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If u join an organization and that company has already installed peoplesoft environment , then your job
description is production support.

Production support consists of migration of projects, maintenance to application .

Basically two types of clients that have either Windows architecture or Linux/Unix Architecture

AIX (IBM servers) & HP servers too.

*if the client is on Linux architecture , its mandatory to have Windows server too. Reason is that the
process of Crystal needs Word Doccument and N-Vision needs Excel sheet. And as Linux doesn’t run MS

Even if the Linux doesn’t use Crystal & N –Vision , even then Linux architecture needs a Windows server
to run the Application Engine programme & data Mover the GUI tools get from people tools.


File server is PS-Home.

Only after installing ppl tools we will get derived tools like …
Configuration manager, Data Mover , Application Designer & Change Assistant. …and only with
these derived tools we are able to access the Database.-this is Back end access available only
for ppl soft admin DBA.


https://support.oracle.com :- for

1.Creating tickets(raise issues) with the oracle id officially given to us as vendors

2.To download patches , Bundles , Taxupdates , Maintenance packages

3.To verify Doc Ids(each issue resolved by the support wing of Oracle is given a 6 num ID with
https://edelivery.oracle.com :- To download softwares/binaries


JDK is required to install WEBLOGIC .WEBLOGIC is required to create webserver.

DATABASE installation is required to create Application server Domain.Tuxedo is required to

install Application Server.


JREP converts jolt msg to Tuxedo understandable format.

SQR,COBOL ,CRYSTALS, N-VISION are reporting tools for the clients.

In PIA the Webbrowser will interact with Webserver through http/https with default port nums
80/443 respectively. In production the port nums may change according to the client.

Request for any Database be it oracle , Sybase or anything …it must be in sequels.

Oracle Database listener runs on default port num 1521

Through webserver the application server will get reqs in form of Jolt Message with default port
nums 9000 unless specified by the client.

The server process involved in Apllication server to get authenticated to database are


Two types of Databases: Demo Database and System Database.

In Demo Database there will be sample data in the form of Application data tables. Where as in
System Database there will be Customer Data to be used as Application data tables.
Database Refresh : dropping DEV Database and … cloning (Copy paste) of production Database
(Not File server) to Dev environment is called Database refresh. Database refresh is to get data

Suppose if an issue raises with the user,then to resolve that issue the the Application Database
which is in Production is cloned to Dev Environment to replicate the issue there hence can
resolve it. Data is cloned to Dev env as there willnot be Application database in Dev & Test




Configuration of web server

Web Server is collection of people Soft Java servlets. That is why it should be java enabled.

JDK is prerequisite to install WEBLOGIC. WEBLOGIC(Middle tier component) is the needed to

create Webserver Domain .

WebLogic is the product of Oracle.IBM has similar product named as WEB SPHERE.

WEB SERVER is independent of the Database .It means DataBase shouldn’t be up & running to
start(Boot) the WEB SERVER unlike App Server & Procs Sheduler.

PTWEBSERVER is the default user id that is used when creating a new PeopleSoft
webserver domain. To avoid any issues this id should only be used for webserver
domain configuration. If password of this user id gets changed then your
webserver may not boot up properly.

These servlets run on the WEB SERVER.

PORTAL SERVLET: used for peoplesoft portal search ,content management and homepage
personalization. Handles all the requests for users on peoplesoft portal.

INTEGRATION GATEWAY SERVLET: transmits published/subscribed messages between nodes.

Either ppl soft to ppl soft or ppl soft to third party or third party to ppl soft.

REPORT REPOSITORY SERVLET: enable users to access the delivered reports. Takes care of
reports posted by Prorcs Sheduler on web server.


* In case app server domain shutdown is hanged… we can use ctrl c to make it forced shut

Tuxedo(middle tier component) is neded to create Application server Domain.Tuxedo has

TListen service and its port number is 3050. The two services that are installed & start with
Tuxedo are 1)Oracle ProgManager & 2) TListnen (port num:3050). We can check these with
services.msc .

When we start the app server in the back ground it takes psappsrv.ubb file and picks up Tuxedo
configuration file PSTUXCFG file and then goes up and running by taking psappsrv.cfg ,
psappsrv.cfx , psappsrv.env , psappsrv.lst .

The App server Domain configuration file will be psappsrv.cfg file. the path is
PSHOME/appserv/APDOM/psappsrv.cfg .

PSAPPSRV server process : It also provides the memory and disk-caching feature for People
Tools objects on the application server. The PSAPPSRV is required to be running in any domain.

PSQCKSRV server process: It performs quick, read-only SQL requests. This is an optional
process designed to improve performance by reducing the workload of PSAPPSRV.
PSQRYSRV server process: Designed to handle any query executed by PeopleSoft Query. This is
an optional process designed to improve performance by reducing the workload of PSAPPSRV.

