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Mei 2nd, 2017

A. Objectives
1. Learn some redox reactions
2. Learn what happened in the electrolysis of KI and CuSO4 solution

B. Introduction
Electrochemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with the interconversion of
electrical energy and chemical energy. Electrochemical processes are redox
(oxidationreduction) reactions in which the energy released by a spontaneous reaction is
converted to electricity or in which electrical energy is used to cause a nonspontaneous reaction
to occur. Although redox reactions were discussed in Chapter 4, it is helpful to review some of
the basic concepts that will come up again in this chapter.
In redox reactions, electrons are transferred from one substance to another. The reaction
between magnesium metal and hydrochloric acid is an example of a redox reaction. Recall that
the numbers above the elements are the oxidation numbers of the elements.The loss of
electrons by an element during oxidation is marked by an increase in the element’s oxidation
number. In reduction, there is a decrease in oxidation number resulting from a gain of electrons
by an element.
Balancing Redox Equations
Equations for redox reactions like the preceding one are relatively easy to balance.
However, in the laboratory we often encounter more complex redox reactions involving
oxoanions such as chromate (CrO4
22), dichromate (Cr2O722), permanganate (MnO4 2 ), nitrate (NO3 2 ), and sulfate (SO422).
In principle, we can balance any redox equation using the procedure outlined in Section 3.7, but
there are some special techniques for handling redox reactions, techniques that also give us
insight into electron transfer processes. Here we will discuss one such procedure, called the
ion-electron method. In this approach, the overall reaction is divided into two half-reactions,
one for oxidation and one for reduction. The equations for the two half-reactions are balanced
separately and then added together to give the overall balanced equation.
Galvanic Cells
In Section 4.4 we saw that when a piece of zinc metal is placed in a CuSO4 solution, Zn
is oxidized to Zn21 ions while Cu21 ions are reduced to metallic copper. The electrons are
transferred directly from the reducing agent (Zn) to the oxidizing agent (Cu21) in solution.
However, if we physically separate the oxidizing agent from
the reducing agent, the transfer of electrons can take place via an external conducting
medium (a metal wire). As the reaction progresses, it sets up a constant fl ow of electrons and
hence generates electricity (that is, it produces electrical work such as driving an electric
motor). The experimental apparatus for generating electricity through the use of a spontaneous
reaction is called a galvanic cell or voltaic cell, after the Italian scientists
Luigi Galvani and Alessandro Volta, who constructed early versions of the device.
Figure 19.1 shows the essential components of a galvanic cell. A zinc bar is immersed in a
ZnSO4 solution, and a copper bar is immersed in a CuSO4 solution. The cell operates on the
principle that the oxidation of Zn to Zn21 and the reduction of Cu21 to Cu can be made to take
place simultaneously in separate locations with the transfer
An electric current fl ows from the anode to the cathode because there is a difference in
electrical potential energy between the electrodes. This fl ow of electric current is analogous to
that of water down a waterfall, which occurs because there is a difference in gravitational potential
energy, or the fl ow of gas from a high-pressure region to a low-pressure region. Experimentally,
the difference in electrical potential between the anode and the cathode is measured by a
voltmeter. (Chang n.d.)
Electrolytic Cells
Many desirable oxidation-reduction reactions are not spontaneous. An electrolytic cell is
an electrochemical cell through which electric current is passed to cause a nonspontaneous
oxidation-reduction reaction to occur. The process is called electrolysis. One of the most
important uses of electrolysis is the isolation of elements from their naturally occurring
compounds. For example, the
primary source of elemental sodium is the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride.
In this process, sodium chloride is melted, two inert electrodes are inserted into the molten
salt, and electricity is passed through it (Figure 14.25). The current causes one of the electrodes to
become negatively charged. The other becomes positively charged. Because the electrodes are
charged, they attract the ions that move around the molten salt. The negatively charged cathode
attracts Na+ ions; the positively charged anode attracts Cl– ions. When the proper voltage is
applied, Na+ ions are reduced to sodium atoms at the cathode
FIGURE 14.25 When molten sodium chloride is electrolyzed, Cl– ions are oxidized at the anode
to produce Cl2 molecules. At the cathode, Na+ ions are reduced to form sodium atoms. Because
the reaction is run at a high temperature to keep the NaCl molten, the sodium product is also in the
liquid state. The actual cell is designed to remove the products, Na and Cl2, as they form. A hood
placed over the anode prevents the Cl2(g) from contacting the molten sodium. (Bauer & Birk n.d.)
Constructing a Cell Diagram
Because it is somewhat cumbersome to describe any given galvanic cell in words, a more
convenient notation has been developed. In this line notation, called a cell diagram, the identity of
the electrodes and the chemical contents of the compartments are indicated by their chemical
formulas, with the anode written on the far left and the cathode on the far right. Phase boundaries
are shown by single vertical lines, and the salt bridge, which has two phase boundaries, by a
double vertical line. Thus the cell diagram for the Zn/Cu cell shown in part (a) in Figure 19.3 "The
Reaction of Metallic Zinc with Aqueous Copper(II) Ions in a Galvanic Cell" is written as follows:

