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AUG 26: I was going to write even more - but already my response
is 48 pages!!! I think that you can see that there is SO MUCH
BU*^#^IT here that I can go on and on…….

This report is TRULY Fake News Propaganda

My tear-down of the Report titled

and his Islamic Propaganda Group - Fortify Rights
known to critics as Falsify Right?

I have plenty of REAL EVIDENCE to prove his evil agenda:

Interrogations of captured ‘Rohingya’ Militants, photos, videos, and

interviews on film in Rakhine State, INCLUDING, my 2 times in the restricted
zones of Maungdaw, Buthidaung and Rathedaung.

by Rick Heizman, June 27, 2018, San Francisco

This ‘report’ is SO wrong, atrocious, despicable, counterfactual, odious, repugnant and

abhorrent. This report by Matthew Smith represents the worst of ‘fake new’ constructed to
demonize and dehumanize, in this case, ALL the non-Muslims of the land in question - to
shape popular opinion against them to the point where the disappearance of these people -
by way of a massive GENOCIDE and ETHNIC CLEANSING would be acceptable to the world
- if evil forces, like Smith, succeed. The true perpetrators, the Bengali Muslims (known to
many by the fake political construct of ‘Rohingya’) with 1500 years of Islamic conquest and
genocide behind them, would then occupy the land, as their goal was and is, declare it an
autonomous islamic State, with no non-Muslims living there - a Sharia ruled, apartheid land,
with no diversity, no progress, no development, no women rights, death for homosexuals,
death for apostasy, death for blasphemy, etc. Then, in a matter of years they can start the
next wave of 1500 years of conquest and genocide as they attack and seize chunks of
Buddhist Myanmar, eventually all of it, destroying every Buddha statue in sight. And, the
sickening thing is that there are truly evil people who support this - like Matthew Smith.




BS: “Fortify Rights documented no evidence that ARSA had jihadist or separatist aims.”

TRUTH: Earth to Smith? Have

you not seen the many ARSA
videos, in which I had the
Bengali language translated
and subtitled the videos?
Nearly everything they say is
Islamic rehtoric, including
endless, “ALLAHU AKBAR”
praises to ALLAH, ‘ISLAM
ZINDABAR’ (Islam forever) etc.
Ata Ullah and others shout for
all Muslims to join the JIHAD!
Here is Ata Ullah, in one of his
many rants, translated from
Bengali, ““My Rohingya
brothers, I am requesting you,
if you want to save Islam, if
you want to save the land of
At the bottom it says, “In the hame of Allah,
Arakan living inside Arakan, if you the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful”
want to save the honor of the
mothers and sisters of Arakan, if you
want to save all the masjid (mosques) and madrassas (Islamic schools) of Arakan from
destruction, then, my special request to you, Please listen to me with attention. Please, join
us. Please take part in this great Jihad with us.”

In another rant, “I repeat, you will never die if Allah doesn’t want you to die. No one has the
power to take your life except Allah. So, please join us. I am asking the Islamic scholar
society who are reluctant to follow the fatwa of Jihad. My brothers who are experts in
Hadith, (accounts of the prophet Muhammad’s life) please join us. If you act upon Jihad
fatwa, Jihad will be established in Arakan. I urge you to join us. And please start giving the
fatwa of Jihad. Please don’t hide yourselves, please, join us. Please join us to establish
Jihad in the land of Arakan. I am speaking to all Rohingya brothers and Muslim Ummah
around the world. Please prepare for Jihad and come here. The fighting can start now, today.
If we don’t get our rights, if 1 million, 1.5 million, if all Rohingya need to die, we will die.”

In a clever move to rally the local ‘Rohingya’ Bengalis, and
especially the greater Muslim world, Atta Ullah sought
RELIGIOUS LEGITIMACY for the attacks. Harakah al-Yaqin
(pre-ARSA Arabic name) prompted senior ‘Rohingya’
Bengali clerics and foreign clerics to rule that, given the
(perceived) persecution Muslims face in Rakhine State, the
campaign to fight the security forces is legal by ISLAMIC
LAW, and therefore anyone opposing it is blasphemous by
the TENETS OF ISLAM. FATWAS (Islamic religious rulings) to
this effect were obtained, in many countries with significant
‘Rohingya’ Bengali diaspora, including Saudi Arabia, Dubai,
Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. The group also has a senior
ISLAMIC SCHOLAR with it in Maungdaw, a ‘Rohingya’
Bengali from SAUDI ARABIA, known as Mufti Ziabur
Rahman, who brings religious legitimacy to operations and
has authority to issue FATWAS.

How can Smith possibly not see JIHAD? Even my dog can see that! And, why does Smith try
so desperately to make people think that there is no separatist aim? EVERY ARSA video and
prisoner interrogation tells us again and again that their goal, as taught by every Mawlawi
(Bengali term for Imam), in every mosque, is to KILL all non-Muslims in a GENOCIDAL
ETHNIC CLEANSING, seize the land, and declare an Islamic State! They are very clear that
they do NOT want to be ruled by infidel Buddhists.

The one single time the word Jihad is used in this 162 page report is in that singular
sentence above. That is offensive, and deliberate, and exposes Matthew Smiths real agenda
- not investigating Human Rights, but abetting the Islamization of Buddhist and Hindu
Cultures, without the slightest concern about the non-Muslim victims.

The 162 page report does NOT even talk about ISLAM, ISLAMIC TERRORISM, nor ISLAMIC
AGENDA. Islam IS the driving negative force in this conflict. This is a HUGE and
DELIBERATE attempt by Smith to divert attention from reality, and so that the world opinion
would be led to conclude that the angelic Muslims were being cruelly and horrifically abused
and killed for no reason what-so-ever, by wild bestial sub-humans who have nothing of value
for the world, and should be disposed of.

Question for Matthew Smith: If the Muslims had been successful in their goal of wiping out
the entire non-Muslim population of the land in question, and seized it and declared it an
autonomous Islamic State, would he object to that result, and the manner in which that result
was obtained?


BS: “The Buddhist community in northern Rakhine State includes ethnic Rakhine as well as
Mro, Marama Gyi, Daignet, and others. Hindus, Chin Christians, and other religious
minorities comprise a smaller population of northern Rakhine State.”

TRUTH: That is the extent of the information about the indigenous and dominant Buddhist
culture in Rakhine State - the legacy of the great Buddhist Kingdom of Arakan.
UNBELIEVABLE that Smith - in 162 pages - does not say anything more than that, about the
Rakhine Buddhists, the Hindu minority, and the ethnic tribal people that also are indigenous
to the land of Arakan. BUT, that is not surprising, because Smith’s has NEVER allowed
Human Rights Watch (when he worked for them) nor his own Fortify Rights group to EVER
mention ANYTHING positive about the Rakhine Buddhists and mention NOTHING AT ALL
about the Hindus, and ethnic minorities - because - Smith would rather have the world
public NOT EVEN KNOW about these people, against whom a real and actual GENOCIDE IS
HAPPENING. The much smaller populations of the ethnic tribal peoples have suffered MANY
KILLINGS by the Muslims - a much higher proportion of the population, and are indeed in
great danger of being wiped out COMPLETELY by the videos and violent Muslims against
whom they have no defense.


BS: “The Rohingya are an officially unrecognized indigenous ethnic group who are primarily
Muslim and have traditionally lived in the westernmost Rakhine State. Given that the
Rohingya have a unique language and culture, and both the perpetrators of the crimes as
well as the Rohingya themselves view and treat the Rohingya as a distinct group, the
Rohingya constitute a protected group as articulated by the Genocide Convention.

TRUTH: First, the use of indigenous is wrong - the Arakanese / Rakhine Buddhists are the
indigenous population residing in their very deeply rooted ancestral, cultural, and actual
homeland. And, some of the ethnic tribal people are also indigenous.

The so-called ‘Rohingya’ are Chittagonian dialect, Bengali language speaking Bengali
Muslims, who are the same people whether they have resided on one side or the other side
of the Naf River. DNA testing can easily prove it. ALL Bengali / Bangladeshi or Bengali
Muslims living in India share the same ANCESTRAL and CULTURAL HOMELAND - which is
historic Bengal - present day Bangladesh.

Think about this, Smith: if the Bengali Muslims had succeeded in 1947, with their demand
and ultimatum to break off from Burma and join the newly created Pakistan (east Pakistan
later became Bangladesh) they would have never needed to declare themselves ‘Rohingya’!
Prior to the 1950s the term ‘Rohingya’ was not used at all! They would have been one giant
family of Bengalis - if later they changed their identity to ‘Rohingya’ it would have been


BS: “Mohammed Rafiq identified

Rakhine as well as ethnic Mro
civilians who attacked his village
alongside Myanmar Army soldiers on
August 30. Mohammed Rafiq, said:
“Army soldiers brought the Mro
people from the hillside. Before the
violence took place, the Rakhine and
military took the Mro people and kept
them in the Rakhine village. We know the Mro because we had some dealings with them in
the mountainside—they have long hair and wear it in a knot behind their head.”

On the same day of the violence, the Rakhine and Mro arrived. Army soldiers gave them long
swords. One [Muslim] survivor said he also saw ethnic Kamwe—a small ethnic hilltribe in
northern Rakhine State—supporting the military in the attack on Tula Toli village: “They live in
the mountains with the Mro people. They were stabbing and cutting people.”

TRUTH: This is truly GROSS and SICKENING. Matthew Smith, in all his reports, NEVER
mentions the ethnic tribal people, because he does not want ANYBODY in the world to have
ANY KNOWLEDGE or SYMPATHY for them. I have been, twice, into the restricted areas of
Maungdaw, Buthidaung and Rathedaung - with free access and no restrictions - traveled by
land and boat for 5 days each time, and I visited many Mro refugee camps, in northern
Rakhine State. These people, and other tribes are truly endangered of extinction because of
the Muslims genocidal Quran-inspired hatred and supremacy. They are defenseless, and
because of that they were killed often, in their mountain habitats, as Muslims were
encroaching upon their land. This is the FIRST time that I have EVER seen reference of the
Mro, Kamwe, or any other tribal minorities switched from VICTIM to PERPETRATOR - based
on NO evidence, NO photos, NO common sense. Smith makes it sound like the Army
KIDNAPPED the Mro and kept them in a Rakhine village! Reality is that the Army RESCUED
Mro fleeing from slaughter and villages torched by Muslims, and they stayed with Rakhine
villagers for safety. If the army gave them swords (as Smith alleges) it was a WISE and
PROPER thing to do, so that they would have some means to PROTECT THEMSELVES!




BS: “Rashida”, 50, watched as Myanmar Army and Lon Htein soldiers dragged her two adult
sons from her home in Kha Maung Seik village—also known as Fora Bazaar—in Maungdaw
Township on August 27.

On September 30, 2017, “Rashida”, a 50-year-old Rohingya woman from Kha Maung Seik
village in Maungdaw Township told Fortify Rights how police massacred men, women, and
children beginning on Sunday, August 27 around 10 a.m.:

“Yunus”, a prominent Rohingya member of the community in Kha Maung Seik village in
Maungdaw Township, described how ARSA tried to recruit fighters in their village during the
early morning on August 25. He said: “The violence started at 1:20 a.m. On that night [August
25], the al Yaqin group split in different groups and moved around the area. They were
requesting people to come out of the villages to join with them. The people were afraid and
going into the forest . . . [al Yaqin] showed us a bomb, but they couldn’t persuade the people
of the village. They could persuade only the wayward people, the goons, to participate in
their mission. There were around seven fighters.”

TRUTH: First, throughout the report Smith constantly recycles the interviews he did, giving
the lengthy report the perception that is is filled with a large number of interviews. Witness
the first two sentences above.

