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~ASSOCIATION Live, Work, Play and Get Involved™

12001 Sunrise Valley Drive I Reston I Virginia I 20191-34041703-435-6530 I www.reston.org

August 20, 2018

Catherine M. Hudgins
Hunter Mill District Supervisor
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
12000 Bowman Towne Drive
Reston, VA 20190
RE: Comprehensive Plan for Reston - Follow Up on July Work Sessions

Dear Supervisor Hudgins:

On behalf of the Reston Association Board of Directors, I want to thank you and Fairfax County staff and
officials for participating in the four focused work sessions in July. The discussions at each of the
meetings covered issues of vital importance to the Reston Association (RA) and the rest of the
community. I was glad to see many agreements made between the participants and the continued
commitment from all involved to maintain the unique character of Reston into the future. There were
also still many unresolved issues and follow up items that came out of the meetings. RA looks forward to
continuing these discussions in additional meetings in the future.

The purpose of this letter is to highlight our understanding of the outcomes of each meeting as they
relate to each of the initial nine points from the November 2017 letter from the RA Board of Directors.
Also included is a comprehensive list of next steps or requests for information discussed at the
respective meetings.

Meeting Outcomes Summary

RA Point 1
Initiate an amendment to the Reston Plan to add back an overall residential population cap for the
Planned Community.
The overall population cap should be inserted into the Plan text and shown on the Land Use Map.

This overall population cap should include planned Affordable Dwelling Units (ADUs) and Work Force
housing (WFHs}, since the Comprehensive Plan must provide for the physical and social infrastructure
needs of these new Restonians.

As discussed at the July 30th meeting, RA appreciates the commitment from Fairfax County Planning
and Zoning staff to work on inserting a population target back into the Comprehensive Plan and the
corresponding Reston Land Use map. However, the RA Board of Directors continues to believe
strongly that an over-all population cap, not a just a target, is needed and appropriate, and urges the
County to make that change. RA looks forward to continuing the discussion with Fairfax County staff
and the community on the methodology of establishing the cap.

VISION Leading the model community where all can Live, Work, Play, and Get Involved.
MISSION To preserve and enhance the Reston community through outstanding leadership, service and stewardship of our
CORE VALUES Service. Collaboration. Stewardship. Innovation. Leadership.
~ASSOCIATION Live, Work, Play and Get Involved™

12001 Sunrise Valley Drive I Reston I Virginia I 20191-34041703-435-6530 I www.reston.org

RA wholeheartedly accepts Fairfax County Director of Planning and Zoning Fred Selden's invitation to
collaborate with the County on a methodologically sound estimate of Reston's present-day
population, given that the existing competing methodologies create confusion.

RA Point 2
Provide a clear statement from the County that Reston Village Centers (other than Lake Anne and Tall
Oaks) are currently planned to only reflect the land uses that are there today.

Also discussed at the July 301h meeting, RA looks forward to working with the County on refining the
language in the Comprehensive Plan to provide clear text about the vision for the redevelopment of
the Village Centers. As previously mentioned at the meeting and in correspondence between RA and
the County, RA is satisfied with the County's recommendation to remove all stable neighborhood
areas from the Village Center areas and thus reducing the maximum density prescribed to the Village
Centers as calculated for the proposed increase in the PRC Ordinance Amendment.

RA would like to further this discussion by confirming its position that the Village Centers (except Lake
Anne and Tall Oaks, which have previously undergone replanning efforts) are envisioned to remain as
currently developed until such a time when replanning efforts are undertaken. Our stance remains
that when redevelopment of the Village Centers is anticipated, Plan amendments would be required
to initiate such a redevelopment. This is based on RA's interpretation of the Comprehensive Plan and
the text from the Phase II Comprehensive Plan Staff Report (pages 5 and 6). RA also stands behind its
position that given the need for a replanning, the PRC Zoning Ordinance should only reflect the
densities prescribed in the Comprehensive Plan and therefore should not include the densities
assigned to the Village Centers as part of the current calculation to suggest the increase in population
to up to 15 persons per acre.

We hope to continue this discussion with County staff and officials to reach a mutual understanding
and agreement.

RA Point 3
Similar to the Tysons Plan, initiate an amendment to the Reston Plan which requires periodic Plan
updates ("Report Card" provisions), whereby County Staff, at least every five (5) years, is to:
a. Determine how the pace of development compares to the provision of all supporting
infrastructure {public and private}, evaluating whether their implementation is balanced and,
accordingly, whether plan corrections are needed.
b. Provide updates in the Plan that identify and list new supporting infrastructure that has
been built and new binding commitments for the provision of additional infrastructure.
c. Conduct an updated transportation operations analysis for Reston to determine whether the
existing and planned development in Reston is properly balanced with the provision of
transportation infrastructure.
If commensurate planned infrastructure can no longer be provided, then the level of residential
development must be reduced to maintain the balance between land use and infrastructure.