A cell diagram includes solution concentrations when they are provided. Galvanic cells can
have arrangements other than the examples we have seen so far. For example, the voltage
produced by a redox reaction can be measured more accurately using two electrodes immersed in
a single beaker containing an electrolyte that completes the circuit. This arrangement reduces
errors caused by resistance to the flow of charge at a boundary, called the junction potential.
A single-compartment galvanic cell will initially exhibit the same voltage as a galvanic cell
constructed using separate compartments, but it will discharge rapidly because of the direct
reaction of the reactant at the anode with the oxidized member of the cathodic redox couple.
Consequently, cells of this type are not particularly useful for producing electricity. (B. Soediono)
C. Apparatus and Reagent
Apparatus Reagents
1. Test tube and test tube rack 1. Solution of Pb(NO3)2 0,1 M
2. Grduated cylinder 2. Solution of Zn(NO3)2 0,1 M
3. Burner 3. Solution of AgNO3 0,1 M
4. Filter paper 4. Solution of NaNO3 0,1 M
5. Beaker glass 5. Solution of HCl 6 M
6. Dropping pipette 6. Solution of 0,1 M FeCl3
7. Funnel 7. Solution of 0,1 M KI and 0,25 M
8. Electrode Cu plate 8. Solution of H2SO4
9. Salt bridge 9. Solution of 0,1 M H2O2
10. Carbon electrodes 10. Solution of starch
11. pH meter 11. Solution of CuSO4
12. tube with U type 12. Solution of ZnSO4
13. 6 V AC current source 13. Solution of SnCl2 0,1 M
14. PP indicator
15. CH3Cl / CCl4

D. Procedure
1. Redox reaction

Insert a piece of metal Al in

each 2 mL of Pb(NO3)2 , Record the observation
Zn(NO3)2, AgNO3, and NaNO3

Insert a piece of metal Cu in each

Record the observation 2 mL of Pb(NO3)2 , Zn(NO3)2,
AgNO3, and NaNO3

Insert a piece of metal Fe in each

2 mL of Pb(NO3)2 , Zn(NO3)2, Record the observation
AgNO3, and NaNO3
Insert inro 5 test tubes 2 mL of
6 M HCl and immerse Cu, Fe,
Mg, Pb, and Zn respectively
with the same surface area

Observe the rate of formation of

gas bubbles and record the

Add 5 drops of 0,1 M H2O2

and 1 M H2SO4 into est tube Observe and write down
and 10 drops of 0,1 M KI ad 1 what happened
drop of starch solution.

Mix 5 drops of 0,1 FeCl3, 10

drops of 1 M of 1 M H2SO4, Observe and write down
and 10 drops of 0,1 M KI in a what happened
test tube. Heat briefly and add
a dropof starch solution.
Insert 2 mL of 0,1 M CuSO4 Allow a few minutes and
solution into a test tube, and insert record what happened
the Zn metal.

Do the opposite way, Cu metal

insert into a soution of 0,5 M
ZnSO4. write down what

2. Electrolysis of KI solution

Put 0,25 M of KI into an U type tube Put electrodes and connect

(up to 2 cm from the orifice of the test to the source of direct
tube current 6 V for ± 5 minutes,
then disconnect the current.

Remove the electodes carefuly Write the changes in the cathode

and anode chamber.