Kha Maung Seik is the place where the huge and

horrible MASSACRE of around 100 HINDUS who
were rounded up, tortured, SAVAGELY
EXECUTED and dumped into pre-dug mass grave
pits. It has been widely documented, and is the
only ‘massacre’ in the conflict with actual
themselves were KIDNAPPED, FORCED TO

In his report, he clumsily tries to trick people by MENTIONING KHA MAUNG SEIK - BUT

Smith should be arrested and tried for CRIMES AGAINST

In the last BS paragraph above, Smith, again, tries to conceal the Hindu Massacre with a
totally unbelievable story about how ARSA militants came to the villages of Kha Maung Seik,
to get villagers to join them in attacking non-Muslims that evening, and that they only were
able to convince 7 ‘WAYWARD GOONS’ to join them. By saying ‘WAYWARD GOONS’ he is
unskillfully attempting to minimize the huge numbers of participants in the attacks by
insinuating that the few ‘local crazy guys’ armed with sharpened tooth brushes joined the
militants. Perhaps Smith has intentionally never viewed the many ARSA videos, that show
hundred of militants at times, and multiple by the number of targets easily reached
4000-8000 attackers intending to carry out the systematic plan to kill as many infidels as

Matthew Smith has clearly shown he has NO respect of Hindus, NO sympathy for their
suffering at the hand of the Muslims, and NO intent of investigating ANY crimes against the



BS: “The military watched as the Hindus and Rakhine set fires. I think they used a piece of
tire with petrol poured on it, and they threw them onto the roofs of the houses. Both Rakhine
and Hindu were throwing them. They burned down all of Ward 5 in this way . . . The Hindu
also took the property of people.”

TRUTH: That is such bullshit slander. Here are excerpts from one of dozens of captured
Bengali Muslim militants, a prisoner named Anna War:
NRC No. - 11/MaTaNa (Ya) 000012
Subject of Investigation…Maungdaw Mro Ma Police Station (pa) 206/2017. Attack SB50 (Ka)
Investigation Date / Place - Sept 9, 2017 / Maungdaw Police Station

“Everytime we went to the mosque, Mawlawi [Imam] Haface Gira Man, told us “Muslim
people must be united, and gather all kinds of weapons, and whenever you have a chance,
you all have the opportunity to attack all the border guards, and police outposts, and kill
everyone who is non-Muslim and set fire to whole villages. You all need to participate”.

On August 28, 2017, at 11:00 in the morning, Mawlawi Haface Gira Man, called a meeting all
the men in the village, and he said “Tonight we will go set fire to Hindu villages in Mro Ma
east blocks”. On the same day, about 3:00 in the afternoon, Mawlawi Haface Gira Man
called a meeting again, so I prepared and brought five beer cans filled with gasoline and
some cotton on the top ready to light up and throw into a crowd of people, or houses.
There were people who came along with me from the same village, Raw Chee (40), son of Arli
Juhad, Adu Houd (50), son of Eili Juhut, Pi Chay (30), son of Ka Tura, Adu La (40), (don’t
know name of his father), and another 10 people came along with me to the meeting.
We were led by Mawlawi Haface Gira Man, and we all went to set the Hindu villages on fire.
When we got there in the darkness Mawlawi Haface Gira Man started to light up the gasoline
bombs and we threw them into the Hindu houses. After a few houses were raging with
flames, and the fire continued house to house, we all ran back to our village. I do not know
how many houses were burned down by us that night.”

Matthew Smith! I repeatedly told you about the type of evidence I have collected, like this,
and you COMPLETELY IGNORED my requests to communicate, and my repeated offers to
share the wealth of evidence I have with you. YOU are vying to convict not only individuals,
but also the whole collective populations of Rakhine Buddhists, Burmese Buddhists, the
Hindus, and the tribal minorities - WITHOUT EXAMINING ALL THE EVIDENCE AVAILABLE -
and that itself is criminal and vile. YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY WITHDRAW THE REPORT

Once again, this is the first instance that I have heard of HINDUS doing ANY sort of violence
towards anybody in this conflict. And, I will say that the survivors of the brainwashed
savagely supremacist attack that Anna War described would NOT be wrong in driving those
intolerant attackers away by any means - especially because these non-Muslims have had to
endure this kind of Islamic
Jihadist Terrorism again Smashed Hindu deities
and again and again -
and that is true for the
Rakhine Buddhists as
well - when your village is
infested with poisonous
vicious snakes

it is not easy at all do get

rid of them - if one is not
thorough enough they
will multiply quickly and
return with a vengeance.


BS: “We didn’t receive any training, but

we were told we would be trained soon.
Then the violence happened. We were
told we would be trained with guns. We
were told the guns would come soon.”

“We were told that there would be some

more members coming from outside the
country with guns and that we had to go
with them and support them. I don’t know
why they didn’t come. I didn’t see anyone
with guns.”

“Abdul Ghani”, another member of ARSA, told Fortify Rights what

happened during the early morning of August 25 near his village in
Maungdaw Township. He said: We weren’t given anything. Senior
members [of ARSA] woke us up around 3:30 a.m. on the Friday
before last [August 25]. These members told us we had to join in
the attack. They said it had already started, and we had to join.
We asked them, ‘With what will we join [with]?’ They said,
‘Whatever you have, sticks or knives, whatever you have.’ They
didn’t have any guns.”

TRUTH: Even my dog, or anybodies dog can see the 100s or 1000s of photos and videos
that completely contradict that absurdity. Smith? How stupid do you think everybody is?

want as many guns as possible - I would say THEY LOVE GUNS MORE THAN THEIR OWN
WIVES AND CHILDREN! It is a very good thing that they DID NOT HAVE more guns, right? I
would also say that Smith obviously would have been happy IF THEY HAD ENOUGH GUNS

Smith is always clumsily switching things, such as: avoiding ANY mention of documented
systematic planning and training by the Muslims - which has been systematic and well-
planned time and time again for 75 years of Muslim aggression, while always barking that the
Burmese army planned all of this violence. WHEN A COUNTRY IS UNDER ATTACK, as
Myanmar has been in 2017, 2016, 2012, and many more times, THE ARMY OF ANY
(everybody except Bengali Muslims) AND HUNT DOWN, DRIVE AWAY, CAPTURE, KILL,
AND ELIMINATE THE ENEMY (the Muslims) to the point where it can not happen again. I
would say that the Army failed on the last point I made - and next time the Muslims attack
the Army has to be MUCH MORE THOROUGH - so that this can NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. IT

BS: Recently, when we went to the market, Rakhine would say, ‘What are you doing here?
You can’t stay in this country. This is ours.’

TRUTH: That is completely backwards. Buddhists, Hindua, Christians and Jews, have been
the ones that Muslims disparage with hateful and threatening talk. This is one of the main
complaints that Burmese Buddhists, and Rakhine Buddhists, and all other non-Muslims
endure now, and have endured historically back to the days of Islam’s founder. It was noted
by the Portuguese priest Sebastian Manrique in the early 1600s, when he lived in Arakan for
8 years, and wrote about the character of the bothersome Muslim minority:

“The Mogors [Muslims] were not only enemies of Christianity. For they desired to extirpate it
wholly from the Orient, where there should be none but Mussuleymans, followers of the
precepts of the evil and false Alcoran [The Quran]. For whence they are called Mussulamans
or Mussuleymans, which according to the interpretation of the most learned expounders of
their Alcoran [Quran] means: Nos autem genus electum, regale sacerdotium, gens sancta,
populous acquisitionis. [We are indeed a chosen race, a royal authority of Mullahs, a sacred

nation, a people reserved by Allah to Himself.] Steeped as they are in false doctrine,
whenever they desire to show warrant for their faith or to justify themselves before a Christian
or a Heathen, they say, swelling with pride and vanity, “I am a Mussulman”; this appears to
these dogs ample justification. Such is the blindness of these Barbarians that they style us
Christians Caffares [from Arabic Kafir. a harshly derogatory term for infidels or unbelievers)
which means, “A people without faith”.

I have heard threatening taunts from the Muslims, to the Buddhists and others, on videos
and described in interviews, for so long, that I started listing them years ago. Of course, they
are shouted in Bengali language, which is not understood by Burmese, or anyone else,
however, Bengali Buddhist or Bengali Hindu translators speak the language and therefore
translate it. Buddhists who live in or very near Bengalis usually know the terrifying meaning
of many of the taunts. A partial list:

Islam Forever! - Islam Zindabar!

Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! - God (Allah) is Great! God is Great!
Cut the necks of all Rakhine! - Maug hara kiri!
You Rakhine must die, this land is for us Rohingya.
Get out of here now, leave everything you own, because it is ours.
Now can your Buddha protect you?
We will take over all of Myanmar, you infidels will all be dead.
Rakhine is our country, Rakhine is ours.
All of you Rakhine men will die, and your wives will be ours.
You don't believe Allah, so you must die this way.
We are going eat you, so fatten up with more rice.
The U.N. is ours, we Muslims lead the the U.N.
The U.N. helps us. Do you ever get anything from the U.N.?
You Rakhine are expecting Burmese to help you, but the world is helping us.
We will wash our feet with your blood.
If you don''t follow Islam you must die.
Don't you dare come back to this land.
When Burmese soldiers leave we will come and eat you.
Our relatives around the world support us, who is supporting you?
The U.N. will give us brick houses, when U.N. comes they have nothing for you.
We will kill each and every Rakhine everywhere.
If you want to come back here you will die.
You will be just bones.
These rice fields, these house, this land is for us, not you.
Allah is number one. Allah Bless Us! Allah Bless Us!
500 of our men are training and will come back here to kill you.


BS: In Chut Pyin village in Rathedaung Township on August 27, Myanmar Army soldiers shot
rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) at homes to burn them down, and soldiers corralled a
group of men and boys into a thatch-roof hut and set the hut on fire, burning the group alive.
“We know the people who came with the army” said “Abdul Rahman” an eyewitness and
survivor of a Myanmar Army-led massacre in Chut Pyin village—also known as So Farang—
“They were Rakhine from a neighboring village. I know them well. I could recognize them. The
army shot people and then the Rakhine cut them. All the houses were burned down. Not
even a single house is left standing.” Three days later, he told Fortify Rights: “The military
took and arrested around 50 people. They brought them to the military camp . . . and set fire
to where they kept them. One was my own brother. There was a small hut, and they put all
the people in there and set it on fire. They shot a launcher at the hut [where they held the

TRUTH: The biggest problem with this non-‘massacre’ is this:

The interrogations of captured ARSA militants, and villagers under the banner of ARSA,

who are from the Chut Pyin area villages, paints a far different description of events, in
their own words! Furthermore, these militants were captured on Sept 11, 2017, and were
interrogated on Sept 14 and 15, just over 2 weeks before nearly all of the interviews, by
HRW, FR, and AI.


(Mawlawi is the Bengali term for Imam, (F) = father, common to use for identification, (M) = mother)

1) Name: Ma Go La Mauk, 48, Be Lar Mi hamlet, Pauk Pin Yin, Rathedaung Township

Training by ARSA:

From our village, Rawfis (35), Adula Min (20), Dil Ma Mauk (40),
Azi Zulla (20), Ar Yu (30), Atta Ullah (20), Dini Salam (25),
Rawfique (18), Mawlawi Adu Shu Kha (30), from Auk Nan Yar
village, Mawlawi Habi Sarmauk (35), Mawlawi Shuku (40), Faw
Saw La Mauk (35) from Samdu Village, Hu Saung (30), Futura
(25), Malawi Sayed Alom (55), Malawi Abu La Sheim (55), and
Saw Tar (25) have attended some training from ARSA. The
training sessions were given in Koe Tha Kauk village. If we
crossed the mountain, which takes a day, we would arrive at
Thin Baw Kway, Inn Din, and Tha Win Chaung villages. And
then, we would go by foot to Koe Tan Kauk village.The leader of ARSA lived, or stayed, in
Koe Tan Kauk village.

ARSA conducted training sessions, focused on fighting skills, shooting guns, and
making handmade bombs and mines. Villagers from Koe Tan Kauk village are the trainers
of ARSA. I attended the training sessions once a week, and they told us that if we failed to
attend, they would kill us. The training was from 9 pm to 12 am midnight. They used to say,
in the trainings, that they were going to establish an autonomous Islamic State. All of our
villagers above 15 years old took the trainings, and so did men up until 40 years old. Kay
Fayed and Said Dullah also joined the training. Rawfis put me in the ‘Attacking Group’.
Members of ARSA used to come to our village and other nearby villages, and they killed
those who were opposed to them, or those suspected to be government informants. They
used to wear black suits and white headbands with Arabic words printed on them. I don’t
know because I don’t read, but some said the words on the headbands meant “Bless me,
Allah”. Some of the ARSA members wore black masks.

