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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

12 August 2018 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B



here are many ways to consider life, and one of them is to
compare it to a journey. Indeed, our whole life is in many
ways similar to some of the travels that we undertake. Be-
cause of the uncertainties or unexpected events that may occur,
we ask the Lord to accompany us, just as He accompanied and
nourished the Chosen People and the prophet Elijah during their
respective journeys through the desert.
In the journey of our life, God shows His concern for our safety
and nourishment through the presence of Jesus, our fellow trav-
eler and Bread of Life. May his life-giving Word guide us. May he, the
Bread that came down from heaven, sustain and strengthen us in this
Eucharistic celebration and beyond.

All –Lord, have mercy! prayer; you are seated at the right
P –Lord Jesus, you are the- hand of the Father, have mercy
Bread and Drink that ca on us. For you alone are the Holy
down from heaven. One, you alone are the Lord, you
Entrance Antiphon Christ, have mercy! alone are the Most High, Jesus
(To be recited only when no Entrance All –Christ, have mercy! Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the
Hymn is sung.) glory of God the Father. Amen!
Look to your covenant, O P –Lord Jesus, you give your
Lord, and forget not the life of flesh for the life of the Collect (Opening Prayer)
your poor ones for ever. Arise, world. Lord, have mercy!
O God, and defend your cause, All – Lord, have mercy! P –Almighty ever-living God,
and forget not the cries of those P –May almighty God have whom, taught by the Holy Spirit,
who seek you. mercy on us, forgive us our sins, we dare to call our Father, bring
and bring us to everlasting life. to perfection in our hearts the
Greeting All – Amen! spirit of adoption as your sons
P –Blessed be Jesus, the Bread and daughters, that we may mer-
from heaven. May his grace and Gloria it to enter into the inheritance
peace be with you all! which you have promised.
All – Glory to God in the high- Through our Lord Jesus
All – And with your spirit! est, and on earth peace to people Christ, your Son, who lives and
Penitential Act of good will. We praise you, reigns with you in the unity of
we bless you, we adore you, we the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
P –As we prepare ourselves to glorify you, we give you thanks
celebrate the sacred mysteries in and ever.
for your great glory, Lord God, All – Amen!
which we will receive Jesus as heavenly King, O God, almighty
“the Bread of Life,” let us reflect Father.
on what makes us unworthy to do Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-
so. (Pause) gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
P –Lord Jesus, no one can come God, Son of the Father, you take
to you unless the Father away the sins of the world, have 1st Reading 1 Kgs 19:4-8
draws him. mercy on us; you take away the Elijah was sustained in
Lord, have mercy! sins of the world, receive our his journey through the desert
by God-sent bread and water. * Look to him that you ated it, and even hinted at the
This miraculous food and drink may be radiant with joy, and sacrificial nature of the gift of
foreshadows the Eucharist, your faces may not blush with himself as the bread that gives
the “ food and drink that came shame. When the afflicted man life to the world.
down from heaven.” called out, the Lord heard, and P –The Lord be with you!
R –A proclamation from the from all his distress he saved All –And with your spirit!
First Book of Kings him. R. P – A proclamation from the
Elijah went a day’s jour- * The angel of the Lord en- holy Gospel according to
ney into the desert, until he camps around those who fear John
came to a broom tree and him, and delivers them. Taste All – Glory to you, O Lord!
sat beneath it. He prayed and see how good the Lord is. The Jews murmured about
for death, saying: “This is Blessed the man who takes ref- Jesus because he said, “I am
enough, O Lord! Take my life, uge in him. R. the bread that came down from
for I am no better than my heaven,” and they said, “Is this
fathers.” 2nd Reading Eph 4:30-5:2 not Jesus, the son of Joseph?
He lay down and fell The reception of the Eucha- Do we not know his father and
asleep under the broom tree, rist requires that our hearts be mother? Then how can he say,
but then an angel touched him properly disposed. This exhorta- ‘I have come down from heav-
and ordered him to get up and tion of St. Paul to the Ephesians en?’ ”
eat. Elijah looked and there emphasizes some of the essential Jesus answered and said
at his head was a hearth cake dispositions we should have in to them, “Stop murmuring
and a jug of water. After he ate receiving Holy Communion. among yourselves. No one can
and drank, he lay down again, R –A proclamation from the come to me unless the Father
but the angel of the Lord came Letter of Paul to the Ephe- who sent me draw him, and I
back a second time, touched sians will raise him on the last day.
him, and ordered, “Get up It is written in the proph-
and eat, else the journey will Brothers and sisters: ets: ‘They shall all be taught
be too long for you!” He got Do not grieve the Holy by God.’ Everyone who listens
up, ate, and drank. Spirit of God, with which you to my Father and learns from
Then, strengthened by that were sealed for the day of re- him comes to me. Not that
food, he walked forty days and demption. anyone has seen the Father ex-
forty nights to the mountain of All bitterness, fury, anger, cept the one who is from God;
God, Horeb. shouting, and reviling must he has seen the Father. Amen,
be removed from you, along amen, I say to you, whoever
The Word of the Lord! with all malice. And be kind
All – Thanks be to God! believes has eternal life.
to one another, compassionate, I am the bread of life.
forgiving one another as God Your ancestors ate the manna
Responsorial Psalm Ps 34 has forgiven you in Christ. in the desert, but they died.
R –Taste and see the goodness So be imitators of God, This is the bread that comes
of the Lord! as beloved children, and live down from heaven so that one
in love, as Christ loved us and may eat it and not die. I am the
R. M. Velez handed himself over for us as a living bread that came down
sacrificial offering to God for a