Take 2 mL of each solution from the Observe and note the color
anode into 2 test tubes. Add to the of CHCl3 layer
first tube 1 mL of CHCl3 and shake it

While in the second tube, add a few

drop of starch, and shake it. Record
the results
Take 2 mL of each solution from the
cathode camber into 2 test tubes and Record all the results and write
add a few drops of PP on the first down all the reaction equation
tube, and 2 mL of 0,1 FeCl3 to the
second tube

3. Electrolysis of CuSO4 solution

Arrange the electrolysis of 0,5 M Record the changes that occur

CuSO4 using C electrode as the same
way to the electrolysis KI above.

Clean Iron metal and arrange the

electrolysis of CuSO4 0,5 M by using record the changes
iron as a electrode

E. Observation Sheet
a. Redox reaction
1. Reaction of metal and metal nitrat solution
Metal Pb(NO3)2 Zn(NO3)2 NaNO3 AgNO3

Al Do not react Do not react Do not react There are bubbles

Cu Do not react Do not react Do not react There is a grey

coating on the
Fe Do not react Do not react Do not react There are bubbles
and the color of the
metal changes
there is a grey
2. Reaction of metal and HCl solution
Metal Observation

Cu Do not react

Fe There are a lot of small bubbles for a long time,

and at Fe tip is yellow

Mg Heat, There are a lot of big bubbles, at the end of

reaction Mg metal is out

Zn There are a lot of medium bubbles for a long time

Pb There are a lot of small bubbles for a short time

the reaction sequence of the largest is Mg> Zn> Fe> Pb

3. H2O2 + H2SO4 + KI + starch: The solution turns yellowish red and dark , There are black

4. FeCl3 + H2SO4 + KI heated + starch: The solution turns yellowish orange , There are black

5. Zn + CuSO4: There is a grey coating

Cu + ZnSO4: Do not react

b. Electrolysis of KI solution
Observation Anode Cathode
Visual or changes color The color turns brownish There is gas bubbles
+ starch solution + PP solution
The color turns to dark blue The color turns pink
+ CHCl3 + FeCl3 solution
Soluble and not formed two The color turns brown
Smell Like betadine smell There is no smell
Reaction 2I- → I2 + 2e- 2 H2O + 2e- → H2 + 2OH-

c. Electrolysis of CuSO4
Observation Anode Cathode
1. Using C electrode
occured change There is gas bubbles Electroda is gold-brown
reaction plating
2 H2O → 4H+ + 4e- + O2 Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu
2. Using Fe electrode
occured change There is gas bubbles, the Electroda is gold-brown
reaction electrode color turns plating
Brownish black
Fe → Fe3+ + 3e- Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu
F. Calculation
a. Redox reaction
1) Reaction of metal and metal nitrat solution
1. 2Al(s) + 3Pb(NO3)2(aq) → 2Al(NO3)2(aq) + 3Pb(s)
2Al(s) + 3Zn(NO3)2(aq) → 2Al(NO3)2(aq) + 3Zn(s)
2Al(s) + 3AgNO3(aq) → 2Al(NO3)2(aq) + 3Ag(s)
2Al(s) + NaNO3(aq) ↛

2. Cu(s) + Pb(NO3)2(aq) ↛
Cu(s) + Zn(NO3)2 (aq) ↛
Cu(s) + 2AgNO3(aq) → Cu(NO3)2(aq) + 2Ag(s)
Cu(s) + NaNO3(aq) ↛

3. Fe (s) + Pb(NO3)2(aq) → Fe(NO3)2(aq) + Pb(s)

Fe(s) + Zn(NO3)2 (aq) ↛
Fe (s) + 2AgNO3 (aq) → Fe(NO3)2(aq) + 2Pb(s)
Fe(s) + NaNO3(aq) ↛

4. Cu (s) + HCl(aq) ↛
2Fe(s) + 6HCl (aq) → 2FeCl3(aq) + 3H2(g)
Mg(s) + 2HCl (aq) → MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)
Pb(s) + HCl(aq) → PbCl2(aq) + H2(g)

The power reduction of seven metals is Na>Al>Zn>Fe>Pb>Cu>Ag. According to the

position of the left metal in the voltaic cell the characteristics of the reducer are stronger
and the reduction potential is smaller.
Position of Hydrogen between Pb and Cu
2) According to the above calculation, then the reaction sequence of the largest is Mg> Zn>
Fe> Pb

