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5 pS S| Fe 5 = i Sy Ey E-] COMO UTILIZAR ESTE CURSO 1. Lea el contenido del recuadro rojo que figura al principio de cada lec- cién. 2. Escuche varias veces el didlogo (DIALOGUE). 3. Lea las notas explicativas (NOTES) y vuelva a escuchar el didlogo, si- guiéndolo con el texto. 4. Busque el significado de las pala- bras nuevas en la seccin WORDS AND PHRASES. 5. Vuelva a escuchar el didlogo tantas veces como crea necesario, hasta familiarizarse con las palabras que lo componen. 6. Practique los ejercicios orales (DRILLS). 7. Haga los ejercicios escritos (EXER- CISES) que encontrar hacia el final de la leccién. 8. Escuche varias veces la cancién (SONG), primero sola y después siguiéndola con el texto. Recuerde que lo més importante del léxico de cada leccién esta en NOTES y WORDS AND PHRASES. Este ni- cleo central va acompafiado de un vo- cabulario mas extenso en los didlogos y las canciones. SALVAT INGLES /BIIBIG) English course LONDON Volumen 2 Salvat Mexicana de Ediciones S.A. de C.V. SALVAT INGLES Volumen 2 Director: Juan Salvat Director Editorial: Joaquin Navarro Secretario de Redaccién: Carlos Doric Consultor: Peter Clements Texto: Doug Case, John Milne Misica: Michael Klein, Freya Hogue Drills: Tim Hodlin Grabacin producida por: Terty O'Neill, Doug Case, Peter Menzies Publicado por: Salvat Editores, S.A., Mallorca, 41-49, Barcelona (Espafia), con la asistencia Técnica de Editorial Alhambra, Madrid. © BBC English by Radio and TV © Salvat Editores, S.A., 1976 © Salvat Mexicana de Ediciones, S.A. de C.V. 1985 Impreso por: . Graficas Monte Alban, S.A. de C.V. Municipio El Marqués, Querétaro (México) ISBN 84-345-3850-4 (obra completa) Ec ISBN 968-32-0076-1 (obra completa) Edi ISBN 968-32-0078-8 (volumen 2) Edicion Mexicana Impreso en México - Printed in Mexico Esta edicién consta de 20,000 ejemplares, mas sobrantes de reposicién. ic Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Lesson 19 Lesson 20 Lesson 21 Lesson 22 Lesson 23 Lesson 24 Lesson 25 Lesson 26 Lesson 27 Lesson 28 Lesson 29 Lesson 30 Lesson 31 Lesson 32 Nad NY VIN How can | find...? A, the. Go down the street How far is it to...? It's a five minute walk. Five minutes by.. What day is it today? It's Monday the first It’s ten past four. It’s exactly twenty-six minutes past three Come in. Don't Can, can’t. Can yor Yes, | can. No, | can’t You've got. You haven't got. Have you got? He's got. Hasn't got. Has he got? I've got some. | haven't got any. Have you got any? Revision 1-25 I'm reading. What are you doing? They're reading. What's he doing? Still | want, I don’t want. Do you want? A, an He wants. He doesn’t want. Does she want? | often drink tea. Do, don’t. Always, usually, often, sometimes He always drinks coffee. Does, doesn’t. Every 17/129 18/137 19/145 20/153 21/161 22/169 23/177 24/185 28/193 26/202 27/209 28/217 29/225 30/233 31/241 32/249 Aas Wm How can I find...? eA, the e Go down the street DIALOGUE: How can | find a café? It’s on your right soNG: Turn left at the corner Juan: How can | find a café? éD6nde hay un café? Mary: A café? Maria: {Un café? John: Yes. \'m thirsty and | want a Juan: Si. Tengo sed y quiero cup of tea. una taza de té. Mary: Go down the street, past Maria: Baja esta calle, y pasado the post-office, and turn left. correos, gira a la izquierda. ovss How can I find. .? En la leccién 16 practicamos la pregunta Can you tell me the way to a café? (gpuede decirme dénde encontrar un café?). La forma How can | find a eafé? (Zc6mo puedo encontrar un café?, ¢dénde hay un café?) es muy si- milar en su significado, pero un poco mas informal. Como ésta, pueden hacerse estas otras preguntas: How can | find a restaurant? How can I find a hotel? How can | find a police-station? How can | find a cinema? También puede empezar la pregunta con where? (¢d6nde?). Por ejemplo: Where can I find a restaurant? Go, turn Cuando se indivan direcciones, se usa la forma imperativa del verbo: Go down the street. Esto es muy sencillo, ya que, en inglés, el imperativo es igual que el infinitivo. 17/129 OALoUE How can I find a café? It’s on your right (Philip esta de vacaciones. Quiere tomar té, pero no sabe donde hay un café) Lesson seventeen: Philip is looking for a café Philip: Oh dear! Where am I? I'm lost.| Philip: |'m lost, Mike. How can | find Ah, here’s Mike. Hallo, Mike! a café? Mike: — Hallo, Philip! How are you? Mike: A café? 17/130 Philip: Mike: Philip: Mike: Philip: Mike: Philip: Mike: Philip: Yes, I'm thirsty, and | want a cup of tea. Go down the street. Down the street, yes. Past the post-office. Past the post-office, yes. And turn right. And turn right, yes. And it's there. The café? Mike: Philip: Mike: Philip: Yes, the café. Good. Thank you. Good-bye. Good-bye. Down the street. ... Here's the post-office. Good. Past the post-office. And now turn right. Good. Here’s the café. Oh no! It's closed. Now where am |? lam lost. 17/131 (Philip Philip: Helen: Philip: Helen: Philip: Helen: Philip: Helen: Philip: Helen: Philip: Helen: Philip: Helen: Philip: 17/132 sigue fuera del café.) Oh dear! The café’s closed, and I’m lost. How can | find a café? ... Oh, there’s