü
olan ekolojik durumunu daha da kötüleştirmektedir. Bilim
adamlarının iddialarına göre, bu facia ağır sonuçları itibarı ile Çernobil
patlaması faciasıyla kıyaslana
Bunun yanı sıra, verilen tebliğlerde – 2010 yılı için kehanetlerde Gezegenimizde 3 büyük volkanın
patlaması olasılığı belirtilmişti:
Rusya’da, Avrupa’da, ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde. Kadim volkan
kraterinde bulunan Yellowstone (Yellowstone, Amerika) milli parkındaki
toprak yükselmeye başladı ve aktif olarak Greyzerler fışkırdı -
içlerindeki suyun ısısı hızlı bir şekilde yükselmektedir - bunlar
volkanik faaliyetin işaretleridir; son olarak volkan 642 yıl önce
uyanmıştı. Bilim adamları bu Süpervolkanın 2-6 yıl içerisinde, büyük
facialar getirecek şekilde patlama ihtimalinin olduğunu bildiriyorlar,
bizim tahminimiz bunun biraz daha erken olacağıdır.

Bizce, bu ağır olaylar, tüm dünyadaki tüm ezoterik grupların, okulların ve toplulukların birleşmesi ve
ahenkle hareket etmesi için katalizör
olacaktır. Ancak HEP BERABER biz, bu oluşmuş olan durumun en hafif
şekilde gelişerek atlatılması için şartları oluşturabiliriz.
Bizim iş arkadaşlarımız- Işık Ustalarının teklifi var : “Arkadaşlar! Gezegenimizin derinlikleri – canlı,
karşılık veren dokudur ve
volkanların kendileri- canlı varlıklar, onlarla düşünsel olarak
konuşulabilir ve onların “heyecanlı nefesi” sükunetle doldurulabilir…
Hadi ,hep beraber olalım– iyi iradenin tüm insanları, Işık
İşçileri,gençler, aborijin halkları… ve insanlığa ve Gezegene yardım
edelim, çünkü bizim ruhlarımızın çabalarıyla şimdiye kadar bir çok doğal
ve teknolojik afetlere engel olundu….”
Grup meditasyonlarımıza ve dualarımıza, Dünya’nın oluşabilecek afetlerinin dengelenmesi işini dahil
edelim,-özellikle Meksika körfezi ve yüksek
volkanik aktivitelerin olduğu yerleri.
Galaktik Federasyonun Temsilcilerini, Gaia’nın ruhunu, Işık Ailesinin Temsilcilerini, Melekleri ve
Başmelekleri çağıralım, Mesih Bilinci
Izgarası ile ve tüm katılan insanların kalpleri ile birleşelim, ve
ayrıca Elementalleri ve Dünyanın Ruhunu çağıralım, Suyu, Havayı ve
Ateşi, Mineral, Bitki ve Hayvan Krallıklarının Koruyucularını. Hep
beraber dua ve meditasyon uygulamalarını kullanarak, hep beraber “
geçişin en yumuşak ve ahenkle gerçekleşmesi senaryosunun yaratılmasına”
Her birimiz kendi Yüksek BEN’ine sorsun- geçişin dengeli olarak gerçekleşmesi için özellikle kendisi ne
yapabilir ve aslında hepimiz ne
yapmalıyız. Her birimiz şu işleri sürekli yapsın: bireysel
unsurlarımızın arıtılması ve korkulardan, nefretten, öfkeden,
kıskançlıktan, kötülükten, kendini aldatmaktan, yalandan v.s. arınmak.
Dünya’nın dengelenmesi işini, seri Dünya global meditasyonlarıyla
yapmamızı öneriyoruz: her hafta – hafta sonları, tatil günlerinde (her
Cuma,cumartesi veya Pazar günleri, Grinvic saati ile 13:00 te
Bu teklifi Gezegenin duyarsız olmayan tüm insanlarına göndermenizi rica ediyoruz!
Dünya Işık Seti



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 22, 2010 at 1:30am


Üstat Rehber Kirael, Kahu Fred Sterling vasıtasıyla

KIRAEL: Bugün foton enerjisinden söz etmek istiyorum, bir gün sadece cihazlarınız ve diğer
aletler için değil bedenleriniz için de ana güç kaynağınız olacak
olan kuvvet. Foton enerjisi dalga formatında görünür, yine de
bireyselleşmiştir. Yani, bir foton dalgası tek parçacık olarak davranır.
Foton enerjisi hayal edebileceğinizden daha uzun zamandır etraftadır.
Foton enerjisi bu yolculuğa, 50,000 yıl önce, Lemurya zamanlarında
getirildi ve şimdi Bilinçteki Geçişte büyük bir rol oynayacak.
Hükümetiniz foton enerjisinin farkında, ama sizin bunun çok fazla farkında olmanızı
istemiyorlar. Biz İnsanlar arasında foton enerjisi bilgisini
geciktirmek için ellerinden geleni yapıyorlar. Foton enerjisinin yaygın
kullanımı ekonominizi değiştirir, çünkü foton her günün her saniyesinde
sizi çevreler. Sadece nefesle içlerine alabilecekleri bir şey için
insanlardan para alamazsınız. Foton enerjisini ana güç kaynağınız olarak nasıl
kullanacağınıza gelince, galaktik enerjilerin konu edildiği yer burasıdır.
Foton Enerjisini Şimdide Fark etmek
Sorularınızı mümkün olduğu kadar çok yanıtlamak istiyorum, sorulara başlayabilirsiniz.
S: Foton enerjisinin var olduğunu nasıl bilebiliriz, çünkü onu göremiyoruz?
KIRAEL: Oh, o var. Yirmi yıldan fazladır foton enerjisinden bahsediyorum, sadece var
olduğu için değil, bu geçiş süreci sırasında yaşamlarınızda
büyük bir etkisi olacağı için de. Max Planck ve Albert Einstein bunu
inceledi. [1]. Bilim adamlarınız kendi cihazları vasıtasıyla onu

görebiliyorlar ve onun hakkında yazdılar. İnternette onların
makalelerini bulabilirsiniz.
Foton enerjisi Dünya planını çevreler. Gezegen sisteminiz foton enerjisinin dış kenarı
boyunca yolculuk yapıyor, yavaşça onun çekirdeğine doğru
hareket ediyor. Dünya gezegeni bilince sahiptir ve sizin ne kadar foton
alabileceğinizi veya alamayacağınızı bilir. Eğer Dünya foton kuşağının
merkezine erişmek için hızlansaydı, foton burada dünyada baskın kuvvet
haline gelirdi, dünyanız felç olurdu, çünkü mevcut teknolojinizin hiç
biri çalışmazdı. Arabalarınızı, uçaklarınızı, radyolarınızı,
televizyonlarınızı, bilgisayarlarınızı vs çalıştıramazdınız.
Bu kadar çok foton enerjisi atmosferinize girdiği zaman, manyetik alanınız değişir ve
fotounun güç kaynağı olarak nasıl kullanılacağını öğrenmek
zorunda kalırsınız. Benzin yaşamlarınızda çok az rol oynardı veya hiç
rol oynamazdı ve hükümetiniz ve bilim adamları bunu biliyor. Bu nedenle
siz tüm gazınızı ve petrolünüzü tüketinceye kadar fotonu kendi küçük
sırları olarak saklayacaklar. Aptallık, ama gerçek bu.
Foton enerjisinin Şimdide mevcut olduğunu nasıl bileceğiz diye soruyorsunuz. Prana nefesi
alın ve fotonu bedeninize getirin. Bunu her gün yapın,
bedeninizdeki ve zihninizdeki değişimleri göreceksiniz. Daha hafif
Foton Seviyelerini Tahmin Etmede Lemurya Nümerolojisinin Kullanılması
S: Son zamanlarda, aylık dergimizde yayınlanan foton seviyesi tahminleriniz üç basamak
formatında idi, örneğin 5.87. Birinci, ikinci
ve üçüncü basamaklar neyi temsil ediyor?
KIRAEL: Format kesin olmakla ilgili. Bunun ötesinde, foton seviyeleri 1 – 9 arasındaki
rakamlara dayanan Lemurya nümerolojisine dayanır, her bir
rakamın spesifik bir anlamı vardır ve iki veya daha fazla basamağa sahip
olan rakamlar tek basamağa indirgenir. [2]. Lemurya nümerolojisinin
anlamını öğrenmekten fazlasını yapmazsanız, foton seviyesi tahminlerini
daha iyi anlarsınız.
Tahminde ister bir, iki, üç veya daha fazla basamak olsun, her birinin bireysel olarak ve
diğerleriyle ilişkili olarak bir anlamı ve önemi vardır. Bu
nedenle, diyelim ki foton seviyesi 3.22’de. Eğer bireysel basamakları
birbirine eklerseniz, 7 ye eşit olur. 7 Lemurya sisteminde geçişle

ilgili rakamdır. O gün geçiş ile ilgili bir şeyler yapmak zorunda
olabilirsiniz. Eğer neyi değiştireceğinizi bulamıyorsanız, o sizi
bulacaktır. Öyleyse yolculuğunuzdaki her şeye dikkat edin.
Basamaklara ayrı ayrı bakarak yolculuğunuzu daha ileriye götürebilirsiniz. Foton seviyesinin
3.22 olduğu durumda, 3 gerçeği, güveni ve tutkuyu temsil
eder, bu üç boyutlu yolculuğun odağıdır. 2 dengeyi temsil eder ve bu
durumda, çifte denge (22=2+2) veya 4, tüm dengelerin dengesidir. Bu
rakamları istediğiniz kadar derin yorumlayabilirsiniz.
İlk önce, 3.22 foton seviyesi biraz düşük görünür, ama önemli olan dengedir. Beş fotonun
nıhai dengesidir ve Lemurya nümerolojisinde, 5
sevgiyi temsil eder. Böylece, foton seviyesi 3.22 olduğu zaman, o gün
kendinizi biraz daha fazla severek dengeyi bulun, çünkü 3.22’deki foton
enerjisi sizin için ışığınızı taşıyamaz. Bu, dengeye ulaşmak üzere sevgi
seviyenizi yükseltmeye yardımcı olmak için daha fazla foton çekmek için
birkaç prana nefesi almanız gerektiği anlamına gelir.
Foton 5’ten daha yüksek olduğu bir günde, dengeye ulaşmak aldatıcı olabilir. Denge sizin
rakamlarla nasıl oynadığınızdan gelir. Eğer foton seviyesi 8
olsaydı, bu sizin bir ayağınızın bu dünyada, diğer ayağınızın
görünmeyen dünyada olduğu anlamına gelir, 5’in dengesinde nefes almanız
için bedeninizdeki fotonu üç basamak aşağıda olan bir seviyede
sürdürmeyi isterdiniz.
Eğer foton seviyesi 7.11 ise, o zaman geçişle ilgili bir mekanda olduğunuzu bilirsiniz.
Sevginin dengesine ulaşmak için iki basamak düşük bir
seviyede foton solumak zorundasınız. Eğer Yaratıcı rakamı olan iki adet
1’i göz önüne alırsanız, bunların 2’ye eşit olduğunuzu bilirsiniz
(1+1=2), 2 dualitenin dengesini temsil eder. 7’ye eklenen 2, 9’a
eşittir, 9 tamamlanmadır. Bu örnekte, dengeye erişmek için dört basamak
düşük bir seviyede foton enerjisini solumak zorundasınız. Böylece,
görüyorsunuz, dengeye nasıl ulaşacağınızı anlamak zorundasınız ve bunu
yaptığınızda, tam olursunuz. Sadece, sevgide olmak için gereksiniminiz
olan şeyi solumaya niyet ederek tüm seviyelerde dengeyi yaratın.
Foton Enerjisinin Pratik Sağlık Kullanımları
S: Şimdide yaşamımı daha iyi hale getirmek için foton enerjisi ile nasıl çalışabilirim?

KIRAEL: Çoğunlukla, insanlar kendilerini foton enerjisinin çevrelediğini bile bilmezler. Biz
sadece foton enerjisi tahminlerimden söz ediyorduk. Foton
seviyesi ister yüksek ister düşük olsun, her zaman onunla merkez
çizgisinde olmak istersiniz. Bu, sizin sevginin dengesi olan seviye 5’i
sürdürmeyi istemeniz anlamına gelir. Taç çakranıza prana nefesi
aldığınız zaman, bu nefes otomatik olarak foton enerjisini toplar ve onu
bedeninize getirir. Prana ile birlikte foton İmza Hücresine veya epifiz
bezine iner, burada karışırlar. Foton enerjisi ve prana epifiz beziniz
ile hizalandığı zaman, bedeninizdeki her hücre anında foton enerjisinin
işlenmekte olduğu bilgisini alır.
Fotonun tek güç kaynağınız olması zaman alacaktır. Bu gerçekleşinceye kadar, fiziksel
aracınızın foton enerjisiyle devrini yükseltin. Foton enerjisi
getirme niyetiyle her gün bir veya iki kez prana nefesi uygulayın. Soğuk
algınlığınız varsa, prana nefesi yaparak fotonu alın ve yolculuğu
yapın, ister beş gün sürsün ister elli gün. Eğer bir şeyi iyileştirmek
istiyorsanız, yolculuğu yapın ve iyileşmesini istediğiniz bölgeye
odaklanın. O iyileşecektir. Eğer dizinizde ağrı varsa, eğer öyle
yapmasını isterseniz foton o ağrı üzerinde çalışır. Otomatik olarak
ağrınızla çalışmaz. Sizin girdiniz gereklidir. Meditasyonda dizinize
odaklanarak fotona hitap edebilirsiniz, sonra dizinizin dışına çıkın ve
fotonu dizinize getirin.
Eğer ailenizdeki birinde Alzheimer's veya başka bir hastalık varsa, prana nefesiyle fotonu
epifiz beziniz vasıtasıyla bedeninize getirin, sonra
ellerinizi bu foton enerjisiyle ışıklandırın, ellerinizi hastanın taç
çakrasına koyun. Niyetle, fotonu hastanın taç çakrasına gönderin,
böylece etkilenmiş bölgelere ve tüm bedene akabilir.
Eğer koşucu iseniz, prana nefesi alın, fotonu bedeninize getirin, akciğerlerinize indirin,
akciğerlerinizden dışarı çıkarın ve kalbinize
getirin. Kalbiniz yavaşlayacaktır, dayanıklılığınızı artıracaktır ve
koşunuzu daha rahat ve daha az stresli hale getirecektir. Daha hızlı ve
telaşsız koşarsınız ve koşma tarzınız mükemmel olur. Foton oksijenden
beş kat daha güçlüdür. Bir mil koştuğunuz zaman, belirli miktarda
oksijen harcarsınız. Pekala, eşit miktarda foton sizi beş mil

Prana nefesi yaparsanız ve foton solursanız, sonra onun bedeninizden geri sıçraması,
gözlerinizden, parmaklarınızdan veya istediğiniz herhangi bir
yerden çıkması niyetiyle nefes verin, meditasyonlarınız başka bir
seviyeye geçer. Prana nefesiyle meditasyon yapın, fotonu soluyun, sonra
bedeninizin gözeneklerinden dışarı atın, etrafınızda fotondan bir
baloncuk oluşturun. Bu baloncuğun içinde oturun ve fotonun gücünü
hissedin. Saate bakana kadar, ne kadar süredir orda dışarıda olduğunuzu
bilmezsiniz, çünkü zamanın izini kaybedersiniz. Foton enerjisi zaman ve
mekanın ötesindedir. Beş dakikadır medtasyon yapmakta olduğunuzu
düşünürsünüz, ama saat yirmi dakika olduğunu söyler. Bunu her gün yapmak
isteyeceksiniz, hatta belki her gün günde iki kez. Tüm bu örneklerde,
eğer ilk önce başarılı olmazsanız, denemeye devam edin.
S: Astroloji gibi bir şeyleri kullanmak yerine, yolculuğumuz için rehber olarak aylık foton
tahminini kullanabilir miyiz?
KIRAEL: Oh, bunu yapmanızı düşünmüyorum. Tek başına foton yolculuğunuza rehberlik
yapamaz. Hatırlayın, yolculuğunuzdaki her şeye dikkat edin.
Bunun yanısıra, astroloji harika bir yolculuktur, bu gezegen sisteminde
itme ve çekme ile ilgilidir. Fotonun kendi yeri olduğu gibi, astroloji
de kendi yerine sahiptir. Hatta yıldızların foton tahmini ile hizalı
olduğunu bulabilirsiniz.
Dünya’da Foton Enerjisinin Etkisi
S: Foton enerjisi tüm Dünya planında istikrarlı mı yoksa foton seviyelerinin daha yüksek veya
daha düşük olduğu bölgeler var mı?
KIRAEL: Tüm dünyada istikrarlıdır. Dünya planı fotondan 3.22 seviyesinde geçtiği zaman,
foton seviyesi Dünya planında bir yerden diğer yere
S: Foton enerjisi depremleri, volkamik patlamaları ve diğer Yerküre değişimlerini etkiler mi?
KIRAEL: Bu Dünya planındaki bir birey olarak siz, dev bir bilinç planı olan Dünya Ana’nın
fotondan geçişiyle karşılaştırınca, fotondan hızla ve daha
az stresle geçersiniz. Dünya Ana fotondan çok daha yavaş geçer ve
fotondan çok daha dramatik olarak etkilenir.
Foton enerjisi Dünya Ana’nın patlamalarını, onları şiddetlendirerek etkiler. Fotonun yüksek
veya düşük olması önemli değildir. Foton seviyesinin ne
olduğu önemli değildir, eğer volkanik püskürme gerçekleşirse, foton

enerjisi patlama bölgesine çekilir ve onun etrafında güçlenir, artar.
Eğer bir volkanın patlama bölgesindeki foton enerjisini ölçseydiniz, o
bölgenin dışında olandan iki veya üç kat fazla olurdu. Foton patlamanın
nerede gerçekleşeceğini bilir ve volkana yardımcı olur. Foton
yargılamaz. Yaratıcı adına dengeye ulaşması için volkanik patlamalara
foton enerjisi ekler.
Eğer bir kasırganın gözüne (merkezine) gidebilseydiniz, orası neredeyse foton enerjisiyle
tamamen doygunluğa ulaşmıştır. Foton o akışa girer ve o
patlayana ve o kasırganın gözünü salıverene kadar orada kalır. Bu
gerçekleştiğinde, kasırga durur.
Depremlerle ilgili yerlerde, foton merkez üssünde onların etkisini artırır. Kollektif düşünceniz
enerjiyi yeniden yönlendirebilir, böylece depremler
etki kürenizden uzakta gerçekleşir. Depremlerin gerçekleşmekte olduğu
yerlere bakın. Los Angeles’taki insanlar sadece deprem olmasını
istemedikleri için uzun zamandır orada deprem olmaması mümkün olabilir
mi? Bu doğrudur. Onların düşünceleri ve bu düşüncelere koydukları
tutkunun etkisi vardır.
Los Angeles’ın insanlarının bu patlamaları bir an için kendilerinden uzakta tutacak kadar
depremlerle yeterince geçmiş deneyimi oldu. Eğer onlar
deprem istemiyorlarsa, orada deprem olmayacaktır; ancak başka bir yerde
olmak zorundadır. Bu nedenle depremler insanların depremlere, fotona,
spiritüaliteye vs daha az odaklandıkları bölgelerde gerçekleşmekte.
Eğer Los Angeles’ın insanları hallerinden memnun iseler, oradaki fay hatları bazı geçiş
aktiviteleri deneyimler. Sadece dua ederek bu depremleri
yolunuzdan uzaklaştırabileceğinizi düşünerek o kadar kibirli olmayın.
Yapabilirsiniz, ama yeterince güçlü olduğunuzu sanmıyorum.
S: Fotonun Dünya Ana’nın bedenini etkilemesi ve bizim bedenlerimizi etkilemesi arasında
benzerlikler var mı?
KIRAEL: Sizin bedeniniz Dünya Ana’nın bedenine çok benzer. Dünya Ana yeterince fotona
sahip olmadığı zaman, patlar ve bu, iyileşme için denge yaratmak
üzere ona foton çeker. Eğer Dünya Ana başka şekillerde foton
çekebilseydi, çok daha yüksek seviyede daha ileri şifa şansı yaratırdı.
Başka hangi şekillerde Dünya Ana foton getirebilir? Eğer ona ışık
göndererek ve ona sevgiyle davranarak ona hürmet ederseniz, gereksinimi

olan fotonu alabilir. Bu, onun ormanlarını katletmemek, sularını
kirletmemek, savaşlar yaratmamak ve onun dengesini negatif şekilde
etkileyen başka aktivitelerle uğraşmamak anlamına gelir. Dünya Ana hayal
edemeyeceğiniz şekillerde iyileşirdi.
İnsan bedeni ağrı deneyimlediği zaman, bunun nedeni bedeninizde yeterli fotona sahip
olmamanızdır. O ağrı patlar ve dengenizi bozar, bu nedenle
prana nefesi uygulamalı ve foton solumalısınız. Tüm bedeninizde sevgiyi
ve ışığı hissedersiniz. Eğer prana solursanız ve bu yolculuğa foton
getirirseniz, bugün dün olduğunuzdan çok daha iyi olursunuz. Eğer prana
nefesi uygular ve ölürseniz, bunun nedeni ölmenin sizin seçiminiz
olmasıdır. Eğer prana nefesi uygulamadıysanız, o günden birkaç gün önce
veya hatta birkaç yıl önce ölebilirdiniz. Bedeninizin foton ile biraz
daha uzun süre dayanacağını garanti ederim.
Üç Günlük Karanlık Sırasında Foton Seviyeleri
S: Karanlık günleri tetikleyecek olan foton enerjisi seviyesi nedir?
KIRAEL: Üç günlük karanlık başladığı zaman foton seviyesi 1’de olacak ve üç günlük
karanlık sona erdiği zaman, foton seviyesi 9’da olacak. Dünya
foton kuşağına tamamen girdiği zaman, foton enerjisi 1’e inecek, çünkü
tüm üç boyutlu enerjileri emecek. Bu kötü görünüyor, ama aslında iyidir.
Foton Dünya’nın enerji kalıbını emecek. Bu gerçekleştiği zaman,
bilinçsiz hale geldiğinizi hissedeceksiniz. Uyuyakalacaksınız ve üç
günlük karanlığın farkında olmayacaksınız ve her şey o zaman sırasında
Bedeniniz, Lemurya nümerolojisini yansıtacak olan o üç gün boyunca dramatik bir yolculuk
deneyimleyecek. Önce, Yaratıcı’nın sevgisini (1)
hissedeceksiniz, sonra her şeyi dengeledikten (2) sonra uykuya
dalacaksınız ve bu üç boyutlu yolculuktan çıkmanın temeli olarak
gerçeği, güveni ve tutkuyu kullanacaksınız (3). İkinci gün, DNA’nız
sihirli bir şekilde dördüncü ışığa getirilecek ve iki tane yerine dört
iplikçiğe sahip olacaksınız (4) ve uykuya daldığınızda hissettiğiniz
sevgi daha kuvvetli şekilde oyuna girecek (5). Sonra
tüm üstatlarla karşılaşacaksınız (6). Bundan sonra, sonraki aşamaya
geçeceksiniz (7), galaktik enerjiler tüm bu yolculuk boyunca size