Ata Ullah’s Headquarters of ARSA is located somewhere in the jungle of Bandarban,

Bangladesh. Rafis went there about once a month. He showed us the emblem of ARSA and
told them that our village would receive 10 guns and 40 swords. Other Bengalis from
Rathedaung and Buthidaung also went to ARSA’s Headquarters in Bangladesh.

Making Handmade Bombs:

ARSA trainees, Has, Saltar, Mawlawi Sayed Alom, and Mawlawi Abu Ha Sheim learned how
to make bombs when they went to Bangladesh. They made bombs in the home of Mawlawi
Adu Shu Ku, and kept the bombs in Adu Shu Ku’s house and Dil Ma Mauk’s house in our

How We Prepared for the Attacks:

Around 3:00 pm on 22.8.2017, Nru Ma Mauk from Chut Pyin village gathered about 100
Bengalis from Chut Pyin, Ah Htet Nan Yar, Auk Nan Yar, Be Lar Mi, and Ni Lin Baw villages in
the house of Mawbi from Chut Pyin. He said ARSA had arrived in Chut Pyin village and they
would start the attacks in the early morning of 25.8.2017. They told us to be ready to join,
and if any of us refused, they would be killed.

Around 10 am of 26.8.2017, we gathered some people in the house of Rawfis. Rawfis, Dil Ma
Mauk, Aman Hu Sang, and Adu La Min were wearing black suits, holding swords, and
each one of them had 10 homemade bombs. They said after attacking the police outposts
we will have their guns. We, around 50 Bengalis, arrived at Mawbi’s house in Chut Pyin
village around 2 am on 27.8.2017. We met other villagers there - from Chut Pyin, Ni Lin Baw,
Auk Nan Yar, and Than Du villages - and now we were, all together, about 200 Bengalis.
Everyone - both young and old, even some kids - joined together with us. We decided to
approach Chut Pyin Police Outpost, to attack with bombs, and when policemen chase after
us, some of our group would ambush them. We made sure the our women and children were
kept together in the center of Chut Pyin village.

How We Attacked Chut Pyin
Police Outpost:

Around 3 am on 27.8.2017, Saltar,

Mawlawi Abul La Sheim (Mawlawi
leader of Rathedaung) and Ha Su
from Chut Pyin village attacked
Chut Pyin Police Outpost with
bombs. When the policemen
chased after them, our group - lead
by Rawfis - ambushed the
policemen, while shouting “Allahu
Akbar”. Some unknown ARSA
members and Saltar, Nru Ma Mauk,

Chut Pyin to Be Lar Mi is one mile.

Rawfis and Aman Hu Saung shot the policemen with guns. Some villagers from our Be Lar
Mi village, and Ni Lin Baw village were hit by gunfire, and we then retreated to home. On the
way, we buried some landmines on the road.

How We Fled Our Villages, and Set Fire To Our Villages As We Left:

After attacking Chut Pyin police Outpost, in the early morning of 27.8.2017, Ar Mauk Dullah
(45), Ru Taung Are (50), Ra Mauk Dullah (50) and other ARSA militants set fire to Chut Pyin
village. All the villagers from our village fled around around 5 am on 28.8.2017.


2) Sayed Dulla, 20, Be Lar Mi Hamlet, Pauk Pin Yin Village, Rathedaung Township

How We Prepared To Attack:

When I was at home on 22.8.2017, around 3:00 pm, Nu Ma

Mauk from Chut Pyin village gathered us villagers and we
followed him to a house in Chut Pyin where there were about
100 Bengalis from Chut Pyin, Ah Htet Nan Yar, Auk Nan Yar, Be
Lar Mi and Ni Lin Baw Villages. Nu Ma Mauk said members of
ARSA had already arrived at Chut Pyin village, and that they
would lead the attacks, that we must join them, and that we
must go get ready.

How We Attacked Chut Pyin Police Outpost:

Around 3:00 am on 27.8.2017, Saltar from Chut Pyin

approached the police outpost and attacked with two
bombs. When policemen chased after him, a group of us
(around 80) ambushed them and attacked them shouting
‘Allahu Akbar’. Saltar, Nu Ma Muck, Rawfis and Eman Hu
Saung had guns and they were shooting at the police.
Policemen also shot back. I saw some Bengalis get shot.
Then we moved back and Saltar set landmines along
our paths to stop the police from following us.

How We Fled After The Attacks:

After attacking the Chut Pyin police outpost, at the evening of 26/27.8.2017, the villagers ran
away from villages as ARSA militants burned the houses and so we also fled from our
village around 5:00 am on 28.8.2017. Our villagers from Ni Lin Baw and Auk Nan Yar village
did the same.


3) Atta Ura Man, 22, Ni Lin Baw Hamlet, Ah Htet Nan Yar Village, Rathedaung Township
How We Prepared To Attack:

Around 11:30 pm of 26.8.2017, while I was at home, about 20

armed Bengalis led by Ahdu Lah came and ordered us to join
the attacks. They said if we did not join, they would kill all of
our family members. I grabbed an iron rod and joined them..
We arrived at Chut Pyin village at 2:00 am, and there, we saw
about 80 Bengalis who were led by Saltar from Chut Pyin village
and other unknown Mawlawis.

How We Attacked Chut Pyin Police Outpost:

Around 3:00 am, on 27.8.2017, Saltar from Chut Pyin village

snuck up to the police

outpost and attacked with 2 bombs. When policemen came out and chased him, we (about
80 Bengalis) ambushed them and attacked them. And, some who were already trained by
ARSA, attacked them with guns and improvised bombs. Policemen were also shooting.
Some Bengalis got shot. We moved back into Chut Pyin village and then that night we came
back to Ni Lin Baw village.

How We Fled After The Attacks:

On the morning of 28.8.2017, all of our villagers fled from our village. On the way, we saw
villagers from Be Lar Mi, Auk Nan Yar, and Ah Htet Nan Yay villages who also fled like we did.


4) Kay Fayad Ullah, 31, Be Lar Mi Hamlet, Pauk Pin Yin Village, Rathedaung Township

How We Prepared To Attack:

Around 11:45 pm on 26.8.2017, about 30 Bengalis led by

Mawlawi Esuop and Rawfis came to us and told us to come
and fight together with them, or die. I, and Sayed Amin
(35), (F) Matslam, Eman Hu Saung (37), and Addulah Min
(30), (F) Sawlim, Aryu (40), (F) Matslam, Maw Go Ar Mauk
(48), (F) Kasim, and Sayed Dullah (20), (F) Eman Hu Saung.
We all had swords or heavy sticks. We arrived at Chut Pyin
village, 1 mile away from our village, around 2:00 am on
27.8.2017. We saw there were about 100 Bengalis from Chut
Pyin lead by Saltar and unknown Mawlawis, as well as
Bengalis from Ni Lin Baw and Auk Nan Yar villages led by
Mawlawis from their villages.

How We Attacked Chut Pyin Police Outpost:

Around 3:00 am, on 27.8.2017, Saltar from Chut Pyin village approached the police outpost
and attacked with 2 bombs. When policemen from the outpost chased after him, we (about
100 Bengalis) ambushed, surrounded and attacked them shouting 'Allahu Akbar'. Then,
some who already had training from ARSA attacked them with guns and handmade
bombs. Policemen also shot back. I saw some Bengalis get shot. We moved back into Chut
Pyin village, and then to Be Lar Mi village.

How We Trekked To The Naf River After The Attack:

On the morning of 28.8.2017, all of our villagers from Be Lar Mi village started to flee. We
also heard the villagers from Ni Lin Baw, Auk Nan Yar , Ah Htet Nan Yar and Chut Pyin did
the same. On the way, we saw these neighboring villagers.


5) Hu Saung Ar Mauk, 65, Auk Nan Ya Village, Rathedaung
Township How We Prepared To Attack:

When I was at home on 26.8.2017, about 30 armed Bengalis

lead by Nru Ma Mauk from Chut Pyin Village came and
ordered us to join them to attack the policemen and police
outposts, and if not, they said they would kill all of our family
members. Then I grabbed an iron stick and joined them. We
were about 80 Bengalis. Mawlawis from Ni Lin Baw, Be Lar Mi,
Chut Pyin and Auk Nan Yar villages discussed how to attack
the Chut Pyin police outpost.

How We Attacked Chut Pyin Police Outpost:

Around 3:00 am, on 27.8.2017, Saltar from Chut Pyin village approached the police outpost
and attacked it with 2 bombs. When policemen from the outpost chased after him, we (about
80 Bengalis) ambushed and attacked them shouting 'Allahu Akbar'. Some, who already
had training from ARSA, attacked them with guns and handmade bombs. Policemen also
shot back and some of us got shot. We moved back into the Chut Pyin village and the
following night we came back to Auk Nan Yar village.

How We Left Our Villages After The Attacks:

On the morning of 28.8.2017, all our villagers fled from our village. As we fled we saw
villagers from Be Lar Mi, Auk Nan Yar, and Ah Htet Nan Yar villages who had also fled like us.


The prisoner interrogations certainly blow apart the made up stories of blatant massacre.

And, there is more to debunk with this attempt to shape opinion around the world, to paint
the Buddhists as despicable bloodthirsty killers, and to use the world’s gullibility to seize the
land from the definitive indigenous people - whom are NOT the Bengali Muslims.

1) Notice all of the threats of death from Bengalis to Bengalis in the interrogations. Among
the dozens of captured militants, in their translated interrogations we hear: “fight
together with them, or die.” “if we did not join, we would be killed in accordance with
Islamic law.” “If we were arrested, we should not to disclose any information about ARSA,
and if we did, they would kill all of our family members.” We all know (both sides of this
issue know) that ARSA has killed many Muslims who do not support ARSA’s ways -
during the last couple of years, and as recently as days ago. So, there is quite a high
chance that after the attacks ARSA militants could have returned to Chut Pyin and
terrorized and killed, even chopped heads off (much more a Muslim preference) those
men and boys who didn’t participate, or ARSA could have killed their families.

2) Satellite photos are nice, but in the wrong hands they can be a weapon, as in the case of
Human Rights Watch which grossly misinterpreted (or, as I believe, intentionally came to
a false conclusion) satellite photos of Kyaukpyu, Rakhine State, during the 2012
violence. Example: let’s show this photo to 100 people, and ask, who burned the
houses? ARSA? Buddhists? Santa Claus?

3) No actual bodies, or mass graves have been found. A few bodies said to be in fresh dug
dirt - but no photos - would much more likely be some of the hundred of men and boys
who attacked to kill but fortunately were themselves killed. Muslim practice is to bury a
person who has died quickly - so if an attacker was killed at 4 am he might be buried by
his comrades a few hours later, in a shallow grave, which then can be photographed just
before the busy men start to burn the village and flee. I said fortunately, a moment ago,
because, that will prevent him from trying to kill again and again -as they hoped they
could. Watch some of the ARSA videos (from captured terrorist’s mobile phones.)

4) Fortify Rights comes out with dazzling sensationalism: in the afternoon of Aug 27, “men
and boys were herded into a hut and burned alive, and children as young as 6 were
beheaded in a killing spree that ran five hours from 2 to 7 pm.” Wow, 5 hours, was
everyone just patiently standing in line? Come on, this kind of ghoulish sensationalism
becomes very difficult to take seriously. People might even forget that in the days and
weeks after Aug 25, soldiers had to protect and escort many many villagers that were
trapped, injured, and frightened - and also fight ARSA.

5) One of the most puzzling things about the ‘witnesses and survivors’ is the fact that
nobody took any photos or videos of any type of abuse, killing, beating, or setting fires.
A video of fire burning at a distance says nothing about who started it. During the
supposed “5 hour killing spree” nobody could take any kind of video from a hiding place,
or from a hill, or something? That is quite damning and greatly deflates this case.

6) With nearly every Bengali man and boy participating in the opening jihad attacks, they
should realize that if you start a war you might lose. And. if you are trying to kill the
armed forces and the people that the armed forces needs to protect, then you can
expect that the armed forces must do their duty - and that is to protect the population
from an enemy which is waging war and terror upon it, and eliminate the threat to the
point where it is not repeatable.