Helen. She can tell me. Hallo, Helen! Hallo, Philip! How can | find a café, Helen? A café? Here, on your right. It's closed. Yes, it is closed. Oh dear! Well, go down the street. Down the street. Past the bus-station. Past the bus-station. Turn left at the corner. Turn left at the corner. Past the post-office. Past the post-office. And it’s on your right. Down the street. Philip: Helen: Philip: Yes. Past the bus-station. Yes. Turn left at the corner. Yes, Past the post-office. Yes. And it’s on my right. Yes. But that's the park. Yes, the park. There’s a café in the park. But I've just come from the park, Oh dear! Oh dear! Down the street. Past the bus- station. Turn left at the corner. Past the post-office ... WYRUS & PulaASES perdido on your left a su izquierda i. derecha on the left a la izquierda left izquierda well bien turn right girar a la derecha corner esquina turn left girar a la izquierda park parque closed cerrado there's hay open abierto I've just come acabo de llegar on your right a su derecha well done bien hecho on the right a la derecha is looking for — busca surn left O77 2 yt Le ' turn right fact J eet Your left closed’ 17/133 Lesson seventeen. Drill one Listen to these examples (Escuche estos ejemplos). How can | find a café? How can | find a restaurant? A café? Are you thirsty? A restaurant? Are you hungry? Yes, I'm thirsty, how can | find a café? ‘Yes, I'm hungry, how can | find a restaurant? Now you answer (Ahora responda). How can | find a café? A café? Are you thirsty? Yes, I'm thirsty, how can I find a café? How can | find a restaurant? A restaurant? Are you hungry? Yes, I'm hungry, how can | find a restaurant? How can | find a hotel? A hotel? Are you tired? Yes, I'm tired, how can I find a hotel? How can I find a police-station? A police-station? Are you lost? Yes, I'm lost, how can | find a police-station? How can | find a cinema? Acinema? Are you bored? Yes, I'm bored, how can | find a cinema? Lesson seventeen. Drill two Listen to these examples (Escuche estos ejemplos): Where's the* café? The café's down the street. Where's the* hotel? The hotel’s down the street, Now you answer (Ahora responda): Where's the* café? The café’s down the street. Where's the* hotel? The hotel's down the street. Where's the* restaurant? The restaurant's down the street. Where's the* cinema? The cinema's down the street Where's the* police-station? The police-station’s down the street. Where's the* post-office? The post-office’s down the street. En lugar del articulo the, el locutor de la cassette dice claramente el articulo indeterminado a. El estudiante. ha de evitar el uso de esta forma coloquial, y considerar como correcta sélo la forma the. Lesson seventeen. Drill three Listen to the examples (Escuche estos ejemplos). How can | find a café? Post-office-left Go past the post-office and turn left. How can | finda restaurant? _—Post-office-right Go past the post-office and turn right. 17/134 Das Now you answer (Ahora responda): How can I find a café? Post-office-left _ How can | find a restaurant? Post-office-right — How can Ifinda hotel? Post-office-left How can Ifinda police-station? Post-office-right ... ... Go past the post-office and turn left. _.. Go past the post-office and turn right. Go past the post-office and turn left. Go past the post-office and turn right. SONG Turn left at the corner (ae) Tell me: How can | find a place’ Where | can be out in the sun, | want to sing and /augh and dance and play”, | want to jump? and run. | Turn left at the next street corner’, | There's a park where you can play, | You can sing and laugh and jump and run, You can play there all the day. _ Turn left at the next street corner, | There is a park where we can play. | We can sing and laugh and jump and run, | We can play there all the day. (ae) | Tun lugar. * reir, y bailar, y jugar. | Ssaltar. _ ‘la préxima esquina. 17/135 SA SREISES Con estas palabras, haga frases indicando direcciones: street/post-office/right/there; street/bus-station/left at the corner/post-office/on your right. Ponga las palabras que faltan para completar las frases, como en el ejemplo: 1. Anne: How can | find a bank? Mike: Go down the street, past the post-office, turn left at the corner, and it’s on your right. 2. Anne: hotel? Mike: ian i: park, left... corner, and it’s fight. 3. Anne: sa _ restaurant? Mike: ______-- street, ___ _..... bus-station, right ______. corner, and it's Wu left. 4. Anne: saslacnastoisleinins café? eeleiinionsances MTT: police-station, left corner, and it’s left. Repita las preguntas y respuestas con un amigo. Complete las frases, como en la primera pregunta: 1, Where's the post-office? | want to post a letter. 2. Where's the bank? PW nt 20 —_ 3. Where's the bus-station? | want to a ee 4. Where's the railway-station? | co 5. Where's the airport? . co Lea el didlogo otra vez, ANSWERS TO THE EXERCISES y responda a estas IN THE PREVIOUS LESSON preguntas sobre Philip: 1, Is he thirsty? 2. Is he in the street? 3. Ishe lost? 4. Is the café closed? 