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Wellbeing@School Review 2018

The purpose of this review were many:

 To see what effectiveness PB4L is having
 To gather data for reflection for Annual and Strategic Goals
 To support Principals appraisal goals and development
 To support future planning
 To gauge effectiveness of current programmes

The two surveys used were from NZCER Wellbeing Students Y5 – 8 and Wellbeing

Teachers Survey
 Of the teaching staff, 12 completed the survey, which of course doesn’t give an
authentic overview of what teachers feel about all areas of Wellbeing at Roslyn
 The survey was in the following sections:
- Schoolwide climate and practices
- Teaching and learning (A) (B)
- Pro-social students culture and strategies
- Community partnerships
- Aggressive student culture

Schoolwide climate and Practices

Of the 12 staff completed
- Strong sense of staff acknowledging students behaviours
- Encouragement of inclusiveness and respectfulness of student’s culture
and background
- Many opportunities for students in areas of responsibility
- Majority of staff believe their peers are not good behaviour role models
and treat each other with respect
- Majority feel the school still has a problem with negative behaviour
- Restorative conversations are not held; neither are positive behaviours
regularly promoted

Teaching and Learning

 Respondents felt all students can achieve and have high expectations for
students social behaviours
 Students are taught strategies for managing their feelings

Pro-social student culture and strategies

 Strong sense of welfare regarding caring for new students and students can
ask staff for help
 Students need to treat other students and teachers with respect

Community Partnership
 Positive feedback on systems on making Whanau welcome and communicating
 Highlight on needing work with parents to support students learning
Aggressive Student Culture
 Respondents felt there is still a high tendency of students involved in negative
behaviour on a regular basis

 There has been a positive shift in teachers attitude and perception regarding
Roslyn School’s culture of learning and behaviour
 Responders still feel there was some students who were not responding to our
PB4L system
 Some staff still feel more work needed to be had on developing a higher ideal
when dealing with each other and students
 Restorative practices is not part of PB4L

Future Steps
 Look into the possibility of introducing restorative practices
 Develop strategies/regular sessions on addressing positive interactions of staff
using NZC conduct expectations. This to be part of rest of 2018 and to be
included in Charter for 2019
 Continue to refine PB4L systems

Student Review
148 students completed the survey. Break down of responses are:

Year 4 students (39)

Schoolwide climate and practices
 Strong response regarding both students and teachers caring about each other
 Understanding that as a school we need to understand different cultures and
the need to get on with each other
 As a school we celebrate the good things students do

Teaching and Learning

 All students acknowledged that teachers treat students fairly, and treat each
other with respect
 Responses to all sections were very positive

Community Partnership
 Some students do not feel safe walking to and from school and where they live
they don’t think people get along with each other

Pro-social Student Culture and Strategies

 Students acknowledge that some students do not treat others with respect,
including teachers
 Strong response regarding student’s positivity looking after new students

Aggressive Student Culture

 Although the majority of students responded that there was little or no
negative behaviour, there were a small group who responded that they do have
some negative behaviour towards them regularly
Year5 students (43)
Schoolwide climate and practices
 Generally, all students responded positively except in regard to – everyone
knows school’s rules about behaviour and looking after our school after

Teaching and Learning

 Again responses were majority positive

Community Partnership
 Again (similar to Y4), students feel people didn’t get along with each other
where they lived and some didn’t feel safe when going to and from school

Pro-social Student Culture and Strategies

 Some students felt some students didn’t treat others with respect

Aggressive Student Culture

 Small response regarding negative behaviour to culture and self

Year 6 students (35)

Schoolwide climate and practices
 Not all students agreed that everyone knows school expectations and PRIDE is
 Some students feel they need a greater say in what happens at school

Teaching and Learning

 Some students feel teachers do not make learning interesting or treat them
fairly or take action when needed

Community Partnership
 Again – students felt where they lived people didn’t get along with each other

Pro-social Student Culture and Strategies

 Some students felt they couldn’t stand up for themselves in a calm way
 Respect by students in the way they treated each other was identified still as a
need as well as others listening to them

Aggressive Student Culture

 Some students identified ‘put downs’, lying, and negative culture responses
and behaviour
 Physical aggression was identified

Year 7 students (21)

Schoolwide climate and practices
 Strong response to students not seeing our school values as important,
knowing the expectations and what to do when someone is experiencing
negative behaviour
 Buildings and play areas not looked after at school
Teaching and Learning
 Some students don’t feel teachers treat students fairly but the majority
responded that teachers treat students with respect
 Need to know what to say to other students when they are giving negative

Community Partnership
 Again where they live, they feel people get on with each other and going to or
from school
 Some students feel they do not have someone they can go to when upset

Pro-social Student Culture and Strategies

 Majority of students felt their peers do not treat them with respect or listen to
 Some students felt other students do not treat teachers with respect

Aggressive Student Culture

 Acknowledgement that some students lie and use put downs

 All year groups fall within national Reference Data

What seems to be consistent across the year groups is:
 Feeling unsafe to and from school
 People they know at home not getting along
 Not all students acknowledging and/or knowing PRIDE
 Negative behaviour such as put downs, lying culture is happening
 School grounds are not looked after
 Positive response to how they feel about teachers supporting their learning
and caring for them
 Schoolwide pie graph show generally consistent, positive responses

Future Steps
 Schoolwide emphasis and focus needed on:
- Cultural responsiveness
- The “niggly” negative behaviours such as put downs, respecting others and
 Working on ways to build confidence and research why some students do not
feel safe coming to and from school – why is this?
 Schoolwide, team and class action to reinforce PRIDE, school expectations

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