7) Why do the so-called Human Rights groups - HRW, FR, AI - pooh-pooh the huge attacks
of August 25, 2017? One of the biggest terrorists attacks in history - consider the
number of targets, 30 Police and Army Outposts, and another 30 - 50 villages at virtually
the same time, with an estimated 4000-6000 assailants attacking with the declared
genocidal intention of killing all of the non-Muslims, in the name of Jihad - holy war for

8) HRW, FR, AI are always trying to make a point that the Buddhists are carrying out a
systematic plan to get rid of the Bengalis, when actually the Buddhists are again and
again caught off-guard when the Bengalis hatch yet another plan to annihilate the
Buddhists again and again. The prisoner interrogations show how the Aug 25 attacks
were planned, practiced, trained for - systematically - and tunnels and bunkers were
dug, and bombs and landmines were made.

BS: “Mohammed Rafique’s” village—Tula Toli—also known as Min Gyi—was the site of a
well-documented massacre on August 30, following an assault on police by Rohingya
militants on August 25. Soldiers slaughtered hundreds of men, women, and children, raped
women and girls, and burned victims’ bodies in piles.

“They gave them long swords”, said “Mohammed Rafiq”, a 25-year-old Rohingya eyewitness
to the massacre in Tula Toli. “I could see it. [The soldiers] handed [Rakhine civilians] swords.
Even young Rakhine boys were given long swords, and they were moving around with the
swords hanging on their backs.”

TRUTH: First, which way do you want to spell the name, “Mohammed Rafique / Rafiq”?

After reading about the attacks and the mayhem that the Bengali Muslims carried out, again
and again, throughout the hundreds of square miles of northern Rakhine State, anyone can
see that the Army was very very busy rescuing and protecting civilians in a brief, but all-out
war. The Muslims made themselves the enemy when they attacked with such fury! The Army
of ANY country in the world would have to respond overwhelmingly, in order to neutralize the
real and deadly threat against it and the civilians.

If the soldiers did give swords to the Buddhist civilians it was a smart, desperately needed,
and legitimate course to take, so that people could protect themselves from the maniacal
Muslims, who were following their long-held plans - a WANTON GENOCIDAL CAMPAIGN TO

The charges of ‘massacre’ are extremely week - there is NO photo evidence, NO video
evidence, NO bodies have been found, etc.



I interviewed a young Buddhist man in September 2017, at a refugee camp in Sittwe. He is

from Tula Toli - also known to the Buddhists by the old name of Min Gyi. He describes the
absolute horror he and everyone went through, for many days, when they all were attacked
in the pre-dawn darkness, on August 25, 2017, by bloodthirsty Islamist Bengali Muslim

terrorists. These accounts of the initial savage
attacks are missing or trivialized in all of the
‘massacre’ reports.

“My name is Aung Soe Than, and I come from Min

Gyi (also known as Tula Toli) in Maungdaw
Township. As you come to my village you must
cross a small stream. Nearby are many Bengali

On that day (Aug 25, 2017) first the Bengalis attacked the security outpost then came into our
village with weapons, yelling, killing, and setting our homes on fire. We had to run so fast to
save our lives. We ran to the Buddhist monastery and joined other villagers who also had to
flee. We spent a fearful night in the compound.

The next day we all fled to the mountains, and spent 3 fearful nights with no food and no
water. It was especially difficult for the young children, and the old people. Education was
disrupted, and health issues were many.

The Bengalis are so cruel. They kill us and they burn our homes. They think they are the
majority people, but in our Rakhine State we Buddhists are the majority. These Bengali
immigrants should behave like guests in our homeland and not make trouble. But, they are
not like guests. They have no respect or decency to us. Around the world people should not
behave like they do.

Why do they think it is right to kill us and steal our land? They live in our land, they drink our
water, and eat the food from our land. But, they are so ungrateful. Why do they kill and
threaten us, again and again? They are so cruel.

We cannot live together, or near the Bengalis. We are too frightened. We don’t want our
families killed by them. If the Bengalis in Bangladesh come back to here we are too afraid to
live near them. We need to rebuild our village and live peacefully with the other ethnicities.
But, not the Bengalis. Nobody can live in peace with Bengalis.”


And, here is a long report from a military officer to Nay Pi Daw, Army Headquarters It is a
‘battlefield’ report of known incidents on ONLY AUG 27-28

All of the ‘Human Rights Groups’ - HRW, FR, news agencies like Reuters and AP, and all of
the ‘Rohingya’ advocates are continually preventing and blocking the public from having any
awareness of the magnitude of the August 25 opening attacks.

Places in Bold are on the map below.

From Tula Toli to Bangladesh is 6 miles or 10, kilometers.

Tula Toli to Kyein Chaung is 3 miles.

Tula Toli to Kyet Kyein is 1 mile.

Report: Extremist Bengali Terrorists Still Commit Terrorist Acts in Maungdaw Region

Nay Pyi Daw, August 28

While performing control of the region between Kyaung Doe and Aung Tha Bye villages in
Maungdaw Township on August 27, evening, security troops were attacked by extremist
Bengali terrorists with the use of home-made guns and home-made mines from both sides
of the road. The security forces fought against them and cleared the region. In the incident,
one police member was injured.

Security troops while combing the prawn farm near Kyee Kyun outpost found the burnt floor
of the hostel where about 50 extremist Bengali terrorists lived. At night, while security troops
were discharging duty of controlling the region in Kyee Kyun outpost, three extremist male
Bengali terrorists and three female terrorists fled to the other bank with the use of two boats.

A home-made mine planted by extremist Bengali terrorists exploded at Zin Paing Nyar
Junction. Zin Paing Nyar police outpost was besieged by the terrorist Bengali terrorists
starting at 10.20 pm. Then, one more home-made mine exploded about one mile from the
outpost. After that, about 80 extremist Bengali terrorists approached the outpost to attack
but security troops fought against them. The terrorists retreated to Zin Paing Nyar Village.
Meanwhile, another home-made mine exploded near Awli Tula Village.

In more terrorists acts of extremist Bengali terrorists, four homemade mines exploded in
series at Zin Paing Nyar Junction at 10.40 am today. 10 minutes later, six more home-made
mines planted by terrorists exploded in series at the junction.

At 11.13 am, an explosion of one more home-made mine planted by extremist Bengali
terrorists happened at Zin Paing Nyar Junction. Likewise, home-made mines planted by
extremist Bengali terrorists exploded one after another between Ywa Thit and Kyauk Hla Kya

About 500 extremist Bengali terrorists from Tin May Village besieged Kyaung Taung police
outpost in Buthidaung Township. When security troops performed clearance operation there,
the terrorists withdrew from the post.

Extremist Bengali terrorists set fire to Zee Pin Chaung outpost on the night of August
27, the fire was put out this morning. At 1 am today, outbreak of fire started from the
house of Abdula in Myoma Kan Yin Tan Ward of Maungdaw Township, firefighters and local
people put out the fire within a half hour.

Moreover, one mine exploded 50 yards from Tha Yay Kon Baung police outpost near Phwe
Yu Bar Tar Village, another mine in the village, and one home-made mine in Ywa Thit Village,
500 yards from Pyin Phyu regional office.

While marching to Gwa Son Village in Maungdaw Township for performing control of the
region, security troops were attacked with mine explosion by extremist Bengali terrorists at
the entrance bridge of the village. They exchanged fire in the incident. While combing the
village, about 300 extremist Bengali terrorists opened fire at the security troops. Both sides
exchanged fire and the terrorists retreated into the Mayu Mountain range after setting fire to
the houses.

In the discovery, one .22 gun, 10 bullets and two home-made mines were seized.

In clearing Koe Tan Kauk Village of Maungdaw Township, security troops were attacked by
extremist Bengali terrorists with one mine. After opening fire at the terrorists, the security
troops seized two Tommy guns and then were clearing directional mines.

Afterwards, security troops while discharging duty of controlling Koe Tan Kauk Myit Nar
Village were attacked by extremist Bengali terrorists using swords, and fought against them.

In combing Tha Wun Chaung Village, security troops unearthed and seized one mine,
exploded it with the remote control attached to a battery with TNT soft ignite, in the one foot
long and six inches deep ground pit in the field between Gwa Son and Tha Wun Chaung

At 9.25 am today, extremist Bengali terrorists set 30 houses from Upper Pyu Ma (Na Ta
La) Village and 30 more houses from Wet Kyein (Mro) Village on fire. Moreover, one
home-made mine exploded on the central road in Kyauk Hlay Ka Village. As extremist
Bengali terrorists set fire to one Bengali house in Myoma Kan Yin Tan Village of Maungdaw at
10 am, security troops and local people put out the fire.

Extremist Bengali terrorist set fire to a Bengali house in Myoma Kan Yin Tan ward around
10.30 am. An improvised explosive device exploded on the main street of Kyauk Hlay Ka
Village around 11.10 am, and a terrorist torched a house near Zin Paing Nyar Junction and
exploded an improvised explosive device and ran away.

Security forces discovered six taped packets connected with red and black color wires as
they cleared the houses in front of Shwe Zar police outpost.

Around 11.20 am, Bengalis in Saka Pin Yin and Kyet Kyein villages in Region 4 torched
their houses and ran away. Security forces, during the security operation in Myit Na
Village, found and arrested a Bengali terrorist with one improvised explosive device.

Security forces repulsed over 500 extremist Bengali terrorists who attacked Tha Yet Oak Kin
outpost in Region 5 with small arms.

Ka La Ba Bengali Village in Ward No. 5 in Maungdaw burned around 12.30 pm, and three
improvised explosive devices exploded there. Nineteen Bengali houses at the back of the
office of Maungdaw district administration department caught fire at 12.45 pm, and as
security forces and people put out the fire, extremist Bengali terrorists attacked with small
arms and security forces had to return fire.

At noon, around 50 extremist Bengali terrorists from Kyet Kyein Village went to the
south of Wet Kyein Pagoda, and around 100 extremist Bengali terrorists from Pa De Ka
Village to Myin Gyi Myauk Village.

A total of eight mines—three in the burned ground in Di Pay Wa Ward and five at Zin Paing
Nyar Junction in Myoma Kay Nin Tan—continuously exploded in Maungdaw.

Some 100 extremist Bengali terrorists from Kyauk Pa Nu Stupa attacked the security forces
providing security in Kyauk Pa Nu Village in Region 9 with small arms around 1 pm. Security
forces repulsed and seized one improvised firearms and three swords from terrorists.

Extremist Bengali terrorists, from two houses near Pyin Phyu Police Station in Kyauk Hlay Ka
Village, fired around 12 shots and attacked with three improvised explosive devices into the
compound of the police station.

In another attack, extremist Bengali terrorists from Ywathit Village fire seven shots at
Pyinphyu Police Station with small arms.

Two improvised explosive devices planted by terrorists went off in Ywathit Village in Region 6
around 2 pm, and terrorists fire around 12 shots at Pyinphyu Township administration office.

Around 3.15 pm, one extremist Bengali terrorist attacked Chut Pyin ethnic village in
Rathedaung Township in Region 11 with improvised explosive device and fled to Chut Pyin
Bengali Village.

Security forces were attacked by around 80 extremist Bengali terrorists with improvised
explosive devices, guns, swords and spears as they came into Chut Pyin Bengali Village to
conduct security operation. Following an exchange of fire, extremist Bengali terrorists
torched their homes around 4.40 pm, and fled to Ahtet Nan Yar Village. Security forces
seized one improvised firearm, 22 swords, two spears and darts.

Extremist Bengali terrorists made several attempts to carry out several arson attacks and
explosions on Wi Ma La ethnic ward in Maungdaw at 6 pm to ravage the township. As
security forces and firefighters put all their attention on safety of the township and fire
prevention, extremist Bengali terrorists could not find a chance to set fire to the town.
Instead they shot Maung Than Hlaing, 16, Mro ethnic, with improvised firearm in Zaw Ti Kay
One Monastery in Myoma Ward in Maungdaw. He was wounded by metal balls of the
homemade gun in his right hip and was receiving treatment at Maungdaw Hospital.

From August 27 to 28, a total of 45 improvised explosive devices planted by extremist

Bengali terrorists exploded, and terrorists torched seven villages, one outpost, and two
urban wards in Maungdaw. The State Counsellor Information Committee will release the
updates on the situation on the ground.