17/136 La530) Wo How far is it to...? «It’s a five minute walk e Five minutes by... DIALOGUE: Turn left at the crossroads sone: How far is it? Mary, how far is it to the Juan: Maria, esta muy lejos el nearest café? café mas cercano? It's a twenty minute walk. Maria: | Aveinte minutos andando. Oh! Juan: jOh! Pero solo a tres minutos en But it's only three minutes Maria: by car. coche, ores How far is it to...? En la leccién 7 practicamos la pregunta How far are we from...? (gesta- mos muy lejos de...?). He aqui otra forma de preguntar a qué distancia nos encontramos de un lugar: How far is it to...? (cesta muy lejos...?). Es decir, que podemos preguntar: How far is it to the nearest café? How far is it to the nearest police-station? How far is it to the nearest bank? By car En coche, Cuando hablamos acerca de viajes, by se usa antes del vehicu- lo. Por ejemplo: by car en coche by taxi en taxi by bus enautobis by train en tren by plane en avién Cuando nos referimos al andar, sin embargo, usamos la preposicién on. Por ejemplo: On foot (a pie). 18/137 Novss Minute, minutes — Recuerde que los nombres ingleses generalmente hacen el plural afiadien- do la letra s (véase leccién 7). Por ejemplo: One minute, ten minutes; por eso Maria dijo: It’s only ten minutes by car. En la expresin a twen- ty minute walk parece que después de veinte deberia ir minutes, pero en estos casos (p. ej., a twenty minute walk, a thirty minute film) la pala- bra se escribe en singular. En este caso también se puede decir: It’s twen- ty minutes walk, y hay personas que mezclan las dos formas cuando ha- blan deprisa, y dicen: It’s a ttventy minutes’ walk. DIALOGUE Turn left at the crossroads (Philip esta de vacaciones y busca su hotel, el Hotel Internacional) (22) Lesson eighteen: Philip is looking for his hotel: the Hotel International Philip: Man: Philip: Man: Philip: Man: Philip: Man: Philip: Man: 18/138 Excuse me. Yes? Can you tell me the way to the Hotel International? The Hotel International? Ah! Certainly. Go down this street. Down this street, yes. Past the post-office. Past the post-office, yes. Turn left at the crossroads. Turn left at the crossroads, yes,, And the Hotel International is on your right. Philip: Man: Man: Philip: Philip: On my right. Thank you. How far is it? Oh, it’s a five minutes’ walk. Five minutes’ walk. Thank you. Thank you. Down this street. Past the post-office. Turn right at the crossroads. And the hotel is on my left ... No hotel here. Oh dear, I'm lost ... Here's a lady. I'll ask her. Excuse me. Yes? How far is it to the Hotel International? The Hotel International? Oh, it’s a ten minutes’ walk. A ten minutes’ walk! 18/139 18/140 Lady: Philip, Lady: Philip: Lady: Philip: Lady: Philip: Lady: Philip: Lady: Philip: Lady: Philip: Yes, you're going the wrong way. You have to go back! I have go back! Yes, you have to go back. Go up this street. Up this street. Go straight ahead at the crossroads. Straight ahead at the crossroads. And the Hotel International is on your right. (Philip vuelve a emprender la marcha.) Up this street. Straight ahead at the crossroads. Now, it’s on my left. Ah, here are some hotels. Camden Hotel. Hotel Splendid. Where’s the Hotel International? Oh dear, I'm lost. I'll have to ask again Excuse me, how far is it to the Hotel International? The Hotel International? It’s a fourteen minutes’ walk. Fourteen minutes! Yes. You're going the wrong way. You have to go back. Go back! Yes. Go along this street, and it's on your left. 5 Oh dear! On my left, right, left, right. I'll & (ae) never find it. Left, right, left ... LF sa WORDS B PHRASES cross roads no hotel here lady ask Ill ask her have to you have to go back! go up this street go down this street go along this street go straight ahead splendid the wrong way you're going the wrong way e crossroads, = go straight ahead. sefiora preguntar le preguntaré a ella tener que tiene que volver atras suba por esta calle | baje por esta calle X siga por esta calle siga recto espléndido ——_ camino equivocado se ha equivocado de camino 18/141 DRILLS (de) Lesson eighteen. Drill one Listen to these examples (Escuche estos ejemplos): I'm thirsty. The nearest café’s down the street. I'm lost. The nearest police-station’s down the street. Now you answer (Ahora responda): I'm thirsty _. The nearest cafe's down the street. I'm lost _. The nearest police-station’s down the street. I'm tired The nearest hotel's down the street. I'm hungry The nearest restaurant's down the street, I'm bored The nearest cinema's down the street. Lesson eighteen. Drill two Listen to these examples (Escuche estos ejemplos): Are you thirsty? Yes, how far is it to the nearest café? Are you lost? Yes, how far is it to the nearest police-station? Now you answer (Ahora responda): Are you thirsty? Yes, how far is it to the nearest café? Are you lost? Yes, how far is it to the nearest police-station? Are you tired? Yes, how far is it to the nearest hotel? Are you hungry? Yes, how far is it to the nearest restaurant? Are you bored? Yes, how far is it to the nearest cinema? Lesson eighteen. Drill three Listen to these examples (Escuche estos ejemplos). How far is it to the nearest café? 5 minutes It's a five minute walk. How far is it to the nearest hotel? 