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United Nations

as dfGeneral As s embly Sixty-eighth s es s ion93rd plenary meeting

Wednes day, 11 June 2014, 3 p.m. New York A/68/PV.93Official Records ??????Pres ident:
Mr.As he ............................................. (AntiguaandBarbuda) The
meeting was called to order at 3.10 p.m.Agenda item 4Election of the Pres ident of
the General As s emblyElection of the Pres ident of the General As s embly for the
s ixty-ninth s es s ionThe Pres ident: In accordance with rule 30 of the rules of
procedure of the General As s embly, I now invite members to proceed to the election
of the Pres ident of the General As s embly for the s ixty-ninth s es s ion.May I recall
that, in accordance with paragraph 1 of the annex to General As s embly res olution
33/138, of 19 December 1978, the Pres ident of the General As s embly for the s ixty-
ninth s es s ion s hould be elected from among the African States . In that connection,
I have been informed by the Chair of the Group of African States for the month of
May 2014 that the Group has endors ed His Excellency Mr. Sam Kutes a, Minis ter for
Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uganda, for the pres idency of the General
As s embly for the s ixty-ninth s es s ion.Tak ing into account the provis ions of
paragraph 16 of General As s embly decis ion 34/401, I therefore declare His
Excellency Mr. Sam Kutes a of the Republic of Uganda elected by acclamation
Pres ident of the General As s embly for the s ixty-ninth s es s ion. On behalf of the
As s embly, I wholeheartedly congratulate Mr. Kutes a on his election as Pres ident of
the General As s embly for the s ixty-ninth s es s ion.I now invite His Excellency Mr.
Sam Kutes a, who has jus t been elected Pres ident of the General As s embly for the
s ixty-ninth s es s ion, to tak e the floor.Mr. Kutes a (Uganda) : Almos t 70 years ago,
this Organization, the United Nations , was founded with the aim of, among other
things , s aving s ucceeding generations from the s courge of war, reaffirming faith in
fundamental human rights and promoting s ocial progres s and better s tandards of
living in larger freedom. It has s ince remained central to global efforts to find
s olutions to the problems that challenge humanity, through the common endeavour of
all States .Fifty-two years ago, my country, Uganda, joined the United Nations
family. We are an active and fully committed Member of the Organization, and
committed even more to the work of the General As s embly. I am therefore honoured
and truly grateful to all here for unanimous ly electing me as Pres ident of the
As s embly at its s ixty-ninth s es s ion, a s ign not only of the As s embly's collective
trus t and confidence in me pers onally, but als o of recognition of the contribution
that Uganda has made. I would es pecially lik e to thank my region, Africa, for
endors ing my candidature and for the unwavering s upport it has given me.Mr.
Pres ident, I thank you for your leaders hip and for s etting the s tage during the
current s es s ion. A number of intergovernmental proces s es are ongoing, and will feed
into negotiations on the pos t-2015 development agenda. I als o appreciate your
willingnes s to facilitate trans ition and continuity in the Office of the Pres ident
of the General As s embly.?This record contains the text of s peeches delivered in
Englis h and of the trans lation of s peeches delivered in other languages .
Corrections s hould be s ubmitted to the original languages only. They s hould be
incorporated in a copy of the record and s ent under the s ignature of a member of
the delegation concerned to the Chief of the Verbatim Reporting Service, room U-
0506. Corrected records will be reis s ued electronically on the Official Document
Sys tem of the14-42670 (E) United Nations (http://documents .un.org) .*1442670*
?????????????????????????????????A/68/PV.9311/06/2014?I would lik e to thank and
commend the Secretary- General for his pers onal commitment, dedication and tireles s
work in advancing the agenda of the United Nations . I look forward to work ing with
everyone on our Organization's priorities .As we gather here today, our world
continues to be confronted with various challenges of global reach and impact. They
include poverty and hunger; underdeveloped education and health s ervices ;
unemployment; poor and inadequate infras tructure in many developing countries ;
ins ufficient and expens ive energy; climate change and ris ing s ea-levels ; armed
conflicts ; and emerging threats to peace and s ecurity s uch as trans national
organized crime, terroris m, piracy and human traffick ing. Collectively, we mus t
continue to tak e concerted action to addres s thos e challenges . That is what has
made the United Nations a s trong, unique and indis pens able organization.Fourteen
years ago, world leaders adopted the Millennium Declaration (res olution 55/2) ,
committing to achieve eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs ) by 2015, with a
focus on s ocioeconomic development is s ues s uch as poverty, health and education.