PSSAMSRV The SQL Access Manager: this process handles the conversational SQL that is
mainly associated with PeopleSoft Application Designer. This process is required to be running
on any domain.

If anyone asks to show The details of DataBase Name ,DB Type, User Id , User pwd, Connect Id ,
Connect Pwd …, they will be listed in the appserv.cfg file under Signon Settings (passwords will
be in encrypted format)

If anyone asks to show the WSL port number and Jolt Station Port num they will also be listed in

In appsrv.cfg file there will be a setting named “Allow Dynamic Changes” . and in general it
would be N.if we enable it to be Y, then any changes if made to the APPSERVER domain will
take effects dynamically without bouncing(shut down and boot again) the domain.

There will be a setting called LogFence in the appsrv.cfg file that increases the Detail level of
Logging.it will be kept to Log Fence level 3 which sets Tracking level 1 which is Default
position.in case we want more detailed Tracking of errors we keep it to LogFence 4 which sets
Tracking Level 2 an increasing level.this will be a rare case and be used in only trouble shooting
ti,es.*after trouble shooting this Must be again set to LogFence 3 which is default position…if
not 100s of MBs of memory will be taken by generating logs which will crash the APPSERV

Trace - Log File : while log file gives brief details of the error process , Trace file gives in depth
analysis of what happened pin to pin in the background. Trace file can be enabled in 3 diff
locations. When it is enabled in server level , it generates separate Trace files to every user
connected with the server about what ppl code used and what sqls it got fetched … the change
in Trace settings should be according to the requirement of Development department.

People Code DeBubgger Settings : here the Trace setting will be according to specific
categories.different levels of categories will be in the options and the options must be chosedn
according to the requirement of the Development Department.after the DeBugging the level
should again be set to Default.

SQL trace settings : SQLs can be traced using the setting SQL tracing Bitfield under Server Trace
Settings. Here the various categories of tracing will be available with bit-numbers
1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128…. And there will be a value to set “ Trace SQL” .if Trace SQL =0 there is NO
setting. If requirement demands to chose more than one combination of choice, then we must
give the value to Trace SQL by summating the binary values given as choices( like if we want
three combination of Traces then add count their values 2+8+16=26 , and we give Trace SQL=

Same will be the Tracing PeopleCode , Panel processor Tracing , PIA Page Generation Tracing
Bitfield , AE(Application Engine Programme) Tracing Bitfield , Analytic Server Tracing Bitfield ,
Performance Monitor Tracing Bitfield under People Code debugger .

CACHE Settings : there will be two types of Cache.

1.Shared Cache : Cache of all components will be in one folder

2.Non-Shared Cache: Cache of components will be in respective folders separately.

APPSRV Settings:

UBGEN Settings:- every server processor has Minimum Instance settings and Maximum
Instances settings.In general there will be 2 Min Instance settings .it means it will start two
appsrv server processes.If Max Instances is above the Min Instances then the rush will be
shared by generating more server processes and after the rush gradual killing of the surplus
server processes generated and come to min Instances –This is spanning and Decaying.

Max fetch size: when user is fetching Ps Queries it will have some size of rows .if the fetch is
getting an error , then increasing the Max Fetch size will remove the restriction on limit and
fetch will be successful.

SMTP(Server mail Tranfer protocol) Settings: There will be a server to be used for smtp
mails.The Default port num of SMTP server is 25. If client specifies another server for Load
Balancing it can be set in Dynamic Change allowed for SMTPserver1=

The diff port num can be set under Dynamic Change allowed for SMPTport1 =

Senders Ip address on which Application server is running is called Source.this ip address should
be set at Dynamic Changes allowed for SMTPSourceMachine=

PS REPORTS: location storage of “reports” run through Process Sheduler .

PS QUERIES: select statements of sqls.


App server Load Balancing is creating multiple app server Domains and configuring it in Web
server config.properties file.

Web server Load Balancing is having multiple web server domains and configuring it in F5 URL
or BIG IP. F5 URL or BIG IP is the url accessed by the front end user which is connected to
multiple signons of web server through Load Balancing.

Load Balancing with in the App Server domain can be done using the appsrv.ubx file. In
appsrv.ubx file , LBBAL=N will be default. If we enable it by changing N to Y , it will calculate the
processing time of the max processes and share the Load.


Also called Batch server.

* If either if App server or Process scheduler are not starting , then check whether the Database
is up and running or not.

Tuxedo(middle tier component) is needed to create Process scheduler Domain .

Process Sheduler is to run processes.It runs reports of sqr,cobol,crystal ,N-vision and runs
AE(application Engine) programmes.


Signon flow is how the peoplesoft security has been defined.

There are four types of IDs which have different level of authentication levels to connect to
Database. The process is called SIgnonflow.