yardımcı olmak için mevcut olduklarında (8), böylece üçüncü gün
tamamlanabilirsiniz ve yeni bir dünyaya uyanabilirsiniz (9).
O üç gün güzel olacak. Uyandığınız zaman, daha iyisine değişmiş olacaksınız. Bazılarınız üç
günden daha fazla uyuyacaksınız, çünkü artan
foton seviyelerinden geçmeniz biraz daha uzun sürecek, ama bu
pekaladır, çünkü sevgi içinde uyanacaksınız. Eğer Şimdide bu olay için
hazırlanmak isterseniz, 5’in dengesini – ruhunu, sevgi enerjisini
arayın. Ne kadar çok dengelenirseniz, o üç gün boyunca bedeninizdeki
değişimler daha az stresli olacaktır.
Manyetik Alanlar ve Güneş Patlamaları ile Foton Etkileşimi
S: Foton enerjisinin Dünya’nın manyetik kuvvet alanını hızla zayıflattığını söyledin. O ayrıca
üçüncü boyuta ait kalıplarımızı ve
perdeleri değiştirir mi?
KIRAEL: İnsan bedeni sürecindeki manyetik kuvvet yerçekimi olarak adlandırılır. Üçüncü
boyut şu anda aşamalı olarak bitiyor, böylece sizin üçüncü boyut
bedeniniz aşamalı olarak sona erecek. Prana nefesi uygulamaya devam
etmelisiniz, çünkü henüz bu boyutun dışında değilsiniz. Foton enerjisi,
siz üçüncü boyuttan gidene kadar bedeninizi devam ettirecek ve
kuvvetlendirecek. Bugün söylediğimden başka bir şey elde almadıysanız,
bilin ki eğer dördüncü ışığı almak istiyorsanız, foton enerjisini
kullanmak zorunda olacaksınız.
S: Bilim adamları 2011’de güneş patlaması aktivitesinde bir zirve bekliyor. Büyük güneş
patlamaları foton enerjisiyle nasıl etkileşir?
KIRAEL: Güneş parlamaları püskürdüğü zaman, bunlar patlamaya benzer. Gidebilecekleri
kadar uzağa giderler – güneşten en az 100 mil uzağa, sonra gaz tükenir ve sönerler. Güneş
parlaması her olduğunda, bir öncekinden
daha uzağa gider, güneşin gazlarının bir kısmını
kendisiyle götürür. Foton enerjisi içeri girer ve o enerjiyi güneşe geri
süpürür, parlamanın bıraktığı deliği doldurur. Foton enerjisi güneşin
atmosferinde bile sönmez.
Dünya planınızda belirli etkisi olan bu güneş patlamalarını durdurabilirsiniz. Etki o kadar
büyük değildir, onu burada Dünya
planında hissedebilirsiniz, ama Dünya planını çevreleyen enerji bu
patlamalardan iyi olmayan bir şekilde etkilenir. Bazı insanlar bu güneş

patlamalarına dikkat etmeye başlıyor ve bu sizin için fark yaratacak.
Güneş patlamalarının etkisini azaltmak için Dünya planı etrafında foton
enerjisini güçlendirebilir, artırabilirsiniz. Prana nefesi aldığınız ve
fotonu atmosfere üflediğiniz zaman, güneş patlaması aktivitesini
etkilersiniz. Dua ve meditasyon da yardımcıdır.
Foton Enerjisinin Chemtrails üzerindeki Etkisi
S: Bu, Avrupa’daki bir bilim adamından chemtrails ile ilgili soru. Chemtrail Central
websitesine göre (www.chemtrailcentral.com), chemtrails herhangi bir yükseklikte
uçaklardaki sprey sistemleriyle havada
yaratılan kimyasalların izleridir. Soruyu soran kişi,
İzlanda’daki volkanik patlamayı takiben, yıllardır ilk kez chemtrail
uçuşları dahil tüm Avrupa’daki uçuşların günlerce iptal edildiğini
paylaşıyor. Sonuç olarak, birçok insan farklı hissettiklerini ve
enerjisel olarak çok daha hafif hissettiklerini bildirdi. Chemtrails
foton enerjisinin insanlara erişmesini engellemek için mi kullanılıyor
ve chemtrails’in etkisini nasıl değiştirebiliriz?
KIRAEL: Chemtrails uzun zamandır ortalardaydı ve yakın zamanda ortadan kaybolmayacak.
Bunlar, bilim adamlarınızın Dünya’da neler olacağını
bilmelerini sağlayan Dünya planındaki bilimsel deneylerdir. Dünyanızın
gelmekte olan olayların veri tabanına sahip olduğunu düşünün. Chemtrails
bilim adamlarınızın sonraki kasırganın veya fırtınanın ya da depremin
veya her neyse ne zaman gerçekleşeceğini belirlemeleri için veri
tabanını okumalarını sağlar. ABD bir süredir chemtrails’e maruz
kalmasına rağmen, Avrupa’nın maruz kaldığı kadar uzun süre maruz
Medya aslında foton enerjisi tarafından köşeye sıkıştırılan chemtrails’in ciddiyetini sansasyon
haline getiriyor. Son 18 yıldır, chemtrails foton
enerjisine güçlerini genişletme fırsatı sundu ve foton yapabildiği kadar
fazla chemtrails’i nasıl geride tutacağını çözdü. Chemtrails’in Dünya
planına ulaşması uzun zaman alır. Böylece foton enerjisinin onu
kuşatması için zamanı olur.
Lemurya zamanlarında Dünya planı etrafına yerleştirilen Tanrıça Işığı da chemtrails’in
sızmasını önler. Buna rağmen, foton ve Tanrıça Işığı tüm
işi yapamazlar. Eğer chemtrails atmosferinize sızıyorsa, bu sizin

hatanız. Biz İnsanlar kollektif olarak bir araya gelmeli ve prana nefesi
uygulamalıyız, foton enerjisini nefesle içimize çekmeli ve sonra nefesi
chemtrails’e vermeliyiz. Chemtrails’in sızmasını önlersiniz. Gitmeleri
için dua da edebilirsiniz. Bir süre alacaktır, ama en sonunda chemtrails
geçmişin bir sorunu olacaktır.
Chemtrails uçuşları durduğu zaman insanların hissettikleri o hafiflik, nefesle çekmek için
daha fazla fotonun mevcut olmasının yansımasıydı, çünkü
foton enerjisi chamtrails’i kuşatmak zorunda kalmadı.
Foton Enerjisi, Işık ve Suyun Etkileşimi
S: Albert Einstein’in, foton enerjisiyle ilgili bugün doğrulanan teorize ettiği şey neydi?
KIRAEL: Oh, her şey. Einstein Max Planck’ın teorilerini geliştirdi. Einstein’ın yolculuğu o
kadar kendini – güçlendirici idiydi ki, neredeyse onu
öldürüyordu, o dördüncü boyut varlığı idi ve yolculuğunu bu yaşamda
tutmakta zorlanıyordu. Einstein foton ile ilgili bugün sizin bildiğiniz
her şeyi anladı ve insanlara bunu anlatamamaktan öldü.
Albert Einstein ve Max Planck gibi enerjiler yolculuğun devam etmesini sağlamak için
buradalar. Einstein bu Dünya planını hiç terk etmedi. O
hala Avrupa ve Amerikaların etrafında amaçsızca dolaşıyor. Bilim
adamları foton hakkında ani bir düşünce aldıkları zaman, bu Einstein ve
Planck gibi enerjilerden gelir. Maalesef, bilim adamlarınız o
düşüncelerin kendi kafalarından çıktığını söylerler ve düşünceler
uzaklaşıp gider; ama eğer bana bundan daha fazla söz et deselerdi,
enerjiler onların kafalarına daha fazla düşünceler koyarlardı.
Q: Şu anda ne kadar foton enerjisi soluyorum ve hücrelerime alıyorum?
KIRAEL: Bir dakika içince kaç nefes alıyorsun?
S: Hiç saymadım.
KIRAEL: Basitleştireyim. Foton enerjisinin yaklaşık yüzde 12’si bedenine gider. Bu fazladır.
Nefesin önemli rol oynadığı İmza Hücre Şifası veya
herhangi başka şifa türü almamış olan çoğu insan sadece yaklaşık .05,
.06, .08. alır. Eğer her zaman prana nefesi
uyguluyorsanız, günde yarım saat meditasyon yapıyorsanız ve dua
ediyorsanız, fotonu haddinden fazla alabilirsiniz.
S: Işığın Gümüş Kanatları Tanrıça grubunda olduğumuz, seninle vaftiz ayini yaptığımız her
seferinde, ellerimizin avuçlarıyla suya vurarak sudan

gelen foton enerjisini yükseltiyoruz. Bu, vaftiz olan kişinin dört
bedenini nasıl etkiler?
KIRAEL: Suda çember oluşturduğunuz ve suya vurduğunuz ve fotonu yükselttiğiniz zaman,
bu sadece vaftiz edilen kişiyi değil, onu seven tüm Dünya planını
da etkiler. Suya ilk vurduğunuzda, biraz başınız dönebilir, çünkü foton
güçlenmeye, artmaya başlar, böylece üzerinizdeki kuvvetlere
bağlanabilir, ozona kadar tüm yol boyunca ve ötesine. Olduğunuz yerdeki
suya saf foton enerjisi çeker ve Dünya planına iner. Vaftiz edilen kişi
çemberin merkezindedir, böylece daha kuvvetli ve daha güçlü hale gelir.
Vurmaktan gelen enerji yaklaşık 30 – 45 dakika “eterik” doku ve ozonda
kalır ve aşağıya indiği zaman daha kuvvetli ve saftır.
S: Bizler dördüncü ışığa geçerken bedenlerimiz suyun foton enerjisinden daha fazla foton
enerjisinden oluşacak mı?
KIRAEL: Bedeniniz şimdi olduğundan daha fazla su olacak, bu nedenle bedeninizde daha
fazla foton/ışık taşıyabileceksiniz. Aslında, bedeninizde ne kadar
çok su olursa, o kadar çok ışık yayabilirsiniz. Bedeninizdeki suyun
yüzdesinin yüksek olması otomatik olarak meditasyona ve dördüncü boyuta
daha fazla girebilmenizi sağlar.
Bedeniniz şu anda yüzde 70 sudur. Sadece vaftiz edilerek bunu yüzde 88 suya çıkarabilirsiniz.
Foton Enerjisiyle Genişleyen DNA ve Şifa
S: DNA ve foton enerjisi arasındaki ilişki nedir?
Bu üçüncü boyuttan dördüncü boyuta geçerken, DNA’nın diğer iki ipliğine de sahip olmanız
gerekiyor. Foton enerjisi dört iplikli DNA ile iyi
çalışır. Birçoğunuz DNA’nın ekstra ipliklerine sahipsiniz, çok fazla
fotonun sizi sarmalamasının nedeni budur. Bunlar henüz titreşmiyor. Eğer
her gün prana nefesi alırsanız, 70 trilyon hücrenizin her biri fotonun
tadını alacaktır. Eğer günde yalnızca tek bir prana nefesi aldıysanız,
hücrelerinizi aktive ederdiniz, hücreleriniz kuvvetlenir ve genişlerdi.
İşte fotonun genişleyen DNA ile nasıl etkileşime girdiği. Çifte sarmalınız veya iki iplikli
DNA’nız ayrılır ve bir diğer iki iplikli DNA oluşturur.
Ayrılmanın gerçekleştiği zaman esnasında, RNA tüm sisteminize gider ve
bedendeki diğer hücreler ile konuşur. RNA pranik enerjiye duyarlı
olduğundan, foton beden sisteminize çok daha tanımlanmış şekilde gider.

Başka deyişle, foton enerjisi gittiği yere odaklanacaktır. Eğer prana nefesi alırsanız ve böylece
foton alırsanız ölen hücreleriniz daha kuvvetli
olacaktır, çünkü dört iplikli DNA ile, foton otomatik olarak ona
gereksiniminiz olan yere gidecektir. DNA’nın dört ipliği fiziksel
bedeninizde sağlam kalırken, foton enerjisini ışık bedeninizde dördüncü
ışığa yolculuk yapmak için kullanabilirsiniz. Meditasyon yapın, prana
nefesi uygulayın ve foton enerjisini kullanın.
S: Dual manyetik fotonlar nedir ve şifada hangi rolü oynarlar?
KIRAEL: Dual manyetik foton, bilim adamları fotonun kendi enerjisini iki katına zorlarken,
on sekiz yıl önce keşfedildi. Başka deyişle, foton enerjisi
size aktarıldığı her seferinde, kendisini iki katına çıkarır. Şifa
alemindeki yararlarını hayal edebilirsiniz. Her şey ışıkta iyileşir.
İyileştirici ışık enerjisini iki katına çıkarıyorsunuz.
Balinalar ve Yunuslar Havadan Daha Fazla Foton Solurlar
S: Balinalar ve yunuslar hava veya foton solumak için suyun yüzeyine çıkarlar mı?
KIRAEL: Eğer balina hava için on saniyeliğine yukarı çıksa, sadece iki saniyede havayla
dolar ve diğer sekiz saniyede fotonla dolar.
S: Öyleyse onların yaşam sistemi havadan çok fotona dayanıyor?
KIRAEL: Elbette. Eğer onların kaldığı kadar suda kalsaydınız, siz de aynı sisteme sahip
olurdunuz. Yunuslar balinaların yaklaşık yüzde iki
gerisindedir. Eğer on saniye için suyun üzerine çıksalar, dört saniye
hava solurlar ve diğer altı saniyede foton solurlar.
Foton enerjisi beyin kapasitenizi artırabilir. Yunusun beyninin ortalama büyüklüğü bir insan
beyninin büyüklüğünden çok daha fazladır. Balinanın
beyni çok daha büyüktür ve beyin kapasitelerinin yaklaşık yüzde 75’i ile
çalışırlar. Siz dördüncü boyuta gittiğiniz zaman, prana ve fotona
gireceksiniz ve beyin kullanımınız yüzde 30,40 veya 50’ye çıkacak.
Foton Enerjisi Bedavadır ve Her Tarafa Yayılır
S: Galaktik İmparatorluklar Biz İnsanlara foton enerjisinin nasıl kullanıldığını öğretecekler mi
yoksa hükümet yetkililerine mi
öğretecekler? Onlar da sonra bilgiyi bize mi aktaracaklar?
KIRAEL: Galaktikler hükümet yetkilileri için çok fazla kullanıma sahip değil. Eğer
yapabilselerdi, galaktik kardeşleriniz İnsanlara sorumluluk
verirlerdi. Bu bilginin ve enerjinin hepsini İnsanlara verirlerdi.

Fotonu kontrol etmeye ve yönetmeye çalışanlar da onu İnsanlardan geri
tutuyorlar, çünkü para kazanmak istiyorlar ve sizin ve foton enerjisinin
üzerinde hakimiyet kurmak istiyorlar. Fotonu sahiplenemezler ve
sahiplenilmek istemiyorlarsa sizi sahiplenemezler.
Foton her tarafa yayılır ve bedavadır, hizmette olmayı bekleyerek her tarafınızda yüzer. Biz
İnsanlar sadece onu solumak, onu kullanmak ve onu
güçlü kılmak isteriz. Galaktik imparatorluklar hepinize kendinizi ve
fotonu güçlendirmek için gereksiniminiz olan her şeyi öğretecek.
Politikacılar bunu bilmeyecekler bile. Bu serbest enerjiyi kapitalize
etmek için çok geç kalacaklar.
Bitiriş Açıklaması
Foton ile ilgili bilgi örgüde (ağda) bulunabilir. Foton önceden bu yolculuktadır, bedenlerinizin
etrafında yüzer, ona erişmenize hazırdır.
Bedeninizi dördüncü ışığa hazır hale getirmek için dua edin, meditasyon
yapın ve prana nefesi uygulayın, fotonu içinize soluyun. Foton güçlüdür.
Size verileni kullanın. Aradığınız sevgiyi bulacaksınız.
İyi akşamlar.
[1] Max Planck Kuantum Teorisinin babası olarak ünlüdür. Albert Einstein Planck’ın foton
enerjisiyle ilgili çalışmasını sonraki seviyeye taşıdı. Bakınız www.spaceandmotion.com.
[2] Lemurya nümerolojisinde, 1 Yaratıcıdır, 2 denge/dualitedir, 3 gerçek, güven ve tutukudur,
4 düşünce veya 4 bedenin dengesidir, 5 sevgidir, 6
üstatlıktır, 7 geçiştir, 8 iki dünya arasındaki iletişimdir ve 9

©Kahu Fred Sterling

(ÇEVİRİ: Saffet Güler)


ALARM) Ağustos 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 22, 2010 at 1:59am


Ağustos 2010
İçinde bulunduğumuz ne kadar yoğun bir zaman periyodu ve tüm yaz boyunca böyle olmaya
devam edecek. Tam şimdi bize çarpan hem pozitif hem de negatif etkiler
var. Bu enerjiye nasıl tepki verdiğiniz, onun sizin yaşamınızda nasıl
işleyeceğini belirler. Yıllar önce bize anlatılan zaman periyodundayız.
Değişimi daha fazla beklemek yok, bu değişimin içindeyiz ve beklenmekte olan
bizleriz. Dönüşüm ve daha yüksek frekansa yükselme zamanıdır.
Pozitif taraf Satürn’ün şimdi Başak burcundan çıkmasıdır ve Mars da öyle. Geçen ay Mars
Başaktan geçerken birçok insan için çok zor bir zaman periyodu oldu. Başak
sağlığı, hastalığı ve bedeni yönetir. Birçok insan hastalandı, çünkü
bedenlerinde tutulan negatif enerjiyi dönüştürmeye gereksinimleri vardı.
Gerçekte, bu son üç yıldır devam etmekte, bedenimizin dönüştürmeye gereksinim
duyduğu tüm eleştirileri, yargılamayı, kontrolü ve korku sorunlarını
bedenimizden salıverdik, böylece ışık bedenlerimize ilerleyebiliriz. Büyük
haçtaki gezegenlerle, beden sorunları yerine daha çok gezegensel sorunlarla
başa çıkıyor olacağız.
Son birkaç haftada başınızın arkasında başlayıp boynunuza ve omuzlarınıza (ya sağ ya da sol
omuz) inen bir ağrıyı deneyimleyenler oldu mu? Ben de ağrıyı
deneyimledim. Neler olduğunu rehberlerime sordum, ‘reptilian beyninizde
çalışılıyor veya reptilian beyniniz dönüştürülüyor’ yanıtını aldım. Sonra
yakında Güneş Sistemimize gelecek olan yeni bir ses hakkında bir e-mail
aldım. Makale ‘Dünya İnsanlık Geçişinin Kozmik Kilit Açan Sesi’nden

bahsediyor ve bunu www.quantumlightconnections.com’da bulabilirsiniz. Bu
sitede Forum bölümünde bulunuyor.
O makaleden bir alıntı yapmak istiyorum. “İnsanlığı geride tutan güçlü unsurlardan biri, bir
sistemin sürekli olarak bize yayın yapmasıdır. ‘İllüminati Gündemi’
denilen düşünce – formunu gönderiyor, bu negatif bir programlama. Bunu
görmezden gelemeyiz, çünkü insanlığın yarısından fazlasında, kafanın arkasına
konulmuş olan bir alıcı olarak davranan simbiyotik (ortak yaşamla ilgili) bir
enerji yapısı yerleştirilmiş.” Kafanın arkası reptilian beynin yerleşik
olduğu yerdir, burası çoğunlukla beyin sapı olarak adlandırılır. Bu, düşünmek
için kalbimizi kullanmak yerine beynimizle negatif düşünceye kilitli
kalmamızı sürdürdü. Bu reptilian beyin enerjisinin bağlantısının
kesilmesiyle, bazı insanlar ayrıca kulaklarında da ağrı veya gürültü
hissettiler. Gürültü bazı zamanlar çok yüksek iken bu oldukça rahatsız edici
olabilir. Bu bağlantı kesilmesi veya dönüşüm tam şimdi tamamlanmakta.
Makalenin başka bir bölümü şunları anlatıyor: “Lokal evrenimizde rezonansa girecek olan
yeni bir kozmik ses ile başlayan ve biten gelmekte olan bir olay var. İncil
bundan “Kelam” olarak bahseder ve bu fiziksel olarak tezahür etmiş
realitemizin bütünü için tonu oluşturur. Bu ses ayrıca kilidinin açılması ve
bir kenara konması için uzun zamandır yerinde olan kontrol edici doğada olan
birçok enerji yapılarına izin veren bir anahtardır. Yeni ses düşük
frekanstaki sesin yerine geçer ve bunu yaparak tüm ölçeği yukarı taşır. Yeni
bilinç yapısını aktive ederek insanlığın tümü için tam bilince geri dönüşe
davet eder ve tam bilince olanak sağlar. Sözünü ettiğimiz bu anahtar ses
incilin söylediği gibi “Bir göz kırpmasında” aniden gerçekleşecek. Perdeler
parçalanacak; eski enerjiye dayanan insanlık kontrol sistemleri sonunda
çökecek ve artık etkili olmayacak. İnsanlığın ruhu için uzun zamandır süren
savaş kazanılacak ve gerçek benliklerimizi geri almaya başlayacağız.”
Bu ses ne zaman duyulacak yoksa zaten onu işitiyor muyuz? Zaman gösterecek! Ses hakkında
Ağustos 2009 Gezegen Alarmında yazmıştım. O zamanlar Cygnus ile
hizalanan bir ay tutulması vardı. Okuduğum şeye göre, Cygnus evrenimiz için
yaradılış sesinin geldiği yerdir. Astrolojide Cygnus Kova’da 13 derecededir.
Geçen yılın ay tutulması 6 Ağustos’ta idi ve ay 13 derece Kova’da idi. Bu ses
olayı o tutulmada gerçekleşmek üzere düzenlenmişti, ama onu aktive edecek bir
tetikleyiciye gereksinimi vardı. Bu tetikleyicinin ne zaman gerçekleşeceğini

bilmiyorum. 6 Ağustos 2010’da güneş 13 derece Aslan’da olacak. Bu sesin o
zaman aktive olabilme olasılığı var, eğer zaten aktive edilmediyse. 25-26
Temmuz’da 0 derece Koç/Terazi’de Satürn’ün Uranüs’e tam karşıtlığının bir
yaratımın sonunu ve yeni bir yaratımın başlangıcını işaret ettiğini düşünüyorum.
Güneş şu anda kalbi ve koşulsuz sevgiyi yöneten Aslan’da.
Dünyamız hala temizliğini bitirmeye ihtiyaç duyuyor ve bizler tüm yaz boyunca devam
edecek olan çok yoğun bir zaman periyodundayız. İnsanların ne kadar kolayca
sinirlendiklerini ve kendilerini kaybettiklerini fark ettiniz mi? Bu geçen
dolunayın özellikle değişken olduğu göründü ve bizler hala ondan gelen
etkileri hissediyoruz, bu etkiler Mars büyük haçı tetiklerken sonraki birkaç
gün zirveye çıkacak.
Dolunayda Güneş 3 derece Aslan’da idi ve ay 3 derece Kova’da idi. Bu Filipinler’de bir
kasırgayı aktive etti, bundan son makalemde bahsetmiştim. Ayrıca
Filipinler’de üç adet çok büyük deprem oldu. 29 Temmuz’da Mars Terazi’ye
girdiğinde bu büyük haçın etkilerini gerçekten hissetmeye başlayacağız. Büyük
haçtan etkilenecek olan bölgeler, Koç (etraftaki adaları da kapsayan Tonga
bölgesi), Yengeç (Meksiko Körfezi ve Güney Amerika’nın batı sahili), Terazi
(Afrika) ve Oğlak (Çin ve Sumatra gibi Güney Pasifik Adaları). Çin’de çok
fazla yağmur yağdı ve büyük seller gerçekleşti. Tam şu anda Three Gorges
Barajının tüm suyu tutamayacağına endişe ediyorlar.
Uranüs, Jüpiter’e karşıtlıkta Satürn’e bitişik ve Pluto ile kare oluşturan Mars’ın veçhesi çok
güçlü ve patlayıcı. Terazi bir hava burcudur ve rüzgarı yönetir.
Koç ateş burcudur ve Pluto toprak burcu Oğlak’ta. Güneş tam şimdi ateş burcu
olan Aslan’dan geçiyor. Bazı patlayıcı enerjilerle birlikte bu ay yangınlar
zorluklar yaratmaya devam edecek, bu patlayıcı enerjiler volkanik patlamalar
olabilir. Pluto uzun zaman boyunca Oğlak’ta olacak, depremler devam edecek.
Mars 3 Ağustos’ta Pluto’ya 90 derece açı yapacak. Bu veçhe güç mücadelelerine
ve başkalarına baskı yapma eğilimine neden olabilir. Bu periyotta insanlar saldırgan
ve öfkeli olabilir, soğukkanlılığınızı koruyun. Finans, para, politik konular
veya askeri olaylar ile ilgili çatışmalar ortaya çıkabilir. Bu enerji ayrıca
doğal felaketler getirebilir.
Dünya negatif enerjiyi aktive etmeye ve bildiğimiz şekliyle yaşamı engellemeye eğilime sahip
olan bir dönüşüm sürecinden geçiyor. Nıhai sonucun ilgili herkesin

hayrına olacağına eminim. Negatifin diğer tarafı pozitiftir ve pozitif de
güçlü olabilir. Şu anda Satürn Terazi’de, yasa değişiklikleri olabilir.
24 Ağustos 2006’dan bu yana Astronomların güneş sistemimizde on üç gezegeni kabul
ettiklerini biliyor muydunuz? Bu gezegenlerin sekiz tanesi Uranüs, Neptün,
Satürn, Jüpiter, Venüs, Merkür, Mars ve Dünya gibi büyük gezegenlerdir. Beş
adet cüce gezegen Eris, Pluto, Ceres, Haumea ve MakeMake. On üçüncü gezegen
en son keşfedilen MakeMake. 31 Mart 2005’te keşfedildi. MakeMake Körfez
petrol yayılmasu zamanında tetiklendi ve bir hafta önce Çin’de petrol
sızıntısı olduğunda Mars MakeMake’ye bitişikti. Astroloji ilginç bir bilim.
Gezegensel etkilerden özgür olduğumuz ve bilinçaltı zihnimiz yerine
süperbilinçli zihnimiz ile yaratabileceğimiz beşinci boyutta nelerin olup
biteceğini merak ediyorum.
Hatırlayın, enerji çok yoğun hissettirdiği zaman, mola verin ve eğlenceli bir şeyler yapın.
Neşe ve kahkaha yüksek titreşimlerde deneyimlediğimiz şeydir. Hoşunuza
gitmeyen bir şey olduğunda, ona gülün, sonra enerjinin nasıl daha iyiye
değiştiğini izleyin.
Öyle Olsun!
****Mahala Gayle***
(Çeviri: Saffet)


Now the Music Can Begin

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 22, 2010 at 2:04am


August 21,

God said:
All that you experience on Earth
is mere experience. And you are the one who experiences. You are the

experiencer. You are the interpreter of what you experience. Life on Earth is
an experience. It seems like reality, yet experience is like a song being
played, a tune hummed, a note written, a note being opened, a note read, a note
folded in your hand, or dropped from your hand. Life is a commingling of people
leaving notes or picking them up and messages garbled or clear, heavy or light,
some in code, some indecipherable, all impinging on the whole Universe as if
life were an adornment or a trail left in the sand.