VISION Leading the model community where all can Live, Work, Play, and Get Involved.
MISSION To preserve and enhance the Reston community through outstanding leadership, service and stewardship of our
CORE VALUES Service. Collaboration. Stewardship. Innovation. Leadership.
~ASSOCIATION Live, Work, Play and Get Involved™

12001 Sunrise Valley Drive I Reston I Virginia I 20191-34041703-435-6530 I www.reston.org

Although this point is directed at all public facilities and infrastructure, most of the conversation
around this point was focused on transportation infrastructure during the July 17th work session. RA is
appreciative of the Fairfax County Department of Transportation and Planning and Zoning staff for
providing a high level and preliminary implementation plan document and for answering the
questions asked by both RA and the Coalition for a Planned Reston (CPR) and agreeing to provide the
following update information on transportation infrastructure projects in Reston.
• A detailed and comprehensive Transportation Implementation and Monitoring Plan. This
would include a list of all transportation projects identified in the Reston Network Analysis
(RNA), their estimated timeline and prioritization, and their projected costs and funding
• A chart and map of planned intersection improvements illustrating the existing and projected
LOS with the implementation of the improvements.
Based on the transportation discussion, as well as those about parks, recreation, and open space, and
school capacity, RA understands that much of the evaluation on the adequacy of infrastructure will
need to occur once new development is on the ground. However, RA would like to initiate the steps
to establish the following for all infrastructure (especially parks and transportation):
• The appropriate timeline for monitoring and reporting.
• How the monitoring and reporting will be conducted and communicated.
• What is the "trigger" point at which there needs to be an adjustment to the Comprehensive
Plan to reduce the level of residential development and ensure an appropriate balance.

RA Point 4
Request that the Reston Network Advisory Group fully review the current Reston Transportation
Network Analysis assumptions and methodology, addressing questions raised by the Reston

RA is glad to see that the RNA Final Report {March 2018) is now published and available to the public.
RA also appreciates the Fairfax County Department of Transportation's commitment to continue the
discussion about the methodology of the RNA with RA Board Director Mooney as requested at the
July 17th work session. This should include how the County might monitor, model, and address traffic
impacts further into the residential areas of Reston and not just proximate to the TSAs.

On July 26, 2018, the RA Board of Directors has also directed its Multimodal Transportation Advisory
Committee to review the RNA Final Report and report back to the Board with an opinion on the
report. As stated in the March 2018 letter from Fairfax County Planning and Zoning Director Fred
Selden, RA looks forward to a continuous community-wide discussion about the RNA.

RA Point 5
Implement a collaborative mechanism between the Res ton Association, the County, the Northern
Virginia Regional Park Authority, the Fairfax County Park Authority, and the Reston Town Center
Association, to establish a realistic and detailed plan (for space and funding) to increase the number
and capacity of recreational facilities within Reston, in time to serve the new residents.

VISION Leading the model community where all can Live, Work, Play, and Get Involved.
MISSION To preserve and enhance the Reston community through outstanding leadership, service and stewardship of our
CORE VALUES Service. Collaboration. Stewardship. Innovation. Leadership.
~ASSOCIATION Live, Work, Play and Get Involved™

12001 Sunrise Valley Drive I Reston I Virginia I 20191-34041703-435-6530 I www.reston.org

The information shared by the Fairfax County Park Authority at the July 181h work session was very
informative. RA appreciates the clarification on the process for acquiring funds and property to fulfill
the recreational and open space requirements envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan. Although much
of the funds slated from private developers have yet to be acquired, a clear implementation plan and
agreement with Reston Association and the other park providers in Reston listed above is needed. RA
looks forward to initiating this effort. The participation of the development community is also
encouraged as part of this effort, and in particular, those developers who have larger property
holdings in Reston. RA also looks forward to receiving a map of open public spaces and parks that will
be delivered with existing, in process, and approved development (to the extent possible). This map
should also identify the athletic field facility at Isaac Newton Square, as identified in the
Comprehensive Plan, and any known athletic field sites to be dedicated through developer

RA Point 6
Initiate an amendment to the Reston Plan to add clearer and more assertive statements throughout
the Plan, that infrastructure capacity must be increased at the same time as new development occurs,
rather than lag decades behind.

As stated in RA Point 3, RA would still like to add assertive statements as described above and initiate
the steps to establish a plan to ensure increased infrastructure capacity and new development occur
within a coordinated timeline. If a coordinated timeline is not possible, RA believes there needs to be
acknowledgement that adjustments to the Comprehensive Plan may be needed to ensure an
appropriate balance.