While s ignificant progres s has been made in s ome areas , it has been uneven acros s
goals , countries and regions . As we work on a pos t-2015 development agenda, we mus t
ens ure that the s us tainable development goals being formulated build on the
foundation laid by the MDGs . It is als o es s ential that we develop an agenda that is
trans formative, with the eradication of poverty and hunger and the promotion of
s us tained and inclus ive economic growth as its overarching objectives . It s hould be
holis tic, action-oriented and univers ally applicable, while paying due attention to
the various regional and national realities as well as levels of development.As
part of the pos t-2015 development agenda, we will have to addres s means of
implementation in terms of financial res ources , technology development and trans fer
and capacity-building. That will require a s trengthened global partners hip, one
that will fos ter partners hips between and among Governments , provide for an
increas ed role for the private s ector, ens ure a fair international trading regime
and fos ter national and foreign direct inves tments . Our ultimate objective s hould
be to create a trans formative agenda that s upports global s olutions , guides
national development efforts and empowers people to improve their livelihoods and
determine their own future.Climate change, which continues largely unabated, is one
of the defining global challenges of our time. Its advers e effects are evident in
pers is tent extreme weather conditions , floods , extended droughts and ris ing s ea
levels . There can be no doubt that thos e effects threaten humank ind's very
exis tence. Small is land States in particular are becoming increas ingly vulnerable.
To pres erve planet Earth for ours elves and s ucceeding generations , we have an
obligation to combat climate change, through, among other things , mitigation and
adaptation meas ures . Climate-change financing and technology trans fer will be
particularly central to that caus e. It is therefore important that during the
s ixty-ninth s es s ion we give appropriate impetus and momentum to the ongoing proces s
under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, in order to reach
a global agreement on climate change in 2015.The coming year will be of his toric
s ignificance, s ince it will mark the s eventieth annivers ary of the United Nations .
Today, the world is vas tly different from what it was in 1945. While the principles
of the Organization remain s olid, the changing world obliges us to adjus t to new
and changing realities . Central to that is the continued revitalization of the
General As s embly and the reform of the Security Council and other relevant United
Nations bodies . The intergovernmental negotiation proces s on Security Council
reform has not yet made the des ired progres s . I will be work ing with every Member
State to mak e further progres s on this particular is s ue.At the operational level,
experience has s hown that fos tering cooperation between the United Nations and
regional and s ubregional organizations pos itively contributes to development and
the maintenance of peace and s ecurity. We have s een many s ucces s es in many parts of
the world, es pecially Africa, where the United Nations and various regional
organizations have utilized their unique and complementary capacities to res olve
conflicts . I am convinced that this cooperation has yet to reach its full potential
and s hould be s ubs tantially s trengthened. I als o believe that we s hould s trengthen
cooperation and coordination among regional organizations thems elves to addres s
common challenges .We s hould mak e greater efforts and launch more initiatives aimed
at achieving the peaceful s ettlement of dis putes , as envis aged in Article 33 of the
Charter2/814-4267011/06/2014A/68/PV.93?of the United Nations . Conflict prevention
is a cheaper and more s us tainable option.In pos t-conflict s ituations , we need to
s tep up peacebuilding efforts and s upport countries in building effective national
ins titutions . That is es s ential for avoiding relaps e and for enabling thos e
countries to move towards s us tainable peace, recons truction, economic recovery and
development.We s hould als o s trengthen our collective res olve to counter the forces
that fuel polarization and extremis m. That tens ion has often manifes ted its elf in
violent terroris t attack s , s erving as a cons tant reminder of the threat of
extremis t ideology. The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations is an important
