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The above table shows two tests indicating the suitability of our data for structure
 The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy indicates the proportion
of variance in our variables caused by underlying factors.
Our value = 0.784 which is greater than 0.50, implying the results of the factor
analysis as useful.
 Bartlett's test of sphericity tests the hypothesis correlation matrix is an identity
matrix, which indicates that the variables are unrelated and therefore unsuitable
for structure detection.
 Our value = 0.000 less than 0.05 of the significance level indicating factor analysis
to be useful with our data.

 Communalities indicate the amount of variance each variable accounts for.

 In column 1 i.e. initial communalities indicates the variance in each variable is
accounted by all the components/factors. There is 100% contribution of all the
variables present in communalities table.
 In column 2, extraction communalities are the estimates of the variance in each
variable accounted by the components. Ex- For variable “Credible” extraction value =
0.811, means 81.1% of the total variance of variable “Credible” is explained by 10
 More extraction values means more variance explanation and more accurate results.

Table 3

 This table explains the initial solution, extracted components, and rotated
 The first section of the table shows the Initial Eigenvalues. The Total column gives
the eigenvalue, or amount of variance in the original variables accounted for by
each component. The % of Variance column gives the ratio, expressed as a
percentage, of the variance accounted for by each component to the total variance
in all of the variables. The Cumulative % column gives the percentage of variance
accounted for by the first n components. For example, the cumulative percentage
for the second component is the sum of the percentage of variance for the first and
second components.
 For all the factors whose eigenvalues are greater than 1 are retained and whose
eigen values are less than 1 are rejected. Thus,10 factors are finally made.

Table 4

 The Scree Plot confirms the choice of 10 components. It determines the optimal number
of components. The eigenvalue of each component in the initial solution is plotted in the
Scree Plot.
 Those components are chosen that are on the steep slope. The components on the
shallow slope contribute little to the solution.
Table 5

 Here number of factors = number of components

 It explains correlation of variables with factors.
 For Ex:-
 Correlation of variable “Credible” is lowest with Factor 6 and value is -0.169.
 Correlation of variable “Credible” is Highest with Factor 3 and value is 0.628.
Table 6

 It determines what the component represents.

 The 1st component is most highly correlated with EpV27 variable and it is less correlated
with Credible.
 Likewise, 7th component is highly correlated with CV15 and is less correlated with SV10.

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