All experience is the same, and yet no two experiences are alike. Everyone
reads a different novel, leaves it open at a different page, skips some pages,
rereads others, puts the book down, picks it up, opens it, turns to another
page, closes it, reads it in the dark, hides it under the bed.

Such a hullabaloo is made of this incidental life. Your life on Earth is like a
bobbin that bobs along contributing to stitches sewn on invisible cloth. The
thread is never cut. Your fingers retrace the threads, and the seams your
fingers trace are called your life. Stitches are not dropped, however, for
stitches continue on the same piece of cloth or another joined at the hip.
Temporary garments have been woven in many hues, and there is a hue and cry.
Garments fade, but the continuance of life enters other streams and then comes
up to the surface again like a leaping fish.

A life lived, a life remembered, a life dreamed, a life sought, a life run away
from, all the combinations, all the thoughts are life, life serene, or life on
a rampage, life hurried, life slow, life trammeled, life untrammeled, life on a
march, life at rest, life toggling along its own path leading to where you
began. There is no leaving off life. Life follows you and engages you, whirls
you in a whirlwind, or lets you tan on the beach.

How powerful is this life you lead wherever you think you lead it. You can’t
put life in place. You can’t anchor it. You can only follow it or drift along
with it or ride on it or swim under it, and yet you and your life engage, and
so the tale is spun, and it is a tale never told before and yet it is not new.
It is a spectacle like a new movie of epic proportions, and yet it is a
twice-told tale, or one told every day and every night without cease.

Life in the world is not one way. It is many ways. There are many ways to take
it. You can’t leave it. You are on the ride of your lifetime, and there is no
getting off, and there is no end to it. It is like the Old Man River that just
keeps rolling along. Life takes you with it, or you take it with you.

All life is the hope of the future, and the future is known, and the past is
not, for the past escapes and bears no scrutiny. The past is a fragment. The
future is now, and you are like Joan of Arc carrying not a sword but a light to
vanquish misrepresentations of the world, to brighten the world, to lift the
world off its feet, to raise the world high, to make the world a troubadour
announcing that Heaven has come, and now the music can
Thank you for including this link when

publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.

Copyright © 1999-Now


Uriel - Kişisel Şifalanma Şuurlanma

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 22, 2010 at 2:10am

Uriel - Kişisel Şifalanma Şuurlanma Dönüşüm

-Prensip Bilgi-

Her hayat devresi kişisel şifalanma/şuurlanma yolculuğudur. Dünya,

şifalanmanın/şuurlanmanın sizde ne düzeyde olduğunun aynasıdır.
Dünya'nın sizin şifalanma/şuurlanma deneyim ihtiyacı kadar
şifalanma/şuurlanmaya ihtiyacı yoktur. O daha sonra yüksek düzeydeki

titreşimleri deneyimlerken şifanın potansiyeline hareket edecektir.
Hayatınızda ki her insan kendi şifa/şuur/farkındalık sürecinizin birer
aynasıdır. Size şifalanmak/şuurlanmak için gelenler aslında sizin kendi
şifa/şuur sürecininize ayna olarak o düzeyde kendinizi tamamlamak için
yaptığınız akitlerdir. O varlıklarla bu süreci yaşayarak kendi kendinize
onay verirsiniz. Eğer onlar bu süreçte şifalanır/şuurlanırsa onları
aslında siz şifalandırmış/şuurlandırmış olmuyorsunuz. Ancak eğer siz
kendi kendinizi şifalandırırsanız/şuurlandırırsanız onlar sizin
şifanızın/şuurunuzun bir aynası haline gelirler.

-Pratik yaşamdan oluşan haller-

Siz dünyayı şifalandırabileceğinize inanıyorsunuz ve daha sonra hayal kırıklığı yaşıyorsunuz

çünkü dünya sizi onurlandırmayı/onaylamayı reddediyor.
(Çevirmenin notu:Beklenti içindesiniz, ki beklenti içindeyken sınırlama
sözkonusudur. Hatta anlaşılmamaktan çevrenize dert yanarsınız :)) Her
baktığınız yerde acı, ızdırap kaos görüyorsunuz. Kendi hayat devrenizde
çok az yol aldığınızı hissedip düşünüyorsunuz, çünkü dünya hala
göreceli olarak değişiminin yavaşlığından dolayı size aynı
geliyor.(Çevirmenin notu: Çocukken hikayelerde anlatılır ya karakterimiz
dere tepe düz gittim bir de baktım arkama bir arpacık yol gittim,
kendinizi çok iş yaptığınızı düşünürken, aslında o kadar da yol
almamışsınız, bkz spatyoma geçenlerin hikayelerine) Fakat gerçekte öyle
mi? Dünya basitçe kollektif olanın enerjisini yansıtır. Halihazırda
varolan realitede, biten şifanın/şuurlanmanın aynasıdır.Aynı zamanda
dikkat ettiğiniz enerjinin sizinle şifalanmış halidir.

Her biriniz enerji spektrumunda belli bir titreşim ile rezone olup titreşiyorsunuz ve o
titreşimde korkudan sevgiye doğru hareket ediyorsunuz. Bu enerji titreşimleri çekilen bir tür
ızdırabın siz de
yarattığı farkındalıkla ruhsal onaylamalarınızın parçalarıdır.
Bazılarınız açların karnını doyurmak ister, bazıları hastaları
iyileştirmek ister, bazıları zayıf, güçsüz olanlara yardım etmek ister,
bazılarınız çocukları egemen kılmak istersiniz. Şimdi bu dünya da, her
ne tip enerji ile şifalanma/şuurlanma için çalışmayı seçtiyseniz, önce o
olguya kendinizden başlamalısınız Çünkü bu durum aynı zamanda sizin
karmik yolculuğunuzun , ruhunuz ile olan bağlantısızlığınızın
göstergesidir. Bu durum bir nevi sizin ruhsal yaranızı göstermektedir.

Her türlü deneyiminizde ve etkileşiminizde hatırlamanız icab eden bu yolculuk bir tür kişisel
şuurlanma/şifalanmadır. Bu yolculuk bütüne doğru yapılırken ilahi olanla bağlantı sağlanır.
şifalanmanız için ihtiyaçlarınıza ayna olurlar. Dünya sizin
şifalanmış/şuurlanmış kısmınızın yansımasına cevap verir ve böylece
bütünde şifa/şuurlanma tezahür eder. Etrafınızdaki kişilerle beraberken
onlara sorunuz şu olmalı " Benim varlığıma ne yansıtıyorsun ve bununla
kendimi nasıl şifalandırıp şuurlandırabilirim" Daha sonra size bilgiler
ve gerekli araçlar verilecek ve siz bu şifalanma sürecini o düzeyde
tamamlayacaksınız. Siz şifalanarak güçlenmiş veçhenizle, dünya önünde
tutunarak, o kendi şifasına cevap verecektir. (Çevirmenin notu: Siz

kendi kendinizin dayanağı olarak, dünya adı altında sembolize edilen
çevrenizdeki dostlarınıza,ailelerinize birer rol-model oluşturuyorsunuz.
Ve onlar sizi kendilerine referans alarak kendi çözümlerini


Devamı: http://www.maddeveruh.org/ruh-ve-madde/1/895/Uriel-Kisisel-Sifalanm...
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives


SaLuSa 20-August-2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 22, 2010 at 2:15am


may wonder at times what we do to fill in our time. Most of our duties are
involved in studying data that is collected by our computers. For example we
constantly monitor sites where weaponry is ready to be used. Our brief is to
ensure that those of mass destruction are not used, to the point where if they
are launched we will destroy them. We are also intent on preventing false wars,
and any attempt to raise the tension between rival countries. We are holding
back progress towards any further attempts to repeat a 9/11 scenario, because
as you will know the dark Ones create chaos and fear whenever they can. It is
not just the Galactic Federation that are involved, but also our allies who are
often placed at the heart of things. In general terms we monitor Mother Earth,
so that we able to predict where and when changes will occur. That gives us
time to take action to limit the dangers, as we cannot interfere beyond the
margins we are given. Mother Earth must be allowed to proceed with her
Ascension, and that is course vital if you are to go forward with

As we
sometimes mention to you, our plans are continually being updated according to
the feedback we get from our computers and earthly sources. We know where
events are likely to proceed to but not necessarily in detail, as a number of
options usually exist. The main point is that the outcome of this cycle is
assured, and in no circumstances will that be altered. In due course you will

all learn of what is planned, and it will give you back your freedom and
prepare you for Ascension. There are times when you feel that there is no
defense against the dark Ones, but since we know what they plan their threat is
limited by us. Remember that we must respect the laws of freewill, and the
karmic situations that you have been responsible for. These may go back eons of
time, and can be played out at any time when it is appropriate. Your reason for
going through duality is to learn lessons, and it would not help you if we
shortened them.

necessary we are on call throughout the whole Universe, and have millions of
ships in our fleet at our disposal. There are also millions of personnel from
the different civilizations that work with us, so in fact we can spread them
far and wide. They are all like us inasmuch that they have achieved high levels
of spirituality, and live in the higher dimensions that have moved well beyond
duality as you know it. So why are we here you may ask, and the answer is that
all ascended Beings act in service to other souls that are moving into the
Light. Also, your whole Universe is involved in Ascension and that is quite an
important event. Because you need help to ascend, what is being given to you
may be looked upon as disproportionate assistance according to your size. By
other standards even in your own solar system, you are in fact quite a small
planet. However, your place in Ascension is so vital to a successful
completion, that a strong focus is placed upon the Earth and its inhabitants.
This will ensure that regardless of what happens in the meantime, you will
succeed in reaching your goals.

work is not organized in the same way that you are used to experiencing. We
have no need to confine ourselves to strict times of working, although we take
our responsibilities very seriously. It is our life, and a pleasure to serve
others, and not in the least boring. We are happy at our work, and since we do
not use money we have no competition for jobs based on remuneration. All skills
are employed where they can be used to our best advantage, and there are no
square pegs in round holes. Work is not tiring as we do not experience fatigue
because our bodies are more refined than yours, and we continually re-energies
them from the energies around us. We can enjoy some small refreshments or light
food, but that is more for pure enjoyment. In time you will also reach such
levels. Your needs are different as you have a heavy physical body to support,
and eating is both essential and a pleasure for you. However, you will find
that as your new body develops, and becomes more refined you will eat

As you
are beginning to understand, the changes you are to experience will be far
reaching and a new Human will emerge. You will go from the illusory lower
dimensions, to the levels of spirituality that respond only to the Light. All
is in harmony and balance, unlike the imbalances you experience upon Earth. The
contrast is so great that it is hard for you to imagine moving from hell to
heaven, but that is how it will strike you. Perhaps the most impressive
experience, will be feeling the love energy that pervades the higher

dimensions, where only the truth can exist.

Bearing in mind what you are learning about your future, we

might comment on the need to keep focused on it, and do not allow earthly
matters to distract you. What is of the old has served its purpose, and the new
is waiting to be introduced. First must come the cleansing, and the restoration
of your rightful entitlement to all that is given to you for your use by the
Creator. By the time you reach the end of the cycle, you will already well
along the path to Ascension and ready to go even further. As is often
emphasized, the end times are simply the end of duality, and life goes onto to
the next stage. At present you are a poor reflection of what you are destined
to be.

you suffer your aches and pains your disappointments and fears, can you imagine
being free from them, because that is your promise. Duality has been a hard
lesson to go through at the levels you are in, but your progress up the
spiritual ladder has been phenomenal. Nowhere else could you have achieved such
results. Perhaps fortunately in some ways, you cannot remember your past lives
and know how hard it has been to make progress. That is not important however,
as it is what you take from them that determines how far and how quickly you
evolve. Those of you who have awakened are able to attract the Light to you,
and unless you have an exceptional lapse you are assured of

I am
SaLuSa from Sirius, and like to give you acclaim where it is warranted. You are
wonderful souls, that stand at the door of release from all of the attachments
to the lower dimension. They cannot in any event exist in the higher ones, and
everything is being done to help you do so.

you SaLuSa.



Ascension... Now !
 Posted by Jacques on August 22, 2010 at 3:34pm

"Beloved Stars People, there is nothing to dread, within Unity. There is nothing to
fear, within your resurrection. There is nothing to fear, such within this world for
only hair of Star People will not touch. By the power of your Merkabah, by the
power of Four Living within the two mingled Crowns of head and Heart, by the
Ether Fire and Earth Fire, by the treble Unity found within you of Christ, Mary and
Michael, the Unity becomes established, in you, amon you, around you and on the
world whole. A new world, a new Vibration and Dimension,where Darkness is no
longer, where all is Peace and Joy, gradually will appear, in you, outside of you.
There is still, as the Prophets have that announced, to fulfill the word and promise.
Now, Apocalypse enters, by Four Horsemen liberation and Angels of Four Orients,
in its final phase. An era ends. Another is born. Thus is the life cycle, coupled,
within this unrealistic world, from the return to the Truth.

Come on in Peace. Come on in Truth. Come on in Joy. What is now, with you and
in you, is Unity Joy rediscovered. Within the Radiant Crown, within the Four
Living Cross, within your head and your Heart, within the Radiant Crown of Heart
and head, it belongs to you to re-Vibrate the Sacred Syllabes, which will allow to
set Merkabah in activation. Sing that, when you see fit. The 24 Melchizedech
whole will intercede, for the next weeks, in order to give directions for use of last
Metatronic Keys within the Radiant Crown, within the 12 Stars, allowing you,
according to your needs, to appeal to either of Four Living, in your life like outside

Too allowing to unveil and activate spiritual potentials, new, already, within this
world. Thus, you become again the Sun Blazing Sons. By the Inner Christ birth and
by the new and truthful tri-Unity, you are able to live of, Fire, Water, Earth and Air,
realizing the divulged ether's miracle, which has been concealed by luciferian
Illusion. Today, that is Truth. Thus, I AM pioneering, from now, by the arrival of
the first of Four Living, the starting up of the humanity Lamps 's whole, of the
Earth Crowns whole.

Veuhiah. Veuhiah. Veuhiah.

Energy Outpouring...

Thus, the coronation of OD - ER -IM -IS-AL , by the Cross and Wheel, by the tri-Unity,
raises and reveals.


Energy Outpouring...



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 22, 2010 at 5:30pm

Selin Vatansever:

Selin Vatansever 1984 yılında İzmir’de doğdu. İlköğretim ve liseyi burada tamamladı. 2007
yılında Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi bölümünden mezun
oldu. Selin özel
bir şirketin marketing departmanında çalışmaktadır.


Selin Vatansever; 2002 yılında okuduğu bir kitaptan etkilenerek “spiritüel farkındalık” ve
“ruhsal gelişim” çalışmalarıyla ilgilenmeye başladı. Daha sonra bu konular üzerine okumayı
araştırmayı bir tutku haline getirdi.

Yurt içinde ve yurt dışında birçok seminere katılan Selin Vatansever, kendisine kattıklarıyla
içsel yolculuğunda ilerlerken, varlığını sevginin bir parçası olarak tanımlamaya

“Selin Vatansever, Usui Reiki masterı olmasının yanı sıra Yoga ve meditasyon da
yapmaktadır. Selin, ayrıca Reiki I-II-III ve Reiki masterlık uyumlaması ve reiki ile
şifalandırma çalışmalarını yürütmektedir.”

Reiki Sertifikaları:

 Usui Reiki I Semineri ve Uyumlaması, İzmir 2005, Şenay Yüksel, Usui Reiki Master
 Usui Reiki II Semineri ve Uyumlaması, İzmir 2006, Şenay Yüksel, Usui Reiki Master
 Usui Reiki III Semineri ve Uyumlaması, İzmir 2007, Şenay Yüksel, Usui Reiki Master
 Usui Reiki Master Semineri ve Uyumlaması, İstanbul 2010, David Doğan Beyo Usui
Reiki Master

Reiki uyumlaması ve reiki ile şifalandırma seansları için:



05354270007 & 05557106890


Reiki, şifa ve ruhsal çalışmalara dayanan, 20.yüzyılın başında Japonya'da ve enerji aktarımı
ile şifa vermeye dayalı olduğuna inanılan bir tekniktir. Rei "her yerde
varolan", ki "ruhsal yaşam enerjisi" anlamına
gelmektedir. Batıya yayılmaya başladığında "Evrensel Yaşam Enerjisi"
olarak tercüme edilmiştir. Ancak "yüce kaynağın bilincini taşıyan, ruhsal
amaçla çalışan yaşam gücü enerjisi" açıklaması anlamını daha iyi ortaya
koyar. Yani Reiki bir "Ruhsal Şifa Tekniği"dir.

Reiki, bedende meydana gelen enerji dengesizliklerini ve negatif enerji blokajlarını

çözebilmek için yetersiz veya eksik kalan kendi enerji bedenimizi dengeleyip, tamamlar.
Olaylara bakışımızı
değiştirerek ruhsal, dolayısıyla da fiziksel iyileşme sürecini başlatmamızın
yolunu açar. Reiki fiziksel, zihinsel, duygusal sorunların tümünde
kullanılabilir. Ayrıca, stresli zamanlarınızda sizi rahatlatır ve
sakinleştirir, ağrı ve acılarınızı azaltır, bilinçaltınızdan kaynaklanan
sorunları tedavi eder, enerji vererek sizi dinçleştirir ve yaşlanma etkilerini
azaltır. Bunlar reikinin yararlarından yalnızca birkaçıdır.


A Message From A.A. Michael And Mother
Mary Channelled By Natalie Glasson
23rd Aug. 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 24, 2010 at 2:17am

Archangel Michael and Lady Mary

The energies of Archangel Michael and Lady Mary descend onto the Earth
and into the hearts of those who are receptive and open to the energies
of the Creator. Archangel Michael and Lady Mary unite energies today so
that they may bring this special message to humankind on the Earth.

At this stage of the Earth's spiritual evolvement we stand as beacons of

the Creator's light, emanating our scared and loving energies into the
Earth. We visualise the Earth as a small green and blue jewel of light
that we can hold in the palms of our hands. We unite our hands and
channel the energy of our souls through our palms and into the Earth
jewel. Our combined energy sends a blaze of light through the Earth
jewel and into its magnificent aura. We channel the love and light of
the Creator into the Earth and direct it into all who are receptive to
our energies.

As light workers on the Earth you may join us in emanating light into
the Earth and its inhabitants. Simply meditate, invoke our energies and
ask to stand beside us as a beacon of light with the ability to channel
your magnificent energy and light into the Earth or the Earth jewel that
will be placed into your hands. During this practice you may visualise
the Earth receiving healing and immense light, as our light wraps around
the Earth jewel like a soft loving silk blanket filled with the purity
of the Creator. You may also visualise your energies integrating with
our presence and soul light as you stand between us with your hands
united with ours holding the Earth jewel. This will deepen your
connection on the Earth with us on the inner planes.

Alternatively you can meditate and ask to access the light that is
beaming forth from our souls into the Earth. You may simply ask us to
channel and anchor our energies into your being.

The purpose of this special anchoring of our light and energy into the
Earth and your being is to accelerate all receptive beings to achieve
the next stage or level of consciousness. We sense that many of you are
feeling stagnate in your spiritual evolution and wish to offer you a
helping hand to gather speed forth. Every person on the Earth exists at a
certain level or process of growth; there are many levels of spiritual
vibration, awareness and education to achieve while on the Earth. As
humans and light workers you can use our energies to assist you in

achieving and attaining the next level of consciousness that is
available to you. Our energies will boost your energy vibration,
directing you to achieve the lessons of your near future with greater
clarity and understanding. You may obtain the next level of your growth
allowing you to accelerate forward beyond your current limitations. As
humans you are always striving to achieve spiritual goals, this is a
process of your education, we wish you to access our energies to help
you to accomplish your next spiritual goal, whatever level you are
vibrating at. We offer our energies and light, as encouragement, support
and nourishment to aid integration. This is a gift and energy boost
that we feel is most certainly needed on the Earth. When accessing our
energies they will aid you in removing any blockages or obstacles from
your life, helping you to move forth with confidence and certainty to
achieve a greater spiritual awareness than you have previously gained or
existed with on the Earth during your current lifetime. Our gift of
these divine energies is to anchor greater love into your being and to
allow you to achieve greater vibrations, illumination or enlightenment.
If you feel stuck, in need of assistance, clarity or advice, it is our
combined energies that you may invoke and anchor into your being.

We, Archangel Michael and Lady Mary channel a glorious light into the
Earth and its inhabitants that is of a soft blue, green and pink colour.
I Archangel Michael will aid your protection and offer spiritual
guidance. I Lady Mary will pour the purest love into your soul, heart
and being to aid your spiritual evolution and acceptance of the
Creator's energy within your being.

We wish you to understand that we are united in a love and devotion to

the Earth and the Creator's soul extensions. We wish to aid you in every
way we can but ask you to connect and to invoke our energies to
surround you, asking us to integrate the love that we share with the
entire world into your being and reality.

Meditate with us and help us to channel the energy of the Creator into
the Earth to raise the energy vibrations and consciousness of the Earth.
Integrate with our energies and we will boost your energy vibration and
consciousness allowing you to access a greater level of awareness.

The energy and love of Archangel Michael and Lady Mary surrounds you now.

With the deepest of love from the core of our souls,

Archangel Michael and Lady Mary


 Posted by Jacques on August 26, 2010 at 12:07am

Revealed by JOPHIEL, angel of Knowledge and golden Light - August 15 2008.


