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>BIT Mesra BIRLASOFT-2003(Technical) set Tech-01

>1. What is a Test Case ?
>a)€€€€€ A set of instructions to perform a certain action in software .
>b)€€€€€ A defect
>c)€€€€€ *A test data for testing
>d)€€€€€ Guidelines for writing a defect
>2. What does PCMM stand for ?
>a)€€€€€ *People Capability Maturity Model
>b)€€€€€ Process Capability Maturity Model
>c)€€€€€ Project Can Make Modern
>d)€€€€€ Process Cost Matrix Model
>3.What does SCM stand for in SDLC ?
>a)€€€€€ Software Control Mechanism
>b)€€€€€ System Consistency Mode
>c)€€€€€ *Software Configuration Management
>d)€€€€€ Software Code and Maintenance
>4. What are cookies ?
>a)€€€€€ Temporary files stored on the web server
>b)€€€€€ *Temporary files created and stored on the clients system
>c)€€€€€ Files already existing on client s system
>d)€€€€€ Compiled files placed on the application server
>5. Which of the following best explains life cycle of Defect ?
>a)€€€€€ Defect Found -> Defect Logged -> Defect Debugged -> Defect Closed€ -> Defect Reche
>b)€€€€€ Defect Found -> Defect Debugged -> Defect Reported -> Defect Rechecked -> Defect
>c)€€€€€ Defect Debugged -> Defect Found -> Defect Closed -> Defect Reported -> Defect Rec
>d)€€€€€ *Defect Found -> Defect Logged -> Defect Debugged -> Defect Rechecked -> Defect C
>6. Which group does Winrunner ,Load Runner ,SQA Suite fall under ?
>a)€€€€€ Databases
>b)€€€€€ Automated€ Test Tools
>c)€€€€€ Operating Systems
>d)€€€€€ *Rapid Application Development Tool
>7.€€€ i = 0;
>€€€€€€€ j = 0;
>€€€€€€€ for(j=1;j<10;j++)
>€€€€€€€€€€€€ i=i+1;
>€€€€€ In the (generic) code segment above what will be the value of the variable i at com
pletion ?
>a)€€€€€ 0
>b)€€€€€ 1
>c)€€€€€ 3
>d)€€€€€ *9
>8. Which of the following statements is true when a derivation inherits both a
virtual and non-virtual instance of a base class ?
>a)€€€€€ Each derived class object has base objects only from the non virtual instance
>b)€€€€€ Each base class object has derived objects only from the non-virtual instance
>c)€€€€€ Each derived class object has base objects only from the virtual instance
>d)€€€€€ Each derived class object has a base object from the virtual instance and a base
object from non-virtual instance.
>9. class Word
>€€€€ {
>€€€€€€€€ public:
>€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ Word(const char*,int = 0);
>€€€€€ };
>€€€€€ Referring to the sample code above what is the minimum number of arguments required
to call the constructor ?
>a)€€€€€ 0
>b)€€€€€ *1
>c)€€€€€ 2
>d)€€€€€ 3
>10. Which one of the following represents a correct and safe declaration of NUL
L ?
>a)€€€€€ typedef((void *)0) NULL;
>b)€€€€€ typedef NULL(char *)0;
>c)€€€€€ *€ #define NULL((void *)0)
>d)€€€€€ #define NULL((char*)0)
>11. #include <iostraem>
>€€€€€€ Referring to the sample code above ,which of the following could you use to make th
standars I/O Stream classes accessible without requiring the scope resolution o
perator ?
>a)€€€€€ using namespace std::iostream
>b)€€€€€ *using namespace std;
>c)€€€€€ using namespace iostream ;
>d)€€€€€ using iostream;
>12. Which one of the following statements allocates enough space to hold an arr
ay of 10 integers that are initialized to 0 ?
>a)€€€€€ *int *ptr = (int *) calloc(10,sizeof(int));
>b)€€€€€ int *ptr = (int *) alloc( 10*sizeof(int));
>c)€€€€€ int *ptr = (int *) malloc( 10*sizeof(int));
>d)€€€€€ int *ptr = (int *)calloc(10*sizeof(int));
>13. Every foreign key must have an associated ______________.
>a)€€€€€ *Primary Key
>b)€€€€€ Uniqueness constraint
>c)€€€€€ Index
>d)€€€€€ Common Key
>14. Views can typically be constructed using all of the following operations EX
>a)€€€€€ Other views
>b)€€€€€ *Aggregate Functions
>c)€€€€€ Distinct clauses
>d)€€€€€ Order by clauses
>15. Each of the following can reduce deadlocks except____________.
