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People Love Lions – Part II

When we started here, we rarely saw lions and certainly

never thought we’d observe them living harmoniously
alongside people. Now lions have tripled in number and can
live safely near local communities. They provide hope that
lions can thrive throughout Africa.
Stephanie Dolrenry, co-founder and
director of science at Lion Guardians

W hen Cecil the lion was killed in Zimbabwe by

American trophy hunter Walter Palmer in July 2015,
his death shone a global spotlight on the plight and vulnerability
of lions in Africa. Shocked and outraged by the way Cecil was
hunted down, countless people around the world held vigils,
joined protest marches and donated significant amounts of
money to fund lion conservation projects to help save Africa’s
last lions.
Before Cecil went down, though, thousands of people in
Africa and beyond the continent had been working both on a
professional and voluntary basis to save Panthera leo from
extinction in the wild. Numerous wildlife charities,
foundations and organisations – funded by individuals,
institutions and government bodies – had established local
projects and initiatives to help protect lions from the current
biggest threats to their survival.
In East Africa, notably Kenya and Tanzania, confl ict
between big cats and people, especially in remote regions
outside protected areas, is lethal for lions. At least one lion a
week is killed – either shot, speared or poisoned – for taking

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livestock. For many farmers and pastoralists, killing lions is

the most effective way to stop them from offending – a simple
but deadly insurance to protect their livelihoods from the
unforgiving jaws of hungry lions.
Of course, taking lions out of the equation by killing them
isn’t the only way that livestock can be kept safe. Lion protection
projects, run and funded by conservation organisations and
charities, have been helping traditional pastoral communities
find other ways to safeguard their livestock and livelihoods
against lion attacks.
With names like Lion Guardians, Lion Defenders and
Wildlife Warriors, these conservation programmes and projects
work with local communities to change attitudes and behaviour
towards lions so they’re no longer seen as a threat, but instead
as creatures of value that deserve protection rather than
The Lion Guardians programme has been working with
Maasai communities to save lions’ lives in East Africa since
January 2007. It was established in the communally owned
Maasai lands around the Amboseli National Park in
southern Kenya, where lions were once on the brink of
For hundreds of years, Maasai people lived in relative
harmony with the lions they shared the land with. True, lions
were still killed, mainly in traditional hunts known as
olamayio, when older boys on the cusp of manhood killed
lions to demonstrate their emerging warrior skills, and by
pastoralists in revenge for the occasional death of a cow or
goat. But both then had little impact on lion numbers.
By the 1950s, the situation had changed dramatically. Kenya
was now home to one of the fastest-growing populations on
earth. As the number of Maasai grew, so too did their need for
livestock and grazing land. By 2013, more than 35,000 Maasai
grazed more than 2 million head of livestock on land around
the Amboseli National Park. Inevitably, as lion habitat began
to shrink and prey numbers along with it, conflict between
people and lions began to escalate. Lions began to take more

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and more livestock. People hated them for it and so killed

them indiscriminately.
By 1993, Amboseli National Park had lost all its lions to
Maasai spears or poison. Outside the park, between 2001 and
2005, eighty-eight lions died the same way. In 2006, another
forty-two were killed. This was the year that Leela Hazzah
and Stephanie Dolrenry, both conservation biologists working
in a team with other scientists and local Maasai warriors,
developed the Lion Guardians concept as a new way to
significantly reduce confl ict between local people and lions.
For years, the scientists lived and worked closely with the
local Maasai community, sharing their everyday lives and
gaining insights into their traditions. Immersed in the local
culture, the team came to the conclusion that the two biggest
threats presented to lions living near them were the warriors’
olamayio  hunts and the communities’ retaliatory killings of
big cats for taking livestock.
The team appreciated that much of the draw of lion killing
was linked to the prestige and respect that lion killers,
typically young men known as warriors, received from their
community. And so, a plan based on an idea from the warriors
was formulated to save lions by working with the local value
system, but switching it around so that the men who once
killed lions would – like bodyguards – protect them instead,
and gain status as Lion Guardians, preserving lions rather
than persecuting them.
‘We don’t try to change the mindset of the warriors to
thinking that lion killing is “ bad ”,’ Hazzah told the Society
for Conservation Biology, an American organisation
dedicated to protecting the earth ’s biodiversity, in 2012:
‘Instead we … utiliz[e] all of the positive Maasai cultural
values towards lions to drive the conservation effort and
provide them with an example that living with and protecting
lions can provide them with similar prestige.’
One example of how the Lion Guardian programme adapts
traditional Maasai customs to benefit rather than harm lions
is shown in the practice of lion naming. Traditionally, during