10 minutes It's a ten minute walk. Now you answer (Ahora responda): How far is it to the nearest café? 5 minutes It's a five minute walk. How far is it to the nearest hotel? 10 minutes It's a ten minute walk. How far is it to the nearest cinema? 20 minutes It's a twenty minute walk. How far is it to the nearest police-station? 30 minutes It's a thirty minute walk. 18/142 How far is it? (2) How far is it to the one / love?" She's gone across the sea.” How far is it to the one | love? She's gone away from me.* The one that you love* has gone [away, I've gone® across the sea. How far is it to the one you love? As far as far can be, ° can be, Can be, can be, can be. She's gone away and left her love, She's gone across the sea. How far is it to the one | love? As far as far can be, can be, Can be, can be, can be. (E) ‘Ia persona que amo. : ella ha cruzado el mar. 2 5@ ha alejado de mi. “1a persona que ti amas. *yo he ido. “tan lejos como sea posible. 18/143 EXERCISES: Ponga las palabras que faltan para hacer las pre- guntas, como en el ejemplo: 1. John: Where's the nearest bank? Mary: Go up this street, and it's on your left. 2. John: snes POSt-Office? Mary: ., and ..... Fight. 3. John ____police-station? wee AIONG ony AND Heft, 4. Se see ou, Cafe? » and ........ left. Practique las preguntas y respuestas con un amigo. Mary: down .. Haga preguntas y respuestas como en el ejemplo: 1, John: How far is it? Mary: It's 3 minutes by car. 2. John: i Mary: neon 5 oe BUS. 3. 4. Mary: Practique las preguntas y respuestas con un amigo. Retina las preguntas y respuestas de los ejercicios 1y 2 para construir didlogos de cuatro lineas, como éste: John: Where's the nearest bank? Mary: Go up this street, and it's on your left. John: How far is it? Mary: It's three minutes by car. Practique los didlogos con un amigo. 18/144 ANSWERS TO THE EXERCISES IN THE PREVIOUS LESSON TESSON Wom What day is it today? e It’s Monday the first DIALOGUE: It isn’t Friday. What day is it today? SONG: Monday Mary: _ It's Monday today. Maria: Hoy es lunes. John: No, it isn’t. It's Tuesday. Juan: No, no lo es. Es martes. Mary: Luis, what day is it today? Maria: Luis, qué dia es hoy? Monday, Monday the firs. Luis: Lunes, lunes 1. Monday Losdiasdelasemanason: Sunday domingo Thursday jueves Monday lunes Friday viernes Tuesday martes Saturday sdbado Wednesday miércoles Si quiere saber qué dia es hoy, debe preguntar: What day is it today? The first Luis dice el dia y la fecha: Junes 7. Cuando preguntamos la fecha, decimos: What's the date today? (qué dia es hoy?), y para la respuesta se emplean niimeros ordinales. He aqui los doce primeros: 1st first Sth fifth 9th ninth 2nd second 6th__ sixth 10th tenth 3rd third 7th seventh 11th eleventh 4th fourth 8th eighth 12th twelfth Los numeros del trece al diecinueve se hacen afiadiendo th al cardinal. Por ejemplo: 13th thirteenth 14th = fourteenth En las decenas (veinte, treinta, etc.) se suprime la y y se afiade ieth: ‘ 20th twentieth 30th thirtieth Los ntimeros restantes se forman por medio de la siguiente combinacién: 21st twenty-first, 34th thirty-fourth, 66th sixty-sixth, 75th seventy-fifth. 19/145, DIALOaS It isn’t Friday. What day is it today? (Alan Snow esté todavia en la cama. Su esposa, Jill, se ha levantado ya y esté en la cocina) [<2] Lesson nineteen: Alan Snow is still in bed, he doesn’t want to get up Jill: Alan! Alan! It’s seven o'clock. | A/an: Friday? It isn’t Friday. Alan: Seven o'clock? Jill: Not Friday? Jill: Yes. It's time to get up. Alan: No, it’s Saturday. Alan: Time to get up? It's the weekend. It’s a holiday. Jill: It's time to go to work. Jill: It isn’t Saturday. It's Friday. Alan: Time to go to work? It's not a holiday, and it's time Jill: Yes. It's Friday, and it's time to to go to work. go to work. Alan: It isn’t Friday. Turn on the radio. Jill: The radio? Alan: Yes, turn on the radio. Radio; \t’s seven o'clock, on 31st Oc- tober, and here is a summary of the news. (Llaman a la puerta.) Alan: Yes, but what day is it? (Vuelven a llamar.) fae aes Jill: It's the milkman. I'll ask him lee fs what day it is. . = : peas Alan: All right. But it’s Saturday. It's Ise 29 Bw not Friday. 19/146 (Jill sale a la puerta, y habla con el le- chero.) Milkman: Jill: Milkman: Jill: Milkman: Jill: Milkman: Jill: Milkman: Jill: Milkman: Jill: Milkman: dill: Milkman: Jill: Milkman: dill: Alan: Jill: Alan: dill: Alan: Good morning. Good morning. Your milk, Mrs. Snow. Thank you. That's thirty-five pence. Thirty-five pence. Yes, for milk for one week. Here you are. Thank you. What day is it today? What day is it? Yes. It's Friday today. Friday! Yes, Friday the thirty-first. Thank you. Good-bye. Good-bye. (Jill cierra la puerta.) Alan! Alan! Get up. It's Fri- day, not Saturday. Friday? Yes. Friday the thirty-first. The thirty-first? Yes. Get up. It’s time to go ‘to work. Oh no, it isn't. dill: Alan: Jill: Alan: It isn’t? | It's the thirty-first today. It’s a holiday. A holiday? ‘ Yes. It’s a holiday, and I'm going back to sleep. 