5. Describe using potential electrode data:


3H2O2 H2SO4 + KI ⇌ 4H2O + K2SO4 + I2 + O2

+ reduction


S2O42- + 2e- → 2SO42- E0= + 2,01 V

2I- → I2 + 2e- E0= - 0,54 V +
S2O42- + 2I- → 2SO42- + I2 E0= + 1,47 V (spontaneous)
Starch as a redox indicator to prove the presence of I2 and I2 as a reaction, where
H2SO4 as a catalyst which provides an acidic atmosphere.


2FeCl3 + 2H2SO4 + 6KI ⇌ 2FeSO4 + 6KCl + 3I2 + 4HS2

+ +6 reduction


6Fe3+ + 6e- → 6Fe2+ E0= + 0,77 V

6I- → 3I2 + 6e- E0= - 0,54 V +
S2O42- + 2I- → 2SO42- + I2 E0= + 0,23 V (spontaneous)

Heating is to accelerate the KI reaction as an indicator of amillum. While amillum

as an indicator of KI.


Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq) ⇌ ZnSO4(aq) + Cu(s)



Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu E0= + 0,34 V

Zn → Zn2+ + 2e- E0= + 0,76 V +
Cu2+ + Zn → Cu + Zn2+ E0= + 1,10 V (spontaneous)


Cu(s) + ZnSO4 ↛

Cu → Cu2+ + 2e- E0= - 0,34 V

Zn2+ + 2e- → Zn E0= - 0,76 V +
Cu + Zn2+ → Cu2+ + Zn E0= - 1,10 V (not spontaneous)
b. Electrolysis of KI solution

Cathode : 2H2O + 2e- → 2OH- + H2 Eo = – 0,83 V

Anode : 2I- → I2 + 2e- Eo = – 0,54 V +
2H2O + 2I- → H2 + 2OH- + I2 Eo = – 1,37 V (not spontaneous)

The usefulness of Phenolphthalein (PP) is as indicator or to prove the basic solution in

the presence of I2 on the anode because phenolphthalein has a pH range of 8.00 to 10.0 .
While the usefulness of CCl3 is as an polar organic solvent.

c. Electrolysis of CuSO4 solution

1. Using C electrode occured there is gas bubbles in the anode and in the cathode there is a
golden-brown plating.
CuSO4(aq) → Cu 2+ + SO42-

Anode : 2 H2O(l) → 4 H+ + O2(g) + 4e- Eo = – 1,23 V

Cathode : 2Cu2+ (aq) + 4e- → 2Cu(s) Eo = + 0,34 V +
2H2O(l) + 2Cu2+→ 4 H+ + O2(g) + 2Cu(s) Eo = – 0,89 V (not spontaneous)

2. Using Fe electrode occured there is gas bubbles and the color of solution changes to be
brownish black in the anode and in the cathode there is a golden-brown plating.
CuSO4(aq) → Cu 2+ + SO42-

Cathode : Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu Eo = + 0,34 V

Anode : Fe → Fe2+ + 2e Eo = + 0,41 V +
Cu2+ + Fe → Cu + Fe2+ Eo = + 0,75 V (spontaneous)

