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Week 7 Activity Log

Instructions: Complete Items 1 and 2. Once the log is complete, click the “Create Journal
Entry” button and post your completed log file to your journal as an attachment. In
total, your responses to the two Activity Log items should not exceed two pages. Logs that
exceed two pages will not be accepted.

Item 1: Define each of the following terms, using complete sentences, based on
information presented in Chapter 7 of your textbook

• Doub e-barre ed ques ion

A question that asks about more than one issue in a single question. Respondents
are not sure which part of the question should they respond to.

• Eco o ica va idi y

Extent to which data reflect the “real world.” For example, surveys on fear of crime
should not be conducted in the safety of the family home, but maybe at school, or at
an unfamiliar place.

• a rix ques ion

Question that includes multiple closed-ended questions sharing the same response
categories. One question is examined in various scenarios, e.g. would you support
fundraising for farmers, yes or no. In the matrix we could insert: “yes, once a
year”, and “only if there is a drought”. This is just a simple matrix, using two

• esponse ra e
Way to measure the success of a survey and, subsequently, how well the
participants represent the larger population they are intended to reflect. Rates are
typically reported as the percentage of all eligible subjects asked to complete a
survey and are computed by dividing the number of participants by the total
number of eligible participants and by multiplying that proportion by 100.

• Survey raud
When participants, during online and mobile surveys, sign up to be part of a survey
panel just for the incentives offered. These responses will bias the results.
Item 2: Based on information presented in Chapter 7 and using no more than 1-3 complete
sentences, answer each of the following questions.

• Why is survey research a popu ar research me hod in he $e d o crimino o y and crimina

jus ice?

When surveys are created properly they can be an efficient method for collecting
vast amounts of data from large groups of individuals. Surveys can be administered
through a variety of techniques or modes, each with specific strengths and
weaknesses. A cost-effective way to gain a lot of information.

• Wha are some ways an in erviewer can he p improve in erview response ra es?

When sending out letters to participate in an interview, we should use personalised

salutation with a proper signature at the end, not with a one that looks
photocopied. Make sure that those who are interviewed can identify with the

• How can survey research be used in an exp ora ory research projec ?

Exploratory research is used when the researcher knows little about a subject. A
face to face interview could be used to gather more understanding about the
subject, then use an open-ended survey questionnaire to delve deeper into the
issues researches try to understand.

• In survey research, wha is he di erence be ween anonymi y and con$den ia i y?

Anonymity is where a researcher cannot link the data gathered to the respondent or
does not gather identifying information about the respondent. Confidentiality on
the other hand is when the researcher knows and can identify individual
respondents but promises to keep that information private.

• Why are incen ives used in survey research and when shou d hey be avoided? Why?

Incentives are used to give participants something of value in return for their
participation. They should be avoided if the incentive is the deciding factor for the
participant. The incentive cannot be so valuable as to cause the participant to
suffer a financial harm or undue burden.

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