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Longevity, High Hopes and Immortality (Some day)

notes on health, well-being and longevity (for now)

--© 2018 J.Hamilton COREresonance.com

By J.Hamilton

Hint: "There are more bugs in the human body than there is "human" in the human body."

I've read an article suggesting humanity has always lived 80 – 90 years back to the time of Rome and
Greece and even ancient Egypt. While there have always been diseases culling the weak and the infirm,
humanity has always seemed to have a threshold somewhat short of the centurion mark. And while we
have had massive improvements in health and medicine, hygiene and the comforts of life, we continue
to hover around the "slightly less than centurion mark." Why is this?

After all, we have had massive improvements in the fundamentals of life since the late BC and AD
periods, but little seems to change. We are still fading out at the 80 – 90 mark. And, actually, at this
present point, we are enduring far more stress, far more chemicals in our food and water and far more
trash in our seas. Maybe stress has always been a huge killer. Regardless, we still age and fall away by 90
if we are lucky.

But we are hopeful. We are more conscious than ever before of our eating habits and lifestyle and even
know that motorcycles and other forms of daring do not necessarily extend life. Yes, there is that
indomitable spirit that gives us a lift but may also engender our demise. It seems it takes an adjustment
if we want to reach for that long mark (and go beyond) and there are a number of things that can help.

For example, exercise is for certain. Without exercise, bone density and muscle fades away and one of
the most obvious causes of decline is sarcopenia, and the eventual fall. Not to mention, the body stores
its favored fuel ADP in muscle rather than in fat. Meditation is one of the most powerful antidotes to old
age or at least aging gracefully. Obviously, meditation is an excellent means of reducing stress but has
the added value of introspection and the development of that inner dialogue that is so important to the
success of the individual. To know thyself is a huge component of long life—more than most would

While we assume we eat well in the 21st century, this may not be the case. First, we devolved from
hunter gathers, i.e., fresh foods to an agrarian species, eating mostly grains and other foods that store
well. So much for living foods. After all, in today's society, eating from a bag of chips or other fast food
or convenience foods has become standard operating procedure. To a great extent we've left behind
living foods most capably found as fruits and vegetables. Not to disparage the flesh foods, in fact, it has
been realized that the faster foods spoil, the more powerful the indicator of its aliveness. Reference:
Electrical Nutrition by Denie Hiestand

With all of our modern technology, we have done little to forward our progress for long life. But we do
have some hints for longer life. Epigenetics is an example of how we can take advantage of what we
have learned from science. Epigenetics says we have a massive collection of genes (good and bad) that
we can cause to activate as we choose. Attitude and environment (of which we are far more responsible
than we might imagine) is a huge stepping stone in the right direction. Establishing subconscious
patterns and habits that serve us is another, and of course, eating foods that actually feed the body is

But there are a few other tricks that might make a huge difference and they both begin by an
understanding of how and what we are made. For example, It turns out there are more microbes in the
human body than "human" in the human body. The human body contains trillions of microorganisms —
outnumbering human cells by 10 to 1 according to the NIH Human Microbiome Project! They also state
that while some "bugs" are good and some are bad, microorganism make up as much as 6 pounds for a
200 lb adult! According to the New England Journal of Medicine the human GI tract contains up to 10-
million different microbial specie!

There are several books making their way around the Best Seller's list by Anthony William suggesting
that a virus is so prevalent in the human body that the by-products and waste from this organism
generates a massive amount of disease (dis-ease) to the human body and spirit. Anthony William is a
medical intuitive and states that most Americans (240 million of 320 million) are afflicted with the
Epstein-Barr virus in one of 60 variants and four cycles of growth. And through mis-diagnosis and
ignorance, we inadvertently feed this virus and culture.

It turns out that our eating habits play a huge role in the microbiome, which is our internal culture and a
component of "know thyself." After all, where are you going to live when there are more "bugs" in you
than "you" in your body? Anthony William, author of Medical Medium, explains that our poor eating
habits combined with the incredible amount of toxicity we ingest feeds the Epstein-Barr virus, and our
miseries, short-sightedness and less than optimum health may be the result. After all, we are made up
of bacteria and bugs, and if they do not serve us, they kill us ever so slowly.

Anthony's series of books indicate that we can do a great deal to manage our "cultures" by the foods we
eat. Better said, by eating live foods, we engender the cultures we want in our bodies and starve the
cultures we don’t want in our bodies. So very many diseases that contribute to old age, senility and that
ultimate sense that we're not going to get out of this world alive begins with our internal (there's that
word again) cultures. According to Anthony William modern science is 20 years away from putting this
type of information into your hands.

After all, if we want to be powerful, intentional and a "survivor" (for lack of a better expression), we
must go within. And while modern science brings us many valuable "insights," they also bring us Round-
up, Monsanto, genetically modified organisms (GMO's) and a host of other not so well thought out
ideas. After all, science and medicine still does not teach diet, i.e., how and what we eat as a component
of health what fuels us. We need to begin to think for ourselves, act for ourselves and become a bastion
of information about what makes us tick! Learn from trial and error versus what the advertisers tell us is
a fundamental choice.