"First you have to extend your left arm and then to put your left arm upon your Heart Chakra.
You then do the same with your right arm and put your right hand upon your left arm.

This salutation called " Orion Salute " is a major sign of people gratitude that you name, I
believe the Galactic Council, in touch with Melchizedech Order and Shamballa. All entity of
Light, angel, people (humanoid or not) has to answer to this salute as soon as this entity
belongs to the Light Galactic Confederation. It has to be used in difficulty period,
confrontation, such it happens on your planet and within this solar system. My Presence is
acting as guarantor for in accordance with your soul with the Galactic Confederation and
ascensional levels..."


About 3 Days of darkness and Light

 Posted by Jacques on August 26, 2010 at 12:46am

SERETI - JULY 4TH 2005- autresdimensions.com

"I AM Sereti. My Presence has been made possible by the addition of Four Living
in your ether channel who allows me to go down to the periphery of this channel. I
AM Light shape playing a part not only in the destiny of your persons but in the
destiny of solar and planetary systems whole.

Nevertheless it admits to by virtue of your new structure. I give you few

informations about phenomena which could happen in the impending years of your
humanitarian and philosophical and spiritual and structural and psychological
evolution cycle of your beings and of the totality of your solar systems. Our
radiance only spreads from the 18th Dimension and rises again until the 31st
Dimension which is then the antepenultimate Dimension attainable to remote Light
radiance before returning within the primeval Light of all Sources...

In the first place, Mercury planet has to be absorbed within the solar protosphere
carrying release and irridiation of sizeable energy going to your own terrestrial
atmosphere... During these 3 days, Venus planet will get closer of terrestrial orbit as
that occured there long ago. In that moment the solar radiation will change of its
appearance for those who will have the chance to see it, for these 3 Light days. The
radiation will change color. You will begin to feel new radiation 's effects which
will be made of usual gold Light whom already will be present, in its bosom, the
blue radiation of galaxy 's Central Sun. This will manifest the influence of our blue
radiance, us who are the Blue Guides of Sirius.

These days of darkness and Light will take place in the ante-ascensional last phase.
Human beings who will have been capable to survive to this vibratorian change
will be gathered together. After such peregrinations which could happen on this
planet one Voice will talk you to the ear (outside of left ear) and will tell you 72
Hours before these events. You should be ready, right now you will be informed, to
move away from all towns, to move away from electrical structure, to make rest
area. There won't be any more electricity neither means of transport on this planet.
You should have hawthorn blossom, and candles. You should have purified water
( see Diamond water... nett. addr.com/ eaudiamant and see for any countries
addresses), allowing you to stay at the same place for 3 days Light or darkness in
order to prepare your body to Ascension phenomenon, to reunification phenomenon
which will happen after, right now about implementation of geomagnetic, electric
and human phenomena on this planet...

Question : who are you?

We belong to beings group, living within Central Sun, who have never been
incarnation phenomena, evolving from the 21st, 24th and 31st Dimension and for
few between ourselves until 18th Dimension.

We are capable to reveal ourselves up to a point. That has been able to by activation
of your 11th Dimension and but only of your 6th Dimension. We are beings who
have no human appearance or shape described as biological entity. Our shape is
pure Light radiance of blue color.

Question : For the "3 days " France would be in darkness?

Really the great chances are that your country will be covered by the night about
that part anyway. From the middle of Atlantic Ocean until the middle of Asia
continent, few opposite parts to this worldwide surface, will be in the Light. Sun
will be blocked to its zenith and to few points for other areas in the Light... "


27 Agustos'ta Mars
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 27, 2010 at 12:09am


Hayatınızda ilk ve tek olacak DIKKAT!!!

Mars gezegeni Agustos'tan itibaren geceleri gökyüzünün en par...lak cismi olacak. Mars
çıplak gözle dolunay kadar büyük görünecek. 27 Agustos'ta Mars Dünya'ya 34,65 milyon mil
yaklastiginda en büyük
göründügü gün olacak.

27 Agustos gecesi 00:30'da gökyüzünü izleyin.

Dünyanin iki ay'i varmis gibi görünecek. Mars'in dünyaya bu kadar yakin gececegi
bir sonraki tarih 2287 yili. Bunu dostlarinizla paylasin. Bugün hayatta
olan hicbir kimse bu olayi tekrar göremeyecek..


Call To The Four Sacred Winds
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 28, 2010 at 12:02am

Call To The Four Sacred Winds
I call to the East, where the Father ascendsto all Mother Earth where life begins.I fly through
the cedars, pines, willows, and birchas
animals below me wander and search. I call to the South, to the land
down below.Turtle stands silent, as man strings his bowto hunt food and
fur for his ki...n before snow.A life will end so others will grow. I
call to the North, that yansa once knew.I follow their path til it
disappears from view.Once vast in number, there stand but a few.I hear
only ghost thunder of millions of hooves. I call to the West, to the
ends of the lands,to the Tsalagi, Kiowa, Comanche ... all bands.Unite
for the strength. Teach the young and demand that you are Native
Americans. Learn your tongue and stand. My name is Freedom... I fly
through this land.I call to the Four Sacred Winds of Turtle Island.
Spirit Wind (Pat Poland)


Her Son Yeni Bir Başlangıçtır…

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 28, 2010 at 12:33am

Her Son Yeni Bir Başlangıçtır…

Her hangi bir şey konusunda “Onu kaybettim” deme “Onu iade ettim” de. Çocuğun mu öldü?
Onu geri verdin. Karın mı öldü? Onu da geri verdin. Tarlanı mı elinden aldılar? İşte yine bir
iade “fakat onu elimden alan kötü bir adamdı” deme. Onu sana veren elin, falan yada filan
aracılığı ile onu geri almasının ne önemi var? Onu sende bıraktığı müddette sana ait değilmiş
gibi istifade et ondan; tıpkı yolcuların hanlardan yararlanışı gibi… (Epictetos.)

Sohbeti güzel, sorgusu çok güçlü bir filozof Epictetos, gerçek ismi bilinmiyor, herhalde
bundan sonrada bilinmeyecek… Milâttan sonra 50-60 yıllarında Phrygia'da Hierapolis'te
doğduğu söylenen eski Yunan filozofudur.! Çocukken Roma'da imparator Nereon'un azatlısı
Epaphroditos'a satılmış bir köleydi. Yunanca satın alınmış adam –köle-uşak anlamına gelen
Epiktetos Roma'da felsefe okuma imkânı bulmuş, kölelikten kurtulunca, felsefe öğretmenliği
yapmış, 90-94 yıllarında Roma İmparatoru Domitianus bütün filozofları ülkeden kovunca,
Nikopolis'e geçmiş orada Stoik felsefe ilkelerini öğretmeye başlamıştır. Yokopolis'te yokluk
içinde yaşamış ve burada ölmüştür.

Onun Felsefesi; Tanrıya güvenmek, Vicdanın sesini dinlemek, insanların kardeşçe

yaşamalarını esasına dayanmaktadır. Tanrının birliğine, tüm insanların aynı ve tek tanrıdan
geldiğine inanan bir düşünür olan Epikietos'a göre, fiziksel yapı, dış görünüş, ya da bunlardan
kaynaklanan sosyal konum insan iradesinin dışında gelişen durumlardı.
İnsanı mutlu ya da mutsuz yapan durum ise, bunlar hakkındaki kişisel görüşlerimize bağlı idi,
yani elimizde olan bir şeydir.

Çıkıp gider hayatımızdan bir şeyler bazen. Bu maalesef hep böyledir. İstesek de istemesek de
ben gidiyorum derler. Ya da gitme vakti gelmiştir siz izin verirsiniz gitmesine… Bu gidişler;
bazen büyük acılarla, bazen de sessizce olur. Mutluluklarımız, sevdiğimiz insanlar, bazen de
bize anlam katan başka şeyler giderler... Zor gelir, Acıtır.

Bazen giden umuttur… Bazen para, bazen en değerliniz… Bazen başarı, ve niceleri. Niceleri
çıkar hayatımızdan bazen.

Sonra ne olur peki?

Hayat yaptığımız seçimler değil mi?

Yaşamak görevini devam ettirmek zorunda olduğumuz için yolumuza devam etmeliyiz…

Hiç kimse sonsuza kadar hiçbir şey yapmadan duramaz.Hepimiz her halükarda bir şeyler
yaparız .Fark ;bazılarımızın yaptıkları onları mutlu ederken ,mutluluğa götürürken
bazılarımızın yaptıkları da mutsuzluğa götürür.Mutlularda mutsuzlarda bir şeylere inanır ,bazı
fikirler yürütür bazı kararlar alırlar bazı eylemlerde bulunurlar vs..

Bazen soruyorum “mutsuz olmak için neden bu kadar çaba harcanır ?” diye…

Bana göre mutsuzluk uğrunda fazladan çaba harcanması gereken bir uğraştır.Bu dünyaya
mutsuz olmak için doğmadık.Her mutsuzlukta yanında katlanılması gereken acıyı
getirir.Bunları bile bile mutsuzluğu seçmek büyük bir fedakarlık ister...

Yazıma Epictetos la başladım küçük bir hikaye ile bitirmek istiyorum

İnsanoğlu mutluluğu hep hor kullanıyormuş...

Hep şikâyetçi hep bıkkınmış...

Bir gün melekler mutluluğu saklamaya karar vermişler...

Saklayalım zor bulunsun...

Zor buldukları için belki kıymetini bilirler diyerek başlamışlar tartışmaya... Sorun
büyükmüş... Mutluluğu saklamak kolay değilmiş çünkü... Kimisi: “Everest''in tepesine
saklayalım” demiş; kimisi, “Atlas Okyanusu’nun dibine” demiş. Tac Mahal''in kubbesi,
Mekke sokakları, İtalyan sofrası... Bir hastanenin yenidoğan odası, dondurma külahı, şarap
şişesi... Sigara paketi, lale bahçesi...

Pek çok yer düşünmüşler ama hiç biri yeterince zor gelmemiş... Derken meleklerden biri:
“içlerine saklayalım” demiş... “Kimsenin aklına gelmez içine bakmak”

İşte o gün bugündür mutluluk insanın kendi içinde saklıymış...

Ne başkasının ekmeğinde, ne başkasının evinde, ne de başka bir şeyde... Bu yüzden gözünüz

hep içeride olsun... Siz dışını boş verin, içine bakın..

Şükür suyu ile sularsan, tattığın çoğu şeyin adı “Mutluluk” olur.


Shedding the Illusion of 3D Consciousness

By DL Zeta
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 28, 2010 at 11:30am

Shedding the Illusion of 3D Consciousness By DL Zeta

Many of you are currently in a "waiting" space. You are observing the changes taking place
around you and waiting for the next step to open before you. This next step is
often perceived as a great opening in human consciousness where love, world
peace and blessings flow in abundance. This is occurring, but some aspects of
the New Earth are still not widely understood.

The next step may not be exactly as you have perceived it, and this is why there is a sense of
waiting and uncertainty. Remember, it’s impossible to enter a new space by continuing to do
the same things. Only the new can activate the
new. To step into the new, you must become the new. You must bring your energy
into alignment with the New Earth.

To take this step of activating energies still latent within your consciousness, it is necessary to
look closely at ways in which you are still habitually entrenched in old ways of being. Fifth-
dimensional consciousness is
accessible within your present moment. If you hold beliefs or attitudes that say

otherwise, it’s time to examine ways you’re blocking your access to these

The Nature of the Karmic Wheel

A belief that binds many into third-dimensional consciousness has to do with karma. Many
still habitually see themselves as needing to satisfy karma, whether it is from this life or
another. This is similar to the perennial student who
has difficulty leaving the university setting. The final stage of "graduation"
requires you to take on a new level of self-responsibility that allows you to
move beyond cause-and-effect.

What you think of as the "karmic wheel" is simply a set of universal understandings set forth
as the curriculum of Earth school. Each being that incarnates to Earth arrives with the goal of
furthering their understandings and
gaining needed insights and experience. At some point after many, many
incarnations, you complete these basic understandings determined by the same
laws that govern the universe.

The Challenge of Stepping off the Karmic Wheel

You may find yourself feeling some resistance at this point. You may be saying "it's not that
easy to step off the karmic wheel." Deep down, you may feel you don't deserve to live free
from the duties of preconceived "lesson
plans." This is not unlike the person graduating college who must now learn to
design their own curriculum and lesson plans without the input of their team of
advisors. It’s not that you will no longer undertake new areas of growth and
exploration, but that you will now consciously choose and design these areas.
This requires you to take 100% responsibility for every aspect of your

This is what life is like beyond the confines of the karmic wheel. You step into the identity of
“captain of your own ship.” From this point of empowerment, there is no longer any illusion
of blame or victimhood. As an empowered
individual, you meet each new challenge in your life with an open heart and
mind, ready to embrace new levels of understanding. From this perspective, you
are no longer a burden on those around you. Instead, you lift others up with the
gift of your life working.

Your Karmic Debts Are Paid

Many old souls have already paid the price of admission to this new time. You have paid your
karmic debts. You have completed all homework and lesson plans. You have examined
yourselves repeatedly, taking great care to connect with your
guidance and putting into place all that has been asked of you. There is nothing
keeping you from entering the fifth dimension.

Understand, you cannot be forced to step past karma. In a free-will zone, you are free to grow
through suffering and exist in state of limitation. This is a choice. What we're telling you is
that you are free to enter a place of

fifth-dimensional consciousness and step into a new dimension within your own

We offer here a “snapshot” of a soul that has satisfied karmic lessons:

This soul has practiced the ethic of good stewardship on the Earth, honoring and nurturing all
kingdoms of life on the planet. They have willingly assisted those who walk two steps behind
them, opening doors and mapping every frontier
they encounter that others may walk more freely there. They have come into the
understanding that what they do to another, they do to themselves; they have
learned to see through the illusion, to joyfully greet all circumstances in
their life as learning experiences, and to readily transform all energies they
encounter with unconditional love. They have set their highest intentions,
cultivated high-vibrational energies within, and radiated the light of spirit to
all they encounter.

If this is the path you have followed, we congratulate you for your efforts. You may now
receive your diploma and step off the karmic wheel.

If you still have some areas to complete, you can use the above description as a blueprint for
bringing about this completion. You may also find it helpful to undertake a journey of self-
examination to identify areas of your life you
need to bring into sharper focus.

The Journey of Self-Examination

In order to step fully into this new dimension, you will need to examine every habit, every
remaining attitude and belief that binds you into the third dimension, tethering you to the
karmic wheel.

Examine the vibration of what you put into your body. Do you put low-vibrational packaged,
toxic, irradiated and energetically dead foods into your body? Drugs, alcohol and
pharmaceuticals can also contribute to a
low-vibrational existence. Examine your habits. Look at what you do on a daily
basis. Are your habits lifting you higher, leading you to a time of greater love
and peace, or are they leading you into more of the same limiting energies you
have experienced over and over?

Examine your emotions. Do you blame others for any aspect of your existence? Are you
engaging in self-pity and feeling yourself a victim of life? Are there any ways in which you
burden others by refusing to take complete responsibility
for yourself? Do you often experience negative emotions and feel the world is
against you? If so, it is time to go back to square one and study the Law of
Attraction and other universal laws. This is the path to understanding how the
universe truly works.

Examine your vision for your life. Is it limited in any way? Do you receive visions that you
write off as "undo-able"? What do you see for yourself? What is your current identity? Is it in
need of an update? Examine any ways in which you
limit who you can be and what you can do.

As you examine and address each of these areas, you are able to snip any strings that still hold
you into third-dimensional consciousness. Once this is done, you are free to step into the next
version of yourself, the "you" who is
free of karmic debt and experiencing the vastly expanded energies and flowing
blessings of the New Earth.

Excerpt from The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness
By DL Zeta
For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 28, 2010 at 12:00pm

1. Kitap - 77.


Sizlerle Eylul ayi paylasimimiza bir ilave olmak uzere, SU'DAN soz etmek
istiyoruz. Evet, evet. Bildiginiz SU =

Elbette sizler zaten SU'YUN ne denli onemli oldugunun BILINCINDESINIZ. Bugun ne

yazik ki dunyanizin en ciddi sorunlarindan biri de
TEMIZ SU-ICME SUYU kaynaklarinin giderek azalmasi. Kaldi ki kullanma suyu
acisindan dahi ayni sorun bas gostermis durumda. Yine ciddi bilim insanlari,
elli yil sonra yasanmasi olasi SU SAVASLARINDAN soz ediyorlar.

Ancak bizler sizler SUYUN NE'LIGINI paylasmak istiyoruz. Sizlere su ile ilgili

bilgiler verecegiz ve ardindan da bu bilgiler temelli onerilerimiz olacak. Her
zaman OLDUGU VE OLMASI GEREKTIGI gibi, bilgileri de onerileri de
OYLE YA DA BOYLE ELE ALMAK elbette sizin bileceginiz bir is. ORADA
SIZLERSINIZ. Bir de bunu bilseniz.

















Dostlarimiz, su ile ilgili simdilik bu kadar acilim fazla bile. Ama bunlar
uzerinde durmaniz



Gelelim bazi onerilerimize dostlarimiz.

Bu onerileri YENI DONEMIN YENI INSANININ gerekleri baglaminda ele almanizi rica
ederiz. Fiziksel, duygusal ve zihinsel arinma, kalp
cakrasinin aktivasyonu, saglik sorunlarinin cozumu ve EVRENSELE UYUMLANMA
acisindan yararlari olacak onerilerdir bunlar;















Dostlarimiz, bilgiler ve oneriler bizden size. Gerisi de sizden size.


Askla Kalin. Hayata ve onun tum ifadelerine askla .

O N L A R (O'ndan gelenler - ON ON gelenler - O'n'larla gelenler - O'nunla

gelenler - O'na gelenler)

1/77 - 31.08.2005

Onlar'la ilgili daha fazla bilgi icin www.onlardan.com

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Sevgi ve sifayla kalin,

Sifa Cemberi



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 28, 2010 at 12:13pm


Dear friends,

An incredible 33,317 of us have donated to our emergency ad campaign to get justice
for Sakineh Ashtiani. We hit our target within just 12 hours and ran full
page ads in some of the largest newspapers in Brazil and Turkey, as well as
online advertising, within 72 hours. The print ads (at right) depict Prime
Minister Erdogan and President Lula holding a picture of Sakineh, with the
title: "Her Life is in Your Hands".

The response was immediate. With Brazilian President Lula already offering Sakineh asylum,
our biggest focus
has been on getting Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan to weigh in. Turkish media
carried the story in dozens of places in print and TV news, with one top
Turkish journalist even writing in to Avaaz to thank us for our

Avaaz members in Turkey and Brazil have sent over 50,000 personal messages to Lula and
Erdogan in the last few days, and members in Turkey have
written in saying our campaign is all over television. The result has been
incredible: press reports yesterday say Erdogan has actually tasked his
government to pursue "intense telephone diplomacy" with Iran on Sakineh's
behalf, and Lula has also strengthened his position. Our appeal is

Iran is clearly feeling the heat -- and has responded by delaying and changing tack.
International pressure appears to have saved
Sakineh from being stoned for adultery and prevented her execution so far. But
now the regime says it plans to hang her for murdering her husband - a
charge against her that was officially dropped 4 years ago. Last week, they
aired a blurry and barely audible confession from Sakineh on national
television. Sakineh's lawyer says the confession was forced after 2 days of

As awful as the situation looks, the fact that the regime keeps postponing the crucial court
hearing (the third consecutive delay was
announced yesterday), and is going to the trouble of airing the case on national
television shows how seriously our call for justice has resonated. And we know
the pressure is working beyond Sakineh -- last week Iran rapidly carried out
judicial reviews and commuted other stoning sentences to hanging and lashes for
a 25 and 19 year woman. And while Iranian domestic opinion might be influenced
by such tactics, Iran now knows without doubt that it is harming its
relationship with two of its only remaining allies, Turkey and Brazil, by
denying Sakineh justice. At this point, they must want this case to go away.

Sakineh's whole trial was a travesty of justice by any standard, including Iran's. If we keep up
the pressure, there is still a chance to
invalidate her death sentence -- the court is still due to make a decision
about whether to pursue the murder charge - and there is no doubt that their
decision will be a political one.

Let's flood Iranian embassies all over the world with phone calls, voice messages, even

visits. They will
report all contacts to Tehran, which will get a sense of the strength of global
concern. Iran's leaders claim that the campaign for Sakineh is a western
crusade, but the Avaaz community is spread across the world -- we can show them
that this is no western crusade against Iran, but a global campaign for justice.
Below this email is a list of phone numbers for embassies in each country.
Scroll down to read it, and take 2 minutes to make a phone call.

Together we've helped Sakineh move from being another quiet victim of an archaic
punishment to a symbol in the fight for justice that even Iran's
most powerful leaders must contend with. The outlook for Sakineh is still grave,
but it is in the darkest hour that hope has its greatest power. We've
signed the petition and donated to the ad campaign. Now let's get on our phones.
Scroll down for the numbers.

With hope,

Ricken, Paula, Graziela, Pascal, Emma, Rewan, Ben, Alice and the whole Avaaz team.

Here's the list of numbers numbers (international codes and alternative numbers in

Australia (+61) 02 62907000 (ext.9)

Austria: (+43) (0)1 712 2650
Belgium:(+32) 02 762 3745 (2 762 3771)
Brazil: (61) 3242-5733 (3242-5124 / 3242-5874)
Canada: (613) 235 4726
Denmark: (+45) 3916 0071
Finland: (+358) 9 6845391
France: 01- 4069 7900 (4069 7971/ 4069 7914 / 4069 7916 / 4069 7966)
Germany: (+49) (0)30 84353399
Greece: (+30) 210 674 1436
India: (+91) 11- 332 9600 (332 9601 / 332 9602 / 332 0491)
Ireland: (+353) 1 288 5881 (288 0252 / 288 2967)
Italy: (+39) 06 863 28485 (8632 8486)
Japan: (+81) 3-3446-8011
Mexico: (+52) 55 - 91722691 / 91722672 / 91722699
New Zealand: (+64) 4 386 2976
Norway:(+47) 22 552 409
Portugal: (+ 351) 213 041 850
South Africa: (+27) 12 342 5881
Spain: (+ 34) 91 345 01 12 (91 345 0116 / 91 345 0652)
Sweden: (+46) (8) 636 3600 (765 0829 / 765 3174 / 767 7929)
Switzerland: (+41) (0)31 351 0801 (351 0802)
Turkey: (+90) 312- 468 2821
UK: (+ 44) (20) 7 225 3000 - switchboard** -- (20) 7 5810570 / (20) 72254219
USA: (+1) (202) 965-4990

** Don't hang up if you just hear silence. Others callers have said there is no ring tone

but you have to hold on and someone will eventually answer. Please note that
others have reported that they have been given false numbers by officials at the

If you can't see your country in the list, you can find a full list here:

If they stop picking up the phone -- don't despair - it means they are getting the message --
let's keep the phones ringing off the hook. If you're
unsure of what to say when you call, don't worry, the call itself is the most
important thing. Substantively, you might consider 3 simple points:
1. You're relieved that Iran has invalidated Sakineh's sentence of stoning for adultery, and
urge the government to ensure stoning is banned throughout Iran.
2. You're concerned that Sakineh has been denied a fair trial and justice in the murder
charge against her, particularly given this charge has already been dismissed. You call
on the Iranian authorities to release Sakineh.
3. You urge the government to set an example by ensuring fairness and justice in this and
other cases, and take further steps to ensure that, under Iranian law, no one can be
executed on charges of adultery, whether by stoning or any
other means.

Support the Avaaz community! We're entirely funded by donations and receive no money
from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest
contributions go a long way -- donate

Mary Magdalene The Law of Peace &

Earth Gates 78- 84 (Russia 4)
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 28, 2010 at 12:18pm

Channelled through Michelle Eloff©

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 28 June 2010

Copyright Notice

To find out more about Michelle Eloff and The Lightweaver, please visit

To download the audio version of this channelling click here

I am Mary Magdalene and I greet you and I welcome you into the divine presence of light and
love. Welcome.