19/147 WORDS B PUSS - go to work get up work go to work weekend week milk milkman summary news 19/148 levantarse trabajo ir al trabajo fin de semana semana leche lechero resumen noticias sleep go back it’s time to get up a holiday good morning turn on the radio on 31st October here you are I'm going back to sleep dormir volver es hora de levantarse un dia de fiesta jbuenos dias! pon la radio el 31 de octubre aqui lo tiene, tome me volveré a dormir Lesson nineteen. Drill one Listen to these examples (Escuche estos ejemplos): Monday 1st. It’s Monday the 1st. Tuesday 2nd. _ It's Tuesday the 2nd. Now you (Ahora responda): Monday 1st. It’s Monday the 1st. Friday 5th, Tuesday 2nd It's Tuesday the 2nd. Saturday 6th. Wednesday 3rd. It's Wednesday the 3rd. Sunday 7th. Thursday 4th. ...... It's Thursday the 4th. Lesson nineteen. Drill two Listen to these examples (Escuche estos ejemplos): It’s Monday the 1st. No, it isn’t. What day is it today? It’s Tuesday the 2nd. No, it isn’t. What day is it today? Now you (Ahora responda): It's Monday the 1st. 7 It's Tuesday the 2nd, It's Wednesday the 3rd. It's Thursday the 4th. It’s Friday the 5th. No, it isn’t. What day is it today? No, it isn’t. What day is it today? No, it isn’t. What day is it today? . What day is it today? No, it isn’t. What day is it today? No, it isn’ Lesson nineteen. Drill three Listen to these (Escuche esto): What day is it today? It’s Monday the 13th. What day is it today? It's Tuesday the 14th. Now you answer (Ahora responda): It's Friday the 5th. It's Saturday the 6th. It's Sunday the 7th. It’s not, it's Tuesday the 14th. It's not, it's Wednesday the 15th. What day is it today? What day is it today? What day is it today? What day is it today? It's Monday the 13th. It’s Tuesday the 14th, What day is it today? It's Wednesday the 15th. It’s Thursday the 16th. It's Friday the 17th, It's not, it's Tuesday the 14th. It's not, it's Wednesday the 15th. It's not, it's Thursday the 16th. It's not, it's Friday the 17th. 's Saturday the 18th (=) It's not, 9/150 Monday (a) Monday, Monday: a bad day for everyone’. Monday, and it’s back to work?. No-one looks forward to® a Monday, Monday is the first day for work. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday are for (working, But Friday's the /ast* day for work. We all look forward to a Friday, Friday is the last day for work. Then comes the weekend, the right time for picnics®, The weekend, that’s the time for fun®. We all look forward to the weekend, When our week’s work is done’, when our week's work is done. ‘un mal dia para todos. ? hay que volver al trabajo. 3 nadie desea que llegue. *altimo. ® excursion. ° divertirse. 7 esté hecho. 19/151 EXERCISES) 1. Escriba los dias de la semana en esta agenda: 2. Haga preguntas y respuestas segin el modelo: | 3, Cornja las faltas, seguin el modelo: 1. What day is it today? (=e 1. It’s Friday the first. I's Monday. Monday the sixth. | @ No, it isn’t ‘ It's Tuesday the fourteenth. 2 eeset 2. It's Tuesday the fourteenth 3. _ | 9 } 3. It's Sunday the ninth. . . i) 5. — 4. Diga estos nuimeros en inglés — yen voz alta: 6. Ath 19th 11th 2nd 31st 12th 3rd 7th 24th ANSWERS TO THE EXERCISES IN THE PREVIOUS LESSON 1. 2. Go up this street, and it’s on your right. 3. Go along this street, and it’s on your left. 4. Go down this street, and it’s on your left. 2. 2. It's five minutes by bus. 3. It’s ten mi- nutes on foot. 4. It's two minutes by taxi. 9/152 Masson) 4) It’s ten past four e It’s exactly twenty-six minutes past three DIALOGUE: The time, the date and the day! SONG: At exactly half past three What's the time, Mary? Juan: Qué hora es, Maria? It's about twenty-fivepast Maria: Las tres y veinticinco, aproxi- madamente. three. No, | mean the exact time. Juan: No, quiero decir la hora exacta. Mary: Oh. It’s exactly twenty- Maria: jAh! Son exactamente las tres six minutes past three. y veintiséis. Jovas Past, to En las lecciones 5 y 6 dijimos cémo se indican las horas en inglés. En la leccién 9, las medias horas, y en la 15, los cuartos de hora. Ahora veremos algunos ejemplos de cémo se indican los minutos antes y después de las horas 3.05 It’s five past three. 3.35 It’s twenty-five to four. 3.10 It's ten past three. 3.40 It’s twenty to four. 3.20 It’s twenty past three. 3.50 It’s ten to four. 3.25 It’s twenty-five past three. 3.55 It's five to four. Fijese en que no se usa la palabra minutes (minutos) en estas frases (aunque no seria incorrect hacerlo). En los demas casos es necesario utilizar la palabra minutes. Por ejemplo: 3.12 It’s twelve minutes past three. 3.26 It’s twenty-six minutes past three... 3.42 It's 3.57 It’s three minutes to four. ighteen minutes to four. 20/153 Wovas Cuando se indica la hora de un tren, sin embargo, normalmente slo se dicen los nt- meros. Por ejemplo: Three fifty-seven, para indicar las 3.57. Obsérvese de nuevo cémo los ingleses usan el punto para separar los niimeros decimales de los enteros. Los meses, en inglés, son: January enero May mayo February febrero June junio March marzo July julio April abril August agosto September septiembre October octubre November noviembre December diciembre La fecha del cumplearios se indica asi: My birthday is November 2nd. WALRUS The time, the date and the day! (Alan entra en una tienda a comprar un regalo para su esposa) Alan: Good morning. Assistant: Good morning. Alan: | want a watch. Assistant: A watch? Alan: Yes. A good one. About twenty pounds. Assistant: Twenty pounds. Here’s a nice one Alan: Yes, | see. How much is it? Assistant: Sixteen pounds. 