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Dea Gratia Putri S. Sumbayak




I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to all those who gave me the

possibility to complete this report. First, I want to thank my Lord, Jesus Christ whom with His

willing giving me the opportunity to have this English Subject class run completely.

I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role of my English

Lecturer Mr. Satria Pradana, M.Pd. who had assisting me to learn English and opened my mind

to be able to learn English more and use it in the daily practice for my work in the future, to be a


A special thanks goes to my parents, my father, who had helped me print portions of the

journal contained in this bundle and to my mother who had accompanied me when I had not

slept for do the tasks until late at night.

Last but not least, many thanks to my friends in even class who had given a lot of extra

knowledge in your outstanding presentation during the lectures, I got a lot of learning.

Dea Gratia Putri S. Sumbayak was born on 24th October, 1995 in

Medan, North Sumatra. The first daughter of two blessed people in

the world, Adolf Rameidy Putra S. Sumbayak and Dermawaty

Purba. Educated from kindergarten to high school in Fransiskus

(2000-2013), private school institutions prioritizing discipline in

learning. And thanks God, Medical Faculty of Lampung University

has admited me in 2013. Until now still studying there and is

currently in the 3rd semester of education.

Helping many people is my goal, and hopefully with becoming a doctor I can help more people,

serve more people, and be a blessing to many people. I never cease to be grateful for all the

blessings that God has given in my life, and my message to anyone who reads this, God

definitely has a plan in our lives, wherever we were placed, surely he would give an amazingly

beautiful road, which we even never thought before.


Dea Gratia Putri S. Sumbayak



We live in where the development of increasingly advanced knowledge. Every day so many

researchers from various countries looking for a new truth, looking for a starting point would be

the growth of new knowledge. As a human who does not want to be consumed by the times, we

have to renew ourselves. Read the latest journals, new topics in accordance with our respective

fields will renew ourselves.

As a medical student, knowledge of the world of health and medicine continues to grow. New

knowledge of the truth which must be possessed by every doctor. A doctor is a job that must

learn throughout their lives.

By collecting the latest research journals, which was the end of a course of English subject in

Medical Faculty of Lampung University made me increasingly aware that my knowledge is still

extremely slight. The more we read, the more we realize that we ourselves have many

disadvantages for knowledge.

Sorry if I have a lot of flaws in the writing of the English language. Suggestions and opinions

can be notified to the author in order to make author better in writing. Thank you for your

attention. God bless.

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