Each of you are undergoing a deep inner transformation as a result of the energies we have
bringing forth over the recent while. In this activation you are being
introduced to the energy of the Law of Peace and the Peace Dragon, and this
energy is part of the Russian activations we are currently conducting, and the
activation of the third Sacred Fire Temple.

The Sacred Fire Temples embody the raw spirit of Mother/Father God leading you into the
temples of
truth, where you are to discover the Golden Dimensions of true alchemy and
magic. This process is activating your Golden DNA and bringing much healing and
many new messages to the Golden Child of Alchemy, that which exists inside of
you, as well as a Sixteenth Dimensional Golden Flame.

Each and every step you have taken up until this point has supported you in unraveling many
of the
past process which have inhibited your journey into the deeper dimensions of
light, of truth, and of love. And now as you embrace the sacred Cosmic Law of
Peace you are being blessed with a whole new grid from which to source energy
and love.

So to begin with we will do it differently, we ask you to shut your eyes and relax your body
now and to breathe in deeply, and as you exhale
fully to continue relaxing your body and your mind, and opening your chakras to
receive the energies of this Cosmic Law.

Continue to breathe in the Cosmic Light of Peace, extending this into each of your chakras as
you exhale.

Feel the presence of Spirit with you. Open every level of your body to receive this light, and
welcome the Triple God and Goddess into your

These energies are creating a beautiful grid around you. This grid is known as the Peace Grid,
and we are now aligning all the energy codes
inside of you with the original Peace Grid, the grid which Father God created. A
piece of his heart, which was given to his divine feminine counterpart – Mother

In understanding that life is full of challenges, and that these challenges bring you wisdom
and growth, but also accepting that there are
many times in your life where you are meant to experience cycles of peace and

harmony will help you to integrate this light in a more harmonious

Your energy bodies are aligning with the third level of the divine marriage as the Triple God
and Goddess come to welcome you into the world
of peace, and extend to you the Sixteenth Dimensional Golden Flame.

This energy is serving to transform your wounded inner child into the Golden Child of
Alchemy, the part of you which experienced deep wounding during
your formative years, and this child, this inner part of your consciousness, can
now rise above the old, can rise above that which it has been programmed with,
and receive the sacred blessings of this golden flame in order to tap into its
power as the innocent, perfect and beautiful aspect of Mother/Father God, which
it truly is.

I want you now to breath in the peace which Father God is extending to you, feeling this
energy move through your body, washing through
you, reminding you that you are a divine manifestation of peace, a tranquil,
serene energy, floating upon the Sacred Waters of Life, drifting harmoniously in
the direction of your true destiny.

Now imagine a calm river flowing in through your crown chakra, washing through all of your
chakras ,releasing your
inner child to grow with this flow and to see that life is not meant to be
entirely a struggle, but that there are very specific moments in time, and in
one’s life, where peace comes to hold you, to support you, and to help you to
transform that which has created disharmony in your life.

I want you now to welcome the Peace Dragon into your space. Her powerful energies
you, wrapping her golden light around you. As this light continues to enfold you
she begins to activate the Golden DNA strand of your energy, and your Golden
Chakra, which is linked directly to the Golden Dimension of true alchemy and

As these energies open to receive the light of the Cosmic Law of Peace, Lord Kuthumi-
Agrippa, Archangel Michael, and St Germain come to extend
their energy, their love, and their peace to you, extending these rays into your
body, calming your energies and opening your chakras to receive more of the
golden light of the Golden Dimension.

Every part of you knows that peace is part of your divine right, and that peace is something
that is to be
experienced on a far more regular basis than what is experienced in your current
time-line, however, one must know that because of all the past challenges which
humanity has had to face, it has been a difficult task to accept that peace and
harmony can be a part of one’s life. The subconscious believes that without pain
there is no gain, that peace is something which is elusive, something which is
not granted to all who are struggling on the pathway to inner and external

freedom, however, as we stand with you now Father God comes to grace you with
His presence and with His divine promise that peace is your birthright, and that
the Peace Grid, which is being activated inside you and around you, is being
extended to your wounded inner child.

This grid, which embodies the light of His deepest love for Mother Goddess, is also bringing
healing to your
wounded inner child revealing to this part of you that true love is the essence
which heals all, and we ask you now to receive the light of this deep love from
the Triple God and Goddess, and from Mother/Father God.

The third level of the divine marriage of the Triple God and Goddess is the embodiment of
the creation of peaceful ways to communicate, to bond, to connect, to grow, and
to continue creating a life which embodies the creative powers which flow
through the peaceful rays of Mother/Father God’s love for you, and for each
other, as well as for themselves.

The Triple God and Goddess are also undergoing a deep and very powerful re-emergence of
the understanding of the
deepest most profound natures of love. It is their bonding which forms this
double helix strand of golden light, which they extend to each of you, so that
as they continue to bond, to connect, to heal and to merge with each other, the
same healing is taking place for you.

This divine marriage brings together the Peace Grid through the Divine Masculine and the
Divine Feminine,
and it is energy which becomes the foundation of the third Sacred Fire

I want you now to imagine these energies which you have absorbed into your chakras
extending out to the world, blessing all with the energy being
sourced from the Peace Grid, bringing forth an opportunity for every wounded
inner child on the planet to receive the blessings of the Golden Child of
Alchemy, to transform the wounds of the past into golden consciousness in the
present, creating a magnificent world and energy network for the

The Peace Dragon extends to you a magnificent iridescent pearl filled with many dimensions
of energy, and embodies the Golden Dimension of true
alchemy and magic. This pearl aligns your energy with the sensual energies of
the Goddess, which becomes a powerful and combined healing force for both men
and women on your planet. These sensual energies of the Goddess flow into the
sacral chakra of the Divine Feminine, the Triple Goddess, and it is extended to
the sacral chakra of the Divine Masculine, and the Triple God.

Focus on the exchange of these energies between the sacral chakras of the masculine and
the feminine, the Triple God and the Goddess creating a magnificent connection
through the Holy Grail, through the Sacred Waters of Life connecting to the
essence of true love, and the creative forces which bring a more peaceful and

harmonious energy into existence.

The Pearl Dragon stands over your body and gently begins to lower its body over yours, but
you will notice this Dragon
is fluid and you are absorbed into the Peace Dragon’s body; your chakras being
aligned with hers, and she begins to breathe new life and new light into your
chakras as your energy is aligned with the Sacred Fire Temple, which revives the
original Peace Grid inside of every atom of your body.

This Peace Grid embodies a sound, a magnificent sound of healing, a magnificent sound
embodies the dimensions of true love, authentic light, and the healing energies
which allows for the peaceful transition for women who love and understand
themselves, to embrace their new found ability to love and understand their men.
This applies to individuals who are in same gender relationships too, for it
brings a better understanding of the masculine and the feminine qualities inside
of each other.

So now I want all of you to focus on your feminine energy, and if you are a woman to focus
on your power as a female as well, and to know,
to understand, that females are the energy of creation, the embodiment of the
Holy Grail. Because females have been so abused throughout time, many have shut
down to their sensuality, to their light, to their creativity, and have created
boundaries and defenses around themselves, which have inhibited the sacred
masculine to tap into that inner well of wisdom, to receive the source of
creativity in which the seeds of life are meant to gestate.

So imagine your sacral chakra opening to receive the healing energies of the Divine
Feminine, of the creative Goddess and surrender.

Know that as a woman it is safe to love and to understand yourself. Know that it is vital for
you to
love and understand yourself in order to be able to fully embrace the new-found
ability, which is coming to love and understand your man, to love and understand
men, the Divine Masculine, and the active aspect of yourself, that part of you
that drives you to move forward, to take action and to activate that which you

We ask all of the men who are participating now at this time to open your heart
unconditionally, and to extend an energy of love to all the
women of your planet.

All the women who are participating open your heart to receive this ray of sincere
unconditional love.

Now gentlemen, we ask you to continue extending this energy of love to women, and this
time, on
behalf of the Sacred God, and on behalf of the Masculine Principle, to ask the
Divine Feminine and the Goddess Principle for forgiveness for all the abuses
which have been inflicted upon them by men, by males and the masculine archetype

as such.

And ladies, open your heart to receive this, without expectation, without hurt, just surrender to
this magnificent healing taking

Gentlemen continue to extend this powerful force of unconditional love, the threads of energy
which bring forgiveness, and now we want you to
imagine that you are extending a kiss of life from your heart to the woman who
is closest to you in your life. Now extend that kiss of life to all females on
the planet who search for acknowledgment, for respect, understanding and

For those of you gentlemen who have a life partner know that the woman who you are
connected to is a precious and valuable gift in your life.
She embodies the wisdom of Mother Goddess, she is an expression of this very
vulnerable yet deeply powerful force of creation, she is the embodiment of
creation, and the love that you feel for her is a confirmation of the power of
Mother Goddess’ love for you, and the love that you receive from the woman who
you are committed to is an extension of the powerful force of creation working
through you, motivating you to rise above your wounds, to open your heart to
receive the love that this woman gives to you.

If you are in a same gender relationship and you are the masculine energy, acknowledge that
feminine energy who is in the form of your partner is coming to you, and know
that there is no greater force of healing power than receiving the love of the
woman that you love.

An empowered women who understands herself, who has been touched by the grace of the
Goddess, is one of the most powerful catalysts
of transformation on the planet, for this is when the divine essence of Mother
Goddess can inspire all to create through the energy rays of peace ,for the
Peace Grid was created by Father God to support Mother Goddess to become a
source of energy from which she can draw love, draw light, and feel the presence
and strength of the man who loves her, the masculine, the God, who is there as
protector, guardian, and provider of the energies which will bring that which is
held within her "womb" into manifestation, and act upon that which she
"delivers," that which she "gives birth to."

Continue to hold that energy as the Triple God now steps into the energy field of the Triple
Goddess, and see
him opening his heart to receive the infinite powerful waves of love which the
Triple Goddess is extending to him. A love so deep, so pure, unconditional, and
filled with peace. A love which he accepts now.

Those energies are being drawn into the body of the men whom we are speaking to now.
Allow this love,
what you are witnessing the Triple Goddess give to the Triple God, imagine that
as being the energy coming to you as you extend your love out to the Divine

Feminine, to the woman you love, to the partner you are deeply in love

These energies are strengthening the bonds between the true loves of the world, those
connections which are forming bonds, which will never be
broken. This is the power of this third level of the divine marriage, for
through the Grid of Peace, through the rays of unconditional love, a golden
connection is being made in solid and fluid gold, a connection never to be
broken, never to be damaged, never to be wounded by the lower ego of any
incarnate or discarnate being of the human dimension, or any other dimension.
This bond is being made within the presence of Father God and Mother

The combination of peace and love is more powerful than you could ever imagine, and as the
Triple God continues to breathe this love in, his
energy expands beyond any form in existence, this fuels him to rise in his
power, to take his position as the guardian, as the protector, and as the
provider, and most importantly, as the equal but opposite of the precious one
who is a reflection of his potential and power to love, to grow, and to

Gentlemen give thanks for this extension of energy. Mother/Father God now place a sacred
seal over the heart chakras of the Triple God and
Goddess, which symbolize the Peace Grid, and this symbol burns brightly, fueled
by the powerful love shared between the Triple God and Goddess, the powerful
love shared between Mother/Father God/Goddess, and the potential of the powerful
love each of you can share between your inner masculine and feminine

Those of you in same gender relationships, you as the masculine energy give thanks for that
which the feminine has given you.

Those of you who are without a partner, these energies are blessing to you to bring forth
the healing and open the pathway for you to experience the potential and the
depth and power of the love the Triple Goddess extends to the Triple God, the
power and love which Mother Goddess extends to Father God, and the power and
love which Mother Nature extends to all kingdoms of life.

If you are in a position where you have chosen not to become involved in a romantic
relationship, your blessings, this love, will come to you through friends,
through nature and through children. Through every form of the kingdoms of life
you will see it.

Take a deep breath in, exhaling fully, as we ask the ladies now to open your heart and to
extend a powerful ray of unconditional pure
love to all the men of your world. Now allow one of those very powerful rays to
extend to the man whom you love in your life, and those of you in same gender
relationships please do the same, extending that ray to your partner who is
carrying the masculine ray.

Ladies, allow your heart to open and allow the love to pour forth from you, washing through
the wounds of the men of the
world, all those men who have had to bear the brunt of their predecessors'
misbehavior. Extend the power of your healing abilities to bring compassion and
understanding into your heart, and extend it to them.

Give without measure, give your forgiveness, give your love, regardless of what you have
experienced with men or the masculine archetype. Just love them for who they
are. Allow the forgiving waters of unconditional love to bring peace to the
hearts of all men on Earth, all men who are seeking to love women with all their
hearts, seeking a way to express their gratitude, their respect and their
acknowledgment of the Divine Feminine. Allow it to pour through you healing your
wounds, healing your body and your mind, freeing women to love and understand
themselves, freeing men to love and understand themselves.

Now you are to extend an additional ray of unconditional love to all the men in the world,
including your partner if you have one, and for you to ask for forgiveness for
all the rage which has been projected onto men as a result of the abuse of the
masculine upon the feminine in the past. Ask the sacred essence of men to
forgive all women for their rage, their anger, and the energy which has pushed
men aside, painting them with the same brush, seeing them as betrayers, abusers,
seeing them as useless, worthless, and releasing the images of society’s
impressions that men destroy women, that the masculine is out to destroy the

Allow this unconditional love to extend into the hearts of men on your Earth, of the masculine
forms, the masculine energy signatures, and
allow their forgiveness to break down the defenses and barriers which you have
built around you, allowing the scales to fall from your eyes which have
prevented you from seeing the truly good, beautiful, men in your world, those
males, and even females, who embody the masculine energy as the guardians, as
the protectors, and the providers, to see them as those magnificent pillars of
strength which come to offer you nurturance, safety, love and

Ladies, allow yourself to receive this blessing as the men of your world extend their
forgiveness, their understanding that the collective
rage of women is not limited to the females incarnated on your planet at this
time, but extends through all times, so that those men who were females in the
past can receive the same healing, and the females who were men in the past can
receive the healing that has already been extended.

Welcome this into your body, welcome it into your mind as the Triple God now opens his
heart and
allows the depth and power of his love for the Triple Goddess to embrace her, to
wash through her body, to wash through every level of her energy signature,
freeing her, and freeing you to feel safe in your vulnerability, to find the
power of your strength in forgiveness, and in accepting forgiveness. And as
these energies merge, the Triple God embracing the Triple Goddess, holding her
close to him, the magnificent golden flame igniting into a powerful force of

love extending to the Sixteenth Dimension, opening new levels of trust, deeper
levels of bonding and connection so that both men and women can love and
understand themselves, and embrace the opportunity to continue experiencing
deeper levels of the new-found ability to love and understand self and one

And this brings about the magical, magnificent golden peaceful transition for the masculine
and feminine to surrender to one another, to make
peace with each other and to bond in a new way, to start seeing one another’s
qualities as light reflecting light, not a war of the sexes, not a love/hate
relationship, but a peaceful re-emergence of the power which exists within
loving peacefully. Unconditional love brings peace, accept this for yourself and
each other.

As Mother/Father God now seal the third level of the divine marriage of the Triple God and
Goddess in the centre of the Peace Grid, the
golden flames of the Sixteenth Dimension extending beyond them embracing you,
igniting the same powerful passion. This golden flame igniting in the centre of
the third Sacred Fire Temple of Russia, rooting the original grid of peace
within the heart of Russia, and Mother Russia now opens her heart to thank each
of you, to welcome this powerful light of the new-found peace, of forgiveness,
and of release, so that the Golden Child of Alchemy may rise, and this child
will rise from the heart of Moscow bringing with it a revival in the
understanding of what peace is. This Golden Child embodies a thread which
extends through the world, activating the sleeping golden children of alchemy so
that they too may rise, extending the Peace Grid to every aspect of the Divine
Masculine and Feminine in human form.

While this is happening the Twelfth Dimensional energies of light coming through the seven
chakras of the Twelve
Grand Masters and their feminine counterparts now release the forth level of the
eight hundred and fifty-seven threads of their Twelfth Dimensional light, and
this showers down upon you adding to your healing process, preparing your body
for the integration of the powerful Star Chakras that are to come, and the
integration of the Ninety-nine Sacred Tablets of Mother Earth, Father Sky and
the world in between.

Simply relax and surrender, and allow these energies to draw you into the light of your power.
These energies now draw you
into the passageway opening taking you into the 16:16 Andromedean Gateway, which
initiates the release of all the trapped souls bound by abuse, the rage of
women, women who are enraged, men who are enraged as a result of the abuse they
have received from women as a result of their rage. All of these souls being
sent into the light, being granted a passage of release through the Twelfth
Dimension, which I facilitate with each of you.

Feel this energy through the passageway extending to your ancestors bringing healing to
them. And this
golden dimensional energy of alchemy and magic extending into your future,
clearing the pathway for the bloodlines to come, and even if there are no future

generations to come from you physically and genetically, it will still extend
into the energy bodies through which you are connected to others genetically, so
that every aspect of your bloodline may be blessed by this powerful light, by
this powerful healing and understanding of how important peace is.

The Peace Dragon still holds you inside of her body, the fluid energies of peace and
wisdom penetrating the subatomic particles of every aspect of yourself, washing
through you, and this precious ones is one of the most powerful healings we are
conducting with you as a group at this time, for this is the divine marriage of
true bonding, the connection of peace which shall reign on Earth eventually, but
each of you are being called to allow peace to reign your world, your personal
individual world, and those of you who are in a partnership with a divine
counterpart, with the man or the woman, or the person whom you love, allow this
Peace Grid to bond you together in ways that you have never allowed before.

Give up your attachment to the wounds of the past, whether you are conscious of it or not, let
the collective rage of women which you hold as a
woman be released, and let the collective rage towards women which you as a man
embody be released, and it doesn’t matter whether you know it or not, whether
you are aware of it or not, just let it go and do not see women as the evil
temptresses that they have been made out to be, who are out to take the god
down, out to destroy the warrior, let that go, see that there are magnificent
powerful and exquisitely beautiful women on your planet, and the woman that you
love, she is one of these.

And ladies do the same, let go of your attachment to the idea that men are bad, that they will
cheat on you, that they
will hurt you, let it go and open your heart to accept that there are very
magnificent, very loyal, very trusting, powerful men on your planet who seek to
merge with their equal but opposite, and as you look into the eyes of the man
you love know that he is one. If you feel that pure love than he is it, accept
him for what he is. And gentlemen accept your goddess for what she

Those of you in same gender relationships accept one another. Those of you who are not in a
romantic relationship, accept that this love exists and
see this love in every aspect of life, share it with those whom you love
deepest, your children, your parents, your friends, your work ,and most
importantly with yourself.

Allow this energy to set the trend for the new way in which relationships are to be created –
through peace and harmony,
through unconditional love and acceptance, and even when you have your
differences, it can still be peacefully transformed through the Golden flame,
and this will help you in your relationships to transform your wounded inner
child into the Golden Child of Alchemy, where you will continue to empower
yourselves as a couple, to empower yourselves through the life which you have
chosen to live, and to set the standard for the peaceful transition to take
place between men and women so that true love and peace can exist between the

genders, bringing a magnificent healing for all of society, setting the goddess
free to be herself, setting the god free to be himself, creating freedom in a
new way, and so it is that the Golden Dimension of true alchemy and magic can
weave its magic through your hearts, through your actions, through your
connection, and through the powerful bonding taking place with this third level
of the divine marriage.

Now take a deep breath in, exhaling as the fourth release of the eight hundred and fifty-seven
threads settle within your body.

Surrender, let go, and trust that the Cosmic Law of Peace has come to bless you with a new
way, and the seven Earth Gates have already activated their
energy through the seven chakras, weaving a new grid, and the Peace Grid which
Father God has blessed you with at this time will extend into every area of your
life, and the way that this will be done is through your surrendering to the
process of allowing yourself to show your true self to the world, to the
masculine and to the feminine, to lead by example, and to set the trend to see
one another in truth, to love each other in ways that you have never done
before, to extend this love, to communicate it, to honour and respect, and to
grow creatively through this magnificent blessing you have been bestowed with

Take a deep breath in, exhaling fully as the third Sacred Fire Temple now receives its final
signature of the foundation which has been created

Now it is time to give thanks to all who have been present. To give thanks for all the energies
you have received.

The Peace Dragon will remain with you, holding you as it is now for the next sixteen days,
supporting you in fully aligning every aspect of your self with the Peace Grid
which you have received. The Sixteenth Dimensional Golden Flame burning through
the veils of illusion which have blinded your wounded inner child to seeing the
true essence of true love (romantic and otherwise).

Breathe in deeply, exhaling fully. Surrendering, trusting and believing that this healing energy
will transform your life and is already happening.

Bring your consciousness back into your physical body ensuring that you are properly
grounded in your physical body, yet still connected to the energies we have
exposed you to today.

Breathe in deeply, exhale fully and give thanks to yourself for making the choice to embrace
this Law of Peace, to merge with the
Earth Gates, and to be witness to this anchoring of the third level of the
divine marriage, and the activation of the third Sacred Fire Temple in Russia,
through which the signatures, the codes, and the language of peace will be

Feel our love for you and accept that peace is your divine right, therefore, go in peace
precious ones, and be free.

I am Mary Magdalene, au revoir.


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 28, 2010 at 12:23pm





Kolombiya Devlet Başkanı...
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 28, 2010 at 12:26pm

Kolombiya Devlet Başkanı..

Değerli okurlar,
Biliyorsunuz bu yakın zamanda, 7 Ağustos 2010 da, Kolombiya yeni Devlet Başkanını, Juan
Manuel Santosu seçti ve akabinde komşusu Venezuella,
o ana kadar savaş hazırlığı yaparken bu hazırlığını durdurdu ve yeni Başkanı
kutlamak ve görüşmek üzere bir heyet gönderdi.Bu tutum Batılı ülkeler tarafından
şaşkınlık ve hayretle karşılandı. Şimdi, bu Kolombiya Devlet Başkanının tüm
ülkeler Devlet Başkanı temsilcileri, protokol ve kendi halkı önünde yaptığı
konuşmanın bir çevirisini altta sizlere sunuyorum.
Yeni Başkanın konuşmasının satır aralarında, Yeni Bilincin veYeni Dünyanın filizlenen umut
ışığını sanırım farkedeceksiniz.İşte değişimin nasıl ve ne zaman başlayacağı ve
olacağına dair bu konuşma ve Başkanın kişiliği, umutları yeniden canlandıran ve
arttıran beklentilerin yolda olduğunu ve çok yakın bir gelecekte artarak devam
edeceğini adeta müjdelemektedir…
İşte o konuşma;
Bizim Ülkemiz, Dünyada bizi tek yapan, doğal kaynaklar, doğal yetenekler, soylar ve
kültürün muhteşem
bir karışımıdır.Bu kültür ve etnik farklılıkları kabulün içinde bu sabah,
ailemle birlikte, Sierra Nevada de Santa Martadaki Seiyu Mabedine gittim.