20/154 Alan: Assistant: Alan: Assistant: Alan: Assistant: Alan: ] Lesson twenty: Alan is buying a present for his wife Hm. Can | see another one? Certainly. Here’s a nice one. It tells the time and the date. The time and the date? Yes. It's twenty past two. Yes, twenty past two. And it's the fifteenth. Yes, the fifteenth. My wife's birthday. It's nice. How much is it? Assistant: Alan: Assistant: Alan: Assistant: Eighteen pounds. Hmmm. Can | see another one? Certainly. Here’s a nice one. It tells the time, the date and the day. The time and the date and the day! Yes. It's twenty-two min- utes past two. It’s Tuesday, Alan: Assistant: Alan: Assistant: and it's the fifteenth. That's very nice. How much is it? Twenty-two pounds, fifty. fifty pence. Yes, I'll take it. Can Twenty-two pounds, you wrapitupnicely, please? It's a present for my wife. It's her birthday. Of course. 20/155 (Alan llega a casa con el re- galo y se lo entrega a su espo- sa Jill.) Jill; \Whata lovely watch! Alan: Yes, it tells the time and the date and the day. Jill: — The time, the date and the day! Alan: Yes, look. It’s exactly nine minutes past five. Jill: Good! Alan: And what day is it? Jill: It's Tuesday. Alan: Look. Tuesday! Jill: Oh! Good. Alan: And what date is it? Jill: It's, er, it’s the fifteenth today. Alan: Yes, today’s your birth- day. It’s the fifteenth. Jill: No, my birthday’s to- morrow. Alan: Tomorrow? Oh dear! | need a watch like this too. 20/156 WORDS & PHRASES assistant assistant watch nice a nice one tell birthday wife take wrap up nicely present of course exactly empleado reloj de pulsera bonito uno bonito decir cumpleafios esposa tomar envolver agradablemente regalo naturalmente exactamente birthday oh dear!" jcaramba! need necesitar about twenty pounds —_unas 20 libras it tells the time indica la hora Ill take it me lo llevo can you wrap it up? épuede envolverlo? a watch like this un reloj como éste my wife's birthday el cumpleafios de mi esposa ‘Esta locucién puede traducirse por cualquier otra espafiola que ex- prese pesar, impaciencia, admiracién, etc., segtin los casos, como ivayal, jcaramba! NOTA: Er es una expresion que dice Jill para expresar su duda, Propia- mente no significa nada, pero aqui se puede traducir por pues. 20/157 DLS (2) Lesson twenty. Drill one Listen to these examples (Escuche estos ejemplos): It's 4 o'clock. 5 past. It's five past four. It's 5 past4. 10 past. It's ten past four. Now you answer (Ahora responda): It's 4 o'clock. Spast. It's five past four. It's 5 past 4. 10 past. It's ten past four. It's 10 past 4. a quarter past... It’s a quarter past four. It’s a quarter past 4. 20 past... It's twenty past four. It's 20 past 4. 25 past. It's twenty-five past four. Lesson twenty. Drill two Listen to these (Escuche esto): It's halfpast4. 25toS. It's25to5. It's 25 to 5. 20to. It's 20 to 5. Now you answer (Ahora responda): It's half past 4. 25 to 5. It's 25 to 5. It's 25 to 5. 20 to. It's 20 to 5. It's 20 to 5. a quarter to. It's a quarter to 5. It's a quarter to 5. 10 to. It's 10 to 5. It's 10 to 5. 5 to. —._ It's 5 to 5. Lesson twenty. Drill three Listen to these (Escuche esto): It's about 5 past 4. _Yes, it's exactly 6 minutes past 4. It's about 10 past 4. Yes, it's exactly 11 minutes past 4. Now you try (Ahora pruebe usted): It's about 5 past4. Yes, it's exactly 6 minutes past 4. It's about 10 past 4. Yes, it's exactly 11 minutes past 4. It's about a quarter past 4. Yes, it’s exactly 16 minutes past 4. It's about 20 past 4. Yes, it's exactly 21 minutes past 4. It's about 25 past 4. Yes, it's exactly 26 minutes past 4. 2 20/158 SONG At exactly half past three I'm off on holiday’, I'm going down by the sea, And my train /eaves? the station At exactly half past three. I'm off on holiday, I'm off to the countryside?, And my train leaves the station At exactly half past five. We're off on holiday, To the sea and the countryside, My train leaves the station lat half past three. And mine? at half past five. We're off on holiday, To the sea and the countryside, My train leaves the station {at half past three. And mine‘ at half past five. (a) ‘me voy de vacaciones. 2 sale de. 3 me voy al campo. “el mio. 20/159 SUSREISES : 20/160 Haga un segundo didlogo, segiin el ejemplo: Alan: How much is it? Assistant: It's about seven pounds. Alan. No, | mean how much is it exactly? Assistant: It's exactly seven pounds twenty-two pence. Alan: Assistant: Alan: Assistant: Diga qué hora es, primero de manera aproximada y después exactamente, como en el ejemplo: 1, It's about ten past six. It’s exactly twelve minutes past six. Responda a estas preguntas: 1. What time is it now? 2. What day is it today? 3. What's the date today? Responda a estas preguntas acerca de usted 1, What is your name? 2. Are you English? 