Excerpts From Captured ARSA Affiliated Militants / Terrorists Interrogations,

All participated in attacks within a 6 mile radius of Tula Toli.

These are incredibly revealing, as the captured militants reveal how they were recruited, what
is their goal, how they prepared and trained for the attacks, what weapons they had, how
they attacked their targets, what were their targets, how they got captured, and how the
Mawlawis [Imams] plotted, planned, organized, and threatened the villagers.

Sway York Du Saung, 64, born in Pa Da Kar New Village, Maungdaw Township

The preacher of our mosque in Pa Da Kar New Village was Mawlawi

[Imam] Hasaung (age 35), son of Bawlu Karman. Mawlawi Hasaung
organized us by telling us that we, the Bengali Islamists, should create
the areas of Maungdaw, Buthidaung and Rathedaung Townships as an
Islamic State, and that all of us had to follow the Mawlawis who were
leading the organization. The Security Police Outposts would be
attacked by us, led by the militants of RSO (Rohingya Solidarity
Organization), and ARSA (Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army) who were
coming back from Bangladesh, and were giving training secretly at
some villages. The Mawlawis also told us that all Bengalis would have to participate in
attacking the police forces, wherever we were.

It was then learnt that according to Mawlawi Hasaung, our villagers, together with the
Bengalis living in other villages nearby our village would be led by RSO and ARSO leaders
and to attack the Police Outpost at Kyein Chaung, in the early pre-dawn morning of
25/8/2017. At the time of that attack against the Police Outposts I did not participate.

Later in the morning, after the attacks failed, Mawlawi Hasaung told to set fire to all of our
houses in the villages and flee to Bangladesh. While fleeing, we would attack any security
police forces which might be found on the way to Bangladesh. So, we set fires to our
homes and fled. I also ran with the other villagers. Among the villagers, Ahdu Shawbi son of
Khawbi Ramauk, Ahbu Tawyote (age 30) son of Sharbaw Tarli, Rawfee (age 27) son of
Shawfee, Ayesann Mular and my father Orli Ahmauk, Khawbi Ramauk (age 53) son of
Marshaw Bi, Ahdu Lar (age 17) son of Bandar, Tarhay (age 15) son of Eili Yard, Faron (age 18)
son of Halu, Ayeshar Dular (age 19) son of Zawnu Ralaung and Eili Yard (age 24) son of
Hasun Nali of Kyaung Taung (Middle) were some of the villagers I knew. When we arrived at
Tarein Village of Maungdaw Township, unknown villagers came and mingled with us. There
were about 100 of us in a group all together. While we were them, we were led by unknown
RSO and ARSA militants and suddenly the leaders told the better-trained villagers to attack
the Kyein Chaung Police Station and Security Outpost, and then flee to Bangladesh. That
night we gathered clubs and swords from nearby Bengali villages. Then, together with about
100 villagers we attacked the Security Outpost and Police Station in Tarein Village, with
clubs and swords, and some guns, at about 1:00 am, on 30/8/2017. As the Security Forces
retaliated by firing back at us, we ran away.

Name - Ahdu Sawbi, 18, born in Pa Da Kar Ywar Thit Village, Maungdaw township

There are two mosques in our village of Pa Da Kar Ywar Thit. I go to the
nearest mosque, we are supposed to go there 5 times a day. But, I can
only go 2 or 3 times because I am a daily worker. The Mawlawi [Imam] of
the mosque is Fawkaw Raw Din (25), (F) Sha Ha Mauk. He and La Lu
(short hair, wide forehead, big eyebrows, small eyes, sharp nose, small
mouth, beard, thin, height- 5’ 6’’) said we should occupy Maungdaw
region and make it an Islamic State. RSO (Rohingya Solidarity
Organization) and ARSA members from Bangladesh are giving training
secretly in some villages. Now, the trainees would lead the attacks. I heard La Lu has
connections with the RSO and ARSA, and he is training villagers.

Our villagers together with other Bengalis led by RSO and ARSA attacked the security
outposts on 25.8.2017. I did not know which outposts they attacked, because I did not join
in these attacks.

We are told by Mawlawi Fawkaw Raw Din and La Lu to flee from the village and go to
Bangladesh, and burn the houses as we left. Then we set the houses on fire and ran
together with other Bengalis from other villages. Among our villagers, I could only recognize
Sayed Du Saung (54), Ahbu Taw Yok (30), Rawfique (27), Asan Mullar, my father Khawbi Ra
Mauk (53), Addulah (17), Ta Hay (15), Faron (18), Ashar Dullah (19) and Eili Yard (24) from
Kyaung Taung Alay Village. As we were fleeing we arrived at Tarein village, and we met with
other villagers and decided to attack the Kyein Chaung Police Outpost. We numbered
about 100 Bengalis. That night, nearby Bengali villagers gave us swords and sticks. And at
11:30 pm on 30.8.2017, we attacked the security personnel that we had seen in Tarein
Village. When they shot back, we dropped the swords and ran back.

We were captured while we were again attacking another Army group. I, Sayed Du Saung,
Eili Yard, and my father Khawbi Ra Mauk were captured by the Army at that place.

Name- Rawbi Ramauk, 54, born in Pa Da Kar Ywar Thit, Maungdaw Township

I attend the big mosque where I often see Mawlawi [Imam] Armidula,
(about 25 years old), (F) Ardulami, and Mawlawi Phaw Ra Mauk, (about
20 years old), (F) Swe Tala Mauk who is also the governor of our village.

During prayer time, these two Mawlawis taught villagers that we would
have to attack the non-Muslims to make the areas of Rathedaung,
Buthiduang, and Maungdaw our own Bengali Islamic State. They
taught us villagers that Bengalis cannot travel freely, and to get that
freedom, we need to organize and unite to be stronger. The Mawlawis told us that we would
attack the police outposts and that there were already secret trainings sessions in some
villages led by the RSO [Rohingya Solidarity Organization] and ARSA [Arakan Rohingya
Salvation Army] militants coming from their secret camps in Bangladesh.

Many times they said, “All Bengalis must participate in attacking any members of the
police outposts at anytime and anywhere.”

By the persuasion of Malawis Armidula and Phaw Ra Mauk, on 8.25.2017 in the early
morning, villagers from my village cooperated together with Bengalis from nearby villages,
and led by ARSA and RSO militants they attacked the police outposts. I do not know
specifically the name of the police outposts since I was not involved in the attacks. After the
police repulsed the attacks the Bengalis scattered.

Then, we were told by the Mawlawis to go to Bangladesh, and to set fire to our own
houses, and attack any security police members as we were fleeing to Bangladesh. After
receiving these messages from the Mawlawis, Bengalis set their houses and villages on
fire and ran away. That’s the way that I ran away together with my wife, Sara Khatu, my son,
Adu Sawbi and other Bengalis. Among the Bengali villagers, I just only remembered Swe
York Du Soung’s family. After running away to some distance, at Ta Raine village, Maungdaw
Township, we met other unknown Bengalis from other villages. We all numbered about 1000
Bengalis there. We then were led by unknown militants of ARSA and RSO who had trained
at the secret militant trainings, and we attacked Kyein Chaung Police Outpost while the
police were not aware of us surrounding the compound. After the police started to shoot
back, we retreated. The next day, we were told to continue going to Bangladesh. On that
night, Bengalis from nearby villages collected weapons such as knives, swords, and sticks
and gave them to us. After that, at 11:00 am on 8.30.2017, our group of about 100 Bengalis,
attacked Ta Raine Police Outpost security members with our weapons. Since security
police members fought back with guns, I ran away, dropping my knife.

Name - Eili Yard, 24, born in Kyaung Daung Middle Village, Buthidaung Township

There is a mosque in my village and the name of the Mawlawis [Imams]

are Mawlawi Saw Ling (son of Marmod Copy) about 30 years old, and
Mawlawi Abu Saw Yord, about 40 (son of Ma Chaw Bi). People in my
village are required to go to the mosque and worship five times a day
and every time we go to the mosque, Mawlawis Saw Ling and Abu
Saw Yord always told us, “One of these days the cities and
townships of Buthidaung, Maungdaw, and Rathedaung must be
an Islamic controlled State, so we all will have to attack any non-
Muslims. When the time comes, we will attack all the police
outposts in these regions. We are making progress, with members of RSO [Rohingya
Solidarity Organization], and ARSA [Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army] secretly coming
in from Bangladesh and secretly giving militant training in some villages. One day
these members of RSO and ARSA will be leading us to attack all the police outposts,
and seize all the weapons to wage Jihad against all the non-Muslims at the same time
in these three townships. We Muslims must be united to achieve our goals.”

Also, the head of our village, Ar Lee, (about 45 years old) called for meetings once a week,
for all villagers, and told us “We are about to make attacks on all of the police outposts
soon, so be ready.”

We were led and organized by Mawlawi Saw Ling and Mawlawi Abu Saw Yord, We joined up
with a group of RSO and ARSA trained militants and young people from our same village, Ha
Luu (30) (son of Ardu Sawbi), Waka San (28) (son of Ammard Zawlee), and other young
Bengali people from Sar Khine village. Then, I heard that they would also be involved with
attacking the police outposts, but I did not participate when they attacked in the early
morning of August 25th.

On August 25, 2017, in the very early morning darkness, the Bengali people joined the RSO
and ARSA groups attacking the police outposts. When the policemen responded with
gunfire the Bengalis ran away. Two days later Mawlawis Saw Ling and Abu Saw Yord told us
to set our own homes and villages on fire, and run away to Bangladesh. And, they said,

“If you see any police or other security forces on the way attack them in any way that
you can.”

On August 27th Mawlawi Abu Saw Yord was leading us all running away, including my
parents and family - 13 members of our family. On August 28th we got to Maungdaw
township. We met about 100 unknown Bengalis in Pa Dar Kar New Village. After we met
those 100 people we were led by other unknown Bengali militants from RSO and ARSA, and
they led us to attack the Kyein Chaung police outpost. After we attacked, the police
started shooting at us, and we ran away.

Then, we decided to try to get to Bangladesh. That evening, people from nearby villages,
gathered together and gave us some weapons - some knives, swords, and clubs. On August
30th, about 11:00 in the morning, our group - of about 100 people - attacked police
officers who we saw inside the Taraine villages. Police responded and shot back at us, so
we had to run away. I was running to find a hiding place, after I did several attacks, and
then I was caught and arrested together with, Rawbi Ramauk, Abdu Sawbi, and Swe York Du
Soung, all from Pa Dar Kar New Village.

Name - Mohamed Islam,40, born in Kum Thee Pin Ashit Ywa Village, Maungdaw Tsp

Our village has a mosque and the mosque Mawlawi [Imam] is Mawlawi
Islam (40) and the Arabic teacher is Shaung Shu Ar Lom (35). Everytime
I went to the mosque to pray, they told us to attack in the name of our
Islamic religion, and not to fear any other religions, and that we must
do what Allah requests. They said we would start the attacks after
ARSA militants arrived and that they would have guns and bombs, and
we need to be ready to join and attack with them.

On the evening of 24.8.2017, when I was in my house, Mawlawi Islam

and Arabic Teacher Shaung Shu Ar Lom gathered the villagers at the mosque and told them
that ARSA militants had arrived somewhere near our village and they would start the attacks
soon, and we had to join them. They also said they would attack the police outpost first
and after this they would attack Nant Thar Taung Rakhine Buddhist Village. They warned
us that every Muslim had to join these attacks and those who did not participate or informed
the authorities about this would be killed, in accordance with our Islamic religion.

At 02:00 am on 25.8.2017, I, Fawri Ta Laung (23) and Nru Slam (35) went to the mosque with
swords for everybody. Then Mawlawi Islam and Arabic Teacher Shaung Shu Ar Lom lead us
to a farm field, there were about 200 Bengalis from the hamlets of Kum Thee Pin village and
Lat Pway Kya and Nant Thar Taung village led by Rawshid Ahmed. The all had heavy sticks,
swords, jingali and slingshots. Some were wearing black and they were holding bombs
and guns and I knew that they were ARSA members.