Orada, Kadim Tayrona kültürünün mirasçıları olan Kunkuamo , Wiwa, Arthuaco ve Kogi
halklarının temsilcileri liderlerle karşılaştık.
Onlar bizim için, bizim ulusumuzu ve Evren ile bizim ilişkimizi yönetmek zorunda olan
üzerinde, onların hala devam eden kuşkularını gözleme ve bu ülkelerin
egemenliği içinde üstündürler ve önde gelirler.
Sembolik bir eylem içinde, derin bir İnsanüstülük ifadeleri ile, “Anneler” bana, dört taşla bir
sopa ve
bir kolye teslim ettiler.
Birisi, korumak zorunda olduğumuz Yeryüzünü betimliyor,
Bir diğeri, yaşamın kaynağı olan suyu betimliyor,
Bir diğeri de, uyum içinde olmak zorunda olduğumuz doğayı betimliyor,
Dördüncüsü ise, Yaratıcının iradesi ve doğanın düzenine razı olmak zorunda olduğumuzu
Ülke, su, doğa, iyi bir hükümet ve bu değerli semboller, bu gün başladığımız bu yönetimin bir
takımı olacaktır.
Evrensel dengenin koruyucuları olan bizim “Büyük Kardeşlerimiz” in mesajı, ki ben bu gün

ne olduğumuzu oluşturan diğer bir çok alanlar ve verimli Afrikalı katkısı,
İspanya kalıtı ve soyların mirasından gelen 45 milyon yurttaştan daha fazlasını
bir coşkuyla doldurdu.
O mesaj, farklılık içindeki bir yaşam, birlik ve uyumun mesajıdır.
O mesaj, çocuklarımıza bırakmak istediğimiz, bilge ve huzur dolu bir Kolombiyanın
O mesajdaki gerçeği bu gün inançla tekrarlıyorum, ULUSAL BİRLİĞİN HÜKÜMETİ

Juan Manuel Santos

Kolombiya Devlet Başkanı

Çn: Süleyman Kaya
Farkındalığın “Aydınlık” ışığında sevgi, huzur ve uyumla…


Yeni Gezegen Sistemi

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 28, 2010 at 12:31pm

Haber:Yeni Gezegen Sistemi



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 28, 2010 at 1:02pm

DUNYADA CENNET! Don Miguel Ruiz..........


Sizden yasaminiz boyunca ogrendiginiz bir seyi unutmanizi istiyorum. Bu,

yeni bir RUYAnin baslangicidir.

Yasadiginiz ruya kendi yaraticiliginizin eseridir. Kendi gerceklik

algilamanizdir. Bu realiteyi istediginiz an degistirebilirsiniz.

Cehennemi yaratma gucunuz de var, cenneti yaratma gucunuz de.

Zihninizi, hayal gucunuzu, duygularinizi cennet ruyasi yaratmak icin


Sadece hayal gucunuzu kullanarak olagan ustu seyler yaratabilisiniz.

Farkli gozlerle dunyaya baktiginizi dusleyin.

Gozlerinizi actiginizda dunyayi farkli algilayacaginizi bilin.

Simdi gozlerinizi kapayin. Bir sure sonra gozlerinizi acin ve etrafiniza


Agaclardan , gokyuzunden, isiktan sevgi fiskirdigini goreceksiniz.

Etrafinizda olan her sedye sevgiyi algilayacaksiniz. Kendiniz ve diger
insanlar da dahil her sedyen sevgiyi direk olarak algilayacaksiniz. Uzgun
ya da kizgin insanlarda bile bu duygunun arkasinda sevginin oldugunu

Yeni bir yasam surdugunuzu, yeni bir ruya gordugunuzu dusleyin. Bu yasamda

varolusunuza mazeret bulmaya calismayacaksiniz ve kendiniz olmakta ozgur






















Bunlari duslemenizi istiyorum. Cunku, bu dusledikleriniz tumuyle mumkun.

Bu cennet boyutu sadece sevme yetenegi ile mumkundur.

Asik oldugunuzda hersey size guzel gelir. Bulutlarda gezersiniz. Her yerde
sevgiyi gorursunuz. Bu boyutta surekli yasamak mumkun. Bu boyutta yasayan
insanlar var.

Dunya cok guzel ve cok harika bir yer. Sevgiyi bir yasam bicimi
yaptiginizda yasam cok kolaylasir. Dunyada cennetin varoldugunun
gercekligini bilirsiniz.

Her an sevecen olabilirsiniz. Bu bir secimdir. Sevmek icin bir neden

bulmaniz gerekmiyor.

Sevmenin cok guzel bir nedeni de var. Cunku sevmek sizi mutlu kilar.

Ifade edilen sevgi sadece mutluluk uretir.

Sevgi size dinginlik ve ic barisi verir.

Algilamanizi genisletir.

Her seyi sevginin gozleriyle gorebilirsiniz.

Sevginin her yerde oldugunun farkinda olabilirsiniz.

Sevgiyle yasadiginizda zihninizdeki sis yok olur.

Insanlarin binlerce yildir aradigi sey bu.

Binlerce yildir mutlulugu ariyoruz.

Mutluluk bir kayip cennet.

Insnalarin bu noktaya gelisi zihnin evriminin bir parcasidir.

Cennet, insanlarin gelecegidir.

Boyle bir yasam mumkun ve bu kendi elinizde.

Sevgi bilinciyle surulen yasama, Musa, Vaat Edilen Toprak; Buda, Nirvana;
Isa, Cennet dedi. Toltekler de YENI RUYA diyor.

Icinizdeki parazit siz degilsiniz.

Parazitten kurtulun ve sevgiyi deneyimlemek icin bosluk yaratin.

Yargica ve Kurbana bagimli oldugunuz surece aci cekersiniz.

Aci cekmek size guvenli gelebilir, cunku cok iyi bildiginiz bir seydir.
Ama, aci cekmek gerekli degildir.

Aci cekiyorsaniz, aci cekmeyi sectiginiz icindir.

Yasaminizda aci cekmek icin bircok neden, bircok mazeret bulabilirsiniz ama
asla IYI bir neden, GERCEK bir neden bulamazsiniz.

Ayni sey mutluluk icin de gecerlidir.

Mutlu olmanizin tek nedeni mutlu olmayi secmenizdir.

Aci da mutluluk da bir secimdir.

Cehennemde yasamak ta, cennette yasamak ta bir secimdir.






Tips For How To Love Yourself by C.
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 28, 2010 at 1:07pm

Learning to love yourself isn't easy -- especially if you're a survivor of childhood abuse or
neglect. But there are things you can do to
boost your

 Ask for a list of things people like about you.

Sometimes it can be hard to find things we like or love about ourselves.

So -- ask other people to tell you all the things they like
about you. Ask a friend, a lover, a therapist. This isn't a replacement
for your own love; it's a first step in learning to love yourself. You
may need to hear the things other people like about you before you can
value them in youself.

If hearing what people like about you is hard, ask your friends to write
it down for you, or leave it on your voice mail, so you can
read/listen to it over and over. Go back to it as many times as you can.
Even if you don't believe that someone can like a particular thing
about you, or you don't believe it exists, trust that your friend does
see it and value it.

When you start to hear critical voices inside your head, go back to those
things your friend said/wrote about you, and remember that you
are loved.

Make a list of the things you like about yourself.

Make a list of all the things you like about yourself. Be as honest as you
can. Modesty doesn't help you here; neither do old
critical messages. If you're having trouble finding things you value
about yourself, think about the things you value and love in your
friends, then see if those things exist inside you, too. Most often,
they do.

Fill a special notebook with your list, or create a set of cards. Make the
notebook as beautiful as you can -- make it something
that makes you feel good when you look at it. Then open it up and look
at it any time you're feeling down or critical about yourself, or any
time anyone says anything that triggers your criticalness of yourself.

Look at this good-things-about-yourself book as frequently as you can. It

may seem silly, but repetition really does make a
difference. (Just think of the impact one critical phrase said by a
parent over and over to a child can have. It really does have an effect!
Now try to give that child inside you at least one truly loving phrase
about yourself that s/he can hold on to.)

Make it part of your daily routine to praise something in yourself or think about
something you like about yourself.

In this society, we're taught that praising ourselves is selfish and

wrong. But praising ourselves for things that are good about
ourselves only helps us. It is a healing thing to do, something that
nourishes our self-worth. When we love ourselves, we're happier and more
true to our own selves...and that happiness and ability to be free
spreads to others.

So...try to think of something that you like about yourself, or something

that you did today that made you or someone else feel good --
no matter how small it may seem. Give yourself the kind of warm praise
that you would a friend.

 Love yourself like a friend

Close your eyes and think of a person you deeply love and trust, and who
you know loves you-- a friend, a lover. Think about all the
things you love and appreciate about them. Notice how that love feels
inside you, how it makes you feel good.

Now turn it around the other way -- be your friend, feeling that same deep

love for you. Trust in their love for you, and just feel it.
Let yourself see your self through gentle eyes, with compassion and love
the way your friend does, even if you can only do it for a moment. Now
let yourself receive that love, the love you have as a friend to
yourself. Feel the warmth move through you. Remember how it feels, and
come back to that love another time.

 Make a note every time someone says something nice about you.

Every time someone tells you something about yourself that makes you feel
good, write it down or make a mental note and jot it down
later. When you get home, put that note in a container of "good
about me." Decorate the container however you like. Keep on adding
notes, and read them over every time you need a little boost -- and even
when you don't feel like you do.

Have compassion for yourself.

If you're feeling really judgemental about something you've done or said,

try to understand where the judgement is coming from. Not the
immediate, surface answer, but an answer deep down inside you. Are you
afraid of something, or are you feeling insecure? Do you think you did
something "wrong," or are you hearing the judgement of a voice
from your
past? Try to connect to that little kid inside of you who's feeling
that way, and really listen to how s/he's feeling. Hug and reassure that
kid, and let her/him know that s/he didn't do anything wrong, and that
you love her/him.

You can also think of a friend having acted as you did. Imagine how you'd
feel towards them -- how you'd still love them and readily
forgive them if there was anything to forgive. You probably wouldn't
even find it bothersome! Try to feel that same love and compassion for

Recognize that the love has to come from you.

If you're a survivor of child abuse or come from a dysfunctional family,

you may still be waiting for a parent to give you the love and
acceptance you never got as a child. But the kind of love you need (or
needed as a child) probably isn't going to come from a parent who abused
you or who looked the other way while you were being abused. But it can
come from yourself.

It can be hard to give it to yourself at first -- after all, if you didn't

receive love as a child, or if some of that love was torn
away from you by violence, self-hate may have built up inside you. But

you have the courage and strength to love yourself, if you've survived
this long. And you do deserve it!

So try to connect to that little child inside, that child who deserves all
of your love and acceptance.

 Use Affirmations

I know, I know, this sounds corny. But if you hear good things about
yourself over and over, you can't help but have some of it sink

Write out strong, loving things to say to yourself, even if you don't
fully believe them. Some examples are:

o "I utterly and completely deserve love and kindness,"
o "I am a very loveable person,"
o "I am kind, compassionate, intelligent, and wise." (or subsitute the words for
loving words that you feel best suit you.

Now put up those affirmations in places you'll see them every day -- on the
fridge, on the bathroom mirror, on your bedside table,
next to your favourite chair, on the kitchen wall next to where you cook
your food or eat a meal. Don't forget to read them.

If you're not comfortable having them up in such public places, then write out
a bunch of them (or copies of a few) and put them in
places you'll find them -- in your jacket or jeans pocket, in a book
you're reading or a favourite book, in your desk drawer, in with your
clothes. They're little love notes to yourself. In fact, you may want to
do both things -- have them up and also hidden in places where you'll
find them.

When you read an affirmation, read it slowly, and really let yourself feel it.
Don't just say it by rote. Try to let yourself be
there as fully as you can.

Recognize Self-Critical Messages -- and Talk to Them

It's easy to let old, critical voices and messages that we heard as a
child play over and over in our minds, without stopping them.
Often we may barely recognize that they are there, or we don't really
listen to them, we've heard them so often -- but they continue to impact
how we feel and think about ourselves.

Try noticing next time you hear a small (or very loud) voice inside your
head criticize you. Be aware of what it is saying to you,
and try to talk to it. Ask it why it feels it needs to say those things.

Is that part of you trying to protect you, in some child-like logic? Or
perhaps that part of you felt it had to take on the messages you heard
as a kid. Remind that part of you that you no longer need to do that to
survive. You are free to make up your own mind about yourself.

Counteract Negative or Critical Thoughts About Yourself

Write down all the negative or critical thoughts and messages you hear
inside your head. See if you can figure out who first said them
to you (or said something of that nature). Then write out a response
that counteracts each of those messages, one by one. Make the counter
messages as strong and loving as you can.

If you're having trouble writing out counter messages, see if you can
connect to a deep, wise part inside of you. Or write out what
you would say to a friend if a friend said those things about

Do Comforting and Nurturing Things For Yourself

Allow yourself to do comforting and nurturing things for yourself. Let

yourself feel how good you feel when you do those things
-- and tell yourself that you deserve to feel that way, to feel good.
Gradually you'll find that the more nurturing and comforting times you
have, the more you'll seek them out -- and they will help build a good
feeling inside you.

Ask Yourself What You Need to Do

Some of these things will work really well for you, while others may not
quite fit you. So try taking a moment to get quiet, and ask
yourself, "What can I do to help myself feel more compassion and love
toward myself?" Don't force an answer -- just let the answer bubble
from inside you. If you find it hard to hear the answer that way, try
writing out your question, and then your answer. See what you come up
with. You know best what works for you -- and you have great wisdom
inside you.

Above all -- have compassion for yourself and for where you're at.
Remember that you are a truly loveable person -- and that you deserve
only kind treatment, especially from yourself. :)

© C. Rainfield, 2001


Managing the Cosmic Crosshairs - Five

Planets in Retrograde (Aug-Sept)
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 28, 2010 at 1:09pm

Managing the Cosmic Crosshairs

Five Planets in Retrograde (Aug-Sept)

In This Newsletter:

In the Cosmic Crosshairs - 5 Planet Retro !

Astrological Review
10-10-10 Updates: Agenda & Speakers
Overflow Hotels for 10-10-10
Bolivia has 3 Openings - Email us If Interested

Managing the Cosmic Crosshairs

August - September 2010
Ouch ! - Five Planets Now in Retrograde -

(1) Pluto turned retrograde on 7 Apr 2010
(2) Neptune turned retrograde on 31 May 2010
(3) Uranus turned retrograde on 5 Jul 2010
(4) Jupiter turned retrograde on 23 Jul 2010
(5) Mercury turned retrograde on 20 Aug 2010

The planetary energies are vamping up again as we draw closer to the potent September
Equinox, occurring on September 22nd in the Americas and September 23rd
in Europe. It may feel as if the astrological forces are taking aim at
you, but there is a way to optimally manage the 'Cosmic Crosshairs'.

So now, that you have all come thru the intensity of the Cardinal Grand
Cross, its time to go into introspection within the current weeks waning
full moon, and the retrograde energies of Mercury that are being
amplified in their effect. In fact five planets are in retrograde
between now and Sept 12 : Mercury - Jupiter - Neptune - Uranus -Pluto .
But don't panic, while this is an energy of lethargy, and requisite
travel & communication cautions, it also has a silver lining. Iti s a
superb time to go inward.

Take time to bring in well being thru meditation !!!

All will be felt more deeply as you begin to sense the potent pull of
the September Equinox, now just over three weeks away. This energy can
be trying, but can also be a serendipitously profound phase for deep

Mercury' s retro will be especially powerful for reasons beyond the

scope of planetary angles, relating more to the extraordinary 'Grid'
energies aligning for the 10-10-10.

As in all Mercury retrogrades, communication and travel are effected. The energies
over the next 3 weeks, in the declining moon will feel heavy and heavier. Miscommunications
can be rampant, and can degrade relationships if care is not taken. Misunderstandings
will be especially easy in written word, emails etc... so take all with a grain
of salt, and give seeming errant communications a few days before reply. Be calm,
and give one another space.

Those in imbalance will seem quite erratic and prone to overboard and inaccurate
reactions. That 'prying nosey neighbor' or 'jealous co-worker' may well launch
into over-drive. Take a deep breath and do not over react.
In fact, over the next 3 months, especially during the current retros...there are
some exquisite energies for expanded introspection and deep meditation around relationships,
health and home. Use these for both inner and exterior house-clearing & cleaning.
This period can be very productive in terms of working on the self during the intense

It will also be a time when many at the end of their journeys will chose
to pass over. If you have a parent or elder relative dealing with
infirmities, take extra time to spend with them. For their is an opening

during this equinoxial phase that is opportune for facil and clear exit
and transition ,and many will chose to depart within it.

Planetary Retros in 2010

Saturn turns retrograde on 13 Jan 2010

Mercury turns direct on 15 Jan 2010
Mars turns direct on 10 Mar 2010
Pluto turns retrograde on 7 Apr 2010
Mercury turns retrograde on 18 Apr 2010
Mercury turns direct on 11 May 2010
Saturn turns direct on 30 May 2010
Neptune turns retrograde on 31 May 2010
Uranus turns retrograde on 5 Jul 2010
Jupiter turns retrograde on 23 Jul 2010
Mercury turns retrograde on 20 Aug 2010
Mercury turns direct on 12 Sep 2010
Pluto turns direct on 14 Sep 2010
Venus turns retrograde on 8 Oct 2010
Neptune turns direct on 7 Nov 2010
Jupiter turns direct on 18 Nov 2010
Venus turns direct on 18 Nov 2010
Uranus turns direct on 6 Dec 2010
Mercury turns retrograde on 10 Dec 2010
Mercury turns direct on 30 Dec 2010

Join Earth-Keeper for a free Global Webcast Meditation on Sept 22, 2010 - The Equinox
Gateway to 10-10-10. Details TBA

2010 Astrological Event & Stargate Portal Calendar

June- Dec 2010- 2nd Half of Year

June 12- New Moon - Lyrids Meteor Showe 12-14

June 13 - Planetary Alignment

June 21 - The Summer Solstice occurs in the northern hemisphere at 11:28

UT. The Sun is at its highest point in the sky and it will be the
longest day of the year. This is also the first day of summer.

June 26- Full Moon - Energy of the Blue Ray

June 26 - Lunar Eclipse. of the OM Wave

July 11- New Moon

July 11 - Total Solar Eclipse. of the Om Wave

July 26 - Full Moon - Cardinal Grand Cross - 5-Planetary Aligment -Golden Ray

July 22- 29- Southern Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower. And Capricornids
Metyoe Showers 28-29 The radiant point for this shower will be in the
constellation Aquarius. Halleys Comet

August 10- New Moon

August 12, 13 - Perseids Meteor Shower. Very potent. radiant point for
this shower will be in the constellation Perseus. Look to the northeast
after midnight.

August 20- Mercury Retrograde . Now 5 planets in retrograde. Neptune at Opposition.

Imagination-Creative Flight- Intense time for internal review and clearing, extraordinary
phase for deep introspection and meditations. Caution on
miscommunications & misunderstandings. Be calm, be clear, do not
over react, stay centered, avoid angers andenvies...do not allow
depression or lethargy to come in. Use this energy wisely.

August 24 - Full Moon - Energy of the Red Ray

September 8- New Moon - Powerful; step up to Equinox - Intense Period.

September 21- 22 : Jupiter at Opposition. Will Manifestation- Uranus at Opposition - Deep


Sept 22 : Full Mooon Autumnal Equinox Sep 22 2010 11:09 PM EDT - USA - occurs at 3:09
am Universal Time- London - Sept 23

The 10-10-10 - Crystalline Stargate Activation Grid Point

October 10 - The 10-10-10Frequencial Stargate -Crystal Grid Activation- Master Crystal

Awakening- Seven Meteor Showers ongoing, Delta Aurigids, Dracoids, Delta
Geminids, Orionids, Leo Minorids, Southern Taurids, & Northern
Taurids, first 3 in Peak , Prominent 10-10 Draconids- Parent Comet
Giacobini-Zinne. Crystalline Grid Activates to 84% Power.

October 21-23- Orionids Meteor Shower. Parent -Halleys Comet

October 23- Full Moon-Dual Merged Energy of the Emerald Ray & Violet Ray

November 6- New Moon

November 17, 18- Leonids Meteor Shower. The Leonids is one of the better
meteor showers to observe, producing an average of 40 meteors per hour
at their peak. Look for the shower radiating from the constellation Leo
. Issued from Parent Comet Tempel-Tuttle

November 21- Full Moon-Energy of the Indigo Ray

December 5- New Moon

December 10 - Mercury goes retrograde

December 12,- The 12-12 (Double) Stargate. 13, 14 - Geminids Meteor Shower. Considered
by many to be the best meteor shower in the heavens, the Geminids are known for
producing up to 120 fireballs in multicolored meteors per hour at peak. The radiant
point for this shower will be in the constellation Gemini. Parent Comet-Phaethon

December 21 - Mega Power! Solstice -Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse.Extremely
powerful energy. Solstice occurs in the northern hemisphere at 23:38 UT-Energy of
the Paltinum Ray

Join Earth-Keeper for a free Global Webcast Meditation on Sept 22, 2010 - The Equinox
Gateway to 10-10-10. Details TBA

Full Moon & Mercury Retrograde

Master Astrologist - Allison Rae
Mercury Retrograde Aug 20-Sept 11

That crazy Mercury. Just when you think the upheaval of summer is coming to an end,
the high-spirited messenger takes aim at whatever you thought you knew about where
to go from here. Poof, your plans just evaporated.

Do you love retracing your steps and doing things over again? Here's your chance.
The planet of communication and transportation turned retrograde yesterday. As far
as putting your agenda into play, give it up until September 12 when he goes direct
again. Actually, wait another three days after that, so the 15th. The Universe will
let you know what you're actually supposed to be doing until then.

Combine Mercury's mayhem with the opportunistic upheaval of the ongoing Jupiter-Uranus
combo, now retrograde in Pisces, and you've got a recipe for "I have no idea what's
going on." Communications mix-ups, traffic snarls, delays and rescheduling of all
kinds are afoot. Watch for opportunities to reconfigure in ways that are much better
than the original plan.

With this line-up, expect the unexpected. Double-check facts and figures. Confirm
appointment times. Be forgiving when things go haywire. Most of all, keep a sense
of humor. Get a massage and relax.

Pretty much anything with "re" in front of it is appropriate right now. Retreat.
Re-evaluate. Review. Revise. Reconfigure. Reconsider. Repair if possible, replace
if needed. Complete unfinished business. This is not a time to start projects, make
long-term decisions or sign contracts.

Just for the record, Mercury doesn't actually go backward. Because of the way the
Earth's and Mercury's orbits coincide, the tiny planet appears to stop then turn
around and go the other way across the sky several times a year for about three
weeks at a time.

Years ago, I scoffed when astrologers blamed Mercury Retrograde for everything from
car breakdowns and computer glitches to missed appointments and plane crashes. As
a practicing astrologer, I've even experimented several times myself with ignoring
the conventional wisdom, forging right ahead as if Mercury didn't matter, things
wouldn't slow down or get confused. Yeah, right.

These days I take my own advice. I'm actually going on vacation in early September.

The R Word

Mars and Venus are conjunct in Libra, so male/female relationships are front and
center. It might be time for a re-evaluation in that department. Saturn's hanging
out there, too, so if you're married (or want to be), you've probably got issues
around that. There's a whole lot of separating going on after the big Cancer/Capricorn
eclipses over the summer. Not as much hooking up... yet.

Think Service

Mercury's transiting back through Virgo, so pay attention to details. Take the time
to get things right. Also pay attention to your health and well being. Mercury Rx
check-ups aren't just for cars and computers. On a deeper level, our path of service
is highlighted in the sign of the Vestal Virgin, goddess of hearth and harvest.
What did you come to do in this lifetime? Are you tending the flames of your soul's
passion? It's time to remember and recommit. Soon, it will be time to take action.

Balance and Integration

In the aftermath of this summer's eclipse/cardinal cross extravaganza, Mercury Retrograde

provides a pause, a time to reflect and integrate the intense energies of this volatile
season. The nearby Libra planets help us find a new balance.
If you've been following along with the astrology, or if you're just paying attention
in general, you know it's been a wild ride as the planets lined up the past few
months for a rare galactic showdown.

Now comes the time to process. Allow the energies to swirl and flow within. Pay
attention to messages in dreams and meditation. Honor the naturally slower pace
of life. Stay in the question. Answers will come in time.


The Full Moon in Pisces this Monday night illuminates messages from the soul. Lots
of people around the world will be meditating together at sunset on Tuesday, which
is past the exact Full Moon alignment and a wonderful time to receive the disseminating
energies. Full Moons are culmination points. The effects of meditation are amplified
through this spiritual portal. Great healing is possible.

The Mercury/Full Moon gateway is an opportunity to rest and catch up before another
change-up comes at the September Equinox.
Journey well.