initiative aimed at improving tolerance, unders tanding and cooperative relations
among nations and peoples acros s cultures and religions . I will s upport further
enhancement of the Alliance's role towards that end.I will focus on further
advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women in the s ixty-ninth s es s ion,
during which we will mark the twentieth annivers ary of the groundbreak ing Beijing
meeting that provided a framework and road map for promoting women's rights and
achieving gender equality. Since 1995, the United Nations and the international
community have made s ignificant progres s in advancing gender equality, but there
remains a lot of work to be done.That reminds me of the experience of one Nabanja,
a married woman and mother of four children in Kas hongi village in my parliamentary
cons tituency, who acquired land with her hus band in 2010. Two week s ago, in my
cons tituency, Nabanja told me that her hus band had s old the land without her
k nowledge, leaving her and her children with no home or means of s urvival. There
are s everal s uch examples the world over that put in s harp focus the need to s eize
this his toric opportunity to galvanize action and mobilize all actors for
accelerated and effective advancement of gender equality and the empowerment of
women under the leaders hip of UN-Women.I will be s haring with the General As s embly,
in due cours e, my propos als on how to effectively move all the aforementioned
priorities forward, with its s upport.I am propos ing the theme for the s ixty-ninth
s es s ion to be "Delivering on and implementing a trans formative pos t-2015
development agenda". The theme builds on the important work and progres s beingmade
in the current s es s ion. It unders cores the need to focus not only on delivering or
agreeing the pos t- 2015 development agenda, but als o, mos t important, on ens uring
its effective implementation.I am motivated by putting people at the centre of
everything we do. I am motivated by the need for s ocioeconomic trans formation. I
look forward to work ing with the General As s embly to develop an agenda that will
eradicate poverty and hunger and create s us tained and inclus ive growth, employment
and better livelihoods for all.In that endeavour, we can all draw ins piration from
the words of the late Pres ident Nels on Mandela, who, in his s peech at an event of
the "Campaign to Mak e Poverty His tory" held in London in 2005, s aid,"Overcoming
poverty is not a ges ture of charity. It is an act of jus tice. It is the protection
of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life. While poverty
pers is ts , there is no true freedom."We truly have a once-in-a-generation
opportunity to build "the future we want". Fifty-one years ago, in 1963, Pres ident
John F. Kennedy in his addres s to the General As s embly in this Hall s aid,"Never
before has man had s uch capacity to control his own environment: to end thirs t and
hunger; to conquer poverty and dis eas e, to banis h illiteracy and mas s ive human
mis ery. We have the power to mak e this the bes t generation of mank ind in the
his tory of the world -- or to mak e it the las t." (A/PV.1209, p. 6) If that was
applicable to his generation 51 years ago, it is even more applicable to today's
generation. The s cale and reach of mos t of the challenges we face, coupled with the
limited capacity of many of thos e wors t affected, requires that we addres s them
collectively. The United Nations exis ts to find s olutions through our combined
efforts .I will endeavour to guide the work of the General As s embly in an active and
effective manner. My pledge to the As s embly is my firm commitment to being
acces s ible, trans parent, fair and balanced, and I count on its s upport and
cooperation.The Pres ident: I thank His Excellency Mr. Sam Kutes a, Pres ident-elect
for the s ixty-ninth s es s ion of the General As s embly.14-426703/8A/68/PV.9311/06/2014
?Permit me now to mak e a s tatement.I would lik e to extend my congratulations to
Minis ter Kutes a on his election by acclamation as Pres ident of the United Nations
General As s embly at its s ixty-ninth s es s ion.As Pres ident-elect, Mr. Kutes a brings
to the role s ignificant experience and extens ive back ground in politics , law and
the private s ector. He has s erved as his country's Minis ter for Foreign Affairs
s ince 2005, during which he has led and overs een major activities and events ,
including Uganda's term in the Security Council in 2009-2010. He als o has over 30
years of legis lative experience as an elected Member of Parliament in Uganda.