G. Discussion
a. Redox reaction
1. Reaction of metal and metal nitrat solution
The reaction accompanied by the exchange of electrons is called the redox reaction. In
this experiment, we studied some redox rections, the reaction of some metals. The first
observation is mixing between the solution of Pb(NO3)2 and Al metal. At the result of our
practice does not happen reaction but in theory happened reaction with the formation of brown
metal Pb precipitate where the reduced is Pb and the oxidized is Al Metals. This is because the
concentration of the solution Pb(NO3)2 tha we use is less large and the reaction is less long.
Furthermore, mixing between Zn(NO3)2 and Al metal solutions is theoretically in
reaction with the formation of Zn metal deposits, which is reduced Zn and the oxidized is Al
metal but in practice there is no reaction because the concentration of the solution Zn(NO3)2
that we use is less large and the reaction is less long.
The raction between mixing of Pb(NO3)2 and Fe metallic solutions in the occurs with
the formation of a brown Pb metal precipitate which acts as an oxidizing agent Zn and acting
as a reducing agent is the Fe metal but in our practice there is no reaction.
However, at this observation, there is some mixing that does not produce a redox
reaction in the reaction between NaNO3 with Al metal, Cu metal and Fe metal. Also not
produce a redox reaction in the reaction between NaNO3, Zn(NO3)2, Pb(NO3)2 with Cu metal.
and mixing between Zn(NO3)2 and Fe metal. This is due to the nature of some metals in the
voltaic series. The more to the right then the metal is more easily reduced, the more to the left
of the metal the more difficult to reduce in other words easier to do the oxidation. As well as a
metal can only reduce the metal present to its right in the voltaic series this is seen from its
oxidation potential and its reduction.
Reaction between mixing of AgNO3 and Al metal solution happened reaction with air
bubble, while with Cu metallic there is grey coating on metal and with metal Fe in addition to
layer of color gray on metal (change color) also emerge gas bubbles.
2. Reaction of metal and HCl solution
The reaction between mixing HCl and Cu solvents does not occur, while the reaction
with the Fe metal there are a lot of small bubbles for a long time, and at Fe tip is yellow.
Furthermore the reaction with Mg metal appear heat and there are a lot of big bubbles, at the
end of reaction Mg metal is out.
Then the reaction between mixing HCl with Zn metal, there are a lot of medium bubbles
for a long time. While with Pb metal there are a lot of small bubbles for a short time. So the
reaction sequence of the largest is Mg> Zn> Fe> Pb.
3. In the reaction of H2O2 + H2SO4 + KI + starch, the solution turns yellowish red and dark
and there are black precipitate. While the reaction of FeCl3 + H2SO4 + KI heated + starch, the
solution turns yellowish orange , there are black. In both reactions it is seen that the solution
produced by heating is clearer than that which is not heated. This indicates that Heating is to
accelerate the KI reaction as an indicator of amillum. While amillum as an indicator of KI and
Starch as a redox indicator to prove the presence of I2 and I2 as a reaction, whereas H2SO4 as
a catalyst which provides an acidic atmosphere.
4. In this experiment a blue CuSO4 solution was added with Zn metal. The color of the
solution turns into blackish ash and dissolved Zn metal and hot porch. In the calculation we
can see that the value of E0cell from a mixture of Zn+ CusO4 + metal solution is positive ie
+110 V which means the reaction takes place spontaneously. This is also because the zinc
metal (Zn) of Cu2 + ions has a position that allows a spontaneous, metal-induced reaction.
Zinc (Zn) is located on the left of Cu in the voltaic series so as to reduce Cu2+ to Cu. Pad is
another reaction of Cu metal mixed with ZnSO4larutran where the color of ZnSO4 is clear.
Reaction between ZnSO4 and Cu metals does not show any change and through data analysis
it is found that E0cell is negative ie -110 V which means that reaction does not spontaneously.

b. Electrolysis of KI solution
In electrolysis KI reaction occurs with the equation of the reaction:

Cathode : 2H2O + 2e- → 2OH- + H2 Eo = – 0,83 V

Anode : 2I- → I2 + 2e- Eo = – 0,54 V +
2H2O + 2I- → H2 + 2OH- + I2 Eo = – 1,37 V (not spontaneous)

In ion I- oxidation becomes I2 that settles and the color change becomes brown around
the anode while the cathode is reduced is not the K+ cation, but water (H2O) is reduced
because water has the ability to absorb electrons larger than K+ ions, ie E0 H2O = 0.83 V, and
E0K = -2.92 V. At the cathode there is an air bubble, it happens because H2O is reduced to
form H2 gas and OH- ion. In the solution at the cathode after it is added with the indicator
phenolphthalein and FeCl3 solution there will be a reaction . The change in the aperture at the
time of adding the PP indicator from the nodes to the pink was then added FeCl3 to brown. At
the cathode shows the color change to pink due to the presence of Fe(OH)3 base compounds.
Then this causes chloroform not to unite because of the polarity of the solution. At the anode
there is betadine smell, its prove that any I2 in reaction.