StarTalk Astro Forecast

Mercury Retrograde is a perfect time to catch up on the astrology of change this

season and what it means for us individually and collectively.
Explore the Galactic Cross, New and Full Moons, Mercury Retrograde and September
Equinox-Harvest Moon at: www.StarPrriestess.com [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?

Copyright 2010 Allison Rae/www.StarPriestess.com

** Please note that content in this newsletter is copyrighted and may not be reprinted
without permission and proper attribution. You're welcome to forward the newsletter
in its complete original form. If you'd like to reprint articles and/or post them
on your web site, please contact Allison directly at starpriestess111@gmail.com

Exciting New Way to be Part of the 10-10-10 in the Crystal Vortex !

- Live Stream Video -
Join Us From Your Home and Hear and See a Live Inet Video Broadcast of the the Amazing
Lectures, Teachings, Music and Live Channels of the 10-10-10
You can be a full participant in this amazing energy from your home !
To Register for Live-Video 10-10-10 Particpation Click Below Link
http://earth-keeper.com/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=EVENT47 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?
(Register Now ... Limited to first 200 Due to Hi-Def Band-Width Parameters)

Prayer Request :
Anne Meiklejohn - Admin Mgr - Earth-Keeper - Anne's mother is gravely ill and not
expected to live. Anne will be in Scotland until mid September and requests your
In Anne's absence Bobby will cover admin and emails.. Phone 936 447-9119

Earth-Keeper 2010
Arkansas 10-10-10
Openings May Occur in Case of Cancellations- please email us at : Tyberonn@hotmail.com
[mailto:Tyberonn@hotmail.com] to be put on the Wait List

or Join us via Live Stream Video

The Triple Portal Gathering of the Year 500-700 Participants
Earth-Keeper WEB Events:

Free Global Gateway to 10-10-10 Telecast - Sept 22 Equinox

Metatronic Keys Level Two- Sept 11-12

Arkansas 10-10-10 - Live Stream Video-$199

( Join us from your home)

Click Below Link to Register

http://earth-keeper.com/category.aspx?categoryID=19 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?

(Limited Slots Available for MK-2 Webinar)

Level Two - Multidimensionality & The MerKaVa

Detailed Mechanics of Time Holograms

Consciousness Waves in the Harmonic Cycle of Matter-AntiMatter
Understanding Multi-Dimensional Responsibility
Sacred Retrieval: Lifetimes of Power & LOVE
Entering the Seat of Power
Changing the Past-Scripting the Future
Release of Obstacles in the Blue Tsunami Wave
Installation of Mer-Ka-Va

Abundance Exchange : $111

Limited Slots Available

Call Anne at 936 447-9119 or 936 522-8804 to register by credit card or for queries.

Early Registration Rate for MK-2 : $99 if registered before September 2nd

The 10-10-10- Agenda & Program

Registration begins at 8:30 am Friday October 8th
Scroll Down for Complete Agenda with Speaker Timings

The 10-10-10 Mt Magazine Lodge Atop Arkansas' Highest Mountain- Heart of the Crystal

Clink for amazing UTUBE video of Mt Magazine :


New Way to Attend the 10-10-10

Live-Steam Video of the 10-10-10 - $199

10-10-10 Gateway Free Global Telecast- Sept 22 2010

List of Overflow Hotels with Rooms Available for 10-10-10

Exciting New Way to JOIN the 10-10-10

Live Stream Video
http://earth-keeper.com/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=EVENT47 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?

Be A Part of the 10-10-10 Crystalline Activation

We will have from 500-700 Participants & You Can be Part of this Amazing Event

The 10-10-10 Is Now Be Available for Live Stream Video - View the Amazing Event
On Line
Oct 8, 9 & 10th - $199

Register Here for Live Video:

http://earth-keeper.com/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=EVENT47 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?

The 10-10-10 Mt Magazine Lodge Overlooks the Crystalline Valley

The 10-10-10 Team - Pictured from Top-By Row Left to Right
Adrienne Goff -James Tyberonn- Dr Semir Osmanagich -Mark Amaru Pinkham - MIKA
Maya Massar- Keith Smith - Anne Meiklejohn - Xel Che-Ra- Marilyn & Frans Baars
Grandmother Bwaun Equa - Anaya-Ra - Ron Crose - Bruce Durward - Suan Armstrong
Harry Bartholomew - Fred Mitchim - Denise Troyer - Crystal Star Walker- Angie Carter
Terri Peterson - Shirley Moore - Randy Monk - Neil Froeming - Dr Robert Pettit
Below Pictured - Top to Bottom from left: - Jordan-Hopi Dancer, Becky Hannah, Suan
Armstrong, Ruben- Tyberonn , Ken Landis, Elaine Fidyck, Crystal-Star Walker& Crystal
Star Walker

10-10-10 Attendees
The amazing event is gaining momentum and we will soon be gathering in the Crystal
We want to kindly mention several points :

1) We have the list of people with rooms at Mt Magazine. Quite a few of you are
in the rooms as singles. We would like to request you to consider allowing a room
mate in with you in order to assist us in allowing more attendees on site.
This will also assist you is reducing your lodging expenses. Plse email us if you
are willing to share your space.
2) In early September, we will post ads for people wanting a car mate . If u want
a car mate or room mate, plse title yr email as " Sharing at the 10-10-10' and email
Anne at Tyberonn@hotmail.com [mailto:Tyberonn@hotmail.com] . We will assist you

in finding cost-share partners. Plse besure to title the email asrequested and shown
above. We get upwards of200 emails per day,and correct titling enables us to sort
the sharing requests.
3) As you are aware, we have expanded our 10-10-10 program, and registration is
now set for 8-30 am on Friday morning, October 8th. The expanded program is presented
at no additional charge.
4) Our event will be on live stream inet-video.
5) Plse be kindly reminded that cancellations are accepted thru 10 September with
a $125 cancellation fee. There are no cancellations accepted after 10 September.
If u need to cancel, please consider transferring to live-video.
6) We will announce special musical guests in addition to Fred & Ron soon !
7) We have an array of excellent, hi-integrity therapist and healing practioners
with varying modalites available at the event. Plse do review the list, as u may
want to prebook sessions.
8) We will have Hopi Dancers from the Hopi Mesa Water Clan attending the 10-10-10
event to offer blessings, songs and dance. Bring your drums !
9) Plse review the requested regulations and protcol listed below.
10) We will have a free Global telecast on Sept 22 (Equinox) to Meditiate, discuss
the relevance of the 10-10-10 and bring in the first wave of energies of the 10-10-10

- Tyb will also provide a channel from Archangel Metatron. Details for log in will
be announcedin September.

To Register for the 10-10-10

Click below Link
http://earth-keeper.com/category.aspx?categoryID=19 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?

Tentative Agenda - 10-10-10

The Agenda is tentative, but is very close to the actual final schedule. It may
be subject to minor change. The event is open only to registered attendees. Badges
must be worn at all events .

Friday October 8th

8:30-9:30 - Registration

9:30 - 10:15 - Intros & Welcome - TYB

10:15-10:30 -Blessing Songs- Hopi of the Water Clan

10:15 - 11:45 - Adrienne Goff- Healing Gems & Crystals

11:45- 1:30 - Lunch Break

1:30 - 2:45 - Tyb

2:45 - 4:00 - Keith Smith - Auric Polarity

4:00 - 5:00 - Hoshindo Healing - Voyce Durling- Jones

5: 15 - 6 pm - Marilyn & Frans Baars

6:00- 7:30 - Dinner Break

7:30 - 8:15 - Bwaun Equa

8:15-8:45 - Terri Peterson - Soul Breathing

Saturday - October 9th

8:30 - 9:30 - TYB-The Crystalline Light Body

09:30 - 10:45 - MIKA

10:45 - 12:15 - Maya Massar - The wisdom of Crystal Skulls

12:15- 2:00 Lunch & Book Signings

2:00 - 3:45 -Dr Semir Osmanagich - The Bosnian Pyramid Discovery

3:45 - 4:00 Break - with Music

4:00 - 5:45 - Mark Amaru Pinkham - Earth Cosmology & The Gnostic Way

5:45 - 7:30 Dinner Break

7:30 - 8 :30 - Music with Fred & Ron with Guest - Suann ( On the Overlook Patio)

Sunday - The 10-10-10

9:00 - 9:30 Music with Fred Mitchim & Ron Crose & Suan

9:30 - 45 - Crystal Bowls with Aurelia Taylor

9:45 - 10:15 - 10-10-10 OM Meditation for the 10-10-10

10:30 - 11:15 - The Hopi Eagle Dance with Blessing Songs

11:15-11:40 - Anaya-Ra - Hathor Meditation

11:40 - 12:30 - Live Metatron Channel

12:30 - 2:30 - Lunch

2:30 - 3:00 - Music

3:00 - 4:00 - Mark Pinkham - Gnostic Wisdom

4:00 - 5:00 - Walking in Integrity - Crystal Star Walker

5:00 - 5-30- Closing Toning, with Music - Tyb

Sunday Nite - Music ! TBA

Monday - October 11

09:30 - Gather for convoys to 'Crater of Diamonds'

12:00 - Cluster at Crater of Diamonds

12:00 - 1:00 Ceremony - Nina- Che Xel Ra - Crystal Star

1:00- 1:30 - Metatron Channel

1:30- 2:00 Closing Ceremony

2:00 - 5:00 - Digging for Diamonds

10-10-10 Protocol & Guidelines:

We encourage 'Hugs" We ask that the standard greeting each day be a hug. You are
among true soul family, family from many lifetimes, family of your true Soul-Guild.

Our gathering is about LOVE and Spiritual Growth. Please come with open and nurturing
hearts, and be ready to have fun amidst true 'Soul-Family.'

The conference hall and meetings, as well as the accomodations at the Mt Magazine
Lodge are fully reserved for the use of registered attendees only. We will be at
fire-code full capacity for this event, and every chair will be used.
You must have attendee registration badge to enter conference hall. Plse wear it
at all times through out the Triple-Ten weekend..
Plse do not bring items to sell or solicit services at event.
Because of the large attendance, lunch break will be 2-hours

Please try to be on time for all events.

Bring your drums !

Weather in Arkansas will normally be in the mid 60's and 70's F during mid October.
Hoiwever, we are on amountaintop so bring light autumn clothing, as well as a wind
or rain jacket for the mountain breeze. Our venue is on the edge of the mountain
and the vista behind the hotel overlooks the river valley below. The fall foliage
will be entering its renowned & beautiful red and orange phase , so bring a camera.

Please support the musicans & featured healers

Plse treat one another with utmost courtesy and kindness, our gathering is about

Love and Light, and the healing that will result from our collective Group Energy.

Plse register at 8-30 am Friday morning, October 8th.

On Monday, Oct 11th, we will hold ceremony at the Crater of Diamonds State Park
. Transport and admission to enter the mine is not included in the registration
fee, and each will need to arrange their transportation and entry fee. You will
also be allowed to 'dig' for diamonds. The mine is an open surface field, and diamonds
and other semi precious gems are found by digging thru the plowed kimberlite soils
on a daily basis.It's a lot of fun, and a magical energy. Maps to the diamond mine
will be given, and we will assist in organizing a convoy and go in individual cars.
We have many wonderful practioners and readers available for private sessions during
the 10-10-10 at specially reduced rates for the event. . We encourage you to prebook
your sessions, as most will sell outduring the gathering. We do not charge an overhead
or commission from healers, 100% of the abundance exchange fees are retained by
the healer.
Please nurture and respect one another. We are Family !!!

Earth-Keeper Staff Team - Arkansas 10-10-10

Anne Meiklejohn - Event Director

Ken Landis-Staff
Denise Troyer-Staff

Aloa -Staff
Vinny Romaguolo

Becky Hannah-Staff

Carolyn Johnson-Staff

Karen Seabaugh-Staff

Julie Rainwater- Staff

Bruce Durward - IT & Video Team
Randy Monk - Video Team

Join the Family, this is no ordinary event

Power Nodes & Parameters of the Crystal Vortex

Mount Magazine State Park - Emerald Crystal of Healing

Crater of Diamonds State Park
Toltec Mounds Pyramids - Toltec Mounds State Park
Talimena Ridge- Blue Crystal of Knowledge-Queen Wilhelmina State Park

Hot Springs National Park
Eureka Springs
Crystal Springs-Lake Ouachita
Pinnacle Mountain State Park
Mount Nebo State Park
Mount Ida Crystal Beds
Buffalo National River

Therapists Email Contacts:

If you are interested in a personal session during yr time with us in the Crystal
Vortex , please note that the the below listed Master Practioners are available
and are offering special rates for their sessions for this powerful Family Gathering
during the 10-10-10.
These are all extremely gifted brilliant joyful souls who sincerely desire to help,
love and help others. We highly recommend pre-booking your sessions as some will
sell out prior to the event. Do take advantage of the availability of wonderfully
varied therapy and reading modalities which are very synchronistic and amplified
in the energies of the Crystal Vortex. More detailed information on their modalities
are listed further down in indivudal descriptions in this Newsletter. You may wish
to book one or more per day. Sessions will be conducted thru out the weekend and
during the lectures, with the only blocked timings during the morning 10-10-10
ceremony and AAMetatron Channel.

Mark Amaru Pinkham -Vedic Astologer & Seer-email: gnostictemplars@aol.com

Keith Smith- Herbalist Healer- Call ( 760) 489-6889 or email at ksmthhrb@ADNC.com
MIKA - Call 54-309-0193 or email MIKA at wne1313@aol.com [mailto:wne1313@aol.com]

Maya Massar- AngelsRedDance@shaw.ca [mailto:AngelsRedDance@shaw.ca]

Dr Robert Pettit - bettyloves@aol.com [mailto:bettyloves@aol.com]

Voyce Durling Jones - voycedurlingjones@yahoo.com


Suann - suanflute@yahoo.com [mailto:suanflute@yahoo.com]

Anaya-Ra( Nina Brown) - DNA & Crystalline Tone Upshift - nina@crystalsinger.c

[mailto:nina@crystalsinger.com]m [mailto:nina@crystalsinger.com]

Adrienne Goff - Crystal Healing -Email-adriennegoff@yahoo.com


Angie Carter - Tesla Violet Ray (LBG) Unit - angiecarter@verizon.net


Marilyn & FransBaars - Archangel Healing - mmmnrgy@yahoo.com


Bruce ' Gentle Bear' Durward - Shamangelic Phi Healing - bruce.durward@gmail.com


Harry B Happy - Buddhist Harmonic Healing - harrybhappy@harmonicthought.com


Crystal-Star Walker- White Phi -Obstacle Release- cjwalker333@comcast.net


Che xel-Ra - Rewiring to Phi Energy- admin@raquelspencer.com


Neil Froeming & Shirley Moore- Bio Feedback - sam44@Q.com [mailto:sam44@Q.com] &
neilfroeming@hotmail.com [mailto:neilfroeming@hotmail.com]

Bwaun Equa (Linda Beaucage) - Reiki-Shamanic Healing- bwaunequa@yahoo.ca


Terri Peterson -Fone - 651-442-4623 or email: theconnectingspirit@gmail.com


Elaine Fidyk- lainey@theawakeningcenter.com [mailto:lainey@theawakeningcenter.com]


Tags: www.earth-keeper.com


Chant of the Four Elements by Tom Kenyon
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 30, 2010 at 5:11pm


Chant of the Four Element

by Tom Kenyon, M.A., published 2010

First of all, let me address a bit of misinformation. The sounds/words for the Chant of the
Four Elements are not of ancient Egyptian origin despite the writings of some individuals.

The Hathors gave me this chant while I was in a meditative state many years ago. And they
said that these sounds/words were the closest approximations to
the sounds they use to denote the Four Elements. The actual sounds are
complex waveforms that are not easily articulated by the human voice.

The use of these sounds/words for the Four Elements seems akin to an ancient understanding
regarding the consciousness of matter, and a rather
esoteric belief that the Four Elements can, and will, respond to human
consciousness under specific conditions.

For those of us in the modern era, such ideas may seem quaint and misguided. After all, the
science of chemistry has clearly mapped out the atomic structures
responsible for the elements. And this highly practical knowledge is
clearly reflected in the Periodic Table of
Elements. In this chemical view of matter, all of the elements in the known universe are
comprised of teeny tiny atomic and molecular tinker toys that can be
manipulated or changed. Indeed much of our modern technology is based
upon the technical knowledge of how to manipulate these minute building
blocks of matter at will.

For most scientists, the question of consciousness does not present itself at this minute level
of creation (i.e., the atomic and molecular substrate responsible
for the elements themselves). Indeed, if you were to ask such a question
of most chemists, you would be laughed at for even considering such a
preposterous idea.


But anyone who has dabbled in ancient Greek or esoteric philosophies (including European
Alchemy) has, no doubt, stumbled upon the concept of the Four Elements
(Earth, Air, Fire and Water). Perhaps this primitive view of the four
elements came about as humans wrestled with trying to understand the

world they lived in without the benefit of being able to “see” the
hidden structure of matter (i.e., the subatomic, atomic and molecular
building blocks that actually comprised the elements around them).
And/or perhaps they were inspired in ways we don’t fully appreciate as
we are so far removed from our early ancestors.

Before the rise of monotheism, during the high period of paganism, there was a plethora of
gods and goddesses, demigods and earth spirits that humans interacted
with. And in this deeply mythic and archetypal world, the Four Elements
of Earth, Fire, Air and Water could be communed with directly. The
purposes of communion between a human and an elemental were quite
varied, and evidently included such things as cleansing and
purification, the healing of dis-ease, empowerment, and in some cases,

In the Essene tradition, whose roots were both pagan and monotheistic, the Four Elements
were sometimes viewed as angels. And interacting with these angelic elementals was viewed
as a way to temporarily rise up into higher states of consciousness.

I have personally noted that, for me at least, the air element is especially good for this type of
thing (the transformation of consciousness). Walking through a
windstorm can be exhilarating, enlightening and even healing if you are
in the right disposition. When I lived on the Outer Banks of North
Carolina for a time, I discovered that storms, gale force winds and even
mild hurricanes were great transformers of consciousness. (Please do
note I am not suggesting, for a moment, that you go for a walk during a
storm or, goddess forbid, a mild hurricane. Such immersion into the
elemental worlds is not for the faint of heart and is certainly not to
be condoned in our overly protective nanny state where any attempt to
step into the wildness of being is held suspect.) But I have
digressed by harping on one of my pet peeves—the imprisonment of the
human soul by the soulless ones who seem to be increasing their numbers
here in the post-modern era. Putting my little rant aside, let us return
to a bit more historical background concerning the Four Elements.


The archetypal understanding of the Four Elements is hardly confined to the pre-monotheistic
western mystical or philosophical traditions. It shows
up in indigenous shamanism throughout the world as well, and many of
these shamanic traditions antedate Christianity and Judaism. In ancient
India, spiritual use of the fire element became a highly ritualized art
form. The roots of the Hindu fire puja unquestionably reach backward in
time to the early beginnings of civilization. To this day, yogis and
yoginis conduct sacred fire ceremonies, or yagnas, in order to transform
inner impediments to their enlightenment through communion with the
fire element, or agni,
itself. And such sacred fires are often used for making offerings to
deities, for spiritual purification, Initiations, healing and, under
certai conditions, prophecy as well.

Buddhism also uses fire in many of its rituals. Some Buddhist sects use the fire element more
than others, and perhaps most notable, in this regard, are the
Tibetan Buddhists who use the fire element extensively during pujas,
empowerments and many types of prayers as well. I will always remember
the distinct aroma of yak butter candles in the temples of Tibet, their
warm glow an ever-constant presence.

Moving from the yogas of India and Asia to the western mystical traditions, we encounter a
fascinating bit of history. According to some scholars, the Western root
of the Four Elements as a philosophical concept reaches back to the
Babylonians and one of their primary
texts—the Enuma Elis, a scripture written on clay tablets that researchers have placed
the 16th and 18th Centuries B.C. The Enuma Elis describes four cosmic
elements: the earth, sea, sky and wind, which, if scholars are correct,
morphed over time into the Four
Elements (Earth, Fire, Water and Air).

~ Side Bar ~


While it is not salient to our discussion regarding the Four Elements, I thought some readers
might find a key element in the Enuma Elis of interest. The text names Marduk as the
supreme god among all Mesopotamian divinities, and states that humankind was created for
the service of the gods. I personally find this bit of information of great interest since many
scholars trace the roots of the Babylonians to the earlier Sumerians. Like the Babylonians, the
Sumerians recorded their history and
mythologies onto clay tablets, many of which have remarkably survived to
this day. It is here in the Sumerian Tablets that an unusual encounter
in antiquity is recorded, which seems to locate the source of the Babylonian belief that
humankind was created by the gods (perhaps aliens?) to serve them as a slave race. I am not
going to discuss this further
other than to direct those who are interested in such things as alien
encounters in ancient cultures to the fascinating writings of Zechariah

~ Back to the Point ~

When the Hathors gave me their take on the Four Elements I immediately recognized a
similarity between their view and the views of various ancient spiritual
traditions. But their method for entering into communion with the Four
Elements was surprising and unexpected. Ever the pragmatist, I set out
for myself to see if what they predicted actually occurred when I
meditated on the Four Elements as they suggested. And I can honestly say
their method works in profound ways, having engaged it many times and
in many different situations.

The Chant of the Four Elements: A Hathorian Perspective

The Hathors, who originally communicated this information to me, say that each of the Four
Elements has conscious awareness, though quite different in quality
from that of humans. It is possible, according to them, to enter into
an energetic communion with each of the elements, thereby opening a
portal to other realms of consciousness. And indeed, that is the purpose
for chanting this chant to begin with.

As I mentioned earlier, each of the sounds/words for the Four Elements is an approximation
of what is, in actuality, a complex waveform. These
waveforms cannot easily be reproduced by the human voice since they are
continuous tones. The sound/word for the Earth element is EL; fire is
KA; and water is LEEM. In the Hathors’ view, air and space are combined
into one element and is denoted by the sound OM. According to them, the
Four Elements respond to human emotion, especially those we call
appreciation or gratitude.

When you direct your feelings of appreciation or gratitude to the elements during the chant,
you open an energetic line of non-verbal communication between you and
the elements. It is a mind-altering experience, at the very least, and
the longer you engage the chant with feelings of appreciation or
gratitude, the stronger the effects become.

There are two phases to the chant—the outer phase (in which you direct appreciation or
gratitude to the outer elements of the world outside you) and the inner phase (in which you
direct appreciation or gratitude to the inner elements of your body).

The concept of the outer elements versus the inner elements may be a bit obscure for some
individuals. So to clarify things… the outer elements refer to all the elements outside your
body—the Earth
element is the earth itself. The Fire element is the sun or any source
of fire/heat outside your body. The Water element is any body of water,
or form of water outside your body. And the Air element is the space and
air that surrounds you.


Thus when engaged in sending appreciation to the outer Four Elements, you might send
appreciation/gratitude to the Earth on the sound EL. When you hear the
sound KA, you might send appreciation/gratitude to the sun (even if you
cannot see it), or some other form of fire or heat such as a candle, or
even a warm radiator. When you hear the sound LEEM, you might choose to
send your appreciation/gratitude to the ocean, or to a river or stream,
or perhaps clouds (since they are made of water vapor), or even to a
glass of water that is nearby. Finally, when you hear the sound OM, you
might choose to alternate your sending of
appreciation/gratitude to the air around you and then to the sense of space around your body.

The next phase in the chant is to the inner elements. And as with the outer elements, you have
a lot of leeway in how you work with this.

When you hear the sound EL,

you might choose to direct appreciation/gratitude to your bones

(the densest part of your body).

When you hear the sound KA, you might direct appreciation/gratitude to your Solar Plexus—
to the etheric fire within you that yogis call Bhuta Agni, or you might choose to direct your
appreciation/gratitude to the fire of digestion that yogis call Jathara Agni,
since digestion is, in fact, a slow burning fire (oxidation) that
releases nutrients and energy. If your awareness is very subtle, you
might choose to send appreciation/gratitude to the mitochondria in the
nuclei of the cells that comprise your body (with the exception of red
blood cells which do not have a nucleus). The mitochondria are the power
generators for the cells and they produce a type of fire as well.