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an olamayio when a young man became a warrior by killing

his first lion, he was given a ‘ lion name’ that became forever
his and generated immense prestige. Now, when Lion
Guardians track their lions, they give any cubs a special name
and the animal becomes forever ‘theirs’ to protect instead.
In 2013, Kamunu Saitoti, a Lion Guardian at the Amboseli-
Tsavo ecosystem, told the Sydney Morning Herald that a ‘very
deep connection’ existed between Lion Guardians and named
lions, a connection he liked as one that can ‘only be compared
to the bond between best friends, or the feelings you have for
your best cows’. Now, when cubs are born, warriors who
once delighted in killing lions celebrate because ‘these lions
aren’t just lions to them anymore, they are individuals’.
An important aspect of a Lion Guardian’s work is stopping
lion hunts, both olamayio and retaliatory. Sometimes, Lion
Guardians are able to simply persuade men not to take part
in the hunts, primarily because of the standing and respect
they have in their local communities. In this way, during
2010 to 2013 Lion Guardians prevented 133 lion hunts from
taking place.
Working in their home communities and dressed in
traditional clothing, Lion Guardians’ roles are salaried and
revered as positions of responsibility. Young Maasai men who
work as Lion Guardians are able to protect and support their
families, without the cyclical worries of drought and disease
that cattle herders endure. It’s said that you’ ll often hear a
Lion Guardian say they ‘ love their lions like cows’ or that
they ‘can milk lions’ because lions are now seen as having
value, providing livelihoods where few other employment
opportunities exist. And for this, communities afford their
Lion Guardians great respect.
Maasai men who want to become Lion Guardians don’t
need a formal education to be recruited. As part of their
training, they learn to read and write, as well as use GPS and
telemetry to track and monitor lions. The acquisition of these
technical skills, combined with their traditional hunting
prowess and local knowledge of the area, enables them to

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accurately track the movements and position of lions and then

let local pastoralists know which areas to avoid herding their
cattle in, reducing opportunities for confl ict.
Tracking skills are used to fi nd and bring home lost cattle
and herders, as well as children who have strayed into the
bush. Lion Guardians also help families reinforce their bomas
(livestock enclosures) to make them lion-proof and keep
their livestock safe, again reducing confl ict between people
and lions.
In her paper ‘Conservation and Monitoring of a Persecuted
African Lion Population by Maasai Warriors’ published in
Conservation Biology in 2014, Stephanie Dolrenry reported
that by the end of the first year of the Lion Guardians
programme, 98 per cent of Guardians ‘could read and write
their name, the name of their zone and area, the time, and
The Lion Guardians’ self-esteem was also increased,
Dolrenry noted, quoting Guardians as saying: ‘I am proud
because the Lion Guardians programme has made me literate’
and ‘The programme has increased our status in the
community because we are now literate. With our GPS and
scientific forms, it has placed us in a different league.’
Dolrenry also noted that Lion Guardians also spoke of
better coexistence between themselves and their communities
and lions, citing the following quotes: ‘The Lion Guardians
program has brought peace between the Maasai and lions’,
‘We have a caring attitude towards livestock and lions, we act
as a mitigating tool ’ and ‘The project has made a previous
enemy into a friend.’
Around nine years ago, when the Lion Guardians
programme was still in its infant stages, only five Lion
Guardians were employed to work around Amboseli,
covering some 804 square kilometres of lion habitat. By 2017,
Lion Guardians had trained and supported communities at
seven different sites, successfully protecting lions around the
continent. At their core site in the Amboseli-Tsavo ecosystem,
close to 4,000 square kilometres of community land is now

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protected. There Guardians have reduced the killing of lions