Then at 3:00 am, we approached Nant Thar Taung Police outpost, surrounded it and
attacked. ARSA militants attacked with guns and bombs. As there were many Bengalis
and it was at night, I did not recognize who was involved while attacking, but there were
about 15 wearing black masks. When policemen shot back, we retreated and we arrived at
our homes around 5:30 am. The attackers were from Lat Phway Kya, Kum Thee Pin (east,
west, and middle hamlets) and Nant Thar Taung villages.

Name - Sarday Hu Sein, 19, born in Kum Thee Pin Alay Village, Maungdaw Township

Our village has a mosque and the Ashit (East) Village has one. The Anauk
(West) Village does not have a mosque. Our mosque Mawlawi [Imam] is
Hafae Rofique. After the 2012 violence, whenever we went to the mosque
to pray he always told us that we will attack in the name of our Islamic
religion, and not to fear any other religions, and that we must do what
Allah wants us to do. He said that we would start this plan after ARSA
militants arrived and that they would have guns and bombs for us to
use, and that we need to be ready to join them.

On the evening of 24.8.2017, while I was in my house, my neighbors Moha Maud (30) and
Abu Baw Kaw (27) came to us and told us that ARSA militants had arrived, and were up on
the nearby hill, and that the attacks would start tonight, and that we had to join them when
they started. At 1:30 am on 25.8.2017, they called me to come, and I grabbed my iron stick
and followed them. We arrived at a farm field, and there were about 200 Bengalis from the
hamlets of Kum Thee Pin, Lat Pway Kya and Nant Thar Taung Village. We were led by
Rawshid Ahmed. We villagers all had sticks, swords, Jingali and slingshots. Some were
wearing black clothes and masks and they were holding bombs and guns and I knew
that they were ARSA members.

At 3:00 am, we approached Nant Tha Taung Police Outpost, surrounded it and attacked.
ARSA militants attacked with guns and bombs. As there were many Bengalis and it was
at nighttime, I did not recognize who was attacking, but there were about 15 with black
masks on. When policemen shot back, we retreated and we arrived back at our village
homes around 5:30 am.

On the morning of 25.8.2017, villagers from Kom Thee Pin village started to flee from the
village heading towards Bangladesh. My family also did the same. While I was waiting for my
sister Mamudar, the Army and BGP [Border Guard Police] arrived and we could not run
away. Around 10:00 am, I was arrested, together with Mohamed Islam. Other attackers and
villagers had already fled to Bangladesh.

BS: Fortify Rights obtained mobile-phone video footage of Rohingya adults lifting dead infant
children out of the Purma River.

WAS FROM TULA TOLI! Below are the three images most often used from the video, and a
link to view the video itself.

I found the original source of the video - it was taken by ABC, TWO WEEKS AFTER the
incidence at TULA TOLI, and IT IS ON THE NAF RIVER, which is NOT the river that Tula Toli
is on. It is on a section of the Naf River where the river banks come closer together, making it
SEEM like Tula Toli.

SEE HERE: https://arakan-reality.smugmug.com/ARAKAN-the-CONFLICT-VIDEOS/


‘Eyewitnesses’ have claimed that over a period of three days beginning Wednesday
30th August, virtually all the villagers of Tula Toli / Min Gyi were put to death. I’m curious
what people did at nighttime on the 30th and 31st. Make dinner, pray, say goodnight and go
to sleep? Or, sneak out quietly in the middle of the night. Bangladesh is only 6 miles / 10
kilometers away. It is flat, with no mountains to cross. At an average walking speed it is a 2
hour walk.

Tula Toli, also know as Min Gyi is a large village of approximately 4,360 Bengali Muslims and
435 Rakhine Buddhists - as one could see, roughly 10 Muslims for every 1 Buddhist. It has
not always been this way, the Bengali Muslim birthrate in Rakhine State is among the highest
in the world. Most families have between 5 and 9 children. In addition to that, illegal Muslim
immigrants have been streaming across the porous border in huge amounts, ever since the
days of British colonialism, when even the British recognized the Naf river as a border
between Chittagong (a region of Bengal, and its population of Muslim ‘Chittagonians’ as the
British knew them) and the Arakanese / Rakhine Buddhists in their ancient homeland.

At Tula Toli / Min Gyi Bengali Muslims claim they were unjustly massacred in barbaric ways.
Estimates range from “several hundred” to 1,800 civilians killed, including at least 200
women and 300 children - and somehow the Buddhists, outnumbered 10 to 1, were able to
do that.

Zaw Htay, the spokesperson for Myanmar's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi, said that
local Rakhines and the military had been targeted by insurgents in Tula Toli. "We could verify
that [leading up to the] August 30, 2017 attacks in Min Gyi (Tula Toli) village, there were a total
of eight attacks against Rakhine population and security forces by hundreds of terrorists,"
Zaw Htay said.

According to an ’eyewitness’, on August 29, ‘a military helicopter landed in a nearby Rakhine

village, and then the helicopter returned with the security forces on August 30’, said Khotija,
a 42-year-old resident of Tula Toli to CNN. Another survivor from Tula Toli, Omar Ali, said that
he had ‘witnessed the landing of the helicopter and the distribution of weapons and uniforms
to the Rakhine villagers from the helicopter’. It was an intense war, especially in that first
week, and for another several weeks. Bengali Muslims were on a massive killing spree
(again), Buddhists, Hindus, and others were greatly out-numbered and had to defend
themselves or die. Helicopters were used because there were many bridges that were
destroyed or heavily damaged by Bengali bombs. And I know that area, I was there in Sept
2017, and Jan 2018. Near Tula Toli I saw the bridges that had been unusable until they were
repaired. Helicopters had to bring food supplies as well as troops, because the army - of any

country - has a duty to rescue, protect, and evacuate the citizens in a time of war, and to
eliminate the threat to the citizens.

Both of these bridges were destroyed on Aug 23, when apparently as Bengalis were placing a bomb
under the bridge to detonate on Aug 25 it exploded prematurely. So, they blew up the other one as
well. Both are very close to Tula Toli. The man on the bridge is Mro ethnicity from Wet Kyein Mro village.

From the various groups of refugees claiming to be Tula Toli survivors interviewed by FR,
HRW and AI, following the initial assault, we get quite a number of contradictions, and a
baffling number of ‘sole survivors’, but STILL NO BODIES, NO PHOTOS, NO VIDEOS!

CLAIM: The soldiers separated the men from the women and the children. They put the
women and children near the bank of the river, and they put the men in a different place on
the beach. Some of the men were seated, others were trying to run away in fear. They were
being slaughtered, killed with shovels and the army was also shooting them and killing them
with sharp weapons [knives and machetes]. That was around noon.

The men were taken away. Some were sitting, others were standing. The soldiers killed them
by shooting them, and they slaughtered them with machetes, wooden sticks, and stabbing
them. The killings went on from when they arrived to the time of the Juhur prayer
[approximately 2 p.m.] They killed all the men.

They dug a big hole. They put all the bodies inside, and then used leaves and bamboo to
start a fire. They also threw grenades on them, and then finally they threw sand on top of

RESPONSE: I would seriously doubt that grenades were used as described because if you
throw a grenade on top of a pile of bodies you have very high chance of killing yourself and
your buddies.

CLAIM: Plentiful witnesses gave both similar and dissimilar details of what they said they
saw and experienced that day. First, men were slaughtered and slaughtered for hours and
hours. They offered no resistance, but pleaded and prayed.

RESPONSE: (and since almost all of them don’t speak the Arakanese language of the land,
and the Buddhists and others have no need to learn a foreign language, they probably are
not understood.)

Something that puzzles me is this: I have seen Bengalis when they are agitated, and they are
quite rough, and can quite easily go on a rampage, despite troops or police around. Frankly I
cannot imagine how 4000 + Bengalis can be so submissive as they are being executed for
hours and hours, by 200 soldiers. That is 20 Bengalis for every 1 Buddhist. There have been
instances (2012, 1994, 1988, and others) where mobs of Bengalis have just pounced on
armed troops or police, quickly overwhelming them and killing them. As well, the Bengali
women can be quite tough and rough and I cannot imagine them being as submissive as
portrayed in these ‘stories’. It’s hard to visualize hundreds of such men unable or unwilling to
resist as they were massacred before their horrified wives and children, who were sure to be
killed next.

Standing in the Water at Tula Toli:

CLAIM: Dozens of their women and children were made to stand in the water nearby. They
watched and wailed for hours and hours as men were systematically killed. When the troops
were finished with that the now unprotected women were then dragged off in groups to
empty huts with their children. Soldiers killed the children, raped the women, beat or
chopped them them to death, and then set the huts on fire. Other children were hacked to
death and tossed in the river, (as told by many ‘Human Rights Defenders’), and bodies were
burned in pits dug into the river bank.

There are allegations that the troops, conveniently, had 10 ‘rape huts’ nearby where they
raped and killed hundreds of women. At least 10-14 women located so far, and perhaps
more, claim to have each been the sole survivor from their rape hut. Each hut had about 5-7
women in there, with their children (unless their children were already some of the hundreds
of children ‘brutally killed'). The huts were each set on fire, with the doors and windows
locked from the outside, when the troops were finished raping. Nearly everyone died in the
flames - except the sole survivors, of which there are at least 10, or even 14.

RESPONSE: Interesting point is that the soldiers apparently did not want any rape victims to
survive and possibly identify them later. However, all of the sole survivors managed to get
out of the burning hut and flee to safety with any soldiers noticing - at least none were shot
as they escaped. Some of the women ‘survivors’ noted that their child also escaped with
them - which just seems odd - because if all the huts had 5-7 women in them, with kids, and
one women and one child managed to escape the fire, the chances of them being actual
mother and child were rather small. Suspicious.

CLAIM: Zahid’ described in disturbing detail, to CNN, how many of the women villagers lost
their lives. It is a gruesome scenario which suggests the military were vacillating about how
exactly to kill the women. “Many of the women were near the river. After the military had

torched the homes, they told the women to get out of the river and sit down on the bank.
Then they changed their minds and ordered them to stand up. Then they again ordered them
to sit down. Finally they said stand up and form a line. They then shouted at the women to
run. As they ran, they fired non-stop at them. After the shooting, around 30 women survived.
They told those women to wait in the water again. And from this group of 30, they would take
5 women at a time into huts to rape them. After raping them, they were robbed off their
jewelry, and then beaten to death and the huts set on fire.”

RESPONSE: So, the women had to stand, sit, stand, sit, stand, line up, run, and be shot at.
Then there are 30 women ‘survivors’ (who actually came back to the soldiers that were
spraying bullets at them?) who then had to wait in the water again, and they would be taken
in groups of 5 over to the 10 rape huts. Where did the extra women come from? Earlier we
were told that 5-7 women would be in each of the 10 rape huts - so that is 50-70 women - or
more - considering that by some accounts like HRW the women were taken also “in groups
of five women, five at a time, and there were more than 200 taken away by the time they took
me away,” said Rashida to HRW.

CLAIM: Rashida, 25, told Human Rights Watch a quite different scenario: she was among
hundreds of women who were forced to stand in the water by the beach with their children.
The women and their children were made to sit in the water. “We women and children were
more than 400 in the water. They took us away in groups of five women, five at a time, and
there were more than 200 taken away by the time they took me. About half of the women and
children remained in the water when they took me away. I don’t know what happened to

RESPONSE: HRW - nobody mentioned the shooting of hundreds of women? How can
people ‘forget’ that?

If we go by some of the numbers from HRW and from ‘eyewitness’ Zahid then 400 women
were in the river, and when ordered to run, they killed 370, and the 30 survivors came back
and had to wait their turn to be raped in groups of 5, which would mean that after 6 groups
of 5, the troops would be done, but then there is the more than 200.......the math is puzzling.
And, why does Zahid tell us, with great detail and conviction, that after the women were
raped, their jewelry was robbed from them, and they were beaten to death, and the huts
were burned. How would Zahid know? The women were ‘supposedly’ raped in the huts. Did
they invite Zahid into the ‘rape’ huts to let him watch them steal their jewelry? This pile of
untruths is teetering badly.....

Once again, these stories of killings going on for hours with no revolts, or a mutiny
happening is odd, and even more so considering the character of Bengali Muslims. And,
don’t forget, 4,360 Bengalis are being controlled by 200 or so Buddhists? For most of a day,
or several days in some versions.

