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Educa atio
ppine Nativ
ve Gam

d by
one Za
ander T. Jap
e Nativ
ve Games

o, also called
d Harangang
g Taga or Tubigan (in En
nglish try to cross
c my line without lettin
me touch
h or catch you
u) - There are
e two teams playing: an attack
a team and
a a defencce team; with
h five
(5) playerrs for each te
eam. To scorre, attack tea
am players must
m make "ho
ome-runs". The
T attack tea
must try to
t run along the
t perpendicular lines from the home
e-base to the
e back-end, and
a return without
being tag
gged by the defence
d playe

Memberss of the defen

nce team are
e called it, and must stand
d on the wate
er lines with both
b feet eacch
time theyy try to tag atttacking playe
ers. The playyer at the cen
nter line is called "Patotot"" (center gua
The perpendicular line
e in the midd
dle allows the
e it designate
ed on that line
e to intersectt the lines
occupied by the it that the parallel line interseccts, thus incre
easing the ch
hances of the
e runners to be
trapped, even
e only on
ne(1) membe
er of a group is tagged the
e whole group will be the "it".

Patintero is one of the

e most popular Filipino strreet game.

Tumbang preso
g preso or Presohan
P in the
t Luzon, and Tumba-P
Patis in most Visayan reg
gions (in
English Hit
H The Can). This also on
ne of the pop
pular Filipino street gamess played child
dren using th
slippers to hit a tin can
n at the center.

Like other Filipino trad

ditional game
es, memberss take the following rules: one as the “taya”, someo
who takes the rule of a-player-at-sstake and holds the respo
onsibility of th
he Lata (tin can),
c and; the
e two
others ass the players striking. The
e game is perrformed by having the pla
ayers a “pamato” (which is
ones own
n slipper) use
ed for striking
g the tin that is held besid
de the taya.

As to how
w the game cycles,
c the taya, is obliged
d to catch an
nother player to take overr his position of
running after
a the tin th
hat keeps from throwing away
a by the strikes
s of the
e players. Nevertheless, the
taya is on
nly privileged
d to do so onlly if the playe
er is holding on
o his way a pamato and
d when the tin
n is
on its uprright position. Hence, running after an
nother player is keeping an
a eye to the tin can’s possition.
As for the
e players, the
ey have their whole time striking
s the tin can and ru
unning away from the taya
keeping themselves
t safe
s with their pamato sin
nce making th
he tin fell dow
wn helps ano
other player from
ng. Instance like having evveryone had their turns over
o is one big climax of th
he game that
leads them to panic since case is that taya hass all his rightss to capture whether
w the player have a
hold of th
heir pamato or
o not.
However,, mechanics also give eacch side privileges. With th
he roadway or
o streets as the area being
performed, the taya ta
ake its place on one side held its tin centered on th
he ground wh
hile on the otther
end is bound by a line
e that limits th
he player wh
hen throwing. Breaking rules to the pla
ayers give wa
ay for
the taya to
t have his overturn, like: stepping on or outside th
he boundary line when th
hrowing; kickiing
the tin; sttriking the tin without haviing oneself re
eaching the line;
l or even touching it.

In other versions,
v esp
pecially those
e in Visayan regions
r and Southern
S Luzzon, is of com
mplexity for the
part of the
e taya. The latter has to make
m the tin can stand up
pright togethe
er with its ow
wn “yamato” on
the top off it which also
o adds up to the mechanics of the gam
me. The tend
dency is that even when the
taya has already mad
de everything
g stood up bu
ut when the slipper
s will falll from the tin
n, he is not
allowed catching
c anyb
body unless he hurriedly put it back to
o its position..

Piko is th
he Philippine variation of the
t game hopscotch. The
e players stand behind the edge of a box,
and each
h should throw
w their cue ball.
b The first to play is dettermined dep
pending on th
he players'
nt (e.g. neare
est to the mo
oon, wings orr chest). Who
oever succee
eds in throwin
ng the cue ba
nearest to
o the place th
hat they have
e agreed upo
on will play first. The nextt nearest is second,
s and so

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