3. What date is your birthday? ANSWERS TO THE EXERCISES IN THE PREVIOUS LESSON DESSDN 2) Oh Come in e Don’t DIALOGUE: Stand up, sit down! Come in and listen to me SONG: John: Come in! Juan: jEntre! Stranger: Excuse me, is this Desconocido: Perdone, es esto la the police-station? comisaria de policia? John: No, it isn’t. Now, Juan: No, no lo es. Ahora please go out. salga, por favor. Stranger: \'m sorry. Desconocido:; Disculpe. | John: And close the door, Juan: Y cierre la puerta, | iy marchese! and go away! Novas Go out, Salga, close the door, cierre /a puerta, go away. mérchese. Estas son formas de imperativo que se usan para dar instrucciones (lecciones 17 y 18) u érdenes y para hacer sugerencias. En inglés el imperativo es igual | que el infinitivo, tanto si nos dirigimos a una persona como a varias. Para formar el imperative negativo se pone don’t (forma abreviada de do not) an- tes de la forma positiva. Por ejemplo: Close the door (cierra /a puerta). Don't close the door (no cierres /a puerta). 21/161 ALORS Stand up, sit down! (Arthur Green tiene hipo y va al médico) | Lesson twenty-one: Arthur Green visits the Doctor Doctor: Arthur: Doctor: Arthur: Doctor: Arthur: Doctor: Arthur: Arthur: Doctor: 1/162 Doctor: Come in! Mr. Green? Good morning. Yes, doctor. How are you today? I'm very well -hic!-, thank you, doctor. Oh! Why are you' here then? I've got —hic!— hiccups, doc- tor; | can’t stop them —hic!-, Hmm. ... O.K. Stand up. ... No. Don’t stand up, sit down. No, no. Don't sit down, stand up. ... Da-dum-da-dum, da-dee-da-da, stand up, sit down, sit down, stand up. ... Dee-dum-da-da. Doc ... -hic!—. Doctor! Yes? My -hic!~ hiccups. Ah yes, yes. Stand up. Now, open your mouth, and say Aah! Arthur: Doctor: Arthur: Doctor: Arthur: Doctor: Arthur: Doctor: Arthur: Doctor: Aah! -hic!-. Don't say Urr. Say Aah! Aah! -hic!-. Yes, you've got hiccups. Yes, doctor —hic!-. Oh! What can | do? Go home. Go home? -hic!-. Yes, yes. Go home. Sit down. Close your eyes. Open your mouth. Drink six cups of tea, and eat four bananas. Go home -hic!-. Sit down —hic!-. .Open my eyes. No, no, no, no, no. Don’t open your eyes. Close your eyes. Arthur: Doctor: Arthur: Doctor: Arthur: Doctor: (Ya en casa, su mujer lee la receta del O.K; —hic!. Drink six cups of tea, and eat four —hic!— apples. No. Don’t eat four apples. Eat four bananas. Four bananas. —Hic!-. Yes. O.K.? Yes, thank you —hic!-, doctor. De-dum-da-da, da-dee-da-da, sit down, stand up. ... médico y la pone en practica.) Ethel: Arthur: . three, four, five, six cups of tea. And the —hic!- bananas? 21/163 DIALOAUE Ethel: Yes. Four bananas. One, two, three, four. There! Oh, Arthur, this is stupid! Arthur: Listen, Ethel. Read —hic!— the doctor's note. Ethel: O.K. One: Go home. Arthur: Yes —hic!-, I'm at home. Ethel: Two: Sit down. Arthur: Ah! 0.K. -hic!-. Ethel: Three: Close your eyes. Arthur: O.K. —hic!-. Ethel: Four: Open your mouth. Arthur: O.K. Ethel: Five: Drink six cups of tea. Arthur: O.K. —hic!-. Ethel: And six: Eat four bananas. Arthur: O.K. —hic!—. (Pausa.) Ethel: How are you now, Arthur? Arthur: —Hic!-. Ethel: Oh Arthur! Wait a moment. Arthur: What? —Hic!-. Where are you? (Ethel arroja una bandeja al suelo con estrépito.) Aaaaah!!! What on earth...? Ethel, my hiccups. Ah! (=) 21/164 Lesson twenty-one. Drill one Listen to these examples (Escuche estos ejemplos). I'm tired, | want to go to bed. Well, go to bed then. I'm hungry, | want to eat something. Well, eat something then. Now you (Ahora usted): I'm tired, | want to go to bed Well, go to bed then. I'm hungry, | want to eat something Well, eat something then. I'm thirsty, | want to drink something Well, drink something then. I'm broke, | want to go to the bank... Well, go to the bank then. I'm cold, | want to go home Well, go home then. Lesson twenty-one. Drill two Now repeat these (Ahora repita esto): Open your mouth. - Close your mouth, Come in. Go away. - - Sit down. Stand up. Open your eyes. Close your eyes. Close the door. Open the door. Lesson twenty-one. Drill three Listen to the examples (Escuche estos ejemplos): Open your mouth. close No, don’t open your mouth, close it. Come in. go away No, don’t come in, go away. Now you answer (Ahora responda): Open your mouth. close No, don’t open your mouth, close it. Come in. go away No, don’t come in, go away. Sit down. stand up No, don’t sit down, stand up. Close the door. open No, don't close the door, open it. (a) 21/165 joctor doctor iccups hipo ‘ve got tengo can't no puedo can’t stop them no puedo pararlos ).K. muy bien tand up levantese it down siéntese pen abrir nouth boca ay decir ou’ve got usted tiene vhat can I do? équé puedo hacer? yes ojos tupid estupido ead leer ote nota vaitamoment —_ espera un momento vhat on earth équé diablos pasa? 'm broke estoy sin blanca OTA: Los ingleses escriben hic! para representar el hipo (hiccups), del mismo modo que noso- tros escribimos hip! 1/166 Open your mouth. 3 EXRIGISES) | don’t want. a - oareN ORWNH= Repita las instrucciones del doctor poniendo los verbos en imperativo: home. down . your eyes. your mouth. six cups of tea. four bananas. Ponga estas ordenes en negativo, como en el ejemplo: Sit down Don't sit down Come in Close your eyes. Open your mouth. = Go away. Dé consejos como en los ejemplos: I'm tired, Sit down. I'm hungry. I'm thirsty. | want to cash a cheque. Go to the bank. | want to post a letter. | want to catch a bus. ANSWERS TO THE EXERCISES IN THE PREVIOUS LESSON We Alan: How much is it? Assistant: It's about eleven pounds. Alan: No, | mean how much is it exactly? Assistant: It's exactly eleven pounds, nine pence, 2. It's about twenty-five to ten. It's exactly twenty-six minutes to ten. 3. It's about three o'clock. It's exactly ‘one minute to three. 