When you hear the sound LEEM, you might decide to send appreciation/gratitude to the water
element in your body, such as your blood or lymph.

And finally, when you hear the sound OM, you might choose to send appreciation/gratitude to
the air element within your body, such as the air that is in your lungs.
And when you send appreciation/gratitude to the element of space within
you, you might try sending your appreciation to the space between your
organs. Or if you have a very subtle awareness, you might send
appreciation/gratitude to the space between the atoms of your body!

I have noticed that when I engage the chant in this way (i.e., alternating between the outer and
inner elements) for a few minutes, the boundary between my inner
world and the outer world becomes blurred. Interestingly, this blurring
of personal boundaries is one of the
characteristics of certain mystical states of body and mind. Other persons who have worked
with the
chant have also reported similar experiences.

To use the chant the way it was given to me, send the feeling of appreciation or gratitude to
the outer elements first and then to the inner elements that comprise
your body. And then turn your attention back to the outer elements, then
back to the inner, and so forth. Each
cycle of the chant is used to send appreciation or gratitude to either the outer or the inner
elements. As you continue to direct your emotion in this man ner, an
inner bridge of awareness is established that can profoundly alter
awareness and allow you to enter into communion with the more subtle
aspects of these elements.

It is my hope that this brief description of the process will serve you as you explore the
potency of this chant. In the final analysis, I think it is the union of
your appreciation (or gratitude) with your awareness (or contemplation) of a given element
(Earth, Fire, Water or
Air) that opens the portal between you and the elemental realms of
being. In other words, the chant itself is just a device to trigger
awareness that it is time to move your attention to another element.

Communion with the elemental realms of being can produce profound altered states of mind
and body. And they can open doorways to remarkable fields of knowledge.

Here is a sample of the chant from my CD entitled

Ascension Codes




Uriel's Message -- Receive the Gift of Love
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 30, 2010 at 5:16pm

Uriel's Message -- Receive the Gift of Love

by Jennifer Hoffman

All that comes to you in life is a gift, every person on your path is a giver and
love is the in the receiving, the gift and the giver. Receiving helps you close
cycles, balance energies, release contracts, love and value yourself, and prepare
for new cycles of being. You cannot be an effective giver if you are not also willing
to receive for gifts are without value if they cannot be received. There is fear
of obligation, unworthiness, owing others and rekindling karma with receiving but
in truth, these things are what could happen if you do not receive.

The gift of love comes to you in many ways, not all of which you would view as love.
Often it is disguised in the form of karma, challenge and loss. Other times it appears

as lessons in power and commitment, which cause you pain and sorrow. You think of
the gift of love as being wonderful, kind, gentle and thoughtful but it is the full
measure of the resolution, clearing, forward movement and ascension potential you
have asked for.

The gift is the release from the most dense of third dimensional energies. When
you judge the gift because it brings you pain stead of joy, the giver because you
feel they are your enemy or the love because it does not make you feel good, you
have missed an opportunity for healing. Each gift you accept becomes a light shining
in your life to help you achieve your overall goal of release that which limits
your soul's healing journey. And within each act of receiving is the closure you
need to release fear and other energies that you see as blocks on your healing
path. They are not blocks, they are simply energies you agreed to transmute into
their higher aspects and release them from the earth's grid.

Each teacher is someone who loves you, not from your romantic view, but from the
position that they have agreed to be the mirror of some aspect of your energy.
Those who live through their darkness help you find your light. Those whose actions
are abuse, mistrust and powerlessness are giving the gift of peace, freedom, power
and joy. Find the gift of love in each thing so you can bless, appreciate and release
the giver, know that each gift and giver is love and then receive the gift with
gratitude and give yourself the gift of healing and closure.

Get the Cord Disconnect and Healing Meditation CD

www.urielheals.com/Books.html#cord disconnect
NOW available as an audio file



The Energies of September by Jennifer

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 30, 2010 at 5:17pm

The Energies of September

by Jennifer Hoffman

This year has been relentless as far as clearing energies, making peace with our
current and karmic past (which are intertwined), releasing things that do not serve
us and basically doing an energetic house cleaning that is long overdue. We have
made a collective commitment to ascend, the desire and will are there but the process
has been much harder than we thought. Getting into the dark corners of our physic
and emotional closets has revealed layers of pain and cleaning them out has taken
all of our resources.

It's not surprising that TV shows like "Hoarding: Buried Alive" are popular. We
have been buried for lifetimes by our baggage and were not aware of it until we
started shining our light within. Light does one thing, it illuminates the darkness-all
of it. Light is not judgmental, it will shine on the dust bunnies under the bed
just as brightly as it does in the window to show us that a new day has begun. Now
that we know where the dust bunnies are, we have to clean them. Mercury is still
retrograde the first half of this month, so we have lots of support for our process.
This is a time to take charge and do it or it will be done for us.

September is another month for release but now we have to start the work of renewal.
Now that we know what is holding us back, we have to replace it with something else.
As in August, we have to be clear on what we want and start manifesting. As I was
thinking about what to write for this article, the words "manifest, manifest, manifest"
kept coming up. So September is a month for manifesting in conjunction with clearing.
And I believe that the manifesting will flow more smoothly, as long as we go in
the direction we are guided.

I have a lovely conversation with a friend over the weekend who was struggling.
She was manifesting but things were not flowing and her life was a series of efforts
that led nowhere. There was an aspect to her work she had been avoiding and she
was not willing to go in that direction. But that is where she was supposed to go,
and she knew it. This is our path as September begins. What are we being guided
to do that we are avoiding and how can we go there, as we are shown and release
the fear that holds us back? The Universe is relentless and it will push us in
our chosen direction until we decide to stop fighting and surrender. Be brave, courageous,
bold and take action. Clean the dust bunnies out with gusto and manifest the most
wonderful, amazing miracles as you replace fear with trust and lack with effortless
manifestation. Have a wonderful month.

Step into Your Miracle Mastery...



August 29 – September 4, 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 30, 2010 at 5:51pm

Beloved Ones,

During the coming weeks, there will be much activity taking place in the interdimensional
octaves of higher vibrational frequency and this will translate as a greater influx of Light to
and through each
of you. Many of you have become ‘stuck’ in past life dramas that were
simply to be observed, acknowledged and released and instead, you have
found yourselves trying to transmute and transform over and over again
as this drama plays on in your lives. During these coming weeks, we, the
Ascended Host will be standing by to give you assistance to help
overcome these age old dramas once and for all and so we remind you once
again, that you, Dear and Beloved Ones, must ask us to do this for you
and with you.

Our Love for you is unconditional and unending and it is our greatest joy and pleasure to
serve you in these times of transition as you move from one timeline to the Ascension
timeline of the Ascended
Earth reality. Ask that we help you to do this and you will be instantly
surrounded in the Great White Light which will raise your vibrational
frequency to this new timeline. This is very important, Dear Ones and we
cannot stress enough that each of you must intend to move onto this
timeline as soon as possible. There is much work that needs to be done,
for many of your brothers and sisters upon Earth still need Awakening
and the sooner you are all firmly anchored into the Ascended Earth
timeline, the sooner the work can begin.

We ask that you not rest from your disciplines and that you strive ceaselessly to raise your
vibrational level each day and maintain it. We can help with this if you remember to ask us
each morning. We
are encouraging each and every one of you to make this your priority
from now on. Try to lay aside your daily concerns amidst the situations
that you find yourselves in at the moment and rise a cut above to the
higher perspective, the perspective of your Higher Self and Great I AM
Presence. Spend as much time and intention ‘seeing’ yourselves as the
Beings of Light and Love that you truly are and let go of any other
distractions that may come forth. Know that your Loved Ones will follow
as you lead, for you are the pattern breakers and the pattern makers,
and therefore, the leaders of Humanity. By your works, your actions,

words and deeds and your personal example, you shall rise up as the
shining Lights that you are.

The time for hiding your Light is past, is over. Now is the time to become the pure and
shining example to all, so that they may look upon you and the miracles that are occurring and
want to follow in
your footsteps. You are THAT powerful! Let go of all that does not
resonate with this new vision and hold to that new vision with every
fibre of your being. Your Light is needed now more than ever and by your
Light, you inspire others around you to take up the torch and follow
the example that you shall be demonstrating by your daily living, which
shall show them many miraculous transformations that occur within you
that will be visible to all who have known you before your
transformations. This will become evident in the months and years ahead.
You will each fall into your part in the Divine Plan and we ask you to
remember that you are the Ambassadors of Light and therefore must lead
by example. BE the Light, radiate your Love from your heart chakra with
the Golden Light of the Christ, and walk in grace and ease and with a
light step upon the Earth.

We, your brothers and sisters who have gone before you, overlight and expand each of your
auras as much as you can comfortably withstand each and every day, so please remember to
ask and state your
intention to anchor your Light to the Ascension timeline and keep your
energy levels vibrating at the highest levels possible. Ask for
alignment with the Ascension Stargate and for daily and constant
guidance from your personal Guides and Teachers. We want a stronger
connection with each of you and have much to impart to you. We stand
ready to assist and impart much needed knowledge to you, as events
transpire upon the Earth plane. You are moving quickly into the Ascended
Earth reality and that is where your focus will serve you for the
greatest and highest good for all.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and
nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is
included. www.therainbowscribe.com

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.



St.Germain-Clearing Darkness
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 30, 2010 at 5:53pm

Clearing Darkness

Posted: 29 Aug 2010 06:05 AM PDT

Many of my chelas are learning how to draw to them more light. What they need to learn now,
is how to BE that light. Clear channels are light when they channel. Clearing the channel is
how to be pure light.

Clearing must be done before a being can channel. What does clearing look like? Observing
how mental thoughts cause reactions, and letting go of those active mesmerizations of mind.
Men and women have a built-in
cloud of darkness in their consciousness. Memories collect to become the
cause of heartache, or a drain on one's ability to happily advance in
consciousness. As the drain becomes large, no day is without memories
from past events being thought through a new creative lens of mind's
attitudes and beliefs. Fantasy forms out of continuous repetition of
that which has no basis in fact. Clouds of negativity are next. Answers
to choices that are needed become controlled by this cloud, and many

dreams form to keep away light. Clouds of thoughts are an actual mental
deterrent, when control of mental actions is being considered, or an
activity that claims a new direction is being declined. Man has only to
free himself from this thought cloud to be happy all the time. Call this
cloud man's adversary. Clouds of mental activity keep out the light.

Accepting light begins by choosing this energy over the darkness that is caused by thoughts.
Clouds can be drained of their control as new choices are made. Control over man's choices
has no manager from our
side, only man's own mental deceiver. Options are everywhere, and
closing the door to controlling mental dialog is how men become Angels.
Can my chelas understand that their only obstacle to ascension is their
dark cloud of thoughts? Meditation can cause man to abstain from
identifying with his dark thoughts. Observing thoughts at a distance can
delete the acceptance of them as divine contact or controlling advice.

Emptying memories of a "not so desirable" content can also be a way to come out of that
cloud. Answers to your demons are not in these clouds, they are in the deletion of clouds.
Memories become
non-controlling when you accept and declare that they have nothing to do
with the current day's agenda. Not accepting them as daily thoughts
deletes all claim they have on your life. Not thinking about the past
will eliminate the past from your daily creative thoughts. Meditators
have the ability to detach from their thoughts.

Other activities can also show these thoughts to be dialog without any built in control, when
they draw no attention to them. Making an activity time where you are completely present to
the activity does
this. Singing, chanting, or being totally open to the moment as a
practice, can also delete mind's cloud.

I AM THAT I AM is a mantra that deletes mental control. Claiming Oneness with all that is,
also deletes clouds. Oneness means that all the dramas in your life were created by YOU! Can
you accept that this
has always been the case? Why do mean things to yourself? To learn
compassion and caring for those who are not given the clear mind to see
this as truth. All dramas in a man's cloud are his own design. No
condition was done out of this design. Abuse of all kinds was drawn into
the mix, because drama continues after an Awakening. And deepening of
Awakening occurs as that drama no longer affects man's divine attitudes
towards the deliverer of anything.

Man needs to experience dark, to learn about it, and choose another way to be. Choosing the
light does not eliminate dark clouds. Clearing the cloud makes you confront all the hidden
demons that drain light out
of your conscious attitudes in the NOW. Hanging on to the cloud cannot
make you more conscious. Clearing it does.

When channeling begins, the cloud is not totally eliminated. Channeling attracts memories to
the mind of the channel for clearing. Giving attention to clearing your active thoughts when

not channeling
deletes them from channeled material. Channeling is not negative.
Nothing contained in man's conversations about light can be demonic.
Only the thinking of those learning about light and dark is negative.
Pointing to a cause and effect condition contains nothing negative.
Accusing the content that declares this to be negative, is negative.
Cloud covers are the negativity deliverers. Can the cloud in man's mind
be deleted? Absolutely, as long as he declares that to be his desire.
All he needs to clear it will appear for clearing. Believe me, we can do
this for you. We are not the creators of negativity, only confronters
of it when there is a call for more light.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna


Shine Your Light - Share Your Vision a

message from Archangel Michael through
Ronna Herman
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on August 30, 2010 at 5:58pm

Shine Your Light - Share Your Vision

a message from Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman
29 August, 2010

Beloved masters, during these times of accelerated transformation and chaotic change, two
major, distinctive groups have formed among the races,
religions and cultures of the world. These two factions are very
distinguishable from our vantage point in the higher realms. Those who
have faith in the future, and are striving in every way possible to make
a better world for themselves and others have auric fields gleaming
with Light, which extend outward in ever-widening circles, thereby
affecting everything and everyone around them.

Many of you have become power transformers and sentinels for the influx of Divine Light
that is seeking an anchoring source upon the Earth. As we
have said many times, the powerful, transforming, full-spectrum Light is
the Sacred Fire energy needed by the Earth and humanity to successfully

transition from the dense / broad-spectrum duality of the lower
dimensions into the Lightness and expanded freedom of the higher fourth
and fifth dimensions.

Miraculously for you, the faithful Souls who have your eyes and hearts focused on a bright,
new future, your visions and dreams are coming true more quickly
than you could ever imagine. Your intuitive abilities are becoming
stronger and more accurate, and you are swiftly becoming proficient at
mind-to-mind communication with your guides and teachers in the higher
realms. Your manifestation skills are improving, for you know that you
must faithfully adhere to the universal laws of supply: first, you must
have a concise, clear seed thought of what you desire to manifest (this
is accomplished by using the attributes of Divine Will, the First Ray
from God, the Father); second, you must solicit the assistance of your
Higher Self and angelic helpers by stating, “I ask for this or something
better for my greatest good and the most beneficial outcome for all.
You must also add the emotional, heart-felt fuel to your seed thoughts
(this activity draws upon the attributes of the Second Ray, love and
wisdom from our Mother God). Third, you must take the action needed to
bring your dreams to fruition (this is applying the dynamic attributes
of the Third Ray), thereby taking advantage of all the qualities,
attributes and virtues of God Consciousness of the Third thorough
Seventh Rays.

Fear is the predominant emotion of the masses who are still stuck in the maelstrom of
negativity within the mass consciousness belief structure.
Fear of the future, fear of scarcity, the government, corporations,
other religious beliefs, different cultures/races, and even fear of
God’s wrath. There is dislike and fear of those who look, think and act
differently, and most of all, there is fear of change. They fear,
therefore, they criticize, judge and lash out in anger and frustration,
thereby creating an even greater / stronger thought form of negativity
and fear around them. These poor, disillusioned Souls are creating a
stronger, ever-expanding vortex of negativity around themselves and
their loved ones, thereby drawing to them those things they fear the
most. They are caught in a web of self-fulfilling prophecy that
reinforces their beliefs and keeps them shackled to their illusionary
world of suffering, scarcity and chaos.

One day, they too will lift their eyes and hearts to the heavens, and they will answer the
whisperings of Spirit as they turn inward for the
comfort and guidance of their Soul Self. However, as you are aware, a
grand cosmic cycle is swiftly coming to a close; and the Earth is
spiraling into a new position within the solar system regardless of who
is ready to ascend with it or who is not. And so, my beloved Light
Bearers, this is where you come in. This is your grand opportunity to

Yes, we hear and understand your protests. You think you are not good enough or wise
enough to teach. It frightens some of you so much that you want

to withdraw and no longer make an effort to expand your awareness and
claim your mastery. This message is to assure you, beloveds, that you
are already a teacher for those around you. You are teaching by example.
You are teaching through your words and actions. You are teaching with
every word you speak and every thought form you send out into the
ethers. Your auric field affects the people around you in either a
positive or negative way. Are you radiating Love, faith, hope and
freedom? Perhaps you are not adding to the fear and negativity; however,
let us assure you, you cannot remain at a status quo or in the inertia
of non-action. Universal law demands that in order to maintain a
constant influx of Creator Love/Light, it must flow into you and then
radiate out from you after you have taken the portion you need. This is
an immutable, infallible law.

In past messages, we have explained to you how the Avatars, Ascended Masters, the Angelic
Kingdom and the great Beings of Light, along with a
swiftly expanding number of earthly Initiates on the Path, will be
working together under the guidance of the Cosmic Council of Light to
bring forth the advanced wisdom teachings for these unprecedented times
of transformation and ascension. Make no mistake, all of you who are on
the Path are teachers, whether in a formal manner or just by example,
and what is needed most of all is your radiance.

Remember, you magnetize energy to you and you radiate energy from your Solar Power
Center (front and back). As your Energetic Signature becomes more
refined and is attuned to the higher frequencies of Light, you will
still draw forth a portion of the half-spectrum, Primal Life Force
substance as long as you are still in a third- / fourth-dimensional
environment. However, it will mix and meld with the higher frequency
Adamantine Particles of Light and will be automatically transformed by
your loving intention into higher frequency energy as you align your
free will with the Will of our Father/Mother God.

You are the ones who must be the receptacles and transformers of the Divine Light from the
Supreme Creator which is filtered down to you from our
Father/Mother God. Just as our beloved universal parents reduce and
filter the Creator Light out into the galactic suns and it is then
transduced down through the suns of your solar system, you are needed to
filter the Light through yourselves. You must then activate it with
your unconditional love and radiate it out into the world. The only way
you can become pure receptacles of the Light is to become Self-masters,
and the only way you can do that is to become "en-Lighten-ed" via the
wisdom teachings you have been offered. This requires that you integrate
these cosmic principles into your lives so that you may become living
examples and guiding Lights.

In order to become a living tributary for the River of Life, you must prepare yourselves to
allow the Essence of Life to flow into and through
you. You must use what you need and then allow the remainder to flow
forth, ready and available to be molded into wondrous new creations. In

this way, you will become Bearers and Servers of the Light. This is the
ultimate message of all the teachings we have given you over these past
years. This is the goal of Self-mastery. This is the way of ascension.

Allow us to give you more thoughts to contemplate until we come together again next month:

The enlightenment process begins when you shift your ego personality and outward-focused,
left brain consciousness to incorporate your right
brain, inward-focused intuitive consciousness and you begin to listen to
your Soul Self.

New pathways in the brain are opened as you begin to unlock the light packets of wisdom and
your history stored in the higher-dimensional
levels of your Sacred Mind. The old pathways and painful memories of
your third- and fourth-dimensional past begin to fade, and you will find
that it becomes more and more difficult to remember the failures and
suffering of your past lives. Have we not told you that you are healing
the past as you spiral into the future? You will remember who you are
and your history, but only the positive, harmonious events.

The moment of awakening is when the Kundalini fire ignites in the root chakra and moves up
the spine through the chakra system, opening the
Seven Seals of Higher Consciousness. The medulla oblongata or the
Ascension Chakra, which is sometimes called the Mouth of God, is
activated and the pineal gland begins to pulsate and function as it was
originally designed to do. This in turn opens the crown chakra or the
lotus of en-Lighten-ment at the top of the head, thereby connecting with
the shining column of Light, which ultimately leads to your God Self or
I Am Presence. Once you make this connection you are forever changed.
The empowerment of Spirit begins to flow through you as you begin to
reclaim your mastery of Self along with the godly gifts of your Divine
You are returning to your natural state of Being, and you are reclaiming your cosmic
consciousness as you refine and prepare to be the new
prototype “Adams and Eves” of the new Golden Galaxy of the future.
You must seek to align with the many facets of your Higher Self and always strive for the
greatest good. You are no longer just an individual
focused on your own welfare as you move deeper into the Oneness of
Spirit. As you move into a state of harmlessness, you also move into a
state of grace, and this is when the magic begins. There will be
neurobiological restructuring of the brain, and you will eventually
achieve an irreversible state of Cosmic Consciousness.

Be assured that enlightenment of the masses is possible in this lifetime, and each of you has
an integral part to play in this grand drama.

The Age of the Seventh Ray and the Violet Flame is a pivotal point within the process of
evolution, whereby the Threefold Flame of God
Consciousness dramatically accelerates its direct influence upon the
Earth and humanity. As it accelerates, it spins or spirals downward via
the Seventh Ray, upward from the great, ageless Violet Fires within the
Earth, and outward in frequency from within the heart centers of you,
the en-Lighten-ed Light Bearers around the world. This Divine Elixir of
Cosmic Fire is created by the merging into oneness of the Blue Flame of
Divine Will of the Father with the Pink Flame of Divine Love of the
Goddess, along with the radiant Golden Flame of Divine Wisdom. This
spiraling action brings a blending of the Pink and Blue Flames with a
core of Golden Fire, thus creating the Sacred Violet Flame. This creates
a Divine alchemy whereby all discordant or inharmonious energies can be
transmuted or transformed into positive Life Force substance. It
contains all the gifts and blessings of our Father/Mother God and makes
them available to you, their Solar sons and daughters or “Suns of
Light,” which were born of their sacred union.

Beloveds, in the future it will be normal to live within the auric field of a master, a
distinguished Being of Light, or on rare occasions, an
archangel. You, the aspirants on the Path are building a bridge between
the material world and the world of Spirit. The Light of the intellect
and the Light of reason bring wisdom and understanding, for they supply
the mental nature with the fuel that enables you to comprehend and
master the world of form. Before you incarnated, you agreed to Light the
path and show the way for those following behind. You must be diligent
in your search for the truth, and you must have an intense desire and
willingness to serve if you are to join the ranks of the masters. You
are now in the process of adjusting to higher frequencies of
electromagnetic Light currents. The Soul Self encourages you to become
consciously aware of the universal laws so that you may take full
advantage of your God-given creative abilities.

Brave hearts, we enfold you within our auric field of protection, and we radiate to you the
eternal love and gratitude of the Cosmic Council of
Light. We are with you always.

I AM Archangel Michael.



 Added by Lewis Elbinger on August 1, 2010 at 3:50am


The Wound is a Gateway by Nancy Wait

 Added by Nancy Wait on August 2, 2010 at 3:44am


Strengthen your neck - Yoga exercises to

overcome tensions in shoulders and neck
 Added by Sukadev Bretz on August 4, 2010 at 9:58am


Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel
Gabriel August 8 2010
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on August 9, 2010 at 3:14am


Releasing the Human Ego

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on August 12, 2010 at 1:14am


Evening Prayer สวดมนตต์ทททำว วัตรเยย็น 1 (Sub.
中文 Eng)
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on August 12, 2010 at 1:45am


Morning Prayer สวดมนตต์ทททำว วัตรเชทำช 1

(Sub. 中文 Eng)
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on August 12, 2010 at 1:46am


StarGate of Love
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 1:44am


 Added by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 8:07pm



 Added by David Dogan Beyo on August 14, 2010 at 8:16pm


Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa
August 13 2010
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on August 15, 2010 at 1:57am


Earth Amazing sights

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on August 19, 2010 at 10:15pm


Çöplerden, yakıt elde eden makina

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on August 28, 2010 at 1:28pm


OSHO: You Have Everything, but You
Don't Have Yourself
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on August 28, 2010 at 1:32pm


© 2015 Created by David Dogan Beyo


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