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Name: Cristine Joy B.


Instructor: Ms. Marjorie Resullar


My understanding about our subject RS 4 (Liturgy and Sacraments) was that the

seven sacraments are very important to us because it accompany us as we travel in

this world, because the first sacrament is Baptism and the last sacrament is the

anointing of the sick. Sacraments are visible rites seen as signs and efficacious

channels of the grace of God to all those who receive them with the proper

disposition. And sevenfold list of sacraments is often organized into three

categories which are the sacraments of initiation, into the Church, the body of

Christ, consisting of Baptism, the Eucharist, and Confirmation. The sacraments of

healing, consisting of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick and the sacraments

of service, Holy Orders and Matrimony. Baptism is the start of our Christian life

and the anointing of the sick is the end. Confirmation part of the initiation process

with God and the Church, where the candidate receives the gift of the Holy Spirit

and continues their journey with Christ. While the sacrament of Eucharist means

thanksgiving. This is when Christ’s body and blood are offered and then received

by the parishioner in the form of bread and wine. Penance and Reconciliation is the

sacrament of spiritual healing of a baptized person from the distancing from God

resulting from sins committed. When people sin after baptism, they cannot have

baptism as a remedy; Baptism, which is a spiritual regeneration, cannot be given a

second time. Anointing of the Sick is another opportunity for the Christian to
experience the healing power of Jesus. It is a celebration of Christ's loving

concern for a member of the Church afflicted with illness. It is more than an offer

of relief and consolation; rather, it is the conferral of a grace that heals at the

deepest level of our physical affliction. This sacrament helps people grow through

their sickness or advancing old age. It is a consecration of people for suffering in a

dedicated manner with Christ which also offers graces of restoration to contradict

the weakness which accompanies illness. Sacrament of the Holy Orders are about

commitment of a person to God as to serve. Not all people can be a priest, bishop

or deacons it its about the calling of the God in a certain person. Matrimony, or

Marriage, is another sacrament that consecrates for a particular mission in

building up the Church, and that provides grace. This sacrament, seen as a sign of

the love uniting Christ and the Church, establishes between the spouses a

permanent and exclusive bond, sealed by God. Knowing the importance of the 7

sacrament is very helpful, through to this I felt that it is a stepping stone to be a

good child of God.

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