RA Point 7
Direct County Staff to collaborate with Public Schools staff and the Reston community to establish a
realistic plan for the provision of increased school capacity in Reston in time to serve the increase in

RA thanks the Fairfax County Public Schools staff and Fairfax County School Board for participating in
this community discussion about the future of schools. The discussion about how schools will be
funded through private proffered dollars and with insufficient land opportunities should continue
with the community. As more development is approved in Reston, a plan for increased capacity
should be integrated into the larger discussion of project approval. RA looks forward to the continued
dialogue and plan. Furthermore, the community will look forward to receiving the following from
Fairfax County Public Schools:
• Data on the projected number of new students generated by approved and in process
development applications since the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and the actual
student yield to date for complete projects.
• A status update on changes to the proffer formula for private development and instruction of
how RA, CPR, and the greater community can support this effort.
• Student utilization data of the Connector Bus since the adoption of student passes and a
dialogue on how we might work together to encourage increased use.

VISION Leading the model community where all can Live, Work, Play, and Get Involved.
MISSION To preserve and enhance the Reston community through outstanding leadership, service and stewardship of our
CORE VALUESService. Collaboration. Stewardship. Innovation. Leadership.
~ASSOCIATION Live, Work, Play and Get Involved™

12001 Sunrise Valley Drive I Reston I Virginia I 20191-34041703-435-6530 I www.reston.org

RA Point 8
Initiate an amendment to the Res ton Plan to remove the "grid of streets" road connection between
American Dream Way and Isaac Newton Square, because it would adversely impact environmentally
sensitive areas and the Hidden Creek Golf Course.

Although not discussed at the Transportation topic meeting on July 17th, the road connection
between American Dream Way and Isaac Newton Square shown on the current grid of streets in the
Comprehensive Plan, remains a matter of great concern within the community. That proposed street
is now shown not just in the Reston Master Plan (Figure 45, p. 137) but also in the Reston Traffic
Analysis: Final Report (Figure 9.1, p. 107). The roadway was discussed at both the July 18th meeting
on Parks, Recreation, and Open Space and at the July sov meeting on overall Planning and Land Use.
RA's position remains that the future construction of the roadway is not consistent with preserving
the environmental integrity of the surrounding property and the existing eighteen-hole golf course.
RA's position is that there was no public comment time before the County's inclusion of this road in
the plan. RA would like to see the roadway removed from the grid of streets to remain consistent
with the other elements of the Comprehensive Plan.

As mentioned at the July 30th meeting, RA appreciates the County's offer to go back and look at the
roadway as part of the overall network. We look forward to continuing this discussion.

RA Point 9
Initiate an amendment to the Reston Plan to change the "High-Density Mutli-Family" land use map
category from "50 + DU/ AC" (i.e. unlimited) to the maximum number of dwellings per acre actually
necessary to accommodate the only two parcels in Reston so designated - the Harrison Apartments
and a portion of the Charter Oaks Apartments.

As indicated in the March 2018 letter from Fairfax County Planning and Zoning Director Fred Selden,
RA looks forward to the immediate initiation of an amendment to the plan to clarify the limits of this
category, and that the intent was to accommodate the only two parcels in Reston so designated - the
Harrison Apartments and a portion of the Charter Oaks Apartments.

Next Steps

RA looks forward to continuing the community wide discussion on each of the work session topic areas
before any additional density is granted through an ordinance amendment the PRC regulations. Below is
a condensed list of our understanding of the outstanding items agreed to by the relevant Fairfax County
staff to be delivered to RA and CPR, as well as a list of outstanding items to still be discussed at future
meetings by work session topic area. Please note some have been previously mentioned above.

VISION Leading the model community where all can Live, Work, Play, and Get Involved.
MISSION To preserve and enhance the Reston community through outstanding leadership, service and stewardship of our
CORE VALUES Service. Collaboration. Stewardship. Innovation. Leadership.
~ASSOCIATION Live, Work, Play and Get Involved™

12001 Sunrise Valley Drive I Reston I Virginia I 20191-34041703-435-6530 I www.reston.org

Transportation Work Session -July 17, 2018

Expected Information

o A comprehensive Transportation Implementation and Monitoring Plan. This would include a

list all transportation projects identified in the Reston Network Analysis (RNA), their
estimated timeline and prioritization, and their projected costs and funding sources.
o A chart and map of planned intersection improvements illustrating the existing and
projected LOS with the implementation of the improvements.