Problems, Conflicts:

Nicholas Kristof, well-known reporter for the New York Times said this about refugees:

“Are the stories they recount true?

One thing I’ve learned over the decades (originally while covering China’s murder of
Tiananmen democracy protesters in 1989) is that victims lie as well as perpetrators. Outrage
leads to exaggerations, to elevated death tolls, to rumors becoming eyewitness accounts.
But the attack on Tula Toli has been well documented by human rights organizations,
including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Fortify Rights, and it is
substantiated by satellite photos showing burned huts.”

Satellite photos show burned huts - the photos do NOT tell you who burned them - Muslims,
Buddhists, Quakers, Santa Claus? Of course, HRW will NEVER say: “This satellite photo
shows a Buddhist village burned by Muslims, irrefutably.” If Kristof thinks that HRW, FR, and
AI are un-biased then we are all in trouble.

A “handful” of survivors spoke up saying about 18-20 escaped, but over the next several
months some 70-80 alleged survivors have been interviewed by various reporters and media.
And, one should know that people in refugee camps quite often will see Western reporters
and news agencies as possible connections to some cash and food in the short run, or in the
long run, asylum in the rich countries, and therefore the better (or worse) the story is, the
better you chances of not being one of a million refugees with uncertain futures.

CLAIM: HRW interviewed a women Khotija, 42, who “lost her entire family in the ‘massacre”.
Her elderly father, Abu Shama, and her husband, Noor Kobir, 50, died with the men on the

RESPONSE: Later, the dead man, now spelled Nour Kabir, seems to be interviewed by the
BBC about the massacre he ‘died’ in. And/or is the same named person from Tula Toli the
one who is or was the current secretary of Tula Toli's village administration, as he stated to
CNN? Suspicious.

CLAIM: Mohammad Ayas, 16, told HRW he swam across the river to survive, and “was
wounded while running toward the river.”

RESPONSE: Might he be the same Mohammad Ayes (another common spelling when
translated to English) Mohammad Ayes, who joined ARSA a few days before the huge
attacks on Aug 25? - as he said in an interview with Mahadi Al Hasnat of The Dhaka Tribune
in mid-Sept, 2017. Ayes was trying to blame the barbaric massacre of 93 Hindus in Kha
Maung Seik on the Buddhists. In a bumbling statement he said “said the government used
the conflict between the Hindus and Muslims, and took the side of the Hindus as they were
working for them.”

Ayes argued that since the ARSA combatants do not have any dress code, they do not need
to hide their identity with black masks. “Whoever uses masks, it means they want to hide
their identities and commit atrocities. It is a conspiracy against the Rohingya Muslims to
prove that what the army is doing is legal and necessary. If Hindus were really attacked by the
Muslims, would they not be afraid to escape with the Muslims to get shelter in Bangladesh?”
he asked. Could it be that Ayes was one of the attackers on Aug 25, like thousands of other
Bengali Muslims, fighting a Jihad, in the name of Allah, intending to kill all non-Muslims, and
declare an autonomous Islamic State?

Quite possibly. And, their wounds incurred as they vicious attacked are now their wounds
inflicted by the ‘vicious Buddhists soldiers and civilians? Quite possibly.

‘Eyewitnesses’ of Tula Toli:

CLAIM: Shafiur Rahman of the Dhaka Tribune, interviewed a ‘survivor’ named Mohammed
Nasir. He made the point to say that he and other had to walk for 3 exhausting days to reach
the Bangladesh border.

RESPONSE: Wow, that sounds terrible. Especially in light of the fact that the border is 6
miles or 10 kilometers away - and it is flat to the border, no mountains. A person on average
walks 3 miles an hour, so that would be a 2 hour walk - but we will be generous and
compassionate and give them twice as much time - 4 hours to the border. (I have heard
other pitiful account where Bengali ‘victims’ have said, “we walked night and day for 10
exhausting days until we reached Bangladesh.” But, I know the villages and I know that they
walked 9 miles, on flat terrain. I can leisurely ride a bicycle there in 1 hour.)

CLAIM: Nasir also described how the destruction began in the morning with homes being
torched. Nasir himself had escaped to a nearby hillock with his family. From his vantage
point and before he left for Bangladesh later that day, he recounted how “bodies were
thrown into large pits near the river, covered in straw, doused in petrol and torched.”

RESPONSE: So, let’s look at that a bit. He claims the destruction began in the morning with
homes being torched - and then for the rest of that day there were bodies being killed,
raped, flung, buried, burned. I know what is is like when a village is on fire - you can hardly
breath! The last thing you would do is carry or throw bodies, or anything else physical,
except to get out of there. And then Nasir and his family watched the violence from the hill,
but never even thought to take a photo or video? And, likewise, Tula Toli had well over 4000
Muslim residents! There are at least a couple thousand phones capable of taking photos or
videos. And during this 3-day, and night, orgy of death and destruction - in which many
observed it for hours and hours from a hill or from across the river or from many vantage or
hidden places - but no one could even think of taking a crummy photo or video of anything
to show the abuses that they are claiming?


I have shown major issues with stories that are quite different, numbers that don’t make
sense, complete lack of photo or video evidence, and no bodies. And, I show the blatant
bias of major news or rights entities than will not give ANY coverage, special reports, or
credence to the Aug 25 mega-attacks by the Muslims, or Islamic Jihad and agenda in
this conflict, or interviews and stories of Buddhists, Hindus, and tribal people whom have
been suffering and dying with the weight of the Bengalis’ inherent intolerance, supremacy,
and violence, as taught by their mosques and Mawlawis. There has been an astonishing
amount of false and manipulative media from the Bengali side, with the power and money
from the Muslim World Media. And, this ‘massacre’ has way too many problems and issues
to be what it is propped up to be.

One has to wonder how many Buddhists and others were killed in the week of Aug
25-31, in just a 5 mile radius. I think a lot, and this ‘massacre’ was more like a battle
between Muslims - who started a war on Aug 25, with more aggressions every day - and
Buddhists - whom by nature are much more pacifist, tolerant, and compassionate - yet are
embroiled in a conflict not of their choosing, and must defend themselves against the Islamic
hatred of all Buddhist and Hindus for revering such things as statues of Buddha or Vishnu.

BS: A 32-year-old Rohingya teacher from Maung Nu—also known as Monu Fara—in
Buthidaung Township, the site of a Myanmar Army-led massacre that began on August 27,
recalled: “There is one border guard camp in Hpawng Daw Pyin village [nearby Maung Nu],
and some ARSA came and threatened the camps on the 25th. It started from this.”

TRUTH: The major problem with this supposed massacre, supposedly stretched over six
days of events, from Aug 25-Aug 30, is that the first accounts of it, by reporter Annie
Gowen, writing for the Washington Post, are at great odds with later accounts, by
notoriously one-sided Human Rights, Fortify Rights and reporter Todd Pitman. Either we
have to pick one version, or another, or another, or neither one to believe.

Annie Gowen, Reporting For The Washington Post - Version 1

Maung Nu, is also called Monu Para, and is a village of roughly 750 households, with
about 2000 people, situated 51⁄2 miles (9 km) north of Buthidaung. It was first mentioned,
prominently, in a September 16 Washington Post article. At that time, “nearly a dozen”
witnesses told reporter Annie Gowen of the events there over several days. There was an
attack with some killings and homes burnt early on August 25, starting around 8 am, just
hours after ARSA had attacked a nearby army base.

Now, let us pause and reflect on that. What happened on the morning of August 25, 2017
is constantly trivialized, example:

• In Annie Gowen’s article: “The latest wave of violence began Aug. 25, when an
emerging group of Rohingya militants, the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army, attacked 30
police posts and an army base in Rakhine state, killing 12”.

• Amnesty International says, “Early in the morning of August 25, 2017, members of a
Rohingya armed groups, Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA), attacked approximately
30 security force outposts in northern Rakhine State.”

• Fortify Rights: “After renaming itself the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) in

March 2017, the group waged a second attack on 30 police outposts and an army base
on August 25, 2017, killing 12 officials.”

• Human Rights Watch will dumb it down even further: “Rohingya militants attacked a
local security outpost and military base.”

First: Here are the targets, near Maung Nu, that ARSA attacked in the early AM of Aug 25,
2017. The militants attacked the headquarters of the Burmese Army Western Command’s
Light Infantry Battalion 552 in Taung Bazar, about 6 miles (10 km) north of Maung Nu. An
estimated 300-500 militants took part in this attack.

One of the police outposts that was also attacked early that morning was close to the
market in Hpaung Taw Pyin, just a half mile (less then one kilometer) north of Maung Nu,
when ARSA militants attacked a checkpoint manned by the Border Guard Police (BGP).
Residents living near the market told Human Rights Watch that they were sleeping at
home and heard heavy gunfire coming from the area near the BGP checkpoint. They said
gunfire continued until about 6 a.m. Todd Pitman also says, “A few hours after midnight on
Aug. 25, fierce volleys of gunfire woke the residents of Maung Nu. Rohingya militants had
launched a surprise assault on a Border Guard Police post in Hpaung Taw Pyin, less than
a kilometer (1⁄2 mile) to the north.” Over 100 militants took part in that attack using
“swords, firearms and bombs.”

Now I would think that any army, police, or country that is attacked like that, will respond,
in fact, it has duty to respond, and to rescue, protect, and evacuate civilians, and to

eliminate the threat they are under.

And, here is a much more relevant and sobering description of what really happened that
morning in a much larger view: In the early morning of August 25, 2017, unprecedented
multiple surprise attacks on well over 60 targets, comprised of 30 police and army
outposts, and dozens of villages populated by Buddhists, Hindus, and ethnic tribal
peoples shocked the whole nation of Myanmar.

Security Forces killed in the ARSA attacks.

It can, and should, be called one of the world’s largest terrorist attacks in history,
considering the high number of targets, and the estimated 4000-6000 assailants carrying
out the attacks. The attackers were Bengali Muslims, under the banner of ARSA - Arakan
Rohingya Salvation Army - an Islamic terrorist group with an Islamic agenda, which had
widespread village support1. Upon slaughtering many security forces, stealing many
weapons and much ammo, the squads of Islamic fighters stormed into villages of
Buddhists, Hindus, and ethnic tribal people, slashing, killing, and burning - and in some
cases, gathering terrified villagers, marching them out and savagely executing them until
all were dead, many of them with tongues and ears cut off, and limbs and heads hacked
off. In one example, this is what happened in the Hindu villages of Kha Maung Seik - the
one massacre which actually has many bodies found in mass graves, and much more
evidence from survivors, relatives, observers and relief workers. And, interestingly, this is
the one massacre that HRW, and FR have blatantly IGNORED, and it seems that the other
‘massacres’ or non-massacres are designed to cover the Kha Maung Seik Massacre by
deflecting attention to it. Amnesty International DID finally and belatedly come out with
report about Kha Maung Seik, damning the Muslims for executing nearly 100 Hindus, and
forcing 8 Hindu girls to convert or die, marry Muslims or die, kidnapped them, take them
into Bangladesh, and even force them to say, under threat of death, that it was Buddhists
that raise and killed all the Hindus. Oddly, all 3 human rights groups have ‘special reports’
with photos, maps, glitz, polish, recommendations, and ominous warnings of war crimes,
but FR and HRW still will NOT acknowledge ANYTHING that happened to the Hindus, and
ESPECIALLY the 8 girls - who have endured just about EVERY WAR CRIME THAT EXISTS!

Annie, HRW, FR, AI, Todd Pitman - how about interviews and short sweet stories with the
families and friends of the murdered police, army, villagers?

And, how about some nice fancy special reports on the August 25 attacks, and the Kha
Maung Seik massacre of Hindus?

(version #1 continued)

Mohamed Zubair, the owner and captain of a boat told Gowen that his boat was
requisitioned by the army and loaded with bodies on Aug 26, from the August 25 attacks
by Muslims and the expected repulsion of those attacks. The soldiers warned him “you
will also be killed,” and then he fainted upon seeing corpses “including those of two 13-
year-old boys.” Since he fainted, he can’t be sure, but Zubair “believes the corpses were
dumped in the river.”