Undoubtedly, thos e pos itions , among other prominent roles he has held, will s erve
him well as he tak es on the tas k of being the next Pres ident of the General
As s embly.The Pres ident-elect will as s ume the Office at a critical time for the
United Nations when Member States will begin the long and arduous proces s of
elaborating the pos t-2015 development agenda, the end res ult of which mus t be
inclus ive and people-centred and mus t be of immens e s ignificance and importance for
both the people of today and the many generations to come. As Pres ident-elect, he
will be expected to guide that proces s throughout the s ixty-ninth s es s ion s o that,
at the s tart of the next, the Member States will be well pos itioned to adopt a new
global development framework that is ambitious , focus ed and leads to meaningful
change.With his election by acclamation today, Member States have bes towed on him
the initial trus t that is neces s ary to commence that mammoth tas k .Over the next
three months , my team and I will continue to s et the s tage for the new agenda,
including by convening a two-day high-level s tock tak ing event on 8 and 9 September.
That event will enable Member States and other s tak eholders to s hare their views on
inputs to the Secretary-General's s ynthes is report, which will form the bas is of
the intergovernmental negotiations on the pos t-2015 development agenda.Finally, I
wis h to affirm that in the period leading up to the formal as s umption of this
Office by Pres ident- elect Kutes a on 16 September, my team and I are available for
any s upport required and offer our full cooperation. We will continue to work with
his team s o as to ens ure a s mooth and s eamles s trans ition.Once again, I
congratulate and welcome Pres ident- elect Kutes a and wis h him every s ucces s as
Pres ident of the General As s embly at its s ixty-ninth s es s ion.I now give the floor
to the Secretary-General, His Excellency Mr. Ban Ki-moon.The Secretary-General: I
congratulate His Excellency Mr. Sam Kutes a on his election as Pres ident of the
General As s embly at its s ixty-ninth s es s ionAs a lawyer, parliamentarian, Finance
Minis ter and Foreign Minis ter, Mr. Kutes a brings wide-ranging experience to the
job. I wis h him every s ucces s as he tak es up his important res pons ibilities .The
pos ition of Pres ident of the General As s embly demands a variety of s k ills . I s aw
that for mys elf when I s erved as Chef de Cabinet to the Pres ident of the General
As s embly at its fifty-s ixth s es s ion. One mus t be able to build bridges among all
Member States , not jus t the mos t powerful ones . One needs patience, s ince
negotiations and cons ultations can tak e time. At times , one s erves as a quiet
guide, a mes s enger and a s eek er of cons ens us . At all times , the Pres ident of the
General As s embly is guided above all by the values , principles and obligations of
the Charter of the United Nations , whos e s eventieth annivers ary will be celebrated
during Mr. Kutes a's term.Thos e many roles will be es pecially important during the
upcoming s es s ion of the As s embly, when many critical s treams of work will converge
and reach the moment of truth. Our efforts to accelerate our work for the
Millennium Development Goals will enter the home s tretch. Dis cus s ions by Member
States on the period beyond 2015 will move towards what we hope will be an
ins piring yet practical vis ion and a concis e s et of goals that reflect the many
voices we have heard and will lay out the path for a new and trans formative
s us tainable development agenda. On the grave overarching challenge of climate
change, the Climate Summit on 23 September and the Conference of the Parties in
Lima in December will be k ey moments to mobilize s olutions on the ground and the
ambition for a new global agreement next year.The As s embly will als o be called on
to addres s other k ey concerns , including dis armament, humanitarian as s is tance, the
s pecial needs of Africa and the participation of the world's young people. Mr.