c. Electrolysis of CuSO4 solution

1. Using C electrode
Carbon shows the color in the solution does not change. The cathode (-) is yellowish-
yellow or turbid and the anode (+) bubbles a lot. This shows the reaction producing an
acidic solution (oxidation of H2O) to the anode. It shows that at the cathode there is a
reduction of Cu2+ which produces Cu deposit and at the anode there is oxidation of H2O
which produces Cu precipitate and at the anode there is oxidation of H2O which produces
As the reaction:
CuSO4(aq) → Cu 2+ + SO42-

Anode : 2 H2O(l) → 4 H+ + O2(g) + 4e- Eo = – 1,23 V

Cathode : 2Cu2+ (aq) + 4e- → 2Cu(s) Eo = + 0,34 V +
2H2O(l) + 2Cu2+→ 4 H+ + O2(g) + 2Cu(s) Eo = – 0,89 V (not spontaneous)

2. Using Fe electrode
The cathode (-) is yellowish-yellow or turbid and the anode (+) bubbles a lot. This shows
the reaction producing an acidic solution (Fe oxidation) at the anode. It shows that at the
cathode there is a reduction of Cu2+ which produces Cu precipitate and at the anode there
is Fe oxidation which produces Cu precipitate. As the reaction:
CuSO4(aq) → Cu 2+ + SO42-

Cathode : Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu Eo = + 0,34 V

Anode : Fe → Fe2+ + 2e Eo = + 0,41 V +
Cu2+ + Fe → Cu + Fe2+ Eo = + 0,75 V (spontaneous)

H. Conclusion
1. Redox reaction is characterized by changes in oxidation state during reaction. According to the
calculation, the power reduction of seven metals is Na>Al>Zn>Fe>Pb>Cu>Ag. According to
the position of the left metal in the voltaic cell the characteristics of the reducer are stronger
and the reduction potential is smaller. Position of Hydrogen between Pb and Cu. According to
the calculation too, then the reaction sequence of the largest is Mg> Zn> Fe> Pb. Reaction with
E0 (+) is spontaneous and E0 (-) is not spontaneous.
2. a. At the cathode there is an air bubble, it happens because H2O is reduced to form H2 gas and
OH- ion. In the solution at the cathode after it is added with the indicator phenolphthalein and
FeCl3 solution there will be a reaction . The change in the aperture at the time of adding the PP
indicator from the nodes to the pink was then added FeCl3 to brown. At the cathode shows the
color change to pink due to the presence of Fe(OH)3 base compounds.
b. At the cathode there is an air bubble, it happens because H2O is reduced to form H2 gas and
OH- ion. In the solution at the cathode after it is added with the indicator phenolphthalein and
FeCl3 solution there will be a reaction . The change in the aperture at the time of adding the PP
indicator from the nodes to the pink was then added FeCl3 to brown. At the cathode shows the
color change to pink due to the presence of Fe(OH)3 base compounds. At the anode there is
betadine smell, its prove that any I2 in reaction.

I. References
Bauer, R.C. & Birk, J.P., CHEMISTRY.
Soediono, Budi. General Chemistry-Principles, Patterns, And Application

J. Appendix
1. Problem
a. Redox titration
1) Write down all of the occured reaction in this experiment.
Reaction of metal and metal nitrat solution

1. 2Al(s) + 3Pb(NO3)2(aq) → 2Al(NO3)2(aq) + 3Pb(s)

2Al(s) + 3Zn(NO3)2(aq) → 2Al(NO3)2(aq) + 3Zn(s)
2Al(s) + 3AgNO3(aq) → 2Al(NO3)2(aq) + 3Ag(s)
2Al(s) + NaNO3(aq) ↛

2. Cu(s) + Pb(NO3)2(aq) ↛
Cu(s) + Zn(NO3)2 (aq) ↛
Cu(s) + 2AgNO3(aq) → Cu(NO3)2(aq) + 2Ag(s)
Cu(s) + NaNO3(aq) ↛

3. Fe (s) + Pb(NO3)2(aq) → Fe(NO3)2(aq) + Pb(s)

Fe(s) + Zn(NO3)2 (aq) ↛
Fe (s) + 2AgNO3 (aq) → Fe(NO3)2(aq) + 2Pb(s)
Fe(s) + NaNO3(aq) ↛

