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September 2018

I want to use the beginning of this space, this month, to say thank you.

Thank you for the ways you are serving others. From delivering Meals
on Wheels in Blooming Prairie to serving Sunday coffee at Prairie
Manor. From donating peanut butter and tuna fish to putting your coins
every month in the noisy coin bucket. From delivering bread to our
neighbors to caring for one another in ways too numerous to list. From
trying new things in worship to praying for the people on our prayer list.

Thank you.

Maybe you remember that that’s how Paul begins his letters. He begins
with thanksgiving, thanking God for the people to whom he is writing and
for their faith.

As we begin a new season, a new school year, I feel the winds shift.
Church begins to host a bit more activity. Exciting events like the
cowboy service will soon be here. We focus on worship and service with
new energy.

And I’m excited for where this new season will take us. There will be a new year of GIFT (Growing in
Faith Together) with families. A new group of students will join our confirmation class. Plans will be
underway for the holiday season and how we can best serve our neighbors. We will be teaming up
with the first grade classrooms at Blooming Prairie Elementary to support and help kids grow in
learning. Noisy Coin money will continue to go out, beyond our doors, in love and support of
organizations helping neighbors.

We have some really exciting ministry opportunities in this new season and beyond; we’re always on
the lookout for people who have a heart for what we’re doing and a willingness to be involved from
the ground floor. Do you have ideas? Time to share? Energy to lead? Please talk to me or a member
of council.

Together, we have done and will do great things in the name of our faith, to follow the commandment
to love and serve our neighbors. I’m excited to see where this season will take us.

Pastor Lindsay
Red Oak Grove Lutheran Church
Special Congregational Meeting – August 5, 2018

A special meeting of the congregation was called to order by Vice President, Diane Maxwell for the purpose of
voting on the proposed revisions of the Constitution.

After the revisions were explained by Pastor Lindsay, the session was opened for questions. Discussion on
the number of council members was brought up. This was discussed and an understanding of the change was
accepted. Many of the changes were directed by the Synod, and others reflected changes in the procedures
that are currently in use by the congregation.

The committee members were; Suzanne Hamersma, Jenny Ingvalson and Julie Hoffman. They were thanked
for the attention to making the Constitution more in line with the Synod and our congregation.

The question was called. After secret ballots were completed, the tellers; Mike Hoffman, Jacob Ulland and Al
Wesely announced that the vote was 45 in favor of the resolution and 5 against. The resolution passed and
will be presented at the Annual Meeting in September.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Laura Tjomsland, Council Secretary

The Annual Meeting of Red Oak Grove Lutheran Church will be held on
September 16, 2018 following the 9 a.m. worship service.

Pastoral Acts: Wedding – Wendy Cadwell and John Trihus

Funeral – David Albert Spinler

God has blessed me with many family and friends. Thank you to all who
helped me celebrate my 90th birthday. I appreciate the cards, gifts, and well
wishes. Ardell Lindquist

Dear family and friends, thank you for your birthday greetings-cards,
messages, pictures, and prayers I received from you. I enjoyed the stories
shared and all the good wishes. Your thoughtfulness was appreciated. Sincerely, Nina Ingvalson

Thank you to the circles for serving Prairie Manor Sunday Coffee Hour. Also to all who helped deliver Meals
on Wheels in August. Joyce Peterson
The meeting was called to order by President, Brent Ingvalson. Members in attendance included; Brent
Ingvalson, Diane Maxwell, Jenny Ingvalson, Marilyn Helleck, Tom Harber, Tammy Harber, Marilyn Ulland,
Jamie Hanson, Karen Johnson, Pastor Lindsay and Laura Tjomsland.

Opening devotions were led by Pastor Lindsay. Highs and lows were shared.
Pastor’s Report was presented. Information was shared about the past month, which included; 3 Prairie Manor
services, 16 visits, 6 with communion, 2 funerals, 1 baptism, 1 wedding and 6 hours of premarital counseling.
There are many activities coming up in the next month.
Secretary’s Report was presented. A motion was made by Diane and seconded by Jenny to approve the
report as presented. The motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report was presented. A motion was made by Laura and seconded by Tom to approve the report
as presented. The motion carried. Highlights included; opening balance of $23,004.83, income of $9,259.28,
expense were $8,730.16, leaving a balance of $23,533.95. The Youth Fund has a balance of $3,219.00 and
the Improvement Fund has a balance of $21,866.91.