Kutes a will focus on s trengthening the United Nations its elf. We mus t continue our
efforts to end all4/814-4267011/06/2014A/68/PV.93?forms of dis crimination and to
ens ure that each and every member of the human family can enjoy their fundamental
human rights .The s ixty-ninth s es s ion will be a period of great cons equence for the
well-being and s hared fate of people and the planet. I look forward to work ing with
the new Pres ident of the As s embly and with all Member States to do our part to end
extreme poverty and to s et the world on a peaceful, jus t and s us tainable path.Let
us work together to maintain high ambition and to meet the expectations of the
billions of people acros s the globe who look to the As s embly, this hous e of all
nations , for dialogue, decis ions and action to bring about the world that we want
and a life of dignity for all.The Pres ident: I thank the Secretary-General for his
s tatement.I now give the floor to the repres entative of the Gambia, who will s peak
on behalf of the Group of African States .Mr. Tangara (Gambia) : For Africa, the
importance of the s ixty-ninth s es s ion cannot be overemphas ized, particularly as
Africa as s umes the pres idency to chart the waters of the development agenda for
2015 and beyond. On behalf of the African Group, we would lik e to congratulate the
current Pres ident of the General As s embly for his talented leaders hip as we move
towards the conclus ion of the s ixty-eighth s es s ion of the General As s embly, and
pledge our continuous s upport for all his efforts for a s eamles s trans ition towards
the s ixty-ninth s es s ion.Africa's acces s ion to the pres idency means for us , Africa,
a s ens e of duty to contribute to the s ervice of our global community of nations .
The African Group will continue to work with the other groups in the s pirit of
mutual res pect, compromis e and cons ens us -building.On behalf of the Group, we once
again congratulate Sam Kutes a, who is an accomplis hed s tates man.(s pok e in French) We
have had the opportunity
to work with Mr. Kutes a as Minis ter for Foreign Affairs of Uganda and we k now his
capability, the s ens e of good work done that characterizes him and his wis dom,
s ince he guided us when we had a very young Minis ter for Foreign Affairs and the
pres ence of Mr. Kutes a was greatly appreciated. We are convinced that the
opportunity provided to him today will allow him to s ow the s eeds of enlightenment
to illuminate the work of all who wis h to s trive for a better world living in
harmony and without conflict.(s pok e in Englis h) We wis h him s ucces s and have no
doubt that he will live up to expectation. He has the s upport of Africa and, I
believe, of all our colleagues pres ent here.The Pres ident: I now give the floor to
the repres entative of Bos nia and Herzegovina, who will s peak on behalf of the Group
of Eas tern European States .Ms . C?olak ovic? (Bos nia and Herzegovina) : On behalf of
the Group of Eas tern European States , it is an honour to congratulate His
Excellency Mr. Sam Kutes a, Minis ter for Foreign Affairs of Uganda, on his election
as Pres ident of the General As s embly at its s ixty-ninth s es s ion. Mr. Kutes a tak es
over the helm of the General As s embly at a time when the world is continuing to
face various global challenges and when the role of the General As s embly is
becoming invaluable in finding comprehens ive s olutions to the increas ing number of
world is s ues .The Pres ident-elect brings to his pos ition extens ive parliamentary and
diplomatic experience. We hope that Mr. Kutes a will continue to lead the General
As s embly s ucces s fully towards the promotion of peace and s ecurity and the
achievement of the Millennium Development Goals , while work ing together with the
States Members of the United Nations to define a s us tainable development agenda
beyond 2015.The incoming Pres ident tak es over from His Excellency Mr. John As he,
who has been s ucces s ful in leading this body during the pas t year. On behalf of the
Group of Eas tern European States , I would lik e to expres s our deepes t res pect and
gratitude to Pres ident As he for all his efforts and impres s ive action during the
s ixty-eighth s es s ion of the General As s embly on the is s ues that concern the nations
of the world. We are confident that his extens ive engagement with the United
Nations s ys tem will continue in the coming years . We es pecially want to emphas ize,
and thank Pres ident As he for, his invaluable contribution to achieving the
Millennium Development Goals and s etting the s tage for the pos t-2015 era, as well
as his efforts to advance the revitalization of the General As s embly and the reform
of the Security Council.On behalf of the Group of Eas tern European States , I would
lik e to pledge our full s upport to the Pres ident-14-426705/8A/68/PV.9311/06/2014?
