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时间/ 科目/ 班级

Theme : World of Self, family and friend

Topic : All about feelings
Learning standard : 2.2.2, 2.2.3 CCE/EE : Moral value
Objective : Pupils should able to read and understand phrases and sentences from linear
7:45 - 8:45
Set Induction: look at the picture and talk about it.
English hour-Step 1: guide pupils to talk about different type of feeling and expression.
Step 2: guide pupils read aloud the text and use contextual clue to find
meaning of words.
Step 3: complete exercise.
Closure : Reinforcement exercise, writing
Reflection :

模组一:网络系统与因特网世界 内容标准:认识电脑网络
9:15 - 10:15 学习目标:说明电脑网络的概念
a.m. 引起动机: 让学生参观电脑室并动手整理。
活动 1 :引导学生察觉电脑室里的电脑是如何连接在一起。
TMK 活动 2 :介绍电脑网络的概念。
总结 :巩固练习
5 跨课程元素:创造与革新 教具:电脑
反思 :

课题:RM100 000 以内的整数 内容标准:1.3 有模式的数列

学习标准: 1.3.1 将偶数和期数的数列,根据模式归类。
1.3.2 完成偶数和奇数的数列模式。
11:05 -11:35 学习目标: 学生能够
a.m. i) 完成偶数和奇数的数列模式
数学 活动 1 :引导学生找出数目的数列模式。
活动 2 :示范如何归类和完成偶数和奇数的数列模式。
5 活动 3 :完成练习题。
总结 :巩固练习
跨课程元素:创造与革新 教具 :练习及作业
反思 :
Theme : World of self
Topic : Prewriting
Learning standard : 3.1.1 CCE/EE : Learning to learn
11:35 - Objective : Pupils should able to demonstrate fine motor control of hands and fingers by
12:35 p.m. drawing lines from left to right.
Set Induction: revise pupils about how to hold pen correctly.
English English hour-Step 1: guide pupils to trace and colour the object
Step 2: guide pupils to listen and sing along.
1 Step 3: pupils scribing in clockwise movement.
Closure : Reinforcement exercise, writing
(minggu orientasi program transisi: Nyanyian Lagu Patrotik, Negaraku dan Lagu Negeri Kedah)
Reflection :

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