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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

16 September 2018 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

The Cross, Our Source of Hope and Salvation

oday’s theme reminds us of the duty, which all of us have, to
take up our cross and carry it in the footsteps of Christ. This is
not something that we do with pleasure, for the cross always
entails some degree of suffering and death. We instinctively choose
life and tend to enjoy life. And yet, the cross looms large on the hori-
zon of our earthly existence. It may be the cross of sickness, of natural
defects, of failures, or of injustices inflicted on us. Or it may be the
cross of living out the demands of our faith, as St. James reminds us
in today’s Second Reading. Or it is the cross of bearing with one an-
other’s shortcomings within our own family, in our place of work, in
our communities . . . .
In this Eucharist let us ask for the grace to carry our cross with pa-
tience and in a spirit of faith, always remembering that the cross is the
great solid bridge to heaven.

us at the cost of your life. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-

Lord, have mercy! gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
All – Lord, have mercy! God, Son of the Father, you take
P –Christ Jesus, you asked away the sins of the world, have
Entrance Antiphon your disciples to take up mercy on us; you take away the
(To be recited only when no Entrance their cross and follow in sins of the world, receive our
Hymn is sung.) your footsteps. Christ, have prayer; you are seated at the right
Give peace, O Lord, to those mercy! hand of the Father, have mercy
who wait for you, that your All – Christ, have mercy! on us. For you alone are the Holy
prophets be found true. Hear P –Lord Jesus, you expect us to One, you alone are the Lord, you
the prayers of your servant, help our neighbor carry the alone are the Most High, Jesus
and of your people Israel. cross of their trials. Lord, Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
have mercy! in the glory of God the Father.
Greeting All – Lord, have mercy! Amen!
P –Praise and glory to Jesus P –May almighty God have
who saved us through the blood mercy on us, forgive us our sins, Collect (Opening Prayer)
of his cross. May his grace and and bring us to everlasting life.
P –Look upon us, O God,
peace be with you all! All – Amen!
Creator and ruler of all things,
All – And with your spirit!
and, that we may feel the
Gloria working of your mercy, grant
Penitential Act
All – Glory to God in the high- that we may serve you with all
P –As we prepare to celebrate est, and on earth peace to people our heart.
the mystery of Christ’s Passion, of good will. We praise you, Through our Lord Jesus
Death, and Resurrection, let we bless you, we adore you, we Christ, your Son, who lives and
us renew our awareness of our glorify you, we give you thanks reigns with you in the unity of
shortcomings and humbly ask for your great glory, Lord the Holy Spirit, one God, for
the Lord’s forgiveness. (Pause) God, heavenly King, O God, ever and ever.
P –Lord Jesus, you redeemed almighty Father. All – Amen!
and I called upon the name of suffer. In his response, Jesus
the Lord, “O Lord, save my reminds Peter and all of us of the
life!” R. duty to accept God’s plan even
* Gracious is the Lord and when it demands self-sacrifice.
1st Reading Is 50:5-9 just; yes, our God is merciful. P –The Lord be with you!
The prophet Isaiah sketches The Lord keeps the little ones; All – And with your spirit!
for us a moving picture of the I was brought low, and he saved P – A proclamation from the
“Suffering Servant” who en- me. R. holy Gospel according to
dures all tortures with sublime Mark
patience, trusting only in his in- * For he has freed my soul
from death, my eyes from All – Glory to you, O Lord!
nocence and in the Lord’s help.
tears, my feet from stumbling. Jesus and his disciples set
R –A proclamation from the I shall walk before the Lord in out for the villages of Caesar-
Book of the Prophet Isaiah the land of the living. R. ea Philippi. Along the way he
The Lord God opens my asked his disciples, “Who do
ear that I may hear. And I have 2nd Reading Jas 2:14-18 people say that I am?” They
not rebelled, have not turned In this passage St. James said in reply, “John the Baptist,
back. I gave my back to those writes the famous sentence: others Elijah, still others one
who beat me, my cheeks to “Faith without works is dead.” of the prophets.” And he asked
those who plucked my beard; He thereby emphasizes the ne- them, “But who do you say that
my face I did not shield from cessity that our faith be comple- I am?” Peter said to him in re-
buffets and spitting. The Lord mented with corresponding acts ply, “You are the Christ!” Then
God is my help, therefore I am of justice and charity. he warned them not to tell any-
not disgraced; I have set my R –A proclamation from the one about him.
face like flint, knowing that I Letter of James He began to teach them
shall not be put to shame. He is that the Son of Man must suf-
near who upholds my right; if What good is it, my broth- fer greatly and be rejected by
anyone wishes to oppose me, let ers and sisters, if someone says the elders, the chief priests,
us appear together. Who dis- he has faith but does not have and the scribes, and be killed,
putes my right? Let that man works? Can that faith save and rise after three days. He
confront me. See, the Lord God him? spoke this openly. Then Peter
is my help; who will prove me If a brother or sister has took him aside and began to re-
wrong? nothing to wear and has no food buke him. At this Jesus turned
for the day, and one of you says around and, looking at his dis-
The Word of the Lord! to them, “Go in peace, keep ciples, rebuked Peter and said,
All – Thanks be to God! warm, and eat well,” but you “Get behind me, Satan. You
do not give them what they need are thinking not as God does,
Responsorial Psalm Ps 116 for their bodies, what good is it? but as human beings do.”
So also faith of itself, if it He summoned the crowd
R – I will walk before the Lord,
does not have works, is dead. with his disciples and said to
in the land of the living!
Indeed someone might say, them, “Whoever wishes to
“You have faith and I have come after me must deny him-
R. M. Velez works.” Demonstrate your self, take up his cross, and fol-
F Gm7 faith to me without works, and low me. For whoever wishes
  