Then, as this story runs, there were several days of tension

as the army remained nearby, but with no noted killings.

On August 27, for example, nothing is noted except a

mother reunites with her son, who had fled to the woods after

being wounded on the 25th - in other words, he was one of

the attackers who was hoping to kill all non-Muslims and

declare the ethnically cleansed land an autonomous Islamic

State. The remaining Bengalis finally decided to flee on August 30, to

Now, Lets Examine the Story From Human Rights Watch - Version #2

On October 4, Human Rights Watch issued a report based on 14 alleged survivors they
interviewed – seemingly different from those who spoke to Annie Gowen. These all agree
on the point that some Muslim fighters were killed on the 25th in the clashes, with bodies
hauled away on Mr. Zubair’s boat. Zubair is the only witness known to be interviewed by
both the Post and HRW, with the same story, but taking a different context in each version.
Initially, the bodies on his boat were pretty much the victims of the August 25 attacks by

the Muslims upon the non-Muslims, but to HRW, this is just a grisly prelude to a sudden
and total slaughter of around 100 people on August 27.

HWR, paints this as what happened on Aug 27:

The Burmese military summarily executed several dozen Rohingya Muslims in Maung Nu
village in Burma’s Rakhine State on August 27, 2017, Human Rights Watch said today.
Witnesses said that Burmese soldiers had beaten, sexually assaulted, stabbed, and shot
villagers who had gathered for safety in a residential compound, two days after Rohingya
militants attacked a local security outpost and military base.

“Rasheed Salim,” 48, described how Myanmar Army soldiers surrounded the large house
of a prominent Rohingya family where dozens of residents of Maung Nu village in
Buthidaung Township gathered for protection on the morning of August 27. Soldiers
forcibly entered the house and dragged men and boys outside. ”Rasheed Salim” said:
“They were taken out of the house. They were blindfolded and made to lie down on the
ground. Then [the Myanmar Army soldiers] shot them.” “Flora Begum,” 50, also witnessed
the attack: “[The soldiers] shot some of them dead and kicked the others, screaming and
threatening them....They were beating and shooting the men on the ground.”Her father-in-
law—who was a local mullah—brother-in- law, and his two sons, ages 16 and 18, were
among those killed.

Survivors estimate that the soldiers killed at least 150 men and boys, ranging in age from
12 to 90, during the attack on Maung Nu village.

HRW did not decide on a specific death toll, but noted “some witnesses said 100 or more”
bodies were collected by soldiers, who loaded them “into military trucks and took them

Captured militants

Todd Pitman’s Version # 3

An expansive AP report by Todd Pitman in December came back with 37 survivors

(including some and maybe all of HRW’s 14) agreeing on the same story: “At least 82
Rohingya are believed to have been murdered on August 27.” The story is much the same
as HRW’s, however, being 2 months after the HRW interviews there is more - now. The
HRW report did not report any rapes or disappearances of women. Why? Quite likely it
had not happened.

But now, that is added into Pitmans piece. “About 20-25 of the women - mostly attractive
and young - were taken away. They were never seen again.”

But, I’ll bet some of those women are the very ones that Pitman is interviewing! Pitman’s
version also, interestingly, makes no mention of Mohamed Zubair, the man with boat,
which was loaded with bodies, and was warned “you will also be killed,” and then he
fainted upon seeing corpses “including those of two 13-year-old boys.”

Very colorful and detailed. HRW also doesn’t include those ominous quotes. One would
think that HRW would say something about Pitman’s abducted women, and that Pitman
and HRW would definitely use those ominous quotes from the boat captain, as interviewed
by Gowen.

Don’t forget, Gowen interviewed in early Sept, HRW interviewed in Oct, and Pitman in Dec.
It seems fair to say - it is a lot of time to forget that which is not true.


The most damning point is this:

In early Sept 2017, Annie Gowen interviewed “nearly a dozen” ‘witnesses' and ‘survivors’
from Maung Nu who talked about shooting and bodies and death and confusion. Well,
naturally, it was like that for the people that the Bengali Muslims prepared for, and trained
for, to kill, annihilate, and eliminate as well. So, I don’t think they have a monopoly on that

But, here is where it gets very interesting - those Bengalis left on Aug 30, but they had
NOTHING to say about the supposed real massacre (or non-massacre) on Aug 27? Did all
of them actually forget that horrible day, as described in detail 3 weeks later? Really?

Or was it not part of the story yet?

I think that Bengalis interviewed by HRW, Fortify Rights, AI and Todd Pitman, did not know
that some of them had given a story, already, to Annie Gowen.

Plans need to be coordinated and agreed upon. Telling the truth does not need a plan.

It is more difficult to remember a false story than to remember real events.

The color of the tarps is what?

Pitman: Shafir Rahman, who lost his father, a brother, a 17-year-old son and two nephews,
also saw soldiers wrapping corpses into orange and blue tarps and hauling them away
with push-carts.

HRW: Witnesses said that after the killings, the soldiers gathered the bodies on green
tarps and loaded them onto pushcarts, then brought the bodies to military vehicles. The
removal of bodies took hours, several witnesses said.

Associated Press: Other troops wrapped corpses in orange and green tarps and
transported them downhill in three-wheeled push-carts to a pair of army trucks parked on
the road. Several witnesses reported seeing soldiers digging pits and dumping bodies into them.

The 3 versions of the color of the tarps that, allegedly, bodies were wrapped in might seem
insignificant - but actually it is significant. Think about it - normally a person would not
state a color for this type of item. Let’s say you told a friend, that yesterday you ‘picked
some fruit and put it in a bag.’ You are not going to say that you put it in a yellow or blue
bag. In this case, it seems like the interviewer said, “those tarps, did you notice the color?”
And 3 people answered in 3 ways because there was no such incident, except in their

Survivor discrepancies:

1. Mohammadul Hassan, 18, told HRW he was tied up and shot twice in the back
along with his brothers. They died and he seemed dead, but had just lost
consciousness. When he woke up and stood, soldiers shot him again, in the chest,
but he ran away to safety anyway. 

2. Another version is that he and his brothers were taken to a nearby pond, and were
told to kneel (no mention of being tied up), and shot from behind. The soldiers then
rolled them over to make sure that they were dead, but he unexpectedly opened his
eyes and then was shot one more time in the chest, and, later regained
consciousness, stumbled away and survived. 

From this it’s worth wondering if these are militants re-using their battle wounds, and if the
‘massacred’ dead are just re-named fighters who were shot, wounded, or died in the
Bengali attacks on all of the non-Muslims.

More discrepancies:

Pitman’s report also notes “about 20 or 25 of the women – mostly attractive and young –
were taken away. They were never seen again.”

HRW’s version is similar but milder in tone. The men were killed about the same way, but
there’s no mention of women abducted. Why? It certainly should be a major concern, and
HRW would certainly mention that.

Is it conceivable that the Bengalis that HRW interviewed, as well as Annie Gowen’s
interviewees simply forgot about “20 or 25 of the women?”

I don’t really think they were forgotten. The only thing I see that is forgotten about the
women is Pitman and his interviewees ‘forgot’ that previous detailed versions did not
mention abducted women. Annie’s version is based on early Sept interviews at the
Bangladesh refugee camps, HRW’s version is based on their October interviews in the
camps, and Pitman’s version is 2 months later, in Dec, when this allegation that “about 20
or 25 of the women” disappeared, and it seems like this allegation and others are hoisted
onto this teetering story.

No photos, no videos:

One of the most puzzling things of all with these claims by the Bengali Muslims of
atrocities, massacres, village burnings, rapes, abusive soldiers, etc., is the absolute dearth
of photos or videos, or even just audio files. These days, almost everyone even poor
villagers, has some kind of mobile phone that has a camera.

It may be a cheap phone with a cheap camera, but nonetheless, it can take pictures and
videos. So, isn’t it astounding that with more than a million, or so, Bengali Muslims, 2⁄3 of
them in Bangladesh, crying and reciting how they had to run for their lives, everybody was
tortured and shot in front of them, their babies where tossed this way and that way into
fires, they were chased and shot at, and blah blah blah - that no one took any photos or
video of anything resembling what they were lying about - excuse me, belying about?
1,000,000 people might own perhaps 250,000 phones - did they all forget them? Probably
not. Let’s say 1 of every 1000 phone owners took 4 photos or video, of abusive acts of the
Burmese army and police forces - so, 250 phones took 1,000 photos. Apparently not. OK,
let’s try 1 phone owner of every 10,000 phone users took just 2 photos or video of abuse -
that would be 50 photos, of which a few should show something, right?

Of course, some readers of this will say something silly like, ‘How can a woman take a
photo of herself being raped!’ or ‘How does a woman take a photo of her baby being
tossed into a convenient fire!’ Well, nobody expects that kind of camera skill.

However, why are there no photos of dead or wounded victims, and burnt bodies of
babies tossed in fires, or videos taking by just one person (of 1,000,000) who had a good
hiding place to film from? We have heard from many ‘eye-witnesses’ who watched the
‘horror’ for hours, from a hill, or across the river, or through the slats of their home. Even if
the video is shaky and jumping around, the audio could easily identify screaming women
being abducted or raped. The audio can also identify the aggressors. At some point the
army and police are gone, and then it might be time to take photos and videos of the
‘horrific aftermath,’ to validate one’s claims.

Death estimates: From 36 to 150, other estimates say 200 or more.

• Fortify Rights estimates the death toll in Maung Nu and 3 nearby villages to be 150.

• Human Rights Watch says it has not been able to verify estimates of the number of
villagers killed, although in the same article by them is noted “some witnesses said a
hundred or more”, and at the beginning of the very same report said, “The Burmese
military summarily executed several dozen Rohingya Muslims in Maung Nu village in
Burma’s Rakhine State on August 27, 2017.” I believe several dozen equals about 36.

• Pitman claims, “At least 82 Rohingya are believed to have been murdered on Aug 27.”

Two curious statements from Human Rights Watch (don’t forget that Matthew Smith
looked for HRW for many years until founding his own Fortify Rights group):

1) “There are numerous reports of serious abuses committed by ARSA militants, though
Human Rights Watch has not been able to independently verify those accounts, in part
because of the lack of access to northern Rakhine State.”

What a ridiculously lame excuse that is - from an organization that is notoriously on-sided
(doing the bidding of the OIC and the Muslim World arena) and puts out reports based on
very unverified data, misinterprets (or intentionally falsely interprets satellite photos, and

2) “Burmese military commanders cannot use the excuse of militant attacks to avoid
justice and punishment,” Robertson said. “The UN fact-finding mission needs to
investigate these atrocities, including commanders who ordered the attack or failed to
punish those involved.”

Does that include commanders of Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army, and all other terrorist
groups, Islamic militants, and the Mawlawis (Imams) of the Bengali Muslim mosques?

From the interrogation of a captured ARSA affiliated militant named Eili Yard,
from Kyaung Daung (very close to Maung Nu), Buthidaung:

There is a mosque in my village and the name of the Mawlawis [Imams] are Mawlawi Saw
Ling (son of Marmod Copi) about 30 years old, and Mawlawi Abu Saw Yord, about 40 (son
of Ma Chaw Bi). People in my village are required to go to the mosque and worship five
times a day and every time we go to the mosque, Mawlawis Saw Ling and Abu Saw Yord
always told us, “One of these days the cities and townships of Buthidaung,
Maungdaw, and Rathedaung must be an Islamic controlled State, so we all will have
to attack any non-Muslims. When the time comes, we will attack all the police
outposts in these regions. We are making progress, with members of RSO [Rohingya
Solidarity Organization], and ARSA [Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army] secretly
coming in from Bangladesh and secretly giving militant training in some villages.
One day these members of RSO and ARSA will be leading us to attack all the police
outposts, and seize all the weapons to wage Jihad against all the non-Muslims at
the same time in these three townships. We Muslims must be united to achieve our

Also, the head of our village, Ar Lee, (about 45 years old) called for meetings once a week,
for all villagers, and told us “We are about to make attacks on all of the police outposts
soon, so be ready.”

by Rick Heizman San Francisco July 27, 2018

facebook.com/rick.heizman arakan-reality.smugmug.com

@rick135b7 scribd.com/rheizman


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