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Vocabulary Week One: 

The vantage point from which the story is told:​ ​Point of view 
A character who is one-dimensional, possesses few character traits is: ​Flat Character 
A character that changes as the results of the story’s events:​ ​Dynamic Character 
A technique an author uses to develop a character. This is accomplished by what the 
character says, does — or — what others may say about the character — or — what is 
implied about the character through language.​ ​Characterization  
Clues that the author gives throughout a story to hint what is going to happen — 
An object, person, or event that functions as itself, but also represents/stands for 
something more than itself. ​Symbol  
The main character that undergoes some type of change within a story and grows as a 
result of the experience. ​Protagonist 
A major character who opposes the main character but usually does not undergo a 
A character that does not change is ​Static 
The author shows a characters personality through his/her actions, thoughts, feelings, 
words, appearance to other characters observations/reactions. ​Indirect 
A character struggles against an outside force that may include another character, 
nature, technology, progress, society, or the supernatural. ​External conflict 
A type of conflict that takes place in a character's own mind. ​Internal conflict 
The author states details within the story regarding a character's personality and what 
he or she is like.​ ​Direct characterization 
A comparison between two unlike things using “like” or “as.” ​Simile 

A direct comparison between two unlike things. ​Metaphor 

The present scene in the story is interrupted and reflects on past events to explain/tell 
that has happened at an earlier time. ​Flashback 
Occurs at the beginning of a story where the characters are introduced and the setting 
is given.​Exposition 
A character who is fully developed, and has many different character traits is —​Round 

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