Eb Cm Ab from heaven. Whoever eats this
      
fragrant aroma.

 bread will live forever. And
The Word of the Lord! the bread that I will give is my
All – Thanks be to God! flesh for the life of the world.”
Taste and see the good-ness
The Gospel of the Lord!
 Bb Eb
Gospel Acclamation
  
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus

   All – Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ!

“I am the living bread that
of the Lord! came down from heaven,” Homily
says the Lord. “Whoever
* I will bless the Lord at all eats this bread will live Profession of Faith
times; his praise shall be ever forever.” (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
in my mouth. Let my soul glory Alleluia! Alleluia!
in the Lord; the lowly will hear All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
ther almighty, maker of heaven
me and be glad. R. Gospel Jn 6:41-51 and earth, of all things visible
* Glorify the Lord with me, The Jews refused to accept and invisible.
let us together extol his name. Jesus as “the Bread that came I believe in one Lord Jesus
I sought the Lord, and he an- down from heaven,” but he did Christ, the Only Begotten Son
swered me and delivered me not retract or water down his of God, born of the Father be-
from all my fears. R. statement. He actually reiter- fore all ages. God from God,

12 August 2018
Light from Light, true God from C –For those who are rejected thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
true God, begotten, not made, and persecuted because of their mighty and eternal God, through
consubstantial with the Father; faithfulness to the Gospel: May Christ our Lord.
through him all things were they stand fast in their faith, For by his birth he brought re-
made. For us men and for our fully trusting in the Lord’s newal to humanity’s fallen state,
salvation he came down from help. Let us pray! R. and by his suffering, canceled
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy out our sins. By his rising from
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- C –For our community and our
families: Heeding the exhor- the dead he has opened the way
gin Mary, and became man.* to eternal life, and by ascending
For our sake he was crucified tation of St. Paul, may we put
aside all bitterness and malice to you, O Father, he has unlocked
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- the gates of heaven.
fered death and was buried, and and learn to be kind, forgiving,
and compassionate with one an- And so, with the company of
rose again on the third day in Angels and Saints, we sing the
accordance with the Scriptures. other. Let us pray! R.
hymn of your praise, as without
He ascended into heaven and is C –Let us pray in silence for our end we acclaim:
seated at the right hand of the personal intentions. (Pause) All – Holy, holy, holy . . .
Father. He will come again in Let us pray! R.
glory to judge the living and the Memorial Acclamation
dead and his kingdom will have P –Lord God, thank You for con-
tinually being with us despite P –The mystery of faith!
no end. All –When we eat this Bread
I believe in the Holy Spirit, our failures and infidelities. May
we express our sincere recogni- and drink this Cup, we pro-
the Lord, the giver of life, who claim your Death, O Lord,
proceeds from the Father and tion of Your love for us by being
kind to one another, compassion- until you come again!
the Son, who with the Father
and the Son is adored and glori- ate and forgiving. We ask this
fied, who has spoken through through Christ our Lord.
the prophets. All – Amen!
I believe in one, holy, cath-
olic and apostolic Church. I
confess one Baptism for the All – Our Father . . .
forgiveness of sins and I look P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
forward to the resurrection of All –For the kingdom, the
the dead and the life of the world power, and the glory are
to come. Amen! Preparation of the Gifts
yours, now and for ever!
P –Pray, brethren . . .
Prayer of the Faithful All – May the Lord accept the Sign of Peace
P – God’s care and concern sacrifice at your hands, for the
for us has always been so praise and glory of his name, Breaking of the Bread
great and such He will con- for our good and the good of all All – Lamb of God, you take
tinue to be. Confident that He his holy Church. away the sins of the world: have
will be with us in our journey mercy on us. (2x)
through life, to lead, protect Prayer over the Offerings Lamb of God, you take
and strengthen us, we pray: P –Be pleased, O Lord, to ac- away the sins of the world:
All –Lord, graciously hear us! cept the offerings of your Church, grant us peace.
for in your mercy you have given
C –For the Church, God’s pil- them to be offered and by your Communion
grim people on earth: When power you transform them into P –This is our brother Jesus
faced with rejection and perse- the mystery of our salvation. who strengthens us in the jour-
cution, may she never lose heart Through Christ our Lord. ney of life. He is the Lamb of
but fully trust in God’s help. All – Amen! God who takes away the sins
Let us pray! R. of the world. Blessed are those
C –For the Holy Father, our bish- Preface IV called to his Supper.
op, and all other religious leaders: All –Lord, I am not worthy that
May they be for us like the angel P –The Lord be with you! you should enter under my ro
sent by the Lord to strengthen and All –And with your spirit! of, but only say the word and
encourage the prophet Elijah. P –Lift up your hearts! my soul shall be healed.
Let us pray! R. All – We lift them up to the Lord!
P –Let us give thanks to the Communion Antiphon
C –For the social and political Lord our God! (To be recited only when no
leaders of our country: May they All –It is right and just! Communion Hymn is sung.)
always seek and promote the
good of the people, especially P –It is truly right and just, our The bread that I will give,
those who are weak, exploited, duty and our salvation, always says the Lord, is my flesh for
or defenseless. Let us pray! R. and everywhere to give you the life of the world.

