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As a medical student, I found the various interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) to be horribly

confusing. The most common idiopathic ILD is idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, which is
often used interchangeably with usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP). Is there a

Well, yes. UIP is a histopathological description of a lung biopsy that has a specific
pattern of fibrosis. (It’s a horrible name, but I was recently told that they tried to change it
a decade or two ago and couldn’t come up with anything better.) UIP might also be used
to refer to specific findings on high-resolution CT that has a very high correlation with
UIP on histopathology. High-res CT is now so good that you usually don’t need the
biopsy to know that a patient has UIP.

IPF, on the other hand, is what you call someone with UIP in the lungs if you don’t know
why they have it. There are many things that cause UIP on CT and biopsy, including
chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis, connective tissue disorders, and drugs. If the
patient doesn’t have any of those diseases or exposures, then it’s said to be idiopathic,
and you call it idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

This distinction is actually very important, because IPF has a very poor prognosis and
has no good disease-modifying treatments, whereas some of the other causes of
UIP can be treated.


Medscape : proses patologis honeycomb pada ipf adalah terjadinya ruang kistik yang terisi udara,
dibatasi oleh epitel bronkiolus, dan memiliki dinding tebal terdiri dari jaringan fibrosa padat. Pada
HRCT honeycomb berupa ruang kistik diameternya dalam millimeter hingga centimeter terisi oleh
udara dengan dinding tegas ketebalan 1-3mm.

Honeycomb dibedakan dari penebalan interstitial intralobular dari pada basis ruang kistik. Pada
honeycomb ruang ksitik tampak hitam (udara), tetapi pada penebalan interstitial intralobular isi
ruang tampak abu-abu (parenkim paru). Honeycomb terjadi karena ipf dan secara patologis adalah
proses terminal.


Gambaran histopatologi pada ipf yaitu fibroblastic fokal. Usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP)
merupakan penemuan patologis dari ipf, dan fibroplastic dan honeycomb merupakan gambaran dari
UIP. Fibrolastic fokal meilputi fibroblast dan myofibroblas.
Mehran farid- moayer. Idiophatic pulmobary fibrosis : killer without a cause. Desember 5 2017.

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