4. Cu (s) + HCl(aq) ↛
2Fe(s) + 6HCl (aq) → 2FeCl3(aq) + 3H2(g)
Mg(s) + 2HCl (aq) → MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)
Pb(s) + HCl(aq) → PbCl2(aq) + H2(g)
2) Sort of seven metals (Al, Pb, Zn, Ag, Na, Cu, Fe) by dimishing the power reduction and give
The power reduction of seven metals is Na>Al>Zn>Fe>Pb>Cu>Ag. According to the
position of the left metal in the voltaic cell the characteristics of the reducer are stronger and
the reduction potential is smaller.
3) Where is the position of Hydrogen in the series above
Position of Hydrogen between Pb and Cu

b. Electrolysis of KI solution.
1) What is the function of the salt bridge?
The function of the salt bridge is to neutralize the anion and cation excess in the solution
and to close the circuit so that the reaction can take place continuously.
2) Explain why the reaction can take place spontaneously in terms of free energy?
A reaction can be said to be spontaneous when it qualifies for thermodynamics, ie, its free
energy Gibbs (DGo) is equal to zero. The DGo value can be determined from the standard
cell potential by the formula
DGo = - n F Eocell
Thus, it can be deduced if a cell has a positive Eocell, then DGo will be negative and its
reaction is spontaneous.

c. Electrolysis of CuSO4
1) Write equations for all reactions that occur in electrode!
1. Using C electrode occured there is gas bubbles in the anode and in the cathode there is a
golden-brown plating.

CuSO4(aq) → Cu 2+ + SO42-

Anode : 2 H2O(l) → 4 H+ + O2(g) + 4e- Eo = – 1,23 V

Cathode : 2Cu2+ (aq) + 4e- → 2Cu(s) Eo = + 0,34 V +
2H2O(l) + 2Cu2+→ 4 H+ + O2(g) + 2Cu(s) Eo = – 0,89 V (not spontaneous)

2. Using Fe electrode occured there is gas bubbles and the color of solution changes to be
brownish black in the anode and in the cathode there is a golden-brown plating.
CuSO4(aq) → Cu 2+ + SO42-

Cathode : Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu Eo = + 0,34 V

Anode : Fe → Fe + 2e
Eo = + 0,41 V +
Cu + Fe → Cu + Fe
2+ 2+
Eo = + 0,75 V (spontaneous)
2) What is the function of PP?
The usefulness of Phenolphthalein (PP) is as indicator or to prove the basic solution in the
presence of I2 on the anode because phenolphthalein has a pH range of 8.00 to 10.0 .
3) What is the function of CHCl3 ?
The usefulness of CCl3 is as an polar organic solvent.
4) In the electrolysis using C electrode, what happens at each electrode? Write the equation
As the reaction:
CuSO4(aq) → Cu 2+ + SO42-
Anode : 2 H2O(l) → 4 H+ + O2(g) + 4e- Eo = – 1,23 V
Cathode : 2Cu (aq) + 4e → 2Cu(s)
2+ -
Eo = + 0,34 V +
2H2O(l) + 2Cu → 4 H + O2(g) + 2Cu(s) Eo = – 0,89 V (not spontaneous)
2+ +

5) In the electrolysis using Fe electrode, what happens at each electrode? Write the equation
CuSO4(aq) → Cu 2+ + SO42-

Cathode : Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu Eo = + 0,34 V

Anode : Fe → Fe2+ + 2e Eo = + 0,41 V +
Cu2+ + Fe → Cu + Fe2+ Eo = + 0,75 V (spontaneous)


a. Redox reaction

picture 4. heating 5 drops H2O2 0,1 M, 1M

picture 1. Insert a piece of metal in a solution
H2SO4, and 10 drops of 0,1 M KI

picture 2. Insert a piece of metal in a HCl solution

picture 5. The ratio between without heating and

with heating solution

picture 3. insert 5 drops H2O2 0,1 M, 1M H2SO4,

and 10 drops of 0,1 M KI also 1 drop of starch

b. Electrolysis of KI and CuSO4 solution

picture 6. 0,25M KI solution into an U type tube

picture 9. connect electroda to the source

picture 7. connect electroda to the source

picture 8. 0,25M CuSO4 into an U type tube

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