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Prayer after Communion P –Bow your heads and pray all your afflictions.
P –May the communion in for God’s blessing. (Pause) All – Amen!
your Sacrament that we have May God, the Father of P –May the blessing of al-
consumed, save us, O Lord, and glory, be with you to pro- mighty God: the Father, and
confirm us in the light of your tect you from all dangers the Son, and the Holy Spirit
truth. in the journey of life. come down upon you and
Through Christ our Lord. All – Amen! remain with you for ever.
All – Amen! P –May God the Son, Jesus All – Amen!
Christ, nourish you with
his Body and Blood as you P –Go and be instruments of
cross the desert of life. God’s love in the journey of
All – Amen! life.
All – Thanks be to God!
P –May God, the Holy Spirit,
P –The Lord be with you. lead you to make the right FORTHCOMING EVENT
All – And with your spirit! choices and console you in Aug 15 ă Assumption
of the BVM


he Jews felt bewildered at Jesus’ claim that he was “the There is nothing “natural” in all this. It is all well
bread that came down from heaven” (Jn 6:41). They above “nature,” as we perceive it in our ordinary life. And
just couldn’t take it. They felt that they were very well yet, by God’s grace, we hold it to be as real as the ground on
informed about the origin of that young preacher: “Is this not which we stand or the ordinary food we eat. Such is the power
Jesus, the son of Joseph? Do we not know his father and which our faith gives us to firmly believe that, in spite of what
mother?” (Jn 6:42). our eyes can see and our hands can touch, the consecrated
As had already happened to the townsfolk of Nazareth bread and wine are the Lord Jesus in the totality of his
(see Mk 6:3), their excessive self-assurance about what they life-giving person, the source of our eternal life. (See Jn
knew of Jesus – their pride! – blinded them to the higher real- 6:51.)
ity which they were facing. The Jews were ready to grant that
the young Nazarean was able to perform unusual tricks which One year after the celebration
allowed him to feed big crowds with a little food . . . But that
was as far as they could go. For the rest, Jesus was to them of the apparitions of Our Lady in Portugal,
just an ordinary human being, weak and mortal like anybody relive the great series of events with the help of:
They stopped at what their eyes could see, their hands
could touch, and their minds could comprehend. They pre-
ferred to stick to what they thought they “knew” about
Jesus, rather than accept his word and thereby soar to a Available in:
higher level of knowledge. They refused to believe. And • simple narrative
that became their tragedy. of the Marian
The key word here is FAITH. God offers this gift to all, apparitions
because He wants all to reach salvation. (See 1 Tim 2:4.) at Fatima, or
He offers it in ways and circumstances that mostly elude us. • illustrated in
The gift is real, nonetheless, and is offered out of sheer comics strips in
love. Yet some reject it. The offer will be perceived and Filipino manga
accepted only by humble hearts – people who trust God’s style.
Word more than their external senses. And in their faith,
these humble people come to know and experience truths
that lie beyond what human eye can see or human mind Plus:
can fathom. • a documentary section on the Messages
This is true of all the great mysteries of the Christian faith, and Secrets of Fatima,
like the Trinity, the Incarnation, and the work of our redemp-
tion. It is perhaps particularly true of the Eucharist, the “mys- • the Alliance of Billions of Hearts, and
tery of faith” par excellence. In fact, while in the Incarnation • the devotion of the Five First Saturdays
only the divinity of Christ was “concealed,” in the Eucha-
rist both the divinity and humanity are not perceived by Get your copy from any religious bookstore
our senses. All that we see and touch and eat/drink looks or order now from Word & Life Publications
and tastes like ordinary bread and wine. It is only because Tel. #894-5401/02 or 894-5241
Christ said: “This IS my body . . . this IS my blood” that E-mail address: wordandlifepublications@gmail.com
we respond “Amen!” marketing@wordandlife.org

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Postal Address: P.O. Box 1820, MCPO, 1258 Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
WORD & LIFE Tel. Nos. 894-5401; 894-5402; 892-2169 • Telefax: 894-5241 • Website: www.wordandlife.org
PUBLICATIONS • E-mail: marketing@wordandlife.org; wordandlifepublications@gmail.com • FB: Word & Life Publications
• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, G. Ramos, J. Domingo, A. Adsuara, V. David, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Marketing: Fr. B. Nolasco and T. Mojica • Circulation: R. Saldua

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