>a)€€€€€ Avoid hotspots
>b)€€€€€ Keep transactions as short as possible
>c)€€€€€ Always use the table level locking available
>d)€€€€€ *Use database stored procedures whenever possible
>16. Create index myindex on vtable(a,b)
>€€€€€€€ What is wrong with the SQL above if column a is an integer and column b is a varch
and all allow nulls ?
>a)€€€€€ Indexed columns cannot allow nulls
>b)€€€€€ Indexes can not mix character and numeric columns
>c)€€€€€ Only one column is allowed per index
>d)€€€€€ Nothing
>17. Which is typically a result of denormalization ?
>a)€€€€€ *Reduced join operations
>b)€€€€€ Slower performance databases
>c)€€€€€ Higher concurrency
>d)€€€€€ More tables
>18. What is the command to search all files in your current directory for the w
ord plasmodium ?
>a)€€€€€ *grep plasmodium *
>b)€€€€€ find plasmodium all
>c)€€€€€ lookup plasmodium *
>d)€€€€€ All of the above
>19. #!/bin/ksh
>€€€€€€ x=jello; y=jelly
>€€€ if [[$x!= $y]]
>€€€ then
>€€€€€€€€€€€ print $x is unequal to $y
>€€€ else
>€€€€€€€€€€€ print $x is equal to $y
>€€ fi
>Which one of the following is the output when above script is run?
>a)€€€€€ An error message because $jello is not set
>b)€€€€€ Jello is equal to jelly
>c)€€€€€ $x is unequal to jelly
>d)€€€€€ *jello is un equal to jelly
>20. What does unmask command to ?
>a)€€€€€ *It sets the default permissions on files when they are created
>b)€€€€€ It changes the permissions on a specific file
>c)€€€€€ It allows the user to change switch their userID to that of another user
>d)€€€€€ It masks out selected other users ,thereby preventing them changing their userID
o yours
>21.Consider the following script :
>€€€€€€ #!/bin/ksh
>€€€€€€ name=Smiley
>€€€€€€ test $name = Spy
>€€€€€€ echo $ ?
>Referring to the script above which one of the following correctly explains the
output ?
>a)€€€€€ The test command compares the strings Smiley and Spy and since they are not equal
,returns an exit status of 1 ,which is echoed out .
>b)€€€€€ The test command compares the strings name and SPY ,and since they are not equal
,returns an exit status of 1,which is echoed out .
>c)€€€€€ *The test command compares the strings Smiley and SPY and since they both begin w
ith capital S ,it returns an exit status of 0,which is echoed out.
>d)€€€€€ The output of the script is $? Since that string has no special meaning in the Ko
rn Shell.
>22. How do you print the first 15 lines of all files ending by .txt ?
>a)€€€€€ print 15 .txt
>b)€€€€€ cat *.txt length =15
>c)€€€€€ *head 15 *.txt
>d)€€€€€ head 15.txt
>23. Which command cannot be used for filtering the output ?
>a)€€€€€ grep
>b)€€€€€ *sed
>c)€€€€€ tee
>d)€€€€€ fgrep
>24. What would be the result of attempting to compile and run the following pie
ce of code ?
>€€€€€€ public class Test
>€€€€€€ static int x;
>€€€€€€€€ public static void main(String args[]){
>€€€€€€€€€ System.out.println( Value is + x);
>€€€€€€€€ }
>€€€€€€ }
>a)€€€€€ *The output Value is 0 is printed
>b)€€€€€ An object of type NullPointerException is thrown
>c)€€€€€ An illegal array declaration syntax compiler error occurs
>d)€€€€€ A possible reference before assignment compiler error occurs
>25. What is the output displayed by the following program ?
>€€€€€€€ Class Question
>€€€€€€€€€ Public static void main(String args[]){
>€€€€€€€€€€€ String s1= ab ;
>€€€€€€€€€€€ String s2= abcd ;
>€€€€€€€€€€€ String s3= cd ;
>€€€€€€€€€€€ String s4= s1+s3;
>€€€€€€€€€€€ S1= s4;
>€€€€€€€€€€€ System.out.print( s1 +((s1==s2)? == : != )+ s2 );
>€€€€€€€ }
>€€€€€ }
>a)€€€€€ s1 == s2
>b)€€€€€ *s1 != s2
>c)€€€€€ s1
>d)€€€€€ s1 == abcd

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