elect during his tenure and to wis h him every s ucces s in carrying out his duties
during the s ixty-ninth s es s ion of the General As s embly.In conclus ion, with regard
to yes terday's terroris t act of the k idnapping at the Cons ul General of Turk ey and
diplomatic officers in Mos ul, the members of the Group of Eas tern European States
reaffirm that terroris m, in all its forms and manifes tations , is criminal and
unjus tifiable regardles s of its motivation and wherever, whenever and by whoms oever
it is committed and s hould not be as s ociated with any religion, nationality,
civilization or ethnic group.The Pres ident: I now give the floor to the
repres entative of the United Kingdom, who will s peak on behalf of the Group of
Wes tern European and other States .Sir Mark Lyall Grant (United Kingdom) : I have the
honour to addres s the General As s embly today on behalf of the Group of Wes tern
European and other States . On behalf of the Group, I would lik e to extend our
congratulations to His Excellency Mr. Sam Kutes a, Foreign Minis ter of Uganda, on
his election to this important pos ition. We trus t that he will s erve well the
collective good of the General As s embly.We look forward to work ing with the
Pres ident- elect during the s ixty-ninth s es s ion. That will be an important year for
the General As s embly as we work towards agreement on a new and trans formative
international development agenda. We welcome the priority that he has promis ed to
give to the is s ue. Collectively we mus t ens ure that the new agenda puts the world
firmly on a path to end extreme poverty through s ucces s ful s us tainable development
and to advance the protection, promotion and realization of human rights for all
people, without dis crimination or dis tinction of any k ind or for any reas on. We
look to the Pres ident-elect to s upport and guide that collective endeavour
throughout his term in office.We would als o lik e to expres s our Group's
appreciation for the leaders hip of the outgoing Pres ident of the General As s embly,
His Excellency Mr. John As he. We are particularly grateful for his tireles s efforts
to promote dialogue and mutual unders tanding among Member States on the different
as pects of the pos t-2015 development agenda.On behalf of the Group of Wes tern
European and other States , I wis h the Pres ident and the Pres ident- elect every
s ucces s in their important work .The Pres ident: I now give the floor to the
repres entative of the United Arab Emirates , who will s peak on behalf of the Group
of As ia-Pacific States .Mrs . Nus s eibeh (United Arab Emirates ) : On behalf of the
Member States of the Group of As ia-Pacific States , for which the United Arab
Emirates has as s umed chairmans hip today, it is an honour to congratulate His
Excellency Mr. Sam Kutes a, Minis ter for Foreign Affairs of Uganda, on his election
as Pres ident of the General As s embly at its s ixty-ninth s es s ion.We als o tak e this
opportunity as a Group to thank His Excellency Mr. John As he, who has very ably led
the General As s embly during the pas t year and who will no doubt continue to do s o
in the few months ahead.The Member States of the Group remain committed to actively
work ing alongs ide the Office of the Pres ident of the General As s embly. We offer our
s upport to his ambitious and important agenda, which he has jus t outlined for us
today. We wis h him every s ucces s in this important role at this critical time in
the world.Drawing of lots for the s eating protocol for the s ixty-ninth regular
s es s ionThe Pres ident: As mentioned in the Journal of the United Nations , we will
now proceed to the drawing of lots to determine the Member State that will occupy
the firs t s eat in the General As s embly Hall at the s ixty-ninth s es s ion. In
accordance with the es tablis hed practice, the Secretary-General draws the name of
one Member State from a box containing the names of the Member States of the
General As s embly. The delegation whos e name is drawn will occupy the firs t s eat of
the General As s embly Hall, and the other countries will follow in the Englis h
alphabetical order. The s ame order will be obs erved in the Main Committees .I now
invite the Secretary-General to proceed with the drawing of lots .Having been drawn
by a lot by the Secretary- General, Cuba was chos en to occupy the firs t s eat in the
General As s embly Hall at the s ixty-ninth s es s ion.I thank the Secretary-General for
the drawing of the lots .6/814-4267011/06/2014A/68/PV.93?Agenda item 6Election of