  
I will demonstrate my faith to to save his life will lose it, but
you from my works. whoever loses his life for my
I will walk be-fore the The Word of the Lord! sake and for the sake of the
All – Thanks be to God! gospel will save it.”
Am Gm7 Bb C F The Gospel of the Lord!
     Gospel Acclamation
 All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
All – Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ!
Lord in the land of the li-----------ving! May I never boast except
in the cross of our Lord Homily
* I love the Lord because he through which the world
has heard my voice in supplica- has been crucified to me Profession of Faith
tion, because he has inclined and I to the world. (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
his ear to me the day I called. Alleluia! Alleluia!
All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
R. ther almighty, maker of heaven
Gospel Mk 8:27-35
* The cords of death encom- Acting as spokesman for the and earth, of all things visible
passed me; the snares of the Twelve, Peter proclaims Jesus’ and invisible.
netherworld seized upon me; messiaship but strongly rejects I believe in one Lord Jesus
I fell into distress and sorrow the idea that the Messiah will Christ, the Only Begotten Son

16 September 2018
of God, born of the Father be- patience and trust like Jesus, the mighty and eternal God, through
fore all ages. God from God, Servant of God, let us pray! R. Christ our Lord.
Light from Light, true God from For by his birth he brought re-
true God, begotten, not made, C –That the leaders of religious newal to humanity’s fallen state,
consubstantial with the Father; groups and basic ecclesial com- and by his suffering, canceled
through him all things were munities may be at all times an out our sins; by his rising from
made. For us men and for our inspiration to the other members, the dead, he has opened the way
salvation he came down from let us pray! R. to eternal life, and by ascending
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy C –That the refugees who have to you, O Father, he has unlocked
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- been forced to flee their home- the gates of heaven.
gin Mary, and became man.* lands may have the possibility And so, with the company of
For our sake he was crucified Angels and Saints, we sing the
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- to return to their native places
in dignity and freedom, let us hymn of your praise, as without
fered death and was buried, and end we acclaim:
rose again on the third day in pray! R.
accordance with the Scriptures. All – Holy, holy, holy . . .
C –Let us pray in silence for our
He ascended into heaven and is personal intentions. (Pause)
seated at the right hand of the Let us pray! R. Memorial Acclamation
Father. He will come again in P –The mystery of faith!
glory to judge the living and the P –Lord Jesus, look with com-
All –Save us, Savior of the
dead and his kingdom will have passion on all those who are
suffering, especially those who world, for by your Cross
no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, are suffering for the faith. Grant and Resurrection you
the Lord, the giver of life, who them and all of us the consolation have set us free.
proceeds from the Father and of your saving presence. You
the Son, who with the Father who live and care for ever and
and the Son is adored and glori- ever.
fied, who has spoken through All – Amen!
the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, cath- All – Our Father . . .
olic and apostolic Church. I P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
confess one Baptism for the All –For the kingdom, the
forgiveness of sins and I look power, and the glory are
forward to the resurrection of Preparation of the Gifts yours, now and for ever!
the dead and the life of the world
to come. Amen! P –Pray, brethren . . . Sign of Peace
All – May the Lord accept the
sacrifice at your hands, for the Breaking of the Bread
Prayer of the Faithful praise and glory of his name, All – Lamb of God, you take
P –Suffering is very much part for our good and the good of all away the sins of the world: have
of our lives. We need the help of his holy Church. mercy on us. (2x)
God’s grace in order to recog- Lamb of God, you take
nize its function in the process Prayer over the Offerings away the sins of the world:
of our salvation. But especially, grant us peace.
we need His help to carry our P –Look with favor on our sup-
crosses with patience and love. plications, O Lord, and in your
kindness accept your servants’ Communion
Aware of our weakness, we pray:
offerings, that what each has of- P –This is the Lord Jesus who
All –Lord, help us bear our fered to the honor of your name endured suffering and death for
cross! may serve the salvation of all. our salvation. He is the Lamb of
C –That the entire Church may Through Christ our Lord. God who takes away the sins
always proclaim the divinity of All – Amen! of the world. Blessed are those
Jesus to a world that easily stops called to his Supper.
at his humanity, let us pray! R. Preface IV All –Lord, I am not worthy
P –The Lord be with you! that you should enter under
C –That all Catholic families All – And with your spirit! my roof, but only say the word
may always be appreciative of P –Lift up your hearts! and my soul shall be healed.
the gift of life and extend their All – We lift them up to the Lord!
loving care to all their members, Communion Antiphon
P –Let us give thanks to the (To be recited only when no
especially the children, the el- Lord our God! Communion Hymn is sung.)
derly and the sick, let us pray! R. All – It is right and just!
The chalice of blessing that
C –That missionaries all over P –It is truly right and just, our we bless is a communion in the
the world may not be discour- duty and our salvation, always Blood of Christ; and the bread
aged by rejection and persecu- and everywhere to give you that we break is a sharing in
tion, but may endure them with thanks, Lord, holy Father, al- the Body of the Lord.