Another interesting insight revolves around another mechanism by which we can curtail disease and
encourage healthy flora and fauna (healthy bugs) in our bodies is by a product called MMS. And while
MMS has been pooh-poohed by the naysayers and the "establishment," approximately 20 million
people in third world countries will say different. Developed by a retired NASA engineer mining gold in
the bowels of South America, his entire crew came down with malaria with no access to outside help.
With no other choice, they became guinea pigs and used water purification tablets they had access to
and cured themselves!

Jim Humble then went on to research how they recovered from malaria, a disease caused by a mosquito
bite that delivers high fever, chills, and flulike symptoms that can be life-threatening if not treated
promptly. Jim Humble discovered the main ingredient in the water purification tablets they used is
Chlorine Dioxide. Chlorine Dioxide is made from (normal table) salt with oxygen atoms added to create
NaClO2 (1 sodium atom, 1 chlorine atom and 2 oxygen atoms). Detractors claim MMS (24 percent
solution of Chlorine Dioxide in water) is the same as bleach NaClO, (1 sodium atom, 1 chlorine atom and
1 oxygen atom) but molecularly they are as different as night and day.

To quote from Jim Humble's latest book, MMS Health Recovery Guidebook (HRG)_edition-1_October-

"..chlorine dioxide has been used extensively to purify water, to sanitize hospital floors, to disinfect
slaughter houses, and to purify vegetables, along with hundreds of other uses. More than any other
single mineral/chemical, chlorine dioxide through these and other means has improved the health
and lives of hundreds of millions of people worldwide and still no deaths or permanent injuries have
been recorded caused by the use of chlorine dioxide in 100 years. This also includes the many
millions of people who have taken MMS orally for the purpose of health restoration."

Jim Humble's findings have not found ready acceptance by the medical establishment or the FDA to
name a few. It seems that upsetting the apple cart is first is ridiculed, then violently opposed, and finally
accepted as being self-evident" (credit Arthur Schopenhauer). Jim Humble had to create a church
environment to protect his work which actually is where his work should be catalogued. After all, the
concept of the church is to minister to the needs of humans. Corporations/artificial entities do not seem
to understand the importance of the needs of human beings, instead being motivated by profit.

What I have discovered after using MMS several times for approximately 3 weeks each time is a distinct
sense of well being and arising happiness. My girlfriend states that the aging around my face diminishes
and that I look younger. I kept a journal of my experiences and would be happy to share them upon
request [link]. Otherwise, you can peruse www.Genesis2church.is and www.g2cforum.org for additional
information. I particularly recommend Jim Humble's latest book MMS Health Recovery Guidebook. It is
my belief that MMS dramatically reduces the "pathogen load" on the body and similar to computer
resources becoming available, our lifeforce lifts up!

As we move farther into the 21st century, the differences between what we have been doing and what
we should be doing becomes increasingly apparent. Clearly the food industry is producing more and
more dead and junk foods; the pharmaceutical industry is beyond imaginable, and the toxins and
poisons in our system are beyond measure because we don't yet take them seriously. For some reason,
humanity is not solving its problems as a species. Mostly, we are growing at an ever-increasing rate
driven by corporate leadership which are driven by profits. We are destroying what little we have left
from the inside out as well as the outside in.

As an aside, corporations have no nervous system and thus are incapable of knowing the difference
between right and wrong
If we want to be successful, individually and collectively; if we want to make good decisions about
ourselves and our planet, we need to review our experiences, what we have to deal with, and find
solutions. We need to learn how to use our bodies to our advantage rather than carry them around until
they collapse. And it begins with us. Ultimately, the solution is to "know thyself" which includes what we
intake, be it ideas, what we envision and what we consume.

As we learn how to navigate the food issue and begin to quell the bug cultures that do not serve us, we
become more alert and more capable. Inflammation, heart disease, cancer, respiratory disease, etc., is a
great indicator that something is off.

By combining the wisdom of Anthony William and Jim Humble, I believe we will begin to get a handle on
the biggest mystery of life—ourselves. As we begin to have dominion over our own affairs and initiate
solutions to the overwhelming microbiome that makes up our home, we will again begin to prosper. We
will again be able to see out in front of ourselves and better predict what will occur. After all, as we
reach 60 and 70 years of accumulated life and wisdom, we become the most valuable resource on the

Protecting the wisdom we have accumulated becomes a stepping stone for humanity making better
choices. With strong minds and strong bodies and accumulated wisdom, we become visionaries with
something to contribute. As we stay strong in mind, body and spirit, we have something useful to say
(instead of grumbling about old age). We can go out bright to the very last day and if we are careful and
pay attention, we can extend that brightness quite a bit into the future.

And, of course, what we teach to each other's is paramount. We have a choice. It begins with us; it
begins with our choices and it begins by how we feed ourselves and how well the internal cultures of our
body serve us. It all adds up to a very good beginning even if we are 80.


Notes (and continued articles/conversation)

Rebounder high intensity short duration exercise
Very low Carb diets (See The Magic Pill available on Netflix)
Film Secret Ingredients

And I will continue to mention the Fred Rogers documentary Welcome To My Neighborhood


For the most part, stress and overload kills probably more effectively than anything else. Yes, war
generates massive stress and overload and culls the species of its best very effectively. It is thought that
meditation, healthy eating, a refined and open attitude as well as a conscious care of the human soul
contributes to the lessening of stress and overload. Reactionary living is probably one of the strongest
deterrents to long life.

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