User ID , Connect ID, Symbolic ID, Access ID.

User ID:- default user ID-PS , Default PWD – PS – HRMS.

For Finance FSCM default user ID & pwd are VP1 & VP1 respectively.

When a normal user connects the PIA the Psappsrv.cfg from configuration file will picks
Connect ID and connects to Database. As it is database level user.

Connect ID: this id have select privilages for only 4 tables.

PSDBOWNER – checks Database name – have two columns – Database name & Db owner id.( if
this is passed goes to PSSTATUS)

PSSTATUS – checks tools version (if this is passed goes to PSOPERDEFN)

PSOPRDEFN – stores user profiles if the user is valid then for this user picks the Symbolic ID

PSACCESSPRFL – this holds user id & pwd of Access ID & Access pwd.

SYMBOLIC ID: symbolic ID is an alias name for Access ID.

Access ID is the owner of Peoplesoft Schema. Till Symbolic ID attaches to Access ID , the
transaction will be on Connect Id.

We can see both Access ID & Connect ID in DB_USERS table .




Communication in between two applications. Between a source and a Target . say between

It will be done through PUB/SUB. PUB server is publishing and SUB is subsripting.

First it needs to Configure the Gateway at Source. This Gateway is called Local gateway. Go to

Mainmenu  People Tools  Integration Broker  Configuration  Gateways.

In that give the required URL as under:

http://<webserver hostname>:<port number>/PSIGW/PeopleSoftListeningConnector

save and Load .

the some Gateway Connectors loaded are the protocols that are used to publish & Subscribe
the messages between Applications through Integration Broker.

Now save those. And to check whether they are running well or not click Ping Gateway .

The output page must be …

People Soft Integration Gateway

Peoplesoft Listening Connector

Status: ACTIVE

With this Local Gateway is ready. Now Local Node should be set up.

Mainmenu  People Tools  Integration Broker  Integration Setup  Nodes

Search the nodes. And Identify the Local Node & Default Node with 1 & Y respectively. That is
the application .Once u Ping Node , it should be Success. If not u must configure.

In the Connectors section , click Gatewa Setup Properties to setup User id & pwd.Then it goes
to Node Configuration. Give the necessary credentials of Host application , and Save it. Now
test the Ping Node to test it. It should be Success.

Now for configuring the Target Node , click “+”at the Source Node row and fill up.
Node names of …



With this Local Node is created . Now to make Domain active we should do it in

Mainmenu  People Tools  Integration Broker  Services Operations Monitor 

Monitoring  Administrator  Domain Status .

In this the domain must be made active.

Ren Server :

To display reports in a separate window apart from Performance Monitor. For this it should be
configured. Prior to this Event Notifications in Application Domain configuration must be

Go to People Tools  Ren server Configuration  Ren server Definition and set the default
app server domain , host name and default ren server port number 7180with default settings .

Now go to the Ren server Cluster and go to “Buffer Test” and “Ping Test”.
Check that the State Flag must be Active.

Ren server cluster root path : psren

Ren server cluster port URl : http://surya-laptop:7180

Ren server Browser URL : http://surya-laptop:7180

Ren server cluster url and browser url must be the same.

When Buffer test is done output must be some random data on the ren server browser url.

When Ping Test is done output must be a pulse with sent and received data equally.

Peopletools Utilities:
In PIA mian menu  Peopletools  Debug  Peopletools Test Utilities

Remote Call Test :- This is a test to verify whether Cobols are running successfully. Cobols are
should be installed for Tax updates to HRMS application. While performing pay rolls cobols are
required. Even while app server running cobol will be executed in the backend. This Remote call
test output must be “Remote Cobol is running as expected”.

In process scheduler there we can run AE , cobols and sqrs and verify. That is Process schedule
level testing.

In PIA mian menu  Peopletools  Peoplesoft Ping

To check whether the environment is healthy . this is the place where we can test the


PeopleTools options:

How to know which app server is running on web server ?

Ans: there are two ways


One web server can talk to many app servers. To know that , login to sign on page and then
open any section of page and hit SHIFT+CTRL+J to open a list that tells about Browser , OS ,
Browser compression , Tools Release version , Application Release , service Pack , User Id ,
Database name , Database type , App server name with port number .

For this to show , we must click the “Show Connections & System Info” in Web Profile

Menu People tools  Web profile web profile Configuration  search  select the env
either DEV , TST, UAT or PROD  Debugging  click Show Connections & System Info. And
then save the settings.

Now bounce the web server to reflect the change.


Go to App server and manually check the Client Status in Server Status( option 3)
IN that user Id will be under J Pool number if JOLT POOLING = TRUE in Configuration.properties
file of webswever.if JOLT POOLING = FALSE and server is bounced to reflect the change it will
be given the User ID in App server client status.

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