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Prayer after Communion P –Bow your heads and pray P –May almighty God bless
for God’s blessing. (Pause) you: the Father, and the
P –May the working of this Son, and the Holy Spirit.
May the Lord, our God give
heavenly gift, O Lord, we pray, All – Amen!
you strength to carry the
take possession of our minds and
crosses of your daily life. P –Go in peace, glorifying the
bodies, so that its effects, and
All – Amen! Lord by your life!
not our own desires, may always
prevail in us. P –May He make your faith All – Thanks be to God!
Through Christ our Lord. solid and joyful that you
All – Amen! may persevere in doing
good works.
All – Amen!
P –May He direct your steps
to Himself and show you
how to walk in charity and
P –The Lord be with you! peace.
All – And with your spirit! All – Amen!

the mystery of god’s messiah

M en have plenty of “messiahs” – ideal
ized figures of liberators in whom they
concretize their expectations, and the fulfill-
cial Messiah,” i.e., one who comes to lead the
countries of the Third World to economic in-
dependence and prosperity. He is not the one
ment of their needs. Often the fruit of the frus- sent to lead the exploited social classes in their
trated aspirations of social classes, groups or struggle for emancipation and justice. Christ
entire nations, these “messiahs” have always a himself, actually, is one of the oppressed and
limited and contingent mission. In the eyes of – by human standards – a failure . . . . In him
men, the signs of their authenticity are their we are faced with the scandal of the apparent
victories. Failure, on the other hand, is the “failure of the cross.” What sort of Messiah is
clearest sign of their being “fake messiahs” Jesus then? He is the “Messiah of God,” the
. . . Such has always been the pervading men- “Holy One of God.”
tality. Such was the idea which most of the He achieves the final goal of mankind’s
Jews had of the Messiah they were expecting. salvation not through spectacular successes
but the humiliation of the Incarnation (see
Peter’s remonstration against the prospect Phil 2:7), all a series of rejections (see Jn 1:11),
of Jesus’ being rejected and put to death by a dreadful agony and a most shameful death!
the very authorities of Israel is not just an ex- These are all facets of a very deep mystery
pression of his sincere love for the Master. It which, if it were the whole story, would be not
is also a proof of the incompatibility between only incomprehensible but also unacceptable.
the foretold sad events and the common ex-
pectation about the Messiah. But the mystery of Jesus’ messiahship in-
cludes also his Resurrection. This final facet of
A “crucified Messiah” is also the main ob- the mystery throws light on all that preceded
stacle found by innumerable people in accept- it, and makes them acceptable (though not
ing Jesus as their “Savior,” as Paul testifies: fully comprehensible!) through the help of
“We preach Christ crucified – a stumbling God’s grace.
block to Jews, and an absurdity to Gentiles
Such is the mystery of Jesus, the “Messi-
. . .” (1 Cor 1:23).
ah of God,” our Savior – the mystery of the
This difficulty is a reality even in our time. crucified and risen Christ; the mystery of life
Jesus is not the sort of “Messiah” that people through death that we experience every day,
expect and feel they need. He is not a “so- both around us and in our very selves.

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, G. Ramos, J. Domingo, A. Adsuara, V. David, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Marketing: Fr. B. Nolasco and T. Mojica • Circulation: R. Saldua

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