Outstanding Items for Discussion

o The appropriate timeline for monitoring and reporting.

o How the monitoring and reporting will be conducted and communicated.
o What is the "trigger" point at which there needs to be an adjustment to the
Comprehensive Plan to reduce the level of residential development and ensure balance.
Removal of grid of streets connection between American Dream Way and Isaac Newton
o Modeling of the traffic impacts (LOS and proposed congestion-mitigation methods) of both
the TSA and new PRC development on the non-TSA areas of Reston, for both 2030 and

Parks, Recreational, and Open Space - July 18, 2018

Expected Information

o Information on artificial turf safety issues.

o A clear implementation plan outlining plans to deliver athletic and recreational facility funds
for upgrades and construction.
o A map of open public spaces and parks that will be delivered with existing, in process, and
approved development (to the extent possible). This map should also identify the athletic
field facility at Isaac Newton Square, as identified in the Comprehensive, and any known
athletic field sites to be dedicated through developer commitments.

Outstanding Items for Discussion

o The appropriate timeline for monitoring and reporting.

o How the monitoring and reporting will be conducted and communicated.
o What is the "trigger" point at which there needs to be an adjustment to the Comprehensive
Plan to reduce the level of residential development and ensure balance.
o An agreement with RA on the plans to deliver athletic and recreational facility funds for
upgrades and construction.
o An initial "summit" meeting between the Reston recreation providers and developers.

VISION Leading the model community where all can Live, Work, Play, and Get Involved.
MISSION To preserve and enhance the Reston community through outstanding leadership, service and stewardship of our
CORE VALUES Service. Collaboration. Stewardship. Innovation. Leadership.
~ASSOCIATION Live, Work, Play and Get Involved™

12001 Sunrise Valley Drive I Reston I Virginia I 20191-34041703-435-6530 I www.reston.org

Public Facilities, Schools - July 24, 2018

Expected Information

o Data on the projected number of new students generated by approved and in process
development applications since the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and the actual
student yield to date for complete projects.
o A status update on changes to the proffer formula for private development and instruction
of how RA, CPR, and the greater community can support this effort.
o Student utilization data of the Connector Bus since the adoption of student passes.

Outstanding Items for Discussion

o Continued discussion and monitoring of the discrepancy between the language regarding
school capacity in the Comprehensive Plan and the actual process followed by Fairfax
o Continued coordination between the County Schools staff, planning staff, Planning
Commission, and the Board of Supervisors.

Overall Planning and Land Use (PRC Ordinance) - July 30, 2018

Outstanding Items for Discussion

o Reston population cap methodology and determination and discussion of steps to place
back into the Comprehensive Plan and coordinated Land Use Map.
o The revised PRC Ordinance Amendment shown on the handouts from the July 301h work
session, and the density calculations and metrics used.
o Density assigned to the Village Centers.
o Clarification to the "High-Density Mutli-Family" land use map category from "SO+ DU/AC"
(i.e. unlimited) to the maximum number of dwellings per acre actually necessary to
accommodate the only two parcels in Reston so designated.
o Definition and monitoring of the "trigger" point at which there must be a slowing of
development application approvals to ensure balance with Comprehensive Plan prescribed
infrastructure enhancements; i.e. such that we have "just in time" infrastructure
improvements rather than those "way too late."

We look forward to hearing back from you soon on next steps.

Andy Sigle, President Reston Association Board of Directors

VISION Leading the model community where all can Live, Work, Play, and Get Involved.
MISSION To preserve and enhance the Reston community through outstanding leadership, service and stewardship of our
CORE VALUES Service. Collaboration. Stewardship. Innovation. Leadership.
~ASSOCIATION Live, Work, Play and Get Involved™

12001 Sunrise Valley Drive I Reston I Virginia I 20191-34041703-435-6530 I www.reston.org

cc: Reston Association Board of Directors

John Carter, Planning Commissioner Hunter Mill District, Fairfax County
James R. Hart, At-Large Planning Commissioner, Fairfax County
Fred Selden, Director, Department of Planning & Zoning, Fairfax County
Jill Cooper, Executive Director, Planning Commission, Fairfax County
Leslie B. Johnson, Zoning Administrator, Fairfax County
Cathy Belgin, Deputy Zoning Administrator, Fairfax County
Regina Coyle, Special Projects Coordinator, DPZ, Fairfax County
William Mayland, DPZ, Fairfax County
Jared Wilcox, Chair, Reston Planning & Zoning Committee
Rob Walker, Vice Chair, Reston Planning & Zoning Committee
Larry Butler, Acting CEO, Senior Director of Land Use and Planning
Anthony Champ, Reston Association General Counsel
Kelsey Steffen, Reston Association Land Use Planner

VISION Leading the model community where all can Live, Work, Play, and Get Involved.
MISSION To preserve and enhance the Reston community through outstanding leadership, service and stewardship of our
CORE VALUES Service. Collaboration. Stewardship. Innovation. Leadership.

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