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Proves d’accés a cicles formatius de grau superior de formació professional inicial,

d’ensenyaments d’arts plàstiques i disseny, i d’ensenyaments esportius 2017

Segona llengua estrangera: anglès

Sèrie 2





Read the text below and choose the correct answer. Draw a circle around the letter
corresponding to the right answer.
[3 marks: 0.5 marks for each correct answer]

How Recruiters Are Stalking You on Facebook

Almost four months ago, Lisa Dorahy was scrolling through Facebook when she saw a job advert
pop up in her news feed.
She wasn’t really looking for a new job, and it was one of the rare times the mother-of-three
5 had time to use social media. But the post advertising for a part-time assistant at a recruitment
agency seemed perfect for her.
She followed the link to apply, had an interview three days later, and a job with New Zealand
agency, Human Connections Group by the following week. Dorahy now realises the ad was
specifically targeted to find her—or someone like her.
10 Facebook ads are not a new phenomenon—no doubt you’ve seen similar ads in your news feed.
But you may have also seen job advertisements appear for roles and industries that are outside your
regular line of work. This is likely the result of recruiters looking for someone with your specific
skills, based off information that Facebook has learnt about you from your behaviour on the site.
As more recruiters begin to use the tool, some warn the ability to hyper-target candidates for
15 specific jobs could also allow some recruiters to discriminate based on age, ethnicity, religion or
When BBC Capital contacted Facebook it declined to comment on the practise of targeted
recruitment on the platform.
It works like this: Facebook Ads is a service which allows businesses to pay to place advertisements
20 on and around people’s Facebook feeds.
When placing an advert, the business can choose the exact type of person they want to see it,
based on their age, sex, interests, race, religion and much more.
“Facebook has the most data on anyone, arguably, out of all the tech companies,” he says.
A Facebook spokesman says the company could not share data on the number of recruiters
25 using the tool, and declined to comment further.
Facebook is not the only social media network to allow targeted advertising—any platform
that collects data on its users can offer a similar service. For example, Google+ and Facebook-owned
Instagram also offer hyper-targeted advertising, while LinkedIn allows recruiters to create targeted
ads based on age or gender, but not on race or sexual preference.

Text adapted from an article by

Jessy Edwards. BBC Capital [on-line] (August 31, 2016)

La solució correcta està destacada amb lletra negreta.

1.  Lisa Dorahy thought the advertised part-time assistant job

a) didn’t suit her.
b) suited her perfectly well.
c) was not a qualified job.
d) was not what she was looking for.

2.  According to the text, Facebook ads

a) are the newest tool in order to get a job.
b) are not new.
c) are the best ones to get a job.
d) are not recommended to get a job.

Some recruiters warn this tool could allow
a) hiding your way of thinking and feeling.
b) making the correct decision.
c) discrimination based on how old you are, your race, being a man or a
woman, etc.
d) discrimination based on age, ethnicity, political bias and friendship.

4.  Facebook Ads is

a) a free and unlimited service.
b) a service which does not allow businesses to place advertisements.
c) a service which allows businesses to place advertisements.
d) a service addressed to public institutions.

5.  According to the text, advertisers may choose

a) the kind of people who will see their adverts.
b) the number of readers.
c) the impact of their advertisements.
d) the frequency with which their advertisements will appear.

6.  According to the text, LinkedIn allows recruiters to create targeted ads based on
a) race and sexual preference, but not on age or gender.
b) how old people are and being male of female.
c) abilities, race and gender.
d) training, youth and vocation.

Exercici A: Comprensió del text.

Valoreu l’exercici globalment amb 3 punts, a raó de 0,5 punts per resposta correcta.

Pregunta Resposta Text de referència

Lines 5-6: “But the post advertising for a part-time assistant at a recruitment
1 b
agency seemed perfect for her.”

Line 10: “Facebook ads are not a new phenomenon—no doubt you’ve seen
2 b
similar ads in your news feed.”

Lines 14-16: “As more recruiters begin to use the tool, some warn the ability
3 c to hyper-target candidates for specific jobs could also allow some recruiters
to discriminate based on age, ethnicity, religion or gender.”
Lines 19-20: “[…] Facebook Ads is a service which allows businesses to pay
4 c
to place advertisements on and around people’s Facebook feeds.”

Lines 21-22: “When placing an advert, the business can choose the exact type
5 a of person they want to see it, based on their age, sex, interests, race, religion
and much more.”

Lines 28-29: “[…] LinkedIn allows recruiters to create targeted ads based on
6 b
age or gender, but not on race or sexual preference.”

B. Choose the word or definition (a, b, c, or d) that best explains the meaning of the words
below as they are used in the text. Draw a circle around the letter corresponding to the
right answer. The words appear in bold in the text.
[2 marks: 0.5 marks for each correct answer]

La solució correcta està destacada amb lletra negreta.

1.  scrolling (line 2)

a)  moving b)  writing c)  chatting d ) repairing

2. apply (line 7)
a)  have a rest b)  pay the rent c)  make a request d )  stay away

3. platform (line 18)

a) track b)  combination c) bulb d )  program

4. placing (line 21)

a)  thinking on b)  believing in c)  sharing out d )  owing to

Exercici B: Comprensió del vocabulari utilitzat en el text.

Valoreu l’exercici globalment amb 2 punts, a raó de 0,5 punts per resposta correcta.

C. Write 80-100 words about ONE of the following topics:
[5 marks]

1. Write down a fictional dialogue between you and your boss. Decide on your own the
context and situation (name of the company, problem to be solved, etc.).
2. Imagine a hacker has stolen some personal data about you on the Internet. Write a
formal letter addressed to the police in order to report this situation.

Exercici C: Expressió escrita.

Valoreu l’exercici globalment de 0 a 5 punts segons els criteris següents:

5 punts Molt bon resultat

Text coherent, amb cohesió i ben puntuat en el qual s’utilitzen de manera
correcta estructures gramaticals complexes i variades. El vocabulari és adequat
al registre del text i no es repeteix. Hi ha molt poques errades ortogràfiques,
lèxiques o gramaticals i no dificulten, en cap cas, la comprensió del text
4 punts Bon resultat
Text coherent, amb cohesió i ben puntuat en el qual s’utilitzen de manera
correcta estructures gramaticals simples però variades. El vocabulari és adequat
al registre del text i no es repeteix. Hi ha unes quantes errades ortogràfiques,
lèxiques o gramaticals que no dificulten la comprensió del text
3 punts Resultat adequat
Text coherent, amb cohesió i ben puntuat en el qual s’utilitzen unes estructu-
res gramaticals simples i un vocabulari senzill però variat i adequat al registre
del text. Hi ha errades ortogràfiques, lèxiques o gramaticals que no dificulten
la comprensió del text en la major part dels casos
2 punts Resultat inadequat
Text poc coherent, amb poca cohesió i manca de puntuació en el qual s’uti-
litzen unes estructures gramaticals i un vocabulari pobres i repetitius. Hi ha
nombroses errades ortogràfiques, lèxiques o gramaticals que dificulten la
comprensió del text
1 punt Resultat pobre
Text gens coherent, sense cohesió ni puntuació correcta. El text és difícil d’en-
tendre a causa de les nombroses errades ortogràfiques, lèxiques o gramaticals
0 punts Mal resultat
Text que no s’adequa a l’opció escollida i la comprensió del qual és molt difícil
o impossible

Descompteu 0,5 punts si el text redactat no té la llargària mínima demanada.

L’Institut d’Estudis Catalans ha tingut cura de la correcció lingüística i de l’edició d’aquesta prova d’accés

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