by local people by more than 95 per cent over the past decade,
enabling the lion population to almost triple and be considered
stable. In 2015, lions were spotted for the fi rst time travelling
between the Nairobi, Amboseli and Tsavo national parks.
Lion Guardians-based projects also operate in habitats
across the border in and around the Ruaha National Park in
central Tanzania and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in
the Tanzanian Crater Highlands. Communities in Rwanda
and Zimbabwe have also used Lion Guardians tools and
approaches to safeguard their lions too.
In Tanzania, records show that Lion Guardians-based
programmes have reduced retaliatory killings by at least 90
per cent. For example, the Ruaha Carnivore Project based at
the Ruaha National Park works closely with local Maasai and
Barabaig communities and has employed warriors as Lion
Defenders – trained by Lion Guardians – to protect lions. Just
like the Guardians in Kenya, Lion Defenders earn an income
and receive enormous respect from their local communities.
Since the Ruaha Carnivore Project was established in 2009
by Amy Dickman as part of a research fellowship with Oxford
University’s WildCRU, fifty lion hunts have been prevented
or stopped. Lion Defenders have also reinforced more than
120 bomas, protecting around 16,000 heads of cattle – worth
£1.7 million/US$2.2 million – from lions and other
Year on year, in communities where Lion Guardians and
the projects for which they have provided training operate,
significantly fewer lions are being killed. This low lion
mortality is the direct result of implementing and following
practices that reduce confl ict between lions and people. For
example, the Lion Guardians’ annual report for 2016 reported
that the density of lions – four per 100 square kilometres of
community land – had more than tripled since 2006. The
report also stated that 189 bomas had been reinforced in the
Amboseli-Tsavo ecosystem, and that 11,262 livestock (worth
almost £1.5 million/US$2 million) that had wandered into

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the bush had been recovered by Lion Guardians. Twenty

missing children were also found. And for the first time in
living memory, cubs were seen in 2015 on the Ruaha
unprotected rangelands, where the lion population is now no
longer categorised as being in decline.
About the success of the Lion Guardians’ work, Hazzah
told the American news broadcaster CNN that she never
imagined that warriors who were once lion killers would end
up risking ‘their own lives to stop other people from killing
lions, but that is exactly what has happened ’.
In Zimbabwe, down in the south of the continent, at the
country’s largest national park in Hwange, the Long Shields
programme – a Lion Guardians-trained project – helps
safeguard the 500 or so lions that live there. Named after
Zimbabwe’s famous Matabele warriors that once carried tall
rawhide shields into battle, Long Shields are trained, just like
East Africa’s Lion Guardians, to help reduce confl ict between
lions and local people.
As in Kenya and Tanzania, the biggest threat lions face in
Hwange is from local farmers who have lost cattle to lions
that have roamed from the unfenced park into their villages.
Shocked by the number of lions killed by local people,
scientists and researchers attached to the Hwange Lion
Research Project (run by WildCRU) set up the Long Shields
programme in 2007 to help reduce the incidence of human–
lion confl ict.
Like the lions protected by Lion Guardians in Amboseli,
many of Hwange’s lions wear collars fitted with satellite
tracking devices, enabling researchers to follow lions on the
move. When lions are located outside of the park moving
towards villages, Hwange’s Long Shields are notified. Equipped
with GPS trackers, mobile phones and mountain bikes, the
Long Shields quickly head off to affected communities.
As well as state-of-the-art technological equipment, Long
Shields also carry plastic vuvuzelas with them. Originally
made from kudu horn and around half a metre in length,
vuvuzelas are played like a trumpet, traditionally used to

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summon faraway villagers to community gatherings. Long

Shields, however, have given them a new function.
When faced with unwelcome lions that have wandered
into villages, the Long Shields blow their vuvuzelas. Often
joined by villagers banging wooden blocks, sticks and drums,
the racket they create is so awful that gate-crashing lions
soon head back to the park, leaving livestock behind
In October 2015, the New Zimbabwe newspaper described
how Long Shield Charles Tshuma and a group of local people
‘moved on’ some wayward lions just 6 metres away from
them by blowing their vuvuzelas and ‘shouting and screaming
until the lions turned away and ambled back to the Hwange
National Park ’.
Brent Stapelkamp, a researcher working with the Hwange
Lion Research Project, also told the newspaper that this
method of scaring away lions had proved so effective that
confl ict between lions and people around the park had
reduced by 40 per cent since it was introduced. Vincent
Mangenyo, a local leader, added that lion attacks had reduced
and livestock were protected.

In northern Tanzania, where many of the country’s most

threatened lions live, the number of lions being killed in
retaliation for livestock predations has been falling. ‘Living
Walls’ have much to do with this. Living Walls are exactly
what they say they are: they’re walls made not from mud or
bricks, but from living, breathing trees.
Traditionally, Maasai people have protected their livestock
with bomas made from the thorny acacia trees that dot the
dry plains of East Africa. Though initially hardy and strong,
these woody barriers deteriorate and weaken quickly. Soon
predators, not just lions but leopards, spotted hyenas and even
honey badgers, break through the bomas and prey on the
livestock inside.

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