4. It's about twenty past seven. It’s exactly twenty- ‘one minutes past seven. 21/167 308 Some in and listen to me .0ok at the time’. It's very late. 'm tired and | want to sleep. t's very nearly? three o'clock. lease, listen to me. come in and listen to me. 3it down and drink some tea, isten to what | say%, "lease, don’t go away. -0ok at the time. It’s very late. ‘m tired and it’s nearly four. ‘m very tired and | want to go "lease, don’t close the door. “ome in and listen to me, it down and drink some tea, isten to what | say, lease, don’t go away. ca) mira la hora. casi. escucha lo que digo. 1/168 John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Can, can’t e Can you...? e Yes, | can DIALOGUE: I can’t understand Japanese SONG: I can see the sky Mary, can you swim? Juan; M Yes, | can swim, but— Maria: Si, Can you drive? Juan: — éSabes conducir? Yes, | can. Maria: Si. Good. Can you drive me to Juan: Bueno, éme puedes llevar the seaside on Saturday? a ors Can, can't Lass) 23 ih e No, I can't aria, gsabes nadar? , sé nadar, pero... la playa el sabado? Hasta ahora hemos usado el verbo ean en preguntas como: Can you tell me your name, please? (lecciones 15 y 16) Can you tell me the time, please? (lecciones 15 y 16). Can you tell me the way to the bank? (leccio! Can you wrap it nicely, please (leccién 20) Can I have three apples, please? (leccién 8) Can | see another one? (leccién 20) Basicamente, can indica capacidad o aptitud para hacer algo y se ha de traducir | por el verbo que exprese mejor esta capacidad. Por Can es un verbo muy facil porque no varia con la un infinitive. Por ejemplo I can swim. John can drive. We can speak English. nes 15 y 16). ejemplo: | can swim (sé nadar). persona y siempre va seguido de | He can‘t swim. Mr, Smith can’t drive. They can't speak Japanese. 22/169 Wovras Can't es la forma abreviada de cannot (que, a su vez, es como se escribe la nega- cién can not} Para hacer preguntas con can se invierte el orden de sujeto y verbo. Asi, se dice: Can you swim? Cau Mary dri ¥ spcak English? tc, Contestando a preguntas, se usa una formula corta con el verbo can o con otros verbos: Yes, | can. No, we can't. Etc. Se traduce por sio no. DIO GUE | can’t understand Japanese (Los sefiores Green acaban de llegar a Japon. Estan en la aduana) Mrs. Green: Mr. Green: Mrs. Green: Customs- Officer: Mr. Green: Cust.-Off.: Mrs. Green: Cust.-Off.: Mr. Green: Cust. -Off.: Mr. Green: Lesson twenty-two: Mr. and Mrs. Green are at the Customs in Japan (El aduanero dice algo en japonés.) What's that, Arthur? | can’t understand him. It's Japanese. | can’t understand Japanese. Speak English, please. English? Yes, English. Can you speak English? Yes, | can speak English. Oh good. Can you tell me your names, please? Mr. and Mrs. Green. Ah, ha. Can | see your passports? Yes. CANADA IMMIGRATION SSR Cust.-Off.: Mrs. Green: Cust.-Off.: Mr. Green: Cust.-Off.: Mrs. Green: Mr. and Mrs. Green: Thank you. Where are your cases? Here. These two. Can | see them, please? See them? Ah. Yes. Can you open your cases? Open them? No, we can't. Cust.-Off.: Mr. Green: Cust. -Off.: Mrs. Green: Mr. Green: Mrs. Green: Cust.-Off.: You can’t what? We can’t open our cases. Why not? We haven't got the keys. And we can’t open our cases— If we haven't got the keys. _ You haven't got the keys, eh? Hmm... | think | can open them. Look! Ah-ha! 22/171 DALOAVE (Se oye el tic-tac de muchos relojes.) Cust.-Off.: What's this? Mr. Green: Er ... two hundred and fifty-three watches. Cust.-Off.: Two hundred and fifty-three watches! Mrs. Green: Yes. Cust. -Off.: You can’t come into Japan with two hundred and fifty-three watches in your cases. Mrs. Green: Can't we? Cust.-Off.: No. Mr. Green: — Why not? Cust.-Off.: Because you can't. It's illegal. Mrs. Green: Illegal? Oh ... er ... sorry. Can we go back to England with them? Cust.-Off.: No, you can't. Mr. Green: — We can't come into Japan Mrs. Green: And we can't go back to England. Cust.-Off.: No. Mr. Green: Can you tell me the time, please? Cust.-Off.: The time? Mr. Green: Yes. Can you tell me the time? Cust.-Off.: It’s ... half past two. But— Mrs. Green: Half past two! Mr. Green: It's very late. |) Vrs. Green: Ve can't stay. Sorry! (Salen corriendo.) Cust.-Off.: Hey! Come back! Come back! [df 2/172 WORDS & PURASES customs-officer understand Japanese passport case these them! keys if | think we haven't got the keys watch aduanero entender japonés pasaporte maleta éstos, éstas los, ellos llaves si pienso, creo no tenemos las Ilaves watch reloj de pulsera watches relojes de pulsera Japan Japon illegal ilegal England Inglaterra stay quedarse hey! jeh! come back! jvuelvan! En plural, el pronombre personal de 3.* per- sona tiene dos formas: they, cuando es su- jeto, y them, cuando no lo es. 22/173

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