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a IGREAT] THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE &, trend BRITAIN TRAVEL CULTURE HERITAGE STYLE peace eae i sibalah NY -efe SI PAVE re!) Bee ee From Empire to abdication AOL eRe fete Tee Z IN THE SPOTLIGHT IN London's Theatreland Sor Fee reno) eg he | forkshire’s rae. § factsal ad Bisel fo mw pyc Northern i ts casa Pirro omen cee Ria polis} HEAD BUTLER ETTINGER LONDON coe a1 eee LEATHER GOODS SINCE 1934 THE BULLION COLLECTION Cee ae eee ee eT ringanewissie of BRITAIN magazine tsalwaysaa pleasure, bucthisisue hasbeen particulary \wondfill to work on, as Sour London special. ane with tis our CLASSIC BRITAIN supplement. Inthe main magazine, we explore the world greatest city inal its glory Begining with the history ofthe capital page Oh weaskand answer the question — just how and where did this gear city hain? Ever wondered \whac kind of house Churchill or Lennon ved in? Well wonder 0 rmiore, as wetakeasneaky peak atthe homes ofthe grearand the glorousin ‘our Blue Plague exeureon ‘Then weeum thespotighcon Londons Theareand ~thelargest and most diverse theatre distitin the world (page 53. Offstage but nearly astkutrical join usaswemeetand talk witha moxlern-ay Carson tothe rich and famous ~Th Butler, Sean Davoren (page 431 He ight be righ lppod ane discreet when itcomes to sharing the scorers ofhisparons, buc were happy 10 shareaseeretortwo, Inthisissue, we reveal the bes places to find Britains antiques, Anal dont miss my fvourie fearunein thisissuc~ Vivo With View-wherewe rake you on tour of Seutlands bese views on page Finally, wehave save what's possibly thebest Timeline of Briain until last ‘he fina in the series exposes the extravagant anel extraordinary Ecwardians (page 461 Enjos! ys Head Sam Pears Editor BRITAIN ‘er eet WorldMags THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE VOLUME 80 ISSUE T 6 FEATURES ‘Thesteryofone ofthe words greatest Cities which from Roman eginnrgs became the epicentre ofantmpire Snoe 186 the bu plaqueschemehasgven the pubic anemetiona connection with Lndorisblings and the famousresders, The vilgeofCoxwoldiscosidered one of ta’ pestis placer and transporte the vstorback trough ime. Theresnowherelke London frlingalfe of luxury whether browsing BondStreers boatiquesrsampingthespectad ofthe Covent Garden opera FromEdwardan pomp to the The ‘Quen’ Jubilee ia word war the abdication iss and The King’ Speech

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