WELCA reported that they will host a Guest Day in October.

Deacon’s Report was presented. They are having a “Super Hero” program for youth. They have had three
youth participating. A motion was made by Jamie and seconded by Tom to approve the report as presented.
The motion carried.

Trustee’s Report was presented. The broken window in the parish hall is being fixed. There are a few spots
on the ceilings that are caused by water leaking from the roof. Discussion regarding the fixing or replacing the
roof on the education wing. The cost is considerable; this is an on-going problem that will be addressed in the
future. Jay Peterson will complete the necessary paper work to receive a rebate from the Coop for the
replacement of LED lights. Complete signage for the interior of the church will be completed. A motion was
made by Marilyn U. and seconded by Marilyn H. to approve the report as presented. The motion carried.

Old Business was covered under the Trustee’s Report.

New Business included; Annual meeting discussion. A light brunch will be served after the meeting that will
include fresh fruit and rolls. Council will take care of the details. Cowboy Service will be on September 9th, at
10:00 AM. A meal will be served following the service and the Council will take care of the details. Signs for
the church was tabled. A map for the fire extinguishers and exits was tabled. Community Outreach projects
were discussed. Adopt a classroom for the Blooming Prairie schools was presented. This project will be
offered to the elementary school and Pastor Lindsay will take care of this. Another project was God’s Work,
Our Hands Sunday was discussed. Several ideas were suggested including; saving pop top tabs for Ronald
McDonald House. Other ideas will be explored.

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, Sept 4th at 7:00 PM at the church.

Eucharist Assistant for September will be Jamie.

The meeting was adjourned and closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted, Laura Tjomsland, Council Secretary

WELCA Minutes

Sunday, August 5, 2018 Red Oak Grove WELCA meeting called to order by President Karen Johnson at 10:15
a.m. The purpose was read in unison. There was no opening hymn or devotions. Joyce Peterson read the
minutes from our June 3, 2018 meeting. No corrections and were placed on file. Correspondences were a
thank you from Dorothy Kittelson for her birthday flowers on her 90th birthday. Thank you from Sandy Bjork for
the Strawberry Social beautiful quilt. A note from Dorothy Phipps for all the birthday cards, letters and wishes.
Lavonne gave the Treasurer’s Report.

Karen thanked those that had obtained flowers. Marlys said HyVee would be delivering flowers to Ardell
Lindquist for her 90 birthday party by her family on August 6th. Judy Wambeam gave a review of the
Strawberry Social follow up meeting. Judy and Ardell sorted 20 quilts to go to Marie Sanvik Center. Fabric
and squares are in basement quilt room to take home and make tops. Quilting begins on Monday, September

Prairie Manor – Joyce Peterson said a new American flag has been purchased and will be presented soon.
Auxiliary meeting will be September 24th.

Ardell thanked all who helped with serving at funerals.

Unfinished Business – Discussion about payment for new large cooler. Will be checking with Council
treasurer. Sue Hamersma cleaned out refrigerator and suggested to please take all extra items following your
event. There is to be no extra food or beverages left in refrigerator. Ardell presented a new “reserved” sign.

August birthdays to remember: August 9th – Orline Peterson, August 18th – Irene Thompson and August 30th
Selma Lysne.

No program

Offering was taken. Our next meeting will be September 5th at 9 a.m. Program will be Rebekah and hostess is
Naomi. Ardell and Marilyn were ushers. Closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Peterson
(Thank you Joyce, Linda)


Cowboy Worship

Invite your friends! Bring your family! It’s time for worship outside once again!

We will worship outside on September 9 at 10am. We will, once again, welcome

special musicians to lead us in cowboy worship. Bring your chairs or blankets and find
your place among the trees. See you then!
Superhero Sundays

Over the course of a couple Sundays in August,

we learned how to be God’s superheroes! God’s
superheroes have heart to love others and
wisdom to live for others! We ate and prayed
together, created our own capes, and heard
interactive Bible stories about heroes in scripture.

Left: Capes!
Below: A superhero jumping photo. It’s blurry
because they’re so fast!

Children, Youth, and Family

Wednesday, September 12: Confirmation will kick off for another year! Families of 7, 8, and 9th
graders: watch your mailboxes/inboxes for more information! (10th graders do not meet on
Wednesdays in the fall. Watch for more information about your journey to the Rite of Confirmation

Wednesday, October 3: The first GIFT of the year!

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