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Logistic regression model


Summary stats

Regression model
Significant variables(with *)

Taking significance level as 0.05.

Candidate Reference,Date of Joining extended Yes, notice period, offer band(E1,E2,E3) , Gender-
Male, Candidate Souce(direct,Employer refral) , LOBETS,LOBEHealthcare,LOBINFRA,AGE

AUC- 0.73

Psedo R2- 35.39

Ans 2)

Trying model 2

On removing ‘Location’ (since it is insignificant)

Making model again

Glm(status~ Candidate Reference +Date of Joining extended + notice period+ offer band(E1,E2,E3) +
Gender-Male+Candidate Souce(direct,Employer refral) + LOBETS+LOBEHealthcare+LOBINFRA+AGE)

Psedo R2- 34.84

ROC- 73

AUC- 73%( done on the model after removing -location)

Confusion matrix
Looking at the AUC value –

ROC > 70%

And since AUC is the measure of ability of LR to discriminate positives and negetives clearly

Therefore , it is Acceptable discrimination

The proportion of observed positives that were predicted to be positive. It measures the
proportion of actual positives which are correctly identified, which is very low in this
case and hence the model is not perfect to be relied upon.

=(True negative)/(true negative +false positive)
Measures the proportion of negatives which are correctly identified. Here, the value is
very high which implies that the model is not correct.

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