the Vice-Pres idents of the General As s emblyElection of the Vice-Pres idents of the
General As s embly for the s ixty-ninth s es s ionThe Pres ident: I s hould now lik e to
cons ult members with the view to proceeding to the election of the Vice-Pres idents
of the General As s embly at the s ixty-ninth s es s ion.In accordance with rule 30 of
the rules of procedure of the General As s embly,"The Vice-Pres idents s hall be
elected after the election of the Chairmen of the s ix Main Committees , referred to
in rule 98, in s uch as way as to ens ure the repres entative character of the General
Committee."It is my unders tanding that, s ince the elections of the Chairpers ons of
the Main Committees will conform with decis ion 68/505, of 1 October 2013, on the
"Interim arrangement on the pattern for the rotation of the chairs of the Main
Committees of the General As s embly", it will not have an impact on the geographical
dis tribution of the Vice-Pres idents of the As s embly and the repres entative
character of the General Committee.May I tak e it that the General As s embly
therefore agrees to proceed to elect the Vice-Pres idents of the General As s embly?It
was s o decided.The Pres ident: In accordance with rule 30 of the rules of procedure
of the General As s embly, we s hall now proceed to the election of the 21 Vice-
Pres idents of the General As s embly for the s ixty-ninth s es s ion.All members of the
General As s embly are eligible in this election, except the delegation already
repres ented in the General Committee, namely, Uganda, the country whos e
repres entative has jus t been elected to the pres idency of the General As s embly for
the s ixty- ninth s es s ion.In accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of the annex to
res olution 33/138, of 19 December 1978, the 21 Vice-Pres idents of the General
As s embly for the s ixty-ninth s es s ion s hall be elected according to the following
pattern: five repres entatives from African States , five repres entatives from As ia-
Pacific States , one repres entative from Eas tern European States , three
repres entatives from Latin American and Caribbean States , two repres entatives from
Wes tern European and other States and five repres entatives from the permanent
members of the Security Council.In accordance with paragraph 16 of General As s embly
decis ion 34/401, the election of the Vice-Pres idents of the As s embly by s ecret
ballot will be dis pens ed with when the number of candidates corres ponds to the
number of s eats to be filled.We s hall proceed accordingly.I s hall now read the
names on the s late of candidates :African States : Burk ina Fas o, the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, Libya, the Niger, and Swaziland.As ia-Pacific States : Cyprus ,
Kiribati, Oman, Pak is tan and Tajik is tan.Eas tern European
States : Georgia.Latin American and Caribbean States : Argentina, Grenada and Saint
Lucia.Wes tern European and other States : Iceland and Portugal.Since the number of
candidates corres ponds to the number of s eats to be filled in each region, I
declare thos e candidates elected, in addition to the five repres entatives from the
permanent members of the Security Council.The following States have therefore been
elected to vice-pres idencies of the General As s embly for the s ixty-ninth s es s ion:
Argentina, Burk ina Fas o, China, Cyprus , the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
France, Georgia, Grenada, Iceland, Kiribati, Libya, the Niger, Oman, Pak is tan,
Portugal, the Rus s ian Federation, Saint Lucia, Swaziland, Tajik is tan, the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America.I
wis h to tak e this opportunity to congratulate the States that have jus t been
elected Vice-Pres idents of the General As s embly for the s ixty-ninth s es s ion.Before
adjourning, I wis h to inform members that, as agreed by the Chairs of the Main
Committees , the cons ecutive meetings of the s ix Main Committees s cheduled for today
are pos tponed to Monday, 16 June 2014. An announcement in the Journal of the United
Nations will follow.14-426707/8A/68/PV.9311/06/2014?I wis h to remind members that
after the election of the Chairpers ons of the s ix Main Committees , the General
Committee of the General As s embly for thes ixty-ninth s es s ion will then be fully
cons tituted in accordance with rule 38 of the rules of procedure.The meeting ros e
at 3.55 p.m.8/814-42670

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